appendices appendix i · the number of...

APPENDICES Appendix I Translitery No. Chapter Page Surah/verse Translation Terjemahan 1. 2. I I 1 2 Al-Kahf/66 Al- Baqarah/31 Moses said unto him: May I follow thee, to the end that thou mayst teach me right conduct of that which thou hast been taught And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are truthful 66. Nabi Musa berkata kepadanya: bolehkah Aku mengikutmu, Dengan syarat Engkau mengajarku dari apa Yang telah diajarkan oleh Allah kepadaMu, ilmu Yang menjadi petunjuk bagiku?" 31. dan ia telah mengajarkan Nabi Adam, akan Segala nama benda- benda dan gunanya, kemudian ditunjukkannya kepada malaikat lalu ia berfirman: "Terangkanlah kepadaKu nama benda- benda ini semuanya jika kamu golongan Yang benar"

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Page 1: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH


Appendix I Translitery

No. Chapter Page Surah/verse Translation Terjemahan 1. 2.


1 2

Al-Kahf/66 Al-Baqarah/31

Moses said unto him: May I follow thee, to the end that thou mayst teach me right conduct of that which thou hast been taught And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are truthful

66. Nabi Musa berkata kepadanya: bolehkah Aku mengikutmu, Dengan syarat Engkau mengajarku dari apa Yang telah diajarkan oleh Allah kepadaMu, ilmu Yang menjadi petunjuk bagiku?" 31. dan ia telah mengajarkan Nabi Adam, akan Segala nama benda-benda dan gunanya, kemudian ditunjukkannya kepada malaikat lalu ia berfirman: "Terangkanlah kepadaKu nama benda-benda ini semuanya jika kamu golongan Yang


Page 2: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

Appendix II.1. General description of MTs Nurul Islam

1. Brief description about MTs Nurul Islam

MTs Nurul Islam is located on A. Yani street Km 5 Rt 1 No 32 South

Kalimantan, South Banjarmasin subdistrict. It was established in 1985. The

teaching and learning activity of MTs Nurul Islam implemented in the


2. The description of teacher and the students` population.

a. Teacher

In MTs Nurul Islam Banjarmasin has 12 Teachers who have S1

education background (undergraduate degree) and 1 (one) person who has

background Senior High School.

Tingkat Pendidikan

Jumlah Guru Tata Usaha

Ket PNS Honor

S1 1 11 1 D3 - - SLTA/MA - 1 J u m l a hs 1 12 1

b. Students

The number of students in MTs Nurul Islam as follows:

No Uraian Laki-laki Perempuan Jumlah Ket 1 Kelas VII 24 16 40 2 Kelas VIII 14 6 20 3 Kelas IX 17 8 25

Jumlah 55 30 85

Appendix II.2. General description of MTs Muhammadiyah 2

1. Brief description about MTs Muhammadiyah 2

Page 3: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

MTs Muhammadiyah 2 located on Kelayan B. Timur street Gg. Baja RT

08 South Kalimantan, South Banjarmasin subdistrict. It has accreditation B.

The teaching and learning activity of MTs Muhammadiyah 2 implemented in

the morning.

2. The description of teacher and the students` population.

a. Teacher

In MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Banjarmasin has 11 Teachers who have

S1 education background (undergraduate degree) and 1 (one) person who

has background S2 who have skills and capability according to their

respective field of study and other skills.



S2 - - - - - - - 1 1 - - -

S1 1 - 1 2 - 2 2 5 7 - 1 1

D3 - - - - - - - - - - - -

D2 - - - - - - - - - - - -

SMA - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jumlah 1 - 1 2 - 2 2 5 7 - 1 1

Jumlah Total Keseluruhan 12 Orang

b. Students

The number of students in MTs Muhammadiyah 2 every year tends

to graduate every year 100%. Students get Scholarship Assistance from

Page 4: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

Various parties such as BSM GN-OTA. Where with the help it will

greatly help parents to finance the education of their sons and daughters,

but it also helps motivate students to improve learning achievement

Kelas Jumlah Siswa

Keterangan LK PR Jumlah

VII 11 9 20

VIII 11 5 16

IX 14 4 18

Jumlah 36 18 54

No Jenis Bantuan Jumlah Siswa

Ket. L P JLH

1 Beasiswa Prestasi - - -

2 Beasiswa Tidak Mampu - - -

3 BSM 23 12 35 Thn 2015

4 GN-OTA 8 2 10 Thn 2014

Appendix II.3. General description of MTs Diniyah Babussalam

1. Brief description about MTs Diniyah Babussalam

MTs Diniyah Babussalam located on Setia street RT 37 Pemurus dalam,

Banjarmasin City, South Banjarmasin subdistrict. It was established in 2007. It

has accreditation B. The teaching and learning activity of MTs Diniyah

Babussalam implemented in the morning.

Page 5: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

2. The description of teacher and the students’ population

a. Teacher

In MTs Diniyah Babussalam Banjarmasin has 8 Teachers who

have S1 education background (undergraduate degree) and capability

according to their respective field of study and other skills

NO. NAMA/NIP/NUPTK TUGAS UTAMA 1. Lini Khalisa, S.Ag Kepala Madrasah,

Guru B.Indonesia Kelas IX

2. H.Husin Anshari,S.Ag

Guru Qur’an Hadits, Fiqih Kelas VII-IX

3. Junaidi, S.Ag Guru SKI, AQD,QH Kelas VII-IX

4. Murniyati, S.Ag Guru IPA, SBK Kelas VII-IX

5. Hasbullah, S.Pd.I Guru Bahasa Arab, Muatan Lokal Kelas VII-IX

6. Sirril Birri, S.Pd.I Guru Matematika, IPS 7. Norhidayah, S.Pd.I Guru B.Inggris Kelas

VII-IX 8. Hendri Winata, S.Pd.I Kepala TU 9. Nurlaily Agustina Staf TU 10. M.Rasyid Amin

b. Students

The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows:




1. Kelas VII 18 15 33 2 Kelas 2. Kelas VIII 11 8 19 1 Kelas 3. Kelas IX 11 9 20 1 Kelas Jumlah 72 4 Kelas

Page 6: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

Appendix II.4. General description of MTs Ibnu Katsir

1. Brief description about MTs Ibnu Katsir

MTs Ibnu Katsir is located on 9 Oktober street Komp. Nusa Indah Gang 1,

South Kalimantan, South Banjarmasin subdistrict. It was established in

October 9 2012. It has accreditation B.

The number statistic school (NSS) of MTs Ibnu Katsir is 121263710028.

The teaching and learning activity of MTs Ibnu Katsir implemented in the

morning. MTs Ibnu Katsir uses the curriculum KTSP appropriate with the

government program.

The number statistic school (NSS) of MA Irtiqaiyah is 131263710080.

The teaching and learning activity of MA Irtiqaiyah implemented in the


2. The description of teacher and the students’ population

a. Teacher

In MTs Ibnu Katsir Banjarmasin has 12 Teachers who have S1

education background (undergraduate degree) and capability according to

their respective field of study and other skills

No. NAMA TUGAS MENGAJAR 1. Suriani,S.Ag. S.Pd.I SKI,Quran. Hadits 2. Abdul Halim, S.Pd IPS dan TIK 3. Hermaliwati, S.Pd Bahasa Indonesia 4. Samani, S.Pd PKN dan Fiqih 5. Fathimah, S.Pd.I Aqidah Akhlak 6. Marlini, S.Pd Matematka 7. Tajuddin, S.H.I, S.Pd.I Seni budaya 8. Istwidiastuti, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris 9. Karina yustna muslimah, S.Pd Matematika 10. Kiki rezki Amelia, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris 11. Hikmah rinayanti, S.Pd IPA

Page 7: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

12. Muhammad hadi, S.Pd.I Bahasa arab

a. Students

The number of students in MTs Ibnu Katsir every year tends to

graduate every year 100% as follows:

No. Tingkatan

Kelas Siswa

Lak-laki Perempuan Jumlah 1. Kelas VII 8 9 17 2. Kelas VIII 2 4 6 3. Kelas IX 4 3 7 Jumlah 14 16 30

Appendix II.5. General description of MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin

1. Brief description about MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin

MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin is located on Kelayan A street. Gang Setuju

RT. 12 No.4, Banjarmasin city, South Banjarmasin subdistrict. It was

established in July 06 1968.

The number statistic school (NSS) of MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin is

121163710001. The teaching and learning activity of MTsn 1 Kota

Banjarmasin uses the curriculum KTSP appropriate with the government


2. The description of teacher and the students’ population

a. Teacher

In MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin has 25 Teachers who have S1 education

background (undergraduate degree) and 5 persons who have background S2 a

capability according to their respective field of study and other skills

Page 8: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

No. Nama Pendidikan terakhir


1. Drs. H. Ahmad Baihaki

S1 Kepala Sekolah

2. Hj. Ida sulastri, S.Pd.I

S1 Guru Bahasa Ingris

3. Dra. H. Wahidah

S1 Guru Bahasa Indonesia

4. Lina Rosita, S.Ag

S1 Guru IPS Terpadu

5. M. Husni Thambrin, S.Ag

S1 Guru Qur’an Hadits

6. Hj. Muzzalifah, S.Pd.I

S1 Guru SKI

7. Siti Rahmah Hirawati,S.Ag

S1 Guru Aqidah Akhlaq/ Fiqih

8. Aspiyah, Dra. S1 Guru Bahasa Indonesia

9. Nor Asiah, S.PD

S1 Guru Matematika

10. Hj. Suhartini, S.Pd.I

S1 Guru Aqidah Akhlak /Fiqih

11. Rusmawati, S.Pd

S1 Guru IPA Terpadu

12. Hj. Sholehah S.Pd

S1 Guru Bahasa Indonesia

13. Jamilah, S.Pd S1 Guru IPA Terpadu 14. Heny Nelawati,

S.Pd S1 Guru IPS

TerpaduPKN 15. Ardiansyah,

S.Pd S1 Guru BP/BK

16. Jahidahm S.Pd.I, M.P.Mat

S2 Guru Matematika

17. Raudhatun Nisa, S.PD.I, M.Pd

S2 Guru Bahasa Inggris

18. Raudhatur Ridha, S.Ag

S1 Guru Bahasa Indonesia

19. Erna, S.Ag S1 Guru BP/BK 20. Salahuddin,

S.Ag S1 Guru Mulok

21. Rifka Sari, S1 Guru IPA Terpadu

Page 9: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

S.Pd 22. Arbain, S.Ag,

M.Pd.I S2 Guru Bimbingan

TIK 23. Maimanah,

S.Pd.I S1 Guru Bahasa Arab

24. Warsito, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I

S2 Guru Bahasa Arab

25. Dahliana, S.Pd S1 Guru Seni Budaya 26. Norhidayani,

S.Pd. M.Pd. S2 Guru Ipa Terpadu

27. Abdullah, S.Pd S1 Guru Panjas, Guru Panjas

28. Fajrinsyah, S.Pd.I

S1 Guru Panjas Orkes

29. Norlatifah, S.Pd.I

S1 Prakarya

30. M. Darmi, S.HI S1 Guru PKN 31. Drs.

Nurdiansyah Ka.Ur.TU

32. M. Reza Ramali, SE

Penyusun Bahan Kerumah

33. Ahmad Salaby Tangaan 34. Nor aini Penyaji Bahan 35. Raudah Penyaji Bahan


b. Students

The number of students in MTsn 1 Kota Banjarmasin Babussalam as


No. Tingkatan kelas

Laki-laki Perempuan Jumlah

1. Kelas VII A

17 23 40

2. Kelas VII B

16 24 40

3. Kelas VII C

16 24 40

4. Kelas VII D

15 26 41

5. Kelas VIII A

10 30 40

Page 10: APPENDICES Appendix I · The number of students in MTs Diniyah Babussalam as follows: NO. TINGKATAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUA N JUMLAH

6. Kelas VIII B

14 26 40

7. Kelas VIII C

12 28 40

8. Kelas VIII D

11 27 38

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1. Name : Barkiyah

2. Place and Date of Birth : Banjarmasin, 24 Desember 1994

3. Gender : Female

4. Religion : Islam

5. Nationality : Indonesia

6. Marital Status : Single

7. Address : Jl. Banyiur Luar RT.11 Rw.01 Kel.Basirih Kec.

Banjarmasin Barat

8. Education : a. SDN 9 Banjarmasin, 2006

b. SMPN 25 Banjarmasin, 2009

c. SMAN 9 Banjarmasin, 2012

d. S1 English Education Department of Tarbiyah

and Teachers Training Faculty of UIN

Antasari Banjarmasin Academic Year


9. Parents : a. Father’s name: Burhan

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b. Mother’s name: Hj. Bulkiah

10. Siblings : a. Nor ifansyah

b. Noor Hasanah

c. Barmawi

d. Nor Aida

e. M. Royani

Banjarmasin, Rabiul Akhir 1439 A.H

Desember , A.D