application form for master of finance (fn 60-803-00...

Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00) Curtin University, Australia CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Part-time Programme Application fee: HK$200 (Non-refundable) PROPOSED INTAKE OF STUDY March July Nov Year: 20_____ PERSONAL PARTICULARS Title: Mr./ Ms./ Miss/ Other:__________ Gender: Male / Female Name: _______________________________________________________________________ (Surname) (Given Name) Chinese Name (if applicable): _______________________ Date of Birth:_______________ HKID No:_____________________________ Nationality: ____________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Mobile No: ________________ Home No: ________________ Office No: ______________ Email(s): ____________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION (In reverse chronological order) Institution (inc name & country) Qualification(s) Please attach certificate(s) and transcripts Dates of attendance (From / To) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION (if applicable) Institution (inc name & country) Qualification(s) Please attach membership certificate(s) or supporting document(s) Dates of Award (mm/yy)

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Page 1: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00) Curtin University, Australia CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Part-time Programme

Application fee: HK$200 (Non-refundable)


□ March □ July □ Nov Year: 20_____


Title: Mr./ Ms./ Miss/ Other:__________ Gender: Male / Female

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ (Surname) (Given Name)

Chinese Name (if applicable): _______________________ Date of Birth:_______________

HKID No:_____________________________ Nationality: ____________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Mobile No: ________________ Home No: ________________ Office No: ______________

Email(s): ____________________________________________________________

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION (In reverse chronological order)

Institution (inc name & country)

Qualification(s) Please attach certificate(s) and transcripts

Dates of attendance (From / To)


Institution (inc name & country)

Qualification(s) Please attach membership certificate(s) or supporting document(s)

Dates of Award (mm/yy)

Page 2: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J


Name of Employer Position Period (From/To)


It is the School policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. To enable us to meet the needs of all students, you are invited to indicate on this form whether you require any special assistance. If you do need such assistance, the School may approach you subsequently to obtain further details so as to facilitate our planning and assess how best we can help you. Special assistance required □Yes □ No

NOTE TO NON-RESIDENT APPLICANTS 1. All non-resident applicants are required to obtain a student visa to study in HKSAR. 2. It is the responsibility of individual student to make the appropriate visa arrangement before they come to

Hong Kong.


1. Personal Data provided in this form will be used for processing your application for admission, and for registration, academic, administrative,

alumni management, research, statistical and marketing purposes. The data will be solely handled by HKU SPACE staff but may be transferred to an authorized third party providing services to the School in relation to the above purposes and prescribed purposes as allowed by HKU SPACE and

the law from time to time. In all such circumstances, please be assured that any personal information you supply will be kept strictly confidential.

2. Applicants are advised to provide all the information requested in the application documents, where applicable, as otherwise the School may be unable to process and consider their applications. Upon enrolment, applicants will be required to submit a recent passport colour photo for student

identification purpose.

3. Please refer to the HKU SPACE Prospectus and the official website for full details of enrolment procedures for HKU SPACE Programmes. 4. When the processing and consideration of all the applications for a particular programme have been completed:

(a) the application papers of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed; and

(b) the application papers of successful candidates will be handled by HKU SPACE staff only or by staff of an authorized third party providing services to the School.

5. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and to request the correction of, their

personal data. Applicants wishing to access to their data, should submit written requests to HKU SPACE. Applicants wishing to amend their

personal data should fill out the 'Application Form for Personal Data Amendment' and submit it to HKU SPACE.


1. I declare that all information given in this application form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.

2. I consent that if registered, I will conform to the Statutes and Regulations of the University and the rules of the School.

3. I have noted, understood and agreed the contents of these NOTES and HKU SPACE policy on personal data (privacy).

Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________________________

HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

1. Enrolment can be done in person at any of the School's Enrolment Counters by completing this application form and submitting it with the

appropriate course fee and relevant documents. You can also mail to the “HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, 34/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong”, specifying “Master of Finance, Curtin University”.

2. Fees paid by crossed cheque or bank draft should be made payable to “HKU SPACE”.

3. For general and short courses, applicants may be required to pay the course fee in cash or by EPS if the course will start shortly. 4. If admission is on a first-come, first-served basis and if you do not hear from us before the course starts, you may assume that your application has

been accepted, and should attend the course as scheduled.

5. If admission is by selection, the official receipt is not a guarantee that your application has been accepted. We will inform you of the result as soon as possible after the closing date for application. Unsuccessful applicants will be given a refund of course fee if already paid.

6. If you do not know the teaching venue within 3 days of the starting date of the course, please check with the relevant subject area.

7. Fees paid are not refundable except as statutorily provided or under very exceptional circumstances.

Page 3: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

ApplicAtion for Admissionto an Undergraduate or postgraduate course

Which course are you applying for?

course number

personal DeTails

title (mr,ms etc) Gender (m/f) date of birth day month Year

family name

Given name

other Given names

on all official documentation your name will appear as Given name/s, family name - if this is not how your name appears in your passport or birth certificate, please print your name in the space below as it appears on these documents.

if your name has changed since you were last enrolled at curtin/WAit, please print previous name and provide certified evidence. (eg. marriage certificate)

aDDress DeTails (conTacT)

number and street

suburb/town state

country postcode

aDDress DeTails (perManenT) (for Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents, this must be an Australian address)

same as above? Yes no note: A post office Box number is NOT acceptable

number and street

suburb/town state

country postcode

Which is your preferred mailing address? contact permanent

AttAcH pAssport siZE pHoto

for offshore partner

applicants only

Have you previously been a WAit/curtin student?

Yes no curtin id number

officE UsE onlY

please prinT clearly in blue or black ink


Page 4: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

personal sTaTisTical DeTails

What is your Citizenship or Residency Status? Please tick one relevant category only.

Australian citizen new Zealand citizen (or diplomator consular representative)

Australian permanent resident

temporary Entry Visa (or diplomator consular representative)

overseas student residingoverseas during your studies

Australian permanent resident (Humanitarian Visa)

please indicate applicable Visa subclass

What date was residency granted? (applicable to Australian permanent residents including humanitarian visa holders)

day month Year

in which country were you born?

if you were not born in Australia what was your first year of arrival? (not applicable to overseas students residing overseas)


What is your country of citizenship?

What is the main language spoken at your permanent home residence?

Are you of Australian Aboriginal descent? Yes no

Are you of torres strait island descent? Yes no

MeDical/DisabiliTy neeDs The information below is used to assist the University in monitoring, supporting and improving services to students with medical/disability requirements. Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the University.

do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? Yes no

if you answered ‘Yes’ to the above question, please indicate the type/s of disability

Hearing Vision learning medical mobility other

Would you like to receive information on medical/disability support services, equipment and facilities available that may

assist you? Yes no

conTacT DeTailsHome telephone Work telephone

mobile telephone fax number

Email Address


Page 5: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

seconDary leVel eDucaTion

please complete the following information if you completed Year 12 studies within Australia in the last two years.

name of Year 12 institution state

the year in which you attended Year 12

What suburb/town were you residing in?

What was the postcode?

What is your Australian tertiary Admission rank (AtAr) (eg. tEr, EntEr, UAi)?

if applicable, what is your overall position (Qld Year 12 applicants only)?

if applicable, what is your international Baccalaureate diploma score?

eDucaTional QualificaTions

Please provide details of all formal studies that you have completed or those that you are currently undertaking. This information will be used to assess your eligibility for admission into Curtin.

You are required to supply an original or certified* copy of your academic award/s and transcript/s for all tertiary studiesexcept those undertaken at curtin. Academic records must contain an explanation of grading system descriptions.

* certified means witnessed by a curtin representative, a notary public, commissioner for declarations, Justice of the peace or the Academic registrar

of the institute that issued the transcript. for further information refer to the curtin Guidelines on certification

Educational Participation(include courses taken overseas)

Name of Institution Course Title (if applicable)Year last enrolled

completed Higher Education postgraduate level course

completed Higher Education Bachelor level course

completed Higher Education diploma/Assoc. degree level course

incomplete Higher Education course

completed Vocational (eg. tAfE) award course

completed other educational qualifica-tion or certificate of Attainment or competence eg. nursing registration, University preparation course

completed secondary Education

eMployMenT DeTails if you are applying to a postgraduate course on the basis of previous work experience, you must provide a current curriculum Vitae. please note work experience does not satisfy curtin University’s English entry requirement. please check with your faculty student services office for English tests or programs that meet those entry requirements.


Page 6: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

eDucaTion leVel of your parenTs or guarDians (Undergraduate applicants only)

the information below is used for the purpose of government reporting, disclosing this information will not effect your admission to the university.

do you know the educational background of your parents/Guardians? Yes Y no n

if ‘Yes’, do you wish to disclose this information? Yes Y no n

What is the highest level of education completed by your Parent(s)/Guardian(s)?CROSS APPROPRIATE BOX(ES)

mAlE (m) fEmAlE (f)

postgraduate qualification (eg. Graduate diploma, masters degree, phd) m f m f

Bachelor degree m f m f

other post-school qualification (eg. Associate degree, diploma, Advanced diploma, completed Apprenticeship, Vocational certificate) m f m f

completed Year 12 schooling or equivalent m f m f

completed Year 10 schooling continued at school but did not complete Year 12 schooling or equivalent m f m f

completed Year 10 schooling m f m f

did not complete Year 10 schooling m f m f

recogniTion of prior learningif you would like your qualification/s to be assessed for credit transfer please submit an Application for recognition of prior learning with your Application for Admission, this form can be downloaded from

english language proficiencyAs all courses are taught in English, applicants will need to meet curtin’s English language requirement, please indicate what test/s you have sat (or intend sitting) and attach certified documentary evidence of results (refer to checklist section)

Australian Year 12 GcE ‘o’ level cUtE iElts

pearsons test of English stAt toEfl other (please specify)

please indicate if you are also applying for curtin’s

English language Enabling course or Elicos indicate the intended month of intake

course inforMaTion major area of study (eg. Accounting, Journalism, public Health, chemical Engineering)

When do you wish to commence studies? Year study period (eg. semester 1, semester 2)

How do you intend to study? full-time part-time

What is your intended attendance mode? internal fully online partially online External#

# students studying externally can only do this through the Bentley campus

do you intend studying at an Australian campus? Yes no

if ‘Yes’, what campus (eg. Bentley, Kalgoorlie)

if you answered ‘no’ to the above question, please indicate the offshore partner institution and campus at which you intend studying

partner institution campus

are you applying for special consiDeraTion? (Undergraduate applicants only) Yes no

note: Applicants who believe they warrant special consideration due to exceptional circumstances are also required to submit a special consideration Application form, attach certified documentary evidence as well as a personal statement with this application.(Guidelines for special consideration are outlined at only applicants who meet the criteria will be eligible for special consideration.)


Page 7: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

loDging your applicaTionplease complete this form and submit it to the relevant faculty student services office. Application processing times can vary and will be dependant upon the time of year the application is submitted. However as a guide applications are usually acknowledged within 14 days.

importAnt: if you apply by fax or email, offers can only be made once original or certified documentation and your original signature are sighted by approved curtin staff. facsimile copies of documents are not acceptable. supporting documentation will need to be submitted once a conditional offer has been made.

Closing dates for applicationsto confirm the closing dates, please check the website or contact the University Admission centre.note: Admission to some courses is highly competitive and applicants are encouraged to submit their application as early as possible.


applicanT’s DeclaraTion anD signaTurei declare that i have read the instructions on this application form and that the information i have provided is complete and correct.i understand that the information collected on this form is to enable curtin University of technology to assess my application, create a record on its student database, undertake statistical analysis, meet statutory reporting requirements and further inform me about the course to which i am applying as well as the University’s other courses/events. the information will be accessed by officers of the University strictly for these purposes and disclosed to state and Australian Government agencies (eg. dEs, dEEWr) where required by law and to contractors (such as mail houses) engaged by the University to perform services on its behalf. Where personal information is to be provided to contractors, the University will require that confidentiality agreements be first entered into.i understand that if i do not complete all the questions on this form, it may not be possible for the University to process my application.i authorise curtin University of technology to obtain further academic information or official student records from any educational institution or other recognised institution within the education environment if necessary and/or, where my work experience is relevant, to verify my employment history for the purpose of making an informed decision about my application.i understand that i have the right to access and amend personal information that curtin holds about me, subject to legislation, by contacting the freedom of information coordinator on 9266 2727.i acknowledge that curtin University of technology reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision regarding admission made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent information.

signature date

priVacy sTaTeMenTAt curtin University of technology, the privacy of our students, staff and the people we deal with is very important to us. much of the information that the University collects in order to provide the services that it does, is “personal information”. for details of how the University will use, disclose and protect your personal information please refer to

checklisTImportant Checklist to ensure a quick response to your application

Enclose original or certified* copies of all previous qualifications including award certificates (if applicable) and academic transcripts with a grading system description and English tests.

Attach passport size photo if applying to study with an offshore partner.

prior to making an application please familiarise yourself with any specific requirements which relate to the course for which you are applying for. please refer to the curtin Handbook (

Enclose Application for recognition of prior learning (rpl) if applicable.

if you are an Australian permanent resident or new Zealand citizen, please include certified* proof of residency status.

if your previous studies do not meet curtin’s standard English requirements, please enclose certified* copies of your English language qualification or details of English language proficiency. please refer to

Enclose certified* copy of evidence for change of name (if applicable).

read and sign the Applicant’s declaration. * certified means witnessed by a curtin Academic or approved curtin representative, a notary public, commissioner for declarations, Justice of the peace or the Academic registrar of the institute that issued the transcript. for further information refer to the curtin Guidelines on certification

Curtin University of TechnologyGpo Box U1987perth, WA, 6845

Centre for Aboriginal StudiesBuilding 211curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102tel: (+61 8) 9266 7091fox: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

Centre for eLearning6 sarich Waytechnology parkBentley, WA, 6102tel: 1300 730 879fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

Curtin Business SchoolBuilding 407curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102

Undergraduate Enquiriestel: (+61 8) 9266 7713fax: (+61 8) 9266 3096

Postgraduate Enquiries tel: (+61 8) 9266 7715 fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

Curtin Sydney39 regent street, chippendale, sydney, nsWtel: (+61 2) 8399 7888fax: (+61 2) 8399 [email protected]

Graduate School of Business78 murray st, perth, WAperth campus Enquiriestel: (+61 8) 9266 3460fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

Health SciencesBuilding 400curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102tel: (+61 8) 9266 4583fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

HumanitiesBuilding 209curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102tel: (+61 8) 9266 3400fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

School of Agriculture and EnvironmentBuilding 314curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102tel: 1800 246 [email protected]

Science and EngineeringBuilding 314curtin University of technologyKent street, Bentley, WA, 6102tel: (+61 8) 9266 4600fax: (+61 8) 9266 [email protected]

Western Australian School of MinesEgan street, Kalgoorlie, WAtel: 1800 688 [email protected]

For general admission enquiries please contact

University Admission Centre tel: (+61 8) 9266 7805 fax: (+61 8) 9266 4108Email: [email protected]

Page 8: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

curTin uniVersiTy use only

basis of aDMission3 Please indicate the Basis for Admission Highest Level of Participation

school leaver – (WAcE or equivalent) secondary Education

completed University Qualification Bachelor/postgraduate

completed VEt (tAfE) Qualification tAfE Award

mature Age – tEE/WAcE incomplete course

special tertiary Admission test (stAt) other Qualification

completion of Extension Units

completion of 2 Australian Undergraduate Units

University Bridging/foundation program

completed private provider Qualification (AQf)

special consideration

special matriculation

registered nurse

international Year 12 equivalent

international post-secondary qualification

Employment experience

non-sTanDarD enTry special consideration Botp matriculation

Authorised Officer please indicate status of applicant

Qualified not Qualified (reason)

Qualified with conditions

subject to provision of certified documents subject to satisfying the University English competency requirements

subject to providing final transcripts and award certificate subject to successful completion of current studies qualification


Please indicate the relevant liability category

international student–offshore domestic fee paying international student–partner commonwealth supported

Name of Academic/Course Coordinator:


faculTy / offshore office / uac

Approved Not Approved Approved with Conditions

Authorised Officer Name


Matriculation No

cricos provider code 00301J (WA), 02637B (nsW) 178259-05-10


Day Month Year

Day Month Year

Page 9: Application form for Master of Finance (FN 60-803-00 · Curtin University, Australia . CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Application Supplementary Form

Name: ______________

1. No. of year working experience: ______________________

2. Role and duties in relation to Finance Industry (e.g. deal with Financial

Client/ provision of advice or involved in M&A/ IPO process):






3. Current role that requires in dealing with Finance Industry






(Only for Non-Finance Degree holder)

Curtin University Master of Finance