application profiling for memory and performance

Application Profiling for Memory & Performance Srinath Perera WSO2 Inc Pradeep Fernando WSO2 Inc Dinuka Malalanayke WSO2 Inc

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Page 1: Application Profiling for Memory and Performance

Application Profiling


Memory & Performance

Srinath Perera

WSO2 Inc

Pradeep Fernando

WSO2 Inc

Dinuka Malalanayke

WSO2 Inc

Page 2: Application Profiling for Memory and Performance

Understanding Server Performance

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When Concurrency Increases?

• Throughput increases, but where will it stop?

• When there are contention for the server

• Contention for what? o CPU

o Memory

o Disk - I/O

o Network -I/O

• If your server running on full capacity, there should be at

least one resource under contention.

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How to measure Contention?

• CPU - CPU or load average

• Memory - GC logs, monitor memory, sometime swapping

• Disk I/O - IOPS per seconds, load average

• Network I/O - network utilization, load average

• What is load average? length of processor queue of the OS

• How much load average is too much? o Load average = number of cores (machine is fully used)

o Load average = 2* number of cores (machine is loaded)

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If you cannot find contention

• Either load is too small

• You have too much locks. Look for lock profile

• Server might be processing with too less threads (IO and

CPU thread switches)

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Performance Tuning

• Increase throughput/ latency or both

• Know that latency vs. throughput is often a tradeoff

• Run the system and see how it does, make sure you are

putting in enough load

• Verify where is the bottleneck? is it CPU, memory, network,

or disk

• Start tuning

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• When you tune, bottlenecks will shift, you will have to shift

your focus

• Can you tune settings (Application, JVM, OS) to improve and

shift the bottleneck? play with parameters .. we call this

parameter sweep

• Then focus on the code, look for right profile o CPU profile

o Memory/ Allocation profile

o Network profile

o IO profile

o Database profile

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Programmer Nightmares

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Permgen Errors

CPU spin


Unacceptable Latency NullPointer



Programmer Nightmares



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Introducing: Profiling...

• Best thing would be to write bug free, high performant code

• Normally development happens in iterative manner - get

something to work and improve on that.

• Basic profiling can help you to eliminate most of the memory

and performance issues.

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Right Tools...

• There are many commercial and open source tools

• We are going to use, o Jprofiler by ejTechnologies

CPU, Memory, Allocation, Network, DB

o Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool

Find memory leaks

o Standard JDK tooling - Jconsole

Basic stats


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Environment Setup

With WSO2 Carbon

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Setting up JProfiler

• Profiling modes local/remote

• Applying common filters for WSO2 products

• Different views..

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JProfiler Contd.

CPU view

- Call trees, Hot spots

Memory view

- Allocation Hot spots, Recorded objects, Heap walker

VM telemetry view

- Memory, Threads status graphs


- JDBC , Sockets

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• Connect to the running instance local/remote

• Different memory banks

• Getting most out of Mbeans.

• Getting a memory dump and analyzing with Eclipse MAT.

• Remote JMX URL gets printed in the console during server


JMX Service URL : service:jmx:rmi://localhost:11111/jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/jmxrmi

username : admin password : admin

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Memory Analyzer Tool

• Analyze heap dumps.

• Identifying OOM issues are trivial with basic leak report.

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Usual Suspects

Some of the common issues...

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Permgen Errors

• Permgen space relates to the 'Programme code' part, a.k.a -

Loaded classes.

• ClassLoader leaks

• Typically happens in Container environments

• Can uncover by doing deploy/redeploy cycles.

• If one of the application objects get referenced by an object,

outside the application, permgen error waiting to happen.

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Permgen Errors


URLClassLoader Application

Application Objects Container provided


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Memory Leaks - OOM

• Languages like C, gave the control of memory to the


• Java is a managed memory, language.

• Still the JVM can't free up the memory, if the application is

holding on to the objects.

• Unnecessary accumulation of objects, o Object creation for each and every connection

o Slow output rate in the input/output system

o Collecting clusterwide messages without an upper bound.

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• Re-designing the lock acquiring sequence

• Using LockManagers that keeps track of lock acquisition

Resource A

Resource B

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Liveness issues...

• Starvation - A thread can starve for CPU cycles, if it is

blocked by a lock-wait.

• Poor Responsiveness

• LiveLock scenarios

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Programming Best Practices

• Think about memory aspects/ data retrieval process while

writing code.

• Optimize the critical Path (look at CPU profile).

• Make use of Standard libs as much as possible.

• Profile your apps before releasing them to production.

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WSO2 make use of profiling ?

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Identity Server - Losing weight

• Carbon server optimized to run in constrained memory


• No front end components - 'createWorker' ant task.

• Selective Admin service loading. -Doptimized=true

• Removed unwanted functionality based on the use-case,

(p2 - provisioning, etc)

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Raspberry-Pi Clusters

• Application server

cluster running on R-


• Powering the

WSO2Con 2013

mobile app

• 512MB of RAM and

ARM processor.

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CPU spin and Memory leak scenario

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Thank You