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Application : Hedging and Derivatives Interest Rate Swap and Futures Aramsri Choowongse, CFA Nopadol Prateepratana

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Application : Hedging and Derivatives

Interest Rate Swap and Futures

Aramsri Choowongse, CFA

Nopadol Prateepratana

2Major heading

Presentation Outline

Hedging : Basics

BIBOR : Development in Derivative Market

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

BIBOR Futures

3Major heading

Hedging : Basics

4Major heading

Hedge Accounting

IFRS 9 Roadmap : Implemented by 2013 to replace IAS 39

BOT’s Requirements

Study and Gap Analysis : H2/2011 – Q1/2012

System Planning : 2012-2013

Parallel Run : 2014

Implementation : 2015

Schedule for Corporate Implementation is not yet confirmed.

5Major heading

Types of Hedges

1. Cash Flow Hedge (CFH)

Change floating-rate profile to fixed-rate profile to reduce interest rate


Need to prove effectiveness of floating profile and floating index.

No mark-to-market for accounting.

6Major heading

Types of Hedges

1. Cash Flow Hedge (CFH)

Up-trend Interest Rate Cycle

Corporate/State Enterprises/MoF Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) PLC

BIBOR Liabilities

(Corporate Loans)

(BOT/MOF Floating Rate Bonds)



Fixed Rate

7Major heading

Types of Hedges

1. Cash Flow Hedge (CFH)

Down-trend Interest Rate Cycle

Corporate Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) PLC

BIBOR Assets

(Floating Rate Bond Investment)



Fixed Rate

8Major heading

Types of Hedges

2. Fair Value Hedge (FVH)

Change fixed-rate profile to floating-rate profile to reduce interest rate


Need to mark-to-market both underlyings and hedges.

Neutral PnL impact if 100% hedged.

9Major heading

Types of Hedges

2. Fair Value Hedge (FVH)

Up-trend Interest Rate Cycle

Corporate/Bank Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) PLC

Fixed Rate Asset

(Fixed Rate Bonds)


Fixed Rate

Fixed Rate

10Major heading

Types of Hedges

2. Fair Value Hedge (FVH)

Down-trend Interest Rate Cycle

Corporate/Bank Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) PLC

Fixed Rate Liabilities

(Fixed Rate Bonds)


Fixed Rate

Fixed Rate

11Major heading

Types of Hedges

3. Economic Hedge

All kinds of hedges can be done.

Need to mark-to-market.

Impact on PnL.

Some companies or banks might have internal guidelines that prohibits

economic hedge to avoid PnL volatility.

12Major heading

BIBOR : Development in Derivative Market

13Major heading

Floating Rate Index vs. Underlying assets/liabilities

How deep the floating market in Thailand ?

Floating Rate Index Underlying Assets/Liabilities Current Exposure (THB mio)

MLR Loans to Corporates 500,000

Average rate of 4 banks Loans to MoF/State Enterprises

(BBL/KTB/SCB/KTB) Loans to Retails (mortgages) - MLR/MRR 1,000,000

Corporate Debentures 2,000

Fixed Rate Deposit (6mths) Loans to Corporates 100,000

Average rate of 4 banks Loans to State Enterprises 40,000

(BBL/KTB/SCB/KTB) Loans to MoF/State Enterprises 120,000

Corporate Debenture 26,019

THBFIX Loans to Corporates 50,000

Interbank borrowing and lending (via swap market) 1m and up 500,000

Corporate Debentures 2,710

BOT BIBOR Loans to Corporates 150,000

Loans to State Enterprises -

Loans to MoF 180,000

Floating Rate Bonds (BOT) 149,575

Floating Rate Bonds (MoF) 99,000

Interbank borrowing and lending (1m-9m) 44,900

14Major heading

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

15Major heading

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

IRS: two counterparties exchange future interest rate streams.

Party A pays fixed rate.

Party B pays floating rate based on floating-rate index.

Net payment on notional amount on payment dates.


Convert floating-rate exposure to fixed-rate exposure, or vice versa.

Lock in fixed rate (paid or received) to achieve cash flow certainty or to

monetise interest rate view.

Hedge basis risk through swap between two floating indices.

16Major heading

THB Floating Rate Indices

THBFIX : Market standard floating rate index

Reuters page “THBFIX”, 11:00 BKK time

BIBOR : Bangkok Interbank Offered Rate

Reuters page “BOT101”,, 11:00 BKK time

MLR : Average MLR of 4 largest local banks (BBL, KBANK, SCB, KTB), 15:00 BKK time

Fixed Deposit Rate (FDR) : Average of 6-month fixed deposit rate from 4

largest local banks (BBL, KBANK, SCB, KTB), 15:00 BKK time

17Major heading

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

Swap BIBOR FRN into Fixed-Rate Loan




Fixed Rate

Pay Floating


Pay Floating



18Major heading

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

Swap Floating-Rate Loan into Fixed-rate Loan




Fixed Rate

Pay Floating


Pay Floating



19Major heading

Interest Rate Swap (IRS)


Swaps against other floating rate indices (e.g. BIBOR, T-Bill rate)

Accrete or amortise notional amount to match underlying exposure

Add spread to floating leg

In arrears swap : fixing of floating leg occurs at the end of each period

Change spread on fixed or floating rate to match interest rate view or

reduce carry

20Major heading

IRS Trading Mechanism

4% 4% 4%


PVCF4% 5% 6%3%

Expected yield

Bond fixed rate

Party A pays 4% fixed rate in the market.

Market rate adjusts upward to 4.5%.




21Major heading

IRS Trading Mechanism

4% 4% 4%


PVCF3.5% 4% 4.5%3%

Expected yield

Bond fixed rate

Party B receives 4% fixed rate in the market.

Market rate adjusts downward to 3.75%.




22Major heading

BIBOR Fixing

BIBOR is the average of borrowing rates quoted by predetermined banks.

BIBOR is derived by eliminating the top and bottom quartiles of the quotes

and arithmetic-averaging the remaining quotes.

BIBOR is a reference rate which is fixed at 11:00 of each working day and

published by BOT at 11:15.

23Major heading

BIBOR Fixing

24Major heading

Basis Quotation


Bid Offer Bid Offer Bid Offer

1Y -1.05 -0.9 3.7 3.9 0.1 0.3

2Y -0.95 -0.8 3.8 4 0.1 0.3

3Y -0.85 -0.7 3.8 4 0.1 0.3

4Y -0.85 -0.65 3.8 4 0.1 0.3

5Y -0.85 -0.65 3.8 4 0.1 0.3

7Y -0.85 -0.6

10Y -0.85 -0.6

6M Fix 2.1125 6.87375 3.2975

25Major heading



Bid Offer Bid Offer Bid Offer Bid Offer

1Y 3.27 3.30 2.25 2.40 7.00 7.20 3.40 3.60

2Y 3.40 3.43 2.48 2.63 7.23 7.43 3.53 3.73

3Y 3.52 3.55 2.70 2.85 7.35 7.55 3.65 3.85

4Y 3.60 3.63 2.78 2.98 7.43 7.63 3.73 3.93

5Y 3.67 3.70 2.85 3.05 7.50 7.70 3.80 4.00


26Major heading


Bid-offer spread of BIBOR IRS is wider than normal IRS.

Cash BIBOR market to become more active soon.

Illiquid and non-tradable cash borrowing and lending.

Illiquid and sizable in future market.

Banks need to allocate reserves for illiquid index.

Market players run basis risk among the curve.

27Major heading

IRS Curve


Historical rate movement

Market view of future rate movement

Market demand and supply

28Major heading


29Major heading

Trading Ideas

Risk and Opportunity in BIBOR vs MLR : market may misprice given

market demand and supply.

BIBOR swap allows investors to achieve higher return than fixed rate


BIBOR swap is a better hedge if client wants to pay fixed rate

BIBOR can move faster than MLR in tightening cycle

MLR fixed rate at historical high offers investment opportunity

Make no sense to convert to fixed

30Major heading

BIBOR Futures

31Major heading

BIBOR Futures

Eurodollar futures (ED)

A future contract based on eurodollar deposits.

Prices are determined by expected 3-month USD LIBOR that are

expected to prevail on settlement date.

Settlement price is 100 minus 3-month LIBOR fixing on settlement date.

32Major heading

BIBOR Futures

3-Month BIBOR Futures

Underlying : 3-month BIBOR

Size : 10,000,000 Baht / contract

Settlement : 2 nearest quarter months (March, June, September,


Quote : 100 – Yield

1 Tick = 0.005 → 125 Baht / contract

Limit : + 2.50% of previous-day settlement price

33Major heading

Trading Hours

Pre-open : 9:15 - 9:45

Morning session : 9:45 - 12:30

Pre-open : 14:00 - 14:30

Afternoon session : 14:30 - 16:00

Position Limit : net 2,000 contracts of 3M BIBOR Futures on one side of the

market in any contract month or all contract months combined.

Last Trading Day : 3rd Wednesday of contract month

Trading on expiring series cease after 11:00 on last trading day.

Final Settlement Price: 3-month BIBOR fixing at 11:00 BKT on the last trading


Cash Settlement

BIBOR Futures

34Major heading

Hedging with BIBOR Futures

Case 1 :

Bank uses BIBOR futures to lock in interest rate today for future borrowing/lending.

Bank buys BB3 Sep11 contract at 96.65 (implied 3-month BIBOR = 3.35%).

Later, 3-month BIBOR is 3.50%.

Bank makes a loss of 3.35%-3.50% = 0.15%

Bank loses 15 bps but can lend at a rate higher than the implied forward of 15


35Major heading

Hedging with BIBOR Futures

Case 2 :

Client uses BIBOR Futures to lock in interest rate today for future borrowing/lending.

Client sells BB3 Sep11 contract at 96.60 (implied 3-month BIBOR = 3.40%).

Later, 3-month BIBOR is 3.50%.

Client gains 3.40%-3.50% = 0.10%

Client gains 10 bps to offset borrowing cost that is higher than the current

implied forward of 10 bps.

36Major heading

BIBOR Future

BIBOR Future Day DF FRA Contract Price

1M 3.0425 31 0.9974 1 x 4 3.2781 96.72

2M 3.1025 62 0.9948 2 x 5 3.3441 96.66

3M 3.1925 91 0.9921 3 x 6 3.3583 Sep 96.64

4M 3.2246 122 0.9893 4 x 7 3.3837 96.62

5M 3.2567 153 0.9865 5 x 8 3.4044 96.6

6M 3.2888 182 0.9839 6 x 9 3.4152 Dec 96.58

7M 3.3092 215 0.9809 9 x 12 3.4928

8M 3.3296 245 0.9781

9M 3.3500 274 0.9755 3.5500 96.45

12M 3.4075 365 0.967

Example: 3M Discount factor (DF) =

3M FRA =














37Major heading

Forward Contract

Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

Over-the-counter (OTC) forward contract

Specify interest rate and notional amount to be paid or received on an

obligation beginning at a future start date (expiration date).

Similar to futures but with more customized tenor e.g. 1x4, 1x7, 3x6, 3x9,

6x12 and 12x18

38Major heading

Forward Contract

Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

Notation Effective Date Termination Date Underlying Rate

1 x 4 T + 1M T + 4M 4-1 = 3-month LIBOR

1 x 7 T + 1M T + 7M 7-1 = 6-month LIBOR

3 x 6 T + 3M T + 6M 6-3 = 3-month LIBOR

3 x 9 T + 3M T + 9M 9-3 = 6-month LIBOR

6 x 12 T + 6M T + 12M 12-6 = 6-month LIBOR

12 x 18 T + 12M T + 18M 18-12 = 6-month LIBOR

39Major heading

Q + A

40Major heading

Any other questions, please contact …

Rate Trading Desk

Derivatives : 02-724-8830-31

Teerapol Rattakul (Pom) / Pichanun Aranyanark (Om)

Bonds : 02-724-8820-22

Nopadol Prateepratana (Nop) / Pathamaporn Tankanit (Dew)

Assets and Liabilities Management (ALM) Desk

at 02-724-8825-7 and 724-8953-5

Aramsri Choowongse, CFA (Pui)

Achavaphol Chabchitrchaidol, CFA (Ome)

Wanthicha Kanjanaouthai, CFA (Toey)


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