april 2014

Shenkel United Church of Christ SHARINGS AND CONCERNS April 2014 SHENKEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1580 Shenkel Road Pottstown PA 19465 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Shenkel United Church of Christ’s “The NEWSLETTER” is a monthly publication prepared, edited, and mailed by the leadership and staff to all members and friends of the church. It communicates news about our life, purpose, and mission as a Church of Jesus Christ. Information related to our partnership as a member of the United Church of Christ and wider church/community out- reach is included on a regular basis. The Church is located at Unionville & Shenkel Roads in North Coventry Township.

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Shenkel Newsletter April 2014


Shenkel United

Church of Christ


April 2014


1580 Shenkel Road

Pottstown PA 19465


Shenkel United Church of Christ’s “The NEWSLETTER” is a monthly publication prepared, edited, and mailed by the leadership and staff to all members and friends of the church. It communicates news about our life, purpose, and mission as a Church of Jesus Christ. Information related to our partnership as a member of the United Church of Christ and wider church/community out-reach is included on a regular basis. The Church is located at Unionville & Shenkel Roads in North Coventry Township.

April 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Church office is closed today



Community Lunch Bunch: 11:30 AM Board of Chris-tian Ed: 7 PM




Communion Youth Meeting after late wor-ship


Home School Co-Op


Quilters: 9:30 AM Consistory Meet-ing: 7 PM

9 10 11 12


Easter Egg Hunt after worship


Home School Co-Op


Mid-Day Dinner Club: Noon at Lily’s Grill in Pottstown

16 17

Wor Worship at 7 M


Community Walk: 10 :30 AM in Pottstown

Worship at 7 PM

Vigil begins im-mediately after worship


Easter Vigil ends at noon


Easter Break-fast: 9:30 AM

No Sunday School



Home School Co-Op


Quilters: 9:30 AM

23 24

Card Making Class: 10 AM Music and Wor-ship Meeting: 7 PM

25 26

Family Movie Night: 6 PM


Holy Humor Sunday


Home School Co-Op

Community Meal: 11:30 at Christ Episco-pal Church in Pottstown

29 30

1580 Shenkel Road, Pottstown PA 19465 610.326.3535

Email: [email protected] www.shenkelucc.org


The Pastor’s Pen Pastor Bonnie L. Moore


[email protected]

Office Hours:

Tues., Wed., Thurs.

9 AM to 1 PM




Lynne Moyer

Vice President

Chris Gray


Bill Faust


Ken Bevan

Financial Secretary

Chris Gray

Assistant Financial


Doug Allen

Judy Embriani

Interim Director of

Music Ministry

Susan Royer


Sherri Mocarski

Bill Faust

Chris Gray

Rick Viti


Lynne Moyer

Aaron Gray

Andrew Foss

Ann Hartzell

Newsletter Editor: Judy Embriani Assistant Editors: Bill Baseley, Erika Augustine and Carol Lykens

Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against

me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not

seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.”

- Matthew 18:21-22

We all know that Jesus regularly exhorted his followers to forgive, but if he ever taught

them exactly how they were to do that, that information (unfortunately) did not get re-

corded in the Bible.

Consequently, many of us find it hard to let go of anger and resentment – we’ve never

been taught how to do it! Sometimes we even believe that we have very good reasons

for not forgiving someone who has hurt us in the past. But forgiveness is not about deny-

ing or forgetting that something bad actually did happen, saying that it didn’t really mat-

ter, giving up on our values, or opening prison doors for people who have demonstrated

that they are not safe to have in society. Forgiveness is not about whether “they” deserve

to be forgiven.

Forgiveness is about whether we want to be free of resentment and live instead enfolded

in the reality of God’s unconditional love.

Join us on the Sundays after Easter as we learn how to forgive in response to the love and

forgiveness shown to us in the death and resurrection of the One who challenged us to

forgive “seventy-seven” times!

Be God’s,

Pastor Bonnie

What in God’s name is going on at Shenkel UCC?

Save Sunday, June 8, to find out! On that day, we will be engaging in an all-church

Appreciative Inquiry Summit with the goal of discovering and growing the life-giving

qualities of Shenkel UCC. When we have a unified vision of "what in God's name is

going on here,” we will be better at enabling more of these Godly things to be done

and participated in.

The summit will be led by the Rev. Deborah Spink Winters and Pastor

Bonnie, and will begin with worship at 9:30. More details will be

shared in the weeks to come. Please plan to be part of this important

opportunity to help imagine the future God is calling Shenkel UCC to!



Horace Ingram

Horace Ingram



8:30 CUL:


10:45 CUL:

Andrew Foss


Palm Sunday





8:30 & 10:45:



Maundy Thursday


Lynne Moyer


Easter Sunday


Gary and Sue




8:30 CUL:

Rick Viti

10:45 CUL:

Sherri Mocarski


Lynne Moyer




8:30 & 10:45:


“Flours” is a collection of pantry items or a monetary donation of

your discretion to the Cluster. If a cash donation to the Cluster is

made, a wheat arrangement will be placed on the altar. Altar

flowers are $30.00 and bulletin dedications are $6.50. Food Sculp-

tures are also gladly accepted.

You can also dedicate a Choir Anthem with a donation of

$30. With ever-increasing costs of choral music, this sponsorship

will help stretch our budget and continue to bring quality music

to Shenkel. Dedicate your anthem to someone special, an event in

your life, or just to the fact that you love music. Thank you for

this needed contribution to Shenkel. Blue envelopes are in the

Narthex for your sponsorships.

The are many dates open for sponsorship and dedication during

this and the upcoming months. Please complete one of the special

flower/bulletin/anthem envelopes below the sign-up chart, enclose

your payment, and either put it in the collection plate or in the Sec-

retary’s box by the office door. You should sign your name on the

chart in the narthex by the appropriate date after you have com-

pleted your envelope.



Shenkel UCC celebrates the

sacrament of Holy Commun-

ion at both services on the

first Sunday of each month.

This month, communion will also be served at

the Maundy Thursday service at 7 PM on April

17 and, of course, on Easter Sunday, April 20.

Each time communion is served, some of the

bread and non-alcoholic wine that has been con-

secrated at the altar will be saved in a traveling

communion kit, ready to go to the homes or

hospital rooms of members who were unable to

be present, and would like to receive the sacra-

ment. Please let Pastor Bonnie know if you, or

someone you know, would appreciate “distance-

communing” with their Shenkel Church family!

March Consistory Highlights….

Received a thank-you from the Cluster for sponsoring a hole for their golf

tournament (see details for the April 26 tournament elsewhere in this newsletter)

Approved an updated Fee Schedule for facilities use

Learned that interviews continue for the Director of Music Ministry position

Complete copies of Consistory Minutes are available from the church office upon request.




NEWSLETTER? Just a reminder that all bulletin an-

nouncements should be at the church office by each

Tuesday at noon to be included in that week’s bulletin.

Newsletter articles must be submitted by the 15th of

each month to be included in the next issue.



This is the easiest way to help our

church financially. Just ask for a

Save-A-Tape card at the customer

service spot at your local Redner’s

store. Show your card at the regis-

ter when you check out, then bring your register tapes

to church and deposit them in the box in the Narthex.

These tapes are collected routinely, presented to the

store, and Redner’s donates a percentage of your total

purchase to the church.

Be careful to bring your tapes in regularly instead of

saving them at home, as they do expire if not re-

deemed within a certain time period. Also, please re-

turn the entire register tape. Redner’s will not accept

any register receipt that has any part of it removed.

Keep up the good work and thank you, Redner’s!


We still accept aluminum cans at

the church for recycling. Please

continue to recycle your plastic

bottles and other recyclables at home.


The PRC will not be using a written questionnaire this year. In the early weeks of June a "Summit" will be held at Shen-kel. We hope this will provide a time for all of the members to become engaged and involved in our ministry. Please keep your eyes and ears open for more information concerning how we can all work together for the health of the church!

Congratulations to the Chester County Seeing Eye Puppy Club’s mini Calendar Contest winner....


This photo of Jimmy will be entered in The Seeing Eye

Calendar Contest. Jimmy is up against some cute

competition to see which top 12 pups make it as 2015

calendar pups! Visit www.seeingeye.org to see the

other “contestants” and to vote for our Jimmy!


Everyone is invited to join

the class at 9:30 a.m. in

the Social Hall.

Weekly program topics


Hello Shenkel Families,

As a registered nurse, one of the greatest

needs in regards to healthcare is preven-

tion. Currently I have been at The Read-

ing Hospital for almost three years now, working the

weekends. Something new they are implementing is

personal goals that meet the organization’s pillars of

excellence in providing care to the community. I have

chosen to assist the Pottstown Senior Center with col-

lecting seventy-five toothbrushes and/or toothpastes

by the end of May. If anyone is interested in helping

out with this, it would be greatly appreciated. There

will be a collection basket located in the Narthex now

until the end of May.

Thank you so much!!!

Stephanie Viti


OPPORTUNITIES With the closing of Mensch Mill, the Penn Central Conference,

United Church of Christ, has graciously offered us the program

at Hartman Center Camp, Conference and Retreat Center as a

way to keep lifting up the importance of outdoor ministry for us

here at Shenkel. The Hartman Center offers weekly camping

sessions from June 15th through August 2nd with a variety of

specialty camps. They also offer discounted pricing for early

bird registration ($50 off camp fee if registered by April 1st.)

Please visit www.hartmancenter.com to check it out. Bro-

chures and registration forms are available at the church office.

And as always, Shenkel will reimburse campers from Shenkel

50% of the registration fee from our Campership Fund.


6th Annual COVENTRY



Sunday, May 18, 2014 from 1:00 — 5:00 PM

North Coventry Township will be hosting the 6th An-

nual Coventry Woods Festival on Sunday May 18, from

1-5 PM at the Fernbrook Access of Coventry Woods,

1954 St. Peters Road, North Coventry. This festival is

designed to recognize and celebrate North Coventry

Township as a healthy community and healthy lands.

The event will include food, music , community dIs-

plays, games and the 6th annual Fernbrook Derby

Goat Race. Come, enjoy a Spring day at Camp Fern-

brook. Shenkel UCC will have a table at the festival to

spread the word about our church. We

need volunteers to man the table for 1

hour shifts. Please call the church office

at 610-326-3721 if you can help.

Fellowship Happenings:

There are a number of events that the fellowship

Committee has planned for the year. For April

– here is what we have planned:

April 20, 2014 – we will hold the annual Easter

Breakfast between the two services. Please bring a

breakfast casserole or breakfast food item to

share. Coffee, tea, juice and milk will be provided.

The breakfast will start at 9:30 a.m. until 10:30

a.m. So if you come to the early service you can

eat before you leave church or if you are going to the late ser-

vice, come early and have breakfast, then go to church.

April 26, 2014 – Family Movie Night. We are planning

a family night at the movies right here at Shen-

kel. For refreshments, we will have popcorn,

candy and soda – just like at the movie theater.

The movie will start at 6:00 p.m. so if you want a

good seat come early and bring your friends!!

As a Fundraiser – we will be having a Rada Knife Sale. This is

the time to get a good knife, plus lots of other things. See Ruth

Klein or Louise Hine to place your order. All proceeds from

this fundraiser will go to the Church.

We have lots of other fun events planned, so check out future

Newsletters for this information. Mother’s Day celebration and

Ice Cream Social are just a few!!

Louise Hine

Chair, Fellowship Committee



TOO…. The Pottstown Cluster

Food Bank collection

at Shenkel is the 1st Sunday of each month. Please

place your items in the large plastic bins in the nar-


AND...Please bring in your used cell phones and empty

ink cartridges and place them in the box

across from the nursery, or

in the box located on the

coat rack shelf across from the office. The

cartridges are recycled to Staples, and the

church receives credits toward the purchase of office

supplies. The used cell phones are given to the police

department to be distributed to abused women.

Pottstown Cluster News –

April 2014

The Cluster welcomes all cash, food and

clothing donations between the hours of

8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Monday through

Friday. We are located at 57 North Franklin Street in

Pottstown. Please come to the back door off the alley.

Parking spaces at the rear of the building are reserved

for people dropping off donations.

Pantry Needs : paper towels, laundry detergent

(small containers), all-purpose cleaners, dish soap,

toothpaste, toilet paper.

Starting this year, one of the many goals for the Potts-

town Cluster of Religious Communities is to reach out

to more of our community members to keep them

more informed and up to date on all our programs, pro-

jects, fundraisers and needs. Your support, effort and

dedication has kept our doors open to serve the resi-

dents of Pottstown.

However, the Pottstown Cluster continues to grow,

serving more clients, developing new programs and

directing those in need to the necessary resources to

help move to self-sufficiency. To reach these heights of

development our support needs to increase.

UP3 Program (formerly Getting Ahead) will be

starting their third session next month.

Your Way Home – is a new housing resource cen-

ter located at the Cluster to help prevent and end


6,900 families were served food; 548,000

pounds of food were distributed; 18,700 plates

were served by Community Meals; 21,600 hours

were dedicated by volunteers in 2013

Already this year 2014 – 2,333 individuals were dis-

tributed groceries!


The Special Offerings for

April are:

April 6 Phoebe Ministries

April 17 — Maundy Thursday:

Our Church’s Wider Mission

April 18 — Good Friday: Prisoner Visitation Support

April 29 — Easter Sunday: Pottstown Cluster


We’re halfway through the Appeal (which ends at the end of June) and we’re halfway towards elimi-nating the Current Fund deficit, thanks to the many people who have “gone the second mile” to help put “B.O.B.” (our Basic Operating Budget) back on solid ground! Thank you if you have already con-tributed, but if you haven’t, contributions will

be gratefully received through June.

And – at least as of March 15th – the PRIZE is still unclaimed! It will be awarded to the first person who correctly guesses what the acro-nym B.I.T.E! stands for. Here’s the latest clue: one of the words is a preposition. Mail,

email, or call in your guesses, and good luck!

YTD Current Fund O.C.W.M


No report this month. Budget




Mid-Day Dinner Club

Shenkel's Mid-day Dinner Club meets at 12 noon on

the third Tuesday of each month – and you’re invited

to join us! The next meeting date is Tuesday, April

15, and we’ll be eating at Lily’s Grill in Pottstown.


Mid-day Dinner Club is open to young-at-heart adults

of any age who enjoy eating out

and would like to get to know

other Shenkel members a little

better. Call the church office if

you’re able to join us!


The Shenkel Quilters will meet in

April on Tuesday the 8th and the

22nd at 9:30 AM in the Church

Social Hall. HAPPY SPRING everyone!

Margie Allen


The card making class usually

meets on the third Thursday of

each month at 10 AM. This

month, because of Maundy

Thursday, the meeting will be

moved to the next week, April 24. The cost of the

class is $8.00 which will provide all participants

with three beautiful cards.

To insure there will be enough materials prepared

for everyone, please call Connie Armbruster at

610-326-6516 if you plan to attend.

Hope to see you on April 24th!


FOR: Lunch,* fellowship and an interesting program.

For our April event, Gretchen Hardy, author and histo-

rian, will be here to speak about the history of our local

Native Americans. Come and learn about the fascinat-

ing people who called Pennsylvania home.

WHEN: Thursday, April 3

from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Shenkel UCC’s Fellowship Hall

1580 Shenkel Rd

Pottstown, PA 19465

*All participants are asked to contribute $6.50 to cover the cost of the lunch and the program. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex, or call the Shenkel UCC church office at 610-326-3535 by the Monday prior to the pro-gram to reserve your spot.

For more information please call Ruth Klein

at 610-326-4520



April 3, 2014

JUST SO YOU KNOW…. The last Sunday for two services

this season will be June 1st. We

will have our all church picnic that

day as well. Mark you calendars

so we can kick off the warm weather with some

good food, fun and fellowship. Watch for more

information in upcoming bulletin announce-

ments and the May Newsletter.

Come for the Youth Group hosted Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, after 10:45 ser-vice. Bring a basket to collect eggs. Games and activities for all ages! Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex so we have an estimated count of attendance. A small Lunch will be provided. Thanks, Sam Pennell



Hello Judy,

Here's your cute little mouse, ready to accommodate your need for news around Shenkel church to prepare and share in the monthly newsletter. The month goes fast, and it's time to do it again. I see you working hard in the office, and I think you do a terrific job for the pastor and the people who make up the congregation. So I like to help you by sending an article in time for your deadline.

These are good people who are members of this church. I see so many of them working in the kitchen for special occasions, people coming to meetings to help plan for some of the

activities here. I see some teaching in Sunday school classes, for adults and for children. I hear a group practicing and performing special music to share at the Sunday worship services. Then there's the Youth Group, involved in many activities to enrich the life of the church.

That's what it's all about...people working together, worshiping together, sharing in the work of God. I want to be part of the work of God, too. So I'm writing this article, to help Judy in her work, and to help all of you who are the people of Shenkel Church, to share in the work of God.

Cute Little Mouse, STEWARD

P.S. I got a call from someone named "BOB." Don't forget to share some of your money to help pay

whatever it takes to continue God's work. They call that "good stewardship."

Healing prayers are offered

on the third Sunday of each

month at both services of


The Prayer Chain list is continually

being updated. Request for prayers

should be placed in the prayer box in

the Narthex, or get in touch with any

member of the Wholeness Commit-

tee. If anyone has a special prayer

request, or is interested in minister-

ing on the Prayer Chain, please con-

tact Freda Wanner. Prayer requests

will be carried for one month.

Members of the

Wholeness Com-

mittee are Ann

Baccari, Ted

Gray, Tootie and

Louise Hine,

June Hartung,

Carol Stubbe and

Freda Wanner.

Holy Humor Sunday –

April 27th

Join us for joy-filled worship on

the first Sunday of Easter as we

celebrate “Risus Pachalis” (Easter

laughter) in celebration of the su-

preme joke God played on the

powers of sins and death – the

resurrection of Christ! Bring your Easter joy, your skeptical

friends and neighbors, your sense of humor and your favorite

jokes to share (er – at least the G-rated ones!) as we rejoice in

that foundational belief of our faith: Christ is risen! Christ is

risen indeed! Alleluia!

SAVE THE DATE Friday, August 22, 2014

Reading Fightin Phils vs. Erie Seawolves

Game Time: 7:05 PM

Keep this date open to help Shenkel cheer

on our Reading Phillies. As usual, we will have bus transporta-

tion provided, leaving the church at 5:15 PM. We have 25 seats

reserved and the ticket price is $10. Watch for more information

and a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Please see Barb Burhans

with any questions.

Dear Shenkel Faith Family,

I want to thank you on behalf of our entire family (the

Dietz, Craner, and Bracken family members) for your

overwhelming love and support in the wake of my Sister,

Tanya's death, and my Mother, June's recent death. Your

prayers, your cards, your e-mails, your text messages, and your phone messages

have sustained us (and continue to sustain us) through this time of grieving. I

also want to thank everyone who was so kind to prepare and to transport

meals to my Dad and Mom, as Mom made her journey toward eternity while

at home, aided by hospice. A thank you to Pastor Bonnie for special care sup-

port, and for helping to set-up the meal schedule. I was deeply moved

by everyone's support shown at the Memorial Service for my Mom.

As I've shared so many times in the past, I could not imagine living without be-

ing a part of a faith community; all persons should have the experience of

knowing God's love through family connected in faith! It is indeed, a precious

gift! You are a precious gift!

Deep peace, hope, and love,

Wanda Craner, (for my Dad, and all of our family, too.)


Please join us for our fourth annual tournament to benefit The Cluster Outreach Center and its mission to meet the basic human needs of persons within our community and help individuals make real progress in moving from dependence to productive self-sufficiency.

Who: Golfers! Men and Women, Experienced or Beginner

Where: Spring Hollow Golf Course, Spring City

When: Saturday, April 26, 2014

Time: Tee off at 1 PM

Format: Scramble/Shotgun start

Registration from 11:30 to 12:40

Shotgun start at 1:00 PM

Reception starts at 5PM

Dinner/Awards at 6PM

In addition to a great afternoon of golf, partici-pants and guests will be treated to some great musical entertainment by Jeff Kercher and some great anecdotes from Frank Lemaster, former all-pro linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles!

Registration fee ($110/golfer) includes golf, prizes, lunch, cocktail reception and dinner. Reception /dinner only tickets can be pur-chased for $35.

Visit www.pottstowncluster.org for informa-tion and/or registration.

04/01 Martin, Kelly

04/02 Painter, Kurt

04/03 Phillips, Celia

04/04 Trego, Bryan

04/06 Phillips, Gerald

04/07 White, James


04/10 Andrien, Judith


04/10 Rice, Mike

04/11 Rowe, Sandy


04/12 Stultz, Gary

04/12 Helmers, Taylor

04/12 Wanner, Julianne


04/15 Rogers, Joshua

04/16 Sweinhart, Drew

04/16 Viti, Angeline

04/18 Hauze, Jennifer

04/20 Baseley, Carolyn


04/21 Brown, Barbara


04/24 Moyer, Mary Sue


04/25 Hauze, Mark


04/26 Metzger, Claire


04/27 Pennell, Samantha

04/29 Laverty, Donald


During the month of April, Shenkel will be praying for these randomly selected members and friends of our congregation:

4/6 Morgan Scharneck

Dawn Yocom

Josh Rice

Lori and Tom Klein

Elaine and Jim Bevan

4/13 Alyssa, Mike, Nick and Nate Rice

Ruth Adrien

Lindsey Martin

David Phillips

Linda, Andrew, Lexi, Brandon, Aaron,

Michael Foss and

Christina, Laura, Leslie and Mark Hauze

4/20 Amy, Craig, Nina and Anna Shenk

Sherri and Mark Dushanko

Kathy and Michael Iezzi

Gabriella Megni

Jill and Karl Hudick

4/27 Sheree and Rick Scheler

Jeff Luckenbach

Robin and Mike Martin

Taylor Murphy

Charlene Logan

April 13 Palm Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Come sing "Hosanna!" with the crowd and partici-

pate in this joyful celebration of Jesus’ arrival in


April 17 Maundy Thursday

7:00 p.m.

Please join us at 7 pm in the Social Hall to recall the events

of Holy Week. On this night, our Lenten journey will move

us from the company of the excited crowds that greeted Je-

sus in Jerusalem to a quiet gathering for Passover with

friends. Bring a cup or mug with you to this service –

you will take it back home filled with hope at the

conclusion of worship. Communion will be served.

April 18 Good Friday 10:30 a.m.

The Pottstown Community Good Friday Walk begins at 10:30 a.m. from the green between Zion’s UCC and Em-

manuel Lutheran on Hanover Street. Join us as we walk and pray for our community. Children, dogs and strollers


Good Friday Service 7:00 p.m.

The journey continues as we experience the darkness that enveloped the world on the day of Jesus’ suffering and death on a cross. This service will begin at 7 pm in the sanctuary.

Good Friday Vigil

Immediately following the Good Friday Service, April 18th, the vigil begins, and ends on Saturday at

noon. This is a time of solitude and meditation. It is suggested that at least two people be present for one

hour all through the night. Materials will be provided on which to meditate, or you may bring your own

personal meditation to read. It is a time of quiet reflection. There is a sign up chart in the narthex for

people wishing to participate in the Vigil. If you cannot do it at the church, you can do it at home for the

specified times. If you would like more information, contact Barb Burhans or the church office.


Come sing "Alleluia!" as we celebrate Christ’s victory over the grave, and are assured, once

more, that NOTHING can separate us from God’s love.

6:30 a.m. – Community Sunrise Service in the field across from Temple United Method-

ist Church at the intersection of Temple and Unionville Roads, Pottstown. Breakfast will be

served following the service – all are welcome!

Our 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM services of worship will include joyful, inspiring music, a celebratory message, and

Holy Communion. Refreshments will be served in Fellowship Hall between services. You are invited to bring a fin-

ger food to share. There will be no Sunday School that morning.