annual report - spie• alberto carrera • nayeli casillas-rodríguez • josé alfredo...

Annual Report 2018 SPIE CICESE Student Chapter

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Page 1: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Annual Report2018

SPIE CICESE Student Chapter

Page 2: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Our student chapter: 27 members

• Ana Luisa Aguayo Alvarado• Fernando Arturo Araiza Sixtos• Edgardo Balderrama Gonzále• Dannareli Barron• Alberto Carrera• Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez• José Alfredo Castro-Valdez• Marco Cortez Herrera• Jordan Diaz• Abigaill Fraijo• Ana Carolina Galindo• José Roberto Gómez de la Cruz• Miguel González Mandujano• Beatriz Juarez-Alvarez• Marino Lara

• Yryx Luna Palacios• David Martínez López• Avril Meza-Olivo• German Nolasco• Carlos Ochoa Guerrero• Gisell Lorena Osorio Osorio• Karen Raygoza• Victor Rico Botero• Adriana Rojas Sánchez• Lamborghini Sotelo• Cindy Valencia Caicedo• Abraham Wong Gutiérrez

Page 3: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Elected Officers 2018

Carlos Iván Ochoa [email protected] President

Nayeli Casillas [email protected] Vice President

Lamborghini Sotelo [email protected] Treasurer

Corinne Luna [email protected] Secretary

María de los Ángeles Zazueta [email protected] Logistics

Page 4: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

The presidential ceremony of succession, former President Carlos Ochoa handing down to the current President Cindy Valencia

Elected Officers

Page 5: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Elected Officers 2019

Cindy Johanna Valencia Caicedo [email protected] President

Yryx Luna [email protected] Vice President

Lamborghini Sotelo [email protected] Treasurer

Gissel Lorena Osorio [email protected] Secretary

Page 6: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Chapter activities2018

All the events listed below for the professional development of our community and members

Page 7: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Photonics West 2018

SPIE Student Chapter Officer Travel Grant

On behalf of the Board of Directors of SPIE—The International Society for Optics and Photonics, our former SPIE Chapter president Miss Guerra was awarded an “Officer Travel Grant” to attend the SPIE Student Shapter leadership workshop during SPIE Photonics West 2018, in San Francisco, California. In support of the participation, the award offered:

❖ A student grant of up to $1800 USD toward food and travel expenses❖ An additional student grant of up to $350 USD toward lodging

expenses❖ Full waiver of the student registration fee (valued at $360 USD).

Miss Guerra attended a full day leadership workshop on 26th January (2018) which wasinstructed by communications specialist Christine Hass. During the day, different methods onthe subject “The Craft of Scientific Presentations” were studied, and a series of practical exercises focused on improving communication (oral and body language) were performed.

Page 8: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

She also got involved during the workshop with two short active participations: 1) along with other Chapter Officers she designed and presented a poster on effective communication and 2) offered herself to give an example of story teller to win the book “The Craft of Scientific Presentations” by Michael Alley.

During the lunch break, she presented the various SPIE Student Chapter activities held throughout 2017 with a poster presentation.

After attending the workshop, Miss Guerra shared her experience with other Chapter Officers and members back in Mexico to grow the Chapter by adopting new things and ideas which are being held by other SPIE Student Chapters.


Page 9: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Cruce 2PM Mexicali (Outreach)

Date: March 15 2018Number of attendance: >5,000Funding requested: NoHow chapter funding was spent: NA

Our chapter held a small table with several optical demonstrations from our SPIE and OSA optics Kits and we were surpriced as well as the organizers of the event that received a record amount of visitors, that was a couple of days loaded with fun and sore troats.The money received was from our institution Departamento de Física Aplicada CICESE, and was used to pay the hotel, food and transportation for the two days.

Facebok page:

Page 10: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Outreach actitivities

• Robotics contest Tijuana Outreach + Presentation (04-13-18 )• Visitors from CECyTE an State High-School (04-10-18 )• Symposium of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials Outreach + Support (04-25-18 )

IV symposium of nanoscience

and nanomaterials

In all our outreach activities we use our SPIE optics kits

Page 11: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Orphanage Casa hogar. Día del Niño (04-30-18)

Date: April 30 2018Number of attendance: 90Funding requested: NoHow chapter funding was spent: Supplies for a month, cakes and piñatas

We went on to celebrate Mexican child day with kids from an orphanage located 45 minutes to the north from our institute, for those who manage to get there, well it’s science and kids, the amazement from each one of them was enough to shake your heart and worth every second we spent there.

Like any great adventure, just at halfway one of our vehicles start heating due to the elevation of the terrain. Half of our party was left there waiting to be towed away home, while the remaining continue with our quest.

Our institute was the funding benefactor, some of the researchers gave us toys as presents for the childen.

Page 12: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Receiving visitors… Pearson College (05-07-18)

(LEFT ) We receive a few visitors this year, merely notice the ukuleles, besides optics, some of our members are proficient with musical instruments and can combine and share both passions.

(DOWN) Those kids were a tough audience; they were precise questioning and responding with a lot of formality. Yet amazed and curious at the same time.

IMANTI College (06-10-18)

Page 13: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Visit to our National Observatory: Observatorio de San Pedro Mártir 05-11-18

Member Jesus an enthusiast astronomer by heart.Manipulate an 8” telescope we borrow, and allow us to see four statelites of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn, a wonderful night.

Page 14: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

International Day of Light (05-16-18)




Page 15: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Regional Optics Congress: CReO 2018 Date: September 22 2018Number of attendance: ~500Funding requested: YesHow chapter funding was spent: Visiting Lecturer Profesor Gabe Spalding

Description: Our Regional Congress of Optics, celebrate it’s 7th year in a row, increasing the awareness of optics in our region, and taking advantage to offer cutting edge lectures to our assistants as well as our student members. We held a poster competition in optics that atract presenters from at least four local universities. The money received was spent entirely on the filght of professor Gabriel Spalding.

Page 16: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

CReO 2018

*This is our 7th regional congress*We held a 45 posters session*Talks from local, regional and International researchers

Page 17: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

SPIE Women in Optics

Alongside the activities of our 7th Regional congress CReO 2018, we give a commemorative plate to our five woman researchers acknowledging that some of them have been pioneers in the optical field in our research center.

We organize a meal and ceremony in recognition of the five research women we have, the meal was for all the members of our department, yet the event held a substantial impact on all our region, covered even by a national newspaper.

Our SPIE founding was of USD 900, USD 250 spent in five laser engraved metal plates mounted on a wooden base and a bouquet for each woman researcher. The remaining USD 650 were used to pay part of the meal for that celebration.

The remaining price of the meal covered by our institution and our male researchers bring three boxes of wine for the toast.

Date: September 26 2018Number of attendance: 80Funding requested: YesHow chapter funding was spent: Meal, and recognition plates.

Page 18: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Student seminars

Date: All year longHeld every two weeks.This year we had 22 seminars.

Page 19: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

SolidWorks Workshop

Our member Víctor Rico gave twice the workshop, and we thank him for his time, enthusiasm and dedication

Patents Workshop

From the department of patents of our institute came to us to illustrate the legal aspects of our work and how even an instagram photography may spoil a patent of an industrial secret.

Page 20: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

* EVOO 2018

We also collaborate in:

* La noche de las ciencias * La noche de las estrellas* GIS Day 2018

Besides outreach activities, we were also organizers and provide aid in logistics and seminar talks in each event aforementioned.

Page 21: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Optical experiment contest for high-school only

Date: June 19 2018Number of attendance: 90Funding requested: YesHow chapter funding was spent: Not approved

Page 22: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

In the News papers, our optical experiment contest

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Page 24: Annual Report - SPIE• Alberto Carrera • Nayeli Casillas-Rodríguez • José Alfredo Castro-Valdez • Marco Cortez Herrera • Jordan Diaz • Abigaill Fraijo • Ana Carolina

Thank you for your attention and your contribution in all the activities with us