answering questions about underage drinking

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  • 8/10/2019 Answering Questions About Underage Drinking


    Answering Questions About Underage

    [ndred] ADJ menor de edad DrinkingWhat can you say to people who think teen (adolescente) drinking is not a

    serious problem?

    Despite the law, the statistics, and the science, some people still think teen

    drinkin is not a serio!s pro"lem# $ere are some o% the more common &!estions and

    assertions 'o! ma' hear %rom nei h"ors and %riends ma' ask a"o!t teen drinkin and

    how 'o! can respond# lease share#

    Q. Doesn't the legal drinking age just make teens want alcohol more, because

    it is !orbidden !ruit"?

    A# *% this were tr!e, teen drinkin wo!ld ha+e one !p (ha"r a s!"ido) a%ter adoption o%

    the le al drinkin a e# #t did not teen drinkin has one done "' -. percenta e

    points since /01.# And here is another ad+anta e o% the law2 the drinkin ha"its o% /13

    'ear3olds ha+e a "i in4!ence on 'o!n er teens /5 to /6# Data show a "i decline in

    drinkin "' /7th and 1th raders, too#

    Q. All the other kids drink alcohol. $ow can teens %t in (enca8ar, con eniar) i!

    they don"t drink?

    A# *n %act, most teens don9t drink# :his incl!des ;1< o% /-th raders, 6-< o% /7th

    raders, and 0;< o% 1th raders (1+o rado)# =o, when it comes to >ttin in, not

    drinkin is the wa' to o (c!ando se trata de enca8ar, no "e"er es el camino a se !ir#)#

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    Q. Wouldn't a lower drinking age allow parents to teach their kids to drink


    A# arents don?t ha+e to drink with their children to teach them responsi"le drinkin # A

    recent @#=# st!d' shows that when parents don9t allow their teens to drink alcohol in

    hi h school, their children drink less in colle e and ha+e %ewer ne ati+e alcohol3related

    (relacionados con el alcohol) conse&!ences than do kids o% more permissi+e parents#

    Q. Don't kids binge (em"orracharse) drink because they ha&en't learned to

    drink( when they're li&ing at home?

    A# A ain, this &!estion ass!mes that "in e drinkin was less common when the le al

    drinkin a e was /1 or /0# :hat ass!mption is wron "in e drinkin "' /-th raders

    has dropped "' /5 percenta e points since -/ was adopted as the national le al

    drinkin a e# A recent !ropean st!d' tested the theor' that parents can teach

    responsi"le drinkin "' lettin their teena ers ha+e alcohol at home# *n a st!d' o% .-1

    D!tch %amilies, researchers %o!nd that the more teena ers were allowed to drink at

    home, the more the' drank o!tside o% home as well# Bhat?s more, teens who drank

    !nder their parents? watch or on their own had an ele+ated risk o% de+elopin alcohol3

    related pro"lems, s!ch as tro!"le with school work, missed school da's, and ettin into

    > hts#

    Q. )ids are going to drink anyway. *hey always ha&e. #sn't it better to hold the

    party at my house, so my kids and their !riends aren't out dri&ing?

    A# *t?s not 'o!r decision to make# Cettin other teens drink in 'o!r ho!se !ndermines

    ((> !rado) minar , soca+ar) other parents, and in man' states, it +iolates the law# Dr!nk

    dri+in isn?t the onl' dan er associated with teen drinkin , and 'o! can?t !arantee that

    'o!r teen !ests won?t dri+e a%ter the' lea+e 'o!r ho!se# Eer non3alcoholic choices

    rather than another drinkin +en!e ((F meeting place ) l! ar m de re!niGn, p!nto m de

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    re!niGn )#

    Q. #! the kids drink when #'m home, # can control what happens. #sn't that the

    best way to pre&ent teen injury?

    A# Han 'o! reall' control what happensI :here are too man' real stories a"o!t teens

    who are in8!red %rom drinkin !nder ad!lt s!per+ision# :his incl!des instances o% serio!s

    alcohol poisonin , sometimes res!ltin in death# i+in permission to drink at home also

    ma' "e interpreted to mean that 'o! appro+e i% the' drink with %riends when 'o!?re not


    Q. *he legal drinking age in +urope is younger than it is in the U. . Why don't

    +uropean kids ha&e alcohol-related problems?

    A# Act!all', the' do# !ropean teena ers drink more alcohol more o%ten than their

    American co!nterparts ([kaKntpLMt] homGlo o nm, cole a) and et dr!nk more

    %re&!entl'# :he concept that !ropean teens do not ha+e drinkin pro"lems is a m'th#

    Q. $ow does my opinion matter? *eens don"t listen to their parents anyway.

    A# =t!dies ha+e shown that parents ha+e a si ni>cant in4!ence on 'o!th decisions

    a"o!t alcohol cons!mption# Aro!nd 17< o% 'o!n teens %eel that parents sho!ld ha+e a

    sa' (de"en tener +oN ' +oto) in whether the' drink alcohol, and a parent9s attit!des

    a"o!t alcohol !se contin!e to in4!ence drinkin decisions e+en a%ter a teen has le%t %or

    colle e#

    Q. # don't belie&e that the reduction in teen drinking and dri&ing accidents

    since /01 is entirely due to the minimum drinking age. *here must be more

    to it.

    A# =eat "elt re&!irements, Nero tolerance laws, increased en%orcement (a!mento de la

    aplicaciGn), and %rankl', increased p!"lic ed!cation and in%ormation on the dan ers o%

    teen drinkin ha+e contri"!ted to the downt!rn (recesiGn) in teen drinkin and

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    accidents# $owe+er, a%ter care%!l st!d', the @#=# Department o% :ransportation

    concl!ded that the minim!m drinkin a e law, "' itsel%, has pla'ed an important role in

    red!cin "oth teen drinkin and dri+in a%ter drinkin #

    Q. #! kids can &ote and join the military at 0, why do they ha&e to wait until

    they're 2 to drink legally?

    A# *t?s the law# *n addition, a es o% OinitiationO +ar' ([+Pr])# Qo! can work at /., +ote at

    /1, and drink at -/, "!t 'o! can?t r!n %or Hon ress !ntil 'o!?re -;# Researchers who

    ha+e e+al!ated the data sa' the minim!m le al drinkin a e dela's the onset (STnsetS

    comienNo, inicio) o% alcohol !se, red!ces drinkin and dri+in , and red!ces teen traUc

    %atalities ([%tVlt] m!rte)#

    Alcohol Ad&ertising

    Wedia literac' (S ltrsS al%a"etiNaciGn) techni&!es can help teens +iew alcohol

    marketin with a critical e'e#

    :hese da's, ad+ertisin is almost e+er'where (en casi todas partes) we o on

    tele+ision, in the "!s, on the street, and on the *nternet# Alcohol ad+ertisin is no

    eXception# And, as is the case with most ad+ertisin , alcohol ad+ertisin makes the

    prod!ct look reatY

    Alcohol ads t'picall' associate a "rand with cool, seX' people and a %!n acti+it'# :he

    +ario!s (S+PrsS di%erente) elements in alcohol ads are speci>call' chosen to

    comm!nicate ideas llike this prod!ct is %or people like meZ this alcohol prod!ct makes

    occasions "etterZ this prod!ct is pop!lar, or st'lish (Sstal S distin !ido adj, ele ante

    adj, (a la moda ) moderno), or creati+eZ and people want to "e seen drinkin this

    prod!ct# @ltimatel', these concepts come to ether to s! est2 i% * !se this prod!ct, * can

    "e cool, seX', and s!ccess%!l like the people in the ad, ha+in %!n like the' seem to "e#

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    So what can a parent to do?

    @se Omedia literac'O techni&!es to help 'o!r teen +iew ads criticall'# \rom time to time,

    when 'o!r %amil' sits down to watch tele+ision, !se the occasion as a teacha"le

    ([tiMt "l] peda G icamente apro+echa"le) moment# :ailor ([tel r] the moment i+en

    (Adaptar el momento) 'o!r teen9s a e and attention le+el# ick an ad ( sco e !n

    an!ncio), and draw o!t (sonsacar) their tho! hts "' askin &!estions like2

    Bho created or paid %or the ad, and wh'I

    Bhat do the' want 'o! to doI

    Bhat techni&!es are "ein !sed to make the scene (SsiMnS ecena) and the prod!ct look

    attracti+eI \or eXample,

    Bho are the people in the ad and how do the' lookI

    Bhat are the' doin , and whereI

    Does the ad tr' to associate the "rand with %!n, or sports, or h!morI $owI

    Does the ad s! est that alcohol somehow (de al !na manera) makes the sit!ation


    $ow does this ad make 'o! %eelI *s this an accident (cas!alidad adv, sin &!erer), or did

    the ad+ertiser intend itI

    Bhat messa e is the ad tr'in to et 'o! to "elie+eI

    Bhat +al!es and li%est'les are represented "' this adI

    Bhat isn9t the ad sa'in I Does it show an'thin "ad a"o!t alcoholI

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    Xercises like this can help 'o!r teen "etter !nderstand that alcohol ads comm!nicate

    the ad+ertiser9s point o% +iew and learn how to challen e what an ad is sa'in ,

    internall'# Bith time, the eXercises will help 'o!r teen realiNe that the' don9t ha+e to "!'

    in to an ad+ertiser9s messa e# d!cators call it learnin to read "etween the lines, and it

    is rele+ant to all media messa es, "oth commercial and noncommercial#

    Alcohol advertising regulation

    :he \irst Amendment ([mendmnt] Ca rimera nmienda) pro+ides s!"stantial

    protections to speech, and th!s s!"stantiall' limits the o+ernment9s a"ilit' to re !late

    tr!th%!l (+er dico adj, +eraN, +erdadero), non3decepti+e (no en a osa) alcohol

    ad+ertisin "ased on concerns (inter^s) a"o!t !ndera e appeal (apelaciGn de menores

    de edad)# \or this reason, the \ederal :rade Hommission has lon enco!ra ed the

    alcohol ind!str' to adopt and compl' with sel%3re !lator' standards to red!ce the eXtent

    to which alcohol ad+ertisin tar ets teens, whether "' placement or content ('a sea por

    la colocaciGn o el contenido)#

    Wost alcohol ad+ertisers ha+e pled ed ([pled] prometer vtr, dar la pala"ra) to compl'

    with one o% three +ol!ntar' sel%3re !lator' codes desi ned to limit tar etin ((tLM_t`)

    orientaciGn) o% teens# Amon other pro+isions ((pr+nN) disposiciones), these codes

    direct that no more than -1#.< o% the a!dience %or an ad ma' consist o% people !nder

    -/, "ased on relia"le a!dience dataZ and that ad content sho!ld not appeal primaril' to

    people !nder -/# \or more in%ormation a"o!t the codes +isit the we"sites %or the

    Distilled Ad&ertising 3ouncil o! the United tates, the 4eer #nstitute , and the

    Wine #nstitute.

    :he \ederal :rade ([tred] comercio) Hommission monitors compliance ([ 5m6n7t8 r ]Skm

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    plansS +i ila el c!mplimiento) with these codes %ormall' and in%ormall'# *t has

    p!"lished the res!lts o% three ma8or st!dies on alcohol ad+ertisin and ind!str' sel%3

    re !lation# :he 2990 Alcohol :eport is the most recent report# A new st!d' is

    !nderwa' (en pro reso loc adj empeNado)#

    *% 'o! "elie+e that an ad doesn?t compl' with codes, consider >lin a complaint# Qo! can

    s!"mit a complaint with2

    the Distilled pirits 3ouncil, %or complaints re ardin (en relaciGn con loc adv, so"re)

    distilled spirits ads, or ads %or wine or "eer "' distilled spirits companiesZ

    the 4eer #nstitute, %or "eer ads, orZ

    the Wine #nstitute, %or wine ads#

    *n addition, the ;ederal *rade 3ommission collects complaints a"o!t potentiall'

    decepti+e "!siness practices, identit' the%t (SadenttS [ e%t] el ro"o de identidad), and

    pri+ac' +iolations to identi%' patterns o% wron doin (SrT`d!M`S delito nm, crimen

    nm, o%ensa nf) and determine how "est to allocate (SVlKketS distri"!ir vtr, repartir)

    \:H reso!rces# :he \:H does not, howe+er, resol+e indi+id!al cons!mer complaints#

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    Who 3an $elp :educe Underage Drinking, and


    +&eryone can do something

    Individuals and Organizations Can Help educe !een "rin#ing

    ach o% !s can do somethin to pre+ent teen drinkin #

    ach o% !s can do somethin to pre+ent teen drinkin and s!pport o!r nei h"ors,

    "!siness comm!nit', and ser+ice or aniNations that also want to help limit teen access

    to alcohol#

    $ow to tart

    sta"lish a local committee within (dentro de) 'o!r or aniNation or create a coalition

    and mailin lists (listas de correo) or listser+s o% or aniNations that co!ld or sho!ld "e

    in+ol+ed in acti+ities s!rro!ndin (SsraKnd`S en torno a) the Be Don?t =er+e :eens

    campai n (%or eXample, law en%orcement (Sn%bMsmntSaplicaciGn) or aniNations,

    retailers ([riMtelr] minorista), local ser+ice ro!ps, schools, media, p!"lic oUcials

    (%!ncionarios p "licos), ho!ses o% worship (Sw5M pS templo nm, i lesia nf, casa de Dios

    n) , resta!rants, cl!"s)#

    @se the %ree downloada"le ([daKnlKd"l] descar a"le) campai n materials a+aila"le

    on this site to prepare posters, transit si ns, and "ill"oards#

    Use the

  • 8/10/2019 Answering Questions About Underage Drinking


    =end the announcer (SnaKns S loc!tor)copy to 'o!r %a+orite radio personalities# Ask

    them to read these scripts on the air# \ind a station9s contacts on its we"site#

    =end the op-ed (p ina de opiniGn) to 'o!r local newspaper?s editorial pa e staE# Ask

    them to print it when appropriate# \ind newspaper contacts !sin the paper9s we"site#

    fo circ!lation ((distri"!tion o% a p!"lication) tirada) is too small#

    Hall 'o!r local tele+ision stations to s! est a news stor' on parents who don?t ser+e

    alcohol to teens, and the kids who s!pport them#

    =end the prepared press release (com!nicado de prensa) or iss!e (S !MS (p!"lish)

    p!"licar) 'o!r own media alert to radio stations, newspapers, and ci+ic and social

    or aniNations anno!ncin 'o!r own !pcomin Be Don?t =er+e :eens campai n# Cist

    spokespeople %rom 'o!r or aniNation who can talk a"o!t the iss!e, and how the

    comm!nit' can s!pport local parents#

    =end the print public ser&ice announcement to local newspapers, 'o!r hi h school

    newspaper, :A ( arent3:eacher Association), and other newsletters %or p!"lication# repare a letter to the editor si ned "' 'o! or 'o!r or aniNation?s president

    callin %or an end to ser+in alcohol to teens# =end it to local newspapers, comm!nit'

    newsletters ("olet n in%ormati+o l oc nom m, ho8a in%ormati+a loc nom f, circ!lar),

    we"sites, and "lo ers#

    $ost (or aniNa) a "rown "a l!nch or "roadcast ((tell e+er'"od') di+!l ar vtr, di%!ndir)

    "reak%ast %or reporters in 'o!r area who co+er the ed!cation, li%est'le, "!siness, and

    police "eats# nlist their help in p!ttin the spotli ht (SspTtlatS %oco) on people or

    stores who "reak the law "' i+in teens alcohol, as well as comm!nit' heroes

    people and or aniNations who don?t ser+e teens#

    D \*f*:* f \ ?gR Bf gA W :*f ?2 An in%ormal meetin that takes place o+er l!nch(d!rante el alm!erNo)# :his t'pe o% meetin is called a "rown "a meetin "eca!separticipants pro+ide their own l!nches# *n the "!siness world, a "rown "a meetin

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    wo!ld take place in the oUce, pro"a"l' in the con%erence room# grown "a meetin ssa+e companies mone' "eca!se the' don?t ha+e to s!ppl' %ood or drink %or theattendees ([tendiM] asistente)# *% a "!siness wants to host a more %ormal meetin , itmi ht do so at a class' (SklLMsS con clase loc adv con estilo) resta!rant and pa' %ore+er' participant?s %ood and drink#

    =!"mit ([s"mt] entre ar) a column %or p!"lication in local newspapers, or aniNation

    newsletters, and we"sites# Reprint permission is ranted, as lon as the content is not

    chan ed#

    @se radio, newspaper, and local ca"le tele+ision comm!nit' calendars to p!"liciNe local

    acti+ities related to the Be Don?t =er+e :eens campai n# Weet with local ca"le operators

    to talk a"o!t pro rammin %or increasin a!dience awareness (conocimiento) o% theiss!e (pro"lema) o% teen access to alcohol and the campai n#

    Ask a local media personalit' to "ecome in+ol+ed (in+ol!crarse) in 'o!r campai n, and

    to help p!"liciNe the campai n messa e#

    *ss!e a proclamation (emitir !n an!ncio) with or witho!t a si nin ceremon' ("' the

    o+ernor, Wa'or, Ho!nt' Xec!ti+e, Hit' Ho!ncil, or Ho!nt' goard (J!nta del Hondado))#

    foti%' the press#

    Ask %or space on transit or electronic "ill"oards to displa' a campai n messa e#

    Reach Out To Your Community (Llegar a su Comunidad)

    Hon+ene ([kn+iMn] con+ocar) a meetin at 'o!r workplace to talk a"o!t wa's 'o!r

    or aniNation can promote the Be Don?t =er+e :eens campai n in 'o!r comm!nit'#

    =end Be Don?t =er+e :eens in%ormation to potential participatin or aniNations# Ask

    them to p!"liciNe the campai n thro! h their newsletters, we"sites or other means o%

    comm!nication# Bork with other national or state or aniNations to >nd o!t i% there are

    opport!nities to com"ine the Be Don?t =er+e :eens campai n with other e+ents#

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    nco!ra e parents and other %amil' mem"ers to si n a pled e ([pled] compromiso)

    that the' won?t ser+e alcohol to teens# :his pled e co!ld "e anno!nced at the "e innin

    o% a month thro! h a media e+ent hosted "' an area school or cl!"#

    Reprod!ce the materials on this we"site and share at con%erences and meetin s 'o!

    attend thro! ho!t the 'ear#

    @se artwork ([LMtw5Mk] material r >co, o"ra de arte) pro+ided on this we"site to

    create 4iers ([4a r] %olleto m, +olante) %or !se as shoppin "a st!Eers (An ad+ertisin

    circ!lar that is enclosed with other material and (!s!all') sent "' mail) "' retailers or as

    "ill statement st!Eers# romote the importance o% awareness ([wPns] conciencia) o%

    -/ as the le al drinkin a e#

    Ask local stores to print awareness messa es on their "a s#

    lan a special comm!nit' Okick oEO (hacer el sa&!e inicial) e+ent, s!ch as a comm!nit'

    or nei h"orhood %or!m, to p!"liciNe the iss!e ([ !M] (F matter, $uestion ) as!nto,

    c!estiGn) o% teen access to alcohol#

    Ask 'o!r local li"rar' to distri"!te in%ormation#

    =ponsor a Be Don?t =er+e :eens "ooth at local %airs ([%P r] !eria= in schools, parks,

    malls, or parkin lots (estacionamientos)#

    foti%' the %aith3"ased comm!nit' in 'o!r area a"o!t the Be Don?t =er+e :eens

    campai n# Eer materials and ask that the' mention the campai n in their "!lletins or

    on their we"sites#

    Ask local "ookstores, mo+ie theaters, car dealerships ([diMl p] representaciGn,

    concesiGn) and other +en!es ([+en8!M] ( for concert ) local) to distri"!te 4iers, postcards,

    or "ookmarks#

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    ro+ide in%ormation to one corporation or "!siness d!rin each month o% the 'ear %or

    dissemination (para s! di%!siGn) to emplo'ee %amilies# mplo'ee assistance pro rams

    can help do this#

    Use Your Business

    Reprod!ce the Be Don?t =er+e :eens graphics on shoppin "a s or receipts#

    Displa' printed si ns at check3o!t co!nters#

    Use the Web

    @se the Be Don?t =er+e :eens banners and buttons on 'o!r we"site#

    Add the radio public ser&ice announcement to 'o!r we"site#

    %edia Can Help educe !een "rin#ing

    =teps media can take to red!ce teen drinkin in8!r'#

    eople look to their local media as leaders#

    eople look to their local media newspaper and radio and tele+ision stations as

    leaders in the comm!nit' and as credi"le so!rces o% in%ormation a"o!t important iss!es#

    $ere?s what media o!tlets can do (lo &!e los medios de com!nicaciGn p!eden hacer) to

    s!pport e+er' comm!nit'?s commitment (SkmtmntS comprometerse a hacer al o) to

    protect teens %rom eas' access to alcohol#

    Print Media

    !"lish this column # Reprint permission is ranted as lon as (siempre ' c!ando) the

    content is not chan ed#

    rint the op-ed (p ina de opiniGn) on 'o!r editorial pa e#

    @se the %acts on this we"site, and the responses to &!estions a"o!t alcohol, to prepare

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    a stor' a"o!t the risk o% ser+in alcohol to teens#

    Radio and Television Stations

    Read the announcer copy on the air#

    Download the audio PSA and r!n it re !larl'#

    R!n a news stor' on parents who don?t ser+e alcohol to teens, and the kids who s!pport


    Assi n a media personalit' to "ecome in+ol+ed in the Be Don?t =er+e :eens campai n,

    and help p!"liciNe the campai n messa e#

    Alcohol etailers & [riMtelr ] comerciante al por menor) Can Help educe !een "rin#ing

    =teps retailers can take to stop eas' teen alcohol access#

    Alcohol retailers pla' an essential role in red!cin teen access# :he' can take steps to

    make s!re that teens can?t "!' alcohol %rom their stores, and the' can ser+e as a so!rce

    o% in%ormation to red!ce the possi"ilit' that alcohol le all' sold to an ad!lt will end !p

    (aca ar en, terminar en) in a teena er?s hands# :ools %or retailers to meet these oals are

    on this pa e#

    Responsi"le retailin practices are ke' to pre+entin ille al alcohol sales# g!t it takes

    more than 8!st tellin 'o!r staE not to sell to minors# Responsi"le retailers need speci>c

    policies, "acked !p (respaldar) "' trainin and acco!nta"ilit' (%ormaciGn ' rendiciGn de

    c!entas), that ena"le staE to sa', O*% * sell to 'o!, *?ll lose m' 8o"#O

    :he RRForum (Rules and Regulations) , a national non3pro>t or aniNation dedicated to

    responsi"le retailin o% a e3restricted prod!cts, has prepared the %ollowin list o%

    recommended practices to red!ce !ndera e sales and ser+ice o% alcohol "' oE3premises

    alcohol "e+era e (["e+rd] "e"ida) licensees# +er' retailer sho!ld adopt these

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    practices# :he list is not all3incl!si+e, and retailers ma' en a e in additional practices to

    red!ce ille al !ndera e sales#

    RRForum Recommended Practices or O !Premises Alcohol Retailers

    /# Hreate and maintain sales and ser+ice policies that e+er' staEer ([stLM% r] miem"ro

    del personal, empleado[3a] de plantilla) sho!ld %ollow

    ach esta"lishment sho!ld ha+e a written polic' that identi>es steps that staE m!st

    take %or e+er' transaction, incl!din 2

    Bhat percei+ed a e tri ers an *D checkI

    Bhat are accepta"le %orms o% *D and when is a second %orm o% *D re&!iredI

    Bhat sho!ld "e done i% an *D appears to "e !ake > [%ek] %alsi>car) or i% a 5rd part' sale

    ( sho!lder3tap ( =ho!lder tap (alcohol) , an act in which a minor asks an ad!lt to

    p!rchase alcohol %or him or her)) is s!spectedI

    Bhen and how sho!ld a sale "e re%!sedI

    Bhat record keepin and s!per+isor noti>cation are re&!ired when pro"lems occ!rI

    Bhat conse&!ences will "e imposed when staE %ail to check *DsI

    *mportant note2 =tate and local laws sho!ld "e incl!ded in the polic', %or all emplo'ees

    to read and !nderstand#

    -# :rain staE and mana ement on the alcohol sales polic'

    All staE sho!ld "e %!ll' trained "e%ore "ein permitted to sell alcohol# :rainin sho!ld


    *n%ormation on the risks o% !ndera e !se o% alcohol prod!ctsZ

    ertinent local and state lawsZ

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    +er' aspect o% the store policiesZ and

    Roll3pla'in on how to re&!est an *D and den' a sale in a non3con%rontational ([kTn%rn

    te ' nl] con%rontacional, a resi+o) manner#

    Cocal laws ma' set additional speci>c trainin re&!irements#

    :rainin %or mana ers sho!ld also incl!de s!per+ision and trainin o% clerks (Skl5MkS

    (shop assistant) dependienteSa, +endedorSa) and strate ies to ins!re ([n K r] ase !rar)

    adherence to these practices#

    :rainin messa es sho!ld "e re+iewed and rein%orced periodicall'# *mportant note2 *%

    trainin is se mented %or instance, i% a new hire (Sha S empleado) recei+es in3

    person trainin "' a mana er, %ollowed "' in3depth ([ndep ] a %ondo) , exhaustivo

    trainin within 57 da's o% emplo'ment that emplo'ee sho!ld "e care%!ll' monitored

    "eca!se research shows that newl'3hired emplo'ees are more likel' to sell alcohol to an

    !ndera e c!stomer#

    5# ro+ide the ri ht tools

    ro+idin appropriate tools is important in helpin retailer staE with responsi"le sales#

    :hese tools sho!ld "e !sed in the most appropriate com"ination, considerin all


    ro ram re isters to reco niNe a e3restricted prod!ct sales and prompt cashiers to

    re&!ire *D#

    *% possi"le, pro ram re isters to read *Ds electronicall' and calc!late a e or !se a

    stand3alone electronic *D scanner or a "lack li ht wand ([wTnd] (F magic wand ) +arita

    m icaZ [of o(ce ] "astGn de mando) in states in which these technolo ies can

    determine the a!thenticit' o% an *D#

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    *% "!ilt3in (["ltn] empotradoZ (as integral part of ) incorporado) or stand3alone

    ([stVndlKn] [ computer s stem etc ] a!tGnomo) electronic *D +eri>cation is not

    possi"le, !se a specialt' calendar showin "irth datesS'ears eli i"le to "!'#

    ro+ide a c!rrent *D !ide"ook that shows +alid *D %ormats %or all states and @=


    fote2 rominentl' displa' si ns i+in notice that 'o!r esta"lishment checks *Ds to help

    staE assert ([s5Mt] (F declare ) a>rmar, ase+erar, a>rmar, hacer +aler) compan' polic'

    and deter !ndera e sales attempts#

    .# Wonitor staE cond!ct

    Cicensees sho!ld ri oro!sl' monitor staE per%ormance as a &!alit' control strate ', as


    W'ster' shop inspections attempted p!rchases (intentos de compras) "' trained

    contractors to tri er the esta"lishmentjs *D3checkin re&!irement pro+ide staE and

    mana ers with %eed"ack on staE per%ormance and whether store policies are "ein

    %ollowed# RR\ c!rrentl' recommends 3/- +isits a 'ear#

    W'ster' shop inspections can "e s!pplemented "' re+iew o% point3o%3sale +ideo tapes

    and cash re ister data or other internal monitorin s'stems#

    W'ster' shopper res!lts and the res!lts o% law en%orcement compliance checks sho!ld

    "e re+iewed promptl' with all staE not 8!st with the indi+id!al clerk who waited on

    the m'ster' shopper#

    \eed"ack to staE mem"ers who %ail to check *Ds sho!ld incl!de co!nselin

    (asesoramiento) and re3trainin # :he conse&!ences %or a -nd %ail!re ma' incl!de

    s!spension witho!t pa' or termination ("a8a, cese)# *mmediate positi+e %eed"ack to staE

    mem"ers who s!ccess%!ll' check *Ds is important and can incl!de tan i"le i%ts ( %t]

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    (F present ) re alo, o"se&!io) and p!"lic reco nition#

    ;# @se sec!rit' practices to red!ce !ndera e the%t

    @se the%t deterrent ([dter ' nt] elemento dis!asi+o) e&!ipment andSor a 4oor plan that

    keeps alcohol shel+es and coolers ([k!Ml r] ne+era) !no"str!cted ([n"strktd]

    despe8adoZ per%ecto) %or store mana ement and staE and permits staE to monitor

    c!stomers and red!ce alcohol the%t#

    # eep records

    Doc!ment all trainin , m'ster' shops, and law en%orcement compliance checks# Res!lts

    o% m'ster' shop inspections, compliance checks and disciplinar' actions sho!ld "eplaced in the personnel records o% staE# eep an !n!s!al occ!rrence lo (re istro de)

    and an' related +ideo# :hese records ma' "e !sed %or comm!nicatin %ront line

    challen es to mana ement, %or positi+e reco nition pro rams %or emplo'ees, and to

    show compan' responsi"ilit'# Appoint ([pbnt] (F nominate ) nom"rar) a hi h3le+el

    emplo'ee to o+ersee ([K+siM] s!per+isar) the store9s compliance (SkmplansS

    c!mplimiento) with laws concernin the sale and marketin o% a e3restricted prod!cts

    and these Recommended ractices#

    6# Homm!nicate with the p!"lic

    ge a comm!nit' asset (SVsetS acti+o)# Retailers ser+e their comm!nities when the' post

    in%ormation a"o!t the le al a e o% p!rchase and eXpress the importance o% pre+entin

    teen access to alcohol# ost si ns a"o!t 'o!r *D checkin policies at the entrance and

    near re isters where a e3restricted prod!cts are sold# sta"lish workin relationships

    with local law en%orcement# et in+ol+ed in ind!str' associations and the comm!nit' to

    eXpress a commitment to pre+ent !ndera e sales and !se# And since responsi"le

    retailin shi%ts !ndera e access %rom commercial sales to social so!rces, the

    comm!nit' can "ene>t %rom learnin how important it is that ad!lts not %!rnish ([%5Mn

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    proporcionar, %acilita) alcohol to !ndera e indi+id!als#

    1# Don9t market to 'o!th

    Alcohol prod!cts sho!ld not "e displa'ed in an area that contains prod!cts likel' to "e

    p!rchased "' 'o!th, s!ch as sodas, snack %oods or ener ' drinks especiall' since

    some alcohol prod!cts can look like non3alcoholic drinks# Don9t displa' 'o!th3oriented

    ad+ertisin %or alcohol prod!cts in 'o!r store# \ree prod!ct samplin ma' "e

    inappropriate i% 'o!th are permitted in the store# Don9t ad+ertise alcohol prod!cts in

    colle e or hi h school p!"lications, or o!tdoors near schools or pla' ro!nds#

    0# Remem"er that responsi"le retailin is a mana ement responsi"ilit'

    +er' aspect o% responsi"le sales and ser+ice o% alcohol imposes a responsi"ilit' on

    mana ement to o+ersee and respond#

    =tate Alcohol Caw n%orcement

    :ools states !se to red!ce teen alcohol access and !se

    =tate and local a!thorities license alcohol wholesalers ([hKlsel r] comerciante al por

    ma'or, ma'orista) and retailers and make decisions a"o!t where alcohol sales ma' "e

    permitted, ho!rs o% operation, amon other iss!es ([ !M] eXpediciGn, distri"!ciGn,

    reparto) related to alcohol sales#

    \or in%ormation a"o!t the state a encies responsi"le %or alcohol licensin and sales

    control, +isit the ational @i uor @aw +n!orcement Association #

    :he' also en%orce !ndera e drinkin laws, incl!din "' cond!ctin retail compliance

    checks and respondin to !ndera e drinkin parties#

    nhanced ([nhLMns] realNar, dar realce a [ position, reputation, chances ] me8orar [

    value, powers ] a!mentar) retail en%orcement pro rams are eEecti+e in red!cin sales o%

    alcohol to minors# :he @ndera e Drinkin n%orcement :rainin Henter ( @D :H ),

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    %!nded "' the @#=# Department o% J!stice, p!"lishes !ides %or law en%orcement

    (aplicaciGn) on how to cond!ct alcohol compliance (c!mplimiento) checks and

    alcohol purchase sur&eys (enc!estas de compra)# Bhat9s the diEerence "etween

    these two compliance approachesI *n an alcohol compliance check, a person !nder -/ is

    sent into a retail o!tlet to tr' to "!' alcohol# *n some states, howe+er, alcohol

    compliance checks are not le al, e+en !nder the s!per+ision o% law en%orcement, d!e to

    laws re ardin !ndera e alcohol possession and p!rchase# *n an alcohol p!rchase

    s!r+e', a 'o!th%!l lookin ad!lt is sent into a store, "ar, or resta!rant to see i% the

    retailer will ask %or identi>cation "e%ore makin a sale#

    Despite pre+ention eEorts, !ndera e drinkin parties do occ!r# @D :H pro+ides

    in%ormation %or law en%orcement on how to cond!ct a controlled dispersal plan to

    sa%el' and eUcientl' close an !ndera e drinkin part'#

    We Don't er&e *eens

    :his we"site has tools and in%ormation to help parents and others red!ce teen drinkin

    and related harm#

    255300667.odt 19

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    :eens who drink !s!all' et alcohol %rom social so!rces at parties, %rom older

    %riends and %amil', or "' takin it %rom a ca"inet or re%ri erator witho!t permission# :een

    drinkin is linked to in8!r' and risk' "eha+ior# Be can red!ce teen drinkin "' stoppin

    teens9 eas' access to alcohol#

    $elp !s achie+e (St iM+S lle+ar a ca"o) this important oalY ost this messa e on 'o!r

    we"site, and !se the campai n materials a+aila"le here to et the word o!t (a correr la


    lease don9t pro+ide alcohol to teens#

    *t9s !nsa%e# *t9s ille al# *t9s irresponsi"le#

    A"o!t @s

    Be Don9t =er+e :eens is a cons!mer ed!cation campai n de+eloped "' the @#=# \ederal

    :rade Hommission, the nation9s cons!mer protection a enc'# :he campai n has "een

    reco niNed "' the U. . enate and $ouse o! :epresentati&es , the ational

    Bre&ention 3ouncil , and representati+es o% more than .7 states# All pro ram materials

    are a+aila"le in "oth n lish and =panish and pro+ided %ree o% char e# =ome o% the

    or aniNations that promote the Be Don9t =er+e :eens messa e incl!de state alcohol

    re !lator' a enciesZ state and local law en%orcementZ alcohol ind!str' mem"ersZ hi h

    schools and colle esZ and social ser+ices or aniNations#

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