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  • 8/8/2019 App Ki Amanat


    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 1

    Aap ki Amanat

    Aapki Sewa Mein

    (Yours Gift in Yours Hand)By

    Maulana Mohammed Kaleem Siddiqui

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  • 8/8/2019 App Ki Amanat


  • 8/8/2019 App Ki Amanat


    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 4

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Please Forgive Medear readers, I would like to seek your forgiveness formy Muslim brothers and me. Under influence of the

    archenemy of mankind Satan, we have failed to convey yourown legacy to you. Satan has corrupted our hearts such thatthere is hatred for the Sinners rather than Sins. Under itsinfluence people have waged innumerable wars making this wholeworld a battlefield. In order to put things in correct perspective,

    I intend to selflessly convey your own legacy to you. Lord, who knows what is in the heart of a person, iswitness of the fact that in bringing the legacy to you, I am bothselfless and sympathetic. The burden, of not being able to conveyit to you till date, has lain heavily in my heart and has left mesleepless for many a nights.

    A Message of LoveI would request you to receive the message with love. Iwould also seek Allah to be the witness of my actions that I

    have tried to convey the legacy to my brothers and sisters as my


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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 5

    responsibility. Please try to read, think and reason for the Lord,the sustainer of this world.

    After arriving in this world, it is essential that a humanidentifies and follows the real truth. It is his biggestresponsibility. I would like to share the same message of lovewith you

    The Biggest TruthThe biggest truth of the world, rather universe is that the

    creator and the preserver of the world and entire universe is one

    and only one God. He is the only one of his type. There is nopartner of Him in creating, preserving and destroying theworld. He is everywhere; He listens to everyone and seeseverything. Not even a single leaf can flutter without hiscommand. Every human being, irrespective of his religious

    background, even if he is an idol worshipper will agree to the factthat there is only one God.If a person contemplates logically then he can easily

    conclude that there can be only one Lord. For example, if anyinstitution has two heads then there will always be quarrelbetween them and the institution cant function then. If therecannot be two kings of the same kingdom then how can there bemore than one master of the world?

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 6

    An Argument Quran, which is the speech of God, has challenged theworld: If you doubt that Quran is not the true revelation of

    the God, then try writing even a small chapter which can parallelits Grace. You can summon the entire world to help you in the

    task For the past 1400 years, many human beings, Scienceand Computers have challenged and were defeated. None couldprove that Quran is not Allahs Book. In this holy book, God

    has shared many arguments and examples so that the humanmind can grasp the truth. For example, Had there been manymasters on Earth and Sky then chaos would have been let looseon Earth. Its quite clear; if there were many masters then it

    would have led to arguments and infighting amongst them. Onewould have commanded for night while the other for day, one for6 months a year other for 3 months a year, one for Sun risingin the East while other in the West. If there were other deitiesworking with the Supreme lord as partners then it may happenthat while they have blessed people for Rains, the Supreme Godwants famine. Essentially it will lead to chaos and disaster.

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 7

    True WitnessIn real sense everything in this world; the efficiently andperfectly running order of the world is a witness of the fact that

    there is one and only one master. He is free to do anythinganytime. With our limited mind, we can neither imagine him norcan make idols of him. The God has created the entire world for

    the service of mankind. The Sun, Air, Earth, Fire, Water,Plants, Animals, everything - all are meant for the service ofmankind. They are made subservient to Humans while thelatters existence is meant for sole purpose of worshipping the

    God alone and following his wishes.Its only justified that a true human being acknowledges the

    fact that our Life, Death, Food, Shelter and other necessitiesof life are provided by the blessings of the God. Hence, our lifeshould be in accordance with His Wishes. Any person who is

    not leading his life as per that one true Gods wishes then hisexistence is futile.

    An Indomitable TruthIn the Holy Quran, the true Lord has mentioned anindomitable truth: Every life has to taste death, after which you

    will have to return to us

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 8

    The verse has two truths in it. The first is that everythingalive is mortal and will have to face death. Any believer or

    non-believer cant deny this fact. Even animals acknowledge thislaw, which can be seen from their behavior- a mouse runs awayfrom a cat, a dog is afraid of cars on the roads. Its because theybelieve in death.

    After DeathThe second part of verse introduces the mankind to a

    powerful truth, which if understood and followed can change the

    entire world. It says that after death, you will return back to meand based on your actions in the world you will be rewarded orpunished accordingly.

    After death, you would neither perish nor will enter theendless cycle of rebirths. This viewpoint wont be accepted byany logical mind.

    The very first argument is that such kinds of rebirth cyclesarent mentioned in Vedas. InPuranas, which came later, suchcycles are mentioned, according to which mans characters are

    passed on to the progeny through his semen. Satan (The Evil),who on religious pretext had divided the human society in upperand lower caste, has created the myth, owing to which lower

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 9

    caste people were openly exploited and ill-treated. When theselower caste people questioned that when our Creator has made us

    equal in all senses, be it eye, ear, nose, hands then why have youpositioned yourself superior to us. The Upper Caste people justified their actions based on Law of Karma. They said thattheShudrashave to pay penance for the Sins committed in theirprevious life.

    As per this belief, all the souls are reborn and take birthas per the actions committed in previous life. Sinners take formof animals and those who commit the worst sins take form ofvegetation. The good doers attain liberation.

    Three Arguments again Cycle of Rebirth1. The biggest argument against the common belief of

    rebirth is the scientific findings and conclusions, which state that

    the very first life form on earth was that of vegetation, followedby animals and after millions of years human beings were born.Since, the population of the former two can not be dependent onsins of humans, which came to life after a gap of millions of

    years, the argument for rebirth fails.2. The second argument is that as souls attain liberation,the population of humans, animals and vegetation should reduce

    but on the other hand opposite is true.

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 10

    3. Also there is a huge disparity between the birth anddeath rate. The total; number of births is much higher vs the

    total number of deaths. Many a times innumerable insects takebirth and very few humans die and vice versa.There are many people who have claimed that they can

    identify a place which they had never seen in this life, or they cantell the name of their past life. This leads to a wrong belief that

    people are taking rebirth. But essentially these are all doings ofSatan who influences others in order to corrupt theirs believes.The truth will be revealed to all after death, everyone has toreturn back to the Lord and on the Day of Judgment he will bepunished or rewarded based on his deeds on earth.

    Punishment or Reward for the DeedsAs an award for the good deeds and correct path, a soul

    will be rewarded with the heaven, where he will receiveeverything in plenty. The comfort and abundance of Heaven isunimaginable and unparallel. And the best part of heaven will bethat those residing there will get to see the Lord from their own

    eyes. There is nothing comparable to it.Similarly, the non-believers, who commit sins, by notfollowing Lords commands, they will eternally burn in Hell

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 11

    Fire. They will be punished for each and every sin committedand the biggest punishment will be that they will be deprived of

    their Lords presence and love. And on them there will bewrath of their Lord.

    The Biggest SinMaking Partner with GodIn the Holy Quran, God has mentioned that the virtuesor sins can be big or small. He has specifically mentioned that

    the biggest sin, for which a soul would never be forgiven, is tomake partners with God. The non-believers will burn eternally

    in Hell Fire for not following the Commands of Allah. Hehas commanded that one should not bow in veneration to anyidol, Sun, Moon or Prophet. One should not consider anyonebesides Him as sustainer, controller of life, death and worthy ofworship. Shirk (associating partners with Allah) will not be

    forgiven; He may forgive any other sin if he wills. Committingof Shirk is the biggest Sin and people should guard themselvesagainst it. An Example

    We can appreciate this sin by usage of an Example. Letsassume there are two women. One is very argumentative; whofights every now and then with her husband and never pays heed

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 12

    to his sayings. In spite of these shortcomings she is essentiallyloyal to her husband and would never leave her true home. In

    this case, irrespective of her behavior, her husband will be forcedto (because of her love) to live with her.On the other hand, there is a docile wife, who is very

    caring, loving and obedient, she waits for her husband till lateevening and serves him hot food. If one day she declares that shecant live only with one husband and needs even her neighbor asher husband what will be you make of the ladys character?Inspite of all other talents she will be considered as Sinner andwill be punished for the same.

    If we contemplate on this example and think on broaderperspective, then we can appreciate why God cant bear humanspraying to anyone else but Him. If we, who are made from atiny sperm, dont like to be paralleled to anyone else, how can theinfinite Lord, who has created the whole world, the earth, the

    sea, the air, the sun, the moon, the angels, who has given usinnumerable resources for our sustenance can accept anypartners to him? A human who indulges in worshipping anyother deity other than Him, stands in front of Lord Worstthan a prostitute, who has given up her self-respect for somepaltry gains.

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 13

    Idol Worship prohibited in Holy QuranThere is an example presented in Holy Quran which isworth reflecting on:O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it

    (carefully): Verily! Those, on whom you call besides Allah,cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for

    the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them,they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weakare(both) the seeker and the sought. They have not estimatedAllah His Rightful Estimate; Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Might

    To think of, the creator is always stronger than thecreation, hence instead of humans worshipping idols (hiscreation); the idols should have worshipped humans. Thus it isimpertinent to worship idols instead of the Supreme Lord.

    A Thought to Ponder OnMany a people worship the Gurus who have shown the

    path of God to them, owing to which they claim they havereceived mercy of the Lord. It is akin to a situation, where youenquire regarding a train from a porter and once you received theinformation you alight on him instead! Hence, those who guide

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    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 14

    us regarding the right path are the intermediaries only who helpus in our search of knowledge, but should never be confused with

    real God. There is only one God without any Parallel orPartner or any Subordinate or any Intermediary.Few brothers also claim that the idols are used for lesser

    humans to concentrate on the Godhead. The argument is veryshallow can anyone look at a dog and claim that he uses it tothink of his father. If one tries to limit the Merciful, Strongestand most Gracious Lord in weak idol of clay will it strengthenor weaken once faith?

    The conclusion is that those who make any partner to

    Supreme Lord are committing biggest sin for which they willnever be forgiven and will have to spend an eternity in Hell.

    The Biggest Virtue is FaithThe biggest virtue, best deed and best act is Faith.

    After death, all the materialistic gains will be rendered uselessbut what will matter the most will be the fruits of Good Deeds

    we have done in the name of Allah. Virtuous is the one whoshares with others what is rightfully theirs. One who steals orsnatches from others is a wrongdoer.

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 15

    Similarly, on humans there is only one benefactor, Allah,hence only he should be revered and no one else. He is the one

    who is Lord of our destiny, our gains and losses. When healone is worthy of worship then only he should be worshipped.We should spend life given by Him the way He wills. Hence,a meaningful life is the one where we follow what He hascommanded and those who do not follow cant be called truthful.

    Our creator has right of our worship and he shouldnt bedenied of the same. One who does that and act to be a virtuousperson is like a bandit robbing someone of his riches and thenreturning measly amount in order to look honest.

    Honesty and Virtue is in believing and worshipping thesole creator and spending every precious moment of thetransitory life given by Him in fulfilling his commands.

    True Religion Right from beginning there was only one religion, which

    states that only the Supreme Lord should be worshipped and weshould follow his commands. The Holy Quran has stated:

    There is only one religion of Allah, which is Islam.Other than that, all others are irrelevantThe frailness of human is in his limitation of sight,hearing, tasting and feeling. Owing to the limitations of his senses

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 16

    his mind is also limited it cant imagine or understand beyonda boundary.

    What kind of Life God wants us to lead, how should weworship, what is life after death, which are the deeds, which willlead to Heaven or Hell? Such questions cant be answered byhuman mind.

    Prophet of GodConsidering humans shortcomings, God has been kind to

    send his messengers on Earth who preached How to Live and

    Worship the God, which couldnt have been thought correctlyby humans limited mind. Such great people are called asProphets or Messengers. They are also termed as Avtaars,which means those who come to Earth but not Manifestations of

    God. To assume them to be God or God has manifested himself ashuman is superstition and a great sin. This creates a rift in yourfaith and one ends up worshipping the prophets/avatars insteadof the Supreme Lord.

    Such Messengers / Prophets are selected by God

    specially for conveying his message for benefit of Humankind.They have taken birth in al towns, regions and century. All ofthem taught to believe and worship the only Lord and asked to

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 17

    live our lives as per His Laws and Commands (Shariat). None of the Prophets have propagated anyone elses worship

    other than His. On the other hand they have tried to stop thebiggest Sin, Worshipping anyone else other than Lord, fromhands of mankind time and again.

    The Beginning of Idol WorshipThose innumerable prophets who had graced this earth and

    their followers both were mortals as other humans. They weregoverned by Gods Law of Life and Death; hence they perishedlike other humans.

    After their demise, the followers in their ignorance missedthem and used to grieve. Satan saw this as a great opportunity tocorrupt the believers. He went to people and showed his fake

    sympathy. He also volunteered to make clay idols of theProphets as their remembrance. Initially the people would cometo see the idol whenever they missed their Prophets. As thetime passed, Satan declared that if you bow your head inreverence in front of the idols then they would bless you.

    Till then people already started loving the idol and theystarted worshipping them. Owing to this they got corrupted bySatan and started indulging in Shirk.

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 18

    When a human, for whom the world has been made byCreator, bows to an idol of clay then he loses the mercy of Lord

    spending his afterlife in Hell. The merciful Lord sent many aProphets to correct the human behavior; those who understoodthe sin and stopped it received Gods forgiveness while othersperished.

    Messages of ProphetsAll the prophets who came had same base for the religion

    - there is only one God. They have time and again maintained

    that none should be made His partners; none but He should beworshipped; all the prophets should be believed in; therevelations, which you have received via them, should be reveredand followed; believe in the eternal life after this temporary life onEarth; our destiny is only determined by our Lords wish andfinally the Shariat (Law of Life) which has been reveled shouldbe lived.

    All the prophets and the revelations they disclosed weretrue and one should have faith on the same. It is only essential,

    that the prophets, who have time and again preached about one Lord and warned us against committing Shirk, should not beworshipped. Hence, those religious leaders who have propagated

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    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 19

    idol worship or polytheism were not prophets or their messagegot corrupted with time. Prior to Prophet Mohammeds time

    all the revelations have got corrupted and many a timesscriptures have also been changed.

    The Last ProphetHazrat MohammedIts an invaluable truth that all the prophets and thescriptures foretold about the last Prophet. They also warned

    that after the revelations brought by last prophet all the previousrevelations will be rendered meaningless and one should follow

    only what has be preached by him.It is an argument for the truth of Islam that inspite of allthe corruption, which has happened in various scriptures thisprophecy has been intact in them. This is the grace of God so thatnot even a single human can claim ignorance of this truth. In

    Vedas he has been mentioned as Narashansh*, in Purana asKalki, in Bible as Pharkleet and Ahmat and in Buddhism aslast Buddha.

    *For further details please read Pt VedprakashUpadhyays books Kalki Avtaar aur MuhammedSaahab and Narashansh aur Antim Rishi.In these scriptures the birth time, place and other signswere revealed.

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 20

    An Introduction of Hazrat MohammedAlmost 1400 years back, the last saint Mohammed

    Rasulallah Sallallahu Allahi Wa Sallam(peace be uponhim) was born in Mecca in South Arab. His father died fewmonths before his birth and mother too died after some time. His

    grandfather and his uncle looked him after. He was loved by oneand all in Mecca. As he grew older he was known for hishonesty and virtue. People would leave behind their valuableswith his safekeeping. He would often resolve arguments between

    people. Kaaba, which is a holy place of Allah was being rebuiltat that time, the people suggested those who would be virtuousshould get the honor to place the Holy Stone in the corner of awall. Many a people jumped for the opportunity and theystarted infighting amongst them. It was subsequently suggested

    that the first person visiting Kaaba will get to do the honors. ByGods grace, Prophet Mohammed was the first person to visitKaaba that day, on seeing him everyone cheered in unison andaccepted him to place the Holy Stone.

    But Prophet Mohammed, true to his nature, spread asheet and placed the stone on it. Further, he requested Leader ofevery group to hold a corner of the sheet and carry it towards

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 21

    the wall. Once they reached there, he picked the stone and placedit.

    He was a unanimous leader, whenever he went on a journey people grieved on his absence and overjoyed on hisreturn. During that time, in Arab, there were 360 idols ofvarious deities. Class discrimination, women exploitation,indulgence in gambling and alcohol, exploitation of poors by high

    interest rates, infighting among people and many other issueswere prevalent.When he turned 40, then Allah started revealing the

    Quran to him via an angel. With this he was made a prophetwith the responsibility to spread command of Allah regardingmonotheism.

    The Voice of TruthHe once stood on a peak of mountain and called everyone.People came running to his invite since the call came from a true

    and honest person. Further, he asked everyone, will they believeif he said that there was a very strong army behind the mountainwho is ready to attack them?

    Everyone cried back in unison that they believed him. Laterhe called them towards Islam and asked them to shun idolworship, which is a sure path towards Hell.

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 22

    A Human Weakness Humans have an essential weakness that they end upblindly following the right and wrong actions of their ancestors.

    They turn deaf to arguments, which try to break age-old myths.This leads to their ultimate downfall.

    Hurdles and TestsOwing to the above-mentioned weakness, the residents of

    Mecca who respected you for 40 years turned against him when he

    started your preaching. The more he called people towards the truth;more the animosity grew in their hearts. The non believers torturedhis followers by beating, making them lie on fire, by putting a noose ontheir necks and stoning them, still he always prayed to Allah fortheir well being.

    Once in grief, when he went to the town of Taeefhe washumiliated by the inmates who cussed and stoned him. Whenever hetried to rest the kids running behind him would stone him more.Inspite of such humiliations and pain he always prayed for their

    forgiveness. He would pray that they are ignorant and are unawareof their actions. Due to the hostile environment in Mecca he had toleave it and go to Madina, there too he faced many a hurdles.

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 23

    Truth PrevailsEnd of the day, truth always prevails and even in this casewas no exception. After 23 years of sincere and selfless efforts

    put in by Prophet Mohammed, Islam was accepted by all inArab. It brought with it a revolution in the rest of the world,which marked the end of idol worship and class discrimination

    while the true followers increased in numbers.The Last Legacy

    Few years before his death, Prophet Mohammed wentfor Hajj with approximately 1.25 Lacs people. Then he gavehis last legacy to everyone, saying after death when they areasked whether he could spread Gods Religion (Deen) andTruth to all what will be their reply?

    Everyone said, without doubt he could achieve what he hadintended to. At that he pointed his finger towards sky and said itthrice that Oh God, you be the Witness! Then, he orderedothers to take Islam to those who were still ignorant of the truth.

    He also specified that he was the last prophet and therewont be any other after him. That he was the last Narashanshand last Kalki avatar that everyone was waiting for. It ismentioned in Quran that those who have received the books

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    recognize him as a mother will recognize her son. Though fewcorrupts would try to hide the truth from others

    Every Humans ResponsibilityEvery human is bound by the religious and humanitarian

    responsibility that he follows only one Lord doesnt makepartners to him and who believes Prophet Mohammed to be thelast messenger and follows the revelation he had brought withhim. It is called as Faith in Islam and one who doesnt practicethe same will burn in Hellfire for an eternity.

    Two QuestionsMany a people will think now, that we cant see any life

    after death and subsequently any Hell or Heaven. Hence whyshould one believe it? In this relation, all the religion andscriptures have explained regarding Hell and Heaven fromwhich it can be concluded that the concept of Heaven and Hellis endorsed by all religions.

    We can also understand it with an example of an infant inwomb. If you reveal to the infant that after coming out of wombhe will cry, will drink milk, will get to see a lot of world still he

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    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 25

    will never believe it. Nevertheless, once he is born he will get tosee everything as said.

    Similarly, this world can be considered as a womb andwith out death we are born in the eternal life where we will get tosee everything in front of us. The description of Heaven and

    Hell has been revealed to us by that honest man whosearchenemy also never dared to call him a liar.

    Further, the truth is endorsed by Quran whose validityhas been accepted both by believers and non-believers equally.

    Second QuestionThe second question which may occur to you is that if all

    the other religions and scriptures were true then why one needsto accept Islam.

    There is a very simple answer to that, if you think ofIndian Parliament and Constitution, there were many realPrime Ministers Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal BahadurShashtri, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi, V P Singh andothers. They reigned during various time frames and they

    brought in new rules and policies based on the requirements atthat time. All of the policies were true still an old rule or policyis overridden by a new one. All Indians are supposed to follow

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    the latest rules. Any Indian, who says he would follow Indira Gandhis rules and not the new rules, will be considered a

    criminal in the eyes of law.Similarly, all the religions and religious scriptures weretrue and all of them points to the last prophet and final revelation.Inspite of the previous revelations, the mankind was forgetful in

    remembering the truth and ended up innovating new methods ofworshipping while deviating from truth. By Gods grace wereceived a final revelation and the onus is on humankind to makethe most of it.

    There Is Only One True ReligionIt wont be wrong to say that all the religions lead to the

    same God. There maybe more than one ways but only a single

    destination. There can be innumerable lies but only one truth,various shades of darkness but only one glorious light. Rightfrom beginning, there has been only one true religion. Thereligion never changed even though the laws changed with time as

    per Gods commands. Entire human race is one and their lord isonly one. It is clearly mentioned in Quran that there is only onefaith of Allah which is Islam.

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    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 28

    by Narashansh and Kalki (respectively). Hence, a true Hindu who believes in his scriptures should surely follow

    Islam. The Need of Faith

    Islam and Faith are needed both for this world and Life Hereafter. It is humans responsibility to be true to his lordand be loyal and steadfast towards him. One who pursues anyoneelse other than him is worse than a dog, who inspite of being ananimal is at least loyal to his master.

    The faith is more important for the afterlife, since there isno return after Day of Judgment. He will never get anotherchance and worst still he will not even get another death even if hepleads for that. At that time he will repent for the sins he had

    committed in the worldly life. If a man dies without faith in thisworld then he would always burn in Hell Fire. If a singlespark touches our body then we shriek in pain, then we canimagine the enormity of Hell Fire, which seventy times hotterthan fire. Once one layer of our skin is burnt we will receive anew skin. This torture will last for eternities.

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    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 29

    Dear ReadersMy dear readers, this life is unreliable- you never knowwhen the death will arrive. Before death it is our responsibility

    that we fulfill the biggest responsibility given to us. Withoutfaith both this life and the life hereafter will be futile.

    One day, everyone has to go in front of the Lord; at thattime we will be questioned and judged on our faith. Even I have ahidden interest that when I would be judged on my efforts tospread the truth. I hope that the true words which I haveshared with you are agreeable and acceptable to you. So letsmake our Lord our witness and pray to the God:

    A shahdu A llah Ilaha Illallahu W a A shadu A nnaM uhammed Abdhu W a Rasuluhu, Sallallahu Allahi WaSallam

    Meaning: I am the Witness that there is no one elseworth worshipping other than the God, he has no partners and

    Hazrat Mohammed Sallallahu Allahi Wa Sallam is a realProphet and true believer of God. Lets now shun from atheism,associating partners with him and all other sins and also resolveto be obedient to the Lords commands and follow ProphetMohammeds path.

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    Compiled by M.Yousuf Usman, e-Mail: [email protected] 30

    My dear readers, I will also pray to our Merciful andGracious Lord that we follow the right path till our last breath.

    Now readers, if you lead your life with true faith then you willget to know regarding the beautiful returns.

    Test of FaithDue to your Faith and Islam, you may be tested but

    believe me - Truth Prevails. Even if in this whole life you facetremendous hurdles and obstructions keep patience for Life

    Hereafter will bring in bounties of Heaven and the everlasting

    joy of being able to see the Lord. For those fruits thetribulations of this world dont even matter.

    Yours ResponsibilityOne more thing, Faith and Islam are rights of every

    human even though he may be currently ignorant about it. Hence its your duty to bring this truth to them in the mostselfless and sincere manner so that they would be saved from the

    perils of Hell Fire. Also pray from your lord that everyoneis blessed with this truth. Can you consider yourself a human if ablind falls into a pit in front of you and you never even warned

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    Aap Ki Amanat

    By Maulana M. Kaleem Siddiqui, e-Mail: [email protected] 31

    him? If a blind is forewarned then he will take an alternatecourse and be saved. Similarly, its only human to save our

    brothers from Hell Fire.A true believer, who has received the revelations ofQuran and the Prophet, should sincerely put in efforts to showtrue light to nonbelievers so that they get to correct their path.A truth told from a sincere heart and when told with fullcompassion brings in change in the hearts of people. If a singlenon-believer finds the right path then you have done justice to

    your responsibility. God is most pleased with the one whobecomes a medium to spread Faith to others.

    After You Receive FaithOnce you have accepted Islam, then you should perform

    Salat(Namaz) five times a day. One should learn it andpractice it. It will bring peace and will increase love towardsAllah. In the holy month of Ramdaan, one should fast daily.Those who can afford should go for Hajj once in his lifetime.

    Be warned, that you shouldnt bow in front of anyone elsebut Allah. Further, Alcohol, Gambling, Pork Meat,Interest, Bribery and other unlawful things are banned and youshould never indulge in the same.

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    Aap Ki Sewa Mein

    Also, cherish all the lawful things commanded by Allah.One should read Quran regularly and follow the laws of

    Hygiene and Cleanliness. One should also pray that ourrelatives, friends and all the humans residing in this Earth shoulddie after accepting the Faith.

    Since faith is the only hope we have for our; this life andLife Hereafter. Abraham could jump into fire only because of

    his faith hence he came out unscathed. The same faith can help usin crossing every hurdle and help us in achieving our finaldestination

    For More Details Please Contact

    Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui,Phulat, Muzaffar Nagar 251201

    Uttar-Pradesh (INDIA)