ap biology summer assignment – 2016

AP Biology Summer Assignment – 2016 Welcome! Congratulations on deciding to take on the challenge of an Advanced Placement Course. The two main goals of AP Biology are to help you develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and to gain a deeper appreciation of science as a process (as opposed to an accumulation of facts). Because of the rapid pace of discovery in the life sciences our primary emphasis is on developing an understanding of unifying concepts that connect the major topics of biology. Why a summer assignment?? AP Biology is a vigorous, yet manageable and rewarding class. In order to meet the demands of the curriculum it is necessary for you to complete some work before you come back in August. Your summer assignment will be based on pre-requisite information that you need a refresher on before coming back. Many of you may be well versed in these topics already so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Part 1: Check out a textbook BEFORE summer vacation!! You will need to check out an AP Biology textbook before school lets out this year so you can complete your summer assignment. After May 23 rd , Mr. Flores (Assistant Principal) will be able to check out a book to you. Please be sure and see him before you leave for summer. The AP Biology textbook is the 10 th edition of Campbell Biology. Part 2: Introduction Email I would like to know a little about who you are and why you are taking AP Biology, so the second part of your summer assignment is to send me an email introducing yourself. Here is what I would like you to email me at [email protected] BEFORE the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year: Subject Line: AP Biology 2016-2017, Your Name Body: Your full name (and nickname that you go by if you have one) and stuff about you. What science classes have you taken? Are you taking any other science classes next year? Was there anything that you liked or disliked about your earlier biology class? What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology? What are you most anxious about in AP Biology? Why are you taking AP Biology? What do you hope to accomplish/gain? What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)? Remember to use proper email etiquette. I will reply so you have an electronic record that the first part of your assignment was received. I will be checking my email most of the summer so if you have any problems with the other parts of the assignment, please contact me through email as well. Part 3: Websites While you are online sending me the email, go to the following websites and bookmark them. We will be using these sites all year long and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to glance through them this summer.

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Page 1: AP Biology Summer Assignment – 2016

AP Biology Summer Assignment – 2016


Why a summer ass ignment?? APBiologyisavigorous,yetmanageableandrewardingclass.InordertomeetthedemandsofthecurriculumitisnecessaryforyoutocompletesomeworkbeforeyoucomebackinAugust.Yoursummerassignmentwillbebasedonpre-requisiteinformationthatyouneedarefresheronbeforecomingback.Manyofyoumaybewellversedinthesetopicsalreadysoitshouldn’tbetoodifficult.

Part 1 : Check out a textbook BEFORE summer vacation!! YouwillneedtocheckoutanAPBiologytextbookbeforeschoolletsoutthisyearsoyoucancompleteyoursummerassignment.AfterMay23rd,Mr.Flores(AssistantPrincipal)willbeabletocheckoutabooktoyou.Pleasebesureandseehimbeforeyouleaveforsummer.TheAPBiologytextbookisthe10theditionofCampbellBiology.

Part 2 : Introduction EmailIwouldliketoknowalittleaboutwhoyouareandwhyyouaretakingAPBiology,sothesecondpartofyoursummerassignmentistosendmeanemailintroducingyourself.HereiswhatIwouldlikeyoutoemailmeatsarah.westerfield@huttoisd.netBEFOREthebeginningofthe2016-2017schoolyear:SubjectLine:APBiology2016-2017,YourNameBody:Yourfullname(andnicknamethatyougobyifyouhaveone)andstuffaboutyou.

• Whatscienceclasseshaveyoutaken?• Areyoutakinganyotherscienceclassesnextyear?• Wasthereanythingthatyoulikedordislikedaboutyourearlierbiologyclass?• WhatareyoulookingforwardtothemostinAPBiology?• WhatareyoumostanxiousaboutinAPBiology?• WhyareyoutakingAPBiology?Whatdoyouhopetoaccomplish/gain?• Whatdoyouliketodo(hobbies,sports,music,interests,etc.)?


Part 3 : WebsitesWhileyouareonlinesendingmetheemail,gotothefollowingwebsitesandbookmarkthem.Wewillbeusingthesesitesallyearlonganditwouldn’tbeabadideatoglancethroughthemthissummer.

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1. Gotowww.pearsonschool.com/access2. Enterthefirst6lettersofthestudentaccesscode:SSNAST3. ClickonCoveredTitles.4. SelectCampbellBiology,10thed.fromtheScienceMenu5. ClickonStudentRegistrationLink6. Acceptterms.7. CreateaPearsonaccount.Isuggestusingyouremailasyourusername.8. Typeinthefullaccesscode:SSNAST-SWANK-FINCH-BOTAN-FIERI-ROSES9. YouhavebeenprovidedacourseID:SWESTERFIELD3636910. Onceyouraccounthasbeencreated,youwillgodirectlytowww.masteringbiology.comtolog


Part 4 : Reading Guides for Unit 1Yourassignmentistocompletethereadingguidesforchapters1-5ofyourtextbook(Biology,Campbell10thEd.).Thereadingguidesshouldbeattachedtothisletter.Iexpectyourreadingguidestobecompletedinyourownhandwriting.Thistextbookhasalotoftechnicalvocabularyandcanfelloverwhelming.Thepacketswillhelpyoutoknowwhatpartstofocuson.Youmayfindithelpfultomakealistorvocabcardsofthekeyvocabularytermsforeachchapter.ThisassignmentwillbeduetheFIRSTDAYofschool.Donotwaituntilthentocompletetheassignmentoryouwillfeeloverwhelmed…thatiswhyIamgivingittoyounow.


Mrs. Westerfield [email protected]:9-125

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AP Biology: Chapter 1 Guided Reading Assignment Chp 1: The Themes of Biology Mrs. Westerfield

1. Biology is the study of life, but we have to determine what is considered living. List and give a brief description of the properties of life shown in Fig. 1.2.

2. Figure 1.3 zooms you in from viewing Earth from space all the way to the level of molecules. As you study this figure, list and write a brief definition of each level.

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3. In your own words, what is reductionism?

4. What are emergent properties? Give two examples.

5. As you read this section, you will probably recognize many things you have learned in earlier science classes. Since this material will be presented in detail in future chapters, you will come back to these ideas, so don’t fret if the concepts presented are unfamiliar. However, to guide your study, define these terms as you come to them. a. Eukaryotic cell:

b. Prokaryotic Cell:

c. Genes:

d. Gene expression:

e. Genome:

f. Genomics:

g. Proteomics:

h. Bioinformatics:

6. Explain how nutrients cycle within an ecosystem, but energy flows one-way through an ecosystem.

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7. Explain and give an example of each type of feedback. a. Positive feedback:

b. Negative feedback:

8. What does the statement “there is unity in diversity” mean in terms of biology and why is it said that “Evolution is the unifying theme of biology?”

9. What is natural selection?

10. In this course, you will be involved with inquiry. What does inquiry mean, and what might be involved?

11. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative data. Which kind could be graphed? Which type would you find in field sketches made by Darwin?

12. Differentiate between inductive and deductive reasoning.

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13. What is a control group and why is it important to have in an experiment?

14. Explain the difference between the dependent and independent variable. Understanding this will be necessary when analyzing and graphing data.

15. Explain what is meant by a scientific theory by giving three ways your text distinguishes a theory from a hypothesis or mere speculation.

16. Answer the multiple-choice questions from the “Test Your Understanding” section below. 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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AP Biology: Chapter 2 Guided Reading Assignment Chp 2: The Chemical Context of Life Mrs. Westerfield 1. Contrast the term element with compound. 2. What four elements make up 96% of living matter? 3. Label each diagram below with the following terms and define each term: electron, proton,

neutron, atomic nucleus

4. Contrast the terms atomic mass and atomic number. 5. What is an isotope and what is “special” about radioactive isotopes? 6. Explain how radioactive tracers are used in science?

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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7. What is potential energy? 8. Use the diagram below to explain where an electron would have the most potential energy and

where it would have the least potential energy.

9. How do electrons move from one shell to another? 10. What determines the chemical behavior of an atom? Why are some elements said to be inert?

11. Define the following terms:

a. Covalent bond

b. Single bond

c. Double bond

d. Valence

e. Electronegativity

f. Nonpolar covalent bond

g. Polar covalent bond

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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12. What is the difference between a structural and molecular formula? 13. How do ionic bonds compare with covalent bonds? 14. Compare and contrast hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. 15. Use morphine and endorphins as examples to explain why molecular shape is crucial in biology. 16. Define a dynamic chemical equilibrium in terms of quantities of reactants and products. 17. Answer the multiple-choice questions from the “Test Your Understanding” section below.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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AP Biology: Chapter 3 Guided Reading Assignment Chp. 3: Water and Life Mrs. Westerfield 1. Why is water considered a polar molecule? 2. For each of the below listed properties of water – briefly define the property and then explain how

water’s hydrogen bonds contribute to the special property.

a. Cohesion

b. Adhesion

c. Surface tension

d. High specific heat

e. Heat of vaporization

f. Evaporative cooling 3. How do hydrogen bonds explain that ice is less dense than liquid water? 4. Define the following terms:

a. Solute

b. Solvent

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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c. Aqueous solution

d. Hydrophilic

e. Hydrophobic

f. Molarity 5. Label the diagram below to demonstrate the dissociation of the water molecule.

6. What defines an acid and a base? 7. Why are “apparently” small changes in pH so important in biology? 8. What is a buffer? 9. Write and explain the carbonic acid buffer system in human blood.

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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10. Explain how carbon dioxide emissions are affecting marine life and ecosystems. 11. Answer the multiple-choice questions from the “Test Your Understanding” section below.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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AP Biology: Chapter 4 Guided Reading Assignment Chp. 4: Carbon and Life Mrs. Westerfield 1. Why was the Urey-Miller experiment so important? 2. What is special about carbon that makes it the central atom in the chemistry of life? 3. Use the diagram below to label and describe the three types of isomers.

4. For each functional group – draw the structure, name the compound, write and example and note

the functional properties. a. Hydroxyl

b. Carbonyl aldehyde

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c. Carbonyl ketone

d. Carboxyl

e. Amino

f. Sulfhydryl

g. Phosphate

h. Methyl 5. Answer the multiple-choice questions from the “Test Your Understanding” section below.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________ 7. _________

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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AP Biology: Chapter 5 Guided Reading Assignment Chp. 5: Biological Molecules Mrs. Westerfield 1. Label the diagram below – identify a monomer, polymer, condensation reaction, and hydrolysis.

2. What is the monomer of carbohydrates called? 3. What are the three hexose monosaccharides? How are they similar and how are they different? 4. What is a glycosidic linkage and what do the numbers 1-4 and 1-2 relate to?

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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5. Compare and contrast the two storage polysaccharides. 6. Compare and contrast the two structural polysaccharides. 7. Why are lipids grouped together or what characteristic do they all share? 8. What are the two building blocks of fats? 9. Contrast saturated and unsaturated fats. 10. Why are saturated fats usually solids at room temperature, but unsaturated fats are liquid?

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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11. Label the phospholipid below to show the phosphate group, the glycerol, and the fatty acid chains. Also indicate the region that is hydrophobic and the region that is hydrophilic.

12. What cell structure has many phospholipids? 13. How would you recognize a basic steroid molecule? 14. List the eight types of proteins and their basic function.

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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15. What are the names for the monomers and polymers of proteins? 16. Draw two amino acids – note the amino group, the carboxyl group and the alpha carbon, circle

the water molecule to be removed and then note the peptide bond formed when the two are joined.

17. Explain the four levels of protein structure –

a. Primary

b. Secondary

c. Tertiary

d. Quaternary 18. We have said that a change in structure will mean a change in function. How does this principle

apply to sickle-cell disease? Why is the structure changed? 19. What does denaturation mean and why is it important?

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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20. What are chaperonins and what is their role in protein structure? 21. What is the monomer of nucleic acids? What are the 3 parts of this monomer? 22. What are the 2 families of nitrogen bases and how do they differ? What are the members of each

family? 23. What is meant by the term that DNA is antiparallel? 24. Answer the multiple-choice questions from the “Test Your Understanding” section below.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________ 7. _________