apsr2013 newsflash v01

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  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    Date: November 11-14, 2013,

    Congress Venue: Pacifico YokohamaThe Conference Center

    The 18th Congress ofhe 8th Congress ofthe Asian Pacific Society ofhe Asian Pacific Society of

    RespirologyespirologyThe 18th Congress of

    the Asian Pacific Society ofRespirology

    25thh25th Anniversaryof





    NEWS FLASHCall for Papers

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    W el com e M essage

    It is my great honour and pleasure as a

    congress president to welcome you to 18th

    Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of

    Respirology (APSR2013), to be held on

    11-14th November 2013 at the Conference

    Center, Pacifico Yokohama, J apan. Following

    the success of the two previous congresses

    both in J apan, 1988 in Tokyo and 2006 in

    Kyoto, the Local Congress Committee (LCC)

    members of the J apanese Respiratory

    Society (J RS) are very honored to host the

    APSR for the third time. The LCC members

    are also pleased to note that this APSR2013

    Congress is the 25th anniversary and a

    landmark in the history of the APSR.

    Under the main theme for the AP SR2013;

    Creating Harmony in the Asian Pacific

    Respiratory Medicine, the four-day congress

    will feature a comprehensive sc ientific

    programme, including post-graduate courses,

    plenary lectures, major symposia organized

    by 16 APSR Scientific Assemblies, which will

    be delivered by distinguished speakers in the

    field of respirology. In addition, oral and

    poster presentations will provide a perfect

    opportunity for researchers and clinicians as a

    platform for an academic and a daily clinical

    exchange. Young researchers and clinicians

    in the Asia-Pacific region will be able to

    improve their knowledge and skills through

    the discussion with many invited researchers

    from the American Thoracic Society (ATS), the

    European Respiratory Society (ERS) (ERS)

    and the J apanese Respiratory societies (J RS).The LCC will organize a variety of social

    events for delegates to enjoy.

    One year after the tragic Great East J apan

    Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster, with the

    medical supports from each c ountry of

    Asia-P acific region, J apan has remarkably

    recovered from both people s and its land s

    damage. Accordingly, we sincerely appreciate

    for all the supports and hope that the congress in

    Yokohama will be highly productive and exciting

    in terms of the scientific and clinical

    achievement. With this occasion, the congress

    participants will have a chance for further

    understanding of the J apanese historic disaster

    first hand by visiting the cities along the northern

    Pacific coast.

    I look forward to seeing you in Yokohama in the

    most beautiful autumn season.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Toshihiro Nukiwa, M.D.,Ph.D.

    President of Local Congress Committee of APSR2013

    Medical Commissioner, South Miyagi Medical Center

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    APSR201318th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

    Creating Harmony in the Asian Pacific Respiratory Medicine

    Improving the standard of respiratory clinical careSupporting young researchers and clinicians in the Asian Pacific Region

    Contributing to the global health and science of pulmonology

    Honorary President


    Vice President

    Chair of LCC

    Secretary General

    Assistant Secretary

    Scientific program (Chair)


    Chair of Scientific (Central/Local)


    Protocol Officer

    Yoshinosuke FukuchiJuntendo UniversityToshihiro Nukiwa South Miyagi Medical CenterShoji Kudoh Fukujuji HospitalAtsushi Nagai Tokyo Womens Medical UniversityKeishi Kubo Nagano Prefectural Hospital OrganizationMasaharu Nishimura Hokkaido UniversityMichiaki Mishima Kyoto UniversityShu Hashimoto Nihon UniversityYasuhiro Gon Nihon UniversityKazuhisa Takahashi Juntendo UniversityKuniaki Seyama Juntendo UniversityTakahide Nagase The University of TokyoNobuoki Kohno Hiroshima UniversityMitsuru Munakata Fukushima Medical UniversityYoichi Nakanishi Kyushu University

    Scientific Program

    Public Relations

    Information & Technology


    Tour Program


    Social Program



    International Cooperation


    Congress Facilities



    Meetings Management

    Jun Tamaoki Tokyo Womens Medical UniversityArata Azuma Nippon Medical School HospitalYukihiko Sugiyama Jichi Medical UniversityHiroshi Kimura Nara Medical University HospitalKohei Yamauchi Iwate Medical University School of MedicineYuji Tohda Kinki University Hospital,Faculty of MedicineKazuto Hirata Osaka City UniversityYoshinori Hasegawa Nagoya University Graduate School of MedicineHirotsugu Kohrogi Kumamoto UniversityMinoru Kanazawa Saitama Medical University HospitalTomoko Betsuyaku Keio UniversityKen Ohta National Hospital Organization Tokyo National HospitalKoichiro Tatsumi Chiba University HospitalAkihiko Gemma Nippon Medical School HospitalKatsuyuki Kiura Okayama University HospitalEiichi Suzuki Niigata University Medical&Dental HospitalKingo Chida Hamamatsu University Scool of MedicineShigeru Kohno Nagasaki University Scool of Medicine

    Local Congress Committees

    Sub-Committee Sectors & Chairs

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    Invited SpeakersThree specialists, attracting international attention in their fields,

    will give special lectures at APSR2013.

    Invited Lecture

    Congress SymposiaHot topics and subjects of deep interest in respiratory medicine will be

    covered, in addition to regular Assembly Symposia.

    Lung Cancer Future perspective of treatments for advanced lung cancer

    Rare Lung Disease Recent advances in rare lung diseases

    Other CategoliesAsthma, COPD, infectious diseases, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,

    and more being considered

    Focus on the Next GenerationSessions organized by the next generation of leaders, encouraging young

    researchers and clinicians to openly discuss their views.

    Ronald G. CrystalWeill Medical College of Cornell

    University, USA

    Augustine M.K. ChoiBrigham and Women's Hospital,

    Harvard Medical School, USA

    Ignacio I. WistubaUT MD Anderson Cancer Center,


  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    Assembly SymposiaInternationally acclaimed specialists are on the list of speakers for

    the following sessions. The list will be on www.apsr2013.jp soon.

    Clinical Respiratory Medicine

    New Horizons in Clinical Respiratory Medicine

    Chair:V.K. Vijayan (Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre, India)

    Hajime Takizawa (Kyorin University, Japan)

    Respiratory Infections (non-tuberculosis)

    Issues of pneumonia

    Chair: Jun-Hee Woo(University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea)

    Kauhiro Tateda(Toho University, Japan)

    Cell and Molecular Biology

    Hot topics in cell and molecular biology

    Chair: Chul-Gyu Yoo (Seoul National University, Korea)

    Takahide Nagase(The University of Tokyo, Japan)


    From Bench to clinics: focus on new TB clinical trials

    Chair: Charles Yu(De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, Phillipines)

    Akira Watanabe(Tohoku University, Japan)

    Paediatric Lung Disease

    Innate immunity in children s lung health and disease

    Chair:Anne Chang (Royal Childrens Hospital, Australia)

    Shigemi Yoshihara (Dokkyo University, Japan)

    Respiratory Structure and Function

    Pulmonary Function Tests Update

    Chair: Michiaki Mishima (Kyoto University)

    Peter D. Pare (University of British Columbia, St. Paul's Hospital, Canada)

    Pulmonary Circulation

    Recent progress in the management ofpulmonary hypertension

    Chair: Sean Gaine(Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland)

    Nobuhiro Tanabe (Chiba University, Japan)

    Interstitial Lung Disease

    Current Management and Novel Strategy forIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Chair:Yukihiko Sugiyama (JIchi Medical University, Japan)

    Yoshikazu Inoue (National Hospital Organization Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Japan)


    Phyenotyping of COPD beyond spirometry

    Chair: Sang Do Lee (Asan Medical Center, Korea)

    Masaharu Nishimura (Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Japan)

    Bronchoscopy and Interventional Techniques

    Diagnosing Peripheral Pulmonary Nodules

    Chair:Teruomi Miyazawa(St. Marianna University School of Medicine Hospital, Japan)Yehuda Schwarz (Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel)

    Critical Care Medicine

    ARDS: new definition and a new approach for the future

    Chair: Hiroshi Kubo (Tohoku University School of Medicine, Japan)Younsuck Koh(Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea)


    Recent advances in asthma management

    Chair: Christopher Lai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    Mitsuru Munakata (Fukushima Medical University, Japan)

    Lung Cancer

    Targeted therapy for lung cancer

    Chair:Yoichi Nakanishi(Kyushu University, Japan)

    Rudolf Huber(University of Munich, Germany)

    Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep

    The recent advances in sleep apnea inpathophysiology and treatment

    Chair: Hiroshi Kimura(Nara Medical University, Japan)

    Mary Ip (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    Clinical Allergy & Immunology

    Current topics on asthma and COPD pathogenesis

    Chair: Shu Hashimoto(Nihon University School of Medicine, Japan)


    Environmental & Occupational Health and Epidemiology

    Lung diseases and indoor and outdoor environment organic and inorganic pollutants

    Chair: Michele Carbone (University Hawaii Cancer Center, USA)

    Takashi Nakano (Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan)

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    And more

    Postgraduate CourseNovember 11, 2013

    This educational course is programmed not only forpostgraduates and students, but is also interesting for

    researchers and clinicians. The world s top class

    specialists will give lectures across a broad spectrum

    such as the history of disease, diacrisis, medical

    treatment, future perspective on cell and molecular

    biology, COPD, lung cancer, and infection.

    ESAP (Educational Seminar of the APSR)November 11, 2013

    As the na me ESAP indic at es , the pu rpos e is toi m p r o v e a n d d i s s e m i n a t e c o n t e m p o r a r y

    state-of-the-art knowledge and skills in the study and

    practice of respiratory medicine in the Asia-Pacific

    region, by top-class special ists from various

    respiratory fields to present at educational seminars

    such as this one.


    Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention

    The Global In i t iat ive for Asthma (GINA) was

    implemented in 1995 with the release of the report

    "Global Strategy for Asthma Management and

    Prevention". The 1995 document was revised in 2001

    and again in 2006. The 2013 revision will have a new

    format designed to reach practicing physicians with

    practical information about asthma care.

    Patient Organizations

    Presents workshop

    This open workshop will be held with the theme

    Sharing a common aim for better respiratory care

    Professional Societies and Patient Organizations

    (tentative) including an update report of Patient

    Organizat ions in Asia and Global Review on

    COPD/Asthma s Patient Organizations.

    Details coming soon on www.apsr2013.jp

    How to Attend APSR2013

    To sign up to attend APSR2013,

    reg is ter through the of f ic ia l

    website or when you arrive at the

    venue. Online pre-registrations

    are now being accepted.

    For further information including

    the registration fee, please find at

    the official website.


    Outline of Congress

    Event Title

    18th Annual Congress of the Asian Pacific Society

    of Respirology (APSR2013)


    11-14 November 2013


    The Conference Center, Pacifico Yokohama

    [URL] http://www.pacifico.co.jp/

    Official Language


    Expected number of paticipants

    2,500 from around the world

    Participation FeeDetails on the official website

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    Call for PapersThe Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts on

    wide variety of topics in respiratory and related topics. Accepted

    abstracts will be published in a dedicated Supplement issue of

    Respirology, the official journal of the APSR. This Supplement will be

    given out to delegates at the Congress.

    Further Information and Online Abstract Submission at:


    APSR2013 Award:A limi ted number of Travel Awards wi ll be of fe red based on the

    scientific merit of submitted abstracts, to partially support investigators

    under the age 35 or less than 15 years post graduation to attend the


    Topics:You may select one of the following thematic categories with a choice

    of clinical or basic science for your paper. An abstract cannot be

    submitted to more than one category.

    Clinical Respiratory Medicine

    Cell and Molecular Biology

    Clinical Allergy & Immunology

    Environmental & Occupational Health and Epidemiology

    Respiratory Infections (non-tuberculosis)



    Lung Cancer


    Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep

    Critical Care Medicine

    Bronchoscopy and Interventional TechniquesPaediatric Lung Disease

    Respiratory Structure and Function

    Pulmonary Circulation

    Interstitial Lung Disease

    Presentation Format:Abstract presenters may to choose to present their work (in English)

    either orally or in poster format.

    Submission Deadline:

    July 1, 2013

    About Yokohama

    Yo ko ha ma wa s the fi rs t ha rbo ur ci ty

    introduced to the world as the entrance to

    Japan. Since the time its port opened,

    Yokohama has been vigorously acquiringnew culture and information from foreign

    countries, introducing to Japan not only

    varieties of food but experiences from the

    broad spectrum of other cultures. This

    entitles Yokohama to be known as the

    birthplace of Japan's modern lifestyle.

    Yokohama, referred to as "Hamakko" in

    Japanese, is synonymous with cheer,

    enjoying life and willing to adopt whatever

    i s g o o d . S u c h a t r a d i t i o n o f t h e

    "Hamakkos" cultivated long ago has been

    incorporated into the present fashionable

    and sophisticated streetscape. The place

    is also located next to the capital city,

    Tokyo. This all means you can experience

    the most cheerful atmosphere of Japan

    during your stay for the APSR2013.

    Pacifico Yokohama is located in Minato

    Mirai, one of Yokohama's popular tourist

    spots. The venue is blessed with being in

    a great location along the waterfront and

    has a wealth of nearby attractions such as

    Red Br ick Warehouse, a renovated

    historical building complex, plus several

    other malls where you can enjoy shopping

    and d i n i ng o f e ve r y k i nd . Nea rby

    amusement facilities offer entertainment

    day and night. Easy walking access from

    spot to spot makes the area a popularvenue.

    The of fi ci al tr avel agency has a li st of

    hotels c lose to the congress venue.

    Reservations for these hotels can be made



    Travel or accommodation enquiries

    Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd. (NTA)

    [email protected]

    Around the Congress Venue

    Make the accommodations

  • 8/12/2019 APSR2013 NewsFlash v01


    Secretariat Head Office

    Division of Respiratory Medicine,

    Department of Internal Medicine,

    Nihon University School of Medicine

    30-1 Ohyaguchikamimachi,

    Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8610


    Congress Secretariat Office

    c/o Convention Academia, Inc.

    4F Hongo UC Building,

    3-35-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku,

    Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN

    TEL. +81-3-5805-5261

    FAX. +81-3-3815-2028

    EMAIL. in fo@ aps r20 13. jp

    Further Information
