antennas and propagation – 2007 – lecture

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  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture 2.

    Today we want to reinforce and build on many of the ideas from the first


    We are talking about the various ways of getting high radio frequency

    energy from one point to another. The basic thing about high frequencies

    is that they want to escape and leak out into space. We have seen that

    transmission lines are all about containing these fields within their


    The sequence of transmission lines is:

    Parallel wire Coaxial Waveguide Optical fibre

    There are variants like stripline or microstripline transmission lines

    which are made on circuit board material but they are just another variety

    which we will touch on down the track.

    To give an idea of the fields situation, first for the parallel wire line:

    And then for the coaxial line:

  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    Where red lines show electric field lines and green the magnetic. At

    EVERY point E and H are at right angles and have the Plane Wave form:

    And at ANY point if we take the ratio E/H = (volts/meter)/(amps/meter) =

    and this must also equal the Characteristic Impedance that we have already


    Now our whole study of antennas is all about shaping the way an antenna

    radiates controlling the pattern and doing that efficiently.

    ALL em waves in space have a plane wave form. Space is then a

    transmission line where we can still take the ratio of E/H and we find that

    the value of the characteristic impedance = 120 = 377 ..

    We revisited the idea of an accelerated current causing a radiated kink

    which we met in the first lecture which has a maximum to the side and

    nulls off the ends looks the same all the way round and will have some

    kind of donut pattern:

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    ANY antenna pattern which we ever draw is ALWAYS a pattern of the

    ELECTRIC field. Now it isnt easy for you to sketch this sort of 3 D

    result so instead we sketch 2 D cuts of this in this case as:

    You need to relate these to the 3 D picture. The E plane pattern is the

    pattern of the Electric field in line with the wire. H lines always encircle

    the wire which gives us the H plane but in that plane we sketch an E fieldresult!

    We revisited the idea of bending up /4 lengths at the ends of a parallel wire

    transmission line to form a very useful Half wave dipole:

    Current at each end must always be zero (nowhere to go!) and we can

    exactly fit in a half wave distribution of current as seen in the previous

  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    sketch. We will formally analyse the performance of this particular dipole

    in the next lecture.

    As we shall see this is vital to everything in antennas and is related to the

    frequency and the velocity of light by: f * = c.

    We then revisited the idea of imaging or mirroring which can be analysed

    by considering images as:


    In each case the dipole is above a ground plane conductor. There can beNO actual radiation below that ground plane in either case BUT we can

    imagine the image to be there for all analysis purposes.

    We make use of antenna imaging ideas extensively partly because they

    are a fact of life in the real world and also because they provide a free

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    second image. The most common usage is the negative image case as

    shown in the next sketch:

    Next we show the same arrangement from the side:

    Envisaging the usual donut pattern as shown here it is clear that each dipole

    is in the maximum signal of the other and they are not far apart at all! In

    fact we will get serious mutual coupling effects as summarized in the

    following sketch:

    The values for Z12 are presented in the following diagrams ( we will be

    coming back later to understand how these are evaluated):

  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    You simply need to read off the (complex) value of Z12 and it is

    straightforward to evaluate the mutual coupling equations there will be an

    example shortly.

    The mutual curves in the following simply show this same information in a

    different way:

  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    This is all background material for your first laboratory exercise. The lab

    includes the use of a 900

    corner reflector and as you can see from the

    following this can be analysed by using 3 images:

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    The result of the analysis will then ive you the fields in the left hand open


    corner reflector segment.

    We can even do this with a 600

    corner reflector which can be analysed with

    5 images. Obviously in both of these cases there will be significant mutual

    coupling effects to deal with which we will learn to cope with as we


    We have met the idea of imaging over a ground plane and you should be

    comfortable with the idea that with a vertical dipole above a ground plane

    can be analysed by introducing a positive image as we see here:

    When you look back at the antenna from a (plane!) horizon (far away!) you

    see the dipole and its image as being equal and in phase so you would

    expect a maximum there. This would be the case if the ground was a

    PERFECT conductor but of course, nothing is a perfect conductor so in

    reality there will be a null right at the ground as shown here.

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    We now look at a very real application which makes use of horizontal

    dipoles above a ground plane we then analyse with negative images!


    Because there are so many useful things to be learned from the way it works

    we then proceeded to look at the Instrument Landing System (ILS) glidepath

    which is in use at all major airports throughout the world for the final

    approach phase of a landing aircraft.

    We start by considering a horizontal dipole placed some 4.777above the

    ground as shown in the following sketch:

    We have found that a horizontal dipole produces a Negative image in the

    ground mirror so if we look back at this antenna from the horizon (and far

    away) we must see a complete null as the field from the driven antenna and

    its image directly cancel.

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    We take our phase reference as the ground point O because it is the

    centre of the antenna. Then as we move our observation (far field)

    point upwards at a constant radius we can see from the lower part of this

    sketch that the radiated ray from the upper (driven) dipole leads the point

    O while the image contribution lags by exactly the same amount. The

    phase changes by 3600 or 2 radians every wavelength. The sequence of

    events is shown in the following sketch which shows the development as we

    move up in elevation by 10


    You must see that 2/* 4.777 * * sin ( 10

    ) = /6 (equivalent to 300


    For each 10

    change in elevation the component phases change by 300


    this progression is shown in the following sketches up to an elevation angle

    of 80

    . At the 00

    angle I have shown the Reference phase as being

    vertical ( that is the number of 2 (or 3600

    ) phase lags from O ) just for

    neatness! That reference phase does not change provided we move ourobservation point upwards on an arc of constant radius.

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  • 8/14/2019 Antennas and Propagation 2007 Lecture


    You need to observe clearly that up to an elevation angle of 60

    the phase of

    the resultant is always constant and at the same phase to the left. At 60

    there is a null in the pattern and then above this angle the phase instantly

    flips by 1800

    . Higher than 60

    the pattern builds up again to another

    maximum at 90

    followed by a null again at 120


    This business of the phase flipping by 1800

    across a null ( AT A

    CONSTANT RADIUS!) is a quite fundamental property of ALL antenna


    The simplest Glidepath system employs a second horizontal dipole which is

    located a further 4.777above the first as shown in the following sketch.

    Because this second dipole is twice as high as the first it will have nulls

    occurring twice as fast! In other words the first null of the upper dipole

    now occurs at 30 also shown in the following sketch. The glidepathsystem works at around a frequency of 330 MHz and is modulated with 90

    Hz and 150 Hz audio tones as shown in the lower part of the sketch here:

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    In to the lower antenna is fed Carrier (at 330 MHz) plus in-phase sidebands

    (CSB) at 90 and 150 Hz while in to the upper antenna is fed NO carrier but

    Sidebands Only (SBO) with sidebands which have opposite phase. The

    upper antenna has a null at 30

    so at that angle in the sky the 90 and 150 Hz

    tones will be equal. Below 30

    you will see that the 90 Hz tones ADD while

    the 150 Hz tones tend to CANCEL. Because of the phase flip at the 30null at an angle above 3

    0the 90 Hz tone sidebands then tend to CANCEL

    while the 150 Hz tones reinforce. The aircraft receives the 330 MHz signal

    demodulates it and compares the size of 90 Hz and 150 Hz tones. This ends

    up providing a + and (virtually linear) path of more than 0

    each side of


    which can be used by a landing aircraft. Way back in time these

    demodulated tones were fed directly to the pilots earphones!!!

    There is also a separate azimuth guidance path to keep the aircraft on

    azimuth centerline which is provided by another antenna (located past thestop end of the runway) that system is called the Localizer and it

    operates at around 110 MHz it provides azimuth signals (which are very

    similar to the elevation ones we have just considered) to give a linear

    azimuth path over at least + and - 20

    about the runway centerline.

    Copyright Godfrey Lucas

    Updated 5 August 2007.
