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  • 7/31/2019 Apple-8 Esay Step


    Apple: 8 Easy Steps to Beat

    Microsoft (and Google)Paris, September 2010

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    .2September 2010 Apple Study v2

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons to allow for further contributions by otherexperts and web users in the coming months.

    To view a copy of this Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 1712ndStreet, Suite300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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    .3September 2010 Apple Study v2


    Step #1: Believe in the simple

    Step #2: Design a full experience

    Step #3: Lock customers in

    Step #4: Sell at a premium

    Step #5: Cross-sell your product lineStep #6: Balance control vs. freedom

    Step #7: Think different

    Step #8: Assess risks and competition

    Conclusion: happily ever after Apple?

    Appendixes: Glossary

    Table of contents

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    .4September 2010 Apple Study v2Source: Bloomberg

    Why and how did Apple beatGoogle & Microsoft?



    In 6 years, Apples market cap outweighedboth the new and old tech champions

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    September 2010 Apple Study v2



    Step #1: Believe in the simple

    Apple: the arrogance of simplicity

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    .6September 2010 Apple Study v2

    What is Apples design process?

    Apple envisions use cases to make decisionsabout function and technologies.

    Drops 20 % of non-required functionalities toperfectly design 80 % of key user needs.



    Attention to details leads to excellence in userexperience. Global

    When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with

    are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you keep going, [

    ] you can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Steve Jobs1

    1 Q&A: Jobs on iPod's Cultural Impact, Newsweek, 10/16/2010

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    .7September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: iMac (1998)Simplicity & choices


    All-in-one computerSetup & go


    No floppy diskNo extension stack

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    .8September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: why does making choicesimplies constraint?

    It became an intense and almost religious argument about the purity of the system'sdesign versus the user's freedom to configure the system he liked.

    Christopher Espinosa (Apple employee #8) speaking about the Macintosh project, 1984

    YouTube now supports HD video. Steve Jobs1No sign of upcoming blu-ray

    support on Apple computers.

    Other companies tried to do everything on thedevice itself and made it so complicated that itwas useless. Steve Jobs2

    Music can only be managedthrough iTunes.

    App Store approval processas a quality insurance.

    We created an approval process [to] avoidapplications that degrade the core experience ofthe iPhone.Apple Answers the FCCs Questions

    1 Email on 04/14/20102 Q&A: Jobs on iPod's Cultural Impact, Newsweek, 10/16/2010

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    .9September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Step #2: Design a full experience

    UX: User experience

    Apple adopts a comprehensiveapproach

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    .10September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Apple re-legitimize vertical integration

    1 Source: Piper Jaffray2 UX: User Experience

    Apple goes againstthe outsourcing


    Contrary to industrialvertical integration,Apple integrates to

    control itscustomers global



    App Store contributed to only1 % in profit!1

    Pure financial managementwould have required it to beoutsourced as soon as possible.

    Apple adopts aholistic approach to

    its business.



    Business design

    Apple advertisement aredesigned internally.

    Mobile carriers are only allowedto show their logo at the end.

    Apple focuses on avery lean product


    Risk management ontechnological choicesand consistency at all



    Weve reviewed the road map ofnew products and axed morethan 70 percent of them, keepingthe 30 percent that were gems.

    Steve Jobs upon his returning toApple in 1997

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    .11September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Apples vertical integration offers threecompetitive advantages

    Our competitors, Dell and Compaq, are distribution companies [].They dont create anything.

    Steve Jobs, Time, Oct 1999

    Apple acts as anabstraction layer.

    Technical complexityhidden behind slick

    and intuitive UI:seamless experience.


    Thanks to hardwareand software tight

    integration, Applesproducts offers great



    Apple does notdepend on its

    suppliers technicalbreakthroughs.

    It can innovate on

    hardware andsoftware at its ownpace.


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    .12September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: the digital music revolution(2001-2004)

    Agreements with the music industryDistributionDRM1

    iTunes softwareAvailable on Mac & PCReliable software

    Chose high-speed FireWireinstead of USB1Game-changing click wheelApples design guidelines applied

    Apple provides a comprehensive music experience1 Digital Rights Management (DRM): technologies used by content owners to control usage of music, movies

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    .13September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: Apples vertical integrationin hardware for consumer electronics

    Apple controls every step: it ensures that almost every hardware and

    software parts are customized to perfectly fit its needs.

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    .14September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Step #3: Lock customers in

    iTunes goal is to lock the consumer in

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    .15September 2010 Apple Study v2

    iTunes revenues are insignificant



    82% 18%63%

    37%iTunes Store

    Other software

    Revenue Distribution in 2009

    Source: Apple annual reports

    The iTunes Store represented only 11 % of Apples revenues in 2009.

    $4.1 bn

    $6.6 bn

    $30 bn

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    .16September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: App Store revenuesare a drop in the bucket

    $6.8 bn Revenues generated by iPhone (hardware) salesin 2009

    (22 % of Apples revenues)

    $400 m Revenues generated by App Store sales since its creation

    < 1 % App Store contribution to gross profit since its creation

    Source: Keynote WWDC 2010, Piper Jaffray

    Apple authorizes and sometimes promotes apps competitorsto its iTunes Store during keynotes.

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    .17September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Yet iTunes goalis to lock the consumer in

    1 Deutsche Bank.2 There are no DRM on iTunes Music since 2009.3 Source: Clayton Morris

    iTunes-devices relationship is locked Consumers lock themselves in

    $100spent per device on av.1

    150 miTunes accounts linked with creditcard (painless buying experience)3

    One-way sync(Palm controversy)

    FairPlayDRM software invented by Apple,protecting videos, eBooks, apps2

    Great customer loyalty (user retention/walled garden)

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    .18September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Step #4: Sell at a premium

    Apples revenues come from highmargin hardware products

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    .19September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: Apples profit comes frommargins in hardware (iPad)


    1 Source: iSuppli

    $130 (Industry standards)


    Margin:40 %

    Costs of materials andmanufacturing


    $70 Cost of sales

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    20/48September 2010 Apple Study v2



    Big picture: hardware drivesApples gross margin

    Source: Apple annual reports

    Biggest gross margin growth in the industry


    28% 29%



    2001 2003 2005 2007 2009

    iPod iPhone iPadiPhone 3G


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    .21September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Step #5: Cross-sell your product line

    Apple brand appeal drives its productline

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    .22September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Who is the iCustomer?

    The iCustomerneeds allApple products to maximize his user experience.

    1 Prices for entry-level models.Source: Apple, Morgan Stanley, Gartner.

    +Product lifecycle: each new product implements appealing new features, strongly inducing theloyal iCustomerto buy new products (iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4)

    Product line covers all markets, all price ranges, all needs with an accurate segmentation.

    Market leader 100m iPhones sold by 2011 (est.) 8 % market share

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    .23September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Halo effect1 + seamless experience with mobile devices requires a Mac

    Case study: iPod and iPhonedrive Mac sales

    1 Halo effect: e.g. a product (the iPod) has positive effects on our perception of something else (the Apple brand)Source: Apple annual reports, Oppenheimer
















    2002 2004 2006 2008 2010E

    iPod (right axis)

    Mac (left axis)

    iPhone (right axis)

    iPod andiPhonesales, m

    Macsales, m

    40 % of Apple revenues comes from Mac sales (desktop and laptop).

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    .24September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Integration reinforced by retail strategy














    2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    % revenue from Apples retail stores

    Number of Apple stores

    Contribution to revenue starting to plateau (but profitability sacrificed to enhance buyingexperience) but still Apple Stores are a place where the company can:showcase a 100 % Apple environment (to appeal the iCustomer)have a trained sales force selling its products.

    Source: Apple annual reports

    We want to make the best buying experience in the world []. Its impossible to get

    knowledge at the point of sale. We cant thrive in that environment. Steve Jobs, D2

    Apple Stores fosters the brand appeal and consequently, the halo effect.

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    .25September 2010 Apple Study v2

    iCustomers will drive Apples sales

    Apples main focus is the consumer market where every person votes for themselvesSteve Jobs, D8

    However, thanks to its thriving success in B2C, Apple will be able to raise itsmarket share in B2B

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    .26September 2010 Apple Study v2

    How did Apple cross the chasm?

    Source: Apple, Electronista

    iPhone and iPod sales have enabled the Apple brand to cross the chasm.

    Killer products

    Brand leverage



    Example: Amazon Kindle sold 3 m units in its first year. Apples iPad did the same in 80 days.

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    .27September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Step #6: Balance control vs. freedom

    Apple needs an ecosystem

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    .28September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: how Apple failed in the 80s

    1982: Steve Jobs forces Bill Gates to develop productivity software only for theMac

    1985: Apple allows Microsoft to use Mac technologies in Windows in exchange ofa Word and Excel upgrade for Macintosh

    1988-1995: 7-year legal battle lost by Apple

    1995: Launch of Windows 95 has definitively dwarfed Apples share in the PCmarket

    We werent so good at partnering with people []. If Apple could have a little more ofthat in its DNA, it would have served it extremely well. Steve Jobs, D5, 2007

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    .29September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Lessons learned!

    Apple:understood their marketstructuregave them what they wantedmost (DRM for music,price control for publishers)

    Crucial to iPhones success:AT&T first allowed Apple,which had no experiencein this market, to make the phonethey wantedSet a standard for others

    Contrary to the Mac, Apple has attracteddevelopers on iOSGround breakingrevenue sharing56 % of US mobile devon iPhone(90 % are single-platform)1

    Apple keeps partnering with its #1competitor because its the best atcertain services (native apps on iOS):


    Copyright owners Carriers


    1 Source: Millenial Media

    Apple understood it needed to partnerwith other players.

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    September 2010 Apple Study v2..


    Mobile application paradigms:Native Apps vs. Web Apps

    Apples model put the emphasis on native apps (iPhone SDK), but alsopromotes HTML5 (iAd, WebKit). Flash represents the past.

    SaaS: Software as a service (see Wikipedia)

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    .31September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Case study: What is Apples vision aboutmobile applications?

    Long-term vision: promoting open standards will prevent other players fromexcludingApple, as Microsoft did with its Office proprietary formats.

    For Apple HTML5 is a complement to the curated App Store model,

    providing developers with liberty and an open architecture.

    Near future

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    September 2010 Apple Study v2..


    Step #7: Think different

    From Wikipedia: Cloud computingis Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and informationare provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.

    Apple uses the cloud to foster anew computing paradigm.

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    .33September 2010 Apple Study v2

    What was Apples vision of computing ?

    Personal computer= only digital hub

    Applications and UX= glue

    Devices = mediaconsumption/creation

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    .34September 2010 Apple Study v2

    iPad embodies the transitionto post-PC era

    New inputtechnologies +

    Progress inUI

    We are scratching the surface on the kind of apps we can build for it. [] One can

    create a lot of content on a tablet. Steve Jobs, D8

    Personal computersare trucks: most

    people do not needsuch an extensive


    Other devices,including tablets, willbe mainstream, justas cars are great for

    everyday life.

    People will turn to a more intimate anddirect relationship with content

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    .35September 2010 Apple Study v2

    To make it happen Apple is investingin cloud

    Without cloud computing, Applewould lose ground before its


    Mobile resources areconstraints (end of Mooreslaw1, battery life), while cloudcomputing enables speech

    recognition, unlimited storageCompetitors are already

    differentiating: Google Voice,

    Microsoft Office Online


    Without cloud computing, Applewould fail to secure reliable


    It would be dependent oncompetitors (notably Google

    and Amazon)Entry barriers are increasing

    (experience maintainingsecurity and scalability)


    1 Moores Law: see Wikipedia.

    Th i f t

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    .36September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Three upcoming featuresto build an Apple cloud

    Apple makes MobileMefree for all Apple users

    Devices will be syncedwirelessly


    The cloud is the newglue that links all Apple


    Unified storage (iDisk)Streaming vs.downloadingWould greatly improvethe iPad

    New glue

    Were working on it, Steve Jobs, D8, June 2010

    1 Quattro Wireless is a mobile advertising agency bought by Apple in January 2010.

    Streaming as a newparadigm formedia


    Streamlined UX: nomore downloading/buyingMedia & entertainmentas a serviceMonetisation: viaQuattro Wireless1


    Apple bought Lala (an onlinemusic store) in 2009,presumably to build up acloud-based

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    .37September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Fostering a new Apple environment


    Glue = iTunes.comand MobileMe

    Variety of devices

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    September 2010 Apple Study v2..


    Step #8: Assess risks and competition

    Apples notion of control is thecompanys greatest risk

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    September 2010 Apple Study v2..


    Overview of Apple, Microsoft and Google

    Source: Google Finance, IPO

    Will iOS A d id b th i l f

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    .40September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Will iOS vs Android be the revival ofMacintosh vs. Windows?

    Focus on one strategiclayer

    (Windows, Search)

    They create competitionto let others innovate in

    all remaining layers(hardware, web)

    Microsoft & Google: dominate and divide

    Tight control on allaspects of UX

    The firm cannot support

    all development cost andmust focus on a few


    Apple: control and decide

    Microsoft Office (at the beginning only availablefor the Macintosh platform) was instrumental infostering its sales.

    1985: Bill Gates begs Apple to consider licensingthe Macintosh: Apple must make Macintosh astandard.

    1996: If we had licensed earlier, we would bethe Microsoft of today (Apple executive VP IanW. Diery)

    The same year, Apple reports $740 m loss.

    Diff i b i d l

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    .41September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Differences in business modelsexplain why Google and Apple compete

    1 BusinessWeek Online, Oct. 12, 20042 Google I/O 2010




    Car dealerApple sells greatproducts.

    Differentiation: strives on selectingthe best technologies available

    (Googles when theyre the best).

    Ive always wanted to own the []technology in everything I do

    Steve Jobs1

    Road TollMonetises web streams via ads.

    Volume: an Internet that is moreopen increases the traffic, whichincreases Googles revenues.

    [We dont want a] future with oneman, one company, one carrier

    Vic Gundotra, Google VP, Engineering2


    W t i

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    .42September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Worst-case scenario:How could Android kill iOS?

    Apples vertical integration prevents partnerships: why would Apple letothers compete with one of its layer?

    Swype, an alternative inputmethod replacing the Androidkeyboard

    Technological value

    Android benefits fromopen innovation.

    Apples walledgarden prevents

    others from innovatingin input method,


    Android supports a

    variety of devices.

    Only Apple productscan use iOS.

    User base

    Ford, GM announced a line ofAndroid cars

    Complementary goods

    Android Marketfosters developers


    App Store approvalprocess is not


    Developers opinion: Android bestin the long term1

    1Appcelerator study

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    .43September 2010 Apple Study v2

    What are Apples main short-term risks?

    Brand image

    1 BusinessWeek2Apples Mistake by Paul Graham3 Integrated Development Environment

    Apples strategy is alimited number of high

    quality products.

    If a products had to berecalled, it would

    dramatically impact thebrand.


    Heating issue in Apple III released in1980, due to Steve Jobs insistence thatthe computer should have no fans.

    iPhone 4 antenna controversy

    Apples nightmare began

    with Jobs departure andended with his return.

    Its capacity to focus maybe significantly impeded

    without him

    Steve Jobs

    Apple desperately needs a great day-to-day manager, visionary, leader andpolitician. The only person whosqualified to run this company wascrucified 2,000 years ago.Michael Murphy, San FranciscoChronicle, September 11, 1997

    Apples strategy of strict

    product control can comeacross as evil.

    Developer lock-in: Xcode(only IDE3), Objective-C

    (only language)

    We have created for the first time in allhistory, a garden of pure ideology, whereeach worker may bloom secure from thepests of contradictory and confusingtruths.

    Steve Jobs speaking about the AppStore?No. Dictator representing IBM in Apples

    famous 1984 ads. 2

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    .44September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Conclusion: happily ever after Apple?

    Step #9: you cant afford to make theslightest mistake?

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    .45September 2010 Apple Study v2

    1. Glossary2. Acknowledgements3. Contact


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    .46September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Digital Rights Management (DRM): technologies used by content owners tocontrol usage of contents DX (D5, D8): The Wall Street Journals D: All Things Digital conference

    Halo effect: a product (the iPod) has positive effects on our perception of somethingelse (the Apple brand)

    Moores law: The number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on anintegrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years. (see Wikipedia)

    IDE: integrated development environment (see Wikipedia) iOS: iPhone OS (operating system) SaaS: Software as a Service (see Wikipedia) Software Development Kit (SDK): set of development tools that allows for the

    creation of applications (from Wikipedia)

    UI: user interface UX: user experience Vendor lock-in: makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products and

    services, unable to use another vendor without substantial switching costs (seeWikipedia)

    WWDC: Apple WorldWide Developers Conference


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    .47September 2010 Apple Study v2

    Mr. Gilles Douns (MacPlus) Mr. Christophe Laporte (Mac Gnration) Dr. Christian Chabrerie (Founder and CEO ofMobiNear, professor at cole Centrale


    To our faberNovel redactors: Clment Ravouna Johan Ismal Charles-Axel Dein

    To our faberNovel contributors: Sabrina Distinguin Estelle Specque Matthieu Lecomte Romain Perrier


  • 7/31/2019 Apple-8 Esay Step


    17, rue du faubourg du Temple 75010 ParisTl. : +33 1 42 72 20 04Fax. : +33 1 42 72 20 03

    Stphane DistinguinFounder & CEO

    [email protected]

    Cyril VartVP Strategy & Development

    [email protected]

    Baptiste BenezetSenior Project [email protected]

    For all press inquiries, please contactNawal Hamitouche

    [email protected]