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Annual Plan & Budget Estimates 2011/2012

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Annual Plan & Budget Estimates 2011/2012

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Tasman Council Annual Plan & Budget Estimates 2011-2012

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The Annual Plan 2

Vision, Mission and Values 3

Strategic Deliverables for 2011-2012 4-5

Mayor and Councillors 6-7

Foreword by The Mayor 8-10

General Manager’s Comment 11-12

Employment Numbers 13

Council Statistics 14

Our Structure to Meet the Challenges 15

Significant Services 16

Council Committees 17

Fees and Charges 18-24

Program Areas

Executive Services 25

Corporate Services 26-33

Tourism and Community Development 34-40

Technical Services 41-48

Natural Resource Management 49-52

Planning and Regulatory Services 53-59


Rates Resolution 60-61

Budget Information

Estimated Income Statement 62

Estimated Capital Works 63-64


Appendix “A” – Integrated Planning Framework 65

Appendix “B” – Our Council Organisational Chart 66

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The Annual Plan

Welcome to Council’s Annual Plan and Budget Estimates for the 2011-2012 financial year. This document is produced by Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993. The Annual Plan is one of Council’s main reporting documents. It provides specific information about the services and projects Council will undertake during the financial year in order to achieve the objectives and goals outlined in the Strategic Plan. The Budget Estimates provide detailed information about how Council will fund those services and projects during the financial year. Funding the operations of Council requires careful financial planning. It is necessary for Council to not only fund its depreciation obligations, but also ensure funds exist for growth and new works. This will assist in ensuring that the financial viability and sustainability issues faced by many small Councils can be strategically managed in the future. This Annual Plan is consistent with best practice and sound financial and strategic management principles. The outcomes outlined in this plan are consistent with the Strategic Plan. Council’s 10 Year Financial Management Strategy has informed many of the financial considerations in the formulation of the budget estimates. The format of the Annual Plan and Budget provides a detailed break down of the services Council provides and how it funds those services. Performance indicators are provided as a means of measuring whether Council achieves the tasks it has set itself for the forthcoming year. As with all businesses, Council finds from time to time that it has to revise its spending and operational outcomes in order to deal with unexpected incidents, such as asset failures due to accident or storm damage and to take advantage of opportunities that may arise. The Annual Plan and Budget Estimates should therefore be considered as a guide to Council’s intentions over the next 12 months. Anyone wanting further information in relation to specific activities or projects is encouraged to contact the Council on (03) 6250 9200 where staff will be pleased to assist you.

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Vision, Mission and Values

CCoouunncciill’’ss VViissiioonn ffoorr 22001122:: Tasman Council will continue to progress as an innovative and vibrant community, valuing its people, environment and heritage while building a sustainable and diverse future.

VViissiioonn SSttaatteemmeenntt:: Tasman – custodians of the past; visionaries for the future

MMiissssiioonn SSttaatteemmeenntt::

Tasman Council will be responsive to its community by: providing effective and strategic leadership; working in partnership with the community to progress its ideas, values and

needs; identifying and acting on current and emerging priorities and service needs; enhancing economic growth opportunities through sound planning and

leadership; responding efficiently to the expectations of the community through quality and

value-for-money service; and adopting a creative and progressive approach in all that we do.

SSttaatteemmeenntt ooff VVaalluueess::

Tasman Council will operate in a way that: values our historical, cultural and natural environment and the things that make

the Municipality such a unique place to live and work; seeks and encourages quality sustainable, innovative and compatible

development; fosters and supports community participation and involvement, tolerance, and

pride in our community; promotes and maintains a community that is healthy, active, skilled and


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Strategic Deliverables for 2011-2012

1. Complete the Capital Works Program including the following projects:

Road and Drainage Upgrades:

George Street Smith Street Nubeena Road Noyes Road Turners Road White Beach Road Penzance area Safety Cove Road Pirates Bay Road Sommers Bay Road

Upgrade of drainage, patch and re-seal

Reconstruct and seal Pavement rehab and reseal –

south of Littles Road Relining of drains Drainage works Drainage works between Free

St and Noyes Rd Drainage investigation Pavement rehab and reseal

430m Pavement rehab and reseal

920m Pavement rehab and reseal


Black Spot Program:

White Beach Road White Beach Road Nubeena Road

Roads to Recovery: Sommers Bay Road White Beach Road White Beach Road

Bridge Works:

Improved delineation Safety barrier at Cripps Creek

and street light Safety barrier

Prepare and seal 500m Pavement rehab and reseal

440m Pavement rehab and reseal


Heywards Road Bridge Andersons Road Bridge Marsh Road Bridge

Jetties and Boat Ramps:

Turners Point

Other Capital Works:

Main/Back Road footpath

Footpath from school to Clark Street

SES Building repairs Public Halls planned maintenance

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Pearls Court Upgrading of Units Nubeena Foreshore walkway

Commence first stage from

Judd Park 2. Implement the Tasman Tourism Development Strategy 3. Continue with the development of a new Planning Scheme

4. Implement the Partnership Agreement with the State Government

5. Implement the new Strategic Plan

6. Ongoing review of policies and procedures

7. Review and update Customer Service Charter

8. Implement the Tasman Weed Strategy

9. Implement the Tasman Action Plan for Energy & Greenhouse Improvement

10. Three Capes Walk Infrastructure Assessment

11. Develop and implement joint MAST/DEDT East Coast Marine Infrastructure Strategy

12. Finalise and implement in new planning scheme the Nubeena - White Beach Structure


13. Develop Nubeena Foreshore Master Plan and implement first stage

14. Develop Pearls Court Master Plan and investigate development/investment options

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Mayor and Councillors

Elected Members of Council as at 1 July 2011

Mayor Cr Jan Barwick

301 White Beach Road WHITE BEACH 7184

Councillor term expires October 2013

Deputy Mayor Cr Roseanne Heyward

468 Nubeena Road KOONYA 7187

Councillor term expiresOctober 2013

Councillor Gary Alexander ASM

PO Box 913 NUBEENA 7184

Councillor term expiresOctober 2011

Councillor Joan Fazackerley

PO Box 640 NUBEENA 7184

Councillor term expiresOctober 2011

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Councillor Pam Fenerty

21 Osprey Road EAGLEHWAK NECK 7179

Councillor term expires October 2013

Councillor Dave Moser

413 Pirates Bay Drive EAGLEHAWK NECK 7179

Councillor term expiresOctober 2011

Councillor James Noye

351 Saltwater River Road SALTWATER RIVER 7186

Councillor term expiresOctober 2011

Councillor Roger Larner

PO Box 1374 PORT ARTHUR 7182

Councillor term expires October 2013

Councillor Glenn Skeggs

PO Box 741 NUBEENA 7184

Councillor term expiresOctober 2011

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Foreword by the Mayor

It is that time of the year again where I find myself writing the foreword for Council’s Annual Plan and Budget Estimates for the 2011/2012 Financial Year. Prior to writing this report, I read my last years report and it was very heartening to realise, although at times progress has seemed slow, that the projects we set out to achieve have been completed successfully. Staff and Councillors alike can be very proud of our achievements. A snapshot of some of those achievements are:

A greater emphasis on roads, drainage and other infrastructure maintenance; The completion of capital projects, such as the sealing of roads and drainage

improvements and a new barbecue area at Murdunna; The completion of the revitalised Tasman Tourism Development Strategy and Council’s

reviewed Strategic Plan; The Tasman Op Shop is now a fantastic facility for both the volunteers who manage it

and for the community who rely on it; The upgrade of the Tunnel Bay/Shipstern Bluff car park is well underway and the upgrade

of the Taranna boat ramp is complete; The World Heritage Listing of both the Port Arthur and Coalmines Historic Sites has been

achieved; and Council continues to support the Tasman & Nubeena Community Bank initiative.

A more detailed report of these and other Council achievements will be provided in the Mayors Annual Report. Yet another new General Manager commenced with Tasman on the 21st of March 2011. Prior to commencing his new role with Council, Mr Robert Higgins had been Councils Senior Contract Planner for two and a half years. Robert brings to the role over 11 years management and 6 years senior local government management experience. He was previously employed with Brighton Council managing their common service outsourcing business and providing Acting General Manager, Development Services Manager and Contract Planner functions to a number of rural Councils simultaneously. Having worked around Australia in the private and public sector in a number of different roles prior to this, Robert has extensive operational and practical experience which is proving to be of great benefit to Council in our continuous improvement. A strong advocate for rural and remote councils, Robert is working with Council, the community and government to ensure we continue to provide relevant, effective and sustainable services. In my opinion Tasman Council lost its way some ten years ago. Council became top heavy with administrative staff, which left very little money left over for our road maintenance and other infrastructure requirements. This problem was clearly apparent by the deterioration of Councils roads and other infrastructure.

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As Mayor for almost four years, together with the support of my fellow Councillors, it has been our mission to rectify this problem and there have been many strategic moves over the past four years to correct the imbalance. We always kept our eye on the target and we knew that every move, as slow as it seemed to be, was taking us in the right direction. I firmly believe that all of our hard work has finally paid off and that we now have the balance right, as evidenced by our greatly improved roads and infrastructure. Councillors who supported me in this necessary restructuring can be very proud of themselves and proud of their abilities to look into the future and see the big picture and for having the courage to take the steps necessary to rectify the problem. Credit must also go to Robert and his predecessor Dr Wendy Hunter, who with her quiet wisdom, fine tuned our staffing structure even further and left us with a very strong foundation to build upon. We can look to the future with excitement and enthusiasm, with a new, innovative, enthusiastic and experienced General Manager leading our highly valued and skilled team of employees. You will be aware that Tasman has undergone a total revaluation. Despite this, Council have ensured that our rates revenue has only increased by the Council Cost Index (CCI) of 3.16%, there will be no windfalls for Tasman Council, unlike the shock of 2005. On average across the municipality values have increased by 33%, coupled with some extremes with properties increasing by over 200%. Unfortunately, due to those extremes, Council found it impossible to totally soften the blow of a rate rise, but the new rates model will certainly assist in minimising that impact. The staff are to be highly commended for their hard work in producing several potential rates models in an attempt to minimise the impact of the revaluation on our ratepayers. After several workshops, Council decided to implement a new rating structure. That being a 30% fixed charge applied to all properties, each rateable property in the municipality will have a fixed charge of $268.63 applied, with a reduced rate in the dollar of 6.487214 cents applied to the assessed annual value. Although it is very much swings and roundabouts, there will be many ratepayers who will be paying considerably less rates than last year, particularly in the farming sector. This new rate structure is the first step in reviewing our rates strategy to minimise the impact of revaluations into the future, and confirms Councils ongoing commitment since 2006 to minimise unnecessary rate rises. Council have ended the year, once again, with a balanced budget. Financially, Tasman has been performing very well for some years now, without the need to burden our ratepayers unnecessarily. Council’s decision to minimise rate rises necessitates that we will need to remain diligent with our expenses, whilst also providing the services our community needs and simultaneously ensuring that we continue to live within our means to remain financially viable and sustainable. With the current financial situation of the State Government, we can expect that very little financial assistance will be available to Local Government. It is therefore more important than ever that Tasman remains financially responsible and sustainable. The 2011/12 operating budget, once again, concentrates on keeping our roads maintained to an acceptable standard while Council’s capital budget consolidates last years efforts of bringing our roads back to a reasonable standard. Much of the capital works budget is concentrated on drainage upgrades, resealing and patching of many roads to maintain, repair and increase the life of our assets.

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I encourage you to read the 2011/2012 Annual Plan and Budget Estimates for specific details of each project. I thank my fellow Councillors, our General Manager and our team of professional and dedicated Staff for their ongoing and continued commitment to making Tasman the envy of our neighbours and our other local government counterparts.

Jan Barwick MAYOR

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General Manager’s Comment

The annual plan and budget estimates is the key statutory document that demonstrates what Council operations and service delivery will be focused on in 2011-2012 to align with the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan. Adopted in May 2011 after considerable public consultation, the Strategic Plan establishes the direction for Council to 2015. In conjunction with this, the Tourism Development Strategy 2011 – 2016 was also adopted in 2011 directly influencing our focus and operations. Providing the range of requisite services and capital works in a financially responsible and sustainable manner has proven to be a challenge. Nonetheless, the annual plan demonstrates to the community appropriate and strategic decision making and expenditure of revenue. The variety of roles and functions Council currently provides and is expected to provide is large and continues to grow. Service provision at the Federal and State level continues to decline for rural and remote areas. The combination of these factors naturally results in Council having to focus on striking the right balance on necessary expenditure, programs and strategies. Despite the recent revaluation, Council has ensured rate revenue does not exceed inflation based on the Council Cost Index of 3.18%. This is an achievement Council can be proud of as valuations have increased across all sectors by an average of 33% with individual properties increasing by as much as 200% plus. Detailed rates modelling was carried out to ensure the structure minimizes the impact of revaluations and a longer term rates strategy will be established through 2011 -2012 to maintain this principal. This will be done in conjunction with a revised long term financial plan. Total operating expenditure has been forecast at $4,823,986 and comprises a capital works program of $1,400,100 with the components detailed in the Annual Plan. Financial sustainability indicators and practices have been utilised in the development of this document to ensure that our short term liquidity is maintained into the future. I am firmly of the view that in comparison to our metropolitan counterparts, rural and remote Councils have a different operational and strategic focus and are subject to greater financial, staff and elected member accountability from their ratepayers. Council will continue to work with our local government partners in Brighton, Glamorgan Spring Bay and others to benefit from the provision of particular expertise and efficiencies and joint lobbying and advocacy. Key focus areas for the upcoming financial year will centre on the continued maintenance of our existing assets, investing in necessary capital upgrades and delivering on some key projects. The necessity of Council to implement an integrated asset management and financial management plan only increases in importance each year. We need to ensure that maintenance is at least proportional to depreciation, a key sustainability indicator. Council must remain focused on maintaining and renewing existing assets as there is a significant body of work requiring attention. Adding further weight to this is the Federal government position of funding to the sector being directly influenced based on whether such a system is in place. Funds have been allocated in 2011-2012 to commence the implementation of a system involving data

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capture, programmed maintenance and inspection. Efficiencies will be gained by partnering with Brighton Council in the acquisition and use of software to avoid significant cost duplication. The State government planning reform agenda has resulted in the adoption of a Southern Regional Land Use Strategy which in conjunction with Vision East (the East Coast Land Use Strategy) and the Nubeena - White Beach Structure Plan, will directly inform the development of a new planning scheme. This project is a collaborative approach between Council, the Southern Tasmania Councils Authority and the Tasmanian Planning Commission. The STCA and TPC have forecast that a draft planning scheme will be completed by the end of 2011 and made available for informal public consultation prior to the TPC adopting it as an interim planning scheme in early 2012. The significance of this project for Tasman cannot be overemphasized as it has direct development, tourism, economic, social and environmental impacts. In addition, for Council there are serious operational, efficiency and cost implications with our current outdated planning schemes. You are encouraged to be involved and inform yourselves through contact with Council or via I am fortunate to have an enthusiastic, focused and dedicated internal and external work force and together with Councillors and other key industries, individuals and organizations, we will continue to work cooperatively for the benefit of Tasman. I commend this annual plan and budget estimate to you and encourage you to contact me with regard to the continual improvement and accountability in which Council does business and what services and outcomes we deliver.


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Employment Numbers 2011-2012

Employment numbers in 2011-2012 remain stable from 2010-2011 other than a minor administration restructure to reflect planning services being sourced internally.

Area FTE 2010/11 FTE 2011/12

Executive/Corporate Services 7.4 7.0

Tourism & Community Development 1.0 1.0

Technical Services 8.6 8.6

Planning & Environmental Services 1.2 1.6

Natural Resource Management 0.8 0.8

Total Council 19.0 19.0

* Excluding Consultant Contractors

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Council Statistics

Area: 659.3 sq klms Population 2208 Percentage of State Population 0.47 Non Current Assets $17,698,446 Non Current Liabilities $1,304,000 Full Time Equivalent Employees:- 19.0 FTE Revenue (inc capital) (Estimate) $4,842,531 Loan Debt $904,167.62 Roads Length: - 187 Sealed 70 Unsealed 117 Bridges 52 Rateable Properties 3485 Rateable Residential Properties 2104 Electors 2491 Voter Turnout (2009) 1793 (73.24%)

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Our Structure to Meet the Challenges

COUNCIL Committees Mayor

General Manager

Overall Management Strategic Leadership Councillor Support

Performance Management Statutory Functions

Policy Development & Implementation

Training and Development Legal Issues

Corporate Risk Management Industrial Relations

Corporate Services

Administrative Services Information Technology Services Customer Service Accounts Management

Insurance Information Management Rates Payroll Services Mail Services Human Resources

Financial & Contracts

Finance Financial Services

Grants Contract Management

Planning & Regulatory Services

Land Use & Planning Subdivision Assessment Building Compliance Plumbing/Drainage

Municipal Inspections Food/Hygiene Inspections Environmental Health

Infrastructure & Works Provision

Engineering Infrastructure Planning Parks and Recreation Maintenance Roads & Bridge Maintenance and Construction Water and Sewerage (limited) Major Capital Projects Design Services Cemeteries

Disaster Management Assets Management Civil Construction Building Maintenance General Repairs and Maintenance Special Projects Waste Management Animal Control

Tourism, Economic & Community Development

Promotions Community Consultation Recreation Services Cultural Development

Major Events Community Programs and Grants Community Development Tourism Economic & Business Development

Natural Resource Management

Coastal Management

Natural Resource Management

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Significant Services

In addition to the Council’s day-to-day operational obligations, the following services are also provided to our community: Governance And Executive Services Council Elected Member Support Council Meetings Advocacy Partnership Agreement Legal Advice Human Resources Business Services Customer Services Administrative Support Financial Management Information Technology Property Services Other Activities Community Activities Community Halls Civic Centre Development Coastal Activities Marine Activities Jetties And Boat Ramps Community Development SES Provision Community Grants Program Community Events Liaison Natural Resource Management Weed Management Landcare Energy Management & Conservation Bio Diversity

Regulatory Animal Control Public & Environmental Health Building Control Planning Regulatory Compliance Physical and Infrastructure Services Road & Bridge Maintenance and

Development Road Sealing and Resealing Bridge Maintenance Provision of Road and Street Signage Traffic Management Construction and Maintenance of Footpaths Urban Drainage Road Drainage Waste Management Services Recreational Facilities Beautification Strategies Parks & Gardens Cemetery Management Playgrounds Asset Management Tourism & Economic Services Marketing and Promotions Economic Development Tourism Strategy and Development

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Council Committees

Section 23 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides for Council to establish committees, on such terms as it thinks fit, to assist it in carrying out its functions under the Act. These committees comprise of councillors appointed by the Council and normal Council meeting protocols apply to these committees. Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides for Council to also establish special committees, on such terms and for such purposes as it thinks fit, to assist it in carrying out its functions under the Act. These special committees comprise of such persons appointed by the Council as the council thinks appropriate. The council determines the procedures relating to meetings of a special committee. The transactions of special committees are included in the financial statements of Council and are subject to Council audit requirements. The Works, Infrastructure and Assets Committee as well as the Finance and Administration Committee were established in December 2008. These committees are listed below: Tourism and Economic Development Committee Works, Infrastructure and Assets Committee Finance and Administration Committee Tasman Civic Centre Strategic Management Committee

- Tasman Civic Centre Management Committee Saltwater River Hall Committee Koonya Hall Committee Port Arthur Recreational Grounds Committee Nubeena Recreational Grounds Committee Tasman Community Centre Committee Emergency Management Committee Pearls Court Committee

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Fees and Charges

Fees And Charges Set Pursuant To Section 205 of the Local Government Act 1993.

(GST inclusive where GST applies)

Administration Fees Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Right to Information Act $34.00 per request $34.00 per request Photocopying $0.45 per copy $0.45 per copy Colour Photocopying $2.25 per copy $2.25 per copy Faxing $6.00 $6.25 132 Certificate $42.10 $40.80 337 Certificate $185.90 $180.20 Archival Search of records per ½ hour $35.00 $34.50 Hire of PA System (community groups only) $31.50 ($20 refundable

deposit) $31.50 ($20 refundable deposit)

Hire of Small Marquee (community groups only)

$200.00 ($100 refundable deposit)

$200.00 ($50 refundable deposit)

Hire of Large Marquee (Community groups only)

$300.00 ($100 refundable deposit)

$300.00 ($50 refundable deposit)

Caravan licence (per year) $146.50 $142.00

Public Hall Hire Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Council Chambers (tea & coffee facilities additional on application)

$50.00 $50.00

Tasman Community Hall Main hall, kitchen & meeting room – general hire (per hour)

$13.50 $13.50

Main hall, kitchen & meeting room – community groups (per meeting)

$19.50 $19.50

Meeting room & kitchen – community group (per day)

$33.00 $33.00

Meeting room & kitchen – commercial groups (per day)

$75.00 $75.00

Outdoor area only (per day) $69.50 $69.50 Total complex including outdoor area (per day)

$209.00 $209.00

Koonya Hall All facilities (per day) $139.00 $139.00 Function, hall & anteroom $68.00 $68.00 Small function, anteroom $11.50 $11.50 Large educational group $11.50 $11.50 Small educational group $6.50 $6.50 Saltwater River Hall Hall for dance, party etc (includes $60 refundable bond)

$132.00 $132.00

Casual long day hire (e.g. electoral commission)

$84.00 $84.00

Educational/community groups $16.50 $16.50 Regular user groups $11.50 $11.50 Nubeena Civic Centre General hire (per hour) $15.00 $15.00 All indoor facilities (per day) + $60 refundable bond

$132.00 $132.00

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Recreation Grounds & Halls

Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011 Nubeena Recreation Ground

Full use of grounds & hall (season hire) $278.00 $278.00 Junior soccer (season hire) $278.00 $278.00 Junior football (season hire) $116.00 $116.00 Tasman District School $116.00 $116.00 Day use – grounds only (general hire) $50.00 $50.00 Function room & Kitchen (general hire) – includes $50 refundable bond

$127.00 $127.00

Function room – 1-2 hours (general hire) $15.00 $15.00 Function room – 3-4 hours (general hire) $25.00 $25.00 Port Arthur Recreation Ground

Sporting club (season hire) $278.00 $278.00 Grounds & facilities (per day) $85.00 $85.00 BBQ only (per day) $27.50 $27.50 Grounds only (per day) $50.00 $50.00 Electoral Commission (per day) $83.00 $83.00 Premaydena Recreation Ground

Sporting club (season hire) $278.00 $278.00 Grounds & facilities (per day) $85.00 $85.00 Building only (includes $20 refundable bond)

$60.00 $60.00

BBQ only (per day) $27.50 $27.50 Grounds only (per day) $50.00 $50.00

Waste Management – Nubeena Refuse Site Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Cars/station wagons (seats up) $5.50 $5.25 Vans, utes, small trailers $13.50 $13.00 Dual axle, single axle large trailers $19.50 $19.00 Skip Bins m3 $19.50 $19.00 Small white goods $9.00 $8.50 Large white goods $18.00 $15.00 Car bodies (whole) $40.00 $37.00 Commercial waste m3 $22.00 $19.00 Tyres – cars, motor cycles (per tyre) $8.00 $7.50 Tyres – light truck, 4WD (per tyre) $11.00 $10.50 Truck tyres (per tyre) $16.00 $13.00 Recyclables No Charge No Charge

Cemetery Fees Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Single depth burial $1650.00 $1600.00 Double depth burial $1850.00 $1800.00 Second internment $1030.00 $1000.00 Child under 12 years $800.00 $800.00 Gravesite reservations $590.00 $575.00 Exhumation $1650.00 $1600.00 Re-internment $866.00 $840.00 Memorial wall reservation $454.00 $440.00 Memorial wall cavity $454.00 $440.00 Additional fee for digging and/or attending weekends and public holidays

$376.00 $365.00

Archival Search of records per ½ hour $35.00 $90.00

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Planning and Development Fees

Scheme Amendments Request for Scheme Amendment pursuant to S33 LUPAA

$1158.00 + 3x newspaper notification fees + Tasmanian Planning Commission fee

$1,155.00 + 3x newspaper notification fees + Tasmanian Planning Commission fee

Request for Scheme Amendment pursuant to S43 LUPAA (Joint DA and PlannScheme Amendment)

$2,379.00 + 3x newspaper notification fees + Tasmanian Planning Commission fee

$2,310.00 + 3x newspaper notification fees + Tasmanian Planning Commission fee

Variation to Permits Amendment to Permit S56 LUPAA min $162.50 or .5% of

assessment fee (whichever is greater)

min $157.50 or .5% of assessment fee (whichever is greater)

Amendment to Permit S55 LUPAA $71.00 $69.00 Extension of Time on a Permit S53(5A) LUP $124.50 $120.75 Miscellaneous Consideration of Request for Amendment to sealed plan pursuant to s103 of the Local Government (Building & Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993

No objection made $271.00 objection made $516.00

No objection made $262.50 objection made $500.00

Strata $379.50 $367.75 Copy of Planning Scheme - Hard Copy $75.50 $73.50 Copy of Planning Scheme - CD $26.50 $26.00 Copy of Planning Scheme - Extract Photocopy Charge Photocopy Charge Search Fee (per hour) $38.00 $36.75

Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011 Permit Assessment Consideration of an application pursuant S57 of Land Use Panning & Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA) (Discretionary Use)

Minimum $270 + $0.75 for every $1,000 over $10,000+ notification cost

Minimum $262 + $0.75 for every $1,000 over $10,000+ notification cost

Consideration of an application pursuant to S58 LUPAA (Permitted Use)

Minimum $224.00 + $0.75 for every $1,000 over $10,000

Minimum $220.50 + $0.75 for every $1,000 over $10,000

Consideration of an application pursuant to S34 of Historical Cultural Heritage Act 1995

$189.00 plus notification cost

$184.00 plus notification cost

Subdivision minimum $379.50 + $20.50 per additional lot

minimum $367.75 + $20 per additional lot

Notification Notification of Applications where newspaper notice is required

$379.50 $367.75

Subdivision Assessment Assessment of subdivision construction plans for infrastructure services

Min $379.50 or 1% of value of work (whichever is greater)

min $367.75 or 1% of value of work (whichever is greater)

Certification Sealing of Documents pursuant to Part 5 LUPAA



Sealing of documents pursuant to Part 7 Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995

$249.00 $241.50

Sealing of documents pursuant to Part 3 of the Local Government (Building & Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993

$249.00 $241.50

Adhesion Orders Consideration of Adhesion Orders under S110 of the Local Government (Building & Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993

$249.00 $241.50

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Building Fees

Environmental Health Fees

Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011 Fee for the issuing of an Improvement Notice and ensuring that it is complied with – per hour or part thereof

$135.00 $131.00

Fee for the issuing of a Prohibition Order and for ensuring that it is complied with – per hour or part thereof

$135.00 $131.00

Premises inspection and report – per inspection and report

$162.50 $157.50

Urgent Occupancy Report $108.00 $105.00 A fee for the issuing of an Environment Protection Notice and ensuring that it is complied with – Assessment, verification and compliance inspection

$258.00 $250.00

A fee for the issuing of an Abatement Notice and for ensuring that it is complied

$130.00 $126.00

Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Building permit residential class 1 $238.00 $231.00

Building permit residential class 10 $108.00 $105.00

Building permit residential class 2 - 9 $357.00 $346.00

Plumbing permit class 1 $238.00 $231.00

Plumbing permit class 10 $108.00 $105.00

Plumbing permit class 2 - 9 $357.00 $346.00


Application for permit of substantial complianor permit to proceed – Class 1

$250.00 Not listed as a fee in 2010/11

Draft assessment & compliance of a building inspection direction

$84.00 Not listed as a fee in 2010/11

Application for demolition $120.00 $115.50

Building Permit extension of time $120.00 $115.50

Copies of statutory documents $24.50 $24.00

Application for Building Certificate $271.00 $262.50

Application for Temporary Occupancy Permit

$258.00 $250.00

Drafting Assessment and Compliance of a Building Notice

$124.00 $120.00

Issuing Service and Compliance of Building Order

$124.00 $120.00

Issuing Service and Compliance of Demolition Order

$124.00 $120.00

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with - Assessment, verification and compliance inspection Food Premises Registrations Category A $975.00 $945.00 Category B $412.00 $400.00 Category C $216.00 $210.00 Category D $130.00 $126.00 Category E – school canteens, community organisations

$54.00 $52.50

Food Vendor – Community/Charitable/Organisation

$13.00 $12.50

Food verification and assessment application, assessment and certification of occupancy report fee

$270.00 $262.50

Certificate of occupancy compliance inspection fee

$108.00 $105.00

Food business – change of operator notification

$21.50 $21.00

Food van certification – new food van inspection

$108.00 $105.00

Food van certification – certification fee for irregular operations

$81.00 $78.50

Food transport vehicles – High risk $130.00 $126.00 Food transport vehicles – medium to low risk food

$62.50 $60.50

Public health risk activity – per activity $130.00 $126.00 Temporary food licences Daily late penalty fee $21.50 $21.00 Food van Special events $54.00 $52.50 Food stall Special events $32.00 $31.00 Late penalty fee for food vendors $5.50 $5.25 School/charitable community fairs $26.00 $25.50 Place of Assembly – General Purpose Renewal of registration $130.00 $126.00 New applications – inc lodgment, assessment and inspection

$270.00 $262.50

Swimming pool/spa water sampling $86.00 $84.00 Place of Assembly – Special Events New applications – inc lodgment, assessment and licence

$258.00 $250.00

Late application fee $162.50 $157.50 Public health premises assessment fees

Application & assessment. Inspection and report

$270.00 $262.50

Urgent final inspection report – additional fee

$130.00 $126.00

Environmental Audit $130.00 $126.00 Water suppliers, users from private water source – Registration fee

$92.00 $89.00

Onsite wastewater management systems

Application fee, assessment, permit and completion certificate

$380.00 $367.50

Amendment to special plumbing permit $86.50 $84.00 Site & Soil evaluation assessment – up to 10 lots

$130.00 $126.00

Draft, assessment and compliance of a plumbing notice

$86.50 $84.00

Drafting assessment and compliance of an inspection direction notice

$86.50 $84.00

Issuing, servicing and compliance if a plumbing order

$108.00 $105.00

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Dog Registrations Type Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011

Dog – irrespective of sex (before 31/07/11) $43.00 $42.00 Dog – irrespective of sex (after 31/07/11) $63.00 $62.00 Desexed Dog (before 31/07/11) $20.00 $19.00 Desexed Dog (after 31/07/11) $25.00 $26.00 Pensioner remission - one dog only (before 31/07/11)

$20.00 $19.00

Pensioner remission – one dog only (after 31/07/11)

$25.00 $19.00

Working dogs (before 31/07/11) $20.00 $19.00 Working dogs (after 31/07/11) $26.00 $25.00 Guide & assistant dogs No Charge No Charge Purebred dogs kept for breeding whose owner is the holder of a current breeding licence recognised by the KCC of Tasmania (before 31/07/11)

$29.00 $28.00

Purebred dogs kept for breeding whose owner is the holder of a current breeding licence recognised by the KCC of Tasmania (after 31/07/11)

$41.00 $40.00

Greyhounds registered with the Tasmanian Greyhound Racing Board (before 31/07/11)

$29.00 $28.00

Greyhounds registered with the Tasmanian Greyhound Racing Board (after 31/07/11)

$41.00 $40.00

Dangerous dogs declared under sec 29 Dog Control Act 2000 (before 31/07/11)

$200.00 $194.50

Dangerous dogs declared under sec 29 Dog Control Act 2000 (after 31/07/11)

$220.00 $194.50

Dangerous dogs declared under sec 30 Dog Control Act 2000 (before 31/07/11)

$140.00 $136.50

Dangerous dogs declared under sec 30 Dog Control Act 2000 (after31/07/11)

$160.00 $136.50

Kennel licence (does not include advertising fee)

$95.00 (plus registration of each dog)


Kennel licence renewal $32.00 (plus registration of each dog)


Complaints – dogs causing a nuisance. Refundable if offence determined

$70.00 $67.00

Replacement registration tag $8.50 $8.00 Seizure of dog under sec 16 Dog Control Act

$130.00 $52.50

Unregistered dog penalty $130.00 Daily impoundment fee $30.00 $29.00

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DOG CONTROL ACT 2000 FEES Failing to ensure dog is not at large (16.1) $130.00 Failing to microchip a dog Up to 10 penalty points -


Failing to restrict dog in or on a vehicle (16.3)


Failing to register dog over 6 months of age (8.1)


Failing to confine bitch on heat from public place (16.2)


Failure to fasten registration tag on collar (11.1)


Removing collar from dog in a public place (11.4)


Taking dog into a prohibited area (22.2) $260.00 Taking dog into a restricted area outside specific times (23.2)


Failing to pay fees, charges and costs of seized dogs (36.1)


Failing to remove and dispose of dog faeces (45.1)


Allowing dog to be a nuisance in a public place (46.1)


Allowing dog to be a nuisance on premises (46.2)


Keeping too many dogs on premises (50) $130.00 Failure to provide name and address when requested by a authorised person (77.2a)


Giving a false name and address (77.2b) $130.00 Making a false or misleading statement (78a)


Obstructing, hindering or threatening an authorised person (79)


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Executive Services

OVERVIEW Executive Management

Provide leadership and overall management of the Council as a


GENERAL OUTCOMES Executive Management

Provide high level, qualified advice to Council which supports

accountable and participatory decision making. Co-ordination of resources to provide strategic outcomes. Development implementation of Policies Compliance with Local Government Act and relevant legislation. Oversight of Council operations.



6.1.1 Enhance the Council’s strategic reporting framework Enhance the reporting framework to provide greater clarity of information to Councillors and enhanced transparency for the public.

6.2.4 Increase the cost effectiveness of Council operations through resource sharing with other organisations Continue to identify opportunities for resource sharing with other Councils. Periodically review outsourcing arrangements to ensure they are providing the best value for money.

6.2.5 Continue to maintain and improve the level of statutory compliance of Council operations Undertake an annual “in-house” review of statutory compliance, including a review of Delegations.

6.2.7 Work cooperatively with State and Regional Organisations Continue to participate in State and Regional forums, including the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority and the Local Government Association of Tasmania.

5.4.1 Improve the effectiveness of consultation with the Community Provide Council briefings and updates to relevant groups as required to ensure they are appropriately informed. Provide regular progress reports on Strategic Plan achievements in the Gazette.

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Corporate Services

OVERVIEW Management

To maximise Council’s organisational performance and

service delivery through: o Administration o Customer Service o Information Technology o Risk Management o Financial Management o Rates


To meet the quality customer service guidelines

contained within Council’s Customer Service Charter. To continually monitor and review Council’s financial

situation. Continue to comply with current legislation, regulations

and policies of Council in all functional areas. Ensure council’s information technology network is

contemporary and effective. Maintain staff of an optimum level with an emphasis on

seeking an improvement in service delivery. Ensure Council has effective risk management practices

in place to lessen any undesirable implications to Council.

Human Resource Management

Develop and maintain appropriate human resource

systems for the organisation and employees.

Customer Service

To act as the first point of contact for all customers,

providing exceptional services focussed on ensuring that the community is able to access information in a professional, informative and expedient manner.

Risk Management

Keep risk exposure to a minimum by helping reduce

injuries and potential loss. Management practices will identify risks, analysing and treating risks by taking appropriate action.

The Risk Management Committee are responsible for implementing quality processes and practices that in turn reduce the likelihood and/or severity of an incident or accident occurring.

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Ensure quality management principles strengthen all

initiatives and decisions. Implement/ review key performance indicators, which

demonstrate Council’s successes and/ or scope for improvement.

Provide a high standard of administrative expertise and competence to ensure the successful operation of the Council.

Provision of accurate and timely advice to Council, management and the community.

Ensure ongoing compliance with all legislation, regulation and codes of practice which impact upon Council.

Timely follow-up for the following areas of Council’s operations:

Customer Service Information Technology Rates

Human Resources

Provide quality and timely human resource

management and industrial advice to management and employees and liaise with relevant unions, industrial advocates, legal representatives and other municipalities when necessary on industrial issues.

Develop and maintain human resource associated policies, systems and procedures with respect to managing the workplace and employee relations.

Coordinate annual performance reviews of employees of the Council.


Provide open and transparent governance to the

Tasman Municipal area. Provide community leadership and strategic initiatives. Implement and monitor Strategic and Annual Plans in

association with the Community. To provide professional management/ facilitation of civic

and ceremonial events. To continually monitor and review Council’s financial

situation and report findings to Council in a clear and transparent format on a monthly basis.

Ensuring the issue of accounts for rates and dog notices to our customers are in accordance with Council instructions.

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Customer Service

Ensure courteous and efficient customer service

delivery to internal and external customers. Deliver a high standard of customer service in

accordance with the Council’s Customer Service Charter.

Ensure the telephone and counter is attended to at all times together with the prompt and courteous answering of incoming telephone calls and ensuring the speedy and accurate process of enquiries.

Provide a level of service that meets our customer’s needs by continuous review of our systems and services to ensure that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. Monitor customer service feedback to identify opportunities for improvement.

Ensuring the issue of accounts for rates and dog notices to our customers are in accordance with Council instructions.

Ensure rates are charged on all properties in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, including raising annual rates, process revaluation supplementaries and pension remissions. Process property transfers, including electoral information to new and or outside Council municipal area owners. Administer and supervise allocation and maintenance of street/rural address numbers.

Risk Management

Implement strategies that continue to develop

Council’s risk management practice across the whole of Council.

Conduct review of standard operating procedures for staff and create procedures where we may be deficient.

Reduce the number of workplace injuries and lost time to Council.

Enhance Occupational Health and Safety procedures within Council.

Increase overall awareness of Occupational Health and Safety within Council.

Ensure archiving of council documents and records are kept up to date.

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5.3.1 Increase the level of safety of the community and those visiting or passing through the municipality Develop a risk management strategy and plan for the municipality. Maintain the risk management strategies and plans through regular monitoring, review and reporting to Council. Review and update the Tasman Municipality Emergency Management Plan to include risks introduced or exacerbated by climate change, including bush fire and sea level rise. Work in partnership with the Police to reduce the incidence of crime and vandalism in the Tasman municipality. Continue to support the development of Community based policing initiatives such as “Neighborhood Watch”.

6.1.2 Improve the level of responsiveness to Community needs Develop a work order/public enquiry system. Develop and document a complaints system. Improve and maintain the Council web site. Maintain an up to date profile of the municipal area to assist in identifying community needs.

6.1.3 Improve communication within Council Develop and implement an effective staff performance appraisal system that provides staff with recognition for their achievements. Develop a regular communication briefing to go to all staff from the General Manager.

6.1.4 Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Council operations. Develop and implement a project plan for the documentation of all Council procedures and processes. Develop and implement a project plan for the documentation of all Council procedures and processes. Develop and implement a project plan for the documentation of all Council procedures and processes. Complete the IT systems and software review. Develop and implement an IT investment plan based on the IT review. Identify IT training needs of staff and ensure that all staff are appropriately trained in the IT systems they are required to use. Develop a disaster recovery plan for Council IT systems.

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6.1.6 Improve the Council records management system and processes Continue to bind all Council meeting minutes and transfer documents to the State Archives to ensure compliance with the Archives Act.

6.2.1 Retain Corporate and operational knowledge within Council Develop a succession plan. Develop a program to ensure staff are multiskilled. Investigate the possibility of developing an accredit-able quality assurance system for the Depot and for the Council administration.

6.2.2 Provide a safer and more healthy working environment Ensure that all occupational health and safety requirements are being met.

6.2.3 Ensure that staff and elected members have the training and skills they need to undertake their roles Develop a program of education and training to support elected members in the role. Develop a program of training for staff to ensure that they have the training and skills they need to undertake their jobs.

6.2.6 Ensure that suitably qualified and sufficient staff are available to meet the Communities needs Review staffing levels.

6.2.8 Analyse and minimise Councils exposure to negative risk Develop and implement a Risk Management Strategy.

6.3.2 Maintain current levels of community Equity Develop and implement a Financial Management Strategy. Ensure that asset renewals and recurrent expenditure are reconciled to asset depreciation and impairment so that overall sustainable asset value growth is recorded. Ensure that new infrastructure is properly incorporated and prioritized in asset maintenance system.

6.3.3 Council owned assets are known, identified, documented and valued appropriately. Implement the financial and asset management framework and maintain an asset maintenance system.

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6.3.4 Major borrowings for infrastructure will reflect the intergenerational nature of the assets created Ensure major borrowings are prioritized and result from identification of cash flow shortfalls in the strategic plan.

6.3.7 Sufficient revenue will be raised to sustain the current level of community and infrastructure services Review annually as part of annual plan and budget estimate process.

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Tasman Council Estimated Corporate Services

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011/2012

Tasman Council Estimated Corporate Services 2011-2012 $ $ 2010-2011 2011-2012

Employee Costs Salaries & Wages 392,641Oncosts 174,598Conferences & Seminars 5,000Other employee costs 6,240FBT 2,217 545,394 580,696 Materials Materials 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 Contracting Computer maintenance/licences 55,000 54,711Computer consumables 5,000 3,150Contract services 15,000 15,000Contract services 174,000 91,700 249,000 164,561 Maintenance/repairs Maintenance/repairs 3,000 2,100 10,500 15,000 5,250 5,250 18,750 22,350 Administration Advertising 15,000 8,000Bank charges – GST free 15,000 12,600Legal expenses 30,000 30,000Postage/Freight 7,350 7,350Printing & Stationery 26,250 26,250Newsletter 10,500 14,000Equipment Rental/lease 10,500 9,000Debt collection costs 10,500 10,500Catering 5,250 2,000Land tax 16,800 16,800OHS 5,250 2,000 152,400 138,500

Motor Vehicle & Plant

Vehicle fuel 6,335 3,540

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Tasman Council Estimated Corporate Services 2011-2012 Cont…. $ $ 2010-2011 2011-2012

Corporate Administration Valuation fees 110,000 20,000General Subscriptions/cont 29,400 7,400LGAT Subscriptions/memberships 22,000Insurance Premiums 52,500 55,000Insurance Excess claims 10,000 198,235 117,940Utilities Telephones 17,850 15,000Electricity 10,000 9,450 27,850 24,450 Depreciation 50,000 51,378 Interest & Loans 1,062 Audit fees 20,000 23,830Bad & Doubtful Debts 10,000 6,000To reval reserve 20,000 20,000 Total Corporate Services Costs 1,301,092 1,158,105

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Tourism & Community Development

OVERVIEW Management

To work in partnership with local and regional

communities, state and federal government and non-governmental agencies and the private sector to deliver a diverse range of services, programs and facilities necessary to maintain and build a healthy and sustainable community now and into the future.

Community Development

To promote economic and community development

within the Municipality. This includes development of grant applications (in order to promote activities that benefit the community as a whole, the Council may undertake/ sponsor projects that are outside of its normal core responsibility).

Economic Development

Contribute to the ongoing development and the

sustainability of the Tasman region through new project initiatives and assistance programs to enhance the local economy and employment opportunities.

Cultural Development

Foster a strong sense of community identity by

encouraging maximum community participation in a diverse range of leisure and cultural activities and events.

Marketing and Events

Work with local, regional and state marketing bodies to

ensure maximum tourism potential for the Peninsula is achieved.


To build partnerships that assist local community efforts

to create a sustainable and self reliant community. To deliver a range of integrated services and facilities

that enhances the wellbeing of the Tasman community. To plan and respond effectively to changing community

aspirations and needs. Maintain networks with local and regional development


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Community Development

Support economic and community development

initiatives on behalf of the community. Identify sources of funds for specific programs. Encourage community participation in the management

and maintenance of facilities. Encourage the provision and maintenance of a diverse

range of community facilities. Investigate ways to expand and promote the region’s

heritage program. Support community groups to source funding and

training. Manage Tasman Councils Community Grant Fund.

Economic & Tourism Development

Support the establishment of new businesses and

employment opportunities. Support business enterprise service initiatives. Complete and implement review of the Tasman Tourism

Development Strategy. Investigate ways to expand and promote the region’s

heritage program.

Cultural Development

Promote access, equity and participation in leisure and

cultural activity to engender ownership and pride. Work collaboratively with Council staff, community

organisations, the education sector, peak bodies and individuals to ensure leisure and cultural resources are strong and dynamic contributors to the community’s quality of life.

Marketing and Events

Manage the interface for marketing and advertising to

attract visitors to the municipality. Event management. Ensure understanding of compliance to regulatory

requirements for events held on Council land.

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ACTIONS 1.1.4 Continue to maintain, improve and support the network of community halls in the municipality Working with the community, continue to program capital works that maintain and improve community halls

Continue to undertake regular inspections of Council buildings and facilities to ensure compliance with the essential health and safety requirements of the Building Code of Australia and relevant legislation. Prepare and implement a Procedures Manual for the management of the community halls and facilities.

5.5.1 Support and facilitate the community of existing community events and encourage the development of new events that engage and strengthen the community and encourage visitors to the municipality Continue to support existing events.

Logistical support for identified existing events. Support for development of new events.

1.15.1 Maintenance and improvement of the provision of public facilities to support both locals and Visitors Review the requirements for public toilets and rest areas within the municipality to be used as input into future capital works programs.

Lobby and Advocacy

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ACTIONS 2.2.1 Increase the number and yield from visitors to the municipality Implement the 2011 to 2016 Tasman Tourism Strategy. Continue to support the Tourism and Economic Development Committee. Identify opportunities for the development of a tourism gateway for the municipality. Work in partnership with other State and Regional organisations, such as the STCA and the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment to strengthen the tourism Industry in the municipality. Seek opportunities to leverage new tourism experiences from the municipalities rich convict heritage. Investigate the development of a unique, high quality brand for the products and services created and provided in the municipality.

Dependant on funding, feasibility study into Gateway concept completed. Explore opportunities for collaboration with Sorell Council to support and promote tourism.

2.2.2 Increase the number, sustainability and diversity of tourism businesses in the Tasman Municipality Assist in the development of a strong, sustainable Local Tourism Association.

Explore models for effective Local Tourism Association that reflects industry support.

2.3.1a Increase the number, sustainability and diversity of businesses in the Tasman Municipality 2.3.1b Increase employment within the municipality Continue to facilitate and be actively involved in the development of new business opportunities. Continue to provide support to businesses within the municipality to help ensure their long-term viability. Seek opportunities to support the development of affordable temporary accommodation for people working in seasonal industries.

Continue to support the establishment of a Tasman & Nubeena Community Bank. Continue to advocate for sustainable investment and development in Tasman.

2.4.1 Increase the number, sustainability and diversity of agricultural and aquaculture enterprises in the Tasman Municipality Develop opportunities that enhance the Tasman Municipality’s role as a niche agricultural producer.

Support industry to promote and develop niche product.

2.5.1 Increase the opportunities for people in the municipality to improve and add to their Skills Investigate opportunities for facilitating employment focused skills based training in the municipality.

Facilitate and /or act as a conduit for community when training opportunities arise.

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ACTIONS 3.1.1 Support and facilitate the maintenance and restoration of significant heritage structures Continue to support the maintenance and restoration of heritage sites in the municipality. Continue to work in Partnership with the State Government and the Port Arthur Historic Site Authority to ensure the strategic long-term management of publicly owned heritage sites. Develop and implement a process for documenting and prioritizing heritage sites within the municipality. Develop a heritage policy for Council.

Initiate dialogue with PAHSMA & Heritage Tasmania to scope development of Heritage Management Plan and cultural landscape assessment (to also inform development on new Planning Scheme).

4.1.1 Increase the retention of young people in the municipality through the provision of meaningful, interesting and worthwhile employment and activities Working in partnership with the school and the youth house, develop youth programs that cover employment and training as well as being linked to social, recreational and entertainment activities. Continue to support the development of programs and activities for young people in the municipality. In Partnership with the State Government investigate ways to enhance the delivery of youth services in the Tasman Municipality.

Support agreed projects for Youth Development. Continue to work with Youth Advisory committee to develop and implement Youth Development Strategy.

4.2.1 Improve the ability of the aged to stay in their communities Facilitate assistance for the aged to stay in their own homes. Support the construction of suitable accommodation for the elderly in their own Communities.

Complete concept plan for Pearls Court completed.

4.4.1 Encourage community members to volunteer Ensure appropriate recognition of volunteers. Facilitate training programs aimed at providing volunteers with the necessary skills Support staff to undertake volunteer duties.

Acknowledgement of volunteer support to community through celebration during National Volunteer Week. Work with Volunteer Tasmania to facilitate training of volunteers and coordinators of volunteers.

4.7.1 Provide a range of recreational activities and services that meet the reasonable needs of the Community Develop a Municipal Recreation Plan. Develop a Playground management policy. Identify opportunities to work in partnership with the Community to improve and expand recreational services and activities.

Continued implementation of Foreshore Development Plan. Continue to support initiatives of Tasman Neighbourhood House.

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ACTIONS 4.9.1 Support the development of viable and accessible public transport services that meet the needs of the community Work with the State Government and private bus providers to improve public transport services. Develop a community transport strategy for the municipality that supports the community and reduces transport disadvantage.

Continue to lobby and advocate for improved transport services. Continue to work with DIER to support Community Roadside Safety Partnership Committee.

5.1.1 Maintain and strengthen communities in the Municipality Increase the ability of the aging population to remain in their communities by developing additional facilities for the aged. Increase the employment opportunities for young people to remain in or return to the communities they grew up in.

50% of current Community Housing Program stock refurbished.

5.2.1 Build the capacity of the Community to help itself Support community groups who wish to run and/or develop Community based facilities. Support the development of a Community Bank that supports the community.

See &

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Tasman Council Estimated Tourism & Community Costs

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011/2012

Tasman Council Estimated TEDC Costs 2011/2012 $ $ 2010-2011 2011-2012 Department Community Services Costs 57,841 71,028 Works Crew 5,724 5,742 Employee Costs 63,565 76,770 Training & Conferences 3,000 Depreciation 43,000 105,868 Interest 18,656 6,529 Vehicles Costs 4,525 2,213 IT Costs 5,625 4,974 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Community Bank 10,000 10,000 LTA marketing assistance 10,000 TTDS implementation 61,610 40,000 Signage TTDS strategy 5,000 Gateway feasibility study 20,000 General contingencies 1,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Grants 20,000 15,500

Sponsor/event assistance 5,000 Christmas Pageant 4,500 Catering 1,500 COMMUNITY SERVICES GP Accommodation 20,000 20,000 GP Vehicle 10,000 10,000 AGED CARE Maintenance 10,000 10,000 Unit/Tenancy Management 3,500 COMMUNITY HALLS Maintenance 70,000 15,000 SES 25,000 25,000 COMMUNITY GENERAL Youth 10,000 10,000 Concept Plan Pearls Court 10,000 25,000 TV Tower Maintenance 20,000 20,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY COSTS 401,981 450,353

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Technical Services

OVERVIEW Management

To manage the design, construction, maintenance and

operations of Council infrastructure assets.

State Emergency Services

To provide support and assistance, within budget, to the

local State Emergency Service co-ordinator, providing an effective response in cases of local or regional emergencies or disasters.


To provide the community with parks, reserves and

recreational facilities, within budget, considering community expectations, established services levels and meeting legislative requirements.

Waste Management

To provide the community with an effective waste collection

and disposal system, within budget, considering community expectations, established services levels and meeting legislative requirements.

Transport Services

To provide the community with an effective transport

network, within budget, considering community expectations, established services levels and meeting legislative requirements.

Cemetery Management

To manage the provision of public burial and memorial wall

facilities at White Beach, Port Arthur, Premaydena and Roaring Beach.


Implement asset management programs. Oversee the development and review of policies and

procedures relevant to the Technical Services department. Provide technical and engineering advice to works staff. Manage Council’s external contracts. Ensure asset data is up to date and alterations incorporated

into Council GIS system. Effectively manage customer queries and complaints and

record complaints regarding transport issues. Ensure adherence to Council’s standard specifications and

drawing for internal and external works. Develop and review policies and procedures relative to the


State Emergency Service

Liaise with local SES and provide Council contact. In the case of local or regional emergencies or disasters,

provide Council assistance as required.

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Manage relevant parks and reserves assets including the

conduct of routine and periodic inspections and forward programming.

Assist in the preparation of strategic park management plans, where appropriate.

Achieve high level of compliance with occupational health and safety policies and practices.

Assist in the preparation of major maintenance and capital works replacement/ renewal programs for future budgets.

Waste Management

Manage refuse services in accordance with contracted

requirements. Effectively manage customer enquiries and complaints and

record complaints relating to waste services.

Transport Services

Manage the road and associated assets in accordance with

service level documents, including the conduct of routine and periodic inspections and forward programming.

Liaise with the Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources in matters related to statutory traffic control devices.

Complete the approved capital works program on time and budget.

Cemetery Management

To ensure the provision of and access to public cemetery

facilities in a manner appropriate to meet local needs. To present and manage cemetery facilities in a manner

appropriate to the dignity and significance of their purpose. To maintain a comprehensive and accurate record of

burials and interments at all cemeteries. To provide grave sites and openings as required.

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ACTIONS 1.1.1 Improve the standard of maintenance and safety of council roads

Develop a ten year road infrastructure

investment strategy to guide capital investment in roads.

Develop an annual program of planned road

maintenance that has the flexibility to be responsive to community concerns.

Ensure that appropriate sight distances are

maintained, for key roads in the municipality, through effective roadside vegetation management.

Ensure that programs that support the removal

of roadside rubbish are implemented.

Confirm and bring up to date Council’s Municipal Map. Commence regular and structured condition inspections. Review, adopt and implement proprietary Asset Management computer program to confidently store, analyse and interrogate accurate infrastructure asset data.

1.2.1 Improve the standard of the Arthur Highway Continue to work with the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources to improve the safety of the Arthur Highway. Continue to work independently and with the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority and others to lobby the state and federal governments for funds to upgrade the Arthur Highway.

Continue and seek to expand existing working relationships with DIER representatives. Support initiatives from STCA and other community based organisations.

1.3.1 Maintenance and improvement of the standard and safety of bridges in the municipality Prepare a forward capital upgrade program for existing bridges. Develop a program of bridge maintenance, including the monitoring and consideration of new construction methods for the replacement of timber bridges.

Confirm and bring up to date Council’s Bridge Asset Register. Review and develop program for the implementation of Ausspan’s Annual Bridge report recommendations.

1.4.1 Maintenance and improvement of the standard and safety of pedestrian areas Prepare a forward capital upgrade program for existing walkways and pedestrian areas. Determine priorities for extensions to existing walkways and pedestrian areas.

Develop detailed register of Council maintained walkways. Commence regular and structured condition inspections Develop strategic plan for improving pedestrian areas.

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ACTIONS 1.6.1 Improve lighting for Pedestrians Develop a program for upgrading lighting in areas of community need in accordance with the Australian Lighting Standard.

Identify high priority areas and review lighting standards.

1.7.1 Increase the number of properties that have access to reticulated sewerage services Work with Southern Water to ensure that, where opportunities exist, residences and businesses are connected to the existing reticulated sewerage system.

Continue and seek to expand existing working relationships with Southern Water representatives.

1.9.1 Ensure the ongoing maintenance and safety of council’s jetties and boat ramps in the municipality Develop a program for the maintenance of council’s jetties and boat ramps. Work with the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment to ensure that those areas managed by state government are effectively managed for the benefit of the community and visitors.

Confirm and bring up to date Council’s Jetties and Boat Ramps Register. Assist local groups and organizations with identifying and prioritising needs and preparing submissions to MAST for funding. Continue existing working relationships with DPIPWE representatives.

1.10.1 Maintenance and improvement of town storm-water drainage system Continue to program capital works that improve the effectiveness of the storm-water drainage systems in the towns of the municipality.

Systematically identify and prioritise areas and solutions holistically.

1.11.1 Maintenance and improvement of the provision of waste management services to the Community Continue to be an active participant in the Southern Waste Management Authority. Continue to review the on-going operational arrangements for waste management to ensure Council and residents are getting best value for money.

Review waste contracts to be re-tendered in 2012.

1.12.1 Improvement in access to modern communications infrastructure Seek opportunities to facilitate the provision of cost effective broadband. Seek opportunities to improve access to a range of mobile telecommunications providers in the municipality. Seek opportunities to improve emergency services communication in the municipality.

Seek to establish regular dialogue with representatives of NBN Co. Work with Emergency Service organizations to identify areas of need and review current procedures and infrastructure.

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ACTIONS 1.13.1 Signage that is distinctive, informative, easy to see and easy to understand Develop and implement a signage strategy for the Municipality.

Work with DIER to identify and document procedures and responsibilities applying to road signage. Commence development of Council Policy on Roadside Signage.

1.15.1 Maintenance and improvement of the provision of public facilities to support both locals and visitors Continue to work on the assessment of infrastructure requirements for the Three Capes Walk.

Work with DPIPWE and other stakeholder groups to identify potential impacts and areas of need.

1.16.1 Maintenance and improvement of the provision of recreational facilities Continue to support the:

• Port Arthur Recreational Grounds Committee • Nubeena Recreational Grounds Committee • Premaydena Cricket Grounds Committee

Work with committees to review existing procedures and identify areas of need and prioritise.

1.17.1 Continue to maintain high levels of governance in asset management Continue to support the Works, Infrastructure and Assets Committee.

Undertake road condition survey. Undertake road revaluation. Review, adopt and implement proprietary Asset Management computer program to confidently store, analyse and interrogate accurate infrastructure asset data.

4.8.1 Create an environment where animals are treated with respect and do not create a nuisance for the community Continue to provide and maintain a pound.

Continue animal control and management processes.

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Tasman Council Estimated Technical Services Resources

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011-2012

Tasman Council Estimated Technical Services Resources 2011-2012 $ $ 2010-11 2011–12 Infrastructure Coordinator 73,413 78,400 Employee Costs 73,413 78,400 Professional Services 45,000 50,625 Asset management 20,000 Contractors 45,000 70,625 IT Costs 16,875 4,974 Telephone 2,000 2,000 MV costs 10,000 12,800

Total Technical Services 147,288 168,799

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Tasman Council Estimated Works & Infrastructure Resources

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011-2012

Tasman Council Estimated Works Program Resources 2011-2012 $ $ 2010-2011 2011–12 Employee Costs Salaries & Wages 359,600 3956,902 Protective equipment/uniform 1,500 359,600 389,402 Materials Materials 80,000 Gov Charges/licences etc 1,000 160,000 81,000 Plant cost excl depn & int Plant hire - internal 160,000 Plant hire – external 150,000 Gravel usage 80,000 160,000 390,000 Contractors Cleaning 13,000 Slashing contractor 90,000 Contract services 13,000 200,000 116,000 Maintenance & repairs Maintenance/repairs 34,500 General equipment 5,000 39,500

Administration Postage/freight 1,600 Signage 6,000 7,600 Motor Vehicle & Plant Vehicle repairs 1,500 Utilities Telephones 800 Electricity 2,000 Street Lighting 7,500 10,300 2010/2011 Capitalised 60,000 Interest on Loans 38,000 35,395 TOTAL WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS 1,617,600 1,928,574

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Tasman Council Estimated Waste Management Costs

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011/2012

Tasman Council Estimated Works Program Resources 2011-2012 $ $ 2010-2011 2011-2012 Employee Costs Salaries & Wages 1,438 4,800 Oncosts 1,700 Training – other costs 300 6,800 Materials 6,000 2,300 Plant Cost Plant hire – internal 5,000 5,000 Plant hire – external 9,500 14,500 Contractors Kerbside collection cont 260,000 250,000 Waste tipping fees 40,000 41,800 Waste contractors 125,000 125,000 Hard waste collection 7,500 8,000 424,800 Maintenance & Repairs 5,000 5,000

Administration Postage/Freight 100 General subs/testing 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 9,100 Electricity 3,000 3,000 Depreciation 26,000 27,669 Interest on Loans Interest 11,466 8,862 Contingency 19,000 25,000 TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT COSTS 519,841 526,931

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Natural Resource Management (NRM)

OVERVIEW Management To work closely with local and regional communities, state

and federal government and non-government agencies to deliver a range of services, programs and facilities to ensure positive environmental outcomes across the Tasman.

Energy and greenhouse improvement

Monitor Tasman Councils energy use and greenhouse emissions. Take actions to make energy savings where possible and reduce council’s greenhouse gas emissions. Assist the community to achieve energy use and greenhouse emission reductions.

Landcare Provide support for sustainable land management and improved biodiversity across all tenures. Assist Landcare groups with funding applications, project management and community events.

Coastcare Provide support and assistance to volunteer coastal land management groups.

Weed management Review and implement the Tasman weed strategy to facilitate cooperation between all relevant stakeholders in working towards optimal weed control in the Tasman municipality.

GENERAL OUTCOMES Management Work closely with existing community groups, and

foster the development of emerging groups. Liaise with external agencies to facilitate

coordinated delivery of NRM programs. Seek appropriate external funding opportunities.

Energy and greenhouse improvement

Continue to develop the Tasman Action Plan for Energy and Greenhouse Improvement.

Promote initiatives within the community. Work closely with regional initiatives to deliver

effective programs.

Landcare Work with landcare groups to implement sustainable land management programs.

Facilitate project delivery.

Coastcare Provide assistance and resources to existing Coastcare groups to undertake on-ground projects.

Assist with working bees and field days. Foster the development of new Coastcare groups.

Weed management Continue to implement the Tasman weed strategy.

Work with other stakeholders, land managers, government agencies and adjoining municipalities to ensure strategic weed control.

Continue to seek improvement in weed hygiene practices throughout the Tasman.

Regularly update the Tasman weed database and map data.

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ACTIONS 2.4.1 Increase the number, sustainability and diversity of agricultural and aquaculture enterprises in the Tasman Municipality Maintain and strengthen partnership between Tasman Council and the Tasman Landcare Group. Continue implementation of the Tasman Council Weed Management Strategy as it relates to agricultural land. Assist in the running of field days and agricultural demonstration projects.

Perform project officer role funded through Landcare group projects.

3.2.1 Identify and protect areas that are of high conservation value Continue implementation of the Tasman Weed Management Strategy. Work with the Commonwealth and State Government and regional organisations such as NRM South to access financial and other resources and support to increase the capacity of the municipality to protect and preserve its natural areas.

Review and update the Tasman weed strategy. Develop and implement a Spanish heath action plan. Complete draft weeds hygiene policy. Continue follow-up work on priority weeds in the Tasman municipality in partnership with NRM South. Conduct control of priority weeds on Sloping Island in partnership with NRM South. Liaise with relevant stakeholders to develop a cooperative approach to management of Spanish heath.

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ACTIONS 3.2.2 Encourage the adoption of best practice land care practices Continue to support Coastcare and Landcare groups within the municipality. Continue implementing the feral Pacific Oyster eradication program. Contribute to the development and implementation of regional biodiversity offsets procedures. Continue to implement the southeast coastal management strategy, as it pertains to the Tasman Municipality.

Facilitate Coastcare working bees. Provide resources and administrative support for oyster clean up days.

4.11.1 Support the uptake of alternative energy options by the community Implement the Tasman Council Action Plan for Energy & Greenhouse Improvement.

Finalise the Tasman Action Plan for Energy and Greenhouse Improvement.

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Tasman Council Estimated NRM Costs For the Year Ending 30 June 2011/2012

Tasman Council Estimated NRM Costs 2011-2012 $ $ 2010-2011 2011-2012 NRM Office 58,538 55,514 Travel reimbursements 2,500 Training 1,000 Employee Costs 61,038 56,514 Materials 4,500 2,750 Contractors 5,500 13,000 Materials & Contractors 10,000 15,750 Depreciation 500 151 MV Vehicle pool expenses 443 MV Costs 560 IT Costs 4,974 Mobile phone 600 600 Groups expenses 2,000 1,700 Conferences etc 1,000 1,000 Postal 1,500 Protective clothing 1,500

Other Costs 3,600 10,924 TOTAL NRM COSTS 75,138 84,341

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Planning & Regulatory Services

OVERVIEW Management To manage the land use planning and regulatory

outcomes of Council to ensure a regulatory environment that is supportive of an enables appropriate development.

Environmental Health To assist in the provision of public health and

environmental management; and to manage and undertake the responsibilities of the Council pursuant to statutory and common law obligations with respect to environmental health, public health, environmental amenity and related matters.

To protect the community and improve human health through the effective management of environmental factors.

Land Use Planning To achieve sustainable land use and development

through effective implementation of Council’s planning scheme in accordance with Council’s responsibilities as determined by the Tasmanian Resource Management and Planning System.

Ensure the Peninsula’s natural landscape is complemented with buildings that meet statutory requirements, Council policies and community expectations.

Regulatory & Building Compliance To ensure the community is protected against the risk

of harm or inconvenience from behaviour of animals.

To manage the use of Council land, facilities and assets by ensuring appropriate essential health and safety standards for Council buildings.

To administer and enforce requirements in accordance with legislation and standards relating to the health, safety and structural adequacy of all building work proposed within the municipality by ensuring compliance with any permits issued.

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GENERAL OUTCOMES Environmental Health Ensure food is safe and fit for human consumption in

accordance with the Food Act 2003.

Protect and promote the health of the community by reducing the incidence of preventable illness in accordance with the Public Health Act 1997 by conducting public immunisation programs, the registration and inspection of regulated systems, monitoring drinking water and conducting water sampling programs.

Prevent, detect and respond to incidents of environmental harm or environmental nuisance by addressing the pollution of air, water and land in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Management and Pollution control Act 1994.

Enhance community awareness and knowledge of responsibilities for protecting and promoting public and environmental health.

Undertake statutory functions to ensure compliance with regulatory process and standards.

Develop environmental standards and performance audit systems with respect to Council operations and procedures.

Land Use Planning Prepare and administer strategies and controls in relation to all aspects of the use and development of land in order to promote and enhance the social, economic and environmental qualities of the Municipality and its community.

Protect the safety and convenience of the community and environment through the provision of advice, administration and enforcement in relation to the proper land use and resource management practice in accordance with the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

Assess and determine all applications in accordance with the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

Increase public awareness in relation to the use and development of land.

Continue to have cooperative involvement with industry associations and Government agencies to effectively administer systems for land use and development control.

Implement planning assessment approval and compliance procedures that meet statutory requirements, Council policies and community expectations.

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Regulatory & Building Compliance Ensure compliance with the statutory and common law obligations with respect to the regulation of building work within the Municipality.

Fulfil Council’s obligations as Permit Authority in accordance with the Building Act 2000 by processing all building and plumbing applications in accordance with statutory requirements and utilisation of the development control process.

Prepare and implement Council building and facility maintenance programs.

Undertake regular inspections of Council owned buildings to ensure compliance with essential health and safety requirements and Place of Assembly Guidelines.

Ensure compliance with the Dog Control Act 2000 by undertaking enforcement action where required for the control of animals.

Provide advice on responsible animal ownership to ensure animals are managed in such a manner as to minimise risk, harm or nuisance to other animals or the community.

Address statutory nuisance and other situations disruptive to environmental amenity and community safety including fire hazard reduction and other statutory requirements in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

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1.7.2 Continue to ensure that sewage treatment in the municipality meets the required environmental performance standards Develop a regular monitoring and testing program for areas that are at risk of contamination.

1.8.1 Ensure that the municipality has access to potable water Work with Southern Water to investigate options for the provision of a potable water source within the municipality to meet the needs of residents and future business growth.

2.1.1 Maintain the resident, rate-paying population in the Municipality Seek opportunities to develop sustainable and appropriate subdivisions that can provide affordable Land.

Prepare and implement Structure Plans for required settlements. Work with the STCA’s regional planning project to develop a new Planning Scheme for the Tasman Municipality that reflects community and Council aspirates and aligns to the strategic direction of Council.

2.6.1 A regulatory environment that is supportive of and enables appropriate development Work with the STCA’s regional planning project to develop a new Planning Scheme for the Tasman Municipality that reflects Community and Council aspirations and aligns to the strategic direction of the Council. Ensure that new State policies are appropriately incorporated within Council’s Planning Schemes. Process building and plumbing applications in a timely manner and monitor compliance with the relevant legislation.

Implement building assessment approval and compliance procedures that achieve effective building control. Monitor effectiveness of process through the generation of reports that review outstanding permits to achieve effective building control.

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3.1.1 Support and facilitate the maintenance and restoration of significant heritage structures Continue to support the maintenance and restoration of heritage sites in the municipality. Continue to work in Partnership with the State Government and the Port Arthur Historic Site Authority to ensure the strategic long-term management of publicly owned heritage sites. Develop and implement a process for documenting and prioritizing heritage sites within the municipality. Develop a heritage policy for Council.

4.6.1 Monitor and maintain a safe and healthy public environment Continue to provide school immunization programs. Continue to register and monitor food premises. Continue to ensure household and business waste water is effectively disposed of. Continue to support the provision of General Practitioner services in the municipality. Continue to implement Nubeena landfill site management plan through regular leachate Monitoring.

Continue to provide advice and training to employers and employees in the food industry. Continue to undertake a systematic review of failing onsite wastewater management systems in the municipality.

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4.8.1 Create an environment where animals are treated with respect and do not create a nuisance for the community Continue dog control, regulatory, licensing and educational programs. Develop a dog microchipping program. Conduct a public awareness / education program that informs the Community of the need to contain livestock and the associated legal requirements.

6.1.7 Continue to develop the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the Council Geographical Information system (GIS) Implement the STCA Report Generator and file structures. Implement the updated aerial photography for key towns in the municipality.

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Tasman Council Estimated Planning & Regulatory

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011-2012

Tasman Council Estimated Planning & Regulation 2011-2012 $ $ 2010–11 2011-12 Employee Costs Salaries & Wages Oncosts Allowances 73,787 104,020 Plant Costs Testing Fees 5,000 4,000 Computer Maintenance Licences 7,757 Contractors Contract Services 57,000 20,800 Consultant Fees 38,000 37,800 Planning Scheme 23,400 23,400 Compliance 42,900 38,610 Engineering 16,875 161,300 137,485 Administration IT costs 22,500 23,625 Advertising 15,000 15,000 Legal Expenses 50,000 25,000 Planning Scheme 70,000 25,000 Building permit levy 15,000 6,000 General Subscriptions/cont 5,000 2,000 177,5000 109,625 Motor vehicle costs 4,525 2,655 Depreciation 8,641 Total Planning & regulatory Services 417,112 374,183

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Rates Resolution 2011-2012

That in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Fire Services Act 1979 the Council makes the following Rates and Charges for rateable land within the Council’s municipal area for the financial year commencing 1 July 2011 and ending 30 June 2012. 1. Definitions and Interpretation

(1) 'Act’ means the Local Government Act 1993; (2) ‘land’ means land as defined in Section 86 of the Act; and (3) ‘rateable land’ is the land referred to in Section 87(1) of the Act.

2. General Rate

Pursuant to Section 90 and 91 of the Act, Council hereby make the following General Rate for all rateable land within the municipal area for the financial year commencing 1 July 2011 and ending 30 June 2012: (a) Pursuant to Section 90(3)(c) of the Act, a General Rate of 6.487214 cents in the

dollar of the Assessed Annual Value of the rateable land; and

(b) Pursuant to Section 91 of the Act, a Fixed Charge in respect of the General Rate of $268.63 on all rateable land. (note: the total revenue raised from the Fixed Charge component of the General Rate is equal to 30% of the Council’s general rates for the financial year commencing 1 July 2011 and ending 30 June 2012)

3. Fire Protection Service Rate Pursuant to Section 93A of the Act and the Fire Service Act 1979 the following fire service rates apply for the financial year commencing 1 July 2011 and ending 30 June 2012: (a) A fire protection service rate of 0.286861 cents in the dollar of Assessed Annual

Value in respect of all rateable land within the volunteer brigade district (Nubeena) with a minimum amount payable of $35.00 in respect of that rate.

(b) A fire protection service rate of 0.212364 cents in the dollar of Assessed Annual Value in respect of all rateable land outside the volunteer brigade district (General Land) with a minimum amount payable of $35.00 in respect of that rate.

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4. Waste Management Service Charges

Pursuant to Section 94(1) of the Act, Council hereby makes the following service charges for rateable land (but including land owned by the Crown to which the relevant service is supplied pursuant to Section 93(4) of the Act) regarding waste management services supplied by Council: (a) General Municipal Waste Management Charge: $58.00 (b) Kerbside Refuse Collection Service Charge: $165.00

5. Payment Options

5.1 Due Dates (Section 124 of the Act) All rates and charges made by the preceding clauses are payable either in instalments (as provided in part 5.2 of this resolution) or in a lump sum by 31 August 2011.

5.2 Rates and charges that are paid by instalments must be paid by four (4)

instalments on or before the following dates:

1. 1st Instalment – 31 August 2011; 2. 2nd Instalment – 31 October 2011; 3. 3rd Instalment – 31 January 2012; and 4. 4th Instalment – 30 March 2012.

5.3 Defaults and Penalties on Instalment Payments (Sections 124(5) and 128 of the


(a) If a ratepayer fails to pay any rates or instalments of rates and charges within twenty one (21) days of the date on which the rate or instalment was due to be paid, the ratepayer must immediately pay to Council the full amount of all unpaid rates and charges for the financial year commencing 1 July 2011 and ending 30 June 2012.

(b) If any rate or instalment of rates and charges are not paid on or before the

date they fall due, then interest at the prescribed percentage determined under Section 128(2) of the Act will be payable in respect of the unpaid rate or instalment or charge for the period during which it is unpaid.

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Tasman Council Estimated Income Statement

For the Year Ending 30 June 2011-2012

Tasman Council Estimated Income Statement For the Year Ending 30 June 2012 Estimates Estimates 2010–11 2011-2012 $ $ Revenues from continuing activities Rates charges 2,895,000 3,012,000 Statutory fees & fines 177,000 203,500 User Fees 509,000 526,931 Grants - Operating 830,000 652,000 Grants - Capital 145,000 263,500 Other Revenue 165,200 184,600 Total revenues 4,721,200 4,842,531 Employee benefits 1,178,235 1,266,466 Materials & services 2,456,881 2,330,165 Depreciation & Amortisation 819,500 1,048,969 Finance costs 69,184 50,686 Other expenses 125,000 127,700 Total Expenses 4,648,800 4,823,986 Operational Surplus/(Deficit) 72,400 18,545 Transfer (to)/from Reserve (50,000) - 50,000 Net Surplus/(Deficit) 22,400 - (31,455)

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Tasman Council Estimated Capital Works For the Year Ending 30 June 2011-2012


Externally Funded

Internally Funded

Project Cost


George Street 10000 10000

George Street 12000 12000

Smith Street 65000 65000

Nubeena Road 40000 40000

Noyes Road 10000 10000

Turners Road 40000 40000

White Beach Road 2000 2000

Penzance Area 1500 1500

Road Reseals

Safety Cove Road 30000 30000

Pirates Bay Road 86000 86000

Sommers Bay Road 20000 20000

Black Spot Program

White Beach Road 35000 15000 50000

White Beach Road 16000 16000

Nubeena Road 73500 31500 105000

Roads to Recovery

Sommers Bay Road 65000 0 65000

White Beach Road 32000 0 32000

White Beach Road 23000 4000 27000

Streetscape Projects

Main Road 20000 20000


Heywards Road 30000 30000

Fortescue Bay Road 145000 145000

Marsh Road 30000 30000

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Boat ramps/Jetties

Turners Point 65000 65000


Nubeena Foreshore 50000 50000

Building Renewals

SES Building 37500 37500 75000

Pearls Court

Public Halls 50000 50000

Plant Replacement

Small / Medium Plant 21600 21600

Large Plant 255000 255000


Master Plan - Pearls Court/SES 5000 5000

Master Plan - Foreshore Walkway 25000 25000

IT Upgrades 15000 15000

Unallocated 2000 2000

Total Estimated Capital Expenditure 1400100

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Appendix A

Integrated Planning Framework

Strategic Plan

Other Strategies and Plans

Budget Estimates

Annual Plan

Annual Report

Functional Unit Plans

Quarterly Reports

Individual Performance Plans

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Tasman Council Annual Plan & Budget Estimates 2011-2012 Appendix B


Bldg & Development Services Officer

Bldg & Development Services Assistant

Rates Officer

Customer Services Officer

Administration Officer



General Manager

Infrastructure Coordinator

External Consultants/ Contractors

Office Manager

2011-2012 Tasman Council Organisation Chart

Touri unity Dev

sm & Commelopment Officer

Works Supervisor

Acco acts

Depot Staff

untant/ ContrAdministrator

N R M Officer

External Consultants/ Contractors