apple watch exploration

14 1 Broadway. 14th floor Cambridge MA 02142 [email protected] Facilitated by Emily Lee Apple Watch Exploration

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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TRANSCRIPT 1 Broadway. 14th floor Cambridge MA 02142 [email protected]

Facilitated by Emily Lee

Apple Watch Exploration

My experiment started with these questions: 1.  Where & when can we use a smart watch in our daily lives? How closely or often can it be used in our lives?

2.  Is there anything that a smart watch can change fundamentally?

3.  Is it just an accessory? Or can it be ‘SOMETHING’ for ‘SOMEONE’?


Crafted 7 paper prototypes of the Apple watch!

Shared ideas and sketches with other people!

7 subjects spent a day with an Apple watch until they got an idea!

Drew an interface on the paper prototype with a short description about why they needed the idea!

1. 2. 3. 4.



| Director of Business Development!

Phone calls! Meetings! Tasks!

David always tracks his tasks on his calendar, either on Mac or iPhone, as to not miss them. As a business development person, tracking his meetings/phone calls with clients is very important. Additionally, as a father of three kids, he always has something to do.!

GET PUMPED“I want to use the watch to keep track of my tasks for the day. I could input my tasks each day and have a display with scrolling reminders and updates as I complete each task.”!



| Director of Experiential Design!

Map! Transportation!

Michael recently joined us as a Director of Experiential Design. He is from Atlanta. It's his first visit to Boston so he is not familiar with the area and the public transportation.!

GET ME THERE“I want a transit aggregator app, streamlined to simplicity.”!1. Load up to 5 destinations for pre-select !2. Select destination!3. Enter time you need to arrive!4. App offers best, simplest choice (rail, T, taxi, Uber or combo)!5. App calculates estimated cost!



| Co-Founder!

Bob often visits websites to get the contact information of other companies. Sometimes it is easy, but sometimes it's hard to find it. There has to be a better way…!

ESSENTIAL“Go to any website and take a screenshot of a site using a camera on the watch. You can easily get and use the most essential information on the watch.”!


Easy/Fast! Essential information!


| UX designer!

Diana loves to cook & try different recipes. When she cooks, she always goes back and forth to view the recipe on her computer, making the keyboard dirty from all the ingredients.!

NOM NOM“Chefs of all backgrounds know the pains of viewing a recipe in a book or digital device while cooking in the kitchen. Why not have a step-by-step ingredient & recipe guide on your smart watch? No need to get your cake batter fingers all over your laptop anymore!”!


Cooking! Step-by-step!Food!


| Senior Visual Designer!

Jay always walks fast to catch the train because he will have to wait for another hour if he misses it. He wants to listen to music while he walks, but it's hard for him to take out his iPhone to choose music.!

STRINGER“This may be an obvious choice, but I find switching between all my different music apps frustrating. If there was a way to look at my watch and click my favorite app/podcasts or just hit ‘play’ to shuffle through music in all my apps, that would help reduce frustration.”!


No time! Music!Train!


| UX designer!

Emily always has 5 keys: 2 home keys, 1 office key, and 2 office access cards. Without a bag, it's impossible to put all the keys in her small pockets.!

PERFECT SET OF KEYS“I want an app that can store all of my keys. That way I won’t worry about losing keys and I won’t need to dig through my bag to look for my keys.”!


No bag! Hand free!


| Co-Founder!

Mike spends more than 3 hours in his car everyday commuting to and from work. So coming up with an idea related to a car is not surprising at all!!

TRAVEL GUARDIAN“This app would be most useful for long road trips. Mostly when you’re solo. A big community could be the trucking industry, although driving long distance is the target. The app uses bio-metric rhythm along with pulse rate to sense if your body is slowing down (falling a sleep). If this is sensed, it creates a beep. Also, the app can keep you up through trivia.”!




Summary of my experiment: 1.  Most people didn’t feel the need to use a smart watch. However, after spending a day with the watch, they

came up with ideas they thought would be very useful in their daily lives.

2.  When people came up with an idea, it mostly came from a situation that they were frustrated by or an

environment where they spent most of their time.

3.  It was interesting for me to see unique ideas came from different people’s life styles and individual


4.  To build a successful smart watch app, we need to better understand the needs of the target users and

tailor the experience for them.

5.  I think it would be more fun next time if I ask people to come up with ideas for others after observing them

in their environments.


Now, what is your idea?

Join  us  for  our  next  session  info@thebig-­‐