antique india realty & infrastructure day 25 th november 2010 in london venue: tbc

Antique India Realty & Infrastructure Day 25 th November 2010 in London Venue: TBC Participating companies: DLF Ltd Gayatri Projects IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd Ramky Infrastructure Key contacts for the event Abhinav Rathee Chaitanya Kotadia [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +91 22 4031 3438 Tel: +91 22 4031 3336

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Antique India Realty & Infrastructure Day 25 th November 2010 in London Venue: TBC. Participating companies : DLF Ltd Gayatri Projects IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd Ramky Infrastructure. Key contacts for the event Abhinav RatheeChaitanya Kotadia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Antique India Realty & Infrastructure Day 25 th November 2010 in London Venue: TBC

Antique India Realty & Infrastructure Day25thNovember 2010 in London

Venue: TBC

Participating companies: DLF Ltd Gayatri Projects IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd Ramky Infrastructure

Key contacts for the event

Abhinav Rathee Chaitanya [email protected] [email protected]: +91 22 4031 3438 Tel: +91 22 4031 3336