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Didcot Diary Issue 13 May 2014 Didcot Town Council Awards Evening Parks, Gardens and Lakes Didcot Town Fayre

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Page 1: Apr 14

Didcot Diary

Issue 13 May 2014

Didcot Town Council Awards Evening

Parks, Gardens and Lakes

Didcot Town Fayre

Page 2: Apr 14



Willowbrook Leisure Centre 3

Youth Activity Day 3

Parks and Gardens 4

Ladygrove lakes 5

Didcot Town Council Awards 6

Sport Relief 7

Allotment News 7

Citizens Advice 8

Vegcycle 8

Litter Pick 9

Lions International 9

Didcot Town Fayre 10

What’s on at the Civic Hall 11

Welcome to the May issue of the Didcot Diary. Since the last issue the rain has finally

stopped and the warmer weather has encouraged the spring bulbs to flower and the trees to

blossom making the parks , gardens and cemetery a mass of colour. The water level in the

Ladygrove lakes is high at the moment and they are a hive of activity with lots of goslings

and ducklings.

Spring is the time of year when there is traditionally a lot of movement on the allotment sites

and the waiting lists are currently short so if you’ve always wanted to grow your own fruit

and vegetables this could be the ideal time to take on an allotment. More details are on

page 7.

This issue also contains information about the council Awards Evening that took place on

Wednesday 26th March. This is where we award the allotment prizes, acknowledge the

work of local volunteer and charity groups and the evening culminated in the presentation

of the John Eldridge award for voluntary service, more details are available on page 6.

Looking forward the Annual Town Meeting will take place in the Civic Hall on Wednesday 7th

May. Tea and coffee will be available from 7pm and throughout the evening and the

meeting starts at 7.30pm. This is your opportunity to discuss local issues with the council.

Our plans for the Didcot Town Fayre are coming along well and you can read all about this

on page 10.

Page 3: Apr 14

Willowbrook Leisure Centre

The Willowbrook Leisure Centre is owned by the council

and managed behalf of the council by the SOLL Leisure


The Willowbrook offers a fantastic range of facilities that

include a dance studio, an air conditioned gym with life

fitness and technogym equipment, children’s parties, cafe,

meeting rooms, sports courts, a free car park and

monkey mayhem for toddlers.

For anyone looking to get fit and work off their chocolate

Easter eggs the Willowbrook Leisure Centre is currently

offering membership for just £19.99 per month and if you

sign up before the end of May 2014 and take along a copy

of this issue of the Didcot Diary there will be no joining fee.

Youth Activity Day

The youth activity day at the

Cornerstone promises to be

A great event for all young

people aged between 9 and

16 years.

The event is organised by

the Oxfordshire Play

Association and is supported

by Didcot Town Council by

grant aid.

Grant Aid - if you or your organisation would like to apply for grant aid an application

form or more information can be obtained by calling 01235 812637 or emailing

[email protected]


Page 4: Apr 14

Parks and Gardens

Good April temperatures have

brought on the blossom and many

Broadway are now in full bloom.

Flowering trees within our parks

and lining the Cemetery drive are

showing good colour and we have

planted some more blossom trees

along our boundary with Lynmouth

Road there.

These new trees are crab apple

varieties with white, pink and cerise

flowers to complement the cherries

in the Cemetery.

Trees have started to leaf out around the town and

the grass and weeds are growing like mad.

The flower borders still have some spring bulbs

after the early crocus, snowdrops and aconites.

Dwarf narcissi and tulips brighten up the Broadway

gardens and with late alliums to give colour to the

massed bulbs along Hitchcock Way. Spring is a time

of new beginnings in the growing year and with the

lighter evenings it encourages us all to get out and

enjoy life.

Outdoor Gym Development for Edmonds Park

We have secured all the funding to get the outdoor gym installed at Edmonds Park. There

will be three stations – one beyond the end of the rugby pitch with access from Park Road.

The second gym will be down in the old memorial garden and will be accessed off

Newlands Avenue and another station of gym kit will replace the old kit that stood near the

main play area with the runway. We have started the project by removing the old trim trail

that was past it and we have in stock new seating and litterbins for these gym areas. The

Great Outdoor Gym Company are working on preparing all the kit for us and before

summer we will have this extra ‘free for all’ fitness kit in place – so no excuses for not

getting and keeping fit!

There will be a mixed range of kit to work all the major muscle groups, some of the kit is

designed to be used by those who are less able and a further few pieces for juniors. At the

opening of the project there will be some demos to show how some of the kit works to give

users confidence but kit does come with simple instructions about use. Keeping fit, mobile

and well is a long term goal for us all – so enjoy the outdoor gym and it’s benefits.


Page 5: Apr 14

Ladygrove Lakes

We have completed some tidying up around the lakes with re-gravelling the paths and

pollarding Willows and cutting back overhanging vegetation. Repairs to the staging has been

completed and erosion works will sort out the worn lake edges – this work will start in early


The back filled areas around these worn lake edges will be topped off with planted coir rolls.

This plant growth will then root through the soil to strengthen the lake edges. The marginal

plants also provide a home for various aquatic wildlife. Last year in the small lake by the

boardwalk we had beautiful Damselflies with metallic green on their wings. They like

Dragonflies lay their eggs on pond plants. We hope to see more of these eye-catching

insects this summer.

The fish net under the boardwalk will be replaced as fish are getting into the shallows there,

which is an area reserved for amphibians. Fish will eat tadpoles and larvae so we need to

protect the shallow breeding area for amphibians. Last year a few newts were seen on site

so hopefully they have survived the winter and may breed this spring. Already there have

been successful broods of Ducks with 8 and 10 little ducklings keeping close to Mum on the


Many Canadian Geese are on site and

later this spring we may see some

goslings as well. Earlier in the season a

couple of Kingfishers were seen darting

across the lake to one of the islands so

time will tell if they stay to set up home

and breed.

The water level in the lake are currently

the highest it has been for many years

almost covering the walkway; but the

ducks are enjoying it!



In the Information Centre we have noticed that

some questions tend to get asked more often

than others. In this section we aim to provide

answers to some recurring issues.

Q. I grow lots of vegetables on my allotment and I’d like to take part in a produce

show later this year. Is there one held locally?

A. As part of the Didcot Town Fayre there is an inter-site produce show where allotment

holders on each site set up a display of items grown on the allotments and compete against

each other. If this is something you are interested in please contact your site representative or call 01235 812637 or email [email protected].


Page 6: Apr 14

Didcot Town Council Awards Evening

The Didcot Town Council Awards Evening took place on Wednesday 26th March in the Civic


Prizes were awarded for the best kept allotments and the work of grant aid recipients was


The evening culminated in the presentation of the John Eldridge award for voluntary service.

This year the award was presented to Courtney Hughes, pictured left with Mrs Eldridge, for her

work in organising a Charity Secret Santa which collected over 650 gifts that were distributed

to the special care baby unit at the John Radcliffe hospital, the Life Charity House in Didcot

and Helen and Douglas House.

The Mayor, Councillor Mr Axel Macdonald, was assisted in the announcing of the nominees for

the John Eldridge award by Christine Wallace of BBC Great British Bake Off fame and when

announcing who would receive the award this year the Mayor described Courtney as:

"an exceptional young woman."

The recipient of the award for voluntary service is chosen from nominations made by the

public. If you would like to nominate someone to be the next recipient of the award please

contact us on [email protected] or 01235 812637.

Pictured right is the Mayor with Christine

Wallace and the nominees for the John

Eldridge Award.

Pictured below is Mrs Jean Eldridge

presenting the John Eldridge award to

Courtney Hughes.

Pictured below right is the Mayor with the

allotment prize winners.


Page 7: Apr 14

Sport Relief 2014

On Sunday 23rd March the Willowbrook Leisure Centre organised a one mile, a

Three mile and a six mile run around Ladygrove in support of Sport Relief.

A total of 86 participants took part.

The Willowbrook Manager, Mr Stuart Mundy also completed a sponsored cycle ride over an 8

hour period and raised £161 pounds for the charity.

Allotment News

The allotment rents for 2014/2015 are now due

and must be paid by mid-may so please

remember to pop into the Information Centre to

make your payment or send a cheque made

payable to Didcot Town Council to:

Didcot Town Council, Civic Hall, Britwell Road,

Didcot, Oxon, OX11 7HN.

This the time of year when there is a lot of activity on the allotment sites; both in terms of

gardening and on the waiting lists. The current waiting lists are:

Broadway no waiting list

Cockcroft Road no waiting list

Mereland Road no waiting list

New Road 1 person waiting

Wantage Road 3 people waiting

If you would like to apply for an allotment please contact Sue Atkins on [email protected]

or 01235 812637.

Each year allotment holders ask if they are allowed to have bonfires on site and this year it has

been agreed that bonfires will be permitted at the following times from 1st April to 14th April


22nd October to 5th November inclusive

The allotment prizes for 2013 were awarded at the Didcot Town Council Awards evening on

26th March. Our congratulations go to all the prizes winners:

Ms Hunter at New Road

Mr Hayden at Mereland Road (not pictured)

Mr Gilbrook at Cockroft Road

Mr Renment at Wantage Road

Mr Mason and Mr Pierpoint were joint winners at Broadway

Ms Hunter's plot was also judged to be the best overall and Ms Hughes of the Mereland Road

site won the prize for best crops/wild flowers.


Page 8: Apr 14

I have heard in the news about going through

assessments to obtain my ESA benefit. What are these

and what should I expect?

No one knows when an accident or ill-health could have a dramatic impact on their life. Last

year the Government added an extra step to the process for applying for sickness and

disability support.

The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) process, which has come under fire for lengthy and

unfair decisions since it was introduced in 2008, will now include an extra step before sick and

disabled people can access financial support through Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

If your sickness or disability prevents you from working, then you could be entitled to ESA to

help you manage your day to day living costs. Since October last year, the Government

introduced a new 'mandatory reconsideration' phase to ESA.

This extra step in the process takes place after you receive a decision on your initial application

for support and you can't lodge an appeal until it is completed. It is supposed to take about two

weeks to go through the reconsideration period but unfortunately some of our clients have said

it can take much longer than this.

You won’t be able to claim ESA during the reconsideration phase but you can apply for

Jobseekers Allowance. We're concerned that some people will find this difficult and be left with

no financial support – leading to people in already trying circumstances being subjected to even

more anxiety.

If you're in this situation then you should go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau in Didcot for

help on how to manage your finances and make sure your application is dealt with fairly and

promptly. Once the reconsideration process has taken place, you may well get a positive

decision about your application. If you are unhappy with the decision, you can appeal.

Appealing against a decision can seem like a daunting prospect but advisers in your local

Citizens Advice Bureau can help you to deal with this.

Local Initiative

Local resident, Nicole Wilson, had a bright idea to distribute surplus fruit and vegetables

around town to help reduce wastage. Nicole organised some

events locally which were a great success but as she is only 16

years old she needed help to buy a trailer for the delivery and

collection of produce. Nicole successfully applied to the council

for grant aid and launched her vegcycle and trailer at a recent

Sunday Market at the Orchard Centre.

The Mayor, Councillor Axel Macdonald, said:

“This is a brilliant idea and it is great that the council have been

able to support Nicole in her venture.” The Mayor, trying the

Vegcycle, and Nicole.


Page 9: Apr 14

Litter Pick

On Saturday 15th March approximately 65 people

joined with members of the Council to take part in the

annual litter pick. Volunteers included representatives

from the 2410 (Didcot) Squadron Air Training Corps

and Cubs from the 12th Didcot (Ladygrove) Scouts

troop as well as individuals, and family groups.

A total of almost 100 bags of rubbish were collected,

including 42 bags of recyclables.

Other items collected included a hubcap, two desk drawers, two large pieces of plastic, some

tiles, two umbrellas, an old fire extinguisher, a door and a supermarket trolley.

Some larger items were reported to the Fly Tipping Team at South Oxfordshire District Council

for collection.

Events of this kind could not take place without the support of Biffa who loan litter picking

equipment and make special collections and more importantly the volunteers who give up a

few hours of their time to help make Didcot a nicer and cleaner place to live.

The Mayor, Councillor Axel Macdonald, said:

“it was absolutely marvellous to see so many people working together for the benefit of

the town. It was excellent to see the air cadets and I would like to thank them and

everyone else who joined us in this worthwhile exercise. It was particularly

heart-warming to see the children getting involved.”

Lions Club International

Lions Club International are the worlds biggest community service organisation

With over 1.3 million members in over 200 countries. Oxfordshire has 10 Lions

Clubs but at the moment there is not a club in Didcot. This is a situation Lions are

looking to remedy.

Lions work with the community carrying out hands on activities such as events for the elderly

or children, gardening for the infirm or transport to hospital. Lions also hold regular fund

raising events. The Lions also have a young lions organisation for under 18s.

Lions are looking to recruit people who are willing to be involved with helping their community

Start a branch of the club in Didcot.

If you would like more information please contact Lion John Savell on 01844 338078 or

[email protected] or go along to their “Meet the Lions”

display on 15th May in the Civic Hall.


Page 10: Apr 14


Are you looking to buy your first home?

The Newbury Building Society holding a first time

buyers event in the Civic Hall on Monday 12th May

between 4.00pm and 8.00pm.

Staff from the building society will be on hand to

offer advice on the different types of mortgage

available to first time buyers and on other aspects of

becoming a home owner.

If you’ve been thinking

about putting a foot on the

property ladder why not

go along and see what

help they can offer.

Didcot Town Fayre This year the Didcot Town Fayre will take place on Saturday 19th July starting at 12noon.

The Fayre is intended to be an afternoon of fun for all the family, there will be fair ground

rides, charity and volunteer stalls, a baking competition, a tea tent, a produce show

(organised by the allotments holders), mini ponies, a beer tent, bouncy castles and mini go


As well as all this there will be a dog show organised by the Deaf Dog Network , Lenny’s

Lizards, demonstrations by local groups and clubs and lots, lots more. Confirmed

performers so far


Enchanted Players

Loreley Rice Egyptian Dancers

Angels stage school

Phoenix Drama Group

If you are interested in taking part in the Fayre or would like more information please call

Karen Dodd on 01235 812637 or email [email protected].

There is no entry fee and weather permitting, there will be limited parking for £1 per car so

just come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun in the park.

Page 11: Apr 14

What’s on at the Civic Hall

Didcot & District University of the Third Age

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 2pm at

Didcot Civic Hall. Visitors are welcome to come to a meeting as

a taster before joining.

The May 2014 meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 May 2014 at 2pm at Didcot Civic Hall on

the topic of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution with John Owen.

For more information call 07804159993 or email [email protected] or visit


The Lions Club International are hoping to start a club in Didcot and they are

looking for community minded people to join. If you are interested in learning

More about the work of the Lions Club why not go along to their “Meet the Lions”

display in the Civic Hall on 15th May.


Page 12: Apr 14

Didcot Town Council

All Saints Ward

Annie Birchall 07788 645989 c/o Didcot Town Council [email protected]

Nick Hards 01235 510146 184 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Margaret Turner 01235 812958 18 Bosleys Orchard OX11 7NY [email protected]

Robert Bulman 61 Oxford Crescent OX11 7AL

John Ord 07533254711 4 Dunnock End OX11 6AD [email protected]

Ladygrove Ward

Tony Harbour 07771594368 c/o Didcot Town Council OX11 7UZ [email protected]

Neville Harris 01235 511363 180 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Chris Harrison 07531 025403 106 Wessex Road OX11 7SU [email protected]

Roger Hawlor 01235 519061 11 Haydon Road OX11 7JB [email protected]

Phil Hayward 01235 819799 19 Ouse Close OX11 7FE [email protected]

Bill Service 01235 510810 15 Nunney Brook OX11 7FW [email protected]

Northbourne Ward

David Rouane 07957 287799 1 East Street OX11 8EJ [email protected]

Bernard Cooper 01235 811806 1 Loyd Road OX11 8JX [email protected]

Axel Macdonald 07425 176404 56 Campion Hall Drive OX11 9RN [email protected]

Peter Read 01235 211754 6 East Street OX11 8EJ [email protected]

Scott Wilgrove 01235 812181 130 Wantage Road OX11 0AJ [email protected]

Park Ward

Margaret Davies 01235 816496 15 Evenlode Drive OX11 7XG [email protected]

Eleanor Hards 01235 510146 184 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Des Healy 01235 212102 19 Collingwood Avenue OX11 0AL

Catherine Kiely 01235 811596 195 Broadway OX11 8RU [email protected]

John Moody 01235 210242 63 Norreys Road OX11 0AW [email protected]

Council and Committee meetings in May and June



Council 12th

Planning and Development 14th

Finance and General Purposes 19th


Environment 2nd

Planning and Development 4th

Council 9th

Planning and Development 18th

Finance and Development 30th


Dominic Stapleton Town Clerk

Karen Dodd Deputy Town Clerk

Brenda Andrews Outdoor Services Manager

Sharon Hickman Finance and Administration

Sue Atkins Information Centre Manager

Paul Copley Grounds Supervisor

Steve Andrews Gardener

Richard Dowling Gardener

Justin Strong Gardener

John Jones Gatekeeper

Neressa Copley Pavilion Cleaner

Jed Allan Gardening Apprentice

All meetings commence at 7.30pm and are held in the Civic Hall. The Council operates a policy of public

participation at meetings. For more information please contact us by calling 01235 812637 or email to

[email protected] or write to Didcot Town Council, Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 7HN or visit

our website www.didcot.gov.uk.