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  • 8/8/2019 APELL Final


    APELL and CommunityInvolvement in Disaster

    Preparedness in Industry


    Noor Azean Binti Mat Salleh GS25854Syamimi Binti Ismail GS21006


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    APELL = Awareness and Preparedness for

    Emergencies at Local Level

    APELL was developed by United Nation

    Environment Programme (UNEP), in partnership

    with industries associations, communities and

    government following some major industrialsaccidents that had serious impacts on health

    and environment.


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    The origin of APELL are found in the response of

    the chemical industry to the Bhopal tragedy, the

    event that led the industry to re-examine its

    safety practices, revise its relationship withcommunities near its plants and renew its

    commitment to safety.


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    What is APELL?

    APELL is modular, flexible methodological toolfor preventing accidents and to minimize theirimpacts.

    This is achieved by assisting decision makersand technical personnel to increase communityawareness and to prepare coordinated response

    plans involving industry, government and thelocal community, in the event that unexpectedevent should endanger life, property or theenvironment.


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    Communication is often between three main

    group of stakeholder :

    i. Company

    ii. Community

    iii. Local authorities

    Discussion on hazard usually leads to the

    identification of risk reduction measures, thus

    making the area more safer than before.


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    None of the elements of APELL is radical or

    new. The programme simply provides a common

    sense approach to accident prevention and


    APELL can apply to any risk situation. It can be

    initiated by any party, although companies canbe expected to take the lead. It can be facilitates

    by government or by industry associations.


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    APELLs overall goal is to prevent loss of life

    or damages to health and social well-being,

    avoid property damage and ensure

    environmental safety in a local community.

    Its specific objectives are :

    i. Provide information to the concerned members of acommunity on the hazards involved in industrial

    operation in its neighborhood and on the measures

    taken to reduce risks.


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    Objectives Cont..

    ii. Review, update or establish emergency

    response plans in the local areas.

    iii. Increase local industry involvement in

    community awareness and emergency responseplanning.

    iv. Integrate industry emergency plans and local

    emergency response plans into one overall plan

    for the community to handle all types of


    v. Involve members of a local community in the

    development, testing and implementation of the

    overall emergency response plan.


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    APELL can be useful in any situation that

    requires joint planning by several parties to

    develop integrated and well understood

    response plans ready to be implemented shouldan accident occur.

    APELL process should bring benefits in at leastthree ways:


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    Benefits Cont..

    i. In reducing the likelihood of accidents and

    reducing their impacts. Even if risks are

    believed to be low, the consequences to a

    company of a major accident can be severe inphysical, financial an reputational terms.

    APELL can help protect the company as well

    as the community.


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    Benefits Cont..

    ii. In helping to build relationships between a

    company and the community which will be of

    benefit over the long term. Companies are

    becoming more transparent, proactive andresponsive in their relationships with

    stakeholders. Emergency preparedness

    planning requires effective communication

    between all parties, which helps to buildrelationships based on common interest;


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    Benefits Cont..

    iii. In assisting community awareness and

    understanding of the operation and its

    management which should generate the

    confidence, trust and support which companiesneed whether or not they experience an

    accident. These will be severely tested if there

    is a major accident, but if trust exists, the

    company will be better placed to communicateeffectively in the case of an emergency as well

    as to recover more quickly from one.


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    1. Ensure safe work


    2. Ensure personal safety

    of employees andvisitors

    3. Protect lives and

    property on-site

    4. Co-ordinate all plant

    personnel during and

    emergency5. Provide security, safety

    equipment, training

    and information on

    chemical hazards.




    1. Open lines of


    2. Information sharing3. Interact with other

    emergency response


    4. Joint education and


    5. Common problemsolving group

    6. Mutual aid assistance




    1. Provide a safe community

    2. Ensure the safety and well-being

    of all residents and transientswithin community

    3. Establish public safety


    4. Protect lives, as well as private

    and public property

    5. Co-ordinate community

    emergency response forces

    during an emergency6. Develop plants and procedures to

    respond to emergencies

    7. Conduct training, drills, and

    exercises with other response

    agencies within the community,

    area or state

    8. Maintain communication channels

    with national governments.14

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    APELL Co-ordinating group

    Co-ordinating Group provides a

    mechanism for interaction and

    cooperation between the many players

    (APELL partners) involved in preventing

    or responding to emergencies

    management, local authorities,

    community leaders.


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    Specifically, the Groups roles

    include: Ensuring open lines of communication between all parties Identifying key people and organizations to involve

    Setting objectives and a timeline for the process

    Overseeing development of the coordinated emergency

    action plan (10 steps) Identifying available expertise

    Establishing working groups for specific tasks

    Ensuring clear risk communication occurs to vulnerablecommunities

    Preparing the various parties involved to know their tasksshould an accident occur

    Remaining as a central forum for dialogue and review afterthe planning process is complete


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    APELL Partner


    Company responsible to minimize risks and toensure effective planning for response, eventhough it would normally be governmentagencies which have the statutory accountabilityfor emergencies both outside and inside theboundaries of industrial facilities.

    National governments and local agencies to beprepared and act effectively in the event of public

    emergencies. Community to be prepared and to take action

    on their own behalf (i.e community leaders andcommunity organizations).


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    To minimize exposure to environmental risk the first step is the identification of risks. Once

    identified, risks can be evaluated and managed. In the case of emergency, it is of vital

    importance that the organization responds in a professional and efficient way. This will help to

    minimize negative environmental impacts, limit liabilities and help to protect the company



    Each operation shall:

    identify, evaluate and document on a periodic basis potential environmental hazards and

    associated risks, and work to minimize these risks through hazard elimination, engineering

    controls, procedures, and education prepare and maintain emergency preparedness plans which address potential emergencies

    on or around the site

    identify and prepare for the management of reporting requirements in case of an emergency

    encourage all employees to bring potential problems and risks to the attention of


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    Risk assessment shall be carried out in a formalized way. For some operations

    specific legal requirements apply and must be followed and documented.

    Operations shall provide information to employees, other people on site (such as

    contractors, regular suppliers etc.) and interested people in the surrounding areaand community about materials handled on site, processes and equipment related

    to known hazards and associated risks and the procedures for their control.

    Further, operations shall respond to community and public concerns.

    Emergency preparedness plans should be developed in conjunction with

    emergency services, relevant authorities and the local communities.

    A specified individual shall be assigned the responsibilities for the development,

    implementation and periodic review of the emergency preparedness plan.

    An organizational structure shall be established to quickly and efficiently direct

    and carry out emergency response activities.

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    Before starting on the steps of APELL, some preliminary actions can help the

    process to get underway smoothly. There must be sufficient communication

    about emergency response issues and about the APELL process in advance of

    getting started to build a degree of support and enthusiasm so that people are

    prepared to commit their time and effort, and that of their organizations, to the

    work which will be required. Suggested actions to help in getting started are:

    Undertake an initial stock-take of the obvious hazardous aspects and risks of

    the operation and of emergency procedures in place.

    Identify, in a preliminary way, vulnerable communities and key

    individuals/agencies/organizations which should be involved.

    Develop familiarity with the APELL process. Raise awareness and gain commitment through internal company seminars

    and community workshops.

    Establish an informal Co-ordinating Group to get planning and communication


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    APELL-what preparedness means in


    The community should:

    Cooperate in APELL process

    Know alarm signals

    knowing risk location

    Follow evacuation plans

    Know what to do in accident

    Who to contact during accident

    Have adapted building

    Connect to appropriate news services in a crisis

    knowing possible development of an accident.


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    Rescue services need:

    Cooperate with APELL process

    Equipments and training

    Arranging traffic management

    Local hazard maps

    To be linked with private rescue services

    Arrangement for traffic management

    Communication channel with public during



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    Industry should arrange for:

    Hazard study and monitoring

    Sharing of result of risk and consequenceanalysis

    Implementation of risk reduction measures

    Linking its rescue services

    Public communication in a crisis

    Establishing buffer zones


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    Government authorities should take step for :

    Implementing laws and granting permits

    Safe and land use planning

    Safe chemicals transportLegislation on risky procedures and processes

    Making public information available on risks

    Creating emergency services

    Having medical services ready for a crisis.monitoring environmental quality.


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    National authorities may also:

    Contribute to local preparedness by linking

    with national programmes on disaster



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    10 Steps ofAPELL Process

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    Step 1: Identify emergency

    response participants and

    establish their roles, resources,

    and concerns.


    Compile a list of potential participants in emergencyresponse activities

    Obtain copies of existing emergency plans and review

    these for additional participants Prepare a brief written description of all participants,

    their expected roles and the resources they haveavailable (personnel, equipment, facilities, specialknowledge, etc)


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    Step 2: Evaluate the risks and

    hazards which may result in

    emergency situations in thecommunity


    Compile a list of potential hazards which mayresult in emergency situations in the community.

    Define the magnitude of the risk and the potentialseverity of the impact.

    For determining probability of occurrence, decide if

    a qualitative approach is sufficient or whether aquantitative risk assessment would be useful.

    Prepare a list of scenarios that could reasonablybe expected to occur. Refer to these throughoutthe planning process.


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    Step 3: Have participants review

    their own emergency plan for

    adequacy relative to a co-ordinated response


    Contact the potential participants identified in Step1 and have them review their own plans. Portfacilities must review their own plans and establishhow well they are co-ordinated with the generalemergency plan for the port.

    Evaluate the results of the independent reviews todetermine the overall strengths and weeknessesof the current state of co-ordinated emergencyresponse.

    If the plan review reveals the need for additional

    participants, revise the list generated at Step 1. 29

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    Step 4: Identify the required

    response tasks which are not

    coveredby existing plans


    For integrated response, identify tasks whichare not being covered by any group.

    Using the results of Step 3, prepare a list foreach participant of missing elements or

    required tasks not covered.Determine if the missing elements are

    important to the function of the participant


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    Step 5: Match these tasks to the

    resources available from th

    eidentified participantsActions:

    Evaluate each of the unassigned tasks from Step 4, by reviewing thelist of participants from Step 1 to determine the best resource likely

    to be available to complete the task. Discuss the task with the identified participant to determine

    willingness to undertake it, availability of resources and theexistence or otherwise of institutional road-blocks preventing the useof resources.

    Work out the details of integrating completion of that task by that

    participant in the context of the community plan. During the review meetings, assess the benefits and problems

    resulting from assigning that task to that participant

    Determine if any new problems, unassigned tasks or resourceconstraints will result from that assignment. If so, include these inthe resolution process for new assignment.

    Monitor each task separately to ensure timely completion. 31

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    Step 6: Make changes necessary

    to improve existing plans,

    integrate them into an overallcommunity plan and gain


    Prepare a draft of the integrated port/community plan using a format acceptable to the leadgovernment agencies

    Explore the existence of local or national legislation containing rules for the preparation andapproval of port emergency plans at the local or national level.

    Consult the international conventions, agreements and recommendations concerningemergency planning for port areas and check if they are applicable.

    Review the plan in relation to local, national and international legislation etc., as well asagainst the planning elements to ensure completeness

    Conduct a table-top role playing exercise to test the plan Identify any weaknesses in the plan. If necessary repeat Steps 4 and 5 to resolve these


    Ensure that the integrated port/community plan is consistent with any regional disasterpreparedness plan for ports and with local industrial facility plans

    Revise the draft plan as often as necessary until all deficiencies are eliminated andmembers of the Co-ordinating Group agree on the approach.


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    Step 8: Educate participating

    groups about the integrated plan

    and ensure that all emergency

    responders are trainedActions:

    Compile a list of participating agencies or groups who willneed to know more about the integrated plan.

    Make presentations to these agencies and groups to explainthe plan, their roles and the type of training they shouldinstitute and/or receive

    Identify who must be trained and prepare a training schedule

    Develop and carry out training sessions where necessary. Complete field drills for hands-on training in monitoring, use of

    communications, traffic control, etc

    Complete comprehensive table-top exercises to train leadersin co-ordination and communications among participants


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    Step 9: Establish procedures for

    periodic testing, review and

    updating of the planActions:

    Designate a committee to prepare a test drill scenario. Membersshould not be part of the emergency response group.

    Prepare a written scenario which identifies the objectives of the drill,components of the plan to be tested, expected participants,sequence of events and simulated hazard levels

    Designate a group of non-participating observers to evaluate the testdrill using prepared evaluation checklists

    Using appropriate local officials, media and other outlets, alert the

    public and all participants that a test of the plan is scheduled. Conduct the test using the prepared scenario

    Immediately after the test, hold evaluation sessions to consider theresults of the checklists

    Assign appropriate partners to correct deficiencies

    Prepare a procedure for a formal, annual review of the plan to

    ensure that it is kept current 35

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    Step 10: Educate the general

    community about the integrated

    planActions: Prepare a standard emergency response brochure for

    distribution to all residents in the potentially affected area.

    Distribute the brochure by the most appropriate means

    Prepare a standard media kit which identifies port/maritimeauthority, local governments and industrial informationcontacts, provides background on the port area activities andthe integrated plan and explains where to get the informationin an emergency.

    Conduct a media briefing session to present the kit and

    explain what help is needed from the media during anemergency

    Implement other elements of a public education programme

    Periodically review and strive to improve the state of publiceducation and community awareness programmes.


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    1. Authorities takes the initiatives to start the APELL process

    2. Key people from the authorities, industry installations, other local authorities and

    the community agree to take part in the APELL process. They meet informally toidentify mutual concerns, to get to know and understand each other's

    preoccupations and to identify needs. The general approach to developing the

    integrated plan is agreed by consensus.

    3. The key people form the Co-ordinating Group by:

    Electing a leader(s) Inviting others to join the Co-ordinating Group

    Identifying agendas

    Organising and assigning work


    Establishing a timetable toimplementEstablishing a timetable toimplementthe APELL processthe APELL process

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    4. Establish sub-communities to conduct preliminary activities:

    Identify, collect and review existing plans (industry installations and the surroundinglocal authority areas)

    Identify, collect and review existing response procedures

    Assess existing response capabilities (equipment, trained personnel)

    Conduct a hazard analysis to identify hazards in and around the area

    Begin to prepare a community outreach plan

    Assess the potential risk of natural disasters and transport accidents and include

    these in the planning process if necessary.

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    5. Reports from all subcommittees, decisions on which hazards to

    investigate further for planning purposes.

    6. More detailed risk analysis completed for higher priority hazards:

    Identify vulnerable zone population at risk Estimate probability of an event occurring

    Estimate seriousness of potential consequences to people and

    the environment generally.

    7. Begin planning:

    Identify what equipment is needed for response Identify what training is needed for responders

    Identify evacuation routed and shelters

    Develop public warning systems

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    8. Write a draft plan

    9. Develop methods (table-top and full field) to test the draft plan and conduct exercises

    10. Revise the draft plan to reflect the results of the exercises

    11. Complete the plan and commit it to writing

    12. Secure approval of the plan by all appropriate port and other local authorities.13. Prepare and conduct a comprehensive test drill of the integrated plan

    14. Develop the means to communicate with the public about the plan

    Annually: review, test, update

    Ongoing: - revise and develop responders' standard operating procedures to coincide

    with the provisions of the plan- secure the necessary equipment

    - provide appropriate training for responders

    - continue dialogue with local citizens to ensure they are informed. It will

    be necessary to set up an appropriate monitoring procedure for following up the

    process of implementation and identifying bottlenecks and delays as they arise.

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    Building Community



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    The need for and the right of the

    local community to know abouthazardous installations

    Citizens in local communities have expressed concern that

    potentially hazardous substances which could affect their

    health and environmental safety may be produced or used

    in their community. These citizens want to know if these

    substances are present; their concern is often termed the

    right to know

    In addition they need to be informed about potentialhazards of installations in order to understand why an

    emergency plan has been established, how it works and

    what actions they are expected to take in case of


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    What andhow to communicate

    to build community awareness

    Dealing with the local community is the

    very real form of environmental

    stewardship. The community in which a

    port is operating is as much a part of the

    environment as the air and water.

    Community relations is an important

    management function that can contributegreatly to both short-term and long-term

    success of port operations.


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    ` Define the local community concerned` Inventory existing local community contacts` Contact other industrial facilities to co-ordinate community affairs

    activities` Plan an initial meeting of the APELL Co-ordinating Group` Develop fact sheets or kits on each port facility operation` Develop fact sheets on community preparedness` Assign responsibilities for communication tasks` Look for communications opportunities` Select methods of communication appropriate for local

    circumstances` Get outside help` Organizations that can help` Services these organizations can provide` Port/maritime authorities and port installations also have special

    communications responsibilities towards their employees.


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    ` On Saturday, April 26, 1986, the world experienced

    its worst civil radiological accident ever when

    unauthorized testing of procedures on reactor

    no.4 at the Soviet Unions Chernobyl nuclear powerstation caused it to explode and burn, emitting

    large quantities of radioactive material.

    ` It was a district consequences of cold war isolation

    and the resulting lack ofany safety culture.


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    ` The accident concerns an area of 150 000 square kilometersaround Chernobyl, in Belarus, Ukraine and the RussianFederation.

    31 persons died of the acute effects of the explosion. Its killed 2

    members of the operating crew. Among 134 persons who were acutelyirradiated, 28 died in the 3 months following the accident. One otherpatient died of a coronary thrombosis.

    Up to the beginning of the year 2000, about 1800 cases of thyroidcancer had been reported among persons who were under 18 years ofage 1986. if discovered and treated early, this cancer has a lowmortality rate.

    There has been increase in the suicide rate and in general an increasein the rate of violent death among the firemen, policemen, and otherrecovery workers on the site and in the evacuated population whohave experienced a considerable reduction in the quality of their life.


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    The causes of the explosion were of three types:

    Design errors Managements fault and errors committed by the

    operating staff



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    ` At low power the reactor is difficult to control and anytendency towards a runaway chain reaction is automaticallyand rapidly amplified (dangerous feature of the reactorsdesign)

    ` The control rods of the reactor are inserted slowly, which

    cannot prevent runaway of the core while it is operating in theunstable mode.

    ` The control rods are made from boron carbide with graphitetip. When the rods is first inserted, the graphite tip increasesthe reactivity.

    ` The reactor have neither a system to filter exhausted gasesnor a containment structure. In the worst scenarios, the latterwould at least have reduced and slowed the escape of radioactive material into the environment.


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    ` Operating instruction, both the standing orders and thespecific instructions for the test were incomplete andimprecise.

    ` Not following the test procedure.

    ` Safety mechanisms were deliberately bypassed.


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    ` In the Cold War, no time to be wasted on improvement ofnuclear weapon.

    ` The scientists & engineer worked under one and only oneguideline : to produce weapon-grade plutonium as much as

    possible and as quickly as possible.

    ` Budgetary problem reducing expenses but simply of usingthe funds available to produce the maximum amount of thehighest quality weapon-grade plutonium-239 as quickly aspossible.

    ` The culture of secrecy was universal in the USSR (Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics) no single person was allowed tosee the big picture and to integrate all aspects of the safetyof the operation.


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    ` In the absence of a plan for emergencies, the followingsimple and elementary precautions were not put intoeffect around Chernobyl

    Immediate broadcast of the news including instructions to stayindoors with windows and doors closed (this was not done until 36Hhad passed)

    Ban on the consumption of fresh milk (after 7 days)Ban on the consumption of locally produced fresh fruits and

    vegetables (after 7 days) Immediate distribution of stable iodine (sodium or potassium iodide

    capsules) with instruction to swallow it immediately (swallowing stableiodide immediately serves to saturated the thyroid gland and thus toprevent the uptake of carcinogenic radioactive iodine-131)

    Immediate provision of protective clothing and respirators to thefiremen, operating personnel and recovery workers (largelyunavailable)


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    ` Elementary precaution should be taken immediately.

    ` The clear information should be spread among the localauthorities, local community and management of the of thepower station its self.

    ` The management should have emergency plan, medicalsupplies, protective clothing and even instruments to measureradioactivity and dose rates.

    ` Develop suitable techniques for radio-protection and for thecare of irradiated persons.

    ` The authorities shouldnt ignore the advice andrecommendation from the competent scientists andengineers.


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