april 2013 outlook

Jane is enrolled as a Companion of the Society of St Francis by Brother Damian. 1 The Sodbury Vale Benefice Chipping Sodbury, Old Sodbury, Horton & Little Sodbury April 2013 OUTLOOK magazine 50p

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The magazine of the Sodbury Vale Benefice covering the parishes of Chipping Sodbury, Horton, Little Sodbury and Old Sodbury.


Page 1: APRIL 2013 OUTLOOK

Jane is enrolled as a Companion of the Society of St Francis by Brother Damian.1

The Sodbury Vale BeneficeChipping Sodbury, Old Sodbury, Horton & Little Sodbury

April 2013







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ContactsRector The Revd. Canon JaneKenchington, 01454 313159email [email protected]

Associate Priest The Revd. YvonneBrae, 79 Westerleigh Road, Yate, BS374BN, 01454 850682, Mob. 07908513098 [Day Off Monday]email [email protected]

Regular Weekly EventsMonday 8.45am Morning Prayer,

St John’s Chipping Sodbury 7.30pm Bell Ringers’ practice

Church Tower Chipping SodburyTuesday 8.45am Morning Prayer,Wednesday 8.30am Morning Prayer,Thursday 8.45am Morning Prayer,

10.00am Holy Communion St John’s Chipping Sodbury

7.00pm Choir Practice, St John’s Chipping Sodbury

Friday 10.00am Tubbie Tots Church Centre Chipping Sodbury

7.00pm Youth Club (age 11-18) Baptist Church Centre

Saturday 9.00am Benefice Prayers Church Centre Chipping Sodbury

ChurchwardensChipping SodburyPaul Jones-Williams1 Meadow Mead, Yate, BS37 7UT01454 324970Anne Mudge22 Gorlands Road, Chipping SodburyBS37 6LA, 01454 880613

Old SodburyVal Walker16A Melrose Avenue, Yate, BS37 7AL01454 318286Tony Dixon16 Chatterton Road, Yate, BS37 4BJ01454 321528

Little SodburyNancy NagleWinchcombe Cottage,Little Sodbury EndBS37 6QE, 01454 319798

HortonTina Hildick-SmithKirrin House, King Lane, HortonBS37 6PD, 01454 320380

Church OfficeOpen during term time

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday mornings9.00 - 12.00

Administrator - Michelle Jenkins01454 [email protected] Sitewww.sodburyvalechurches.wordpress.com

Advertising - Sylvia FranklinSt. John’s Church Centre07788 111 726

Director of Music -Nick Sherwood, 78 Firgrove Crescent,Yate, BS37 7AG 07802 427135 (after10 April)

Annual subscription to Outlook (10 issues) £5

May DeadlineCan you have all editorial toMichelle in the Church Office

by April 15th at the latest please.

If you would like to know more aboutthe Christian faith or are thinking

about baptism or confirmation pleasespeak to Jane or Yvonne

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Rev. Yvonne Brae, 01454 850682, email [email protected]

Hope and Love is something we are called to share

As we’re still in Easter time I thought you might enjoy reading one of these ‘Do youknow’ oddities that people seem to enjoy pointing out (I must admit I enjoy themtoo!) The Passion Flower was given its name by the Jesuits apparently. I hope, likeme, these odd comparisons strike a chord in you and prompt you to recall that thereare so many things in our world that remind us of our Trinitarian God.

Maybe the pleasure of these kinds of trivia are that they take us back into thesacrifice of Jesus and the joy of Easter Sunday, which is every Sunday by the by.Goodness knows, in the present economic climate when so many people arevulnerable to redundancy and poverty, we need these times of recalling and relivingthe Christian Gospel.

The Easter message has resonated down the centuries and is no less neededtoday. It can bring a special meaning to all those who are feeling at their mostvulnerable in these difficult times. The Christian message of Easter is greater thanthe chocolate giving, Easter eggs and cards, nice as they are. The message ofEaster and indeed of every Sunday is with all that might assail us there is alwayshope. And hope is something we are called to share alongside love. We had ourtime of repentance and thoughtfulness during Lent, we’ve had the pleasure ofEaster Sunday, we always look outward but now more than ever we take thismessage that is so essential to us, a message of love and hope, out into a needyworld.

Did you know?The passion flower has a resemblance to theinstruments of the Passion:The leaf – the spearThe five antlers – the five woundsThe tendrils – the cords of whipsThe column of the ovary – the pillar of theCross or the cupThe stamens – the hammersThe stigma the sponge steeped in vinegarThe three styles – the three nailsThe corona within the flower – the crown ofthornsThe flower keeps open for three days – GoodFriday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

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Baptisms: We welcomed into the Church:

Tanya Marie Cooper-Fussell on 10February (by Bishop Michael)Harry George Kenyon &Emily Elizabeth Bradbrook on 3 Marchat St John’s Church, Chipping SodburyOliver Thomas Febry on 3 March at StJohn’s Church, Old Sodbury

Marriages: We send our congratulations to:

Kirsti Cousins & Paul Harris on 16February at St John’s Church, Old Sodbury

Funerals:We extend our sympathy to the familyand friends of:

Anthony (Tony) Thomas Baxendale on12 March at Westerleigh CrematoriumDiane Marshall on 14 March atWesterleigh CrematoriumGreta Lilian May Evans on 14 March atWesterleigh Crematorium

Confirmations: We welcomed into the Church:

Andrew Ledger; Sarah Ledger; TanyaCooper-Fussell; Kathryn Thompson;Kate Nyandoro on 10 February at StJohn’s Church, Chipping Sodbury byBishop Michael

Received into the Communion of theChurch of England: We welcomed into theChurch:

Tamzin Brennan on 10 February at StJohn’s Church, Chipping Sodbury byBishop Michael

Mother’s Union

The next meeting of theMother's Union here is on

Monday 8th April at 7.45pm in theChurch Centre when David Hardwick willtell us some of the History of Mining in thisarea. Everyone is welcome.

On Saturday the 25th May we shall beholding our Annual Coffee Morning andPlant Sale in the Church - yes I said theChurch - from 10.00am to 12.30pm. Thisis our only Fund-raising event of the yearand helps us to support the on-going workof the Mother's Union here in the Church,as in supplying the flowers for MotheringSunday. We also support the wonderfuland increasing work overseas of theMother's Union worldwide, (which facesfalling membership in England, as in theChurch), including the education andparenting courses, the work to helpprevent AIDS and the general healthprogrammes, as well always being able tostep in and help at grass roots level withthe general emergency fund.

Please help us by supporting our workhere in the Branch in any way you can. Ifyou cannot help financially please don'tforget prayer underlines all the work wedo and pray for us

God Bless and thank you


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Page 6: APRIL 2013 OUTLOOK


Lynn Edwards MA, MCIEH, MCIH

Domestic Energy AssessorTel: 07973 166 692or 01454 323 340

Email: [email protected]

Energy Performance Certificates for:


Rental & Holiday Lets,

Floor Plans

Sodbury Parish PlanQuestionnaireIf you haven’t already done so, pleasereturn your Parish Plan Questionnaire.The group organising the plan arevolunteers who are separately constituted.This means that it will be possible to applyfor funds to support actions that may betaken as a result of the questionnaire.Thank you Pauline Wilson

Celebrating the 60th

Anniversary of the Queen’sCoronation

Saturday 25th May at 7:30pmA concert by Yate Choral SocietyAt St John’s Chipping Sodbury

Exactly one week before the 60thanniversary of the Queen’s coronation in1953, the first half of the concert will focuson coronation anthems.Zadok the Priest by Handel was writtenfor the coronation of George II and hasbeen used in every coronation since then(as well as it opening being used in TVadverts).I was Glad by Parry is a dramatic piecewritten for Edward VII’s coronation andused at each subsequent coronation.Daughter of Ancient Kings by Elgar waswritten for Queen Alexandra andThe Queen also by Elgar was written in1911 for Queen Mary, wife of George V.Although written for earlier Queens thewords are very suitable for our own Queen.The second half is devoted to The SaintCecilia Mass which brought it’s Frenchcomposer Charles Gounod the acclaim ofParis at its debut, and has captured theimagination of the choir with its, by turns,beautiful and exciting passages.Tickets from Margaret Phillips 324839

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UPYou lovers of the English language mightenjoy this. There is a two-letter word thatperhaps has more meanings than anyother two-letter word, and that is 'UP.'It's easy to understand UP, meaningtoward the sky or at the top of the list, butwhen we awaken in the morning, why dowe wake UP? At a meeting, why does atopic come UP?Why do we speak UP and why are theofficers UP for election and why is it UP tothe secretary to write UP a report? We callUP our friends. And we use it to brightenUP a room, polish UP the silver; we warmUP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen.We lock UP the house and some guys fixUP the old car.At other times the little word has realspecial meaning. People stir UP trouble,line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite,and think UP excuses. To be dressed isone thing, but to be dressed UP is special.A drain must be opened UP because it isstopped UP. We open UP a shop in themorning but we close it UP at night. Weseem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!To be knowledgeable about the properuses of UP, look the word UP in thedictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, ittakes UP almost a quarter of the page andcan add UP to about thirty definitions. Ifyou are UP to it, you might try building UPa list of the many ways UP is used.It will take UP a lot of your time, but if youdon't give UP, you may wind UP with ahundred or more. When it threatens to rain,we say it is clouding UP. When the suncomes out we say it is clearing UP. Whenit rains, it wets the earth and often messesthings UP. When it doesn't rain for a while,things dry UP. One could go on and on, butI'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP,so........it is time to shut UP! Now it's UP toyou what you do with this.

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Fairtrade model of St Paul’s

A model of St Paul's made entirely fromthe packaging of fairtrade products wasunveiled in the famous cathedral onMonday for Fairtrade Fortnight.The unveiling was joined by Fairtradesugar producer Henry Matenga, fromMalawi, and Sophi Tranchell, managingdirector of Divine Chocolate company.It comes as the Diocese of London cele-brates its first anniversary as an accredit-ed Fairtrade Diocese.The model was designed and created byAmanda Hughes, Children's Church Co-ordinator of St Mary's, Finchley, to cele-brate the London Diocese's support forfairtrade."I'm thrilled to see the model in St Paul'sCathedral and feel very happy to do mysmall part in showing how we can helpreduce poverty in the world with ourshopping habits," she said.The eight-feet long structure is made upof fairtrade chocolate wrappers, tea box-es, and even banana stickers.It symbolises the unity of the Diocese inits fairtrade mission, with the model rail-ings surrounding the Cathedral highlight-ing the names of all 237 Anglican

churches within the Diocese of Londonthat have a Fairtrade certificate.Canon Precentor of St Paul's Cathedral,Michael Hampel, said: "St Paul's arevery happy to provide a temporary homefor this wonderful sculpture during Fair-trade Fortnight."

Annual Parochial ChurchMeetingsThese meetings will be happening InApril on the following dates:

Sunday 14 April at 7pm in St Adeline’sChurch, Little Sodbury

Tuesday 16 April at 7pm in Old SodburyVillage Hall

Thursday 18 April at 7pm in the ChurchCentre, Chipping Sodbury

Tuesday 23 April at 7pm at Kirrin House,King Lane, Horton

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Women BishopsA lively and engaged group of laity andclergy gathered in Cirencester in Marchfor the first of five meetings to discussthe November defeat of the WomenBishops Measure in General Synod andalso the actual workings of all levels ofSynods. People shared what they feltwhen they heard the result of the voteand brought up the various questions itraised for them. For some it was ashock, while others were not surprised,but were deeply disappointednonetheless. Many wondered how itcould have happened, given the highlevel of diocesan approval, and alsowanted to know what they could do tobecome involved and what washappening currently to move the matterforward. It was news to some that the“electors” for both Diocesan and GeneralSynods are the members of DeanerySynods, so standing for that office is thefirst step to having a real voice at alllevels of governance.

Informational papers were distributedand may be accessed on the diocesanwebsite, including a comprehensive andoptimistic report from the General SynodWorking Party, which met in Februarywith fifteen consultants, and plans toreport to the House of Bishops in May.The bishops will then determine what tobring to the July meeting of GeneralSynod.

As you read this, you can still attend oneof the remaining meetings,

April 9 at St. John’s Church Hall,Churchdown (GL3 2DB) orApril 15 at Holy Trinity Church Hall,Drybrook (GL17 9 LE).

Both start at 7.30pm and run until nolater than 9.30pm.

These are important opportunities toengage with “matters that matter” and Ihope to arrange future series on otherkey questions that face the Church andeach of us as Christians. For the papersvisithttp://www.gloucester.anglican.org/news/publications/our-diocese-of-gloucesterFrom the Dean of Women Clergy,Canon Robbin Clark

Gospel music forcongregationsPenny Lyon and Kevin Washburn havebeen leading the Gloucestershire basedBeacon Gospel Choir since 2004. Theyare now looking to bring the upliftingsounds of Gospel music tocongregations across the region.If you would be interested in having ‘OutOf The Ashes’ come to play a part inyour service, run workshops etc, thenthey would love to hear from you [email protected] for furtherdetails.

Open Debate on GayMarriageWednesday April 17, 7.30pmSt Lawrence Church, StroudLeading our discussions: Bishop JohnGladwin, former Bishop of Chelmsfordand Mr Andrew Marsh, CampaignsDirector of Christian Concern.

All welcome. For more informationcontact 01452 741808.

Jane will be attending this debate andcan offer a lift to others who wish tojoin her.

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Patriotic Music and Song.Readings from Shakespeare.

Old Sodbury Village Hall Saturday 20th April 2013 at 7:00pm

Tickets £12.50Telephone: 324344 or 312223

“Never before has so much fun beenhad by so many!”


Archbishop’s pilgrimage

Archbishop Justin Welby went on a fiveday pilgrimage before his enthronementon Thursday 21 March. He began inNorwich and went on to Coventry,London, Southwark, Truro andChichester. Prayers were a major featureof each visit. The Archbishop said “I thinkthe key thing is to remember to be

centred on Jesus Christ - That’s why westart with prayer. The church prayingtogether and gathering together to prayis something that draws other people tofaith. The pilgrimage ended with choralevensong in Chichester Cathedral.

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Benefice Retreat 2013

A retreat for members of all churches ofthe Sodbury Vale Benefice.

Friday 5th - Sunday 7th July 2013Llangasty Retreat House in the Brecon

Beacons -Stunning location!£130 per person

See www.llangasty.com for more infor-mation.

There are still two twin roomsavailable for this retreat.

If you are interested in going, do contactIan Yemm on 01454 318608

The Late Greta Evans R.I.P.Greta died on 1 March and her funeraltook place at Westerleigh Crematoriumon Thursday 14 March when we gavethanks to God for her life andcommended her to her loving heavenlyFather.Greta was well-known around St John’sChurch, Chipping Sodbury because shecleaned the church for many, many yearsand acted as a verger for weddings andfunerals for a long time as well.Sadly, she had to go into StanshawesNursing Home in 2005, so I never mether. But, various people gave mememories of her, which I’d like to sharewith you.· “The church was always spotless

and Greta spent most Wednesdays,Thursday, Fridays and Saturdaymornings cleaning, sweeping andpolishing. She would never make lifeeasy for herself by using a mop,preferring to get on her knees towash the floor.”

· “I only remember her being ill onceand the then Vicar, Neville Jacobs,enlisted the Thursday morning com-municants to give the church a lickand polish in her absence. On herreturn she was not impressed andNeville was left in no doubt that ourefforts did not meet her high stand-ards.”

· “Every Lent, she regarded it as herduty to rub linseed oil in the altars.”

· “I was first aware of her when I was12/13 when I was attending confir-mation classes. She always seemedto be in the background. The then

Vicar included her in a topic on prayerby saying that Greta always knelt forprayer before she started cleaning.”

· “She was quite a small lady, but theenergy and speed she put intosweeping the church path and thepavement directly outside the churchhad to be seen to be believed. It wasa case of ‘Look out!’ Greta’s commit-ment and dedication were immenseas she clearly spent many more hoursat the church than she was paid for.”

· “She always wished people to call her‘Mrs Evans’. After someone becamea churchwarden, she said to them,‘You can call me Greta now’.”

May Greta rest in peace and rise in glory.JK

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Day of ReflectionMonday April 22 at Glenfall HouseCheltenham

‘There is a dreamer, dreaming us’Exploring God’s dream for us and how wetune into it. Led by Nick Helm.

Full details available at 01242 583654.www.glenfallhouse.org

The Diocesan SafeguardingBoardThere is a vacancy on the DiocesanSafeguarding Board for a person to leadon the protection of adults at risk. If youhave some time to offer and you haveexperience of safeguarding work at amanagerial and/or strategic level we’dlike to hear from you.You will need to be:

· Confident in working in a multi-disciplinary strategic group

· Able to brief senior staff of thediocese, including BishopMichael as appropriate.

The tasks include:· Helping to create and maintain a

culture of awareness/informedvigilance about safeguardinggenerally and in relation to adultsat risk in particular

· Raising awareness about thenature of risk and vulnerability foradults

· Applying professional knowledgeto the work of the Board and tooffer safeguarding advice andguidance

· Promoting appropriate trainingExpressions of interest by letter toArchdeacon Jackie Searle at 2 CollegeGreen, Gloucester GL1 2LP. For aninformal conversation about the roleplease call Archdeacon Jackie on 01452835583.

Bishop Michael and theWalkers

Bishop Michael, pictured outside StAdeline’s Little Sodbury, with some ofthe walkers who accompanied him as hewalked between the churches of OldSodbury, Little Sodbury and Hortonduring his teaching weekend with us inFebruary.

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Easter Monday (April 1)Pilgrimage to GloucesterCathedralAfter the journey through Holy Week,continue your journey in celebration ofEaster to your Cathedral. With the Roadto Emmaus Gospel in mind (Luke 24.13-35) why not walk and talk your way tojoin Bishop Michael for a really informalEucharist in the mother church. Walk,ride, drive, cruise by narrow boat –whichever way you travel just come andjoin the celebration. Every pilgrim willreceive a pilgrim badge. Taking part inthe celebration will be the Revd RolyBain, the church’s Holy Fool on AprilFools Day!

Gather around the cathedral to picnicand then start to fill the nave with singingfrom 2.30pm for the celebration at 3pm,which will be full of fun and faith. Thecollection on the day will go to theBishop’s Lent appeal for the BrinckmanSchool in Tanzania. All are welcome,including dogs! It’s free, for everyone toenjoy worship, ice creams, entertainersand hopefully Easter weather! Furtherdetails atwww.gloucestercathedral.org.uk or01452 528095.

Benefice Walk:Sunday 19 May

Do book this in your diary! Hopefully, theweather will be dry and we’ll do our walk.Sunday services will happen as usualand the route of the walk will take thatinto account, hoping to gather people onthe way. Details of the route will bepublished nearer the time. Everyone iswelcome (and that means adults,children and dogs!)

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Sun 19th May TBA Benefice walk Details nearer the time

Wed 22nd May 7.30pm Archdeacon’s Visitation for the WottonDeanery

St John’s, C/S

Sat 25th May 10am Vintage Craft flea market Church Centre, C/SSat 25th May 10am Mothers Union Teas, Cakes and Plants Sale St John’s, CS

25th May 7.30pm Yate Choral Society ConcertCelebrating of the 60th Anniversary of theQueen’s Coronation with “Zadok the Priest”,“I Was Glad” by Parry, other coronationanthems and piece

St John’s, C/S

Fri 31st May Allweekend

Chipping Sodbury Jazz Festival Chipping Sodbury atvarious venues

Sat 1st June 10am Deanery Vocational Day Church CentreFri 14th June 7.30pm Harp Concert (as part of Chipping Sodbury

Festival Week)St John’s, C/S

Fri 5th July Benefice Retreat Weekend Away

If you don’t see your event in the list above please let me know, once itis on this calendar other people can put it on theirs!

All times are subject to change -look out for further details closer to the date.

Michelle 01454 325160 [email protected]

Sodbury Vale Benefice Forthcoming Events

May 2013 is WottonDeanery’s VocationsMonth.· You are invited to explore where

God is calling you (and this doesn’tjust mean being called to be apriest or a Reader).

· On Saturday 1 June there will be aday when you can explore yourgifts and God’s call and youhaven’t got to travel very far! It willbe held at St John’s Church,Chipping Sodbury.

If you are interested in this, pick up theleaflet at the back of your churchand/or speak to Jane or Yvonne aboutit. JK

Slip of the typewriter?Some notices from church bulletins:Don't let worry kill you off - let the Churchhelp.Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 pm -prayer and medication to follow.Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale.It's a chance to get rid of those things notworth keeping around the house. Bringyour husbands.The church will host an evening of finedining, super entertainment and gracioushostility.The Fasting & Prayer Conferenceincludes mealsMiss Charlene Mason sang “I will notpass this way again “ giving obviouspleasure to the congregation

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Mon 1st 2.30pm Pilgrimage and Celebration Family Event Gloucester CathedralWed 3rd 8.00pm Mission Prayer Group Church Centre C/S

Sat 6th 9.00am Benefice Prayer Meeting Church Centre C/S

Sun 7thSecond Sunday

of Easter

8.00am Holy Communion St John’s C/S9.30am St John’s Praise St John’s, C/S11.15am Mattins {BCP} St James’, Horton11.15am Family Communion St John’s O/S6.00pm Evensong {BCP} St Adeline’s L/S

Mon 8th 7.45pm Mothers’ Union, Church Centre C/S

Tue 9th 3.00pm Meditation Meeting Ring 314409 for venue

Wed 10th 1.20pm Women’s Fellowship Church Centre C/S

Thurs 11th 10.00am Holy Communion St John’s C/S10.45am Coffee Shop Church Centre C/S

Sat 13 9.00am Benefice Prayer Meeting Church Centre C/S

Sun 14thThird Sunday of


9.30am Parish Communion St John’s C/S11.15am Holy Communion St James’ Horton11.15am Family Service St John’s O/S6.00pm Evensong {BCP} St Adeline’s L/S

7.00pm Little Sodbury APCM St Adeline’s L/S

Tues 16th 7.00pm Old Sodbury APCM Village Hall, O/S

Thurs 18th 10.00am Holy Communion St John’s C/S10.45am Coffee Shop Church Centre C/S

7.00pm Chipping Sodbury APCM Church Centre C/S

Sat 20th 9.00am Benefice Prayer Meeting Church Centre C/S

Sun 21stFourth Sunday of


9.30am Family Communion St John’s C/S11.15am Morning Prayer {BCP} St James’ Horton11.15am Holy Communion {BCP} St John’s O/S6.00pm Evensong {BCP} St Adeline’s L/S

Tue 23rd 3.00pm Meditation Meeting Ring 314409 for venue

7.00pm Horton APCM Kirrin House

Wed 24th 1.20pm Women’s Fellowship Church Centre C/S

Thur 25th 10.00am Holy Communion St John’s C/S10.45am Coffee Shop Church Centre C/S

Sat 27th 9.00am Benefice Prayer Meeting Church Centre C/S

Sun 28thFifth Sunday of


9.30am Parish Communion St John’s C/S11.15am Family Communion {CW} St James’ Horton11.15am Morning Praise St John’s O/S6.00pm Holy Communion {BCP} St Adeline’s L/S

Sodbury Vale Benefice Calendar April 2013

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FNick Sherwood, our newDirector of MusicNick Sherwood attended BrentwoodSchool in Essex, and was inspired to

learn the organby being achorister at StL a u r e n c e ,Upminster – as u b u r b a nAnglo-catholicparish with at h r i v i n gtradition (then)of men and

boys in the choir and as servers.After a degree course in Music at ExeterUniversity, during which time Nick sangas a tenor choral scholar with theCathedral Choir, there followed a PGCEcourse at Trinity College, Cambridge,where he also sang in the choir. Variousteaching posts in the Thames Valley andWest Country led to a ten-year spell asDirector of Music at Chigwell School backin Essex.Meanwhile, Nick had built up a parallelcareer conducting large amateur choirs,playing the organ and training parishchoirs, and singing oratorio and operaprofessionally. He also auditioned ontothe ‘ad hoc’ panel of the BBC Singers,and deputised regularly in the choirs ofSt Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbeyand St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Fora five-year period Nick sang atBrentwood RC Cathedral as one of the‘pioneer’ lay clerks. Most recently, hehas spent fifteen years as Director ofMusic for the Parish of Wanstead in EastLondon, and a similar period asconductor of the Brentwood ChoralSociety.

Nick hopes that under his leadership themusic at St John’s will be admired andenjoyed by the local community. Ifthings go well, Nick hopes that both theParish and the Benefice will be ableeventually to make significantinvestments in resources, both withinand beyond weekly worship. Forinstance (and as just one example)Chipping Sodbury is now a very differentplace to what it was when the presentorgan was installed in 1869!Nick will be living in Firgrove Crescent,Yate, with his wife Helen, who grew upin Chipping Sodbury. He has twogrown-up sons: Jonathan, whograduated with a ‘first’ in Physics andAstro-Physics from Bristol and nowworks for the radiation sector of the HPAin Didcot; and Christopher, whograduated recently with a ‘first’ inCreative Writing from Ruskin,Cambridge and is now working forLathams of Potter Heigham in Norfolk.Helen also got a ‘first’ in Music fromLancaster. Nick didn’t himself aspire tosuch heights of academic excellence!

Concert by Music@MinchSunday April 28, 7pmMininhampton Church

Music@Minch presents the worldrenowned Maggini String Quartet

playing Mozart, Britten andMendelssohn.

£10 in advance from Deborah Smith01453 883611 or

[email protected] or at M&BStores.

There will be tickets available on thedoor at £12. Accompanied children are
