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APA Format Citation Guideline Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines

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APA Format Citation Guideline

Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines

Year of


Page number

Author mentioned in text

This phenomenon is not confined to the computer-technical – Miller (2000) complained that executives “adopt a one size-fits-all knowledge strategy [and] fall victim to the key pitfall in managing a knowledge organization” (p. 2).

Author’s last name

(in paragraph)

Author not mentioned in text

This phenomenon is not confined to the computer-technical – the author complained that executives “adopt a one size-fits-all knowledge strategy [and] fall victim to the key pitfall in managing a knowledge organization” (Miller, 2000, p. 2).

Author’s last name (not

mentioned in paragraph)

Year of




Two authors mentioned in text

EXAMPLE 1: As Palloff and Pratt (2000) indicate, “instructors often establish guidelines for minimum participation, making it more likely that students will engage with their colleagues and facilitating the community-building process” (p. 31).

Authors’ last names

(in paragraph)Year of publication

Page number

Two Authors not Mentioned in Text

EXAMPLE 2: As the authors indicate, “instructors often establish guidelines for minimum participation, making it more likely that students will engage with their colleagues and facilitating the community-building process” (Palloff and Pratt, 2000, p. 31).

Authors’ last names (not

mentioned in paragraph)

Year of




Three, four or five authors mentioned in text

First entry:

• Wasserstein, Zapulla, Rosen, Gerstman and Rock (1994) found…

Second entry:

• Wasserstein et al. (1994) found…

Subsequent entries:

• Wasserstein et al. found…

A Work Written by Three to Five


EXAMPLE 1: Sims, Dobbs and Hand (2002) use the term “learning design” in their work to “emphasize the learner-centered [sic] environments that online resources can provide” (p. 140).

First appearance of authors’ last names in work

Year of publication

Page number

A Work Written by Three to Five

Authors Previously Mentioned

EXAMPLE 2: Sims et al. (2002) go on to indicate that “taking this stance is particularly important because it forces designers to conceptualize the development process from the learner’s perspective rather than that of the content or the teacher”

(p. 140).

Authors’ last names abbreviated if last

names previously cited in paper

Page number

Year of publication

A Work Written by Six or More


The project funded by NASA was temporarily disbanded, reported Bruno et al. (2004), because of technical difficulties and the mismanagement of resources.

Paraphrased information

(no page number necessary)

Authors’ last names abbreviated

Year of


Block Quotation or Long Quotation (40 words or more)

• Block quotation should begin on a separate line

(like a paragraph).

• Text should be double spaced.

• Quotation marks are not necessary.

• Block should be indented five spaces on the left side.

• All parts of speech, including prepositions, articles and conjunctions, should be considered on the word count.

• Page number must be written at the end.

Long Quotation or Block Quotation(40 words or more)

Fogarty (2008) explains:

A and an are called indefinite articles. The is called a definite

article. The difference is that a and an don’t say

anything special about the work that follows… [but] if

you say “I need the horse,” then you want a specific

horse. (p. 7)

Author’s last name Year of publication

Page number

A Work Written by a Group of


The Mars exploration was being conducted by those who had little scientific background (Planetary Science Institute [PSI], 2003).

Year of publication

Group’s name (not mentioned in paragraph)


A Work Written by a Group of Authors: Subsequent Entries

The findings were determining factors for the conclusion of the study (PSI, 2003).

Year of publicationAbbreviation used

when entity is not

mentioned in text

EXAMPLE 1: The data reported had been gleaned from an article (“Happenstance and mystery,” 1955) that gave an historical perspective of the project.

Title of work

when there

is no authorYear of publication

A Work without Author

EXAMPLE 2: The data reported had been gleaned from an article (Anonymous, 1955) that gave a historical perspective of the project.

An Anonymous Work


authorYear of publication

Year of

publication for

each work

One or More Works Written by

the Same Authors

Mueller, Pinciotti, Smeaton and Waters (2001, 2003) pinpoint the purpose of assessment as the improvement of student learning.

Authors’ last names

(listed alphabetically)

Several authors (Moore, 1989; Palloff& Pratt, 2000) identified three types of interaction in an online class: between student and contact, between student and teacher, and between student and student.

Last name of first author

Last names of

additional cited authors

Year of publication

for first author

Year of


for second


Two or More Works Written by

Different Authors

Separate works

with semicolon

An Indirect Source

Lewis (as cited in White & Weight, 2000, p. 108) spells out the WRITE way to communicate online: (W)arm, (R)esponsive, (I)nquisitive, (T)entative, and (E)mpathetic – just exactly the mindset that would improve the communication of a technical person when approaching a non-technical audience and reader.

Original author Year of publication

Paraphrased information (no page

number necessary)

An Electronic Source

Leggett (1997, ¶ 2) lamented that there is a “great need for scientists to communicate not only with each other but with the wider public”.

Author’s last name

(as part of main text)

Year of



General Considerations

• Insert an ellipsis surrounded by squared brackets to indicate a pause or an omission in the original quote.

Ex. “The data reported *…+ gave a historical perspective of the subject.”

• Use quotation marks (at the beginning and the end) when incorporating a direct citation in your work.

Questions? Comments?Barat Norte 223 (BN 223)787-728-1515 ext. 2294

E-mail:[email protected]

Web: http://www.sagrado.edu/lad