april issue 2014

Volume V / Issue 1 San diego state university circle k April edition

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This is the first issue of the newsletter for the term 2014-2015. Enjoy!


Page 1: April Issue 2014

Volume V / Issue 1

San diego state university circle k

April edition

Page 2: April Issue 2014

In the Issue: Messages 3 President | Editor| Lieutenant Governor

Articles 6 Service | Fellowship | Leadership

Members of the Month 11 Alex Marmolejo | Stephanie Fryar Team Estrogren +2 Contacts back

Circle k international pledge I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster

compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and

to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!


Page 3: April Issue 2014

Hey hey hey, Circle K! I must say, I’m overflowing with love and

excitement for you all! I know, you may barf now. When I look back on this past year, as I’ve been

doing a lot lately as the semester comes to a close, I can’t help but smile and be filled with pride to be part of our club. We slaaaayed (I hope you liked that Whitney, Melissa, Viv XD) in service and

fellowship, and I see so many of you developing so greatly as leaders in your own way, whether it be

through being a newly installed board member, applying to be a family head, or pursuing an

exciting new job opportunity. All of this makes me very excited to see what the next year has in

store for us. We don’t know what’s/who’s coming, but I’m certain that we’re all in this together

(yes… that was HSM reference). Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing summer. If you’re going to be in San Diego, hit me up!! There’s

adventure out there waiting for us! Love,


A message, from our lovely President


Page 4: April Issue 2014

A message, from our lovely Editor


HAAAIIII!!!   It's your editor here! This is my first official newsletter that

I am doing with no help from my lovely predecessor Melissa Farlow! Let's have a round of applause for all that

she did last year! Such big shoes to fill right??   This time, I wanted to do something that we never really did before, and cater the newsletter more online, rather than getting a physical copy. Because let's be real, those things

were lovely, but so many would be left behind in the meeting room, and eventually thrown away (or really,

RECYCLE right?!) I wanted to not only save trees, but make it cool for people to go onto website and see the newly

uploaded newsletter.    I am having such a good time being able to do my job and put out things like this for you guys. I love it even more

when you read it from cover to cover! Can you do that for me? (:  

But I not only would not be able to have put out this publication of the newsletter if it wasn’t for the GREAT

and WONDERFUL Hershey Guzman! She kept me grounded, guided me through the new layout, and is the main reason you get this cool new newsletter that it super high tech!    So NOW, I want you guys to give her a round of applause for all the hard work she put into to helping bring this new

idea and dream to life. To my other editor (:   So without further ado, the newsletter dolls!  

Love,    Your Editor in Chief ( Imani Baldi ) <3 

Page 5: April Issue 2014

A message, from our lovely LTG


Hello everyone!  Nearly nine months ago, this club was getting ready to start

on a remarkable year! During this time, 1st years were curious what this club was, returning general members were excited for what the new board had in store for them, and the 2013-2014 were anxious to see what the club was

capable of in conjunction with the new ideas that they had for the club.  

Now we're here in May, and what a year it has been! As a team, some Aztecs were able to plow through a good

number of the competition at CKI South, or Crazy Kompetition for Infants South. We struggled with a ten hour drive to the mountains of Sonora for Fall Training Conference, in order to get away from civilization and spend

the weekend with Circle K members from all around the district. A week later, UCSD hosted their annual Masquerade Ball, and we danced the night away with hundreds of other

Circle K'ers on the Inspiration Hornblower yacht.   New members were then installed into the club at our New Member Installation, and realized that SDSU Circle K is not only just a club on campus, but it's also an extended family!

Next, we went to LA County once again to serve our hearts out with the southern half of the CNH at District Large Scale Service Project South. March came marching in,

and we started off the month right with our very first SDSU CKI Talent Show, and it was followed by an end-of-

the-year celebration at the Cal-Nev-Ha District Convention, where we were reunited with the other schools from our division, including Hawaii, and we ended that weekend by

taking home a handful of club awards!  Now we're here. with the newly elected & appointed Team

Estrogen + 2. There's so much more that this club has done this past year, but it all can't be contained in just one letter.

As we enter these long awaited summer months, please remember to keep SDSU Circle K near your heart and also at the back of your mind! And if you're in San Diego during early August, the CNH District Summer Service Social will

happen with the CNH District Key to College at the Kiwanis District Convention! 

As I enter my fourth, and last year with this club, I can't be anymore happy than by serving as your Paradise Lieutenant Governor for the upcoming year! The level of growth that

this club has had makes me excited for what this club will do next year. Congratulations Aztecs, especially to our graduating seniors! And lastly, have a great summer!

Sincerely, Gerald Biando

Page 6: April Issue 2014

CHOLLAS CARNIVAL – APRIL 12, 2014 We arrived to Chollas Park on a brisk Saturday to volunteer at the carnival. We worked the booths, food stand,

and jumper. The booths had games that the kids could play and win tickets, which are exchangeable for prizes. If they did not win at these games they at least got candy for their efforts. It was a rewarding experience to help make these kids’ day at the carnival enjoyable. For the "rst couple of hours I was working at the jumper making

sure that the kids didn’t overcrowd it and that they didn’t get hurt. A lot of them had a great time jumping around! I then switched shifts with Stephanie and worked at one of the games. At the booth I worked at the kids

had to throw balls into a row of buckets and if a ball lands into a bucket they can earn a certain amount of tickets or candy depending on the bucket. Overall I’m glad to have helped out in making the carnival run

smoothly and to see the kids have a fun time. KRISTOFF ARAGON


Those who contributed: Kristoff Aragon

Imani Baldi Jordan Maharaj

RELAY FOR LIFE – APRIL 12, 2014 Hey fellow Circle K’ers! Your homegirl here, Jordan. This month I attended Relay for Life to support the "ght

against cancer. The event was 24 hours. It was full of excitement and service. Many people were actively participating in and visiting the booths, walking around the track, and dancing at the front stage. Other people

were also trying to break their record for how many miles they did at last year’s Relay for Life. It was a great event to bond with Circle K to walk and raise money together to "nd a cure for cancer. They had many games

around the track to play and other activities as well. I played a couple games of Brapong and found it to be very difficult. For a while, I even found myself dancing at the stage for a bit and it was fantastic! Relay for Life is

always one of my favorite events to attend and I’m glad I could make it to support the cause. It was also nice to hear how SDSU’s Relay for Life raised over $27,000! I can’t wait for next year’s Relay for Life.


Pet Adoption – APRIL 19, 2014 This Saturday some people the club woke up early in the morning to venture over to the PetCo by the Valley

View Casino to help out with Baja Dog Rescue organization, helping dogs "nd new homes. Because there was so many of us at the event, there was different shifts going between handing out %yers and being in the "pit" with

the dogs. Half of my time was spent stalking people outside of Ralph's, trying to get as many donations as possible. I was able to score one big bag of dog food, SCORE!! My other time was spent in the "pit" with the dogs.

The "pit" was a small area made with mini fences, holding all of the dogs up for adoption. When you are in the pit, you are able to really get to know all of the dogs, their personalities and things that they like. All in all the

event was a success with two dogs getting a home! Can't wait for the upcoming adoption!!  Imani Baldi



Page 7: April Issue 2014

Those who contributed:

Imani Baldi Sam Pfau

Point Loma Easter Sunrise Ceremony – April 19, 2014 On Saturday, April 19th, Circle K members Brennan, Sam, Ugochi, Yvonne, Vivian, and Whitney all set out to

Point Loma to help their Kiwanis family set up for the Kiwanis Easter Sunrise Service that would take place the very next day. When the members of Circle K arrived, they were warmly greeted by Kiwanis member,

Barry Kistler. The set up for the event included a stage where members of the community would speak at the podium in addition to a great number of fold-out chairs surrounding it. Everyone helped unfold and arrange

the chairs and before they knew it everything was perfectly set up! The Kiwanians thanked Circle K for helping them out and the six volunteers realized the day was still young and beautiful and decided to explore Point

Loma a bit. They took pictures near the water that surrounds the Coronado Bridge and also walked through a short museum exhibit that was open to the public. Then Circle K’s 2014-2015 President, Yvonne Velasco,

suggested checking out a tide pool spot found near the edge of the ocean and the gorgeous views there made the entire service project experience that much sweeter.

Sam pfau  

EX 4 VETS – APRIL 26, 2014 This past weekend, SDSU Circle K went out to USS Midway and helped out with the set-up, registration and

food distribution for the event Ex 4 Vets. Ex 4 Vets is a fundraising event made for the Veterans from the military. People from all different organizations and fraternities/ sororities come out and exercise to raise money for all of the veterans. They all pile up on the ship and exercise for an allotted amount of time and whoever raises the

most money wins some sort of prize, so it is very competitive. It was really great being able to see so many come out to not only support all of our Veterans but to exercise for them as well. On that day in particular, it was rather windy and very cloudy, with on and off raining. It was very impressive to still see so many people

come out and fundraise money for our Veterans despite the very glum and difficult weather conditions. After all of the exercising, the participants were granted a free shirt, along with breakfast including: a breakfast

burrito, a granola bar, and a drink. All of the people who participated really looked like they enjoyed themselves, which gives hope that there will be an even bigger and better turn out for next year!



Page 8: April Issue 2014


1. Chollas Carnival

2. Relay 4 Life

Sunrise Ceremony

3. Point Loma Easter

4. Pet adoption

5. Ex 4 vets

1: Kristoff A 2: Sam P, Ugochi A, Gerald B, Yvonne V 3: Brenan MD, Vivian N, Yvonne V, Whitney O, Ugochi A, Sam P 4. Imani B, Jessica G, Nadia I, Jordan T, Rio M, Gerald B, Emily V, Hershey G, Kristoff A, Lili Ana D, Amanda S, Jasmine F, Alex M, Megan T 5. Vivian N, Whitney O, Jordan M, Hershey G, Melissa F, Imani B, Jamille C

Photos from the Service Events

Page 9: April Issue 2014


Easter Egghunt Social– April 19, 2014 The Egg-stravagant Easter Egg Social Fundraiser was put together by me, Neda Heydari, Madison

Kennedy. Getting all stuff prepared was a real big chore at Lake Murray. The event consisted of

a plastic egg hunt, egg dying, egg balancing, egg tosses, egg bowling, and treats to hit the

spot, it was eggs-hausting. The egg hunt went by incredibly fast for not having the greatest of

places to hide eggs at Lake Murray, but we made it work at some places. Still, it did end rather

quickly with around 250+ plastic eggs to hide in such an enclosed space and let around 20

college students scout the grounds for easy picking eggs, it wouldn't take them much time

to "nd every egg we've hidden. I think the most fun part (for me) was the egg toss and watching people willingly being put in danger of getting

pelted by an egg to get a better chance of winning one of our egg-citing prizes. I also think the others enjoyed this even the most because it seemed the most actively fun, ad not to mention

Unfortunately Jasmine Fukutomi was pelted multiple times with eggs, but I guess it all

worked out in the end because she went home with a goodie basket prize. In the end, Amanda Spendlove won a cool tea set and tea diffuser,

Alejandro Marmolejo went home with an Easter mug with candy, Jasmine Fukutomi got the

basket of goodies, Nadia Imzunza with a variety pack of gift cards Brennan McDonough got a

Peeps plushy. Kevin Zinkofsky


Anime Conji– APRIL 18-21, 2014 Spending the weekend working at Anime Conji (AC) was eventful and entertaining. Having attended the convention the previous year as a regular attendee, it was interesting and eye-opening this year to see how things are run 'behind the scenes.' Every day, there were new things to work and improve on,

even though a few of us were stationed in a single department; the other volunteers were placed

wherever more people were needed. By working with members of Society for the Promotion of

Japanese Animation (SPJA) as well as the Sheraton Hotel, communication was de"nitely key to getting

tasks done efficiently. Even though things were hectic throughout the days, the staffers, volunteers, and attendees were quite pleasing to interact with.

Along with working our shifts, there were opportunities to visit panels, see cosplayers, voice actors, and other events. Having a few of us in the

club cosplay for AC, it became much more enjoyable and engaging throughout the weekend

(even if people were unable to attend panels/events, people-watching provided amusement, as

well). Hopefully, more members will be able to volunteer next year, since the larger the convention,

the more fun it would be to have a larger group attend!

Tran Vu  

Those who contributed: Kevin Zinkofsky

Tran Vu


Page 10: April Issue 2014


Green fest– APRIL 21-24, 2014 Greenfest was this April and was very exciting! It was the "rst time that Circle K participated in most of the

events and as the Greenfest Chair I think our club did fantastic! Throughout April 21st to April 24th there were many fun events that we participated in including Bike Brunch, Sustain Your Roots, Greenlunch Bag Series, etc.

However, the main events that we participated in were the Enviro-Fashion Show and the Music Video Competition. I was so proud of my Committee Chairs Madison Kennedy and Jordan Takeuchi for putting so

much work and effort into the out"ts and music video and also very thankful for everyone who helped them! Our out"ts were amazing and the music video was absolutely adorable and even though we didn’t win, I

couldn’t have been more proud of how incredible our club did!! Neda heydari


Those who contributed:

Neda Heydari In this picture: Neda H, Lisa K, Andrea S, Melissa F

Page 11: April Issue 2014

Alex Marmolejo!

Stephanie Fryar!

He’s a freshman and majors in Biochemistry.

He’s a member of the

Koala Otters.

Because he is such a busy bee, he’s too cool to have hobbies like the rest of us!

Fun fact: He used to play

for a tennis team!

She’s a senior and majors in Public Administration.

She is also the family head

of the Koala Otters.

Her hobbies include: painting, drawing and going

to the beach.

Fun fact: She did pole vaulting in high school!


Page 12: April Issue 2014

Team estrogen + 2 board contact info President: Yvonne Velasco | (559)362-9558| [email protected] VP Of Administration: Melissa Farlow | (760)443-8040 | [email protected] VP Of Service: Hershey Guzman | (619)212-1997 | [email protected] Secretary: Vivian Nguyen | (408)209-1125 | [email protected] Treasurer: Madison Kennedy | (760)536-2250 | [email protected] Fundraising: Kevin Kinkofsky | (808)205-5004 | [email protected] Historian: Jasmine Fukutomi | (805)217-4569 | [email protected] Kiwanis Family: Stephen Jin | (858)480-1048 | [email protected] MD&E: Whitney Oleman | (858)405-5332 | [email protected] Public Relations: Imani Baldi | (619)862-7225 | [email protected] Social: Neda Heydari | (619)204-0330 } [email protected] Co-Spirit: Ugochi Apakama | (714)782-4014 | [email protected] Co-Spirit: Sam Pfau | (925)759-0274 | [email protected] Technology: Julia Kinoshita | (808)385-3414 | [email protected]      

Links website: sdsucircle.com

facebook: “search sdsu circle k”

instagram: @sdsucirclek

Issuu: sdsucirclekpr