annual general report 2012 - te roopu taurima...4 5 notice of annual general meeting 2012 ko te...

ANNUAL GENERAL REPORT 2012 Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust

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  • AnnuAl GenerAlreport 2012Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust

  • 3

    He MiHiTena tatou katoa kua tatu mai nei ki te whakatutuki i tenei kaupapa

    a tatou, Te Hui A Tau mo Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. Ki

    nga mema honore o te Poari o tenei Roopu o tatou, ki nga Mokopuna

    katoa, me nga Kaimahi puta noa i nga rohe katoa o Te Roopu Taurima

    O Manukau, tena koutou katoa.

    E kore rawa tatou e wareware ki te hunga kua wheturangitia nei, nga

    Mokopuna me nga whanau whanui o Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau.

    Haere ratou, haere ratou, haere ratou katoa kia tatou nga kanohi ora,

    Tena tatou katoa.



  • 4 5

    notice of annual general Meeting 2012

    Ko Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau e karanga atu ki a koutou e nga whanau,

    kaimahi, mokopuna, nga mata waka, haere mai nei ki te tautoko i te hui e tu

    mai nei. E nga whanau whanui o Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau, anei ra te

    panui mo te hui a tau i roto i a Noema me ona mohukihuki, tumanako,

    nau mai, haere mai

    The 2012 Annual General Meeting for Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau Trust

    will be held on Thursday, 15 November 2012 at Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau

    Auckland office – 519 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland.

    Any enquiries or clarification please contact Mereana Hona, Board Administrator

    email: [email protected]

  • 6 7

    1. Karakia

    2. Mihimihi

    Himene - Whakaaria Mai

    3. Present/ Apologies

    4. Previous Meeting Minutes – AGM 2011


    5. Business Associates

    6. What’s on board

    7. Organisational chart

    8. ‘Kei roto i te Whare’ –in the whare (whakapapa o nga whare)

    9. Service Statistics Yearly 2012


    10. chairperson report – tabled by Derek Petera

    11. Executive Director report – tabled by John Marsden

    12. Business Support Services • Finance report – tabled by Cathy Li • Assets report – tabled by Saul Roberts • Human Resources report – tabled by Ani Petera/Adele Muller/Matthew Paul, Tupou Evans • Quality and Risk report – tabled by Tangihaere Macfarlane • information Systems report – tabled by Valerie Lui • Maori Development Advisor report – tabled by Waitai Petera • General Manager Business Support – tabled by Brian Emery

    13. care Services Reports • Residential Services- Auckland – tabled by Phillip Muller • RiDSAS Services- Auckland – tabled by Wiremu Anaru • Auckland Vocational Services – tabled by Maata Tua • Mahinga Mara report – tabled by Lisa Muller • Awhi Whanau Auckland – tabled by Destiny Neilson/Louisa Fielding • Regional Manager Overview report – tabled by Sarah (Hera) Te Pou-Onehi • Area Manager report – tabled by Tony Tietie • Te Taitokerau report – tabled by Picolo Paaki • Te Waipounamu report – tabled by Winiata Brown • General Manager care Services report – tabled by Lorraine Bailey • clinical report – tabled by Sarah Williams • Korowai Aroha

    14. Nominations a. chairperson nominations (John Marsden to Chair from this point) b. Board Administrator nominations

    15. General Business

    16. Karakia Whakamutunga/ Himene

    agendaThe annual meeTing of Te Roopu TauRima o manukau TRusT will Take place on ThuRsday 15Th novembeR 2012, 519 gReaT souTh Road, oTahuhu, auckland.

    6 7

  • 8 9

    Previous MinuteswhaRe / seRvice aRea: annual geneRal meeTing 2011Te Ra: 17Th novembeR 2011 Taken by: meReana hona

    Hui Minutes

    Whare/Service Area: Annual General Meeting 2011

    Te Ra: 17th November 2011 Taken By: Mereana Hona- Board Administrator

    Karakia: John Marsden Mihimihi: Gary Brown, Waitai Petera Start Time: 6:15pm Present: Derek Petera- (Chairman) John Marsden, Gary Brown, Miriama Postlethwaite, Sandra McDonald, Tiraha Ngerengere, Denise Ewe, Debbie Renahan In Attendance : Phillip Muller- Area Manager , Waitai Petera- Maori Advisor , Ani Petera- Human Resource Manager, Jeff Muir ( Accountant), Lisa Muller- Mahinga Mara, Nora Cooke, Cedric Snowden, Monty Hune Jnr, Cathy Li, Maata Tua, Maree King, Monty Hune Snr, Te Awhina Asekona-Korowai Aroha, Tangihaere Macfarlane, Ashani Senanyyake, Elsie Tua-whanau, Jeff Muir (Accountant) , Picolo Paaki-Area Manager , Wiremu Anaru, Hine Rangitutia- Regional Manager, Gary Wyatt ( RIDCA) , Craig Clarke- Transport Manager, Jenny Stronge–Partner of Craig Clarke Apologies: Michael Phanoulas

    Moved: Derek Petera Second: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    1. Karakia 2. mihimihi 3. Attendance and apologies 4. Poroporoaki 5. Confirmation of minutes of 2010 annual meeting

    o Matters arising 6. Financial Audited Report 2011 7. Business Associates-

    • Organisation Profile Appointment of Auditors/ Business Associates

    8. Highlights of 2011 9. Whose on Board 10. Chairman’s Report- by Derek Petera 11. Change Direct Report- by John Marsden 12. Business Services

    o Finance report-tabled by Cathy Li o Assets Report- tabled by Maree King o Transport Report- tabled by Craig Clark o Mucking In- by Lisa Muller o He tangata, he tangata- by Ani Petera o OSH- by Ashani Senanyake

    o Q & R- “ it’s about improvement- by Tangihaere Macfarlane

    o Supporting the Kaupapa- By Waitai Petera 13. Care Services

    o Auckland o South Islands o Waikato o Te Taitokerau o Night of Delights o Sports Madness

    14. Te Ara Taumatatanga- “ A pathway forward” 15. Future Aspirations- ‘If we don’t know where we came

    from, we won’t know where we are going’ 16. General Business 17. Election of Officers 18. Karakia Whakamutunga

    Artwork provided by Roimata Aubrey and Dallas Nelson


    Na John Marsden i tuku mihi atu ki aMichael Phanoulas. Kei te tino mauiui ia i tenei wa. Acknowledgements and prayers to Michael Phanouals, who is very unwell at this point in time. Our wishes are with him and his whanau

    Agenda Item # 5 Annual General 2010 Previous Meeting Minutes: Previous Minutes passed as true and correct yes √ no ☐ Correction of name: - Sandra MacDonald not Sandra Thompson Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Miriama Postlethwaite Carried:

    Agenda Item # 5 : Matters Arising from previous meeting minutes 2011 Correction of name- Sandra Thompson to Sandra McDonald Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy: Board Standing Orders

    Actions to improve: Person

    Hui Minutes

    Whare/Service Area: Annual General Meeting 2011

    Te Ra: 17th November 2011 Taken By: Mereana Hona- Board Administrator

    Karakia: John Marsden Mihimihi: Gary Brown, Waitai Petera Start Time: 6:15pm Present: Derek Petera- (Chairman) John Marsden, Gary Brown, Miriama Postlethwaite, Sandra McDonald, Tiraha Ngerengere, Denise Ewe, Debbie Renahan In Attendance : Phillip Muller- Area Manager , Waitai Petera- Maori Advisor , Ani Petera- Human Resource Manager, Jeff Muir ( Accountant), Lisa Muller- Mahinga Mara, Nora Cooke, Cedric Snowden, Monty Hune Jnr, Cathy Li, Maata Tua, Maree King, Monty Hune Snr, Te Awhina Asekona-Korowai Aroha, Tangihaere Macfarlane, Ashani Senanyyake, Elsie Tua-whanau, Jeff Muir (Accountant) , Picolo Paaki-Area Manager , Wiremu Anaru, Hine Rangitutia- Regional Manager, Gary Wyatt ( RIDCA) , Craig Clarke- Transport Manager, Jenny Stronge–Partner of Craig Clarke Apologies: Michael Phanoulas

    Moved: Derek Petera Second: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    1. Karakia 2. mihimihi 3. Attendance and apologies 4. Poroporoaki 5. Confirmation of minutes of 2010 annual meeting

    o Matters arising 6. Financial Audited Report 2011 7. Business Associates-

    • Organisation Profile Appointment of Auditors/ Business Associates

    8. Highlights of 2011 9. Whose on Board 10. Chairman’s Report- by Derek Petera 11. Change Direct Report- by John Marsden 12. Business Services

    o Finance report-tabled by Cathy Li o Assets Report- tabled by Maree King o Transport Report- tabled by Craig Clark o Mucking In- by Lisa Muller o He tangata, he tangata- by Ani Petera o OSH- by Ashani Senanyake

    o Q & R- “ it’s about improvement- by Tangihaere Macfarlane

    o Supporting the Kaupapa- By Waitai Petera 13. Care Services

    o Auckland o South Islands o Waikato o Te Taitokerau o Night of Delights o Sports Madness

    14. Te Ara Taumatatanga- “ A pathway forward” 15. Future Aspirations- ‘If we don’t know where we came

    from, we won’t know where we are going’ 16. General Business 17. Election of Officers 18. Karakia Whakamutunga

    Artwork provided by Roimata Aubrey and Dallas Nelson


    Na John Marsden i tuku mihi atu ki aMichael Phanoulas. Kei te tino mauiui ia i tenei wa. Acknowledgements and prayers to Michael Phanouals, who is very unwell at this point in time. Our wishes are with him and his whanau

    Agenda Item # 5 Annual General 2010 Previous Meeting Minutes: Previous Minutes passed as true and correct yes √ no ☐ Correction of name: - Sandra MacDonald not Sandra Thompson Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Miriama Postlethwaite Carried:

    Agenda Item # 5 : Matters Arising from previous meeting minutes 2011 Correction of name- Sandra Thompson to Sandra McDonald Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy: Board Standing Orders

    Actions to improve: Person

    • Nil Responsible: Timeframe:

    Agenda Item # 6: Financial Audit Report 2011 Tabled by Jeff Muir –Accountant “that the Finance Audit Report be accepted as true and correct”

    • Financial results not good • Financial deficit for Year ending 2011 • Jeff strongly advised need to implement cost savings strategies or the organisation will not

    continue in business

    “the board move that the financial audit report 2011 be ratified and accepted ” Discussions Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy: Business Planning

    Agenda Item # 7: Business Associates Derek Petera tabled report of list of current business associates

    • Read as true and correct. To change Accountant Auditors to Cynthia Forbes Associates

    Motion to move to change Accountant Auditors to Cynthia Forbes Accountants Moved: John Marsden Seconded: Derek Petera Carried

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy:

    Agenda Item #8: Organisational Profile Reports tabled

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy:

    Agenda Item # 8: Chairman AGM Report 2011 Tabled by Derek Petera - Chairman “that the Chairman Report 2011 be received” Chairman read and tabled report

    • Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Denise Ewe Carried:

    Risk Level: Negligible Related Policy: Board Standing Orders

    Agenda Item # 9: Change Director’s report Tabled by John Marsden,

    • Mihimihi • Been a challenging year for all • Challenges occurred with maintaining fiscal position. Experienced a deficit of over $500k by

    year ending. • About more accountable in what we do • Restructure of executive management team, implementation of new team • Look at new models of service for Mokopuna, • Year of consolidation and change to come • Currently under section 101 enquiry

    Discussions held • Questions around how did we manage to be in deficit of year ending? John explained there were

    several reasons that contribute to the deficit, however we need to plan as to moving forward and apply remedial action.

    • Cedric- Ask who is responsible for the deficit? Reponses given by John- There are contributing factors, but no one can be held responsible

    • Cedric- As the board, shouldn’t the board be held accountable? Response- Board were not fully informed or communicated to about the state of the organisation. The previous CEO failed to

    Risk Level: Negligible Related Policy: Business Planning

    Agenda Item # 10: General Business

    1. Board Nominations: Derek Petera removed himself’ Gary Brown chaired the meeting from this point. Nominations for Chairman position: John Marsden nominated Derek Petera Seconded: Sandra MacDonald “move that the board accept Derek Petera as the Chairman” Agreed Lorraine Bailey nominated Denise Ewe- Seconded: Cathy Li Denise Ewe declined nomination Accepted by Derek Petera Gary Brown continued from this point. Nominations for Board Secretary Sandra MacDonald nominated Mereana Hona Seconded: Gary Brown “move that the board accept Mereana Hona as the Board Administrator for another term” Agreed Accepted by Mereana Hona

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy Board Standing Orders

    Karakia: Matua John Marsden Finish Time: 8:55pm Next Hui Date: 2012

    Level of Risk Likelihood

    almost certain is likely is moderate is unlikely is rare




    extreme risk of harm or actual harm occurring Critical Critical High Moderate Low

    significant risk of harm Critical High Moderate Low Negligible moderate risk of harm High Moderate Moderate Low Negligible minimal risk of harm Moderate Low Low Low Negligible insignificant Low Low Negligible Negligible Negligible

  • 10 11

    Agenda Item # 9: Care Services Reports “that the care services reports be received” Auckland Reports tabled by Phillip Muller

    • Services operating fine • Slow referral of Mokopuna • Continuation of every day activities for mokopuna

    Willie Anaru • Auckland RIDSAS have a lot to reflect on throughout the last 12 months. • Undergoing Section 101 enquiry • Extraction of Mokopuna from service • Continuation of providing services occurring

    South Island report tabled

    • Report read and tabled • Experience earthquake, so has been challenging year • Reshuffle of services as a result of the earth quake • Disaster recovery plan implemented • Relocation of Mokopuna to new whare , lost two whare in earthquake, Tawera, and Te Whare

    Hou. Mokopuna relocated to North Canterbury. • September 2011- marks the 4 year anniversary of Christchurch

    Waikato report tabled by Hine Rangitutia

    • Experienced growth in last year- 10 Mokopuna entered from DSL services • Opening of new whare • Restructuring occurred • 2 x recruitment drives for Waikato to fulfil kaimahi vacancies

    Te Taitokerau report- tabled by Picolo Paaki Projection for 2012

    • Respite and Residential Services. Require more referrals before auctioning. • A lot of young people (12-17 y/o) are now coming through the court system. Courts can now

    refer to RIDCA for residential services. (CYFS) General Manager Care Services- tabled by Lorraine Bailey

    • Spoke of Section 101 enquiry- ongoing. • Cost savings strategies to be implemented soon to arrest financial position • Audit undertaken by Margret Wylie • Board taken initiatives /remedial action • Projects undertaken during time: Te Ara Taumatatanga (Sarah Williams, Ani Petera and

    Mereana Hona- visiting regions to gage how kaimahi are thinking, what are some of the issues and how to address these matters.. provide a solution forward.

    • Reintroduction of Tauira Poutama- key factor for 2012 • Communication – key drive for care services for 2012- forging relationships, re-establishment of

    relationships with providers, reconnecting. Identified we had lost credibility with some of our providers and funders. Need to regain credibility back

    • Communication with Kaimahi- as a result of Te Ara Taumatatanga- Kaimahi feel disempowered, not fully informed of what is going on, communication is not filtering to every day staff. Need to strategize

    Motion to move the Change Directors report 2011 be accepted ‘Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Negligible Related Policy: Business Planning

    Actions to improve: • Nil

    Person Responsible Timeframe:

    Agenda Item # 9: Care Services Reports “that the care services reports be received” Auckland Reports tabled by Phillip Muller

    • Services operating fine • Slow referral of Mokopuna • Continuation of every day activities for mokopuna

    Willie Anaru • Auckland RIDSAS have a lot to reflect on throughout the last 12 months. • Undergoing Section 101 enquiry • Extraction of Mokopuna from service • Continuation of providing services occurring

    South Island report tabled

    • Report read and tabled • Experience earthquake, so has been challenging year • Reshuffle of services as a result of the earth quake • Disaster recovery plan implemented • Relocation of Mokopuna to new whare , lost two whare in earthquake, Tawera, and Te Whare

    Hou. Mokopuna relocated to North Canterbury. • September 2011- marks the 4 year anniversary of Christchurch

    Waikato report tabled by Hine Rangitutia

    • Experienced growth in last year- 10 Mokopuna entered from DSL services • Opening of new whare • Restructuring occurred • 2 x recruitment drives for Waikato to fulfil kaimahi vacancies

    Te Taitokerau report- tabled by Picolo Paaki Projection for 2012

    • Respite and Residential Services. Require more referrals before auctioning. • A lot of young people (12-17 y/o) are now coming through the court system. Courts can now

    refer to RIDCA for residential services. (CYFS) General Manager Care Services- tabled by Lorraine Bailey

    • Spoke of Section 101 enquiry- ongoing. • Cost savings strategies to be implemented soon to arrest financial position • Audit undertaken by Margret Wylie • Board taken initiatives /remedial action • Projects undertaken during time: Te Ara Taumatatanga (Sarah Williams, Ani Petera and

    Mereana Hona- visiting regions to gage how kaimahi are thinking, what are some of the issues and how to address these matters.. provide a solution forward.

    • Reintroduction of Tauira Poutama- key factor for 2012 • Communication – key drive for care services for 2012- forging relationships, re-establishment of

    relationships with providers, reconnecting. Identified we had lost credibility with some of our providers and funders. Need to regain credibility back

    • Communication with Kaimahi- as a result of Te Ara Taumatatanga- Kaimahi feel disempowered, not fully informed of what is going on, communication is not filtering to every day staff. Need to strategize

    Motion to move the Change Directors report 2011 be accepted ‘Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Negligible Related Policy: Business Planning

    Actions to improve: • Nil

    Person Responsible Timeframe:

    Agenda Item # 10: General Business

    1. Board Nominations: Derek Petera removed himself’ Gary Brown chaired the meeting from this point. Nominations for Chairman position: John Marsden nominated Derek Petera Seconded: Sandra MacDonald “move that the board accept Derek Petera as the Chairman” Agreed Lorraine Bailey nominated Denise Ewe- Seconded: Cathy Li Denise Ewe declined nomination Accepted by Derek Petera Gary Brown continued from this point. Nominations for Board Secretary Sandra MacDonald nominated Mereana Hona Seconded: Gary Brown “move that the board accept Mereana Hona as the Board Administrator for another term” Agreed Accepted by Mereana Hona

    Risk Level: Low Related Policy Board Standing Orders

    Karakia: Matua John Marsden Finish Time: 8:55pm Next Hui Date: 2012

    Level of Risk Likelihood

    almost certain is likely is moderate is unlikely is rare




    extreme risk of harm or actual harm occurring Critical Critical High Moderate Low

    significant risk of harm Critical High Moderate Low Negligible moderate risk of harm High Moderate Moderate Low Negligible minimal risk of harm Moderate Low Low Low Negligible insignificant Low Low Negligible Negligible Negligible

    provide clear information and update. Board felt they weren’t fully advised of what was going on, therefore cannot be held accountable.

    • Discussion about Section 101 enquiry- 2011 identified were purported to be several cases of abuse, hence the removal of Mokopuna from the roopu. An enquiry was initiated by the Ministry of Health, under Section 101.. This is serious case where Ministry of Health believe we are in breach of the IDCCR Act 2003. Comments made- Kaimahi feel they have been falsely accused of abusing Mokopuna. Board response: The enquiry revealed there were practices that occurred which were in breach, therefore constipated the enquiry.

    • Monty- acknowledged Kaimahi do a good job, supportive towards Mokopuna, however feel the blame has been put on Kaimahi, purporting they are abusers!

    • John – Board have taken measures and will continue to apply remedial action to ensure the roopu maintains status. There is a long road ahead, people need to be accountable and continuing on working.

    • Cost savings strategies to be implemented to cut back costs, to regain financial position. Gary Wyatt commented on conditions of Section 101) unable to go into case itself due legislative reasoning’s. “that the Change Directors report 2011be received”

    Motion to move the Change Directors report 2011 be accepted ‘Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Actions to improve: • Nil

    Person Responsible Timeframe:

    Agenda Item # 9: Business Services Reports “that the business services reports for 2011be received” Finance report tabled by Cathy Li-Finance Manager (read report)

    • Report supported comments/report conveyed by John Marsden, Jeff Muir ( Accountant) Assets report tabled by Maree King- Assets Manager (read report)

    • New to organisation, replaced Angela Hoy • Challenging year • To install robust practices and processes • Systems- to work on systems to collate/record for document management

    Transport report tabled by Craig Clarke (read report) • Vehicles require repairs and maintenance- ageing fleet • Devising vehicle replacement plan for 2012

    Garden report-tabled by Lisa Muller (read report) Human Resources report- ‘He Tangata, He Tangata, tabled by Ani Petera- Human Resource Manager (read report)

    • Training programmes implemented • Staff trained, workforce development, numeracy and literacy, Diploma Frontline Management

    OSH report- tabled by Ashani Senanyake (read report) Quality and Risk report- tabled by Tangihaere MacFarlane- Quality and Risk Manager (read report)

    • Quality Plan implemented • To initiate cross whare audits for 2012

    Maori Advisor report- ‘Supporting the kaupapa’ tabled by Waitai Petera- Maori Advisor (read report) • Tautokoniga i te kaupapa o te roopu

    Motion to move the business services reports for 2011 be accepted”

    ‘Moved: Derek Petera Seconded: Debbie Renahan Carried:

    Risk Level: Negligible Related Policy:

    Actions to improve: • Nil

    Person Responsible Timeframe:

  • 12 13

    Business associates wHat’s on Board







    infoRmaTion seRvices

    qualiTy seRvices

    geneRal pRacTiTioneRs

    goveRnmenT agencies

    pRopeRTy oRganisaTions

    pRinTing seRvices

    Smith and Partners Barristers and Solicitors

    KCA Ltd Chartered Accountants

    McGregor Bailey Chartered Accountants

    ASB Bank Ltd

    Ministry of Health Disability Services DirectorateNorthland District Health BoardCanterbury District Health BoardMinistry of Social DevelopmentAccident Compensation CorporationDepartment of CorrectionsMaori Providers Development Scheme

    Glen Stonne Ltd

    Gen-i NZ LtdEndeavour Solutions LtdIDT Workforce SolutionsRevera LtdBelton IT NexusIntelligent Business Intergen LtdRicoh NZ LtdNetsoft Ltd

    DAA Group Ltd

    Various throughout Auckland / Waikato / Te Tai Tokerau / Christchurch regions

    RIDCATaikura TrustRegional and National Health and Disability Providers nationwide

    Housing NZ Ltd - Auckland / Northland / Midlands / ChristchurchCommunity Living Trust - Auckland / Northland / Midlands / ChristchurchRegional real estate agencies nationwide

    PrintPlus Botany

    This year for Te Roopu Taurima has been one of firstly significant

    changes particularly with the consolidation process of the change

    management process. Secondly it has been a reminder to all BOD

    members as to the importance of “TIMELY INFORMATION” and how

    such information can guide the Board in critical decision-making.

    I want to congratulate all the BOD members for their contributions

    and strategic insight during the change process. I especially want to

    acknowledge the Chairperson and the Change Director for guiding

    us through such a critical phase of Te Roopu Taurima’s ongoing

    development. “I want to also sincerely acknowledge the tremendous

    work of the GM’s and their continued commitment to the kaupapa

    of Te Roopu Taurima services ensuring that continuous quality

    improvements in every aspect of the business is at the forefront

    of their thinking and actions, albeit, at times under somewhat

    challenging circumstances (Nga Mihi Nui Kia Koutou Katoa)”

    “ E hara I te toa he toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini”

    Gary Brown M NZIOD

    Ko Brian O’Shea toku ingoa

    Ko Ngati Awa me Ngapuhi aku iwi

    Ko Ngati Patuwai me Ngati Rehia aku hapu

    Ko Mataatua te waka

    I have 20 experience working across government departments in

    the area of funding / contracting and management. These include,

    Department of labour, Te Puni Kokiri, MSD, and the Waitemata

    DHB. I currently work in the largest Primary Health Organisation.

    My qualifications are based on Maori Community Development.

    My interests are all sports, diving, fishing and mokopuna. I have a

    son (25) and a Daughter (23) and two tumeke moko (tama).

    Mauri Ora. I have been a member of Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau

    Trust Board since 2009. Throughout this time the journey for Te

    Roopu has been eventful to say the least. I am pleased to have

    participated in some of the many changes that have occurred within

    the organisation in the past couple of years. Some of the measures

    have seen growth occur in our financial situation as well as in the

    services we are providing. I wish to thank the team of Te Roopu

    Taurima for their patience, understanding and efforts.

    No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

    Debbie Dawson-Renahan

    E mihi ana ki te Rangi, e mihi ana ki te whenua, e whakatau ana ki

    a ratou kua okioki, kua whakangaro i nga tirohanga kanohi i roto i

    te tau, i te marama, i te wiki, i tenei ra. Tenei tatou te mahuetanga

    iho, e puhia nei e nga hau o te ao.

    na Te Atairangikaahu (1982)

    The Board’s commitment in the last twelve months to be resolute

    to uphold the vision of E Kore A Muri E Hokia: There is no turning

    back, We can only go forward (Dr Tui Adams) continues. But there

    is still much to do to ensure that the Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau

    Trust strives to realise in every aspect of Board deliberations that

    Rangatiratanga mo tatou katoa i runga i nga tikanga o tena o tena

    o tena remains the central tenet and guiding principle in all decision

    making. Full and transparent governance must be accountable to

    operational activities through sound annual and strategic planning

    and vice versa. The potential of Te Roopu Taurima to continue to

    prosper as the largest tikanga based kaupapa Maori provider, for

    intellectually disabled whanau demands this respect.

    Na Denise Te Tuhi Ewe (2012)


  • 14 15

    Rangatiratanga mo tatou katoa i runga i nga tikanga o tena, o tena, o tena

    Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust Organisation Chart-Oct 2012

    Board of Trustees

    Executive Director

    General Manager

    Business Support

    Finance Manager

    Accounts x 3

    Payroll x 2

    Ringa Awhina


    Human Resource Manager

    HR Advisor

    HR Facilitator


    Assets Manager

    Senior Assets Officer

    Assets Officer


    Mahinga Mara

    Quality & Risk



    Information Systems


    Exec PA

    General Manager

    Care Services

    Regional Manager


    Area Manager


    Kaitaataki x 3

    Kaiwhakahaere x 1




    Manager x 1


    Area Manager South Island

    Kaitaataki x 2

    Vocational Coordinator x 1




    Manager x 1

    AdministratorBusiness Administrator

    Business Admin

    Regional Manager Northern

    Area Manager

    RIDSAS Auckland

    Kaitaataki x 3

    Vocational Coordinator x 1



    Care Managers x 2


    Area Manager

    Residential Support/Development

    Team Leaders x 2

    Kaiwhakahaere Voc X 1



    Kaiwhakahaere x 2Awhi Whanau Kaiwhakahaere x 2Kaitaataki x1


    Area Manager Northland

    Kaitaataki x 3Respite

    Kaiwhakahaere x 1




    Korowai Aroha

    Care Services


    Maori Development

    Advisor Clinical Manager

    Exec PA

    Whaea Matua

    Mokopuna Whanau

  • 16 17

    statistical inforMation

    income ($ million)






    20122009 2010 2011







    numbeR of whaRe by Region

    numbeR of mokopuna by Region

    numbeR of mokopuna by seRvice



    of w




    of m





    of m







































    ToTal expenses ($ million)


    l exp






    20122009 2010 2011







    numbeR of sTaff



    of s





    20122009 2010 2011


















    Respite Care

    16 17

  • 18 19

    financial audit rePort

  • 20 21

  • 22 23

  • 24 25

  • 26 27

  • 28 29

  • 30 31

  • 32 33

    froM tHe cHairMandeRek peTeRa, chaiRman

    Tena koutou katoa e nga mokopuna, whanau me nga kaimahi o Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. Kei te mihi nui kia koutou katoa

    mo tenei tau.

    As I reflect on the last twelve months there have been some

    significant management changes within the organisation. The Board

    is very pleased with the new structure of leadership under Lorraine

    Bailey, General Manager Care Services and Brian Emery, General

    Manager Business Support with the oversight of John Marsden as

    Executive Director.

    What has also been massive is the commitment and dedication

    shown by all kaimahi and management across the organisation who

    have got on with the “mahi” in providing the very best quality of

    care for mokopuna.

    Although no road is ever smooth, the Roopu has risen to the

    different challenges such as the scrutiny of the various surveillance

    audits held throughout the year. These audits have however been

    embraced with an openness of accountability and gives us the

    opportunity to always look at ways to improve the way we do

    things. It is with renewed confidence that the new management and

    kaimahi have been effective and efficient in the delivery of quality

    services across the organisation.

    On a lighter note, it was an absolute pleasure to attend the very

    first Te Taitokerau Mokopuna Ball held in Whangarei. I take my hat

    off to Korowai Aroha, management and kaimahi of Te Tai Tokerau

    for their outstanding organisation of this event and coordination

    including catering done by the staff. What was also exceptional

    was seeing the mokopuna ball “glammed up” for their night of

    glitz and glamour. It was difficult to choose the winners for the

    different prizes. In my opinion they were all winners. Well done Te

    Tai Tokerau!

    As the festive season draws nearer, I would like to extend my sincere

    gratitude and appreciation to all management and kaimahi for the

    work you all do at times going over and above. To Lorraine, Brian

    and John thank you for steering the waka forward and as always

    my sincere appreciation to each board member for your support

    throughout the year.

    Ma te Atua e manaaki, hei tiaki,


    executive directors rePortJohn maRsden, qso, Jp

    E nga mana, e nga reo, e rau rangatira ma, tena koutou katoa. He

    mihi tenei ki nga tini mate o te tau kua hipa atu nei. No reira, haere

    koutou ki te huihuinga o te tini me te mano kua wehe ki te po. No

    reira, kapiti hono tatai hono, ratou kia ratou, tatou hoki ki a tatou.

    The past 12/18 months has been one of reconfiguration of Te Roopu

    Taurima O Manukau Trust particularly relevant to management

    along with the consolidation of the services. The principal issues

    for restructure have been to reconfigure the direction forward for Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust whilst at the same time seeking

    to address escalating expenditure.

    While the reconfirming of strategic direction was relatively straight

    forward, the addressing of escalating costs has been much more

    complex. The main changes to address both aspects, were to

    review the Senior Management team and seek strategies as to how

    this area may be reconfigured. A new management structure was

    put in place. Essentially both services of Residential and RIDSAS

    were aligned more closely with each other, particularly with the

    management level now spread across to cover both services. The

    major effect of these changes were:

    1. Close monitoring of staff shifts/rostering within the whare

    2. More proactivity in increasing occupancy of whare throughout


    3. Systems review i.e. telecommunications and IT software

    4. Strengthening and enhancement of Quality Assurance

    processes and policies

    5. Consolidation of current services with the enhancing of

    relationships with other associated relationships.

    Most of these have now been addressed which leads us to the next

    phases - review of our resources, and staffing benefits i.e. Sleepover

    payments now due.

    fuTuRe diRecTionTe Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust appears to have turned the

    corner in terms of its viability as a result of the tighter infrastructural

    processes that have been instituted over the past 12 months. This

    has been achieved with the cooperation of all staff in their efforts

    towards managing daily running costs.

    The trick to ensuring ongoing viability of Te Roopu Taurima O

    Manukau Trust remains as managing whare occupancy rates and

    close managing of overall costs. There is the potential of expanding

    the service into other areas throughout Aotearoa and discussions

    with various areas are already occurring.

    Time has arrived where the acquisition of other type businesses

    may need to be promulgated. There are also opportunities through

    looking at existing businesses being sold which are becoming more

    available by the day.

    The Board will need to consider the diversification of its business.

    gRaTiTudes There are several groups that need to be acknowledged in bringing

    Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust through a very difficult year

    of activity.

    Various government agencies and other groups in this type of

    service have freely offered support and assistance through the year.

    We particularly acknowledge MOH and RIDCA for their invaluable

    assistance through the year.

    The second group to be thanked is the staff many of whom have

    given their time unselfishly - often working double shifts etc.

    Finally I wish to pay gratitude to the Chairperson and the Board who

    have retained a close oversight and providing direction often when

    decisions have had the potential to become challenging.

    I believe this coming year will be one of further challenges, however

    with genuine commitment and passion these can be overcome and

    progressed for the benefit of Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust.

    Kia ora tatou

    John Marsden, Executive Director

  • 34 35

    finance rePortcaThy li, finance manageR

    The last year has seen the Trust changing and developing in many

    significant ways with the result of improved operational efficiency

    and effectiveness.

    I am delighted to see the positive results in the state of affairs of the

    Trust after consolidation of whare, roster reviews, increased number

    of referrals and decreased vacancy rate.

    During this financial year, 31 new mokopuna entered and 12

    mokopuna left our care services i.e. mokopuna numbers increased

    from 227 to 246. Despite a reduction in vocational income by $0.40

    million (16.2% on last year), our total income was up $1.57 million

    (5.7% on last year). Our residential and RIDSAS income increased

    by 8.2% and 7.8% respectively. Total expenses increased by $0.43

    million only, i.e. 1.5% of last year total expenses, mainly contributed

    to by staff and property costs. The net result is a significant

    improvement from a deficit of $0.75 million to a profit of $0.42

    million. This is a great achievement especially in such difficult

    economic times.

    We have worked with the Union, delegates, the Ministry of Health

    and DHB’s about the sleepover settlement, and final agreement has

    now been reached. We are expecting funding from the Ministry to

    enable a full payment of the six year sleepover back pay liability, the

    Trust contribution to which will be $0.64 million.

    Future focus still should be to protect income while controlling

    costs and capital expenditure through prioritizing objectives and

    activities, monitoring variance of actual against budget, and

    undertaking periodic reviews of our strategic plan.

    Finally, I would like to thank all my team members for their hard

    work and commitment during the past year. I also want to reiterate

    my gratitude to each department for their support to the Finance


    cathy Li

    assets rePortsaul RobeRTs

    Kotahi tonu te wairua o nga mea katoa. Koia te timatanga, koia

    te whakaotiranga, koia te kaiwhakawa o nga mea katoa, kororia ki

    tana ingoa tapu. Paimarire.

    During the second quarter of this year I was fortunate to join Te

    Roopu Taurima o Manukau Trust as the new Assets Manager. As I

    had come to understand, Te Roopu Taurima had more recently gone

    through a number of transformations. This included the formation

    of a new Assets department which saw a merging of the Transport

    and Whare portfolios. It’s with great pleasure that I present an

    outline of the Assets report for the 2012/2013 AGM.

    With vast and wide skills including fleet management, architectural,

    mechanical and administrative backgrounds, the newly appointed

    Assets team look forward to contributing and adding value to the

    wider strategic direction of the organisation. The Assets team are a

    relatively newly appointed team of 3.5 FTE’s.

    More recently there have been a number of Asset initiatives initiated

    this year, of which one in particular, would have a significant

    impact on the reduction of Assets’ operating costs. Faced with

    a mature fleet where the average age of vehicles was 7 years

    old, health and safety, and soaring repair and maintenance costs

    eventually led to the impending proposition to replace our fleet.

    A capital investment decision was initiated and the rollout of a

    vehicle replacement programme began June 2012. Since this time,

    a number of new vans and sedans have been introduced to the fleet.

    Assets plan to continue the replacement programme over the next

    18-24 months and this will continue to be driven by the need for

    more cost-effective fleet management practices, an appreciation of

    the magnitude of fleet operational costs, funding availability and

    vehicle replacement guidelines.

    This year there have been a number of interesting challenges with

    our whare. Assets continues to be reminded of our responsibilities

    surrounding compliancy codes and regulations and with this,

    the safety and health of our mokopuna and our kaimahi are at

    the forefront of our minds. Assets have taken upon ourselves to

    vigourously assess, evaluate and remedy a number of problems

    that have plagued whare in the past. As a consequence of Assets

    conducting property condition reports, a number of new capital

    builds have been identified for the coming new year. Whare

    Whirinaki is one of those that have been identified as a proposed

    new build.

    Being smart and identifying our core business has included building

    closer working relationships with our external stakeholders. Critical

    to our success has been a drive by Assets to engage and demand

    more buy-in from our landlords (including Housing NZ), contractors

    and suppliers that aligns with our strategic direction as Te Roopu

    Taurima. Moreover, Assets will be looking to build on an already

    seamless integration with our wider organisational departments.

    While this is not necessarily an innovative approach, it is one that

    assists Assets with simplifying our interface with the rest of the


    I’m reminded of a time I attended Hana Te Hemara’s infamous speech

    she gave at an Auckland University Maori Students Association hui

    in 1988. Though she achieved notoriety for comments that were

    hugely taken out of context, thinking globally and acting locally

    was the catch phrase of the day. As a kaupapa Maori organisation,

    the opportunity to seize upon international models of asset

    management and develop one that is heavily founded on Maori

    fundamentals is exciting. I’m encouraged by the opportunities that

    lay ahead for Assets in 2013. This will be a year that continues

    to contribute to the ongoing operational direction of Te Roopu

    Taurima. I believe it will be one that hails a genuine sense of

    new energy, vibrancy and exuberance to an already motivated and

    aspiring team.

    No reira hei korero whakamutunga:

    Kia hora te marino,

    Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana,

    Kia tere te karohirohi,

    i mua i to tatou huarahi.

    May the calm be widespread,

    May the ocean glisten as greenstone,

    May the shimmer of light

    Ever dance across our pathway.


    Left to right: Tori Puata (Senior Assets Officer) - Te Arawa, Waikato Maniapoto, Ngai Takoto; Lennae Boyce (Assets

    Administrator) - Te Rarawa, Ngati Porou, Ngati Raukura; Kaiawhi Wharemate (Assets Officer) - Ngai Tu, Ngati Moerewa,

    Ngapuhi Nui Tonu; Saul Roberts (Assets Manager) - Te Waiohua, Waikato

  • 36 37

    HuMan resources rePortani peTeRa, adele mulleR, maTThew paul, Tupou evans

    oveRview by Ani Petera (HR Manager)This year the Human Resource team had some positional changes

    with Adele Muller appointed H.R Facilitator (previously Executive

    Human Resources P.A), responsible for recruitment and specific

    training. Tupou Evans appointed H.R Administrator (previously

    Team Secretary RIDSAS Auckland), responsible for administrative

    and records management support. Matthew Paul appointed H.R

    Advisor responsible for OSH/Health and Safety/CPI and First Aid


    Human Resource Manual: One of the major tasks for Human

    Resources has been to review the Human Resource manual. We

    were fortunate to contract the services of Karna Luke (TTL Business

    Consultants) to review and update our manual to align with Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau policy manual and to ensure the

    meeting of legislative requirements. Further to the above, TTL

    Business Consultants will provide training to our managers in the

    areas of change management, training and overall H.R workshops.

    Wage Bargaining: November 2012 sees the current Collective

    Employment Agreement up for renewal. Given the changes that have

    occurred within the Roopu, Karna Luke has also been contracted

    to provide his service to assist and facilitate this process with

    management in partnership with the Public Services Association.

    investigations and complaints: This year has seen its fair share of

    complaints and concerns. Having responsibility and oversight in this

    area has certainly been a huge learning in terms of employment

    relations. As mentioned previously, specific training workshops for

    Managers in relation to change management, policy and HR training

    processes will go a long way to improve management capability,

    confidence and competence to deal with issues effectively when

    they are raised.

    RecRuiTmenT by Adele Muller (HR Facilitator)For 2012 the establishment of a more streamlined management

    structure for Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust has brought

    about a number of positive changes. With the oversight of John

    Marsden as Executive Director, the new look structure has seen the

    appointment of Lorraine Bailey as General Manager Care Services

    and Brian Emery returning from Australia in January 2012 to take

    up the position of General Manager Business Support.

    A number of vacant or new positions were high on the recruitment

    agenda this year. Human Resources were able to meet the demand

    with the appointments of the following people to their respective

    positions and regions for 2012:

    • Joanna Singh – Business Administrator Waikato

    • Matthew Paul – HR Advisor Auckland

    • Dana Marii-Tito – Team Administrator Care Services RIDSAS


    • Cassandra Dickinson – Team Administrator Care Services

    Residential Auckland

    • Serlina Yi – (Temp) Accounts Administrator

    • Ani Capper – Kaitaataki Waikato

    • Saul Roberts - Assets Manager Auckland

    • Christine Henare – Accounts Payable Officer Auckland

    • Connie Watts – Casual Registered Nurse Whangarei

    • Louise Fielding – Awhi Whanau / Kaiwhakahaere Auckland

    • Destiny Nielson – Awhi Whanau / Kaiwhakahaere Auckland

    • Sarah Te Pou-Onehi – Regional Manager Waikato-South

    • Char-lee Wallace – Receptionist Auckland

    • Te Kaanga Skipper – Korowai Aroha Auckland

    • Winiata Brown – Area Manager Otautahi

    • Christine Keenan – Kaitaataki Waikato

    • Lennae Boyce – (Temp) Assets Administrator Auckland

    • Tori Puata – Senior Assets Officer Auckland

    Along with recruiting for the above positions, existing administration

    staff had the opportunity to apply for internal positions in other

    support areas, providing expert IT and administrative support to

    their managers and teams.

    As we know the quality of service for mokopuna is always at the

    forefront to ensure mokopuna are provided with the very best care

    and furthermore to ensure that whare are adequately staffed and

    resourced. The growth of the Roopu this year has seen Human

    Resources facilitate seven recruitments employing eighty-six

    kaiawhina across the motu with a further two planned for Taitokerau

    and Waikato before Christmas.

    In my view recruiting the right person/s for the job generates

    achievements, positive outcomes, optimum care that ultimately

    ensures we have happy, content and satisfied mokopuna, whanau

    and kaimahi.

    Train the Trainer: This training facilitated by Una Ryan has been

    identified as a means of standardising a more uniformed approach to

    the delivery of orientation/refresher training for kaimahi throughout

    the regions. The target group made up of Kaiwhakahaere, Kaitaataki

    and Care Managers will cover the capability of trainers to further

    enhance their skills, the collection of existing training programmes

    to re-design the training and resources and effective ways of

    measuring kaimahi learning.

    RecoRds managemenT commiTTee by Tupou Evans (HR Administrator)

    Human Resource contribution to the records management

    committee for the year has involved ratifying numerous forms

    including the merger of HR 303 and HR 303a. Human Resource has

    also introduced two new forms. The Repairs and Maintenance form

    being trialled enables us to keep track of various R&M’s during the

    OSH hui (Auckland Only) and the investigation recommendation

    form constitutes the final step of our investigation process ensuring

    recommendations are completed and signed off by the appropriate

    level of management.

    credentialing: In line with our review of the HR manual, a

    credentialing profile for clinical positions has been developed. This

    outlines the qualifications and experience required of each clinical

    position and monitors registration currency respectively.

    occupaTional healTh and safeTy by Matthew Paul (HR Advisor)

    Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust promotes excellence in

    health and safety management through the use of sound hazard

    management systems and practices.

    This year an opportunity arose to have all our OSH representatives

    Auckland (30), Taitokerau (6) and Hamilton (14) in September 2012

    and October 2012 to up-skill in the health and safety (stage 1)

    certification provided by a ACC H&S Professionals.

    Training consisted of the Health and Safety Employment Act (HASE

    ACT) with the primary objective of covering the prevention of

    harm to all persons at work and other persons on, or in the vicinity

    of their place of work. In recognition of their achievements a

    combined regional OSH meeting via V.C will be held in December 12

    to acknowledge the participants attaining their Health and Safety

    (Stage 1) certificate.

  • 38 39

    OSH guest speakers: This year we organised three guest speakers

    to attend the OSH hui. The regions were able to link in via video

    conference to Auckland where OSH representatives were given

    updated information in relation to:

    • ACC - Process and Procedures - by Arnold De Farias, Relationship

    Manager Workplace

    • Employee Assistance Programme - by Irene Bates, EAP


    • Infection Control Management - by Sarah Williams, Clinical

    Manager, Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust

    Workbased Training – Leading Workforce Literacy: Work-based

    Training programme 2012 was once again offered to kaimahi in

    Tamaki Makaurau and Waikato. Participants were eager to learn

    and develop their skill-base. The outcome of the programme

    developed participant literacy and numeracy skills in the areas

    of: oral communication, leadership communication, everyday

    numeracy and financial literacy. The programme has resulted in the

    participants increasing their confidence to communicate effectively,

    extend their oral communication skills, increase their confidence

    and leadership skills and revise and update the practical application

    of their numeracy skills.

    Overall there were sixteen participants from Auckland and seven

    participants from Hamilton who completed the course this year.

    Graduation ceremonies were held in both Auckland and Hamilton

    to recognise the achievements of these participants.

    summaRy by Ani Petera (HR Manager)In conclusion I would like to firstly acknowledge and thank Adele,

    Tupou and Mathew for their hard work and diligence throughout

    the year. It’s with confidence and reassurance that when I am not

    around the team just get on with the mahi –“Mahia te Mahi”.

    Last but not least, the Human Resource team would like to

    acknowledge and thank all the teams in Tamaki Makaurau, Te Tai

    Tokerau, Waikato and Otautahi. Their ongoing administration

    support has been outstanding which has contributed to the overall

    quality improvements and effective human resource delivery

    throughout the motu.

    We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and look forward to the

    new challenges that 2013 brings, and in doing so reflect on this

    whakatauaki by the late Sir James Henare.

    “We have come too far not to go further

    We have done too much not to do more”

  • 40 41

    quality & risk rePortTangihaeRe macfaRlane

    E nga hau e wha mai i Te Taitokerau, ki Tamaki Makaurau, ki

    Waikato tae noa atu ki Otautahi, kia ora mai tatou katoa.

    The quality role within Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust supports

    the aspiration towards an organisational culture where care is at the

    heart of everything we do.

    E ki ana te korero, ‘Tiaki Mokopuna, Manaaki Tangata’.

    ceRTificaTion and accRediTaTionTe Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust continues to maintain

    certification in accordance with the Health & Disability Service

    Standards (HDSS), and accreditation in accordance with the

    Evaluation and Quality Improvement Programme (EQuIP4).

    evaluaTion / audiTFollowing on from the two developmental evaluations carried out by

    Margaret Wyllie & Associates June/August 2011, recent/upcoming

    audit events are summarised herewith:

    • 23-26 July 2012: Periodic review (surveillance audit) against

    HDSS and EQuIP4 standards carried out by DAA Group Ltd.

    Letters confirming certification and accreditation status have

    since been received from the Ministry of Health and DAA Group

    Ltd respectively.

    • 29-31 August 2012: SAMS evaluation of Nga Mahi o Te Ra.

    In January 2013, a second party (Northern DHB) audit against

    contract will be undertaken at whare Manaakitia (Whangarei). In

    Feb-Mar 2013, a second party (Dept of Corrections) audit against

    contract will be undertaken in Te Taitokerau.

    The next comprehensive audit (Certification and Accreditation) is

    scheduled for 13-17 May 2013.

    TRaining 11-15 June 2012: 32 x kaimahi from across the regions undertake

    internal audit training

    15-19 Oct 2012: Q&R team (Tangihaere Macfarlane and Faith

    Goldsmith-Neki) attend ‘Auditor Training in Healthcare’ Programme

    (exam results are imminent).

    cRoss-whaRe audiTs28-30 Nov 2011: 17 x Auckland residential whare audited

    18-22 June 2012: All whare/all regions audited by kaimahi who

    undertook 11-15 June internal audit training programme.

    whaRe visiTs 85% of Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau whare were visited over the

    past year by the Q&R team. A whare visit schedule is under

    development with a view to each whare being visited at least twice

    a year by a member of the Q&R team, or as delegated.

    policy • Policy Manuals were distributed to all whare in loose leaf

    format by August 2012. For the most part, associated coaching

    and mentoring was undertaken by Q&R team.

    • Policy review programme continues and project is at 50%


    manuals/documenTs• A comprehensive review process is underway with the support of

    a cast of many including the Records Management Committee.

    • Smooth progression of Records Management Committee mahi

    with electronic ratification at basis.

    • Telarc Quality Health logo is being supplanted by that of DAA

    Group over time.

    • Database/ regional reporting templates roll-out is anticipated

    expectantly, as is that of the Intranet.

    • All whare have been issued with a Quality Assurance folder

    inclusive of Health & Disability Service Standards information.

    qualiTy & Risk commiTTeeMokopuna representative membership to the Q&R committee is

    at full complement comprising of Kevin Wilson (Waikato), Aaron

    Attewell (South Island), Robert Rocky Rutherford (Te Taitokerau)

    and George Walker (Tamaki Makaurau).

    he momo whakapai – qualiTy impRovemenTs RegisTeRThere are 199 improvements registered to the Quality Improvement

    Register (He Momo Whakapai), 40 more than at the same time last


    Kati ra mo tenei wa. Mauri Ora ki a tatou katoa, na

    Tangihaere Macfarlane maua ko Pono Goldsmith-Neki

    inforMation systeMs rePortvaleRie lui

    ‘Technology makes it possible for people to gain control over

    everything, except over technology’

    – John Tudor

    2012 has been a year of development and growth within the

    world that is Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. We have seen

    ourselves move from button controlled mobiles to touch screen,

    email- receiving wonders, from large conventional CPU to Ipad and

    tablets. This change has moved us into a more efficient way of

    using technology to our advantage. The need to have information

    in a timely manner is imperative. The requirement to communicate

    with the masses is essential.

    This year we have accomplished tasks such as: roll out of computers

    into the whare, whare email access and electronic timesheets just to

    name a few. Although somewhat new and daunting to some, I am

    confident we can overcome these barriers with continued support to

    our kaimahi. Technology is not meant to disable people, it is meant

    to enable them, and it should provide the means to generate giant

    leaps in performance and capabilities of the user. We have come to

    a point where re-education is a necessity as having the knowledge

    is power.

    Earlier this month we welcomed our new IT Provider – Belton IT

    Limited, who will assist us in moving forward with our technology

    needs- not only in the aspect of technical support, but also in

    the development of robust and seamless processes relating to

    information technology. It is exciting to be part of the future

    development of our internal intranet, roll out of printers in the

    whare and the development of a well designed database system to

    fit the needs of our Roopu. We continue to work through tasks at

    light speed to prepare for the coming years.

    Last but not least, I acknowledge those whom have worked before

    me to give Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust the starting block

    to move towards a technology-based environment. They have

    prepared the soil, sown the seeds and ensured that the right amount

    of water and sunlight was given. Our systems have fruited and now

    in the hands of another caretaker, it is my hope that we continue to

    appreciate what technology has to offer.

    Na, Valerie Lui

  • 42 43

    Maori develoPMent advisor’s rePortwaiTai peTeRa

    E te Heamana me o Mema honore o Te Poari O Te Roopu Taurima

    O Manukau Trust, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa. E

    kore ratou te hunga kua okioki e warewaretia e tatou te hunga ora,

    tatu atu ra ki te hunga e whai paanga ana ki a tatou o Te Roopu

    nei. Kia Julie, kia whaea Te Awhina, ki te matua ra o Kaiawhi , nga

    mokopuna, nga kaimahi, me o ratou whanau hoki, no reira te hunga

    mate haere ra ratou, haere, haere, kia tatou hoki te hunga ora, tena

    tatou katoa.

    It has been just over a year since I was appointed to this role as

    Maori Development Advisor. Previous to that I was the Maori

    Development Manager responsible for Te Korowai Aroha throughout

    the regions. That responsibility is not mine anymore, but the mahi

    has for some reason or another remained similar to my last role. I

    find though I am now able to accompany our General Managers,

    and Executive Director to support kaupapa on behalf of Te Roopu

    Taurima O Manukau whereas I found it difficult to before. I also

    attend hui on behalf of Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust and

    give advice to our kaimahi who regularly seek it. I am enjoying

    the role and the acknowledge the honour given by the Board and

    Senior Management to speak on behalf of our Roopu on auspicious

    occasions such as tangihanga and hui we are involved in as both

    tangata whenua, and manuhiri. Although almost all of the mahi

    I have carried out in this period have been important, some of

    the highlights have been accompanying Lorraine Bailey, GM Care

    Services as her kaikorero to numerous hui in Poneke, Kirikiriroa,

    Te Tai Tokerau, and of course Tamaki Makaurau, another was

    accompanying our Executive Director in visiting all the whare in the

    Midlands region. It gave me the opportunity to once again meet the

    mokopuna and kaimahi of the region, and to also familiarise myself

    with whare locations. Another big undertaking I was and am still

    involved in was Te Ara Taumatatanga kaupapa that the committee

    took all over the motu to our different regions during and after the

    Section 101 enquiry carried out by the Ministry of Health. I suppose

    one would say that our task was to try to allay some of the fears,

    and the frustrations brought about by the enquiry, and to assure the

    kaimahi that their awangawanga were been acknowledged. The end

    result has brought about a number of changes to certain kaupapa,

    some recommendations have been put forward to both the Board

    and Senior Management, and some more recommendations are in

    the pipe line.

    I am on several committees, amongst those are the marae committee

    whereby in conjunction with a mokopuna mother we are looking at

    acquiring some whenua whereby we could maybe build a Marae/

    Office/ Mahi O Te Ra/Workshops for Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau

    Trust on the one site. Another is the free health check programme

    in conjunction with MIT. This particular kaupapa was driven by

    Sandra McDonald, one of our Board Members, and Mereana Hona

    (Exec PA). This initial programme carried out on site at our main

    Otahuhu office , if successful could be rolled out to our other

    regions through similar contacts. Another is the kaimahi recognition

    kaupapa whereby we are looking at ideas to not only acknowledge

    our kaimahi but also to reward them for their wonderful ongoing

    mahi for our mokopuna, in our homes and on the several trips that

    are normally undertaken by our whare and mokopuna as well as the

    different kaupapa that happens which is natural amongst us in Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. I have held a hui on Te Reo Me

    Ona Tikanga kaupapa hoping to get this off the ground to help our

    kaimahi understand some of our Tikanga Maori, why we do it, and

    how. Eleven people attended with varying degrees of knowledge in

    Tikanga Maori me Te Reo. Some of the kaupapa discussed were:

    • Protocol- Powhiri, Waiata

    • Meaning/purpose/procedures

    • Tikanga and Kawa

    • Roopu Kawa-Clarity about

    • Learning different Kawa (other regions)

    • Rituals of engagement

    • Knowledge, meaning, and explanations

    • Understanding spiritual aspects

    • Language: sentence structure/vocabulary

    • Daily reminders of tikanga after morning karakia.

    Hopefully we can get this kaupapa off the ground very soon, and

    I think we may have been successful in getting a little external

    funding to assist.

    Noho ora mai ra koutou e nga rangatira.

  • 44 45

    general Manager Business suPPortbRian emeRy, geneRal manageR

    He tumihi atu ki a Ratou kua hinga atu. Ena ano ko Whaea Te

    Awhina, raua Ko Julie Warren. Kua heke iho nga tangi aroha

    mo koutou katoa. Ma muri koutou e korero. Ma muri koutou e

    whakaaro. No reira moe mai koutou katoa. Otira ki a Tatou nga

    Kanohi Ora, Tena Koutou Katoa

    From the beginning of the year 2012, there were changes to

    personnel and management in Business Support Services. The

    changes have worked out well through good relationships between

    staff, and everyone getting on with their mahi. The finance team

    has remained stable with Cathy Li, Annie Du and new appointment

    Serlina Yi and the return of Christine Henare. Tala Poe and Ellie

    Chen in payroll section keep the pays going into bank accounts for

    everyone on paydays. There is a new team in asset management

    with Saul Roberts, Kaiawhi Wharemate who are waiting for a new

    appointment of senior assets officer. Ani Petera has led a couple

    of changes in human resources with Matthew Paul, Adele Muller

    and Tupou Evans. Quality and risk management are stable with

    Tangihaere Macfarlene and Pono Goldsmith. Val Lui is the new

    person leading the organisation in information and technology.

    Mereana Hona continues to keep things ticking along well for the

    board and us. Char Lee Wallace is the pleasant face and voice of

    the front office. I am grateful for all that my staff do for Te Roopu

    Taurima and the kaimahi who care for mokopuna.

    Personally, it was exciting to return to Te Roopu Taurima in a new

    role and I am very grateful to the Board for their decision and

    trust in me. As would be expected, there were the usual business

    challenges ahead for me. However, I did not realise the trauma that

    the Roopu had experienced while I was away in Melbourne last year.

    Firstly, I came upon the draft report of the Section 101 Inquiry.

    Some findings I agreed with and was impressed with the decisive

    actions taken against wrongdoers. These were supported by

    corrective actions taken by management and staff to maintain the

    quality of care to mokopuna. In our response to the Inquiry, I

    pointed out that:

    • the “cherry picker” approach taken to writing negative

    information and ignoring positives that had been presented

    to the Inquiry

    • the four recommendations against Te Roopu Taurima were a

    nonsense and the board agreed

    The impacts of the Inquiry on staff and our relationships with

    externals were wide and should not be under-estimated. At one

    point even our accreditation status was under threat until the

    auditing agency received assurances that Te Roopu Taurima

    operations were steady and more importantly the care of mokopuna

    was as strong as ever.

    Secondly, it was a shock to me to find the dire financial straits that

    Te Roopu Taurima was in. Morale was low and I heard anxious

    korero from many staff who were uncertain about the future of

    Te Roopu Taurima, and their own. It was a roopu-saving move

    that the board restructured management who set to, and brought

    about vital cost savings. The improvements were immediate as the

    financial reports indicate and these will be carried forward for a

    while as we recover our previous financial strength. After eighteen

    months of deficits, Te Roopu Taurima experienced surpluses

    particularly in the last seven months. The annual financial report

    for year ending June 2012 shows the results of those efforts by all

    staff and management. Clearly, no one wanted Te Roopu Taurima

    to falter or fall and all staff and the board did well. We are not

    out of the woods, and savings remain a priority as we seek to fund

    capital works, replacement vehicles, and items that were not carried

    out in recent years. Another burden is the sleepover liability, which

    we have to fund as well.

    As a way forward, early in the year, the business service managers

    agreed to two imperatives for their business plans for the year


    1. Growth in new contracts, quality of care and improvements

    2. Controls on spend, labour costs, minimal mokopuna vacancies

    I am pleased to report that the managers are on track to help Te

    Roopu Taurima meet our two imperatives. Capital spend is under

    constant watch. In care services, realistic rostering is an imperative

    and is the secret of our future success. This is a consolidation phase

    for Te Roopu Taurima as we look to an exciting future of challenges

    and gains.

    There are some future challenges for Te Roopu Taurima and we can

    pick the gains within:

    • The impact of “choice in community living” as mokopuna and

    whanau choose other care situations from Te Roopu Taurima.

    How can Te Roopu Taurima stake out a viable position in that


    • Te Roopu Taurima finding the wherewithal and again

    having its own marae with a range of facilities for mokopuna

    vocational and living skills programmes

    • Growing the business and future proofing for long-term


    • Building enduring relationships with new suppliers and

    providers that are based exclusively on our mutually held values

    • Establishing a company to own and run Roopu whare from

    whom Te Roopu Taurima can rent whare

    • Accessing new funders and sourcing grants to carry out some

    capital works and items

    • Being consistent with a programme of capital replacements

    of vehicles and other assets in order to manage the financial


    • Maintaining a culture of training, upskilling and educating our

    workforce that increases our Roopu capabilities and intellectual


    • Taking advantage of technology innovations that are cost

    effective and which bring about efficiencies in communication,

    data collections and sharing

    • Sticking to our strength i.e. a culture of excellence and risk

    management through internal and external improvements

    Many of these challenges are being talked about already at board

    and management levels as we set up a compelling future for Te

    Roopu Taurima. That is why I detect that there is a growing level of

    excitement within the ranks.

    Finally, during the year we said farewell to Marie King, Nick Xue,

    and Craig Clark and wished them well for their future endeavours.

    Dana Mari-Tito and Maureen Armstrong have gone to other roles

    within Te Roopu Taurima. We are pleased with their choices.

    No reira tena ano Tatou Katoa

    Brian Emery

  • 46 47

    residential services - aucklandphillip mulleR

    Introductions: Phillip Muller, Area Manager, Auckland Residential

    Care Services; Cassandra Dickinson, Team Administrator; Destiny

    Nielson and Louisa Fielding, Awhi Whanau Kaiwhakahaere

    He Maumaharatanga tenei mo nga Whanau, Mokopuna, Hoa

    Rangatira I Waenganui I to matou Tari O Te Roopu Taurima O

    Manukau Trust.

    We would like to acknowledge all the whanau members who have

    passed away, especially to our two whaea. Whaea Julie Warren and

    Whaea Te Awhina Asekona have both dedicated their lives to this

    mahi & our Roopu. May their hard work be nurtured & continue to

    flourish with great results for Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau.

    It has been a busy year following the restructure. The Care Services

    annual plan was completed. We said farewell to Patsy Sherwin who

    retired in February and Moana Heihei stepped up to replaced Patsy

    as the new kaiarahi. Luanne Tito replaced Louisa as acting kaiarahi.

    Our mokopuna have had a very challenging but exciting year. John

    Mui and Ross Williams have both had holidays to Ahitereiria wit

    their whanau. An inaugural Koroneihana celebration lunch was

    held at Nga Mahi O Te Ra on 21st August with great success and

    we hope to continue this annually. The Whanau Whanui Hui were

    attended with great whanau involvement. Poukai and special

    birthdays continue to be attended and celebrated by mokopuna

    and kaimahi. The empty beds that were vacant have been filled and

    our whare are now at full capacity. We have also had an increase in

    VHN and Respite mokopuna.

    Significant events attended by kaimahi and mokopuna include the

    Disability Expo, Te Hui Taumata, NZDSN Forum, the ADPN Hui and

    others. MIT student nurse placements continued through March

    and September this year and the relationship with MIT is growing

    stronger. We had an initial hui with Taikura Trust NASC and we

    hope to continue that relationship. We are looking forward to

    the roll out of the Te Ara Taumatatanga Staff Recognition Mahi

    Rangatira project.

    The surveillance audit was carried out during the month of July

    and the Ministry of Social Development SAMS (Standards and

    Monitoring Service) Evaluation was held in August/September.

    Recommendations are currently being responded to. The Roopu

    was successful in obtaining the CiCL (Choices in Community Living)

    contract and this will be administered by the Awhi Whanau team.

    We wish all our mokopuna and whanau a very merry Christmas and

    happy new year.

  • 48 49

    ridsas services - aucklandwiRemu anaRu

    The focus of our team this year has been to keep the numbers

    of Mokopuna up to the optimum level required and at the same

    time ensuring compliance to contract, appropriate supports for

    Mokopuna and whanau, we have also worked hard at maintaining

    our relationships with our external networks which I must say has

    gone very well.

    From the start of 2012 we have had very few vacant beds and at

    times even the assessment beds have been occupied. At one point

    we took on two Mokopuna who came into our assessment beds

    under crisis and both have been transferred to Ridca civils and have

    remained within our service. One of these Mokopuna came in as we

    were going through our audit and I would like to acknowledge the

    Kaitataki, the Kaiarahi and the Kaimahi at Poukaha who stepped

    up and made this crisis situation work for the Mokopuna and her


    The teams worked hard on getting ready for the audit we had in July,

    they also extended their support to our other services and some of

    the team went to other regions to support them with this event. Our

    team in Auckland would like to send out a big acknowledgement

    to Raukura Hune (Care manager) for her continued support with

    auditing and Kaimahi training.

    The highs for the year:

    • Roimata Aubrey and Dallas Nelson completing and graduating

    a visual arts course at Te Wananga O Aotearoa.

    • Mark Sutton, Te Ngore Turner, Parau Loshmann, Henry Harris

    and Trevor Coleman going home to whanau or out into an

    independent living situation.

    • Our Mokopuna touch teams excelling in the tournaments (we

    have two teams in another tournament which runs up until

    January 2013).

    • Mokopuna being active on the paipai during whanau whanui

    hui and other events.

    • Mokopuna gaining fork hoist licenses and part time jobs.

    • Mokopuna coming off their orders and moving through the

    continuum appropriately.

    The Auckland Ridsas Care Services is still very committed to the

    Mokopuna and Whanau we support, to our contract and to Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau trust. We all strive to improve our

    practises and the practises of our teams in the knowledge that this

    will improve the lives of the people we support.

    I would like to thank the new management team for the wonderful

    support they have given us this year there has been a lot more

    confidence shown by the team regarding the decisions that

    have been made. I would also like to acknowledge the Kaitataki

    and Kaiwhakahaere in my team for their tireless work ethics and

    overwhelming support for the Mokopuna, whanau and for our

    Kaiarahi, kaimahi at the coalface.

    Last but certainly not the least I would like to thank the Care

    managers (Raukura and Kat), the vocational Kaiwhakahaere (Maata),

    the Behavioural Kaiwhakahaere (Miller) and our administrator (Dana)

    for the ongoing awhi and support given to the entire Auckland

    Ridsas team.

  • 50 51

    auckland vocational servicesmaaTa Tua

    ‘E Tipu E Rea’ philosophy for Tamaki Makaurau RIDSAS Vocational

    Services supports mokopuna / whanau, kaimahi and Board of Te

    Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust, the community and stakeholders

    in general to engage in, experience and celebrate mokopuna

    achievements. This was envisioned to occur by developing a

    foundational programme to assist mokopuna to progress forward

    successfully into their community.

    The outcome for 2012 was to develop a foundational programme

    for mokopuna that embraces the philosophies of E Tipu E Rea

    and Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. The programme was

    to acknowledge, reinstate and strengthen the core values that

    were developed to co-ordinate and engage vocational services for

    mokopuna, whanau, hapu and iwi.

    In March 2012, E Tipu E Rea model was presented at the Care

    Services strategic planning day. It demonstrated a pathway of

    possibilities and opportunities to enable mokopuna to engage

    confidently in vocational options via the provision of meaningful,

    achievable, learning and training opportunities.

    ‘Te Matauranga’, facilitated by independent contractors, is the first

    strand of ‘E Tipu E Rea’, and comprises of:

    • Te Reo me ona Tikanga activities held on a marae setting

    This component supports mokopuna understanding, experience

    and enjoyment of powhiri, whaikorero, whakapapa, waiata and


    • Literacy and Numeracy activities at Nga Mahi O Te Ra

    This component supports mokopuna achievement of vocational


    Highlights for the development of the foundational programme

    were mokopuna engaging in theory and practical learning activities

    that embraced kaupapa Maori themes and complemented their

    curriculum studies.

    ‘Mokopuna Haerenga’ was developed to support mokopuna to

    further enhance their learning experiences.

    oTheR componenTs ‘Hakinakina’ - accessing sports and recreation activity options in

    the community.

    ‘Mahinga Mara’ - micro business venture; mokopuna supported by

    kaiawhina in the provision of property and machinery maintenance.

    plans foR 2013• Bridging of all components

    • Recruitment for establishment of solid foundation

    • Improved learning opportunities for mokopuna, whanau, hapu

    and iwi

    • Improved negotiation processes for increased mokopuna

    employment opportunities.

  • 52 53

    MaHinga Maralisa mulleR

    E ai ki o tatou tuupuna, Na to rourou, na taku rourou,

    Ka ora ai te iwi,

    With your food basket and my food basket

    the people will thrive.

    It has been a great honour this year working with our Mokopuna

    and Kaimahi, all the hard effort they put in every day to the best of

    their abilities to ensure our whare properties look nice.

    We have a gang of 6 mokopuna Dallas Nelson (Foreman), Tamati

    Curtis (Rangimarie), Luke Osborne (Te Ohonga), Sylva Leaf (Te

    Ohonga), George Wilson (Atawhai), and Jordan Kereama (Tu


    The crew mows and maintains 22 Auckland whare and 7 private

    properties on a fortnightly basis. They have developed their own

    roster determining who and which areas are to be mowed each day.

    This is such an awesome achievement.

    Our mokopuna go out to different whare, clean there gardens, cut

    trees, trim hedges and use the water blaster when needed and take

    rubbish to the tip.

    All mokopuna have attended health and safety training before

    commencing on the lawns. They must be well equipped before

    starting. Mokopuna must wear safety gear at all times. Dallas Nelson

    is our foreman for the crew. Dallas always informs me on what is

    happening on day to day basis particularly if some of the crew are

    not performing well and if their are problems with the machines or

    equipment. Dallas reminds the boys the importance of wearing their

    safety gears otherwise they can’t work. Dallas has his own diary

    where he writes down and keeps a record of where they are mowing

    and who attends the lawns. This is good for Dallas as it helps him

    with his reading and and writing skills, but also he keeps me on my

    toes alerting me when his payment is due.

    We have just purchased two new mowers and two new weed eaters .

    Our mokopuna have created there own t-shirts for the lawn mowing

    crew which they have wanted for along time.

    Before the year ends I am hoping to support Christchurch Region to

    start there own lawn mowing crew. I am looking forward to working

    with the mokopuna and kaimahi in that region.

    Once again a big thank you to all of our kaimahi that has awhi,

    tautoko, manaaki your mokopuna to achieve their goals in their

    daily routine.

    Nga mihi

    Lisa Muller

  • 54 55

    awHi wHanau - aucklanddesTiny neilson / louisa fielding

    Ko Destiny Neilson ahau

    Putauaki te Maunga

    Rangitaiki te Awa

    Kokohinau te Marae

    Pahipoto te Hapu

    Ngati Awa te Iwi

    Ko Iratumoana te waharoa

    Ko te Ngawari – o – Rangimuaiho

    te Wharemate

    Ko O’Ruatapare te Whare Tipuna

    Ko Waipunarangi te wharekai

    No Te Teko Au

    Ko Louisa Fielding ahau

    Makeo te Maunga

    Waiaua te Awa

    Mataatua te Waka

    Opape te Marae

    Nga Tama te Hapu

    Whakatohea te Iwi

    No Opotiki au

    We both have been with Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust since

    1997. We have worked endlessly in the whare. Over the years we

    have had the opportunity to gain qualifications which helped us as

    kaimahi & in our current positions.

    We both worked 15 years working within the whare. We were able to

    apply for positions that would still enable us to have direct contact

    with our Mokopuna & whanau. This role also included us in being

    part of our Mokopuna and Whanau lives.

    Our role and responsibilities include:

    • Admission

    • Transition

    • VHN + ORRS

    • Ma te Awhi

    • NASC

    • Mokopuna & Whanau: Whakawhanaungatanga.

    For our new role as Awhi Whanau we will guide our Mokopuna who

    choose to move forward into the community. This will reflect their

    level of independence & responsibility within themselves & their



    Kia tau te Rangimarie;

    Louisa Fielding & Destiny Neilson

  • 56 57

    regional Manager overviewsaRah (heRa) Te pou-onehi

    2012 has been significantly challenging for Midlands and South

    lsland services. A key challenge was the organization management

    review. This impacted on both areas. The key to managing such a

    challenge was to ensure that quality support was given to staff to

    enable them to continue providing an excellent service and care for

    mokopuna. The Christchurch region required significant support,

    direction and improvements to enhance service performance.

    Although Midlands required improvement throughout the leadership

    line, it was clear Christchurch was the priority.

    The line of reporting was a key system that needed to be

    implemented and had to be robust. By implementing this, the

    breakdown in communication has been mended and is now linked

    where kaitataaki, kaiarahi, Kaimahi and mokopuna issues / needs

    can be heard and responded to quickly. This is evident by;

    • completion of complaints investigations,

    • timely documenting of incidents

    • addressing of kaimahi and mokopuna queries and concerns.

    The monitoring of staff performance, planned and regular

    management hui (kaitataaki, kaiarahi, whare, mokopuna) has also

    contributed significantly to ensuring communication continues and

    issues are addressed and reviewed.

    Another strategy that has been implemented is the team work

    approach where the leadership team work closely together

    to enhance kaiarahi and whare staff development. With the

    appointment of the new South Island Area Manager Winiata Brown,

    the Regional Manager is able to focus on regional strategies rather

    than consistent operation issues. The above strategies have also

    been utilized and implemented in Midlands.

    snaPsHots of tHe region

    mokopunaMokopuna are voicing their needs and issues through their

    mokopuna representative. Their monthly hui addresses things that

    the staff do well and don’t do well. The things we don’t do well they

    raise to management attention. There are significant mokopuna

    activities occurring in both areas - this is an outcome derived from

    the mokopuna hui.

    kaiTaTaaki / kaiaRahi / kaimahi sTRengThs & skillIdentifying kaimahi (all staff) strengths / skills and matching these

    to specific tasks is proving to be a positive strategy. In some areas

    this includes the transfer