ap vertical articulation laura cassard & hannah gonzalez

AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

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Page 1: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

AP VERTICAL ARTICULATIONLaura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Page 2: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez


Why AP vertical articulation?

Page 3: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

AP Themes

Page 4: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Section I: Multiple Choice65 Questions ~ 95 Minutes ~ 50% of Exam Score

Interpretive Communication:

Print Texts - 30 questionsPrint and Audio Texts (combined) & Audio Texts - 35


AP test components

Page 5: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Section II: Free Response8 Prompts ~ 80 Minutes ~ 50% of Exam Score

Interpersonal Writing: Email Reply (1 prompt)

Presentational Writing: Persuasive Essay (1 prompt)

Interpersonal Speaking: Simulated Conversation (5 prompts)

Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison (1 prompt)

AP test components

Page 6: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

What do these components look like?

Let’s try some AP tasks ...

Page 7: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Presentational Speaking prompts: Global Challenges

How do members of your community mobilize to guarantee human rights?

It often takes a disaster to push people to take action to help a region or its people. Think of a catastrophe where people were called upon to help a population in crisis. Describe the disaster and show how this crisis mobilized to help out the refugees.

Page 8: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Presentational Speaking prompts: Science and Technology

How has the use of social networks affected your community?

Each day, a new scientific discovery positively influences groups and individuals. Think of a francophone scientist who, thanks to a discovery, has improved people’s lives. Describe the discovery and how it influenced francophone culture.

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Presentational Speaking prompts: Contemporary Life

What importance does the celebration of different cultural traditions hold in your community?

Sports and pastimes change with the seasons as well as stages of life; they are a universal aspect of every culture. Think of a sporting event and tell about it. Then, show how that sport marks the seasons of the year and stages of life.

Page 10: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Presentational Speaking prompts: Personal and Public Identities

How have political figures influenced daily life in your community (positively or negatively)?

A person’s identity is revealed by the language that he or she speaks. Think of a bilingual person and describe how this person identifies him/herself through his/her language. Then show how language and culture can distinguish a person’s personality.

Page 11: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Presentational Speaking prompts: Families and communities

What holiday brings together people in your community?

Each culture observes it own rites of passage for its young members. Think of an act, ceremony or activity that functions as a rite of passage in a francophone culture. Show how this event changes the life of the participant.

Page 12: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Presentational Speaking prompts: Beauty and Aesthetics

How has the concept of beauty changed throughout time in your community?

Visual arts and music are often influenced by the culture in which they are rooted. Think of a work of art or music and explain how it represents a francophone culture.

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Introducción: Mario es uno de tus mejores amigos. Vas a participar en una conversación con él porque no puede asistir a tu fiesta.

Mario: Te saluda y te hace una pregunta. Tú: Responde y explica por qué.Mario: Te comenta sobre un problema.Tú: Reacciona y pídele una explicación.Mario: Continúa la conversación. Tú: Ofrécele algunas sugerencias.Mario: Continúa la conversación.Tú: Responde con detalles.Mario: Continúa la conversación.Tú: Acepta y sugiere una actividad.

Interpersonal Communication

Page 14: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

What skills will a student need in order to confidently perform these tasks?


Page 15: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Before vertical articulation....

TASK: You received $200.00 for your birthday ($100 in cash and $100 in gift certificates) and just purchased several articles of clothing with the money. Write an e-mail to a friend describing your shopping trip. Think about the following questions:

¿Qué compraste?¿Dónde lo compraste?¿Cuánto pagaste?¿Por qué te gusta(n)?

Sample Activities

Page 16: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

De: [email protected]: ¡Tu cumpleaños!

¡Hola Elena! ¿Cómo has estado? Tu abuelo y yo nos disfrutamos mucho durante nuestro viaje. Pero después de viajar por más de tres semanas, ¡estamos contentos estar en casa! ¡No puedo creer que ya cumpliste 15 años! Lo siento por no estar en la fiesta. ¿Cómo te fue? ¿Cuál fue el mejor regalo? ¿Recibiste el cupón de regalo que te mandamos? ¿Qué compraste? ¿En qué tienda? Te prometo que allí estaremos el año que viene. ¡No vamos a faltar ningún otro cumpleaños! Esperamos con mucho interés tu respuesta.

Un abrazo fuerte,Tus abuelitos

Adapted for Vertical Articulation

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How can we develop cultural proficiency?

What skills and information are needed to make cultural comparisons?


Page 18: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

● BBC Mundo (Videos & short articles)● Radio Naciones Unidos (Audio 2-3 minutes,

divided by subject)● http://infografiasencastellano.com/


Authentic Resources - Spanish

Page 19: AP VERTICAL ARTICULATION Laura Cassard & Hannah Gonzalez

Short podcasts and videoclips on a range of topics. Some quite easy.http://ielanguages.com/frenchlistening.html

10 recordings of French speech, describing the everyday lives of French teenagers. The recordings are accompanied by transcripts in French. Files may be downloaded. http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/f/frenchlisteningexercises/introduction.asp?strReferringChannel=resources&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-463154-64

iTunes podcasts - an extensive collectionhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/french-listening-resources/id352276900?mt=2

TV5 – lessons for all levelshttp://apprendre.tv5monde.com/

Authentic Resources - French