antibody market research 2016

Antibody Market Research 2016 Copyright © 2016. St John’s Laboratory Ltd. For reference only, re-distribution is strictly prohibited.

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Antibody Market Research 2016

Copyright © 2016. St John’s Laboratory Ltd.

For reference only, re-distribution is strictly prohibited.




16837 publications

From 1160 journals

Data overview

78 commonly used antibody targets

2500 antibody products

50 antibody vendors (brands)

19000 antibody applications

Top 15 Journals with the most antibody citations

Please note: For all the bar charts in this report, Y-axis represents

the number of citations/publications

The majority of antibody citations came from PLoS ONE and J Biol Chem. Therefore, PLoS ONE

and J Biol Chem are good places to find potential antibody customers, and to check trends of

antibody markets. Those two journals are also ideal places to obtain product citations.

Research areas for antibody applications

Th is w o r d c l o u d s h ow s

keywords of research areas

from the dataset. The size/

colour of each word represents

the frequency it appears-the

la rger /da rke r, the more


We may conclude that these

research terms that have the

highest demand of antibodies:

1. Cell

2. Cancer

3. Protein receptor

4. Kinase

5. Signaling

6. factor

7. apoptosis

8. DNA

9. Disease-related

10.Stem cell

11.Cell stress

Top 15 countries with the most antibody citations

Obviously, USA is the biggest antibody market globally, and the second is


In other districts of Asia, Japan is the biggest market.

For Europe, Germany and UK have the highest demand of antibodies.

In other districts of America, Canada and Brazil could be the most potential


Top 10 institutions with the most antibody citations

Although antibody citations came from many different institutions, we can conclude which of them

which have the most antibody citations. Among these top 10 institutions, 8 are located in USA,

while University of California and NIH ranked in 1st and 2nd.

For those two institutions that are not located in USA, Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked the

4th, while University of Cambridge ranked 9th.

Antibody targets with the most citations






TF-Transcription factor

C-Loading control




MP-Membrane protein





Apparently, beta actin and GAPDH are the most cited for use as loading control antibodies. On

the other hand, the well-characterized protein in cancer- related pathways, Akt, is the 3rd


popular antibody target. To conclude, almost all of these popular antibodiesare cancer-related

receptors/regulators. Therefore, this demonstrates that cancer research is the most popular

research area for antibody uses.

Moreover, loading controls, antibodies against Kinases andantibodies againsttranscription

factors could be the most popular antibody types.

Antibody vendors with the most citations

Among those 50 antibody vendors, SCBT, CST and Invitrogen(Thermo Fisher) ranked in the top 3,

while Abcam only ranked 5th (This data is not equavalent to the actual sales. In Abcam’s 2016

annual report, it claimed the 1st position in the antibody market).

SCBT and CST antibody users might be the most likely to publish a paper.

Landscape: antibody applications

Western blot is the most common antibody

application, while Immunohistochemistry sits in


For other applications, Immunofluorescence/

immunocytochemistry might have high potentials.

It seems ChIP and Immunoprecipitation are not so

popular in the market.

Market share monoclonal vs. polyclonal

Importantly, monoclonal antibodies are the

major force in the market, as it currently stands

for 63% market shares. Monoclonal antibodies

will be the trend in the future market.

Landscape: antibody host species

For host species of antibody production, rabbit

and mouse are the majorities.

Top 15 antibody clone numbers with the most citations

Top 15 catalogue antibodies with the most citations

Most cited antibodies from different vendors:

SCBT: 3 products, Sigma: 4 products, Dako: 2 products, CST: 3 products, Invitrogen: 1 product,

Abcam: 1 product, Millipore: 1 product.

Landscape: antibody reactivity coverage

For antibody reactivity, we might conclude that

most antibodies are anti-human and anti- mouse.

Anti-rat antibody is a minority.