animals unit complete


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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Animals

2. DomesticAnimals 3. A cow is a domesticanimal. 4. A pig is a domesticanimal. 5. A dog is a domesticanimal. 6. A cat is a domesticanimal. 7. A sheep is a domesticanimal. 8. A horse is a domesticanimal. 9. A duck is a domesticanimal. 10. A hen is a domesticanimal. 11. Domestic animalslive . on a farm. in a house. 12. Where do they live?A cat lives in ahouse. 13. Where do they live?A hen lives on a farm. 14. Where do they live?A pig lives on a farm. 15. Where do they live?A dog lives in ahouse. 16. Where do theylive?A horse lives on a farm. 17. Domestic animals giveus food. 18. Domestic animals giveus food. 19. Domestic animals giveus food. 20. Domestic animals keepus company. 21. Baby animals 22. A kitten is a baby cat. 23. A puppy is a babydog. 24. A piglet is a baby pig. 25. A foal is a babyhorse. 26. A chick is a babyhen. 27. Wild animals 28. An elephant is a wildanimal. 29. A snake is a wildanimal. 30. A crocodile is a wildanimal. 31. A monkey is a wildanimal. 32. A bird is a wildanimal. 33. A chamaleon is a wildanimal. 34. A zebra is a wildanimal. 35. Wild animals live . in the jungle. 36. Wild animals live . in a zoo or a 37. Some animals live in thewater. 38. Some animals live on land. 39. A pig lives on land. 40. A horse lives on land. 41. A duck lives in thewater. 42. A crocodile lives in thewater. 43. A zebra lives on land. 44. A fish lives in thewater. 45. Animals are different. 46. Some animals are very big and some are very small. 47. Some animals have twolegs. 48. Some animals have fourlegs. 49. Some animals have sixlegs. 50. Some animals have eight legs. 51. Some animals have lots of legs. 52. Some animals have nolegs. 53. Animals move in different ways. 54. Elephants walk. 55. Birds fly. 56. Fish swim. 57. Snails slither. 58. Living andnon- livingthings 59. Living thingsPeople, animals and plantsare living things. 60. Non living thingsStones and water are living non- things. 61. A girl is a living thing. 62. A pencil is a non-living thing. 63. A boy is a livingthing. 64. A stone is a non- living thing. 65. A tiger is a livingthing.