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Buongiorno Cais Entrepreneurship and Business plan Spring 2013/2014 Professors: João Trigo da Roza & António Lucena de Faria Claudia Seidenstricker 152113370 Gonçalo Carreteiro 152113342 Liat Schliesser 152113318 Pedro

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Buongiorno Cais Entrepreneurship and Business plan Spring 2013/2014 Professors: Joo Trigo da Roza & Antnio Lucena de Faria Claudia Seidenstricker 152113370 Gonalo Carreteiro 152113342 Liat Schliesser 152113318 Pedro Guerreiro 152113317

2. Model Canvas version 2 3. MVP 4. Our revenue sources Transaction: Restaurant Take-away Pre-paid card Indirect advertising: Time out Referrals: Gym Hotels 5. Take-away as a revenue source. Create a landing page and record traffic. If 75% of the people demonstrate interest in the take-away service (send the email). Business Model Canvas 1 Revenue Stream RS 6. Pre-paid card as a revenue source. Interview 50 people and create a survey to see the interest of future customers in the pre-paid card of Buongiorno. If 75% of the people have a positive interest. Business Model Canvas 1 Revenue Stream RS 7. Gym and hotels as a revenue source (referrals). Talk to some central gym and hotels in Lisbon, and explain how we can create value to them while they advertise our project. If 75% of the businesses are interested in doing business with us. Business Model Canvas 1 Revenue Stream RS 8. Time Out as an indirect source of revenue. Talk with the Time Out director to see his interest to be part of our project by advertising it in their magazine. See conditions. If the director has a positive answer. Business Model Canvas 1 Revenue Stream RS 9. Our Landing Page Price A 10. Our Landing Page Price B