annandale reformed church new life...

Annandale Reformed Church New Life Community CONNECTIONS Web Site: Our Mission Statement We are a family in Christ called together by the Holy Spirit to serve God in our community. We are placed here to worship, to nurture and serve, and to make the joyous life in Jesus Christ more accessible to our neighbors. June 2015 Vol 25, No 6 The Pastor’s Monthly Column (scripture) Mark 6; 1-6 "Then Jesus came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. Many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? What wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands! Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages, teaching. (commentary) Jesus could have saved people by force, snatching sinners out of sin and making them righteous. But there is every reason to believe God did not want robots, leaving their sin and doing His will without personal choice. God wants people who love Him to decide to serve Him by choice, not compulsion. 1

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Page 1: Annandale Reformed Church New Life · Web viewGod wants people who love Him to decide to serve Him by choice, not compulsion

Annandale Reformed Church New Life Community


Our Mission StatementWe are a family in Christ called together by the Holy Spirit to serve God in our community. We

are placed here to worship, to nurture and serve, and to make the joyous life in Jesus Christ more accessible to our neighbors.

June 2015 Vol 25, No 6The Pastor’s Monthly Column


Mark 6; 1-6   "Then Jesus came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue.  Many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? What wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands!  Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.  Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.”  Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.  He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages, teaching.


Jesus could have saved people by force, snatching sinners out of sin and making them righteous. But there is every reason to

believe God did not want robots, leaving their sin and doing His will without personal choice.

God wants people who love Him to decide to serve Him by choice, not compulsion. 

Jesus' miraculous power was never used to capture sinners against their will and drag them into the kingdom.  He delivered God’s message, telling people of their sin and offering gracious forgiveness, inviting a response of active faith (Matt. 11:28).

Jesus, who raised the dead and performed other miracles, gave priority to preaching. God intends for His people to spread the word, to support and be engaged in the preaching of the gospel. Paul wrote to Timothy and we have the literary work in the New Testament, but in that volume, Paul said “preach the word.” 

To be “astonished” is to be amazed, but not necessarily changed.  Preachers have this experience all the time.  Someone leaves the building with unrestrained celebration of the sermon, yet the celebration falls short of real life change after the exit.

Many who heard Jesus immediately knew He was unique and they could not categorize him with their usual teachers.  But, to take His teaching and listen to change; to give Him and His message inner access, often did not occur.


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This reminds us to be hearers who become engaged.  We act.

Here was the Son of God speaking to His hometown folk exactly the message they needed to hear from God, about how to change their lives and serve each other. They took offense! They were put off or annoyed.

It is a sign of weakness and immaturity on their part, produced by self-centered unbelief. They stumbled as many today, who hold strong determination of heart that is against the truth of God.

This prompted Jesus to make the statement: “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house."

Blindness to the truth can take people to such a place.  They resist truth when it appears very close.  Here, there is evidence of what we often see today – that we make very quick judgments about people based on nothing more than the superficial. Indeed, as we have oft heard, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” 

Jesus' astonishment was not just a typical or passing thought, “Wow, these people don’t believe the truth when they hear it.”  Jesus was astounded and grieved that they would remain in their sin and continue under the ill-conceived oversight of selfish leaders. He cared.  Out of that care came His astonishment. The people of Nazareth enjoyed so many advantages. Jesus lived among them. He preached to them with power. They knew of His miracles. But they were blind to His identity, deaf to His message, and hardened their hearts against Him, to their own peril and loss.


The finance committee wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable summer. They would also like to remind you that while you are on vacation, the everyday expenses of the church have no vacation. We encourage you to keep your pledges up to date.


Mark your calendars: Summer worship hour changes to 9:30 am starting June 14 and continues through Sept. 6

Note: We will be celebrating Communion on June 14th this month.

Kid’s KornerBy Mrs. Exley

Parents and children.

Starting with this newsletter there will be a special connect the dots page for the children. Then each week of the summer there will be a “connect the dots” color Bible story so the children can "Stay Connected to God."

This will be placed on the table in the back of the church and will also be available through ARC e-mail or on the church web-site.


Summer Worship ScheduleJune 14th9:30 am

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: 'You stay here; I'll go on a head

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Greetings All!

HART has been rolling right along.  Our numbers have diminished significantly but the main stays are still coming and energetic as ever.  This can be a challenging time in many of their young lives.  Tons of decisions to make, some that we recognize as trivial but in their young minds monumental!  Parents of several of the group have let me know they are thankful of our group and it helps let their child know there are people who care about them and want to listen what they have to say, and a place to go hang out and have the right kind of fun.  One of the favorite things we have been doing is to go to downtown Clinton Coffee Shops and Ice Cream Parlors and talk about what’s going on in the world and how God can work through us, to make it a better place.  (Deep stuff for what outwardly appears to be very young people, the world is on their minds and they worry about it….a lot!).  I always receive compliments from the staff at the establishments on how well behaved and courteous the member are (Jen and I, that’s a different story).   It has proven very challenging to keep a steady flow of meetings going this spring especially with all of the talented youth we have, it seems they always have Softball, Soccer, Play or Band practice, concerts recitals, plays and games, WOW talk about a run on sentence.   But Jen and I are extremely thankful when all of that is done they still come bopping back in.  We always have time for a short message at the end of the night.  As Bob Dylan once said “The Times they are a Changing” ,it was as true back then as it is now.  No matter how much technology and schedules drive us sometimes to the breaking point, I remind the members that God is always there for us.  It only take second to thank him for all that we have, or to ask him for patience and understanding.

I listed some of the mission work we completed this past year:

·        30 hour Famine Earlier in the year and raised $650 dollars to add to the HART total for World Vision to over $16,000 since we started doing the famine.

·        We continuing our letter writing to the troops.

·        I dropped off the remaining balance of the soda can tabs to Philadelphia Children Hospital Ronald McDonald house.  (We contributed 65 Pounds total, that’s a lot of Soda!)

·        We gathered school supplies and donated them to fill backpacks for the Woman’s shelter in Flemington with the help of a group at North Hunterdon High School.

One of our plans for the upcoming year will be to reach out to try and bring in more young people.  As I mentioned earlier the lives of these young people are very hectic and trying to get them to commit to a weeknight is tough.  The ones that tend to stay are the ones whose family regularly attend service.  That being said we all have to reach out and invite our neighbors and friends and let them know, about the Fantastic, Beautiful things going on in Annandale Reformed Church. 

I almost forgot…..I am trying to get dates locked down for a Dorney Park visit in the very near future.  Perhaps once school lets out!

A huge Thank You to the Church for your unwavering support of the group!

Blessing and Love to All!

Mr. Pat and Ms. Jen (Mr. Pat = Patrick McKinney Ms. Jen = Jen Exley)


When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile

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Heaven SentFrom [email protected]

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that


When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need

you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with

guidance and support,

To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.


They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,

This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an


Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walkaway Sometimes they act up and force you

to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire

fulfilled, their work is done.

The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has

come to share, grow or learn.

They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.

They may teach you something you have never done.

They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy..

Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order

to have a solid emotionalfoundation..

Your job is to accept the lesson,

Love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other

relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

A Little Humor

A college drama group presented a play in which one character would stand on a trap door and announce, "I descend into hell!" A stagehand below would then pull a rope, the trapdoor would open, and the character would plunge through.

The play was well received. When the actor playing the part became ill, another actor who was quite overweight took his place

When the new actor announced, "I descend into hell!" the stagehand pulled the rope, and the actor began his plunge, but became hopelessly stuck. No amount of tugging on the rope could make him descend. One student in the balcony jumped up and yelled:

"Hallelujah! Hell is full!"


A Pedestrian is a man in danger of his life. A walker is a man in possession of his soul. David McCord, poet

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For June through August, the Mission Committee is collecting monetary donations for the victims of the two Nepal earthquakes.  The first occurred back in April, and the second in early May about 76 miles from the capital Kathmandu.  As with all major quakes, recovery from the devastation will last for a long time.  Nepal is located in the Himalayan Mountains, in Asia between Northeast India and Southwest China.  The poverty rate in agricultural rural sections, in part due to the rocky soil and low rainfall amount, is one of the highest in the world. 

According to Reuters, at the time of this writing on May 17th, more than 8,500 people have been killed and over half a million buildings destroyed.  Combined, these are the two worst earthquakes on record for the Nepalese.  Many affected villages are located in extremely rural locations, where it is difficult to get medical help and building repair.  Landslides have made access to some villages even harder.  Many people are missing and/or buried beneath the debris.  

Our parent organization, the Reformed Church in America, is working with World Vision to help the Nepalese get their lives back together.  World Vision is assisting about 100,000 people with supplies, shelter, clean water and sanitation, and child protection, as well as education and health programs. For more information, please visit

The Mission Committee will also continue collecting personal hygiene and non-perishable food items for the Open Cupboard Food Pantry throughout the summer.  We may also be taking pet food, kitty litter, towels and blankets for the

Hunterdon County SPCA.  Look for the boxes in the narthex.

In other news, we have collected six bags of personal hygiene and clothing articles for the veterans at the VA hospital in Lyons.  We also collected $251.00 for NAMI in NJ, the mental health organization.  Thank you all for helping others and have a blessed summer.

The Mission Committee

Sunday School

Sunday School had a great time with Wonza making Mother's Day bouquets for all the special ladies of our Congregation.  We owe a big thank you to Wonza for the bouquet supplies and Lexi, Paul, Sofia, Anthony and Maria for coming into Church early on Mother's Day to help Wonza with this activity.  Children's Day is June 7th.  Please come and watch the children run Worship Service, sing, read scripture, perform and receive their annual awards.  They've been practicing really hard for this!  Thank you to Pat McKinney for having confirmation class with Christina Vogel.  She was confirmed on May 31st.  The children continue to enjoy Donna Exley's amazing Children's Sermons and the adults in our congregation are learning from these sermons as well.  Please have your children get involved in the Talent Show on June 12th.  They can perform and help in many ways! Although Sunday School is over on June 7th, please encourage your children to attend Worship Service over the summer.  God never takes a summer vacation!  Thank you for


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sharing your children with us another year and we look forward to a great Sunday School experience again starting in September!

Ladies Society

On June 8th at 12:00 noon, the Ladies will be having their annual covered dish luncheon with spouses and guests.   

They will then be planning for their bake sale during the Annual Town Wide Yard Sale.

Town Wide Yard SaleSaturday, Sept. 12th

Tera Lunger has graciously agreed to spearhead this project again this year. It is a great fund raising event and we are appreciative of her efforts.. She will be looking for some help setting up the parking lot the evening before and the morning of the sale. If you are able to help, please let her know. You can reach her at 735-0929 or email her at [email protected]

The Ladies will be manning the food again this year and they will be looking for people to bake finger desserts and if you would like to help that morning, contact Peg Weightman at 832-2246. If anyone makes jellies, pickles, etc. over the summer and would like to donate some to our sale, it would be appreciated. 

Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I'm working on for my Psychology class                  .When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, "Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile."

Annandale’s Got Talent!

ARC To Stage Talent Show

Show Us Your

TalentFriday, June 12h, 6:30

pmAttention all singers, dancers, comedians,

people who play an instrument, animaltricks, skits, acrobatics, juggling, story

telling . . . No age limit, no auditions. Justshow up and have fun! Prizes awarded.Piano accompaniment & microphone

provided (bring music). Held in FellowshipHall downstairs.

If you are not interested in performing, that’s ok, we invite you to come and support those who are sharing their talent. We will


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be taking a Free Will Collection and the proceeds will benefit the Hunterdon Medical Center Cancer Center.

Raffles, food, prizes, fun!

Information: Pastor Ken (610) 837-1330

Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and  throw them  fish.

Save the date!

Picnic TimeSun. July 5th

following worshipHosted by

Barbara & Darin Vogel

15 Cobblestone Drive

Details coming soon

Look for flyer!

Put this date on your calendar!

Blood DriveJuly 22nd


June Ushers

06/07 Children’s Day06/14 The Lungers06/21 Nancy Gasparetti06/28 Cheryl Mulligan & Jeannette Betza

Please remember to insert one of the envelopes for the mission of the month if the box is on the table

Please remove old bulletins, etc. after the service. (See Usher Guidelines on door to closet in narthex and on bulletin board outside of the office downstairs). And please don’t forget to take the count when the service begins (it is easier to do when the children are sitting up front for the children’s sermon)“Not Angie’s List”, but

“ARC’s List”

Notary Public:Lisa Zambito: 908-268-5340

Auto Repair:Quality Auto Service Center, LLCAll makes & models autos (and

boats and planes)Contact Owner/OperatorRick Lebbing: 908-806-6014

Avon Representative:Peg Weightman908-832-2246

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Recipe of the Month!

Submitted by: Peg Weightma


               1 BOX YELOW CAKE MIX                4 EGGS, BEATEN









                BAKE AT 300 DEREES FOR 45-60 MINUTES

                 COOL SLIGHTLY, SPREAD WITH 



Father’s DayJune 21st

Honoring fathers is important. After all, the Bible commands us to honor them; but, this year, think of Father's Day with a new twist. Take some time to consider all your Heavenly Father has done for you and how you might be taking Him for granted.

The model fatherGod Almighty is your Heavenly Father, and He is the perfect example of what it means to be a dad. Looking at each of the letters that make up the word "father," consider some of the characteristics that set Him apart and provide a model for our human dads.

F -Forgiveness is a huge part of your relationship with your Father. He is willing and able to forgive you of any



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sin you commit if you will only ask Him. It's comforting to know that nothing you do is ever so bad that God won't forgive you (Romans 8:38-39; 1 John 1:9). Now, that's unconditional acceptance.

A -He is active in your life all the time. God is always at work around you. Ask God to show you what He is doing. You will be amazed at all that is going on. More important, the invitation is open for you to get involved with Him. You never have to wait for your turn to be active with God (John 5:17).

T -Time for you. While humans get too busy to do this or that, God always has time for you. Whenever you feel lonely, struggle with a problem, want to share a thought, or need to deal with a concern, He is there for you. You can't find a time in your day when He is too busy to talk or listen to you (Jeremiah 33:3).

H -The heart of the matter is that God knows your heart, and He loves you anyway. Proverbs tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things. Many people don't like to be around you if you aren't in a good mood or if you make mistakes. God wants to hang out with you anytime, and He alone is able to change your heart to be all you were created to be (1 John 4:9-10,19).

E -Everywhere sums up God's place in your life. If you're a Christian, there is nowhere you can go where He isn't with you. It can be encouraging to realize that when you are in a tough place in your life, He is right there with you. Whether other people are there or not, God is by your side (Romans 8:35-39).

R -Rest and Read. These are two areas where most people could use a little work. Rest is important to you because

it's easy to become so busy that you don't take time with the Lord. He wants you to set aside daily time to rest in Him and to read His Word. The Bible is His letter to His children. The best way to get to know your Father is to spend quality time resting and reading all about Him in the Word (John 14:21; Psalm 46:10).

All these attributes of God's character make Him who He is. If you have been blessed with an earthly dad who has a lot in common with our Heavenly Father, be grateful. If you have missed out on a relationship with an earthly dad, be thankful that God is there for you and wants to meet the needs in your life. Let God know how much He means to you.

Gift Certificates

Don’t forget to get your Shop Rite Gift Certificates before you shop for the summer picnics and get togethers!

Every dollar you spend earns the church five cents. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you add it up, it does amount to a sizable amount.

Have You Seen God at Work?

(being repeated as a reminder)


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Have you seen God at work in your life or in the life of someone else? We really would love to be able to share your story with others.

Please send us your story. You can either put it in Joyce Murphy’s mailbox or send it to her at [email protected]

06-02 Vince Sannazzaro06-06 Richard Abucewicz06-12` Casey Weldon06-18 Lorraine Sannazzaro06-20 Maria Sannazzaro06-29 Hunter Vogel06-30 Brian Riddle

To access the Google Group email, the address is [email protected]

Remember, if you have information about someone sick, in need of some sort of assistance, celebrating a very special event, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or someone who needs our prayers and/or help, call Shirley Waldeck if a card is appropriate. (908-835-1371), Peg Weightman (908-832-2246) for any of the following:

Meals for someone who is sick, Transportation to and from

appointments Run small errands Or any other need that we can help


Joyce Murphy(908-963-3346) to request prayers and/or clergy needs.

To send a question to “Ask The Pastor”The email address is:


Google Group Email for Prayer Concerns

Gift Certificates for Shop Rite are on sale downstairs following worship each

Sunday or call Sherry Howe at 638-6391

Nancy Gasparetti and Sharon Riddle are helping sell the certificates.

Send contributions for Connections to Joyce Murphy at

[email protected]

Next IssueJune 28

Contribution DeadlineJune 21



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[email protected]


Church Office: 908-735-7218Church Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.annandalereformedchurch.orgPastor: Kenneth Lobb: 610-837-1330 Email: [email protected]:

Joyce Murphy 908-963-3346Cheryl Mulligan 908-638-0008Lynn Hughes 908-638-8887

Deacons:Rick Lebbing 908-713-4789Barbara Vogel 908-552-6000

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