apartheid was a policy of racial segregation in south africa

partheid as a policy f racial egregation n South Africa.

Upload: suzanna-reeves

Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation in South Africa

Apartheidwas a policyof racialsegregationin South Africa.

Page 2: Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation in South Africa

The policy of Apartheid beganin 1948 when the Afrikaner-led Nationalist Party dominated South Africanpolitics.

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Afrikaners were descendantsof Dutch immigrants to South

Africa. The first Dutch settlement in South Africa was established in 1652.

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But British


eventually led to British

control of South Africa.

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The British and the Boers orAfrikaners, descendants ofthe original Dutch settlers,fought several bloody wars.

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Especially, after diamondshad been found in South African soil.

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Of course, the British imperialistswon given the size and wealth

of the British empire.

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But regardless of the victor,the indigenous people of

South Africa were still deniedtheir land and resources.

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When the British imperialists finally left South Africa, theAfrikaners came to dominatethe South African government.

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The National Party was theParty of the Afrikaners and itwas this party that enacted

Apartheid or “apartness” laws.

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Under this brutal system ofsegregation, black South

Africans were denied accessto white schools, white beaches,white neighborhoods, and even

white-only benches.

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Under the Population Registration Act of 1950, all South Africans

were required to be racially classified as white, black, or


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In addition, all black SouthAfricans were required to carry pass books containingfingerprints, identificationinformation, a photograph,and whether the individualhad access to whiteneighborhoods.

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Of course, many individualsresisted the apartheid system.

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But those who resisted facedimprisonment, exile, torture,

and even death.

Stephen Biko was murdered bythe South African police in 1977.

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The African National Congress(ANC) was a Black Nationalistorganization founded longbefore apartheid. But it ledthe valiant struggle against apartheid.

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Nelson Mandela emerged as

a leader of the military wing ofthe ANC in the early 1960s.

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In 1964, Nelson Mandelawas imprisoned for treason

and sentenced to life in prison.

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But even with their leaders imprisoned on Robben Island,

the fight against apartheidcontinued.

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Mandela became a symbolof the injustice of the

apartheid system.

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Finally, after twenty-seven yearsin prison, the Afrikaner

government released Mandelafrom prison.

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In 1993, Nelson Mandela andF.W. de Klerk, the

President of South Africa, shared the Nobel Peace Prize.

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With the end of apartheid and free elections for all, Nelson Mandela was elected South African President in 1994.