angol szóbeli Érettségi feladatok

Némethné Dr. Hock Ildikó ANGOL SZÓBELI ÉRETTSÉGI FELADATOK KÖZÉPSZINT Székesfehérvár, 2006

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Page 1: Angol Szóbeli Érettségi Feladatok

Némethné Dr. Hock Ildikó



Székesfehérvár, 2006

Page 2: Angol Szóbeli Érettségi Feladatok

Anyanyelvi lektor: Dr. Paul Titchmarsh

© Némethné Dr. Hock Ildikó, 2006 © Lexika Kiadó Kft.

8000 Székesfehérvár, Martinovics u. 9.Tel., fax: (22) 501-993 [email protected]

Felelős kiadó, alkotószerkesztő: Dr. Szalai Elek Műszaki szerkesztő, fedélterv: Mohai István

Rendelési kód: LX-0115 ISBN 978 963 9357 56 3

Nyomtatás és kötés a Szekszárdi Nyomda Kft.-ben készült Felelős vezető: Vadász József

Munkaszám: 10.0272

Page 3: Angol Szóbeli Érettségi Feladatok

Tisztelt Olvasó!


Jelen könyv célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson mindazoknak, akik az ÚJ KÖZÉP SZINTŰ ANGOL SZÓBELI ÉRETTSÉGIRE készülnek. Kurzuskönyvnek is kiváló olyan tan­folyamokhoz, ahol a hallgatók nemcsak feladatokat szeretnének begyakorolni az újfajta érettségire, hanem nehézségek nélkül szeretnék teljesíteni a szóbeli vizsga teljes követelményrendszerét.

Tartalmát tekintve ugyanis a tankönyv segítségével az olvasó megtanulhat minden, az érettségi kilenc témájában felmerülő kérdésekre adható válaszlehetőséget. A szituációs feladatoknak is széles skáláját kínálja és a megoldások segítségével egyúttal meg is tanítja a leggyakrabban előforduló hétköznapi élethelyzetek szó- és kifejezés fordula­tait. Hasonló összeállítás jellemző a könyv harmadik részére, amelyben - az érettségi feladatainak megfelelően - két-három megegyező témájú kép kerül összehasonlításra. Itt is minden témához ajánlunk minta megoldásokat, amelyek nagy segítséget nyújtanak az adott képek összevetéséhez és kompetens leírásához szükséges szókincs elsajátításához.

A könyv felépítése tökéletesen igazodik a középszintű szóbeli érettségi vizsgák szerkezetéhez. A vizsga időtartama 15 perc. A vizsgán az alábbi feladattípusok fordul­hatnak elő: (1) társalgás; (2) szituációs feladat; (3) önálló témakifejtés segédanyagok (vizuális és verbális) alapján.

Az első feladatban, a társalgásban, a vizsgázó néhány olyan kérdésre válaszol, ame­lyek saját személyéhez, közvetlen környezetéhez és hétköznapi tevékenységeihez kap­csolódnak. A társalgás három témát érint röviden. A második feladat, a szituációs fel­adat során a vizsgázónak a mindennapi élet helyzeteihez hasonlító szituációban kell részt vennie, amelyben partnere a vizsgáztató. A harmadik feladatban, az önálló téma­kifejtésben, a vizsgázónak azt kell megmutatnia, hogy képes-e hétköznapi, élet- tapasztalatokhoz kapcsolódó témákban gondolatait, véleményét részletesen, összefüg­gően kifejteni képek és irányító szempontok alapján.

Jelen könyvünk mindehhez ideális felkészülési lehetőséget biztosít. Sikeres haszná­latához eredményes munkát kíván a Szerző.

Némethné Hock Ildikó Veszprémi Egyetem, Angol Tanszék

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CONVERSATION1. Személyes vonatkozások, család

PERSONAL PARTICULARS, FAMILY■ A vizsgázó személye, életrajza, életének fontos állomásai


■ Családi élet, családi kapcsolatok FAMILY LIFE, FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS

■ A családi élet mindennapjai, otthoni teendőkEVERYDAY LIFE IN THE FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD CHORES

■ Személyes tervek PLANS FOR THE FUTURE

QUESTIONS1. Where do you live?2. When and where were you born?3. How tall are you?4. What do you weigh?5. What do you do?6. What schools did you attend as a child?7. Did/do you enjoy school? Why? Why not?8. What kind of personality have you got?

9. What do you look like?10. What sign of the Zodiac are you?

11. How big is your family?12. Who do you live with?13. How many sisters or brothers have you got?14. How many people are there in your family altogether?

15. Who are they?

16. How old are your parents?

17. What are their jobs?18. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

19. What do you do when you are together?

20. Are your grandparents still alive?

21. How often do you see them?

22. Have you got any aunts/ uncles/ in-laws/ nephews/ nieces/ cousins/ children?

23. How often do you see your relatives?

24. Which of them do you like best? Why?

25. What do you most like and dislike about family life?


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CONVERSATION____________________________________________________PERSONAL PARTICULARS, FAMILY

26. Who does most of the housework in your family?

27. What do you help your mother with?

28. What jobs does your father do around the house?

29. W hat housework do you like/ hate most?

30. What labour-saving devices do you know?

31. Which of them do you often use?

32. W hat are your plans for the future?

33. W hat would you like to become?


1. I live in a detached house at 32 Dózsa Street Veszprém./ I live on the first floor of a big block of flats at 7 Viola Street, Veszprém.

2. I was born in a medium-sized/small/big town/village in the west/east/south/north of Hungary on 20th August, 1988. (on the twentieth of August nineteen eighty-eight).

3 -4 . I am 5 ft 10 ins (five foot ten /five feet ten inches)/ 175 centimetres tall. I weigh 10 stone/sixty-five kilos.

5. I am a schoolgirl/schoolboy/student and I attend the local secondary school.

6. After the nursery I went to primary school, where I studied for eight years. At the age of fourteen I was accepted at a secondary grammar/technical school/vocational school, where I have just finished my studies and I am taking the school-leaving examinations at the moment. I hope I will be successful.

7. a) I love school. You know you are young and carefree and you don’t really have muchresponsibility. Our class was a good group and the boys were fond of mischief. Altogether there was a good atmosphere.

7. b) I don’t particularly enjoy being a schoolgirl/schoolboy. Firstly because I don’t likestudying, and secondly, because I hate doing the stupid homework they give us every day. I like doing what I am interested in and dislike being told what to do.

8. a) I am quite energetic and sometimes a bit bossy. I am hard-working, talkative and formost of the time I am happy. I am sociable, but shy, and I am interested in politics and people.

8. b) I am quite witty and talkative. I have a good sense of humour. I think I am imaginative, sociable and independent. I am interested in nature and travelling.

9. I am not very tall. I have straight/ wavy/ curly, long/ short/ medium-length fair/dark/ brown/ grey/ red hair and blue/ brown/ dark eyes. I have got an oval/ round/ long face with a big nose and small ears. I have a small/ long beard and a moustache. My complexion is rather pale/rosy. I think I am the right weight/ I am a bit overweight/ fa t/ plump/ I am slim/ far too thin for my height.

10. I am an Aires/ a Taurus/ Gemini/ Cancer/ Leo/ Virgo/ Libra/ Scorpio/ Sagittarius/Capricorn/ Aquarius/ Pisces.

11. a) I come from a rather small family. Unfortunately, I am an only child; I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.

11 . b) I come from quite a large family. I have got two elder sisters and a younger brother.They are all single.


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12. I live together with my two younger brothers, my parents and my grandm other, who is an old age pensioner.

13. I have got a younger brother. He is in the first year of prim ary school. I have also got a sister, who is three years older than me.

14-15 . Altogether there are five people in our family: my grandfather, who is still quite young and energetic; my mother, father, my elder brother and me.

16-17 . My father is forty-nine years old. He is the personnel executive of a big trading com pany/; he is a clerk/ agen t/ m anager/ businessm an/ law yer/ doctor etc. My mother is forty-five. She is a housewife/ accountant/ teacher e tc ./ ; she is between jobs.

18-19. W e usually have dinner together. Over dinner we discuss what has happened to each of us during the day. At the week-ends we go on outings together or we go and visit those members of the family who don’t live with us.

20. a) Thank goodness both my grandmother and grandfather are alive. My grandfather still goes out to work and my granny is an old age pensioner.

20. b) Unfortunately, my grandfather died four years ago, but my grandm other is alive and well. She is sixty-three and she lives with us. She is an excellent cook and we all love her cakes.

21. I quite often see my grandparents. They don’t live far from us and I go and see them as often as I can. At the weekends my parents and I always have lunch with them.

22. My father has got two sisters and my mother has got a brother. This means th at I have got two aunts and an uncle. My uncle is single but my aunts both have two children. They are my cousins. I am not married so I haven’t got a father- or a mother-in-law. My brother, though, has a wife, whose sister is my sister-in-law. They have got a daughter, who is my little niece.

23. I don’t often see my uncle; I meet him only on family occasions. I quite often see my niece/ nephew, though. We always spend Sunday afternoons together talking, playing or watching TV.

24. a) I like my auntie best. She is so understanding and caring. She never comes to our place without bringing some small presents for my younger brother and me.

24. b) I like my little niece best. She is just three months old and she is really cute. I love the way she smiles at me.

25. W hat I like most about family life is the way we spend Sunday afternoons. W hen the weather is nice, we go and take long walks in the countryside. When it is cold, we stay at home; talk or play board games or cards. W hat I hate most about family life is the fact that you can’t have your privacy whenever you want it. There is always somebody disturbing you when you want to be on your own.

26-27 . In our family, most of the housework is done by my mother. I often help her with the cleaning, cooking, washing up, shopping and ironing. I always clean my own room; I dust the furniture, hoover the carpets, polish the floor and air all the rooms.

28. My father doesn’t do much. He looks after the garden, washes the car and fixes dripping taps or broken shelves. At the week-ends he does some D.I.Y..

29. I like cooking/ watering the flowers/ decorating the room s/ laying the table very much. What I hate is making the bed/ washing/ cleaning the windows/ ironing the clothes.


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1. detached house családi házblock of flats tömbház

2. medium-sized közepes méretű

3-4. ft=foot (feet) egy láb (kb. 30 cm)ins (inches) hüvelyk (kb. 2,5 cm)to weigh, -ed súlyban nyomnistone kb. 6,5 kg

5. to attend, -ed sg. jár vhováprimary school általános iskolasecondary school középiskolalocal helyinearby közeli

6. nursery óvodato be accepted at felveszsecondary grammar school gimnáziumsecondary technical school szakközépiskolavocational school szakmunkásképzőat the moment jelenleg

7. responsibility felelősségcarefree gondtalanmischief pajkosságatmosphere légkör, hangulatparticularly különösebbenfirstly először, elsősorban

8. energetic energikusbossy parancsolgatótalkative beszédesfor most of the time többnyiresociable társaságkedvelőwitty szellemesto have a good sense of humour jó humorérzéke van

9. straight/ wavy/ curly egyenes/ göndör/ hullámosbeard szakállmoustache bajuszpale/ rosy complexion sápadt, rózsás arcbőr


30-31. I know about the washing-machine, sewing-machine, dishwasher, hoover, electric cooker, microwave oven, deep frier, electric iron, floor-polisher, refrigerator, spin- drier, blender, percolator, coffee-grinder, hair-drier, etc.; but I use only a few of them regularly. These are the cooker, refrigerator and the percolator.

32-33. a) I don’t know what to take up as a career yet, but I think I would like to go on to a university or college. I love children so I may want to become a teacher either in a nursery or in a primary school.

32-33. b) After leaving this grammar school, I would like to study at one of the universities, either the university of law or medicine. I would like to become a lawyer or a doctor.


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overw eight túlsúlyosplump duci

10. Aries KosTaurus BikaGemini IkrekC ancer RákLeo OroszlánVirgo SzűzLibra MérlegScorpio SkorpióSagittarius NyilasCapricorn BakAquarius VízöntőPisces Halak

11. unfortunately sajnosan only child egyke

12. younger brother öcsold age pensioner nyugdíjas

1 4 -1 5 . altogether összesenstill még mindigelder brother báty

1 6 -1 7 . personnel executive személyzetistrading company kereskedelmi társaságclerk hivatalnokagent ügynöklawyer jogászaccountant könyvelőbetween jobs munkanélküli

1 8 -1 9 . to discuss, -ed megvitatouting kirándulás

20. thank goodness hála istennekto be alive élnito go out to work eljár dolgoznigranny nagyiexcellent kiválócook szakács

22. au nt/ auntie nagynéniuncle nagybácsibrother-in-law sógorsister-in-law sógornőmother-in-law anyósfather-in-law apósin-laws házasság által szerzett rokonokcousin unokatestvér (szülők testvérének

fia v. lánya)nephew /niece unokaöcs /-húg

23. on family occasions családi alkalmakkor


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24. understanding megértőcaring gondoskodócute aranyos

25. board game társasjátékto play cards kártyázniprivacy magánéletto disturb, -ed zavarnito be on one’s own egyedül van

26-27. housework házimunkacleaning takarításwashing up mosogatásironing vasalásto dust the furniture leporolja a bútortto hoover the carpets kiporszívózza a szőnyegeketto polish, -ed fényesítto air, -ed kiszellőztet

28. to look after the garden kezeli a kertetto fix, -ed megjavítdripping tap csöpögő csapbroken shelf törött polcD.I.Y. (Do-It-Yourself) barkácsolás

29. to decorate a room szobát díszít, berendezto lay, laid, laid the table megterítem az asztaltto make the bed beágyazni

30-31. sewing machine dishwasher


hoover / vacuum cleaner porszívóelectric cooker elektromos tűzhelymicrowave oven mikrohullámú sütődeep-frier olajsütőspin-drier centrifugablender robotgép

32-33. to take sg up as a career hivatásul választto go on to university egyetemre megycollege főiskolanursery óvodauniversity of law jogi egyetemuniversity of medicine orvostudományi egyetemlawyer jogász


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2. Ember és társadalom

MAN AND SOCIETY■ A másik ember külső és- belső jellemzése


■ Baráti kör FRIENDS

■ A tizenévesek világa: kapcsolat a kortársakkal, felnőttekkelLIFE OF TEENAGERS, THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEERS AND ADULTS

■ Női és férfi szerepek MALE AND FEMALE ROLES

■ Ünnepek, családi ünnepek HOLIDAYS AND FAMILY OCCASSIONS

■ Öltözködés, divat CLOTHING AND FASHION

■ Vásárlás, szolgáltatások SHOPPING AND SERVICES

QUESTIONS1. How do you get on with your classmates?2. What is the teacher-student relationship like in your school?3. What is your form-teacher like?4. Do you like him/her?5. What does your favourite type of man/girl look like?6. What do your parents look like?7. How do you get on with them?8. How do you get on with your friends?9. What is your best friend like?

10. Have you or your friends ever had any experience of the generation gap?

11. What are some of the problems teenagers have?12. Can you explain why many school leavers with good results cannot enter

universities?13. How much freedom should children have in their choice of career?14. How many jobs are women responsible for?

15. Can a woman fulfil the duty of a wife, mother and a career woman?16. Who “wears the trousers” in your family?

17. What jobs are typically the husband’s responsibility?18. What family occasions do you celebrate?

19. How do you celebrate birthdays?

20. What is the greatest family festival for you?

21. How do you celebrate Christmas?

22. How do you celebrate Easter?


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23. How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?

24. How many public holidays do we have?

25. What do we celebrate on these days?

26. What do you wear in winter?

27. What do you wear in summer?

28. What clothes do men wear?

29. What clothes do women wear?

30. What is fashionable for young people today?

31. What are you wearing now?

32. How often do you go shopping?

33. What do you buy every day?

34. What can you get in a supermarket?

35. How do you do your shopping there?

36. What shops are there in the main street of your town?

37. What can you buy in a big department store?

38. What services are provided by a post office?

39. How can you send a parcel/ letter?

40. How do you address an envelope in Hungary?

41. Are you on the phone?

42. How do you make a telephone call from a public phone-box?


1. a) I get on very well with my classmates. They are a nice bunch of people and I really like them. I am good friends with some of them and if we have problems we solve them together. They are quite bright, hard-working and helpful and I like being with them.

1. b) I get on all right with most of my classmates but I am good friends with only a few ofthem. Some of the boys are still very childish and mischievous. But my friends are all kind and helpful and I can always rely on them.

2. a) I think the teacher-student relationship is ideal in our school. I like all my teachers,especially my English teacher. She is really nice and I enjoy her lessons very much. She is also a very well-qualified language teacher.

2. b) I don’t think that the teacher-student relationship is particularly good in our school.Most of our teachers just give orders and don’t take the trouble to understand our problems. They like some students better than others and have their favourites in each class.

3-4 . My form-teacher is a nice woman of about 30/40/50. She doesn’t keep her distance and is very kind to everybody. I think she is a really good teacher and we all enjoy her lessons very much. She teaches us English/history/maths.

5. a) My favourite type of man is tall and slim. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He does not necessarily have to have a moustache and he hasn’t got a beard either.

5. b) My favourite type of girl is slim. She has blue eyes and fair hair. She is emotional and attractive.


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6. a) My mother is a short, plump woman. She is in her late forties and is very careful about her appearance. She has long hair, which she usually wears in a bun. She has a round face with a small nose and big blue eyes.

6. b) My father is quite tall and stout. He has a square face, with a sharp nose and brown eyes. His hair is thinning and he has already got a few grey hairs.

7. a) I get on quite well with my parents. They trust me and let me do what I want. They give me a lot of freedom so I hardly ever have any quarrels with them. They treat me like an adult and I can always turn to them for help and advice.

7.b ) I don’t get on very well with my parents, we often quarrel about unimportant things. They don’t understand my problems and they are not very tolerant, either. They like giving orders to me and still treat me like a child.

8. I get on very well with most of my friends. They are really nice. They are always ready to help and they always listen to my problems. I enjoy talking to them when I have some time off from my studies.

9. a) My best friend is a fairly emotional person. He/she expresses his/her emotions easily. He/she is an extrovert. He/she likes lively conversations. He/she is a cheerful and sociable person.

9. b) My friend is understanding and patient with people. He shows imagination; he often makes well-balanced decisions and, just like me, he copes with new situations well. I think he is also sociable and loves keeping company. He has a good sense of humour and he is usually cheerful.

9. c) My friend is somewhat absent-minded and easily gets into a rage. She also tends to be moody and she is quite sensitive to what is happening around her.She often feels depressed and she likes leaving things till tomorrow. At the same time, she is really understanding and co-operative. She always speaks her mind and is never very sentimental.

10. Yes, I suppose everybody has. The generation gap is by no means a modern phenomenon. The young have always reacted against the accepted beliefs of their elders. I myself was a rebel in my younger days and mostly had a difference of opinion with my mother. I was very critical of my parents and of the world around me, but never of myself. To tell you the truth I still don’t know why my mother was dead against me going steady with a boy at the age of 16. I think it is just natural.

11. By the time they are 16 or 17 they almost certainly have experienced some disillusionment with adult society, being very sensitive to social injustice. They would like to be given unrestricted freedom at one moment and would like to be told what to do the next. They feel that their parents do not understand them, which leads them to ignore parental counsel. That’s why they often feel frustrated about their own affairs. Teenagers need extra attention both from parents and teachers otherwise they may easily turn to drugs or violence.

12. Unfortunately, there are fewer university places in Hungary than are needed. At certain universities there are 3 or 4 applicants for every place, while admission to others is quite easy to get. Understandably there is a lot of competition and sometimes even the best students fail to stand the strain and give up.

13. a) Parents should have a say, but the final decision should be left up to the student. After all it is his/her life and he/she should know what he/she wants to do with it.


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13. b) It goes without saying that the child cannot take responsibility of decision-making concerning his future life. Parents should tell him/her what career to choose because they have more experience of life and only they know what is good for their child. After all they know the child better than he/she does himself/herself and can more easily decide what kind of job he/she is suited to.

14. If a woman goes out to work, she is responsible for at least three jobs. Some women hold high positions and are good mothers and housewives at the same time.

15. a) Women work in nearly all jobs nowadays, but as a result of this they are rarely free to do the one thing in life which women most desire, that is, to give their undivided attention to the home and the family. I think that a career girl is basically a frustrated housewife.

15. b) It all depends on the husband’s attitude. If he shares the responsibility of bringing up a child and caring for the family with his wife, which should ideally happen in every family, women will be less exhausted and more efficient both at work and at home.

16. My father/mother/husband/wife does. Important decisions are always made by him/her and poor mother/father can hardly have a say.

17. Men are usually good at decorating the flat and repairing household devices. A handyman can fix a dripping tap, replace a burnt-out light bulb, paste wallpaper, repair a leaking water-pipe.

18. We celebrate birthdays, name-days, wedding anniversaries and mother’s day.

19. I either buy or make a present for my father’s or my mother’s birthday. On my birthday, my mother usually prepares a chocolate layer cake with candles on it. We always have some relatives or friends coming in the afternoon, wishing me many happy returns of the day. Sometimes I give a little party and invite my classmates to it.

20. For me, Christmas is the greatest family festival, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

21. Two or three weeks before Christmas people send cards to all their friends and relatives wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. On Christmas Eve the Christmas tree is decorated and children are given a lot of presents. On the first and second day of Christmas families have big meals and visit each other in the afternoons.

22. On Easter Sunday we have ham and hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. Lunch is a big meal too; we usually have chicken soup, pork, beef or veal cutlet with some rice or potatoes. On Easter Monday the boys go and sprinkle the girls with perfume or water. In return the girls give them painted eggs or chocolate Easter bunnies.

23. On New Year’s Eve most people go to parties where they sing and dance till morning. Others stay at home and watch television. I always stay up until at least midnight, when we drink champagne and wish each other a Happy New Year.

24-25. On March 15th we celebrate the Hungarian Revolution and W ar of Independence of 1848-49. May 1st is the spring holiday. August 20th is the day of our first king, Stephan. On October 23rd we celebrate the declaration of the Hungarian Republic and the revolution of 1956.

26. In winter you must wear warm clothes. In cold weather people wear hats, gloves, scarves, warm sweaters and trousers, thick overcoats and winter boots.



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27. In summer it is enough to put on a light dress or a T-shirt with shorts or a skirt. On our feet we wear sandals.

28. A man wears a shirt, a pair of trousers, a tie, a suit or a jacket. On his feet he wears socks and a pair of leather shoes.

29. A woman wears a blouse, a skirt or a dress or a suit, a pair of tights or stockings.

30. Jeans never go out of fashion. They are very popular with young people in all colours. They are worn with long T-shirts. Tight trousers, leggings and mini skirts are also fashionable today. Girls like wearing fashion ear-rings, bracelets and necklaces.

31. I am wearing a white shirt/ blouse and black trousers/ a black skirt. I have a pair of black socks/ nylon tights on my legs. On my feet I am wearing brown/ black shoes. I also have a gold necklace around my neck and a watch on my wrist.

32. I go shopping every day/ every other day/ twice a week/ at the week-end. / I often do the shopping on my way home from school/ work.

33. Every day I buy bread or rolls, milk or cocoa, some cold cuts and the basic food for supper and breakfast.

34. In a supermarket you can get different kinds of bread, rolls, cakes; dairy products such as milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt and butter; groceries like, for example flour, cereals, tea, sugar and spices; fresh meat, smoked meat and sausages as well as fruit, vegetables and sweets.

35. When I do the shopping in a supermarket I get a basket or a trolley first. Then I walk from shelf to shelf and fill my basket with the things I need. When I have finished I join the queue (if there is one) at the cash-desk and pay for the goods I have in my basket.

36. There is a stationer’s, a sports shop, a record and video shop, a kitchenware shop, a chemist’s, a glassware shop, a bookshop, a shoeshop, and an electrical store, a haberdashery, a perfumery, a ladies’ wear shop, a men’s wear shop, two big department stores and a post office in the main street of my town.

37. In a big department store you can get clothes and shoes for men, women and children, sports and leather goods, toiletries and jewellery, haberdashery, coats and underwear, household goods and electrical appliances, etc.

38. At the post office you can buy stamps, postcards, envelopes, newspapers. You can also send letters, parcels, money orders and telegrams. There are always some telephone boxes at a post office from where you can make calls. You can also subscribe to newspapers and magazines which the postman then will deliver to your house.

39. Letters can be sent by registered post or if the letter is urgent you send it express. If you want to send a parcel you have to fill in a parcel form. The parcel is always weighed before you pay for it.

40. You write the addressee’s name on the right-hand side of the envelope in the middle. Under that we write his/her town/village, street, house number. In the bottom right- hand corner we write the postal code. The sender’s name and address go in the left- hand corner of the envelope.

41. I have been on the phone for ... years./ Unfortunately, I am not on the phone yet.

42. You pick up the receiver and wait for the dialling tone. Then you put a twenty-forint coin or your phone card into the slot and dial the number. If the line is engaged or the number won’t answer you hang up and try again later.

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1. to get on well with jól kijön vkivelclassmate osztálytársbunch of people embercsoportbright okoshard-working szorgalmasto be friends with sy barátkozik vkivelchildish gyerekesmischievous pajkosto rely (relied) on sy számít vkire

2. teacher-student relationship tanár-diák viszonywell-qualified jólképzettto give orders parancsokat osztogatto take the trouble veszi a fáradságot

3 -4 . form teacher osztályfőnök

5. necessarily feltétlenülemotional érzelmesattractive vonzó

6. plump kövérkés, ducito be in one’s late forties 48 és 50 között vanto be careful of one’s appearance ügyel a külsejérebun kontystout köpcös, kövérsquare négyszögletesto thin, -ned ritkulhair hajszál

7. to trust, -ed sy bízni vkibenfreedom szabadsághardly ever alighato quarrel, -led vitatkoznito treat, -ed kezelnito turn to sy for advice tanácsot kér vkitőlto give orders parancsokat osztogatadult felnőtt

8. off study a tanulás mellett

9. emotional érzelmesextrovert nyitott személyiséglively élénkcheerful vidámsociable társaságkedvelőunderstanding megértőwell-balanced kiegyensúlyozottto cope with boldogul vmivela good sense of humour jó humorérzékabsent-minded szórakozottto get into a rage dühbe gurulmoody változó hangulatúto feel depressed lehangolt



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to speak one’s mind megmondja, amit gondolto keep company társaságba jár

10. modern phenomenon modern jelenségto react, -ed reagálaccepted belief meggyőződésto rebel, -led, rebel lázad, lázadóin my younger days fiatalkorombanto have a difference of opinion with sy más véleményen vanto be critical of kritikus vkivel szembento be dead against sg kifejezetten ellene vanto go steady with jár vkivelto disguise one’s feelings elrejti az érzelme

11. to experience sg megtapasztal vmitdisillusionment kiábrándultságsocial injustice társadalmi igazságtalanságunrestricted freedom korlátlan szabadságto ignore, -d nem vesz figyelembeparental counsel szülői tanácsfrustrated meghiúsult, sikertelenséget érzőextra attention külön figyelemto turn to sg vmihez nyúldrug kábítószer

12. applicant jelentkezőa lot of competition nagy versengésto stand the strain bírja a terheléstfew university places kevés egyetemi helyto set a high standard magas követelményt támasztsuperficial knowledge felszínes tudás

13. to have a say van beleszólásafinal decision végső döntésit goes without saying magától értetődikdecision-making döntéshozatalexperience of life élettapasztalatto be suited to a job alkalmas egy állásra

14. a mother of three 3 gyermek anyjato cope with megbirkózik vvelto go out to work eljár dolgoznito hold a high position magas beosztása van

15. undivided attention osztatlan figyelem

career girl sikeres hölgy

frustrated sikertelen

to bring up a child gyermeket nevel

a slave of the family a család rabszolgája

to care for ellát, törődik vele

ideally optimális esetben

exhausted kimerült

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16. to make a decision döntést hozto have a say van beleszólásato give orders parancsolgat

17. to wash the car kocsit mosto decorate the flat berendezi a lakásthandyman ezermesterhousehold devices háztartási eszközökto repair/fix/mend javítto clean the cellar kitakarítja a pincétto remove the bulbs kicseréli a villanykörtétto drip, -ped csöpögto stick, stuck, stuck on wallpaper felragasztja a tapétátto leak, -ed folyatwaterpipe vízvezetékto do up the house felújítja a házatto drive a nail in szöget bever

18. wedding anniversary házassági évfordulómothers’ day anyák napja

19. chocolate layer cake csokitortacandle gyertyaMany happy returns of the day! Boldog születésnapot!

20. family festival családi ünnepto celebrate, -d megünnepel

21. Christmas Eve karácsony előestéjeChristmas tree karácsonyfato decorate, -d feldíszít

22. hard-boiled egg főtt tojáschicken soup tyúkhúslevespork disznóhúsbeef marhahúsveal cutlet borjúszeletto sprinkle, -d meglocsolin return viszonzásulbunny húsvéti nyuszi

23. champagne pezsgő

24-25. revolution and war of independence forradalom és szabadságharcdeclaration kikiáltás

26. gloves kesztyűscarf, scarves sál, sálakthick vastagovercoat nagykabátwinter boots téli csizma

27. to put on felveszlight dress könnyű ruhaT-shirt pólósandals szandál


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28. suit öltönyleather shoes bőrcipő

29. suit itt: kosztümtights harisnyanadrágstockings harisnya

30. fashionable divatosto go out of fashion kimegy a divatbólleggings cicanadrágfashion ear-rings bizsu fülbevalóbracelet karkötőnecklace nyaklánc

31. socks zokniwrist csuklówrist-watch karóra

32. on one’s way home útban vhováto go shopping vásárolni megy

33. roll zsemlebasic food alapvető élelem

34. dairy product tejtermékgroceries fűszerárucereals gabonanemű (reggeli étel)smoked meat füstölt hússausage kolbászsweets édességek

35. basket kosártrolley bevásárlókocsito fill, -ed megtöltto join the queue beáll a sorbacash desk pénztár

36. stationer’s papírboltkitchenware konyhafelszereléschemist’s gyógyszertárglassware üvegáruelectrical store műszaki áruházladies’ wear női divatárudepartment store áruházmen’s wear férfi divatáru

37. leather goods bőráruktoiletries pipereszerekjewellery ékszerekhaberdashery rövidáruunderwear alsóruházatelectrical appliances műszaki berendezések

38. envelope borítékparcel csomagtelephone box telefonfülketo make a call telefonhívást végez

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to subscribe to sg megrendel (újságot)to deliver, -ed kézbesít

39. by registered post ajánlvaurgent sürgősparcel form csomagfeladó vevényto weigh, -ed megmér

40. addressee címzettbottom alsó (itt)postal code irányítószámsender feladó

41. to be on the phone van telefonjanot yet még nem

42. to pick up the receiver felveszi a kagylótdialling tone tárcsahangphone card telefonkártyaslot nyílásto dial, -led tárcsázthe line is engaged foglalt a vonalto hang hung, hung up leteszi a kagylót

3. Környezetünk

ENVIRONMENT■ Az otthon, a lakóhely és környéke (a lakószoba, a lakás, a ház bemutatása)


■ A lakóhely nevezetességei, szolgáltatások, szórakozási lehetőségek SIGHTS, SERVICES, FACILITIES FOR ENTERTAINMENT

■ A városi és a vidéki élet összehasonlítása CITY LIFE, COUNTRY LIFE

■ Növények és állatok a környezetünkben THE FLORA AND THE FAUNA AROUND US

■ Környezetvédelem a szűkebb környezetünkben: Mit tehetünk környezetünkért vagy a természet megóvásáért?ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROTECT THE IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS?

■ Időjárás W EATHER

QUESTIONS1. Where do you come from? Where do you live?

2. W hat is your town/ village like?

3. W hat is the region like? W hat is the flora and the fauna like?

4. W hat is your town/ area famous for?


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5. Is it mainly an industrial or an agricultural area?6. What are the old parts of your town like?7. Are there any buildings of historic or architectural interest in your area?8. How many inhabitants are there?9. What facilities are there in your area?

10. Are you happy to live there?11. Where would you prefer to live: in a town or in the country? Why?12. Do you live near/ far from the centre?13. Do you live in a house or in a flat?14. What kind of house/ flat is it?15. Is there a garden around it?16. What is there in the garden?17. How many rooms are there in your flat/ house?18. How big are the rooms?19. How is your room furnished?20. How big is your kitchen?21. How is it furnished?22. Have you got a living-room?23. What is it like?24. What things are there in your bathroom?25. Have you got an attic/ cellar/ balcony?26. What do you use them for?27. What kinds of ornaments do you like?28. Have you got a telephone/ colour TV/ DVD/ CD player/ home computer?29. What kind of heating is there?30. What kind of floor covering have you got?31. What different types of housing do you know?32. What kinds of pollution have you heard of?33. What can you do to protect your environment?34. What is selective waste collection35. Do you have it in the area where you live?

36. What sort of weather do you like most?37. Which is your favourite season? Why?

38. What is the weather like in spring?

39. What happens to trees and plants in spring?

40. What is the weather like in summer?

41. What do people often do in summer?

42. What do you wear on the beach?

43. Which season do you like the least? Why?

44. What happens to trees and plants in autumn?

45. What is the weather like in autumn?

46. How do you protect yourself from the rain?


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47. What is the weather like in winter?

48. Do you like cold weather?

49. Compare the climate of England with that of Hungary.

MODEL ANSWERS1. I come from the western/ eastern/ southern/ northern part of Hungary. I come from

a town/ village called... . I live there at 20 Kossuth Street.

2. a) My town is an old historic town so it has a lot of monuments. It is an importantcultural and administrative centre in the Transdanubian region.

2. b) My town is a big industrial town in the north of the country. It is a busy and lively town, but sometimes a bit too noisy for me.

2. c) My village is in an agricultural area where most of the inhabitants work on the landor raise animals. It is a nice and quiet place and I like living there very much.

3. a) The ground is mainly flat there. If you go outside the town and look around you cansee the land stretching away into the distance. It is an impressive but monotonous landscape. It has quite rich flora but it is not particularly spectacular. There is now a highway that runs north-south across the country.

3. b) It is an area of low hills and nice green valleys. Oak forests occupy the slopes of thehills which are the natural habitats of lots of different species of animals such as eagles, falcons, foxes, hares and deer. There are waterfalls and cool brooks running down from the mountains. It is a charming landscape, but unfortunately it has lost some of its beauty since tourists began to visit the area.

4. a) The area is famous for its food-processing industry and good cuisine. There are somefolk customs and traditions that have been preserved and even the young put on national folk costumes on holidays. The area is also famous for embroidered table­cloths and cushions.

4. b) Our area is basically a paradise for tourists. It has also played a crucial part duringthe stormy years of our country’s history. Lake Balaton, which has a charm of its own, attracts a lot of visitors from year to year. North of the lake, on the slopes of the Badacsony hills are the special vineyards which produce Grey Friar, the famous wine. Around the lake new hotels have been built, motels have been opened in the most attractive spots, well-equipped camping sites have been established. The lake is flanked by an almost continuous line of holiday resorts with beaches, sports centres, boat houses, weekend cottages and private summer villas.

5. a) It is an agricultural area, where nearly half the population works on the land growingcrops and raising animals. Farmers use machines and advanced methods to produce the largest possible amount of food. They grow wheat, maize, barley and oats, as well as root crops like sugar beet, carrots and turnips. Others raise livestock, mainly pigs and cattle.

5. b) It is an industrial area, in fact one of the largest unbroken industrial areas in Hungary. It is an important centre of the smelting industry for which much of the iron ore is supplied by the nearby mines. There is also a power plant in the neighbourhood, which uses local lignite. The main product of the chemical works is fertilisers.

6-7 . My town is an old historic town, which consequently has a lot of monuments. It was in Veszprém that the first Hungarian bishopric was founded. The castle area became

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a palace for the queen, who was always crowned by the bishop of Veszprém. Most of the present landscape of the area was developed during the reconstructions of the baroque period. There are lots of buildings of both historical and architectural interest here, for instance the Fire Tower, the Heroes’ Gate, the Bishop’s Palace, the Cathedral of St, Michael and Gizella’s Chapel.

8. The population of our town/ village is about 80,000 (eighty thousand) /250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) /1,500 (one thousand five hundred). But it doubles in summer, when there are always a lot of tourists coming to visit the town.

9. Next to our block there is a kindergarten, two well-tended playgrounds for children and a sports ground for ice skating in winter and football in summer. Shopping facilities, including a supermarket, a post office, a chemist’s are near at hand and there is a cinema too. Coming down the main street you can see playing fields and beyond them a big park. We also have a recreation centre with sports grounds, a small swimming pool and swings and slides for the children. Not far from us there are excellent restaurants, a live theatre, an art gallery, a cinema and even a night club.

10. a ) I am very happy to live in this town. Firstly, because it is located in a lovely area and secondly, because the town itself is beautiful. It is neither too big nor too small and it offers very good shopping and entertainment facilities.

10. b) I don’t like my town very much. It is far too big and dirty for me. There is always a lot of traffic and the air is polluted. The streets are full of people who are always rushing somewhere.

11. a) I would prefer to live in the country. People in the country are a lot friendlier than town people. They are close to nature and they can take long walks in the forests or in the fields whenever they wish to. Life is peaceful and quiet in the country; there is no noise, pollution or people rushing about.

11. b) I would prefer to live in a town. Towns are lively places, where there is always something interesting happening. There is a wide choice of shops, cinemas, theatres, restaurants and discos. You can go out to a different place every night if you want to. Life is exciting there.

12. a) I live on a housing estate which is quite a long way from the centre. But there are buses that take you to the centre. They run every ten minutes.

12. b) I don’t live far from the centre; it doesn’t take more than five minutes to get from my place to the centre.

13-14. I live in a house with a big garden/ a two-room flat on the third floor of a big block of flats. It is a detached house in a nice part of the town/ a freehold flat/ a council flat.

15-16. We have a big garden behind the house and a small one in front of it. Part of the garden is a lawn. In the orchard we have an apple, peach, sour cherry, apricot and a pear tree. In the vegetable garden we grow carrots, onions, parsnips, garlic, green peppers and tomatoes. In the front garden we have flowers; mainly roses and tulips.

17. We have eight rooms; two bedrooms, a living-room, a study, a hall, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small pantry.

18. Some of the rooms are quite big. The biggest one is thirty square metres, the smallest is six.


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19. There is a bed by the wall next to the window. My desk is right beside the bed. At thedesk there is a chair and a standard lamp. The wall opposite the window is covered with shelves.

20-21. Our kitchen is not very big; it is three and a half metres by three. There is a diningtable by the window. Around the table there are chairs. The dresser is next to thechairs, by the wall. Opposite the window is the sink. On one side of the sink there is a gas cooker, on the other there is a big cupboard.

22-23. We have a big/ small living room. It is light and cosy. It faces the front garden andthe street. There are nice curtains on the windows and. a big carpet on the floor. Thewalls are white and the furniture is dark brown. The settee and the armchairs are light brown. There are plants and pictures on the walls.

24. We have a white/ blue/ green tub in the bathroom and there is hot and cold runningwater. The washbasin is beside the tub and over the washbasin there is a mirror. The bathroom shelf is next to the mirror. On the shelf we have toothbrushes, toothpaste, sprays, shampoo and some body lotion. The towels are on a rack next to the washbasin.

25-26. We have an attic at the top of the house. We use it as a store-room. We also have a cellar, where we used to keep coal and wood for heating. Our house/ flat has a big/ small balcony and there are beautiful flowers on it.

27. I like all kinds of ornaments such as ceramics, china figures, pictures, bronze vases, candlesticks and ashtrays, nice table lamps and wall rugs.

28. Unfortunately, we are not on the phone, but there are two mobile phones in the family. One belongs to my father, the other is owned by my mother, but it is usually me who uses it. / Yes, we have a telephone and a colour TV with a big screen. Unfortunately, we haven’t got a DVD yet but we have two CD players; one in the living-room and one in the children’s room. We also have two personal computers, which we use regularly.

29. There is floor heating/ convector heaters/ electric heaters/ central heating/ fireplaces in our house/ flat.

30. The kitchen floor is tiled/ covered with lino. The bathroom floor is tiled. In the living- room and the bedrooms we have floor boards/ wall-to-wall carpets.

31. People can live in blocks of flats/ terraced houses/ semi-detached houses/ detached houses/ bungalows/ cottages/ etc.

32. I have heard of air, water and soil pollution. In general, the larger the city the higher the degree of air pollution, which is caused mainly by factories or by fumes from cars and from other means of transport. Even rivers are dirtier in a city than in the country. All types of pollution can be very dangerous for plants and animals as well as for human health. This is why we must avoid polluting our environment in any way.

33-35. The first thing I can do is that I don’t litter the streets, but try to put the rubbish into the dustbin. Hopefully, I find one when I need it. Our household could also select waste. The only problem is that there’s no selective waste collection yet in the area where I live. I also pay attention to buying products which have been recycled and I always ask the shop assistants not to put the products into plastic bags for me. I rather put them into a box or a carrier bag.


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36-37. a) I like it when it is sunny and the temperature is not lower than twenty/ fifteen degrees. My favourite season is spring because it is warm again after the long, cold winter days.

36-37. b) I like it when it is hot, bright and sunny. My favourite season is summer because you are never cold in summer. You don’t have to put on many clothes and you don’t have to go to school either.

38. In spring the weather is usually bright and sunny. But sometimes it can get cloudy and windy. Occasionally there can be heavy rainstorms with thunder and lightning.

39. In spring the snow melts and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The trees begin to grow leaves and the flowers begin to bloom.

40. It is usually hot in summer. The sun is shining and the temperatures are over thirty. Occasionally there are showers but they don’t last long. After the shower the sky is blue again and it is even hotter than before.

41. Most people take their holidays in summer and go to Lake Balaton or to the seaside to enjoy the nice weather. When they are on the beach they either lie in the sun or swim in the cool water.

42. On the beach women wear a bathing suit or a bikini (sometimes a topless one) and perhaps a sun-hat. Men wear swimming trunks.

43. a) I don’t like autumn because it is the rainiest season. I hate it when it is rainy andcloudy.

43. b) I like winter the least because it is very cold outside. I hate it when it is frosty.

44. In autumn the leaves of trees slowly become yellow, brown and red and then they fall.There is some fruit, though, which we harvest in autumn. Some of these are plums, pears, apples, grapes and nuts.

45. It is often foggy and cloudy in autumn. It is quite cold especially in November. There is sometimes frost. It often rains and occasionally there is strong wind.

46. You can use an umbrella or put on a mackintosh to protect yourself from the rain.

47-48. In winter the temperatures are usually below zero. It is cold and frosty. It oftensnows and the roads become slippery. I always feel cold in such weather. I don’t likecold weather because I have to wear warm clothes and still I am half frozen when I go to work in the morning.

49. The weather is wet and rainy in England. It is usually very changeable. It is colder insummer and milder in winter than in Hungary. It rains more but it rarely snows.


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2. historic town történelmi városmonument emlékműadministrative centre közigazgatási központTransdanubian region Dunántúlindustrial iparibusy forgalmaslively élénk, elevennoisy zajosagricultural mezőgazdaságiarea terület, vidékinhabitant lakosto raise, -d nevel, tenyészt

3. flat ground sík vidékto stretch, -ed elterülmonotonous egyhangúlandscape tájflora növényvilágspectacular látványoslow hill dombvalley völgyoak forest tölgyerdőslope lejtő, hegyoldalhabitat élőhelyspecies faj, fajokwaterfall vízesésbrook patak

4. food-processing industry élelmiszer feldolgozó iparcuisine konyha(művészet)folk customs népszokásokto preserve, -d megőrizembroidered hímzetttable-cloth asztalterítőcushion díszpárnaparadise for tourists turista paradicsomcrucial döntő, fontosstormy years viharos évekto attract, -ed vonzvineyard szőlőskertspot helyto establish, -ed létrehoz, alapítto be flanked by közrefog, szegélyezholiday resort üdülőhelyweekend cottage hétvégi ház

5. agricultural area mezőgazdasági vidékcrop terményto raise animals állatokat tartwheat búzamaize kukorica



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CONVERSATIONe n v ir o n m e n t


barley árpaoat zabroot crop gumós növényeksugar beet cukorrépalivestock élőállat, jószágcattle szarvasmarhaindustrial area ipari területunbroken folytonossmelting industry kohászatiron ore vasércpower plant erőműlignite barnaszén, lignitfertiliser műtrágyaaluminium foundry alumínium kohó

6-7. architectural építészetihistoric town történelmi városconsequently következésképpenbishopric püspökségbishop püspökto found, -ed megalapítto crown, -ed megkoronázreconstruction újjáépítésbaroque period barokk korszakcathedral székesegyházchapel kápolna

8. population népesség, lakosságto double, -d megduplázódni

9. facility szolgáltatás, lehetőségkindergarten óvodawell-tended playground szépen kezelt játszótérice skating korcsolyarecreation centre szabadidő központswings hintaslide csúszdaart gallery művészeti galéria

10. to be located elhelyezkedik, találhatóneither ... nor sem ... semto offer, -ed kínálshopping and enterainment facilities vásárlási és szórakozási lehetőségekdirty piszkospolluted szennyezettto rush, -ed sietni, rohanni

11. a lot friendlier sokkal barátságosabbto be close to sg közel van vmihezforest erdőpeaceful békésa wide choice of sg széles választékto go out elmegy szórakozni

exciting izgalmas

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12. housing estate lakótelepto be a long way messze vanto run, ran, run itt: közlekedni

13-14. house with a garden kertesháztwo-room flat kétszobás lakásblock of flats tömbházdetached house különálló kétszintes házfreehold flat öröklakáscouncil flat tanácsi lakás

15-16. lawn gyeporchard gyümölcsöskertpeach tree őszibarackfasour cherry meggyapricot sárgabarackpear körteto grow, grew, grown termelcarrot sárgarépaonion hagymaparsnip fehérrépagarlic fokhagymagreen pepper zöldpaprikatulip tulipán

17. study dolgozószobapantry kamra

18. square metre négyzetméter

19. desk íróasztalstandard lamp állólámpato cover, -ed befed, beborít

20-21. by itt: -szordining table ebédlőasztaldresser tálalósink mosogatógas cooker gáztűzhely

22-23. cosy kényelmes, barátságosto face, -d sg itt: néz vhovacurtain függönycarpet szőnyegfurniture bútorsettee kanapélight brown világosbarna

24. bath-tub fürdőkádhot and cold running water hideg, meleg folyóvízwashbasin mosdómirror tükörtoothpaste fogkrémbody lotion testápolótowel rack törölközőtartó


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25-26. attic padlásszobastore-room raktárcellar pincecoal szén

27. ornament díszítéssuch as mint példáulceramics kerámiachina porcelánvase vázacandlestick gyertyatartóashtray hamutálcawall rug faliszőnyeg

28. to bo on the phone van telefonjascreen képernyőHi-Fi tower hi-fi toronyhome computer személyi számítógépregularly rendszeresen

29. floor heating padlófűtéselectric heater villanykályhacentral heating központi fűtésfireplace kandalló

30. tile itt: járólaplino műpadlófloor board padlówall-to-wall carpet padlószőnyeg

31. terraced house sorházsemi-detached house társasházbungalow különálló egyszintes ház

32. soil pollution talaj szennyezésdegree of air pollution a levegő szennyezés mértéketo be caused okozzafume füstdangerous veszélyesas well as éppúgy, mintto avoid, -ed elkerül

33-35. to litter, -ed szemetelnirubbish szeméthopefully remélhetőleghousehold háztartásselective waste collection szelektív szemét gyűjtésto recycle, -d újrahasznosítplastic bag műanyag zacskócarrier bag szatyor

36-37. temperature hőmérsékletnot lower than nem alacsonyabb, mint

degree fokbright világos, fényes


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38. to get cloudy befelhősödik

windy szelesoccasionally időnkéntheavy rainstorm nagy vihar (esővel)

thunder dörgés

lightning villámlás

39. to melt, -ed elolvad

to awaken, -ed felébred

leaf, leaves levél, levelekto bloom, -ed virágzik

40. shower záporto last, -ed tart vmeddighotter than before melegebb, mint valaha

41. to take one’s holiday kiveszi a szabadságátseaside tengerpartto lie in the sun napozik

42. to wear, wore, worn hord, viselbathing suit fürdőruhatopless felsőrész nélküliswimming trunks fürdőnadrág

43. the rainiest season a legesősebb évszakthe least a legkevésbéit is frosty fagy

44. to become yellow megsárgulto fall, fell fallen leesikto harvest, -ed betakarítplum szilvapear körtenut dió

45. foggy ködösespecially különösenfrost fagy

46. to protect oneself védi magátumbrella esernyőmack (mackintosh) esőkabát

47-48. below zero nulla fok alattslippery csúszósin such weather ilyen időbento be half frozen félig meg van fagyvastill mégisto freeze, froze, frozen megfagy, befagy

49. wet nedveschangeable változékonymild enyherarely ritkán


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4. Az iskola

SCHOOL■ Saját iskolájának bemutatása (sajátosságok, pl. szakmai képzés, tagozat)


■ Tantárgyak, órarend, érdeklődési kör, tanulmányi munka SUBJECTS, TIME-TABLE, INTERESTS, STUDIES


■ Az iskolai élet tanuláson kívüli eseményei, iskolai hagyományok EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, SCHOOL TRADITIONS

QUESTIONS1. Did/do you do well at school?2. Which year are you in?3. Did/do you enjoy school? Why? Why not?4. What are your favourite subjects?5. Which are the ones that you don’t like?6. How many periods do you normally have a day?7. What do you do in the English lessons?8. What out-of-class activities are you involved in?9. What are your main interests?

10. Does your school offer any possibilities for club life?11. What educational and recreational facilities does your club provide for the

students?12. Do you attend any programmes?13. Which do you enjoy most?14. What else do you take part in?15. What possibilities are there for learning English in Hungary?16. What courses can you choose from in bigger towns?17. What English speaking and teaching programmes are there on TV?18. Do you ever use the TV or the radio for learning English?19. How can you improve your language abilities by doing this?20. What other possibilities do the media offer?21. What do they all help you with?22. Why are you studying English?23. Which languages are taught in Hungary?24. When does a child start studying a foreign language?25. What alternatives does he/she have?26. What choices are offered to children in secondary schools?


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27. How many languages do pupils have to study in a secondary grammar school?28. Do you think that the teaching of English is efficient in Hungarian secondary

schools? Why? Why not?29. Are you a good language learner?30. What types of secondary schools are there in Hungary?31. Is it common for pupils to have to learn things by heart? What sorts of things?32. How much homework do you usually have?33. Is there a lot of specialisation in grammar schools?34. What is the system of optional classes?35. What happens if you are absent?36. What is your school building like?37. What kind of laboratories are there?38. How are they equipped?39. Who was the school named after?40. Do you have a uniform?41. What important events are there in your school during the year?

M O DEL A N SW ERS1. a) I think I do quite well at school; I don’t have any grades worse than three and I

always prepare conscientiously for the lessons. I have quite a good memory that’s why I usually perform very well on tests. But I am far too anxious when I am asked to give an oral presentation.

1. b) I am afraid I don’t do very well at school. I prefer reading and going out with friendsto studying. I can hardly bring myself to sit down and study long hours in the afternoons as most students in our school do.

2. I have just finished the twelfth year of secondary school. / I have just finished the fourth year of secondary school.

3. a) I love school. You know you are young and carefree and you don’t really have muchresponsibility. Our class is a good group and the boys are fond of mischief. Altogether there is a good atmosphere.

3. b) I don’t particularly enjoy being a schoolgirl/schoolboy. Firstly because I don’t like studying and secondly because I hate doing the stupid homework they give us every day. I like doing what I am interested in and dislike being told what to do.

4 -5 . My favourite subjects are languages (German, English, French, Italian) /arts subjects (history, Hungarian literature, Hungarian grammar, arts, music etc.)/science subjects (maths, physics, chemistry, geography, biology etc.). My strong point is English and my weak point is maths. I don’t even like to think of it. Otherwise I try to do my best in every subject but I am obviously a lot better at the ones I am interested in.

6. Normally we have six periods a day with a long break between the second and the third lessons. There are some days though when we have more than six but we are allowed to leave quite early on Fridays, when we have only five.

7. I enjoy English lessons very much because the atmosphere is always very relaxed and yet we learn a lot. We often play language games and do role-plays. We hardly ever speak Hungarian unless we do some translation. When we learn a new grammar


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10- 11.




20- 21.


structure we do quite a lot of drills and grammar exercises. Sometimes we read texts which we have to learn by heart.

I take private lessons in English and music twice a week and I go to a basketball work-out every other weekday. There are study circles in the afternoon and I regularly attend the one in maths.

I am interested in languages/ sport/ films/ plays/ music/ computer programming/ astronomy etc. I am fond of reading and I have a lot of books at home. I like playing ball games and going on outings.

Our school has a club, which is extremely popular with the student body. It not only provides entertainment, such as video shows, concerts and discos, but a wide choice of amateur art activities like painting, sculpture, pottery, music, dancing and acting as well. Especially popular are the musical and theatrical groups. Those who like singing join the choir and those who have exceptionally fine voices and a good ear for music go in for solo singing. Those who make dancing a hobby have a choice of ballet, folk dancing or acrobatic rock-and-roll. Most students seem to prefer theatricals. Some of their amateur productions have won the praise of professionals.

I love films, so I regularly attend the showings of the latest films which are usually run on Wednesday afternoons. From time to time the club has lectures on music and literature with recitals by outstanding musicians or actors. Because I like music and literature, and I also recite poetry myself, I go to these programmes whenever I can. My favourites, however, are the meetings with prominent personalities working in the fields of politics or the economy. I also love taking part in outings and weekend tours.

First of all you can learn English at school, both in primary and secondary school or even at university. If you are not a student any more you can go to evening classes and get as many as four to ten English lessons a week. In bigger towns there are courses for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. These courses are usually cheaper than the ones offered by private teachers, from whom you can get one-to-one tuition if you wish. The idea of self-study is favoured by some of those who are false beginners and think that a language can be acquired alone without the help of an expert teacher.

Most satellite channels offer English or German speaking programmes and there are quite a few language teaching programmes on Hungarian TV too. Follow Through was a successful series and now American programmes seem to be popular with children. Unfortunately the BBC news is always broadcast late in the evening so I can’t see it every time. I always watch the financial news on Sunday afternoons, which helps me to learn the language and get interesting information about the world economy as well. I often listen to the BBC radio news and enjoy the speakers’ beautiful pronunciation and intonation. The more I listen to the English broadcasts the more I am able to catch and grasp.

You can get the leading English and American newspapers at post offices and there is a daily called ‘Daily News’ which covers the latest Hungarian and foreign news in English and German. One of Hungary’s leading papers also has a regular language teaching program in its Tuesday and Friday issues. They can all help you to master the language if you read them regularly and don’t give up after the first hardships.

I am studying English so that I can communicate with people from different parts of the world and to read native writers in the original. If you speak a world language you can make friends during your travels and even through letters by corresponding with boys and girls from other countries. You can apply for scholarships if you want to continue your studies in the U.S. and on the whole, your possibilities are much


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28. a)

28. b)

29. a.




wider. You are no longer considered to be an educated person without the knowledge of at least one foreign language.

The most widely taught language in Hungary is German. There is no school, let it be primary or secondary, without at least one or two teachers of German. English is also quite popular, especially among youngsters. When a child reaches the age of 8 and enters the third year of primary school, he or she starts studying a foreign language. The child is offered a choice, which is usually between German and English. Children can even specialise in either of them if they wish and can get more than the average number of lessons a week in the chosen language.

In most secondary schools, especially in the bigger ones a choice of three or four, sometimes even five or more foreign languages is offered to the pupils. These languages are German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and perhaps Russian or Latin. In a secondary grammar school pupils have to study two foreign languages and they usually choose English and German.

As for me, I think that the teaching of English is quite efficient in Hungarian secondary grammar schools as there are a lot of pupils between 14 and 18 who manage to pass the intermediate level state language exam. Most pupils opt for additional English classes in the third and fourth years and thus they can get five or more English lessons a week. There are also annual competitions in English and if you are among the first ten students you are granted free admission to university.

I don’t really think that the teaching of English is efficient enough in Hungarian secondary schools. It is impossible to acquire a language in three 45-minute periods a week with twenty to thirty students in a group.

I think I am a good language learner as I enjoy using foreign words and language is a constant source of delight for me.

I am not sure if I am a good language learner. It is definitely hard work for me and I would need a bit more speaking practice and perhaps more confidence to be able to feel at home in any language.

Hungarian secondary schools fall into three categories: Secondary Grammar, Secondary Technical or Vocational Schools. I myself attend a Secondary Grammar School and I think these schools are very competitive in Hungary. We have three hours’ homework every night and sometimes it takes even longer because we have to learn poems from a Hungarian author or texts in a foreign language by heart. All of us are expected to specialise at the age of sixteen in order to concentrate on the subjects that we need for university entrance. There are additional lessons offered to us in the subjects that we opt for and they are usually the ones that we will need for our future career. It is not compulsory to make your choice, but once you have chosen you have to attend these lessons throughout the whole school year. If you are not there, you are marked absent in the attendance register and you will be given a warning later if your absence has not been excused by a doctor’s note.

Our school building lies next to the main road of .../in the centre of . . . . It is a big, white-coloured, two-storey building with a large/small school yard and a garden around it. On the ground floor you can find the assembly hall, some classrooms and the school canteen. The school library is in the basement, as well as the buffet, where we can buy sandwiches, milk, cocoa and the basic articles needed for school work such as books, notebooks, pens, pencils, rubbers, compasses, rulers or paper pads. Most classrooms are on the first and second floors while the headmaster’s office and the staff room are in a separate corridor on the first floor. Our school has also got


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some special laboratories such as language, music, physics, chemistry, biology and arts and crafts labs. These labs are quite well equipped. In the language lab, for example we have a television and a video, cassette players with headphones and all the necessary dictionaries, thesauruses and reference books. We also have a computer room, where we can study computer techniques and programming. There are good facilities for sports activities as well. We have a large school gymnasium and different playing fields around the school. The school was named after a famous Hungarian scientist /politician/ writer/ poet/ artist called ... . He/she was an outstanding figure in the ... century and promoted ... . The school took his/her name to pay homage to his/her personality and brilliant findings/work in the field of ... . We have a school uniform, which means a white blouse, a black skirt for girls and a dark suit for boys. We used to have to wear school gowns while in the school building but, fortunately, they are not compulsory any more.

41. Not long after the beginning of the school year there is a ball organised for the first-year pupils to initiate them into school life. Then during the year we commemorate all the public holidays and important events of Hungarian history with some productions prepared and performed by different classes. Every year in February or March there is a party organised in honour of the school-leaving students. Both humorous skits and some serious programmes are performed by the third-year students and each school leaver is presented with a blue ribbon marking the years they have spent in school. Then a big school ball is held, the greatest attraction of which are the ball- opening dances. In May the school-leaving ceremonies continue and the fourth-year students wander around the school to take leave of everything and everybody they have had any contact with since their first day at school. The last phase of these ceremonies is the final party or school-leaving feast which is always held after the final exams. Each form goes out to a nice restaurant with their teachers and they eat and drink to their hearts’ content to make the end of the school years memorable.


1. to do well at school jól tanulgrade jegy, osztályzatto prepare, -d felkészülconscientiously lelkiismeretesenthat’s why ezértto perform, -ed teljesítanxious idegesto give an oral presentation felel

2. Which year are you in? Hányadik osztályba jársz?

3. responsibility felelősségcarefree gondtalanmischief pajkosságatmosphere légkör, hangulatparticularly különösebbenfirstly először, elsősorban

4-5. favourite subjects kedvenc tantárgyakarts subjects humán tárgyakscience subjects reál tárgyakart rajzmusic ének


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strong/ weak pointotherwiseobviously

erős/ gyenge pontjaegyébkéntnyilvánvalóan

6. period long break


7. relaxed atmosphere role-play by heart

kötetlen légkör nyelvi szerepjáték kívülről

8. to take private lessonswork-outstudy circle

magánórákat veszedzésszakkör

9. computer programmingastronomyball gamesouting

számítógép programozás csillagászat labdajátékok kirándulás

10-11. body pottery solo singing theatricalto win the praise of

testületfazekasságszólóénekszínpadi szereplés, előadás elnyeri az elismerését

12-14. recitaloutstanding musician to recite poetry prominent outing

szólóestkiemelkedő zenész verseket szaval jelentős, fontos kirándulás

15-16. levelbeginner / intermediate / advancedone-to-one tuitionself-studyfalse beginnerto acquire, -d

szintkezdő, közép, felsőegy diák, egy tanár oktatásönálló tanulásálkezdőelsajátít

17-19. pronunciationto catch, caught, caught / grasp, -ed

kiejtésmegért, felfog

20-21. to master a language hardship

jól beszél egy nyelvet nehézség

22. in the original scholarship on the whole

eredetibenösztöndíjösszességében, általában

23-25. youngsters to specialise in

fiataloktagozatra jár, szakosodik

27-28. to pass an examintermediate level state language examto opt, -ed foradditionalannual competitionto be granted

sikeres vizsgát tesz középfokú állami nyelvvizsga választ vmit további, plusz évenkénti verseny megad, garantál


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admission belépés, felvételto acquire, -d elsajátítlack of hiánya vnekprevalent (el)uralkodóto be in short of sg kevés van vmibőlteaching aid tanítási segédeszközphotocopier fénymásoló

29. constant állandósource of delight örömforrásto feel at home in a language otthon érzi magát egy nyelvben

30-35. vocational school szakmunkásképzőcompetitive versenyképesby heart kívülrőlcompulsory kötelezőthroughout the whole year egész éven átto mark sy absent beír vkit hiányzónakattendance register hiányzási naplóto excuse one’s absence igazolja a hiányzását

36-40. school yard iskolaudvarassembly hall gyűlésterembasement alagsorcompasses körzőruler vonalzópaper pad papírtömbstaff room tanári szobaarts and crafts lab gyakorlati terem, rajzteremthesaurus fogalomköri szótárcomputer techniques számítógép-kezelésprogramming programozásoutstanding figure kiemelkedő alakto promote, -d előmozdít, támogatto pay homage to tisztelettel adózikfinding felfedezésuniform egyenruhagown köpeny

41. to initiate, -d beavat, felavatalternate váltakozó, egymást váltóskit paródia, humoros darabschool leaver végzős tanulóribbon szalagschool ball iskolabálattraction látványosságball-opening dance nyitótáncschool-leaving ceremonies ballagásto take leave of elbúcsúzikphase szakaszschool-leaving feast bankettfinal exams érettségi vizsgato one’s heart’s content amennyit csak kívánmemorable emlékezetes

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5 . A m u n k a v ilág a

WORK■ Diákmunka, nyári munkavállalás


■ Pályaválasztás, továbbtanulás, vagy munkába állás CHOOSING YOUR CAREER, STUDY OR WORK

QUESTIONS1. Have you ever worked in a job? (Have you ever had a job?)2. How did you like it?3. What kind of job was it?4. How long did you work?5. Was it a well-paid job?6. How many days' paid holiday did you get?7. What time did you start and finish work every day?8. How did you normally spend the day at work?9. Did you have any breaks during the day’s work?

10. What was the place like?11. What is the difference between jobs and professions?12. Name some skilled and unskilled jobs.13. What would you write in a letter of application if you applied for a job?14. Where can you find job advertisements?15. Who can help you to find the job you are looking for?16. Is it easy to find a job nowadays?17. What happens if you have found the right job?18. Who talks to the applicant at a job interview?19. When did you last go to a job interview?20. What did you agree on?21. Were you informed about your responsibilities?22. Did you accept the job?23. What do you consider the most important thing about a job?24. What would you say is less important?25. How important is money to you?26. What does work mean to you?27. When do Hungarian school children have to decide what career to take up?28. Do you think they are mature enough to do so?29. Who should guide young people in their career choices?30. What are you going to do when you leave secondary school?31. What are you going to take up as a career? Why?32. In what way is university training different from the kind of education you get in

a secondary school?33. What kind of tertiary schools are there in Hungary?


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M ODEL A N SW ERS1. Yes, I have. It was last summer when I worked as a secretary/ guide/ salesgirl/

postman/ waiter for a month.

2 -3 . a) I liked working as a secretary/ guide/ salesgirl/ postman/ waiter. It was a varied joband I never got bored with it even if it was quite tiring at times. I met lots ofinteresting people and I didn’t really feel that I was working.

2 -3 . b) I didn’t particularly liked my job. It was very tiring and boring. I was doing the same things all the time, which I found depressing.

4. I worked for one/ two months and I enjoyed/ hated every moment of it. I usually started work early in the morning/ at seven a.m./ late afternoon and worked until noon/ half past four/ dawn.

5. To tell you the truth I was not satisfied with the money they paid me. I got forty/ fifty/ sixty thousand before tax, which is not much for a whole month’s work. I really worked a lot and I was always very tired after work.

6. I didn’t get any paid holidays since it was only a temporary job for me.

7. I worked full time/ part time. So I started work at six/ seven/ eight and finished it attwo/ half past three/ half past five./ I worked flexible hours so I started and finished work at different times every day.

8-9. a) When I got to the place, I soon started work. At twelve or half past twelve I had a short lunch break for half an hour. I went down to the canteen and had a quick lunch there. At about four I stopped, closed up the place and went home.

8-9. b) When I arrived at the place at a quarter to six. I got dressed, had some coffee and started work at six o’clock sharp. I worked until nine when I stopped for a short time to have breakfast. I bought some rolls and milk in the canteen. After breakfast I went back and worked for five more hours.

10. The place where I work is quite small and it is full of old office furniture. Fortunately, the windows are big so it is light enough to work comfortably all day. There are three desks in the office; mine is by the window. On my desk there is a computer, which I use every day.

11. The jobs that need university qualification are called professions. The people who work in offices are sometimes called white-collar workers and they have to use their brains. People in the professions are called professors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists, researchers, etc.

12. Skilled workers are those who have learnt a trade such as a car mechanic, computer operator, technician, turner, baker, butcher, beautician, hairdresser, barber, tailor, cook, shop assistant, driver, railwayman, painter, glazier, bricklayer, plumber, carpenter, joiner etc. Unskilled jobs, such as the job of a factory hand or an office cleaner do not need special training.

13- In a letter of application I would give a kind of profile containing information about my qualifications, schooling, exam results, present and previous experience, present salary and perhaps I would give the dates when I am free for an interview.

1 4 - 17. If you want to find a job, you must look at the advertisements in the newspapers,magazines or periodicals. If you can’t find the right job for you in them, there are careers offices or employment agencies that may still help you and offer you the kind of job you are looking for. But it is not very likely today when unemployment is

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growing. If you are lucky and you think you have found the right job, you send your curriculum vitae with your qualifications and details of your previous jobs and go for an interview.

18-22. At a school it is usually the headmaster, or, in a company, the personnel manager who interviews the applicants. I last went to an interview before I took up my present job. I agreed with the personnel officer on my starting salary, the office hours and the lunch break, the amount of paid holiday I would be entitled to. He also showed me round the office and told me what my responsibilities would be. He also said that there were good prospects of advancement and that promotion would depend entirely on my ability and industry. As the job and the conditions appealed to me I accepted that I would be on probation for the first three months. We agreed that if my probationary period was satisfactory I would be taken on the permanent staff and would then become entitled to annual salary increments.

23-26. a) I think I can only make a success of my job if I am interested in it. So this is the most important thing is to know that you are doing the right job. Of course, you should be adequately paid for your work so that you don’t have to work on the side. It’s good to have responsibility and freedom in decisions as well as a chance of promotion. But all this is futile if the atmosphere is that of suspicion, ill-will and grudges.

23-26. b) Money talks. This is my philosophy. So I don’t bother much about the conditions, colleagues or bosses. I should get wages high enough to support my family and not to have to do a second job after work. I think high pay and high bonuses are the most important things about a job.

27-28 . Hungarian school children have to decide what career to take up at the age of 13 or 14, that is they have to choose from among the three possible kinds of secondary schools (grammar, technical or vocational). I am not convinced that these 13-14-year- old children are sufficiently mature to choose a career for themselves. Those who leave primary school do not have the slightest idea of what career to choose in life so they try to delay their decisions and a considerable number of them enrol at secondary grammar schools and make the final decision two years later.

29. In the old days it was taken for granted that sons would follow their father’s trades orprofessions and thus they took up the occupation that best suited the interests of the family. Nowadays most young people are encouraged to choose their own careers according to their personal abilities and interests. I think both teachers and parents should stimulate the interest of young people in many directions so that they have a range of fields to choose from. Young people are often poor judges of their own abilities and need a lot of guidance to be able to find the type of career that they are most suited to and are most interested in.

30-31 . After leaving this grammar school I would like to study at one of the universities. I simply can’t tell you what I am going to take up as a career. Well, I have thought of becoming a teacher of ... . My parents do not share this idea, they want me to become a doctor /... They may be right, because a doctor’s /... work is more respected and acknowledged than that of a teacher / ... . But I am not really persuaded by them saying that I would earn more money and would have a better life as a doctor /... . This job is simply not for me. I would rather go in for teaching than medicine as a career. I have no doubts about the poor financial prospects, but, you know, money is not everything. It is much more important for me to do something l really love.


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32. At the university students are there to obtain a highly academic qualification as well as to extend their knowledge of one or two subjects in their own ways. To do this efficiently there are libraries, laboratories, lecture rooms at your disposal. The university semesters are shorter than secondary school terms and the students are free to do what they like in the vacations. They usually have lots of oral exams, though, on the material of the lectures they attended during the semesters. Attendance at lectures is not always compulsory, but it is advisable to keep a high profile at seminars. During a semester students are given assignments and have to write several essays which have to be presented to their tutors.

33. The best known institutions are the following: University of Economics/ Technology/ Medicine/ Arts and Sciences; Academy of Fine Arts /Music/Applied Arts/Film and Theatrical Arts, Naval/Military Academy, Teacher Training College, College of Trade and Catering/Foreign Trade/Finance and Accountancy/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry/ Physical Education; Training College for Kindergarten Teachers; Ballet Institute; College of Advanced Technology.

VOCABULARY L IS T1. guide idegenvezető

salesgirl/ salesman eladó

2-3 . varied változatosto get bored with sg beleunni vmibetiring fárasztódepressing lehangoló

4. present jelenlegidawn hajnal

5. to tell the truth az igazat megvallvato be satisfied with elégedettbefore tax bruttó

6. paid holiday fizetett szabadságtemporary ideiglenes, átmeneti

7. to work, -ed full time teljes munkaidőben dolgozikto work part time részmunkaidőben dolgozikto work flexible hours kötetlen munkaidőben dolgozik

8 -9 canteen munkahelyi ebédlőclose up bezársharp pontosanroll zsemlefor five m ore hours még öt órát

10. office furniture irodabútorfortunately szerencsérelight enough elég világoscom fortably kényelm esen

11. university qualification egyetem i végzettségprofession hivatáswhite-collar worker szellem i m unkásto do brainw ork szellem i m unkát végezresearch er kutató

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12 . skilled w o rk er szak k ép zett m u n k ás

tra d e szak m a

su ch as m in t például

c a r m ech an ic au tó szere lő

co m p u ter o p e ra to r szám ítógép -k ezelő

tu rn e r esz terg á ly o s

b eau tician k o zm etik u s

railw ay m an v a su ta s

glazier ü veges

b rick lay er kőm ű ves

plum ber v ízvezeték -szerelő

c a rp e n te r ács

jo in er asz ta lo s

un skilled szak k ép zetlen

fa c to ry h an d seg éd m u n k ás

cle a n e r ta k a rító

sp ecial tra in in g sp eciális kép zés

13 . profile szak m ai ö n éle tra jz

q u alificatio n s szak k ép zettség

sch o o lin g iskolai v é g z e tts é g

p rev io u s e x p e rie n ce ko ráb bi ta p a s z ta la t

p r e s e n t sa lary jelen leg i fize tés

1 4 - 1 7 . job a d (v e rtise m e n t) állásh ird etés

c . v . (cu rricu lu m v ita e ) ön életra jz

e m p lo y m en t ag en cy m u n k ak ö zv etítő ü g y n ö k ség

u n em p lo y m en t m u n k an élk ü liség

1 8 - 2 2 . s ta r tin g s a la ry kezdő fizetés

p e rso n n e l officer szem ély zeti v eze tő

office h o u rs m unk aid ő

p ro s p e c ts o f a d v a n ce m e n t elő re ju tási k ilá táso k

to b e e n titled to m egilleti

to show , -ed ro u n d k ö rb ev ezet

p ro m o tio n elő lép tetés

en tire ly teljes m érték b en

in d u stry szo rg alo m

p ro b a tio n a ry p erio d prób aidő

s a tis fa c to ry kielégítő

p e rm a n e n t állandó

p e rm a n e n t s ta ff állan d ó m u n k a e rőan n u al s a la ry in cre m e n ts . É v e n k é n ti f iz e té se m e lé s

2 3 - 2 6 . to m ak e a s u cce ss of s ik e rre v iszad eq u ate m eg felelő , e leg en d őto w ork on th e s id e /to do a seco n d job m ellék állása v a nfutile h iáb av alósu sp icion g y an ú , g y a n ú s ítá sill-will ro ssz in d u la tgrud ge irig y sé gm on ey talk s a p én z b eszélw ages fizetés (te lje s ítm é n y u tá n )



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to support one’s family eltartja a családjátbonus jutalék

27-28. sufficiently mature kellőképpen érettthe slightest idea leghalványabb elképzelésconsiderable jelentősto enrol, -led beiratkozik

29. to take sg for granted biztosra vesztrade szakmato guide, -d irányít, vezet, tanácsot adability képességto stimulate, -d ösztönöz, stimulálrange of fields sokféle területpoor judge of rossz bírája vnekguidance segítség, tanácsadás

30-31. respected elismertto go in for vmilyen pályára megymedicine orvostudománypoor financial prospects rossz anyagi küátások

32. to obtain, -ed szerezacademic qualification tudományos képzettséglecture room előadóteremto be at one’s disposal rendelkezésére állvacation vakáció, szünetadvisable tanácsosto keep a high profile gyakran megjelenikassignment feladattutor tanár

33. University of Economics közgazdaságtudományi egyetemUniversity of Technology műszaki egyetemUniversity of Medicine orvosi egyetemUniversity of Arts and Sciences tudományegyetemFaculty of Arts/Divinity/Natural Sciences/Law

bölcsészettudományi/ teológiai/ természettudományi/ jogi kar

Academy of Fine Arts /Music/Applied Arts/Film and Theatrical Artsképzőművészeti/ zeneművészeti/ iparművészeti/színművészeti főiskola

Naval/Military Academy tengerészeti akadémia/ katonai főiskolaTeacher Training College tanárképző főiskolaCollege of Trade and Catering/Foreign Trade/Finance andAccountancy/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry/Physical Education

vendéglátóipari/ külkereskedelmi/ pénzügyi és számviteli főiskola, agrártudományi/ kertészeti/erdészeti egyetem/ testnevelési főiskola

Training College for Kindergarten Teachers óvónőképzőBallet Institute balettintézetCollege of Advanced Technology műszaki főiskola

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6. Életmód

LIFESTYLE■ Napirend, időbeosztás


■ Az egészséges életmód (a helyes és a helytelen táplálkozás, a testmozgás szerepe az egészség megőrzésében, testápolás)HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE

■ Étkezési szokások a családban MEALS IN THE HOME

■ Ételek, kedvenc ételekFOOD AND FAVOURITE DISHES

■ Étkezés iskolai menzán, éttermekben, gyorséttermekben CANTEEN, RESTAURANTS, FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS

■ Gyakori betegségek, sérülések, baleset COMMON DISEASES, INJURIES, ACCIDENTS

■ Gyógykezelés (háziorvos, szakorvos, kórházak)CURES (general practitioners, specialists, hospitals)

QUESTIONS1. When do you usually get up?2. How do you wake up?3. What do you do first when you get up?4. What do you do in the bathroom?5. Who prepares your breakfast?6. What do you usually have for breakfast?7. How do you go to work/ school?

8. How long does it take to get there?9. What is your school time-table like?

10. Have you got a morning/ lunch break?11. Where do you have lunch?

12. What do you usually have for lunch?

13. What do you do after school?

14. How do you spend the evenings at home?

15. What time do you usually go to bed?

16. How many hours of sleep do you need?

17. Describe your daily routine on a Sunday.

18. What must you do to keep in good health?

19. What should a healthy diet contain?

20. How many times do you eat a day? What are these meals?

21. What does a lunch usually consist of in Hungary?

22. What are our national dishes?


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23. What do you usually have for supper?24. What do you keep in the fridge/ larder?25. Who does the cooking in your family?26. Can you cook?27. Do you like cooking?28. What is your favourite dish?29. How do you make it?30. How do you lay the table?31. Do you often go to restaurants?32. What do you do when you enter a restaurant?

33. What do you do after that?34. How do you get your lunch at the canteen?35. Are you happy with the canteen food?36. How many courses do you usually have?37. What do you generally take for the first /second/ third course?38. What is Hungarian cuisine famous for?39. What choices do you have if you want to dine out?40. When do people choose the self-service system?41. What do you do when you go into a self-service restaurant?

42. How do you choose your meal?43. Where do you pay for the food?

44. What are the advantages of these restaurants?

45. Are there any disadvantages?46. When were you last ill?

47. What was the matter with you?

48. Did you go to the doctor’s?

49. How did the doctor examine you?

50. What treatment did he prescribe?

51. Where did you get the medicine?

52. How long did it take you to recover?

53. What do you do if you have tooth-ache?

54. What are the commonest diseases?

55. W hat diseases did you suffer from in childhood?

56. Have you ever been in hospital?

57. Have you had any major operations?

58. W hat are most people operated on for?

59. How are you prepared for an operation?

60. What departments are there in a hospital?

61. What specialists work in these departments?

62. Have you ever broken any of your bones?

63. What happens to people who have broken their arms/legs?

64. When do people need to be rushed to the casualty department?

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1. On weekdays I usually get up at half past six/ six o’clock because work/ school starts at seven/ eight o’clock. On Saturdays and Sundays I get up much later, at about nine or ten.

2. It is usually my mother who wakes me up. But sometimes I set the alarm clock and when it rings I get out of bed. It is always/ never very difficult for me to get up.

3 -4 . When I get up I go to the bathroom to wash. I wash my face/ neck, ears and hands and dry myself with a towel. Sometimes I take a shower or have a bath. Then I clean my teeth, comb my hair and begin to get dressed.

5. My mother does/ I do. Before she leaves she puts my breakfast on the table and I only have to eat it. / My mother is always in a hurry in the mornings, so she doesn’t have time to prepare my breakfast.

6. I usually have a sandwich/ buttered toast with jam or honey/ bread and some salami/ scrambled eggs/ soft or hard boiled eggs/ just some fruit for breakfast. I like to drink milk/ hot chocolate/ tea with milk/ tea with lemon/ white coffee/ black coffee .

7. I go to work/ school on foot/ by bus/ by car/ by tram/ by train/ by underground;/ I usually cycle to work;/ I go to the bus stop, get on a number 23 bus, and get off right outside the school/ office.

8. When I walk it takes me about twenty-five minutes to get there. It is much faster when I take a bus. The journey then doesn’t take more than ten minutes.

9 -1 0 . The lessons normally start at eight o’clock unless we have a seven-o’clock lesson.Fortunately this happens only once a week. On an average day there are six lessons with ten-minute breaks in between. The lessons last for forty-five minutes and the long break after the second lesson lasts for twenty minutes. There is no separate lunch break; everybody can have lunch when all the lessons are over.

11. On weekdays I always have lunch in the school canteen but at the weekends I have lunch at home. There is quite good food in the canteen but the amount they give for lunch is not always enough for me.

12. I usually start with some soup (bean/ lentil/ pea/ meat/ fruit etc.) then I either have some vegetable sauce or some kind of meat with rice or potatoes. For the third course I sometimes have fruit or cakes.

13. After school I go home, have a chat with my brother/ sister/friends and sit down to study for the next day’s lessons. When my mother comes home from work I help her with the housework.

14. After supper I help my mother to clear the table and wash up the dishes. I f I have a lot of homework I sit down and study until eight or nine o’clock. Then I watch TV or read a good book.

15. I usually go to bed at ten o’clock or at half past ten. If I am very tired I try to go to bed earlier, at about nine.

16. I need at least seven/ eight/ nine hours of sleep every night otherwise I am tired and grumpy the following morning.

17. On Sunday morning I get up at about nine or ten o’clock. I have a big breakfast then I go to church. By the time I get home my mother has finished cooking and the family has lunch together. After lunch I try to spend some time outdoors; I go walking with


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my friends or we go to the cinema together. If I don’t feel like going out I watch TV or relax with an interesting book. I go to bed earlier than on Saturday because on Monday I have to get up early again.

18. To keep in good health you must try to lead a healthy life. This means that you must do some sport regularly and have a healthy diet as well.

19. a A healthy diet should contain at least the same amount of fibre as fat. It should alsocontain the major nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, calories or iron. It should be high in vegetables and grains, with a modest amount of meat.

19. b) I think if you are happy with what you are eating then that is your healthy diet. It ismuch worse to be continuously worried about your nutrition than to eat what you actually wish to eat.

20. Normally I eat three/ four times a day. These meals are breakfast, (elevenses), lunch and supper. I eat the most for lunch and the least for supper.

21. Lunch consists of three courses: first comes some soup (vegetable, meat or fruit soup). The second course is either some meat (pork, beef, veal, chicken, duck, turkey or fish ) with potatoes, rice or some vegetable dish made from peas, beans, cabbage or lentils. The second course may also be some noodles with cottage cheese or pancakes. The third course is usually some cake or fruit.

22. Our most popular national dishes are Újházi chicken soup, goulash, fish soup, chicken paprika with sour cream, noodles with cottage cheese, sour cream and bacon, stuffed cabbage etc.

23. I don’t have a hot meal in the evening unless there is some left-over from lunch. But normally I just have a sandwich or some cold cuts and eggs for supper. When I am on a slimming diet I don’t have supper at all.

24. I keep butter, cold cuts, milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, fresh meat, fruit and vegetables in the fridge. In the larder I keep flour, cooking oil, sugar, rice, spices, canned and tinned food, etc.

25. It is usually me/ my mother/ my wife who does the cooking in our family. I quite often help her, though./ My husband quite often helps me, though.

26-27. a) I am afraid I can’t cook very well. I can prepare some of the basic dishes and I am very good at making tea and scrambled eggs. But to tell you the truth I don’t like cooking at all.

26-27. b) I think I can cook quite well. I can make very good soups, meat dishes and vegetable sauces. I can also bake cakes. I enjoy cooking and I do cook for my family every day.

28-29. My favourite dish is pancakes and they are very easy to prepare. You need some flour, eggs, some salt, sugar, milk and water. You mix them and fry the liquid in a frying pan. Then you stuff the pancakes with marmalade, cottage cheese or poppy­seed.

30. First I put the plates on it. The napkin, the knife and the spoon go on the right-hand side and the fork goes on the left. I put the glasses and the dessert spoons in front of the plates.

31. I don’t often go to a restaurant, only if I have some guests or I want to celebrate a special occasion.

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35. a)

35. b)

36-37 .



40 -43 .

44-45 .

When you enter a restaurant you look for an empty table, sit down and ask the waiter for the menu. Then you order the dishes you want to have. After having your meal you ask for the bill, pay it and give a tip to the waiter.

In the canteen we join a queue. After taking a tray, cutlery, some paper serviettes and a glass we pass the various counters and choose what we want to have.

Naturally, canteen food is not in the same street as what your mother/wife cooks at home, but I am not particularly choosy or fastidious about what I eat. I eat everything that is delicious and well-cooked.

I am not very keen on the food that we get in the canteen, because it is usually a far cry from what I really like. I have a sweet tooth, but you are rarely given any cakes. There is too much meat and vegetable sauce.

Lunch consists of three courses: first comes some soup (clear, vegetable, meat, pea, bean or fruit soup). I generally take fruit soup, because this is my favourite. The second course is either some meat (a pork chop, a slice of roast beef, some poultry or fish, usually tuna-fish) with garnish (mashed potatoes, chips or rice) or with some vegetable dish made from green peas, split peas, French beans, marrow, spinach or sorrel. Cabbage is also popular prepared as cabbage with tomatoes or stuffed cabbage. The second course may also be some noodles, pancakes, strudel (filled with fruit, cottage cheese, cabbage or poppy-seed), scones or doughnuts. The third course is always some cake or depending on the season of the year fresh or stewed fruit.

The Hungarians take great pride in their fish dishes, made from the delicate pike- perch caught in Lake Balaton and the many varieties that abound in the Danube. The Fish Soup is a meal in itself. I think Hungarian cuisine has a good reputation and the foreigners who come here find our dishes very tasty and delicious. Hungarian Goulash, for example, is world famous, but there are many other inviting, lesser- known specialities. Many local dishes are prepared with paprika, which despite its fiery red colour gives a rather pleasing sweet taste to the food. Among the most popular national dishes are paprika chicken with sour cream, veal chops cooked in a paprika sauce, and stuffed cabbage, which is a pure delight for those who like cabbage. There is also a rich choice of noodles in Hungary: noodles with ground poppy-seed and sugar, with cabbage or roasted paprika potatoes. Our national dish is noodles with cottage cheese, sour cream and pieces of roasted bacon. W e Hungarians are also fond of different soups; we are a soup-eating nation. The most popular soup is Újházi chicken broth. A typical Hungarian lunch is unimaginable without soup.

To eat out means to have a meal in a restaurant. If you want to dine out you have the choice of going to a first-, second-, or third-class restaurant, a self-service restaurant or in summer to an open-air restaurant.

People choose the self-service system if they are in a hurry and they want to have a quick meal. You go into the restaurant and choose the dish you want to eat from the list hanging on the wall. Then you pick up a tray, knife, fork and spoon and queue at the counter where the food is on display. You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. The cashier will give you the bill. After paying you take your tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer.

Self-service restaurants have the advantage of offering inexpensive dishes. You can have a good meal in ten minutes and there is no waiter so you don’t have to give a tip. What’s more, you never buy a pig-in-a-poke, which quite frequently happens in a


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first-class restaurant. The only disadvantage is that you may not always find a free table as the place may be crowded and noisy.

46-47. a) I was ill about a month/ two weeks/ half a year ago. I had flu/ a bad cold. I had a headache and a sore throat. My nose was running and I was coughing and sneezing. I had a temperature of 37.5 (thirty-seven point five degrees). I also had a pain in my chest.

46-47. b) I can’t remember the time that I was last ill. I have had flu several times in my life but fortunately, I haven’t been ill for a long time.

48-49. When I had flu I decided to see the doctor. He looked at my tongue and throat, feltmy pulse and listened to my lungs. He gave me a thermometer to take my temperature. It was quite high. He diagnosed my illness and prescribed some medicine.

50. The doctor said I had to stay in bed for a few days and take the medicine three times a day/ twice a day after meals. He also told me to drink a lot of hot tea with lemon and keep warm.

51. I got all the pills at the nearby chemist’s, went home and went to bed right away.

52. It took me for about a week/ three days to recover. / After following the doctor’s advice I soon recovered from my illness.

53. I f I have toothache I go to the dentist. The dentist then fills the aching tooth. If it is too far gone he pulls it out.

54. Perhaps influenza is the commonest disease but there are a lot of people who suffer from different kinds of allergies. Unfortunately, a large number of people have nervous breakdowns. The most common causes of death are cancer and heart attack.

55. When I was a child I had mumps/ measles/ scarlet fever/ chicken pox/ whooping cough.

56-59. I was in hospital when I was a child. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed. I think this is a very common reason for an operation even in adulthood. Most people, however, are operated on for appendicitis. Sometimes an emergency operation is needed. Before the operation the surgeons and the nurses dress in green, wash their hands and put on masks. You are put on a trolley and taken to the operating theatre where you get a local or a general anaesthetic. If you get a general anaesthetic you will be sent to sleep. Sometimes you are given a laxative a day before the operation.

60-61. Physicians work in the department of internal medicine, which is usually the largest department in a hospital. Then there is the operating theatre, where surgeons work, and the gynaecology and maternity wards. The urology ward is where your kidney troubles are treated and if you have any problem with your skin you are sent to the dermatology department. The ear-nose-and-throat department is usually next to the eye department, where eye specialists work. Psychiatrists and nerve specialists treat their patients in the neurology department. People who have difficulty in moving are looked after in the rheumatology department or sent to a health resort where they get physiotherapy. The cardiology department and the intensive care unit are usually on one of the upper floors. The radiology department, the laboratory and the casualty department are on the ground floor so that they can be easily accessible.

62-63. Fortunately I have never broken any of my bones, but obviously, people who have broken bones have to go to, or are taken to, hospital for an X-ray. If it is a young person the bone will set quickly but he will have to have it in plaster for a time, too. If

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it is his leg that is broken he will naturally have to go round on crutches until the plaster comes off. Once the plaster comes off, he will still have to rest it and walk as little as possible.

64. People need to be taken to the casualty department if they have had an accident suchas falling down on a slippery road, colliding with a car and bruising their skin, getting an internal haemorrhage and serious wounds, scalding or burning themselves while cooking and having third-degree burns and in the case of other serious emergency situations.

VOCABULARY LIST1. weekday munkanap

2. to set the alarm clock beállítja az ébresztőórátto ring, rang, rung csörögnito get out of bed kikel az ágyból

3-4. to dry oneself megtörölköznitowel törölközőto take a shower zuhanyozikto have a bath megfürdikto comb one’s hair megfésülködikto get dressed felöltözködik

5. to be in a hurry sietnito prepare, -d elkészíteni

6. buttered toast vajas pirítóshoney mézscrambled eggs tojásrántottasofb/hard-boiled eggs lágy-/keménytojáschocolate kakaówhite coffee tejeskávé

7. on foot gyalogto cycle, -d kerékpároznito get on/off felszáll/ leszállright outside közvetlen előtte

8. to walk, -ed gyalog mennijourney út, utazás

9-10. unless hacsaknemseven-o’clock lesson nulladik órafortunately szerencséreaverage átlagosbreak szünetto last, -ed tartani vmeddigseparate különto be over befejeződni

11. amount mennyiség12. bean soup bableves

lentil lencsepea borsó

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vegetable sauce főzelékcourse fogás

13. to have a chat beszélgetto help sy with sg segít vkinek vmiben

15. to clear the table leszedni az asztaltdish edény

16. otherwise különbengrumpy morcos

17. outdoors a szabad levegőnto feel like doing sg kedve van vmihezto relax, -ed kikapcsolódni

18. to lead a healthy way of life egészségesen éldiet étrend

19. fibre rostnutrient táplálékgrain rostos, szemes táplálékmodest amount kis mennyiségnutrition táplálás, táplálkozás

20. elevenses tízóraisupper könnyű vacsorathe least a legkevesebbet

21. to consist, -ed of sg áll vmibőlcourse fogáseither ... or vagy ... vagypork disznóhúsbeef marhahúsveal borjúhúsduck kacsaturkey pulykadish étellentil lencsenoodles kifőtt tésztacottage cheese túrópancake palacsinta

22. national dish nemzeti ételchicken paprika with sour cream csirkepaprikássour cream tejfelsttuffed cabbage töltött káposztá

23. leftover maradékcold cuts hideg felvágottakto be on a slimming diet fogyókúrázikat all egyáltalán

24. cream tejszínfresh meat tőkehúslarder élelmiszertároló, kamraflour lisztcooking oil étolaj


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5 2

s p ic e s fű s z e re k

tin n e d food k o n z e rv é te l

2 5 . to do th e c o o k in g fő zn i

th o u g h b á r

2 6 - 2 7 . I a m a f ra id a ttó l t a r to k

to p r e p a r e , -d e lk é sz íte n i

b a s ic d ish e s a la p é te le k

to b e g o o d a t s g jó v m ib e n

to te ll th e t r u th az ig a z a t m e g v a llv a

v e g e ta b le s a u c e fő z e lé k

to b a k e , -d s ü tn i

2 8 - 2 9 . fa v o u rite k e d v e n c

to n e e d , -ed s z ü k sé g e v a n

to m ix , -ed ö s s z e k e v e r

liquid fo ly ad ék

fry in g p a n p a la c s in ta s ü tő

to s tu ff , -ed m e g tö lt

p o p p y -seed m á k

3 0 . n a p k in s z a lv é ta

d e s s e r t sp o o n k isk a n á l

3 1 . to c e le b r a te , -d m e g ü n n e p e l

o c c a s io n a lk a lo m

3 2 - 3 3 . to e n te r s g b e lé p n i v h o v á

e m p ty ü r e s

to o r d e r th e d ish e s m e g re n d e li a z é te le k e t

to a s k f o r th e bill k é r i a s z á m lá t

tip b o rr a v a ló

3 4 . s e lf -s e rv ice ö n k iszo lg á ló

c u tle ry e v ő eszk ö z

s e r v ie tte s z a lv é ta

3 5 . n o t in th e s a m e (le a g u e ) s t r e e t n e m le h e t e g y n a p o n e m líte n i

c h o o sy fin n y á s

f a s tid io u s v á lo g a tó s

a f a r c r y f ro m tá v o l á ll v m itő l

to h a v e a s w e e t to o th é d e s s z á jú

v e g e ta b le s a u c e fő z e lé k

y o u r tu r n te k ö v e tk e z e l

3 6 - 3 7 . c le a r so u p c s o n tle v e s

c o u r s e fo g á s

le n til so u p le n c s e le v e sp o rk ch o p d isz n ó h ú s s z e le tp o u ltry s z á r n y a s á l la ttu n a -fish to n h a lg a r n ish k ö r e tm a s h e d p o ta to e s k ru m p lip ü réch ip h a s á b b u r g o n y as p lit p e a s á r g a b o r s ó

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French bean zöldbabmarrow tökspinach spenótsorrel sóskacabbage with tomatoes paradicsomos káposztastuffed cabbage töltött káposztanoodles kifőtt tésztapancake palacsintastrudel filled with cottage cheese túrós rétespoppy-seed mákscone pogácsadoughnut fánk

38. to take pride in büszke vmiredelicate ízletespike-perch fogas, süllőto abound, -ed bővelkedikcuisine konyhaművészetreputation hírnévluscious ízes, fűszeresinviting csábító, vonzólesser-known kevésbé ismertfiery red tűzpirospaprika chicken with sour cream paprikás csirke (tejfölösen)veal stew borjúpörkölthearty tápláló, bőségespure delight csupa élvezetto grind, ground 3 őrölnoodles with roasted paprika potatoes krumplis tésztascrap darabkabroth zöldséges húslevesunimaginable elképzelhetetlen

39. open-air szabadtériself-service önkiszolgáló

40-43. tray tálcato be on display ki van rakvato pick out kiválasztto push along tolrack tartócashier pénztáros

44-45. inexpensive olcsótip borravalópig-in-a-poke zsákbamacska

46-47. flu (influenza) influenzato have a sore throat fáj a torkamy nose is running folyik az orromto cough, -ed köhögto sneeze, -d tüsszentto have a pain in one’s chest fáj a mellkasa

5 3

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48-49. to see the doctor elmegy az orvoshoztongue nyelvto feel one’s pulse megméri a pulzusátlungs tüdőthermometer lázmérőto diagnose, -d diagnosztizálto prescribe, -d medicine gyógyszert felír

50. three times a day naponta háromszortea with lemon citromos teato keep, kept, kept warm melegen tartja magát

51. pill tablettanearby közelichemist’s gyógyszertárright away azonnal

52. to recover, -ed felgyógyulto follow, -ed követni

53. toothache fogfájásdentist fogorvosto fill, -ed betömniaching tooth fájó fogfar gone előrehaladottto pull out kihúzni

54. common disease gyakori betegségto suffer from a disease betegségben szenveda large number of számosnervous breakdown idegösszeroppanáscause okcancer rákheart attack szívinfarktus

55. mumps mumpszmeasles kanyaróscarlet fever skarlátchicken pox bárányhimlőwhooping cough szamárköhögés

56-59. tonsil / adenoids mandula / orrpolipstretcher hordágylocal anaesthetics helyi érzéstelenítéslaxative hashajtóto be operated on for sg vmivel megoperálják

60-61. specialist szakorvosphysician orvosinternal medicine belgyógyászatoperating theatre műtőgynaecology nőgyógyászatmaternity ward szülészet, szülőszobadermatology bőrgyógyászatnerve specialist ideggyógyászhealth resort szanatórium


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physiotherapy fizikoterápiásintensive care unit intenzív osztálycasualty department baleseti sebészet, ambulanciaaccessible elérhető

62-63. X-ray röntgento set, set, set összeforrin plaster gipszben, begipszelvecrutches mankó

64. to collide, -d összeütközikto bruise one’s skin felhorzsolja a bőrétinternal haemorrhage belső vérzésserious wound súlyos sérülés, sebscalding forrázás, perzselésthird-degree burn harmadfokú égés

7. Szabadidő, művelődés, szórakozás

FR EE TIME, ENTERTAINMENT■ Szabadidős elfoglaltságok, hobbik


■ Színház, mozi, koncert, kiállítás stb.THEATRE, CINEMA, CONCERT, EXHIBITION

■ Sportolás, kedvenc sport, iskolai sport Sport, favourite sport, sport in the school

■ Olvasás, rádió, TV, videó, számítógép, internet READING, RADIO, TV, VIDEO, COMPUTER, INTERNET

■ Kulturális események CULTURAL EVENTS

QUESTIONS1. What are your hobbies?

2. What else do you like doing in your spare time?

3. What other hobbies could you name?

4. How often do you go to the theatre?

5. How did you enjoy your last visit to the theatre?

6. What was the play about?

7. Where did you sit?

8. Where else can you sit?

9. What happens when you find your seat?

10. What can you do during the intervals?

11. Who is your favourite actor/ actress? Why?

12. What kinds of films can you see at the cinema?


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13. W hat sort of films do you like?14. Do you ever watch TV?15. Which are your favourite programmes?16. Which do you prefer: radio or television?17. When do you usually listen to the radio?

18. Which programmes do you always listen to? Why?

19. W hat kind of music do you like?

20. When did you last go to a concert?

21. Who gave the concert?

22. How did you like the performance of the musicians?

23. W hat kind of concerts do you like going to? Why?

24. Have you got one or two favourite performers, groups or orchestras at the moment? Who?

25. Do you do any sports regularly?

26. How many P .E. lessons do you have a week?

27. W hat facilities does your school have for sports?

28. W hat are the basic winter sports?

29. W hat w ater sports do you know?

30. W hat sports events does athletics include?

31. W hat ball games do you know?

32. Do you like football?

33. W hat sports events do you like watching on TV?

34. Do you ever watch video films or DVDs?

35. W hat are m ost video films/ DVDs like?

36. Have you got a computer?

37. W hat do you use it for?

38. Do you use the Internet?

39. W hat can you use it for?

40. W hat websites do you often visit?

41. Do you use the Internet for chatting?

42. W hich newspapers do you subscribe to?

43. W hat kind of newspapers are there in Hungary?

44. W hat are your newspaper reading habits?

45. W here can you get books from?

46. W hat can you do in the reading-room of a library?

47. Do you like reading?

48. W hat kind of books do you like?

49. Who is your favourite author? Why?

50. Tell the story of the book you last read.

51. W hat else can you do in your free time if you live in a big town?

52. W hat works of art can you see in m ost museums?

53. W here can you find community centres in Hungary?


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54. What role do they play in the life of a community?55. What constitutes their basic activity?56. What are some of the facilities they offer?57. What do they regularly organise?

MODEL ANSWERS1. a) My hobby is collecting stamps and keeping pets. I have a big black dog, two cats and

a budgie.

1. b) My hobby is sewing. I make clothes for myself and the other members of the familytoo. I also like embroidery and knitting. I have already knitted several scarves and some pullovers.

2. a) In my spare time I also like collecting coins. I have got a coin from almost everycountry in the world. I also like modelling and taking photos.

2. b) In my spare time I like reading and listening to music. I like both modem andclassical music. My favourite piece of music is... and my favourite band is... . When the weather is nice I like going on trips. I especially like walking in the mountains.

3. Some people like gardening/ bird watching/ mountain climbing/ travelling/ visiting friends/ doing cross-word puzzles while others prefer drawing/ painting/ writing poetry/ playing card games/ catching butterflies or playing some sport.

4. a) I quite often go to the theatre. I have a season ticket and I try to watch all the -performances.

4. b) I don’t like going to the theatre very much. I prefer films to plays so I either go to thecinema or watch TV at home.

5. a) When I last went to the theatre I saw an interesting play called... . The story was veryexciting and the acting was perfect. I enjoyed every moment of it.

5. b) When I last went to the theatre I saw a boring play directed by... . It was not at allenjoyable and I hated every moment of it.

6. The play told us the famous story of ... in three acts. It is the story of a young lady/ old man/ married couple/ two lovers who get into a lot of trouble. In the end everything is settled and the story has a happy ending.

7-8 . When I last went to the theatre I sat in the stalls. There are very comfortable seats in the boxes. Over the boxes is the dress-circle, then the balconies and finally the gallery.

9. When you find your seat you look at the programme booklet. Soon after you hear the bell the lights go out. Then the curtain rises, the actors appear on the stage and the play begins.

10. During the interval you can go to the buffet, where you can have a nice drink and talk about the play.

11. My favourite actor/ actress is... . He/ she does very well in every part and he/ she is really successful. He/ she stars in many excellent films and is very popular with the public.

12-13. At the cinema you can see a lot of different kinds of films: mainly western/ adventure films, thrillers/ horror films, detective stories, science fiction, romantic films, love stories, cartoons etc. I prefer love stories or films about everyday life to thrillers and horror stories.


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CONVERSA T IO N _____________ ____________________FR E E T IM E , ENTERTAINMENT

14. a) I don’t often watch TV on weekdays because I have to work/ study a lot. At the week­ends, when I have more time, I alwuys watch the programmes that interest me.

14. b) I watch TV regularly. When I come home from school/ work I switch it on and whenthere is a programme thut interests me I sit down and watch it.

15. My favourite programmes are serials/ political programmes/ documentaries/ quizes/ newsreels/ feature films/ cartoons/ shows, etc.

16. I usually prefer the TV because it is more enjoyable than the radio. But sometimes it depends on the programme. When there is a good music programme on the radio I prefer to listen to it and I don’t switch on the TV then.

17-18. I always listen to the radio in the mornings. I switch it on right after getting up and listen to the morning news and the weather forecast. I also like listening to music and the morning programme is full of good pieces of music.

19. I like classical music/ jazz/ pop/ rock etc. music. I love operas/ symphonies/musicals. My favourite piece of music is... / my favourite band is... .

20-24. a) The other day we went to a concert given by the National Philharmonic Orchestra.They performed Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony with ... as conductor. It was splendid beyond words. Then a violinist called ... played Kreisler’s concerto to the accompaniment of the orchestra. He is a talented musician with a fine technique. At the end of the concert the music lovers in the audience were really delighted. I also like going to recitals but only if the soloist is a good musician. I try to go to vocal concerts whenever there is one in our town because 1 myself used to sing in a choir and I still feel attached to this kind of music. I especially like listening to the mixed choir of our town.

20-24. b) I don’t often go to concerts, but if I do it is usually a pop concert. I quite like pop music although I would not call myself a fan. The pop concert I last went to was given by a well-known Hungarian band. I especially enjoyed the way the bass guitarist played his instrument. The singer, the oboist and the drummer were great too. I like pop concerts because they allow you to listen to music, meet lots of other young people and to have a good time.

25. a) I run quite a lot and I especially like jogging in summer and skiing in winter.Sometimes I try to do some exercise in the mornings but I don’t have enough time to do it regularly.

25. b) I am afraid I don’t do any sport regularly. I occasionally go swimming at the nearest swimming-pool or play a ball game with my friends.

26-27. We have three P.E. lessons a week either in the school gymnasium or in one of the two sports fields outside the school. One field is for football or handball, the other is either for volley-ball, basketball or tennis.Around the sports fields there are running tracks.

28. The basic winter sports are skiing, skating and ice-hokey. In winter children like snowballing and sledging.

29. The water sports I know are swimming, rowing, sailing, wind-surfing, water-skiing, water-polo and diving.

30. Athletics includes running, hammer throwing, discus and javelin throwing as well as high jumping and long jumping.


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32. a)

32. b)


34-35. a)

34-35. b)




41. a)

41. b)





There are quite a few ball games and most of them are very enjoyable to watch or play. The ones I like are football, handball, volley-ball, basketball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton, hockey, ice-hockey, water-polo. The ones I have heard about are cricket, rugby and golf.

I love football and I often go to football matches. My favourite team is ... but I am not always happy with the way they play.

I hate football and I never go to football matches. I think all the Hungarian teams are very weak and there is nothing enjoyable about the way they play.

I like watching most sports especially ball games and athletics. Whenever there is a world championship I sit in front of the television and cheer for the Hungarian teams or sportsmen and sportswomen. In winter I love watching figure-skating, especially ice dancing.

I quite often watch video films / DVDs and I am a regular customer at the video hire shop. I enjoy action films the most because they are usually very well done and give you a lot of excitement. I am also fond of horror films, they are macabre and spine- chilling, and I think somewhere at the back of their minds everybody longs for adventure and thrills, or even fear.

I hardly ever watch video films / DVDs and I can tell you I hate them. A great many of these films are full of psychologically aberrant people for whom human life has not much value.

Yes, I have a computer at home and I also use it at school and in Internet cafes. I often use it for word processing and for E-mails. I correspond with quite a few friends in different parts of the country and also abroad.

Yes, I regularly use the Internet for getting information about the things I am interested in. Nowadays it is very important to know what is happening in the world. I also use it for downloading good films or music.

Often, I just sit in front of the screen and surf the Net for fun. If I want to get informed about a specific event, I try to find a place to get the relevant information from. I just type in the key word and then choose from the tips offered by a search website. Usually, I find more information than I need, some of which is often unreliable. I think I have found a way to decide what to believe and what not.

I have been chatting on the Internet for some time and I enjoy it a lot. I can chat with people from all over the world, I can make friends and learn a lot about the ways other people live and think, even if sometimes it is not their real identity that they disclose.

I haven’t used the Internet for chatting yet. I prefer real friends to virtual ones. I may try it in the future, though.

I subscribe to the local daily, a serious national daily and the Radio and TV Times. I used to subscribe to a serious weekly as well but I don’t like it any more.

Hungary has local and national papers. They are either serious or sensational. Some political parties also have their own newspapers. There are also several weeklies, dailies and monthlies. These are different magazines and journals.

I always start with the articles on home politics. Then I read the international news and the arts pages. I sometimes read the advertisements and the gossip column. I never read the sports news.


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You can borrow books from a library or you can buy them in a bookshop. Unfortunately, books are very expensive nowadays, so it is better to use the library. I need a lot of books for my work/ at school so I often go to the local library.

In the reading-room of a library you can read the books that cannot be borrowed. These are mainly lexicons, encyclopaedias, dictionaries etc. You may also find newspapers and magazines in a reading-room, but you cannot borrow them either.

I love reading and I have a lot of books at home. I like reading fiction; mainly short stories and poems. /I like reading romances/ crime stories/ science fiction/ biographies/ books on history/ books on nature etc.

My favourite author is... . All his novels are very interesting and easy to read. I usually read his books at a sitting because they are so exciting that I can’t put them down. I love his style and the way he writes.

The book I last read was written by... . It was a romance/ crime story/ autobiography/ tale/ adventure story, etc. It is about a... . We learn about his life and adventures. One of the most exciting parts is when... . In the end the heroes... .

If you live in a big town you are a lucky chap from the point of view of entertainment possibilities. You have a rich choice of museums, exhibitions where you can see paintings, graphics, water-colours and sculptures. By going to permanent or temporary exhibitions you can keep up with the latest trends in contemporary visual arts. If you want to dine out or listen to folk or gypsy music there are several restaurants, pubs, night clubs which you can choose from.

Most towns and villages have clubs or community centres which cater for the cultural requirements of the population. They combine recreation and education and do a lot to help people to develop their talents. They provide entertainment, all sorts of facilities for amateur science and art activities, organise concerts, shows, theatrical performances and lectures on political, scientific and cultural topics. They regularly organise exhibitions of modern art and make efforts to enable museum visitors of every age to better understand the items on display. Most cultural centres have their own amateur art groups, folk ensembles, choirs or even orchestras, who quite often give public performances or concerts. They run astronomy, photo and sewing circles as well as separate clubs for teenagers and pensioners


1. collecting stamps bélyeggyűjtéspet kedvenc háziállatbudgie papagájto sew, sewed, sewn varrnito embroider, -ed hímeznito knit, -ted kötni

2 . spare time szabadidőcoin pénzérmemodelling modellezéstaking photos fényképezéspiece of music zenedarabto go on trips kirándulni járniespecially különösen


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3. bird watching madarak figyelésemountain climbing hegymászáscross-word puzzle keresztrejtvénypainting festéswriting poetry versíráscard games kártyajátékokto catch, caught, caught elkapbutterfly pillangó

4. season ticket bérletperformance előadásplay színdarab

5. exciting izgalmasacting a színészek játékaperfect tökéletesboring unalmasto direct, -ed rendeznienjoyable élvezetes

6. famous híresin three acts három felvonásbanmarried couple házaspárto get into trouble bajba keveredikin the end végülto be settled elrendeződik, megoldódik

7-8. stalls zsöllye, földszinti ülésbox-es páholydress-circle első emeleti páholybalcony erkélygallery karzat

9. programme booklet programfüzetto go out kialszikcurtain függönyto rise, rose, risen felmegyto appear, -ed megjelenikstage színpad

10. interval szünetbuffet büfé

11. part szerepsuccessful sikeresto star, -red főszerepet alakítexcellent kiválópopular népszerű

12-13. adventure film kalandfilmthriller rémtörténetscience fiction tudományos-fantasztikus történetcartoon rajzfilm


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14. to interest, -edregularlyto switch, -ed on


15. serialdocumentaryquiznewsreel feature film

sorozatdokumentumfilm rejtvényműsor filmhíradó játékfilm, főfilm

16. to depend, -ed on sg programme

függ vmitől műsor

17-18. right after sg morning news weather forecast piece of music

közvetlenül vmi után reggeli krónika időjárás-jelentés zenedarab, szám

19. to subscribe to a newspaper local daily serious paper nationalRadio and TV Times weeklynot any more

újságot járat helyi napilap komoly lap országosRádió és TV újsághetilapmár nem

20-24. bass guitarist(musical) instrumentoboistdrummerperformer


25. joggingskiingto do some exercise regularly occasionally swimming-pool

kocogássíelésegy kicsit tornázik rendszeresen időnként uszoda

26-27. P.E. (physical education)gymnasiumsports fieldvolley-ballrunning tracks


28. basicskatingto snowball, -ed to sledge, -d


29. rowingsailingwater-polodiving

evezésvitorlázásvízilabdaműugrás, búvárkodás

30. athleticshammer throwing



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javelinhigh jumping long jumping


31. badminton tollaslabdahockey gyeplabda32. team csapat


33. especially különösenworld championship világbajnokságto cheer for a team drukkol egy csapatnaksportsman/ sportswoman sportoló/ sportolónőfigure-skating műkorcsolyázásice dancing jégtánc

34-35. to hire, -d bérelmacabre/ spine-chilling hátborzongatóto long, -ed for vágyik vmireto fill in a gap űrt betöltaberrant normálistól eltérőhuman life emberi élet

36-37. E-mail (Electronic mail) elektromos úton közvetített levélto correspond, -ed levelezabroad külföld, külföldön

38-39. nowadays mostanábanto download, -ed letölt

40. screen képernyőfor fun szórakozásbólto get informed informálódikspecific egyedi, sajátosevent eseményrelevant odaillő, passzoló, relevánskey word kulcsszótip ötlet, tippto search, -ed keresniunreliable megbízhatatlanto decide, -d eldönt

41. to chat, -ted társalog, csevegidentity egyéniségto disclose, -d felfedvirtual friends virtuális barátokthough bár, ámbár

42. to subscribe to a newspaper újságot járatlocal daily helyi napilapserious paper komoly lapnational országosRadio and TV Times Rádió és TV újság

weekly hetilap

not any more már nem


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43. sensational paper bulvárlapparty pártmonthly havi lapjournal folyóirat

44. home politics belpolitikainternational news nemzetközi hírekarts művészetekadvertisement hirdetésgossip column pletykarovatsports news sporthírek

45. to borrow, -ed kölcsönveszlibrary könyvtárlocal helyi

46. reading-room olvasóteremencyclopaedia enciklopédiadictionary szótár

47-48. fiction szépirodalomshort story novellapoem versbiography életrajzbook on history történelmi könyvnature természet

49. novel regényeasy to read könnyen olvashatóat a sitting egyszerrestyle stílus

50. autobiography önéletrajztale meseadventure kalandto learn about sg megtud, megismerin the end végülhero-es hős, hősök

51-52 . graphic grafikawater-colour vízfesték, akvarellsculpture szoborpermanent / temporay exhibition állandó / időszakos kiállítástrend irányzatcontemporary kortársgypsy music cigányzene

53-57 . community centre művelődési házto cater for ellát, gondoskodik vmirőlrecreation felüdülésitem on display / exhibit kiállított tárgyfolk ensemble népi együttescircle szakkör


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8 . U ta z á s, turizm us

TRAVELLING, TOURISM■ A közlekedés eszközei, lehetőségei, a tömegközlekedés


■ Nyaralás itthon, illetve külföldönSUMMER HOLIDAYS IN HUNGARY AND ABROAD

■ Utazási előkészületek, egy utazás megtervezése, megszervezése PREPARATIONS FOR A JOURNEY, PLANNING AND ORGANISING A JOURNEY

■ Az egyéni és a társas utazás előnyei és hátrányaiADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INDIVIDUAL AND PACKAGE TOURS

QUESTIONS1. How did you come to school today?2. How long did it take you to get here?3. What kinds of vehicles are used in city transport?4. How do you use the bus/ tram/ trolley bus in Budapest?5. How do you use the underground?6. How do you get to work/ school every day?7. How do you like to travel? Why?8. When did you last travel by train?9. Where do you like to sit?

10. Where did you buy the tickets?11. What did you do afterwards?12. What goes on at a railway station?13. What kind of trains can you travel on in Hungary?14. Have you ever flown?15. Did you enjoy flying?16. What do passengers have to do before boarding the plane?17. Where do you like to go on holiday?18. How do you prepare for a journey?19. What things do you pack before leaving?20. What documents do you need if you go abroad?21. What are you asked to do at the customs?22. Where can foreigners stay when they are in Hungary?23. What kind of rooms are there in a hotel?24. How can you book a room in a hotel?25. How do you check in?

26. What is the difference between a package tour and independent travel?27. Which one do you prefer? Why?


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M O D EL AN SW ERS1. a ) I came to school by bus/ coach/ train/ car. I went to the bus stop and got on a

number ten bus. I went two stops on the bus and I changed for bus number thirteen.I got off at the third stop. Then I turned right and went straight on for about a hundred metres.

1. b) My father drove me here in his car. We got up quite early in the morning and lefthome at about seven. There was not much traffic on the roads but still my father was driving very carefully. W hen we got into the town we drove down the main road and at the traffic lights we turned right.

2. As I don’t live far from here it didn’t take me more than half an hour to get here. /As I live quite a long way from here it took me more than two hours to get here by car.

3. In big cities there are several vehicles used in public transport such as buses, trams, trolley buses, suburban trains and the underground.

4 . You use all these vehicles in the same way. I f you do not have a season ticket, you buy a ticket first and when you get on the bus/ trolley bus or tram you punch it. You have to keep your ticket while travelling, as inspectors may come and ask you for it.

5 . I buy a ticket and put it into a machine at the gates. I go through the gates and go down to the platforms on an escalator. When the train comes, the doors open and I get on. W hen I get to my destination I get off, go up on the escalator and leave the station.

6 . I go to school/ work on foot every day. Fortunately, I don’t live far from the school/ where I work. I also think that it is healthier to walk than take a bus. I come out of the house, turn right into a narrow street, go along that street and at the next crossroads I turn left. I go as far as the park, cross the park and the school/ my office is right next to the park. Sometimes when I am in a hurry I take a bus. The bus-stop is outside our house. I get on the bus, take it two stops and it sets me down at the school/ at my office.

7. a ) I like to travel by car, because I think it is the fastest and most comfortable form oftransport, I don't like travelling by train because the carriages are usually crowded and noisy.

7. b) I like to travel by train/ coach, especially when I travel on business. Rail/ coach travel in Hungary is not very expensive and the trains/ coaches are usually punctual. There are also cheap fares offered to students and pensioners.

8 -9 . a ) I quite often travel by train, so it was not long ago that I last took a train. When Itravel by train I like to sit facing the engine and never with my back to the engine.

8 -9 . b) It is a long time since I last travelled by train. I don’t often take a train but when I doI like to sit in a non-smoking compartment.

1 0 -1 1 . I bought the tickets at the booking-office at the railway station. After that I went to the right platform and waited for the train to come. Then I got on the train and found a seat by the window in a second-class compartment. W hen the inspector came I showed him my ticket.

12. There are usually a lot of people at a railway station. Most of them are waiting fortheir trains to come. They are either standing on the platforms or sitting in the waiting-rooms reading newspapers. Others are queuing up at the ticket-offices or at the ticket machines.


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13. In Hungary you have the choice of the following kinds of trains: express trains, fastand slow passenger trains. Express trains are usually through trains while slow passenger trains stop at every single station.

14-15. a ) I have never flown because I am afraid of flying. I also think that air fares are very expensive so I go by train or coach instead.

14-15. b) I have flown several times. I think it is a very comfortable and fast way of travelling.I really enjoy flying especially when I sit next to the window. I love looking at the clouds or the beautiful scenery underneath.

16. Before boarding the plane, the passengers must check in. Their luggage is weighed and they get a boarding card. Then they go to the departure lounge, where they have to wait for some time. When their flight is announced they go to the right gate and get into the plane.

17. a ) I like to go abroad for my holiday. When I am on holiday I like to see as many newthings as possible. I enjoy walking around busy towns, going on sightseeing tours and meeting as many people as possible. I like going out in the evenings and having a lot of fun.

17. b) I like to go to nice, quiet places for my holiday. I love spending my holiday in thecountry or on a quiet seaside beach. I enjoy lying in the sun all day or taking long walks along the sea-shore.

18. F irst of all I go to a travel agency and ask them what they can offer. Then I choose the tour or place that I like and start thinking about what things I will need for the journey. If I decide to go abroad I have to get all the necessary documents. If I decide to go on an individual tour I have to arrange the accommodation for myself.

19. Before travelling you have to pack some of your clothes, your toilet goods such as your toothbrush, comb, razor and perfumery. It is good to take a camera with you as well.

20. If you want to travel abroad you need a passport and some foreign currency. There are some countries for which you also need a visa.

21. At the customs you are asked to show your passport and you may also be asked to show your luggage to the customs officials. If you have something to declare you are asked to fill in a form and pay some duty on the goods that are not duty-free.

22. Foreigners in Hungary can stay in camping-sites, motels and different kinds of hotel. In summer they can also stay in guest houses because there are a lot of people who let their houses to foreigners at that time of the year.

23. In a hotel they can usually offer you a choice of single rooms, double rooms, rooms with three or more beds, rooms with showers or with baths. If you are in a seaside hotel some rooms overlook the sea, other rooms may overlook the main road. A room with a view is always more expensive.

24. You can book a room on the phone or you can write a letter of reservation. When you are booking a room you always agree on the type of the room you want, the price and the number of nights you are going to spend there.

25. When you arrive at the hotel you check in. You fill in the registration form writing down your personal particulars, the room number and the number of nights you want to spend at the hotel. The reception clerk will then give you the key and will show you up to your room.


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26. In a package tour you travel with others and follow a prearranged itinerary covering all the famous spots and landmarks. You pay a single, all-inclusive price that covers everything such as transportation, meals, accommodation, sightseeing tours and guides. With independent travel you pay as you go and during the journey you can change your mind if you want to. But you can still find a travel agent and ask him to work out the details of any itinerary you suggest. He can also give you cost estimates and secure reservation for you.

27. a) You may call me romantic-minded, but I prefer individual travel to group travel. Ifyou go on a package tour, you have to be adaptable, you have no time to look at everything you are interested in properly and the worst thing is when you have a bad guide. He can spoil all your holiday. Besides, the only thing that travellers seem to be interested in today is shopping. Whereas on an individual tour I am my own master, depend on nobody and can always do what I like.

27. b) I definitely prefer package tours to individual ones because you have far less preparation to make before a package tour. Everything is arranged for you by the travel agency from the necessary documents to hotel reservations. It doesn’t seem to be very romantic to me to arrive in a strange town at night with no idea where to go or stop for the night and not a taxi in sight. This may well happen to you if you travel alone. Sometimes you have to walk with a heavy rucksack on your back looking for a proper place to stay for the night. This is not my idea of an ideal holiday.

VOCABULARY LIST1. coach távolsági autóbusz

to change for átszállto get, got, got on felszállto get off leszállto go straight on megy egyenesen előreto leave, left, left home eljön otthonrólmain road főutcatraffic lights forgalomirányító lámpa

2. as mivela long way messze

3. vehicle járműpublic transport tömegközlekedéstram villamossuburban train hévunderground földalatti

4. season ticket bérletto punch, -ed kilyukasztinspector ellenőr

5. gate kapu (itt: metróban)platform vágányescalator mozgólépcsődestination célállomás

6 . on foot gyalogto turn into a street befordul egy utcábanarrow keskenyto go along végigmegy

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crossroads kereszteződésas far as the park a parkigto cross, -ed átmegy, átszeloutside előtt, kívülto put down/ to set down, put, put itt: letesz

7. way of transport közlekedési módcarriage vasúti kocsicrowded zsúfoltnoisy zajosto travel on business üzleti ügyben utazikrail travel vasúton történő utazáspunctual pontoscheap fare olcsó menetjegypensioner nyugdíjas

8-9 . facing the engine menetiránnyal szembenback to the engine menetiránynak háttalnon-smoking nem dohányzócompartment fülke

10-11. booking-office jegyirodaseat by the window ablak melletti üléssecond-class compartment másodosztályú fülke

12. waiting-room váróteremto queue, -d up sorba állticket machine jegyautomata

13. choice választékpassenger train személyvonatthrough train közvetlen vonatevery single station minden egyes állomás

14-15. to be afraid of sg fél vmitőlair fare repülőjegyinstead helyettseveral times többszörscenery tájunderneath alatt, alul

16. to board a plane felszáll a gépreto check, -ed in bejelentkezikto weigh, -ed megmérboarding card beszállókártyadeparture lounge tranzitváróteremflight járatto announce, -d bejelent

17. as many as possible a lehető legtöbbbusy forgalmassightseeing tour városnéző kirándulásto have fun jól szórakozikin the country vidékenbeach strand


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to lie in the sun napoznisea-shore tengerpart

18. first of all mindenekelőtttravel agency utazási irodato offer, -ed ajánlto choose, chose, chosen kiválasztnecessary documents szükséges dokumentumokindividual tour egyéni kirándulásto arrange, -d elrendezaccommodation szállás

19. to pack, -ed csomagolnitoilet goods pipereszerektoothbrush fogkefecomb fésűrazor borotvaperfumery illatszerekcamera fényképezőgép

20. foreign currency valutavisa vízum

21. customs vámvizsgálatcustoms official vámtisztto declare, -d vámkezelésre bejelentto fill, -ed in kitöltduty vámduty-free vámmentes

22. camping-site campingguest house vendégházto let, let, let kiad

23. single room egyágyas szobadouble room kétágyas szobashower zuhanybath fürdő(kád)to overlook, -ed néz vmireroom with a view szoba szép kilátással

24. to book, -ed a room szobát lefoglalreservation foglalásto agree, -d on megegyezik vmibenprice ár

25. to check, -ed in bejelentkezikregistration form bejelentkező lappersonal particulars személyi adatokreception clerk fogadóportásto show, showed, shown up felvezet

26. prearranged előre elrendezettitinerary útvonallandmark ismertetőjel, nevezetességall-inclusive mindent magában foglaló

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9 . T ud om ány és tech n ik a

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY* Népszerű tudományok, ismeretterjesztés


■ A technikai eszközök szerepe a mindennapi életbenTHE ROLE OF TECHNICAL DEVICES IN EVERYDAY LIFE

QUESTIONS1. What science subjects do you take at school?2. What is your favourite science subject?3. Besides school how do you get information about sciences?4. Do you subscribe to any scientific magazines?5. Do you watch scientific documentaries or other programmes?6. In what areas of life do you need modern technology?7. What household gadgets do you have at home?8. How do you think our home will change in a century?9. What future appliances will make our lives easier?

10. Do you think robots will replace humans?

11. Can you imagine that you won’t have to go to school because you will be taught via the Internet?

12. Will we rely on artificial intelligence in the future?13. Can you imagine living in a world without electrical gadgets?

14. What role do electrical gadgets play in sports?15. Is technology important for travelling?

16. What are some everyday objects that your grandparents did not have?

17. How important is your mobile phone for you?18. Do you have a PC at home?19. Are you e-literate?

20. How have computers changed our lives?21. What is virtual reality?


guide idegenvezetőindependent travel önálló utazáscost estimate költségbecslésto secure, -d biztosítreservation foglalás

27. adaptable alkalmazkodóképesto spoil, -ed, or: spoilt, spoilt tönkreteszto be one’s own master a maga urapreparation készülődésrucksack hátizsák

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22. Do you consider flying a great scientific achievement?

23. Do you think we will be able to travel in space in the future?

24. Is there life outside our planet?25. What do you consider the greatest scientific achievement of all times? Why?

26. Why is it that a lot of scientists leave Hungary to carry out research in a foreign country?

MODEL ANSWERS1. We have Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Computer Science and Maths at

school. I think they are very important for us if we want to survive on our planet in the future. It is essential to learn about the basics of science subjects, because you never know what use they will have in your life later on. Some of my classmates always complain that these subjects are very useless, but I disagree with them because life has its little surprises, which may prove that taking these subjects in secondary school is, in fact, very useful.

2. a) I like Biology very much. I remember the time I first had this subject in primaryschool. I had a very good teacher who made almost everybody in class interested in Biology, I remember that we started with different plants, fruits and vegetables in fifth grade and we collected a lot of flowers and leaves during the first semester. We did not even realise that we were learning because we did all that barely using our books. It was the same with animals later. Our teacher took us to the local zoo and we studied all the animals very carefully, paying special attention to their habitats and ways of living. And, of course, there are the humans. Who is not interested in the human body at the age of fourteen? There was not a single person in class who did not gasp when we were shown a human skeleton, films about reproduction and diseases. Then in secondary school I became very much interested in Genealogy and how we inherit the characteristics of our parents and grandparents.

2. b) Chemistry has always been my favourite. I have decided that I want to study this subject at university, too. My classmates always argue that it is no fun studying about things you cannot really see and you only learn formulas of. Still, I think it can be exciting to carry out experiments with different gases, solids or liquids. I think chemistry is the subject that really makes you think. I really adore scientists who can come up with new theories or find new elements. I can imagine myself working in a laboratory in the future.

2. c) When I was very little, my parents bought me a puzzle with the map of the world on it and since then I have been very interested in Geography. I always look at maps, try to locate places and find mountains, rivers and other geographical features. I have always wanted to visit a lot of places that I have learnt about. So far I have climbed all the high mountains of Hungary, and I am planning to go mountaineering in the Alps next summer. I started collecting stones from the places I visit, and I have become interested in Geology and how our planet was created. I know that in some countries, for example the United States, Geography is not taught, but I think it is vital to know about the world we live in.

2. d) Physics is my favourite science subject. Ever since we studied about famous Hungarian physicists, I have wanted to become one and I have been dreaming of discovering something that will contribute to this science. I am especially attracted to Astronomy, which we started studying this year. Now I am collecting money to buy a

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telescope to examine the universe and find new stars, black holes and comets. Maybe one day I will be a famous astronomer.

2. e) I love Computer Sciences. If I could, I would sit in' front of my computer all day long.In our world nowadays, one cannot live without computers. I personally use it for writing programmes, e-mailing, chatting with my friends and finding information for my homework assignments. You can find anything you want on the net. If you have access to the Internet at home, the whole world opens up for you. You can find friends from all over the globe. You can practise languages with native speakers and read newspapers in basically any language. It is also possible to download music, films and pictures.

2. f) I have always enjoyed Maths classes at school. When I was in nursery school, I could already recognise the numbers up to a hundred and I could count. Wherever I went, I tried to spot numbers, for example at sports games, bus and house numbers. So when I started primary school, calculus became my favourite subject. However, I also enjoy geometry now. It is interesting to calculate the area of triangles, circles, squares and other different shapes.

2. g) I am not interested in sciences. I favour History and Literature. I just can’t wait to goto university where I won’t have to deal with Physics or Chemistry any more.

3. a) I watch a lot of television and always switch to the channel which has documentarieson about the life of animals, or plants. I find such programmes very relaxing since they do not contain human violence. My parents always buy National Geographic, which I also read. It is a very good monthly magazine that I can recommend to anybody interested in sciences.

3. b) As an extracurricular activity I am the member of a science club. We meet everyweek and discuss the latest developments in Physics and Chemistry. We are involved in international projects with other schools from all over Europe. We are trying to come up with innovations and patents. We have a very good teacher, who helps us with the research. He does not do the work instead of us but shows us the way.

4. a) My family subscribes to computer magazines and National Geographic. I am reallyinterested in computer technology and computer games. I read every page of the magazines that we have. We sometimes get gifts like DVDs or CDs in the package, so it is really worth having the subscription. As for the National Geographic, I was very happy when the Hungarian edition first came out. Although I speak English, the English version of the magazine was hard to come by; moreover, it is very expensive. In this magazine, you can find exciting articles about animals living in remote places, usually on the verge of extinction. National Geographic tries to draw our attention to environmental problems, too. Unfortunately, most people are unconcerned about the environment. Not only everyday people are uninterested, but politicians are, too. They do not listen to scientists who are trying to warn them about the dangers threatening our planet.

4- b) I don’t subscribe to any magazines or newspapers, but when I see an attractive cover at the newsagent’s, I always buy the edition.

5. a) I watch a lot of science programmes. We have a satellite dish at home, so we get a lotof channels. It is also very good that these channels are in English so I can practise the language. There are several different topics discussed on these channels, for example, the fight of animals, the development of plants, the mysteries of the universe and the life of famous scientists who have contributed a lot to the field of sciences. I think that science programmes are more valuable than soap operas or

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violent movies. They are about the world we live in and there are so many things in the world that we don't know anything about.

5. b) I usually download movies about nature from the Internet. There are so many goodwebsites and encyclopaedias that you can browse through in search of scientific films or pictures. You can find films about space research, for example, the ring of Saturn or the landings on Mars. There are updated researches about migrating birds, the breeding of whales and the life of a polar bear family in Canada. If you are interested in Chemistry, you can find out how to mix different elements or molecules as a part of an experiment. The bad thing is that anybody can learn to make a bomb from these websites.

6. a) Modern technology is indispensable in our everyday life. Wherever I go, whatever Ilook at has some connection to technology. We don’t even think of the different things that depend on technology. The electrical appliances at home, our cars, communication devices and even small everyday objects are related to high-tech. If we just take a normal day as an example, the morning starts with the alarm clock going off. Then you might wash your teeth with an electric toothbrush and shave with an electric razor. You use a toaster to make breakfast and heat your tea in the microwave oven. As you leave home, you switch on the alarms and start your car. On the way to work, you listen to a CD in the car or travel by bus, which also has an onboard computer. Then the rest of your day is the same. We take modern technology for granted and cannot imagine our life without it.

6. b) Modern technology is important in all walks of life. I believe the most important areais medical care. It would be unimaginable for doctors to work without modern equipment. An operating theatre needs the most modern apparatus. Our lives depend on such equipment.

7. Our kitchen is full of gadgets. We have a dishwasher, a microwave oven, an electric oven, a percolator, a food processor and, of course, a fridge. And that is just the kitchen. In the living room there is a TV, a stereo, a DVD player and a VCR. I have a notebook in my bedroom, which I can take wherever I go, so it makes my life very comfortable. We also have a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a hair-dryer and other smaller objects.

8. a) I expect big changes to come in the next fifty years. I believe that people will becomemore comfortable as they will rely more on technological developments and modem equipment. I can imagine living in a house, which will be heated by remote control an hour before I arrive home. The gates and the doors will be automatic, and there will be retina or touch control devices, which will be able to detect whether the owner arrives, or somebody else. I think that people will be in constant contact with their friends using phone programmes from the Internet, which are already available now.

8. b) I have seen examples of modern technology in several films and I believe that most of the fantasies will come true. I can imagine a society, where there will be no need for human resources and only robots and machines will carry out the tasks. I don’t know whether it will be good or bad, but certainly that is the way to the future.

8. c) I am scared to realise that our world is speeding and heading in the wrong direction.Where will we end up if we continue relying on technology only? People will lose their friends, there will be no real communities and man will also turn into machines. I hope that we will realise that we should return to nature and enjoy the good things of life.


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9. a)

9. b)

10. a)

10. b)

11. a)

11. b)

12. a)

12. b)


I believe that in the future the most important change will be in the kitchen. People won’t need to cook their food, as it will be done mostly by robots that will prepare everything for us and instead of us. I have already heard of a device, which is able to detect the expiration date of food in the fridge. I can also imagine televisions that will not need a remote control but they will be switched on and off by voice. The channels will also be changed this way.

It is very hard to think of what might come in the future. My imagination is endless and I would be able to talk about artificial intelligence and robots taking over mankind, but I don’t think that this will become reality. Who would have thought about an automatic washing machine or a fast car let alone mobile phones or the Internet 50 years ago? Our grandparents still struggle with the new inventions and it is hard for them to find their place in this world. Will we have to face similar problems in the future? Maybe so.

I am convinced that in the near future robots and machines will be able to do most of the things that humans do nowadays. Actually, this has already started as a lot of factories employ fewer people because modern technology has made it possible for computers and machines do what was done by humans half a century ago.

I don’t think that robots will replace humans in the future. It is all right that robots are capable of doing most of the things we do now, but robots will never have feelings. Moreover, robots will not be able to come up with new ideas, as thinking will certainly be the privilege of man. And the most important thing is that you will also need a person to construct a robot, and that person will have the power to switch the robot off any time.

I would love to live in a world in which students could study from home. Yes, I can imagine that it will happen. You will just sit in front of your computer and the teacher and your classmates will do the same and the teacher wall instruct you about what to do. I think that in the future, the emphasis of education will shift to making the students capable of finding information with the help of the Internet. I have heard that distance teaching is available in some countries like Australia, because people live far from each other. It is said to be a rather successful way of teaching, so why wouldn’t Internet learning succeed as well? Another great advantage would be that there would be no need for so many teachers because one teacher could teach hundreds of kids.

I think it would be a nightmare to live in a world where you would just stare at your screen all morning and listen to a teacher you have never met in your life. I can't imagine not going to school in the morning. I would really miss the chance to meet my friends. I actually enjoy going to school, because that gives me the opportunity to make new friends. I don’t believe in friendships that are made in chat rooms. I need to see, feel and smell the person I consider my friend.

As far as I know, artificial intelligence has always attracted scientists, but they have not come up with any robot that can work the same way as a human mind. I doubt that artificial intelligence will become a reality in the near future. There are so many things that are still unknown about the functioning of our brains. How will we teach robots to think the way we do, if we don’t know how our brains works?

I find artificial intelligence very intriguing. I don’t know if it would do us any good to teach machines to think, but certainly it would be a giant step in high-tech development. However, I am averse to this idea, because I don’t want a machine to tell me what to do.

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13. a) I can surely imagine not having any electrical gadgets around. I can even picture myself in a world with no cars, no electricity or any of the inventions of the past two centuries. Life would he much slower, but there would be less stress, too. We would have more time for our families and friends, and we would not neglect them just because there is a good film on TV.

13. b Now that I am used to having modern technology as part of my life, it would be veryhard to live without it. I like the comfort, which I have by possessing a mobile phone, a car. a TV or even a pendrive nowadays. I am sure I would not be lost without these but certainly my life would drastically change. I know there are some people who have become addicted to such objects, but I am not one of them.

14. Whatever sport you pursue, you need some electrical gadgets. I know that in most sports there are only timing devices, which are indispensable, but other types of modern technology are not allowed. However, in some sports like ice hockey, video cameras play an important role in determining whether a goal is scored or not. Otherwise, if you just want to play for tun, there is no need for any device.

15. Yes, it is. No matter how you want to travel, you have to use a means of transportation. Almost every vehicle now has a small onboard computer installed. Moreover, there are really modern devices nowadays to make the life of a traveller more comfortable and easier. Some time ago a compass was a great invention, but now we have the GPS, which makes it almost impossible to get lost wherever you are. Not only land, but space, sea and air transportation is a lot easier with the help of this navigation system. I think the big concern about transportation nowadays is how vehicles will operate in a hundred years, because we will certainly run out of oil by then. I know that there are alternative technologies now, but they are either expensive or not widespread.

16. When my grandparents were my age, they lacked most of the things that we take for granted nowadays. They did not have a washing machine, so thej7 had to do the washing by hand. I remember I was very surprised when my grandparents told me that they had not had a fridge. Now I just can’t imagine living without one. It has become a habit of mine that when I arrive home, my first stop is in front of the fridge. I always check what is in it. Not only do people have a fridge now, but they also have a freezer where they can freeze their food. Such a thing was totally unheard of fifty years ago. As for entertainment, we turn on the television or our computer if we want to have some fun. In my grandparents’ time having a radio counted as luxury. And the list is endless. Most of the things that require electricity did not exist in their time. If everything changes at the same pace, we will be as surprised in fifty years as our grandparents are now.

17. I cannot live without my mobile phone. I take it everywhere with me including thebathroom. It is good that I can be reached any time. Of course, when I am at school I mustn’t switch it on, but I wouldn’t make a call during the lessons anyway. There are so many interesting things you can do with a mobile phone. Besides the original function of making a phone call, you can send short messages, and even pictures to your friends. There are games on the phone, too, so I just can’t get bored. My mobile phone even has Internet access, however, the speed of the connection is not satisfactory. Still. I can always check what’s on at the cinema, the result of my favourite football team’s match and the weather forecast. A lot of people say that a cell phone damages your brain, but I have a headset, which I use all the time.

18. a) I don’t have a personal computer at home. I would like to have one but I don’t have enough money yet. However. I use a computer at school, so I don’t feel that I am

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18. b)

19. a)

19. b)

20. a)

20. b)

20. c)


lagging behind my classmates and friends. Nowadays, it is very important to own a PC, but most people cannot afford to have one. I think the government should encourage people more efficiently to buy computers than it does now.

I got my personal computer for my birthday. I quickly became a fan, but I have not become an addict. Well, to tell the truth, it is because my parents are very strict about how much time I spend in front of the screen. I would like to spend more, but I need to study and do some other activities. Every day I find new and interesting things on the worldwide web. I can chat with my new friend from Asia or I can play games with people from all over the world.

I consider myself an e-literate person, as I know how to use the Internet. In our modern world, I think, everybody should be aware of the changes in technology and should follow the new trends, otherwise you will suffer from a big disadvantage in every area. It is not enough to know how to send an e-mail, it is also important to know how to browse the net sensibly. You should be able to distinguish real information from fake. The Internet can be a very useful tool if it is in the hands of a person who knows how to use it.

I know how to write and send e-mails, but that’s all. I don’t really feel the need to use the Internet for any other purposes. I think it is just a waste of time to sit in front of a computer, and it also ruins your eyesight. There are so many good things you can do. You can do sports, be with your loved ones, go hiking or just sit down on the sofa and enjoy a good talk with the person you love. It is not as unnatural as chatting with people who might give you false identities. I have heard of a couple who sat down in their study to chat on the net, and finally they ended up chatting with each other under aliases, and both using first names of the opposite sex. Does that lead to anything good? I don’t think so.

I think computers have changed our lives in several ways. They have made people become less interested in real things. They prefer living in a virtual reality, which is sometimes far from the truth. It seems to me that people are afraid of revealing then- real selves and always want to be someone else, which can be done with the help of the Internet. I don’t really like these changes, because this way we will lose our identities and will be indifferent to others.

I think the greatest invention of our times was the invention of computers. Now we use computers everywhere. We rely on them so much that it is hard to imagine life without a PC. Obviously, it has made our lives more comfortable, because a lot of things have become more easily accessible this way. A few decades ago people struggled to produce readable handwriting, but now the struggle is about typing. It is true, however, that comforts have brought about laziness and carelessness, too. Now, for example, we don’t have to pay attention to spelling correctly because the spell check program on the computer is able to correct the mistakes you make.

My life took a 180-degree turn after I received my first computer. Before that I had had lots of friends. As I first sat down at my computer, I realised that it is more interesting than going out with my friends, so after a while I didn’t attend parties and refused to take calls. I liked my new “toy” so much that I also neglected myself. I forgot to eat regularly. I was just glued to the screen. And the result? Well. Now, I have no one to turn to. If I have a problem, I cannot find a shoulder to cry on. My “new friend” cannot help me. And nor can my distant friends who live in another part of the globe. The lesson I have learnt from this experience is that you should find a balance between your PC and your friends. If you can’t, you will be the loneliest person in the world.

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21. Virtual reality, nomen est omen, is anything but reality. It is a simulation thatenables the user to be in a situation he/she is not in. For example, I once tried a game of virtual reality with my friends. We received some special equipment and were divided in teams, and then we were supposed to fight each other. I really felt as if I were part of that world. In fact, it frightened me, too. I am afraid that in the future, children, used to such games, will not be able to tell real from unreal. Still, in recent years, virtual reality devices have improved dramatically due to several new advances in technology. Now computers have a larger capacity and memory, so more information can be stored in them. As far as I know it has some good applications as well. For example, surgeons can use it to teach and practise operations. Moreover, architects can design anything and take their clients on a virtual tour to show what the future construction would look like.

22. I believe that flying has changed our history and mankind. I think that the history ofthe world can be divided into two periods: one before the first flight took place, and one after. The invention of planes revolutionised a lot of things. It made it possible for us to reach remote places, so distances have basically disappeared. Travelling has become an enjoyable pastime activity. With the help of planes, transportation of goods is also faster. However, flying has also brought about big changes in warfare. It is widely used for military purposes such as bombing or spying on another country. For us, flying had been a luxury until the first low-cost airlines appeared in Hungary. In some other countries, people commute by aeroplane the way we travel by coach or train.

23. a) I believe that space travel will be part of people’s everyday lives in the future.Although, there is a need for safer spaceships and shuttles, because there are so many problems and tragedies nowadays, due to technical problems. I don’t think that travelling in space for fun will come very soon, but it will certainly be available in about a hundred years.

23. b) I don’t think that an average citizen will ever be able to travel in space. Althoughthere have been some people recently who had the chance to be space tourists, but you have to be a billionaire to do that.

24. a) I think that there must be life somewhere else in the universe because it is so hugethat we can’t even comprehend its size. I find it unimaginable that we are the only ones in this enormous space. Obviously, we should not imagine that life is the same as on Earth. There are probably different forms of life on other planets somewhere in the distance.

24. b) Being a fan of science-fiction books and movies, I believe in aliens. I have imagined so many times what I would do if I saw one. I would be a little scared but I would try to make contact. I also believe in UFOs. Though I have never seen one, there are thousands of people who claim to have seen and met them, and why would they lie?

24. c) I don’t think there is life on other planets. All the movies and books about aliens arejust a matter of some people’s imagination. People make up stories about encounters with aliens just to entertain others and make them believe that we are not alone in the universe. I think we are here on Earth by mistake.

25. a) There are so many scientific discoveries to choose from. I think the discovery ofvitamin C by Albert Szent-Györgyi was an outstanding one. The scientist managed to get this new vitamin from paprika. As far as I know, vitamin C plays a major role in the formation of bones and teeth. If you don’t have enough, you could lose your teeth. It is also said that large doses of this vitamin can prevent flu and colds.


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25. b) I am very much interested in biology and I consider Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory the most important theory. He writes about the development of life through natural selection. His theory serves as the basis of modern thought, though I know that a lot of people, especially religious one, doubt what Darwin laid down.

25. c) Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone was a milestone in communication. With the help of his new invention, distances between people disappeared. It is possible to reach anybody anywhere. The telephone has gone through a lot of changes in the past century, and I think that Bell would be surprised to see how modern technology has improved his invention. I wonder if he could make a call with mobile phones.

25. d) The most important invention is definitely the light bulb by Thomas Alva Edison. Infact, I consider him the greatest scientist of all times. Besides the bulb, he patented more than 1000 inventions, for example the gramophone. I think the invention of the light bulb made it possible to light up our homes and cities, and it became very practical in other fields as well.

26. It has always been a very unfortunate thing that a lot of scientists leave the country. I think one word explains it all: money. In western countries, especially the United States, they are provided with better circumstances to carry out research. They don’t have to struggle with financial problems and the facilities are also superb. The phenomenon of western countries attracting scientists from poorer countries is called the brain drain. Let me mention some Hungarian-born scientists who worked and lived abroad. They are, for example, Edward Teller, John Neumann, Leo Szilard and there are more.


Biology biológiaChemistry kémiaPhysics fizikaComputer science számítástechnikaMaths matematikato survive, -d túlélplanet bolygóessential fontosbasics alapokclassmate osztálytársto complain, -ed reklamálto prove, -d bebizonyítsecondary school középiskola

subject tantárgy

grade évfolyamto collect, -ed gyűjtbarely alighabitat lakóhelyto gasp, -ed eláll a lélegzeteskeleton csontvázreproduction szaporodásdisease betegséggenealogy származástanto inherit, -ed örököl


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characteristic tulajdonságto argue, -d vitatkozikformula képletexperiment kísérletgas gázsolid szilárdliquid folyékonyto adore, -d to come up with

csodálelőjön/előhozakodik vmivel

theory elméletelement elemlaboratory laboratóriumpuzzle kirakóto locate, -d elhelyezmountaineering hegymászásGeology geológiaphysicist fizikusto discover felfedezto contribute hozzájárulAstronomy csillagászattelescope távcsőuniverse világegyetemcomet üstökösastronomer csillagászaccess hozzáférésglobe földgömbto download, -ed letöltnursery school óvodato recognise, -d felismerto count számolprimary school általános iskolaCalculus számtanGeometry mértanto calculate, -d kiszámoltriangle háromszögcircle körsquare négyszögshape alakHistory történelemLiterature irodalomto deal, dealt, dealt with foglalkozik vmivel

3. channel csatornadocumentary dokumentumfilmviolence erőszakmonthly havimagazine folyóiratto recommend, -ed ajánlextracurricular activity member

iskolán kívüli tevékenység tag

to discuss, -ed development


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innovation újításpatent szabadalmazott találmányresearch kutatás

4. to subscribe, -d to előfizetsubscription előfizetésedition szám (újságé)version kiadásarticle cikkremote távolion the verge of extinction kihalás szélénenvironmental környezetiunconcerned nemtörődömenvironment környezetdanger veszélyto threaten, -ed veszélyeztet

5. satellite dish parabolaantennafight harcmystery rejtélyvaluable értékesnature természetencyclopaedia enciklopédiaSaturn Szaturnuszto land, -ed leszállto migrate, -d vándorolto breed, bred, bred szaporodikwhale bálnapolar bear jegesmedvemolecule molekulabomb bomba

6. indispensable nélkülözhetetlenelectrical appliance elektromos készülékcommunications device távközlési eszközto go off csörög (óra)razor borotvatoaster kenyérpirítómicrowave oven mikrohullámú sütőalarm riasztóonboard fedélzetito take sg for granted magától értetődőnek vesz

to switch on bekapcsolin all walks of life az élet minden területén

medical care egészségügyunimaginable elképzelehetetlen

operating theatre műtőapparatus berendezés

7. gadget készülék

dishwasher mosogatógép

oven sütő

percolator kávéfőzőfood processor háztartási robotgép


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fridge hűtőstereo hifi-berendezésDVD player DVD lejátszóVCR (video cassette recorder) videomagnónotebook hordozható számítógépvacuum cleaner porszívówashing machine mosógéphair-dryer hajszárító

8. to rely on bíziktechnological műszakiequipment felszerelésto heat felmelegítremote control távirányítógate kapuautomatic automataretina retinato detect, -ed kimutatconstant állandócontact kapcsolattechnology technológiafantasy fantáziasociety társadalomhuman resources emberi erőforrásrobot robotmachine gépto carry out végrehajttask feladatscared ijedtto head, -ed haladdirection irányspeeding gyorsulócommunity közösség

9. to prepare, -d elkészítinstead of helyettexpiration date lejárati időimagination képzeletendless vég nélküliartificial intelligence mesterséges intelligencialet alone nem is beszélveto struggle with erőlködikinvention találmány

10. to be convinced meg van győződveto employ foglalkoztatto replace, -d helyettesítprivilege privilégiumto construct, -ed épít

11. emphasis hangsúlydistance távolságavailable elérhetőto succeed, -ed sikerül


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nightmare rémálomscreen képernyőto stare, -d bámulopportunity lehetőségto consider, -ed tekint

12. to attract, -ed vonzto doubt, -ed kételkedikreality realitásintriguing érdekfeszítőto be averse idegenkedő

13. stress stresszto be used to + ing hozzá van szokvaelectricity elektromosságto neglect, -ed elhanyagolto possess, -ed birtokoldrastically drasztikusanto be addicted to függő

14. to pursue, -d űztiming device időmérő szerkezetto determine, -d meghatároz

15. means of transportation közlekedési eszközvehicle járműto install, -ed beszerelcompass iránytűnavigation system helyzetmeghatározóalternative alternatíveither ... or ... vagy ... vagy ...widespread elterjedt

16. to lack, -ed híján vanhabit szokásfreezer fagyasztóto freeze, froze, frozen fagyasztunheard nem hallottentertainment szórakozásluxury luxusto count, -ed számítto require, -d igényelto exist, -ed létezikpace sebesség

17. mobile phone mobiltelefonto reach, -ed elérto make a call hívoriginal eredetifunction funkcióto get bored unatkozikconnection kapcsolatsatisfactory kielégítő

result eredményforecast előrejelzés


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cell phone mobiltelefonto damage, -d kárt okoz

18. to lag behind lemaradpersonal computer személyi számítógépnavigation system megenged anyagilagto encourage, -d bátorítefficiently hatékonyanfan rajongóto tell the truth az igazat megvallvastrict szigorúworldwide web világhálóto chat, -ted beszélget, esetei

19. to be aware of tisztában vantechnology technológiatrend tendenciato suffer from szenved vmitőldisadvantage hátrányto browse, -d böngésziksensibly értelmesento distinguish, -ed megkülönböztetfake nem igazi, hamistool szerszámpurpose célwaste of time időveszteségto ruin, -ed leromboleyesight látásunnatural természetellenesidentity személyiségto end up kiköt vholalias álnév

20. virtual reality virtuális valóságto reveal, -ed felfedindifferent közömbösobviously nyilvánvalóanaccessible elérhetőreadable olvashatótyping gépeléslaziness lustaságcarelessness nemtörődömségto pay attention to figyel vmirespelling helyesírásspell check helyesírás ellenőrzőregularly rendszeresento be glued to odatapadto turn to sy hozzáfordulto have a shoulder to cry on vki vállán sírdistant távoliexperience élmény

21. simulation szimulációto frighten megijeszt


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to tell sg from sg megkülönböztetadvance haladás, fejlődéscapacity kapacitásto store raktározapplication alkalmazás, felhasználássurgeon sebészoperation műtétarchitect építészto design tervez

22. mankind emberiségflight repülés, repülőútto revolutionise forradalmasítpastime activity szabadidős tevékenységto bring about létrehoz, előidézwarfare hadviselésmilitary katonaito bomb bombázto spy kémkediklow-cost airline fapados légitársaságto commute bejár (pl. munkába)

23. space travel űrutazásspaceship űrhajóspace shuttle űrrepülőgéptragedy tragédiadue to vminek köszönhetőtechnical technikaiaverage átlagoscitizen polgárbillionaire milliárdos

24. huge óriásito comprehend megértenormous hatalmasscience-fiction tudományos-fantasztikusalien földönkívüliencounter találkozásto make up kitalálby mistake véletlenülto develop kifejlesztgame theory játékelméletquantum theory kvantumelméletgenius zsenicontribution hozzájárulásnoted nevestheory of relativity relativitás elmélethypothesis feltevésparticle részecskeatomic bomb atombombaNobel Prize Nobel-díjradioactivity rádióaktivitás


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25. vitamin vitaminoutstanding kiválóformation kialakulásloose lazato prevent megelőzFlu influenzacold megfázásevolutionary fejlődési, evolúciósnatural selection természetes kiválasztásreligious vallásosmilestone mérföldkőto improve javítdefinitely minden bizonnyallight bulb villanykörtepractical praktikus

26. unfortunate szerencsétlencircumstance körülményfinancial pénzügyifacility felszereléssuperb szuperphenomenon jelenségbrain drain agyelszívás


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SITUATIONS1. You are talking to a friend o f yours whom you have just met in the street. You

haven’ seen him fo r ages so now you■ kindly greet her■ ask her what she has been doing since you last met■ compliment her on her clothes■ compliment her on her appearance■ tell her that she still hasn’t lost her looks

- Hello. Long time no see. How are you?

- I am all right, thank you.

- How are things going? What has happened to you since I last saw you?

- Well, I got married two years ago.

- That’s great! And you are as pretty as ever. I love your dress. It suits you so much. You look at least as young as you were when we last met five years ago.

2. Call your friend in England and■ greet her■ tell her that your husband is in hospital■ inform her why he is there■ tell her how he is now and when he can come home* ask her i f they are planning to come and visit you in summer• invite her to come to Hungary

- Hallo. This is Bea from Hungary speaking. Is that you, Liz?

- Hi, Bea! Good to hear from you. How are you?

- Well, I am O.K. but my husband is in hospital. He has had an operation recently. Now he is much better and he may come home on Sunday.

- I am sorry to hear that. Say hello to him from me and wish him a quick recovery.

- Thank you. In fact, I was going to ask you about your plans for the summer. Are you planning to come and see us? My husband and I would be very happy if you stayed with us.

- We’d love to come but we haven’t decided for sure yet.

3. You and a friend o f yours are walking in the street when you meet your mother. Now you■ greet your mother■ introduce your friend to her■ tell her that you are classmates at school■ invite your friend over for dinner on Sunday

- Hi, Mum. This is my friend, Kate.

- Hello, Kate. How do you do. It’s nice to meet you.


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- How do you do.

- You know Mum, we are both in the same class. We are classmates, really.

- I see.

- Kate, why don’t you come and see us.. You know what? Come and have dinner with us on Sunday.

- Oh, that would be lovely! Thank you.

4, Your English friend is expecting some guests for the week-end. H e is asking you what to cook for them. You■ advise him to take the guests to a restaurant■ tell him why you think it is better not to cook at home■ inform him about the prices■ recommend a good restaurant to him ■ tell him where to find the place

- I am having some guests at the weekend. I haven’t decided what to cook yet. It’s always a nuisance. What do you think I should buy for the Sunday meal?

- I don’t think you should cook at home at all. Why don’t you take them to a restaurant?

- But it would cost a fortune to do that.

- Well, not really. I am sure it would not cost a lot more than a four-course lunch at home. And think about all the trouble that you would have to take.

- You may be right but, to tell you the truth, I don’t know any good restaurants in this town. I don’t often go out, you know.

- There’s one not far from your place. Do you know where Peter lives?

- Yes, just by the hospital, doesn’t he?

- Yes. Well, It’s just round the corner from his place. They say it is quite a good one.

- Thank you, I think I’ll do that.

5. You have an English friend who has asked you to go to the cinema with him tonight. You don ’t really feel like going out so you ■ tell him you can ’t go■ be very polite and give him a good reason why■ prom ise to go with him som e other time

- Let’s go to the cinema tonight. There’s a good film on.

- I am afraid I ’ll have to work hard this evening. We are doing a testpaper in maths tomorrow.

- But you have the whole afternoon to study.

- Well, I have to study more than usual. This is a very strict teacher. But don’t worry, I ’ll go with you some other time.

- O.K. I ’ll keep you to that.

6 8

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6. You h a v e been studying in E n glan d fo r a y ear an d now you a r e tak in g leav e o f the fr ien d s you h av e m a d e there. You■ say good-bye to them■ tell th em how m uch you will m iss them■ a sk them to k eep con tact■ invite them fo r a g la ss o f ch am p ag n e '

- W ell, good-bye to you all ... er ... I am really sorry to leave you. I t ’s b een g rea t w orking w ith you. I ’m going to m iss you a lot.

- W e are going to m iss you too.

- I hope we won’t lose contact. Anyway, I hope you won’t fo rg et m e a ltogeth er.

- D on’t w orry, we w on’t! W e’ll always rem em ber you.

- L e t’s d rink to that. W hy don’t we all go for a g lass o f cham p agne.

7. Y ou h a v e a n E n g lish c la ssm a te a t sch oo l. S h e h a s ju s t jo in e d th e c la s s a n d d o e s n ’t kn ow m u ch a b o u t th e w ea th er in H ungary. T h e c la ss is p la n n in g to g o o n a th ree- d ay s c h o o l ou tin g a n d s h e re fu ses to ta k e any w arm c lo th es w ith h er . Y ou te ll h e r■ s h e c a n ’t g o w ithou t ta k in g so m e w arm c lo th es w ith h e r■ w h at k in d o f w arm c lo th es you th in k s h e w ou ld n eed■ w h a t th e w ea th er cou ld be lik e in H u n gary in O ctober

- Y ou are going to m ake a fool ou t of m e. I w on’t ta k e all th o se c lo th e s w ith m e.

- Y o u ca n ’t go fo r a trip in O ctober w ithout tak in g a w arm p u llover, a ja c k e t , a h a t o r a s ca rf, a p a ir o f b oots and a p air o f w arm tro u se rs w ith you .

- I know w h at I n eed . I ’ll have m y ja c k e t on and th a t’ll b e en ou gh . I d on ’t w a n t th e o th ers to lau gh a t m e w hen th ey see m y huge b ig su itca se .

- L is te n ! I w on’t le t you go a t all i f you re fu se to ta k e th o se w arm c lo th e s w ith you. I t ca n g e t q u ite chilly in th e m o rn in g an d a t n ig h t in O cto b er . I t w ill p ro b ab ly b e v ery w indy and I w ouldn’t b e su rp rised i f i t ra in e d a ll th e tim e .

8. C a ll y o u r h o s t fa m ily , w h o m y o u a r e s ta y in g w ith in B r it a in a n d te ll th e m t h a t■ y o u w ill g o h o m e fr o m s c h o o l la t e r tod ay■ g iv e y o u r r e a s o n s w hy■ g iv e th e a p p r o x im a t e t im e w h en y o u th in k y o u w ill b e h o m e■ a p o lo g is e

- Hallo, 435 907.

- Hallo, Fred here. Is that you Mrs Webb?

- Speaking.

- I’m sorry, I won’t be able to come home at the usual time, I am afraid.

- Why? W hat’s happened?

- Some foreign guests have arrived at the school and I’ll have to go out with them for dinner.

- When do you think you’ll be back?


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- I’m really worry to cause you any inconvenience, but I don’t think we’ll be back before midnight.

- I t’s all right. I’ll just leave the back door open for you. Good-bye.

- Thank you. Good-bye.

9. Your English friend would like to move to Hungary and settle down here. She is asking you where you think could be a nice place to live. You■ you recommend either a city or the countryside■ give your reasons why■ give all the possible advantages o f the place■ inform her about shopping and entertainment facilities

- As you know, I have been thinking for a long time about settling down in Hungary. Where do you think would be a nice place?

- I don’t think it would be wise to move to a city. Why don’t you choose the country?

- You know I have always lived in a city and I am used to having everything on the doorstep.

- The shops in the country are very well supplied. If you bought a house in a small town or in a village, you would not miss the comforts either. You also have gas and electricity in these houses and it is so pleasant to live in the countryside.

- I admit that it would be much quieter, but I am used to going out a lot.

- That’s no problem at all. There are no vast distances in Hugary. If you want to go to the theatre or do your shopping in a big department store you can easily pop into the nearest town by car.

10. Your English friends are visiting your new home in the country. You have been studying in England for a year and now you are taking leave o f the friends you have m ade there. You tell them■ how you managed to raise money for the new house■ what the house looks like from the inside■ whether you have enough room for the family members■ about the garden■ about the conveniences

- What a nice, big house you have. It must have cost an enormous sum of money.

- Well, we got a loan from the bank and we managed to save a lot of money by doing much of the work ourselves. Everybody in the family did their share. We all worked very hard.

- That’s unbelievable! Everything is so neatly done here. How many rooms are there?

- We turned the attic into a bedroom so every member of the family has their ownbedroom now. We also have a big sitting-room downstairs plus all the usual rooms. The house is supplied with all the modern conveniences and what we are really proud of is the big garden around it.


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S IT U A T IU ínö

11. Your friend, h a s invited you to go and visit her. W hen you arrive, though, nobody answ ers the door. K nock on the neighbour’s door, w ho is an Englishm an, an d■ tell him that you are really worried■ give your reasons why■ you think there must be som ebody inside■ give your reasons why you think so

- Good Morning! I am sorry to trouble you. In fact I have come to v isit your neighbour but nobody answered the door.

- And what can I do for you, young man?

- W ell, to tell you the truth I am quite worried. I made an appointm ent with her for eleven o’clock at her place and now I ’ve rung the bell three tim es but nobody answers.

- That’s strange.

- All the more so because I can hear that the radio is on in the corridor and it sounds as if the water was running in the bathroom.

- Oh, how worrying! I think we had better call the police. There is a telephone-boxdown the street. Ju s t run along and telephone them. I ’ll wait here.

12. Your English friend is asking you fo r advice. S h e wants som e id ea s on how to furnish her living-room. You tell her■ where you w ould p la ce the wall unit■ w hat colour curtain to put on the window■ where you w ould put the table■ where you would hang the picture.■ Also, give reasons fo r your choices.

- I have decided to rearrange the sitting-room in our house. I know you have good taste in interior design; could you help me with where to put things?

- Certainly. Let’s see. I think I would put the wall unit by the wall opposite the door. That seems to be the best place for it. And ... if I were you I would replace the white curtain on the window with a lilac one. Lilac is m ore fashionable than white, you know.

- O.K. And where shall I put the round table? In the corner?

- No, no. It should not go in the corner. It should go here, in the middle o f the room.

- And what about that big picture? I think I ’ll ju st leave it there, on the wall above the television.

- It would look much better i f you hung it above the sofa. T h at’s it!

13. You a re hosting an d English friend o f yours. S h e is interested to kn ow w hat sights there are in your town. N ow you■ tell her that the town has a castle■ describe the castle an d its buildings■ say w hether there are any museums an d o f w hat kind■ inform her about other tourist attractions an d program m es■ tell her about accom m odation


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- I was wondering what places of interest there are in your home town?

- Well, there is a castle, which is quite old, there is a church built in the eighteenth century and there are quite a few nice baroque buildings in the centre.

- I love baroque architecture.

- There is also a Museum of Local History in the park near the centre.

- Are there any special events that tourists can go to?

- Yes, there are the organ concerts in the church in summer and the tournaments organised in the castle.

- Where can tourists stay?

- The town has a nice hotel surrounded by a big park. It is always full of tourists,especially in summer.

14. Your English friend does not understand why your family bought a garden plot in the countiy. Now you are talking about the advantages o f having a plot o f land like yows. Tell her■ what you grow in the garden■ what jobs you especially like doing there■ that it is a way o f relaxation for you and give your reasons■ the advantages o f eating home-grown vegetables

- You know I don’t really understand why you bought that plot of land in the country.

- Well, I have developed it into a vegetable plot. I love messing about in gardens; especially the hoeing, and the watering. The digging is very good exercise as well.

- You don’t have to study much after school then?

- You can’t believe how relaxing it is to do some gardening after school.

- Oh, really?

- Yes and what’s more, we can grow everything in the garden that we need in the kitchen. And this saves a lot of money.

- Hm, now you’re talking!

- On top of all that it’s extremely healthy to be outside in the open air. And don’t forget that what you grow yourself is always better than what you can get in the market. At least you know it is free of chemicals.

- O.K. I ’m convinced.

15. You and your English friend are talking about an ideal house to live in. Tell him■ what kind o f house you would like to live in■ what you would like to have in the basement■ what rooms should be there on the ground floor■ what rooms you would like to have upstairs

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- Now, what rooms would you like to have in the house?

- First of all I’d like there to be a basement. In the basement I would like to have a garage, a cellar for storing oil and a boiler-room.

- All right. And how about the ground floor?

- On the ground floor there should be a big sitting-room, two smaller rooms, a dining-room and a kitchen. In fact I would also like to have a small bathroom there with a toilet if that’s possible.

- Certainly. Whatever you want.

- Well then, I want to have three rooms and a big bathroom upstairs. Perhaps there should be a kitchen there as well. I would like to let this floor in summer, you know.

16. Your English friend has planned to buy a house or a flat in Hungary but she cannot really decide between the two. Now you are telling her what you think.■ say which one you wouldn’t buy if you were in her place ■ give at least three reasons why not ■ say which one you think is better ■ give at least three reasons for your choice ■ react naturally to your friend’s possible objections

- I am going to buy a flat or a house. I can’t really decide between the two. Which one would you recommend?

- I wouldn’t buy a house if I were you. There are far more problems with a house than with a flat; you have to do the odd jobs around a house, you have to do the gardening, moreover, you have to clean the street outside your house if you want it to be nice and tidy.

- That’s all very true but in a block of flats you have to learn to live with your neighbours and adjust yourself to their life-style.

- O.K., but life in general is more comfortable in a flat. Ju st imagine! There is central heating, no need to heat the flat yourself.

- Yes, but the neighbours...

- Don’t worry about the neighbours. You may have very nice ones. And then ... I am sure you’ll enjoy life there.

- All right, all right.

- By the way, I think I could offer you a nice and cosy flat on the second floor facing south.

- Isn’t that your flat by any chance?

- Well, yes ... er ... you know I am going to buy a house.

- Why? W hat’s the matter? Are you not enjoying life in a flat, then?

- But I am. It’s just I ... just I can’t stand my neighbours!

17. Your English friend is having a house built but she can ’t decide whether she should have a big or a small kitchen. She is interested to learn about your opinion. Now you are arguing for a big kitchen. You■ tell her that the kitchen seems to have a central role in family life ■ give your reasons why■ give the names o f a few household appliances which also need space


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- I’ve planned everything about our house. The only problem is that I am in two minds about the kitchen. Should it be big or should it be small? What do you think?

- I think a kitchen should certainly be light and big. As big as possible. Everything seems to happen in the kitchen; you'll spend most of your family life there.

- What do you mean?

- It is good if you can huve your meals in the kitchen so you’ll definitely need a dining-recess. And think about all the household gadgets you have - the micro- wave oven, the fridge, the food-mixer, etc., plus the pots and pans and the cooker. They will take up a lot of space.

- You are right. We don’t have anywhere to put them now.

- Just think about it. You may want to buy some more household appliances - a dishwasher or an electric cooker. They will need some space as well.

- I think you are right. I ’ll have a big kitchen built.

18. Your English friend would like to have fitted carpet in his new living-room. Now you are trying to talk him out o f it. Tell him that■ fitted carpets are not very practical to use in living-rooms■ give at least three reasons why not■ recommend another way o f floor covering ■ give at least three reasons for your choice■ react naturally to your friend’s possible objections

- And this is going to be the sitting-room. I would like to have wall-to-wall carpet here.

- Fitted carpets are really beautiful but they are not very advisable to cover sitting- room floors with.

- What do you mean?

- They get dirty easily and your new wall-to-wall carpet would wear in no time with all those comings and goings in a sitting-room. Somebody might drop a burning cigarette or spill some drink on it.

- What floor covering do you think I should have then?

- I suggest you should have a parquet floor.

- But I love beautiful carpets. A room looks so much different with a carpet in it.

- You could still have a carpet or two on the parquet floor. And if they get dirty, they can be cleaned easily.

- All right, you have convinced me.

19. You would like to invite your English friend for a Sunday trip in the mountains. Now you■ ask him about his plans for the week-end■ invite him for the trip■ say where you are going■ give a reason fo r your choice■ tell him how to get there and how long it will last■ offer an alternative programme in case it might rain

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b l T U A l l u i ^ i o

- Jack ! W hat are you doing at the weekend?

- I am going to the cinema on Saturday but I am not doing anything special on Sunday. Why?

- Would you like to come with me for a trip on Sunday?

- Trip? Where?

- To the hills ju st outside the town. There is a look-out tower on the top of the highest mountain, and you get a magnificent view from there.

- That sounds nice. But how can we get there?

- W alk, of course. I suppose it would take a day to get there and back.

- Are there any restaurants on the way?

- I don’t think so. W e had better take some sandwiches as well as som ething to drink with us.

- And what if it rains on Sunday?

- Naturally, we won’t go to the mountains if it rains. W e’ll go to the museum instead.

- O.K. That sounds fine.

20. You are giving a birthday party to your friends at the w eekend. You h ave d ec id ed to invite your E nglish friend too. N ow you are talking to him . You■ tell h im w hat you are planning to do at the week-end■ invite him fo r the party■ tell h im w ho else is com ing■ tell h im w hat tim e the dinner will begin■ give a list o f p ossib le activities that he can do a t the party

- Tom! Are you free on Saturday night?

- Yes, why?

- It ’s my birthday on Saturday and I am giving a party. W ould you like to com e?

- W ith pleasure. W ho else are you going to invite?

- I have already invited my classmates and they have all prom ised to come.

- Great! W hat time shall I come?

- Well, dinner is at six in the evening, so it would be nice if you could m ake i t by six.

- W ill there be dancing as well?

- Of course there will. After dinner everybody can do whatever they want; dance,watch TV, talk, play party games or ju st lie and listen to the CDs I have.

21. You are having som e English guests in your hom e. N ow you a re abou t to treat them to som e cakes w hich you have m ade yourself. You■ offer them the cakes■ react naturally to possible refusal■ say who you got the recipe from■ tell them why these cakes are special

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- Help yourself to my home-made cakes.

- No, thank you. Cakes are very fattening, you know, and I don’t want to put on weight. I am on a diet.

- My cakes have very little sugar in them. I got the recipe from my grandma. These were my favourite cakes when I was a child. And look at me now. I am quite slim.

- But look! There is some cream in them.

- Well, but they don’t contain sugar, so they aren’t fattening. Ju st try them once.

- Well, go on then. Ju st one. ... mm, ... They are really delicious. Can I have therecipe?

22. You are having some English guests in your home when a Hungarian friend o f yours arrives unexpectedly. You■ introduce your friend to the company■ tell them how long you have been friends■ tell them when you last met■ tell them what your friend does■ invite him for a glass o f champagne

- Darling! Will you answer the door while I am pouring some wine to the guests?

- O.K., I’ll go.

- Hello, Fred!

- What a nice surprise! Hi, Peter! Good to see you back again. Come in. Listen everybody. This is my dear old friend Peter. We used to go to school together. It’s ages since we last met.

- Hello! Nice to meet you all.

- Peter works for a travel agency abroad. Unfortunately, he doesn’t often come home. Anyway, let’s celebrate his sudden appearance. Come and have a glass of champagne with us, Peter.

23. You are visiting an English friend o f yours. She offers you som e wine and cigarettes. You■ veiy politely refuse the wine■ give your reasons why you won’t drink■ say what you would drink instead■ refuse the offered cigarettes, too■ say why you don ’t sm oke anymore

- Hello, Kate.

- Hi, Liz. Come in. Let me help you with your coat. Do sit down.

- Thanks, Kate.

- Would you like something to drink? A glass of wine perhaps?

- No thanks. I don’t drink wine. I have come here by car and I never drink alcohol when I drive.

- What would you like to drink then?

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- I feel like some cold Coke with a slice of lemon, please.

- Here you are. And now, have a cigarette. This is your favourite brand.

- That’s very kind of you but I gave up smoking about two months ago.

- Oh, did you? That’s great! How did you manage to do that?

- My husband stopped and I decided to stop as well.

- Well done!

24. An English friend o f yours is calling you on the phone to say that she would like to meet you at eight tomorrow. You■ answer the phone■ apologise for not being able to meet her tomorrow night■ give well-founded reasons why not■ suggest an alternative time for meeting■ recommend a good programme for the two o f you

- Hallo. This is 345 882.

- Hallo. Could I speak to Chris, please?

- Speaking.

- Hello, Chris. This is Margaret speaking.

- Hi, Margaret! Where are you phoning from?

- I am in the Hilton Hotel. In fact I have just arrived. Do you think we could meet at eight tomorrow?

- I am afraid I can’t make it tomorrow. I am going to a business meeting and I can’t really put it off at such short notice. How long are you staying?

- I am planning to stay for a week.

- That’s great! How about meeting the day after tomorrow then?

- Lovely! When?

- I’ll come and pick you up at the hotel at seven o’clock and we’ll go out to have dinner somewhere nice and pleasant. Is that all right?

- Superb! See you at seven then. Bye!

25. You would like to invite your English friend to a concert. Now you■ tell her what kind o f concert it is■ invite her to the concert■ say when it is on and what time it begins ■ tell her about the tickets■ discuss where you would want to sit

- Ann, would you like to go with me to a concert?

- What kind of concert do you have in mind?

- A pop concert, of course. A popular band is playing. Your favourites.

- Oh, the Republic! Of course, I would! When is it?


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- Well it is a week today but I am afraid we’ll have to buy the tickets as soon as possible, otherwise we won’t get any. I expect they’ll have run out in a few days.

- Do you know what time the concert begins?

- As far as I know, it begins at six o’clock in the evening.

- All right, let’s go and get the tickets. Where shall we sit?

- I suggest we should sit in the last row. It’s not that loud there and we can still see the singers clearly.

- Are you kidding? It’s no use going to a pop concert if you don’t like loud music.

- To tell you the truth, I am only going for your sake.

26. You are late for school. Your class is having an English lesson. Now you are talking to the teacher. You■ apologise for being late again■ give your reasons why■ react naturally to possible inquires■ ask her to let you go back home

- You are late again, Miss Kiss. It’s nine o’clock and just for your information school starts at eight.

- I m really sorry, Miss Great, but my brother felt sick in the morning and I had to call for the doctor.

- Oh, did you, Miss Kiss? And is he better now?

- Not yet, I am afraid. He has got a high temperature and is lying in bed.

- I am sorry to hear that. Can I help you with anything?

- I would just like to ask you to let me go back home, Miss Great.

- That’s all right, Miss Kiss. I wish your brother a quick recovery.

27. You are at the job centre looking for a suitable job. You are talking to one o f the clerks. You■ tell her you haven’t been able to find the right job for yourself■ ask her about retraining programmes■ tell her what kind o f job you would be interested in■ tell her what languages you speak

- I have been coming to this job centre quite often recently but I haven’t found a reasonable job for myself yet. Could you please tell me if there are any retraining programmes?

- Certainly, sir. In what field would you like to work?

- I would really be interested in tourism.

- Do you speak any languages?

- Yes, I speak English quite well. And I speak a little German and Russian.

- Well, sir. Let’s see...

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28. You have read a job advertisement in the local paper. You want to learn more about the job so now you are visiting the place and■ tell the clerk which job you are interested in■ ask about the nature o f the job■ ask about the working hours■ ask about the salary■ ask when you could come for a job interview

- Good morning, sir.

- Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

- I have read about the job you advertised in the local paper. I’ve come to make some more enquiries about it.

- Ju st a moment, madam, I’ll call the personnel manager. Here he comes.

- Good morning, sir. I ’ve come to find out some more details about the job you advertised yesterday.

- Now, madam. It’s a very interesting and varied job but it requires a lot of sacrifices. Occasionally, you may have to work at weekends and in the evenings.

- And what are the normal working hours?

- From seven to half past three every weekday.

- How about the salary?

- 150 000 a month before tax.

- That sounds all right. Do you think I could come for a job interview some time?

- All right, madam. Please, call this telephone number and you can make an appointment.

29. Your English friend would like to change his job because he was offered 40,000 forints more elsewhere. Now you are trying to talk him out o f this. You■ ask him why he wants to change■ argue against the new company bringing up the following issues:■ distance from home■ fringe benefits■ working conditions■ possible privatisation

- I would like to hand in my notice and take up a job at the Babel Works.

- Have you gone off your head?

- On the contrary. They’ll pay 40,000 forints more than I get now.

- Have you considered that the Babel Works are a long way from your place? You would spend the difference on travelling.

- I’ll buy a season ticket, which makes it a lot cheaper.

- Listen! I know about the working conditions in that factory. They are much worse than here. What’s more, the fringe benefits don’t include lunch.

- To tell you the truth, I could do without the lunch we get here.


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- Anyway, think about it. Don’t rush headlong into it. As far as I know, the Babel Works are not doing very well. Rumour has it that they are going to be privatised. What will happen to you then? They will probably lay off a lot of workers. They might well give you the sack!

30. You have just started to work for a big multi-national company. Now you are forwarding a message to your English colleague. You ■ tell him that the boss wants to see her■ sympathise with him because the boss seemed to be really angry■ tell him to take the statistics with her that she has recently done■ tell him why the boss needs it

- James!

- Yes?

- The head of department would like to see you personally. He says you should take the statistics you completed yesterday with you.

- The statistics? Why?

- He would like to check something in them.

- To check something? Why?

- I don’t know. What I know is that I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes. He seems to be very angry.

- I had better hurry up then.

31. You are working for a big multi-national company and now you are introducing a new colleague to your work mates. You■ tell them who he is■ ask them to help him i f he has any problems■ offer your own help too■ wish him success in his new job

- Well, my dear colleagues, this is Paul. He is going to be your new workmate.

- Hello, Paul. Nice to meet you.

- As he is completely new to the company, please try and help him with the difficulties he may have in the beginning.

- Of course, we will.

- Obviously, you can come and see me as well if you have a problem that you can’t solve.

- Thank you, Mr Knowall.

- I wish you success in your new job. And now, don’t hesitate to start work right away.


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32. You are w orking fo r a big multi-natinal com pany an d the m an ag er h a s a sk e d you to inform som e English w orkers about the introduction o f a new system o f w ork. N ow you■ tell them about the introduction o f the system o f flex ib le w orking hours■ inform them about w hat it m eans■ explain to them that a t certain times they still n eed to be h ere a t w ork■ tell them they need to w ork eight hours a day on the av erage

- Ladies and Gentlemen! The management of our company have decided to introduce flexible working hours.

- W hat does that actually mean?

- This means that everybody may arrive at or leave the office whenever they want. The only requirem ent is that we all are to be here between nine o’clock in the morning and two o’clock in the afternoon. And naturally, everybody is supposed to work eight hours a day.

33. You a re in E ngland and are calling the taxi rank to ord er a taxi fo r tom orrow morning. N ow you■ tell them w ho you are and what you want■ tell them w here you live■ tell them w hat k in d o f taxi you want■ ask them to be punctual■ give them a reason why it is im portant not to be la te

- Hallo. This is M r Ready speaking. Could I have a taxi b jr seven o’clock tom orrow morning, please?

- Certainly, sir. And what’s your address?

- Oh, yes. My address is 34, Carlisle Street.

- All right, the taxi will be outside your house at seven tomorrow.

- Ideally, the taxi should be quite big because we have a lot of luggage.

- Don’t worry, sir, you’ll be able to pack everything in.

- Please make sure that the taxi will be here at seven sharp, as our tra in leaves a t half past seven from Victoria Station and I don’t w ant to m iss it. I t ’s ra th er important because we are travelling abroad to see our friends

- You can trust us, sir. The taxi will be there.

34. You h ave flagged dow n a taxi in the street. N ow you a re ta lk in g to th e d riv er . Y ou■ tell h im w here you w ould like to go■ ask him to tell you som ething about the sights■ ask him how to get back to the town centre■ ask him how m uch you ow e him

- Taxi!

- Yes, sir. W here to?

- I would like to go to the castle but I don’t know the way there.

- All right, sir. I ’ll take you there.

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- Would you be so kind as to tell me something about the sights in the castle?

- Well, there is an old cathedral in the centre, a Statue of the Holy Trinity, a beautiful Episcopal Palace, a look-out bastion and lots of baroque houses.

- Thank you very much indeed. And when I have seen all this, how can I get back to town?

- I am afraid you can’t catch a bus at the castle, so you’ll have to walk for the first five hundred metres. But then, outside the gate you’ll find a bus stop. Any bus that stops there will take you back to the town centre.

- All right. How much do I owe you?

- Nine hundred and twenty.

- Here you are. And keep the change.

- Thank you, sir.

35. An Englishman has asked you on the tram where he could buy a ticket. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell him where bus and tram tickets are sold in Hungary■ offer him one for this journey■ tell him what might happen i f he hasn’t got a ticket■ explain to him how to validate the ticket

- Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the conductor is?

- Conductor? There are no conductors on the trams in Hungary.

- Where can I buy a ticket then?

- Tickets are sold at the tobacconist’s, at the newsagent’s or at special ticket- offices. You should have bought one before you got on the tram.

- Oh, really? I didn’t know that.

- Well, I can give you one for now. Here you are. The ticket inspector might get on the tram any time.

- Thank you very much indeed. And what do I do now?

- You put the ticket in this machine, pull the handle like this and your ticket is punched. And if the inspector comes, you show it to him.

- Thank you, madam. That’s very kind of you.

36. You are stopped by an Englishman in the street. He wants to know how to get to Nyugati Station. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell him the way by bus■ warn him that he will need to change to a tram ■ advise him to take a taxi■ give a reason why it is the best choice

- Excuse me. Could you tell me the quickest way to Nyugati Station, please?

- Certainly. Take a number twelve bus at the stop over there. Go four stops on thebus then change to a tram that runs along that road. I am sorry, I can’t remember its number now.

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- Doesn’t that take a long time?

- Obviously, the easiest way to get there is to take a taxi. It saves you time because you don’t have to change then.

- Thank you.

- Not at all.

37. You are stopped by an English driver in the street. He wants to know how to get to the post office. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell him how to get there by car■ give him as detailed directions as you can■ tell him where exactly the post office is■ describe the building to him

- Excuse me. How can I get to the post-office?

- Drive as far along this road until you come to a big church. Turn left at the church into a small street. Drive along that street for about two hundred metres. Then you’ll come to a square.

- Left at the church, along that street as far as the square.

- That’s right. You’ll see the postoffice on the opposite side of the square. You can’t miss it. It is a large building with several towers.

38. You are at a petrol station in England. Now you are talking to the attendant. You■ tell him what kind o f petrol and how much o f it you want■ tell him what else you need for the car* react naturally to the attendant’s answers• ask i f the price o f petrol is going up again

- Good morning, sir.

- Good morning. Fill it up with unleaded petrol, please.

- Yes, sir. Anything else?

- Have you got any distilled water? The battery needs to be topped up. And I also need a litre of oil to put in the car.

- Here you are, sir. Will this do?

- Well, this is the most expensive brand. Something cheaper would be better, in fact

- How about this brand, sir?

- Yes, that’ll do. Thank you.

- Now, is it true that the price of petrol is going up again on Monday?

- I don’t think so. Where did you hear that?

- A little bird told me.


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39. You are at a garage in England. Your car is out o f order and now you are talking to the mechanic. You■ give him at least three problems with the car■ ask him to see to them■ ask him when the car will be ready■ ask him how much it will be■ react naturally to what he says

- Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

- Well, there are some problems with my car. Will you see to it, please?

- Certainly. What exactly has gone wrong?

- The car won't pull properly, the brakes are weak, there is a banging sound coming from the engine and the windscreen wipers aren’t working.

- Quite a few problems then. It’ll take some time to put them right.

- Anyway, when do you think I could come for the car?

- Some time at the end of next week. How about Friday?

- All right. And how much will it cost me approximately?

- I can’t hazard a guess at this stage, sir.

- O.K. then, try and keep it as cheap as possible. Oh yes, there’s one more thing.

- Yes, sir?

- When you have finished, could you also balance the front wheels, please?

- Yes, sir. You’ll get back a perfect car.

40. You are in Britain and your car has been stolen. Now you are reporting the theft to the police. You■ tell the policeman what has happened■ tell him how it happened■ tell him what make the car is■ tell him how old the car is■ react naturally to the policeman’s further questions

- Excuse me, I’d like to report the theft of my car.

- What make was it, sir?

- It was a white Honda Jazz.

- Where did it all happen?

- The car was parked in the street right outside my house. There was a burglar alarm installed in it and yet it was stolen.

- How old was the car, sir?

- It was three years old.

- What state of repair was it in?

- It was in quite a good state of repair, although there was a big dent in the front left mudguard and a small hole in the front windscreen.

- We’ll let you know if we find your car.

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41. You are stopped fo r speeding by a policeman in England. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell the policem an that you hadn ’t realised you had been speeding■ tell him why you haven’t noticed the sign to limit the speed■ react naturally to the policem an’s further questions■ try to defend your case and avoid the fine

- Good morning. Did you realise that you had been speeding?

- Oh, had I? But I have been driving only at 80 km/h. This is the speed limit on this road, isn’t it?

- Normally, yes. But there are roadworks going on here at the moment and the sign says the speed limit is 40 km/h.

- I am sorry, sir. I must have missed that sign, otherwise I would have been driving more slowly.

- I am afraid, I can’t take that into consideration. You should have been more attentive.

- But look! Can you see any workmen here? They are not working on the road now.

- That doesn’t matter. I am afraid I’ll have to fine you anyway.

42. You are going shopping when you meet your English friend in the street. Now you are talking to her. You ■ ask her where she is going■ ask her i f you can join her■ recommend a big supermarket to go to■ give at least three reasons to go there■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- Hi, Vera. Where are you going?

- I am going shopping.

- That’s what I am going to do as well. Can I join you?

- Yes, do. Where shall we go?

- Let’s go to the big supermarket.

- Don’t you think that there are going to be an awful lot of people there at this time of the day?

- It’s not yet peak time, is it?

- Perhaps not, but anyway, I don’t particularly like doing the shopping there.

- Why?

- Because the shop assistants are not very polite.

- I admit you are right, but there you can get everything under one roof. You don’t have to walk around the town looking for this and that. Actually I would like to do all my shopping for the next week. I have to buy everything I need from lipstick to lager. And the prices are a bit cheaper than anywhere else in town.

- All right then, let’s go there.

- Yes, let’s.


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43. You are in a shop in Britain and you want to buy a pullover fo r yourself. Now you are talking to the shop assistant. You■ tell her what you want■ ask her where to find the changing room■ tell her why it is no good and ask for another one■ ask about the price and say you'll buy it■ react naturally to what the shop assistant is saying

- Can I help you, madam?

- Yes. I’d like a soft, warm, red sweater for myself.

- Here is a lovely one.

- Yes, it’s really nice. Could I possibly try it on?

- Certainly.

- Could you tell me where I can find the changing-room?

- Over there, behind that rack.

- Thank you.

- How does it fit?

- I am afraid it’s a bit small. I like the style, though. Have you got it in a larger size?

- The larger sizes are all green, madam.

- Well, green is not one of my favourite colours. Anyway, how much is it?

- 9.99.

- Hm... the price is quite reasonable. I think I ’ll buy it. Apart from the colour, this is exactly the type of pullover I wanted.

- Here you are, madam, and here is your receipt.

44. You are in B ritain and you need to go to the doctor’s. N ow you are talking to the doctor. You■ tell him w hat the m atter is with you■ tell him how long you have had the pain and when it is the worst■ give him at least two typical symptoms that you have ■ react naturally to the doctor’s further questions

- Good morning, Mr W ane. W hat’s the problem?

- I have got a very bad pain in my legs, doctor.

- When did it start?

- I have had it for about a week now and it hurts m ost when I get up in the morning.

- Do you have the pain all the time?

- Well, it is there virtually the whole time and I can’t really walk upstairs without a lot of pain.

- Is it bad now?


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- Not too good. It really hurts. Sometimes it’s so bad that it stops me from working. I have to lie down then.

- Now, where exactly is the pain?

- Ju st here. I tried putting some ointment on it but it didn’t help either.

- All right. Now I want you to lie down here...

45. Your English friend is staying at your house. You want to go out tonight but you don ’t exactly know where. Now you are talking to your friend. You■ suggest going to a disco■ suggest further alternative ways o f entertainment■ agree on something that you both want to do ■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- How about going to the disco?

- I ’m sorry, I don’t really like discos. I'd much rather go to a good concert.

- What kind of concert have you got in mind? A pop concert, a jazz concert or an orchestral concert?

- Well, I really don’t know.

- Listen, why don’t we go to a musical? There are some good ones on.

- Musicals are not for me, I’m afraid.

- Wouldn’t you like to see a good comedy then?

- That sounds perfect to me.

- Great! Let’s book up for the ‘Comedy of Errors’. It’s on at half past six. We haveone and a half hours to get ready for the performance.

46. You are at a hotel in Britain. When you go up to your room you realise that it is not what you expected. Now you are calling the receptionist and m ake a complaint. You ■ tell her why you are not satisfied with the room■ give her at least two reasons■ tell her what room you asked for when you made your booking■ react naturally to the receptionist’s further questions

- Can I speak to the receptionist, please?

- Speaking.

- This is Mária Nagy in Room 357.

- Yes Madam, can I help you?

- Well, I ’m sorry but I’m not really satisfied with my room.

- What’s the problem, Madam?

- When I made my booking, I asked for a room facing the lake, not facing the street. This room is extremely noisy and I wanted a quiet one.

- A quiet one, Madam?

- Yes, and I asked for a single room with a bath, but this room has just a shower.

- That’s strange, Madam.


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- Of course, it is! What’s more, it hasn’t got a television set or even a radio. I asked for a big room with a TV and this is a small one without a TV. So I would like you to put me in a different room.

- Certainly, Madam. And I’m really sorry about all this. I’m sure it’s our fault. I doapologise.

47. You have invited your English friend to a restaurant. H e would like to eat something typically Hungarian. Now you are talking to him. You■ recommend something that you also like■ tell him what some Hungarian dishes are like■ help him to choose the dish to his taste■ react naturally to your friend’s further questions

- What would you like to have, Jim?

- You know, János, now that I’m in Hungary, I would like to have something typically Hungarian. What do you recommend?

- Well, let me check the menu again. My favourite is roast duck. It comes with sauté potatoes and stewed cabbage.

- Umm, that sounds good, but I’m afraid it’s too fat for me now. I ’d rather have something lighter if you don’t mind. What about this ‘Pince pörkölt’? Is it good?

- Excellent! But this is a really heavy dish. It’s actually beef and potatoes in gravy, which is quite greasy. If you want to have a typical Hungarian meal, you won’t get away with a light salad, you know.

- Anyway, let me just have something simple this time. What do you say to ‘Rakott burgonya’?

- It really is a simple dish. It’s called potato hot pot and it looks very much like a steak pie. It contains layers of potatoes, meat, boiled eggs and sour cream. I’m sure you’ll like it.

- OK then. I’ll settle for a ‘Potato hot pot’. What does it come with?

- You can have any kind of salads or pickles to go with it. If I were you, I’d have it with pickled gherkins.

- Sounds fine to me.

48. You are walking in the street when you are stopped by a foreigner who wants to get to a particular place in your town. Now you are talking to him. You■ give him the directions to the place he wants to go to ■ tell him which is the best way to choose■ tell him where the stop is■ tell him where to buy the ticket and how to handle it■ react naturally to his further questions

- Excuse me, can you tell me which is the quickest way to Kossuth Street?

- By taxi, of course. But you’ll never get a taxi at this time of the day. It’s peak time now.

- Well, how do you think I could get to Kossuth Street, then?

- Where exactly are you going to in Kossuth Street?


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- Er, near Erkel Street.

- Then what you need is tram 63. It goes down Kossuth Street and you’ll see the junction after the fourth stop.

- Thank you. And where is the nearest stop for 63?

- From here? Let me see. It’s about a two-minute walk. Go along this street for about two hundred metres then turn into Bartók Street. On the left you’ll see a big Post office and the bus stop is right on the opposite corner to the Post office. You can’t miss it.

- Thank you. Can I get the ticket on the tram?

- You can, but it’s more expensive. If I were you, I ’d buy the ticket at the kiosk. It ’s over there, right outside the cinema.

- And what do I do with the ticket?

- When you get on the tram, you will have to validate your ticket by putting it into a slot machine and punching it. If there is an inspector coming, you’ll be expected to show the punched/validated ticket to him.

- Thank you very much indeed.

- Not at all.

49. You are in England and you want to buy a video camera. Now you are talking to the shop assistant. You■ tell him you do not exactly know what kind o f cam era you want■ ask him how the cam era he is showing you works■ ask him about the price■ ask him i f you can pay by credit card■ react naturally to what the shop assistant is saying

- Are you being attended to, Sir?

- No, I ’m just having a look round.

- That’s all right. Is there anything special you are looking for?

- Well, ... actually ... a video camera.

- How much are you thinking of spending?

- I don’t really know, ... but definitely not more than £ 200.

- W hat do you think of this one? It’s small and it’s handy for close shots.

- Yes, it’s very much what I had in mind. Let me see. ... What is this button on the front for?

- This is to switch the camera on.

- Oh, and what is this handle on the side, here. What is this for?

- Ju st to adjust the focus.

- Isn’t it automatic?

- Not for this price, Sir.

- Why? How much is i t ?


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- It’s £ 199.

- Mmm. That sounds reasonable. I think I’ll take it.

- Will you be wanting a cassette?

- Yes, I suppose so.

- Here you are. That’ll be £ 205 in all, £ 199 for the video camera and £ 6 for the cassette.

- Can I pay by credit card, please?

- Certainly, Sir.

50. You have called your English friend to invite her out for a trip at the weekend. Now you are talking to her. You ■ invite her for the trip■ react naturally to her refusal■ suggest another time■ tell her where you are planning to go■ agree on what to take with you

- Hallo. This is Károly Végh here. Can I speak to Jane, please?

- Hi, Karcsi. This is Jane speaking. How are you?

- Fine, thanks. I'm phoning to invite you out for the weekend. Can you come for a trip with me on Saturday?

- I’d love to but I’ve got to work, I’m afraid.

- How about Sunday?

- I’m awfully sorry, but I ’ve already fixed an appointment with my friend, Julie, for Sunday evening.

- Don’t worry, we’ll be back by 6 o’clock at the latest.

- Where are you planning to go?

- There’s a lookout in the nearby hills about 10 miles away from here. We might as well walk it. And if the weather stays like this for the weekend, I’m sure, we’ll have a wonderful time.

- That sounds good. I need to get away from work a bit, anyway. What shall I take with me?

- It’s good to have some drink at hand. ... Yes, and a mackintosh ... just in case. And remember to put on comfortable walking shoes.

- Anything to eat?

- No food at all. It’s a nuisance to carry and, anyway, there are some good restaurants on the way. We could pop into one or another any time we get peckish.

- All right then. When and where shall we meet?

- Let’s meet at the filling station near your home at 6 in the morning.

- Right then. See you on Sunday morning.

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51. You are calling your English friend. N ow you are talking to h er on the phon e. You■ tell h er you cannot go and have dinner with h er■ apologise and give h er a good reason why■ inform her about the situation■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- 486789.

- This is Marta, here. Is that you, Fiona?

- Yes, it’s me. Hello, Marta.

- Hello, Fiona. Sorry to be ringing so late, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to dinner tomorrow.

- Come on, I ’ve bought five pounds of beef and tons of vegetables for our dinner. W hat am I supposed to do with so much food?

- I really am sorry. It’s not my fault. My daughter is not feeling well.

- Oh dear, what's up with her?

- I don’t know. She is feeling sick and she’s got a pain in her stom ach. She m ust have eaten something.

- When did it all start?

- Ju s t this afternoon. She was all right when she left for school th is morning, but when she came home she looked pale and she already felt awful. I should think she’s got indigestion.

- Has she seen the doctor yet?

- No, not yet. I had hoped the whole thing would wear off in an hour or two, but actually, it seems to be getting worse.

- Don’t hesitate to call the doctor, then.

- Yes, of course I will.

- And let me know if there’s anything I can do.

- Thanks very much, Fiona.

52. During your stay in England you bought a radio. N ot much later you rea lised that there is som ething wrong with it, so you took it back to the shop. N ow you are talking to the shop assistant. You■ tell him when you bought the radio■ tell him what the problem is with it■ ask him i f it could be replaced■ react naturally to what the shop assistant is saying

- Good morning. I ’ve got a bit of a problem.

- Yes, Sir?

- You see, it’s this radio. I bought it from you yesterday. Do you remember?

- Did I serve you?

- Yes, it was you. Anyway, there seems to be something wrong with the remote control. It won’t work.

- Really?

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- Yes, so I’d be grateful if you could give me another control unit or have this one fixed if that’s possible.

- Can I have a look at it?

- Yes, here you are.

- Did you drop it, by any chance?

- Well, let me think, er ..., actually... now that you’ve mentioned it ... I think I did. And the batteries fell out.

- I can see that. You’ve put them back the wrong way.

- Oh, have I? It’s awfully stupid of me. I just don’t know what to say. I do apologise.

53. During your stay in England you developed a terrible pain in your gum. You decided to go to the dentist and now you are talking to him. You■ tell him what the matter is with you■ tell him how it all started■ describe your symptoms to him■ react naturally to the dentist’s further questions

- Good morning. What’s the matter?

- I ’ve got a terrible pain in my gum. I think it’s my wisdom tooth coming through.

- How long has this been going on?

- Well, it started about a month ago, when my gum was throbbing for a day or two. Then it all stopped and I thought it would be all right. But the throbbing came on again last week and the pain started yesterday. I haven’t been able to eat anything for quite a while now since my throat is terribly swollen.

- Open your mouth, please. ... Yes, I’m afraid you’ll have to go to hospital with this. Your wisdom tooth needs extracting.

- I don’t think I can stay away from the course for more than a couple of hours. Couldn’t you do it for me straight away?

- W hat do you mean?

- I mean, couldn’t you just make a little incision in the gum?

- Well, the problem is that your gum is very much inflamed. So if I incised it, it would hurt a lot.

- Never mind the pain, doctor. I want to get it over with as soon as possible.

- Are you sure you’ll be all right?

- Of course I will. Ju st go ahead.

54. You are in a shop in Britain and you want to buy a p a ir o f trousers fo r yourself. Now you are talking to the shop assistant You■ tell her what you want■ ask her where to find the changing room■ ask her i f they could turn them up■ ask about the price and say you find it too much■ react naturally to what the shop assistant is saying

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S IT U A T IU in ö

- W hat can I do for you?

- I'm looking for a pair of orange trousers. I think I wear size ten.

- I can do the size, but I ’m afraid I can’t do the colour.

- I don’t mind the colour that much. Actually, any shade o f red will do.

- The red trousers are on this counter and here is a size ten.

- Yes, these are very nice and as far as I can see they are washable. Can I try them on?

- Certainly.

- W here is the fitting room?

- Over there by the small round counter.

- They seem to fit but the legs sure a bit long. Can you turn them up for me?

- Yes, we can alter them for you. Do you like the width of the trousers?

- I suppose so. How much are they?

- £50.- Oh, they a bit too expensive.

- They are fashion trousers, Madam, and compared to the prices in other shops they are a good buy.

- Really? I think I’ll settle for something less fashionable then.

55. You work at the Econom ic Department o f a big m ulti-national com pany. You n eed to get an application form signed by the com pany’s English representative today. N ow you are talking to his secretary on the phone. You■ tell her who you are and why you are calling■ tell her that it is urgent and say why■ inform her that you will call later■ react naturally to what the secretary is saying

- Good morning. I ’d like to speak to Mr Hartley, if I may.

- I’m afraid Mr Hartley is out at the moment. Who is that calling, please?

- My name’s Miss Reed, from the Economic Department of Continental M otors. Would you mind taking a message for Mr Hartley, please?

- Yes, certainly.

- Can you tell him to ring me back as soon as he gets back? It ’s really urgent.

- W ait a minute, I’ll find out when he comes back. ... I ’m afraid he won’t be back till this afternoon.

- That’s too late for me. W here do you think I could find him now.

- I’m sorry, I can’t tell you, Miss Reed.

- Listen, there is an application form here, which has to be signed by Mr Hartley as soon as possible. The deadline for handing it in is today. And he knows about this.

- All I can do is tell him that you rang.

- All right then. Please do so. Still, I think I ’ll call again in half an hour.

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56. You and your English friend have just come out o f the cinema. You have seen a film that you did not like at all. Now you are talking to your friend. You■ tell your friend what you think about the film■ give at least two reasons why you think the film was bad■ tell him why you were bored■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- How did you enjoy the film?

- I think it was awful. I’d never have come if I had known it was going to be so stupid.

- What did you find stupid about it?

- Well, the whole story was absurd. I don’t think anything like this could ever happen to anyone. I wish we hadn’t stayed till the end. It was a waste of time and money.

- Well, it wasn’t as bad as all that.

- Yes it was. And you know that as well as I do.

- Actually, the acting was quite good.

- What do you mean? There weren’t any popular actors or actresses in it. Not a single one of my favourites.

- That doesn’t mean that the acting was bad.

- Well, yes, I think you have a point there. But the plot! I got so confused right at the beginning that I was simply unable to make out what was happening. To tell you the truth, I was bored stiff and I could hardly wait for it to end.

- Oh, poor you. Why didn’t you say so?

- Don’t tell me you would’ve left for my sake.

- Not really. Actually, ... er ... I quite liked it.

57. You are a visitor to a small town in England. You want to go out to the theatre tonight so you go to a booking office to ask about the performances. Now you are talking to the clerk there. You■ ask her what she could recommend ■ tell her which play you prefer■ tell her where you would like to sit■ ask her about the price o f the ticket■ react naturally to the clerk’s further questions

- Good morning. Could you recommend a good performance for tonight? You know I’m a visitor here and I don’t know what’s on.

- Well, there’s a comic show, a musical and a straight play. Which one would you prefer?

- I think I’d like the straight play best.

- Yes, and where would you like to sit?

- In any of the first few rows in the stalls.

- I’m afraid we haven’t got any tickets left in the stalls.


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- W hat about the dress circle then?

- The dress circle is all right. Here you are. Right in the middle.

- Great! How much do I pay for the ticket?

- That’ll be £ 20.

- Here you are.

- Thank you very much.

58. You h ad an appointm ent to m eet your friend at 5. Traffic, how ever, h a s delayed you an d you a re an hou r late. N ow you are talking to you r friend. You ■ apolog ise to h er fo r being late ■ give h er a g ood reason why ■ tell her you w ere very anxious yourself ■ react naturally to w hat she is saying

- I ’m awfully sorry I ’m late.

- Well, you should’ve let me know you were going to be so late. I t ’s been rath er chilly standing out here.

- I didn’t know that myself. At the underground station I had to queue up for the ticket, because I realised that my season ticket had run out and I had no change for the slot machine.

- Really?

- Yes and when I came out of the underground and got on the bus, i t was crawling along a t 20 kilometres an hour. I was beside m yself with rage.

- You should’ve taken a taxi.

- Actually, I nearly did. But it wouldn’t have been any faster. There was such a jam on the road.

- It must have been peak period.

- Yes it was. So I decided to take the bus after all. Ju s t im agine! I t took m e 40 minutes to get here.

- You should’ve counted on that.

- Of course I should have. But I didn’t. I ’m ever so stupid. How can I m ake i t up to you now?

- Never mind. L et’s go and have a hot tea to warm us up.

59. You w ould like to travel from L on don to Cambridge. N ow you a r e ta lk in g to the booking clerk a t the railw ay station. You■ tell him where you would like to go and what k in d o f ticket you want ■ tell him where you would like to sit on the train■ a sk him when exactly the train leaves and w hich p latform it leaves from ■ a sk him i f you need to change anywhere ■ ask him about the time o f arrival

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- A cheap return to Cambridge, please.

- Right, Madam. Which class?

- Second. I’d like a seat by the window in a non-smoker, facing the engine, if I could.

- Yes, here you are.

- What time does the train start exactly?

- At 5 o’clock sharp.

- And which platform is it?

- It’s platform 6.

- Where can I find number 6, please?

- When you go out of the booking-office, you turn right and you’ll see the platforms there. They are all numbered. You can’t miss 6.

- Is it a through train or do I change?

- It’s a through train. You don’t have to change anywhere.

- Great! And what time does it arrive in Cambridge, please?

- At a quarter to seven.

- Thank you very much indeed.

- Not at all.

60. You and your English friend have been invited to a party. Your friend, however, does not know the people present, so now you are saying a few words about them before you introduce your friend. You• tell her about the blonde girl (who she is, what she is like)■ tell her about the man sitting next to her* tell her about the boy standing by the window■ tell her about the girl at the table■ react naturally to your friend’s further questions

- Helen, do you know all of these people?

- Most of them, yes. They are a nice lot. Let’s go and meet them.

- Could you just tell me first who they are and then introduce me to them?

- All right. Can you see the blonde girl sitting by the stove, wearing a red dress and a black scarf with a smile on her face?

- Yes, she looks rather glamorous.

- Now, she is Jake’s girlfriend.

- Oh, really? And the chap sitting next to her?

- He’s Tony, a photographer. He’s a jolly character. But stay away from him if you can. He is said to be a womaniser.

- Come on! I don’t think I’d be in danger.

- Now, the boy standing by the window... Can you see him?

- Do you mean the one in a striped jacket?


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- Yes, yes the one with a beard and a moustache. He’s an old friend of mine. He’s a nice chap, but he hates parties. He says he’s come for my sake. Actually, he’s a party pooper.

- And what about the girl at the table? With long dark hair and glasses?

- Oh, Jenny, she’s great. She’s a lot of fun. I ’m sure you’ll like her. She’ll be very friendly.

- Well, they all seem nice, don’t they.

- Why don’t you come over and meet them? I’ll introduce you to them.

- All right. Let’s go.

61. Your English friend is going to the shops and she offers to do the shopping for you too. Now you are talking to your friend. You■ thank her for doing the shopping for you■ tell her what you need from the baker’s■ from the greengrocer’s■ from the supermarket■ react naturally to what she is saying

- Hello, Zsuzsi. I’m going to the shops. If there’s anything you need I could buy it for you.

- That’s very kind of you, Wendy. Are you sure you don’t mind doing the shopping for me?

- Not at all. I like shopping, you know. And I ’d like to find my way around here a little bit.

- That’s great, then. Now, let’s see. I need five large rolls. If you could get them from the baker’s ... so they are nice and fresh.

- OK, I will.

- Two heads of lettuce from the greengrocer’s.

- Right. Anything else from there?

- Yes, some fruit. A kilo of apples and three big peaches. I think the rest could be bought at the supermarket.

- Which supermarket do you mean?

- I like the one at the corner of Viola Street and Ady Street. It’s opposite the greengrocer’s. You can’t miss it.

- What shall I get you from the supermarket?

- A tub of margarine, a carton of yoghurt, half a litre of long-life milk, a packet of flour and a tube of paprika paste.

- Hang on a minute, I’ll have to jot this down.

- Here’s a piece of paper.

- Right then. I’ll be off now.

- That’s lovely. Thank you very much.

- See you in an hour.


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62. Your next door neighbour is an Englishman and since you are going out tonight you want to ask him to look after your baby. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell him what you want (be polite)■ tell him when you need baby-sitting fo r■ tell him what he should do i f the baby wakes up■ thank him fo r his kindness■ react naturally to the neighbour’s further questions

- Hello, Dan. I’d like to ask you a favour.

- Yes?

- I wonder whether you could look after my baby.

- Well, that would depend on when.

- Actually, it’s tonight. We are going to the theatre, you know.

- I’d like to say yes, but, as a matter of fact, I’m not much of a baby-sitter.

- Never mind that. She’ll have gone to sleep by the time we leave.

- Is she likely to wake up?

- No, I don’t think so. She doesn’t usually.

- And what if she does?

- Don’t worry about it. Ju st pick her up and give her the dummy.

- Will she cry, do you think? I never know what to do with crying babies.

- If she should cry, just give her a little bit of a cuddle and she’ll go back to sleep.

- Shall I feed her by any chance?

- I don’t think she’ll be hungry. But I’ll put out some milk on the table ... just in case.

- Yes, that’d be wise.

- Now, do you think you could come over in about an hour's time?

- Right. I’ll be there.

- Thanks a lot. That’s very kind of you.

63. You are a hypochondriac type o f person and even during your stay in England you decide to go to the doctor’s. Now you are talking to him. You■ tell him what kinds o f diseases you are suffering from ■ tell him about the many symptoms that you have■ tell him about the accident you have had recently■ react naturally to the doctor’s further questions

- Good morning, Doctor!

- Good morning! What’s the matter with you? You look a bit off-colour.

- I seem to be suffering from all possible diseases: I have insomnia, indigestion and diarrhoea. I keep getting blinding headaches and sharp pains in my lower back. To make things even worse, I’ve caught a cold, I’ve got a rather sore throat, I’m constantly sneezing and coughing and I feel feverish.

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- And what about these rashes around your mouth?

- Yes, I ’ve had them for a day or two. Actually, I can’t stop scratching this place on my chin. And on top of all that I had an accident the other day and I developed a big bump on the back of my head. Do you think it might be more than a bruise?

- Well, let me examine you first and give you the diagnosis later.

- Yes, doctor, I ’m sorry. You know, I’m just so much afraid that there’s som ething wrong with my heart too!

- Rubbish. You may be a bit run down, but nothing more serious than that.

64. You a re staying in E ngland fo r the summer. N ow your E nglish fr ien d an d you a re w alking in town and are talking about the w eather in B ritain an d in Hungary. You ■ tell h im you are disappointed about today’s w eather ■ tell him about the w eather in Hungary in sum m er ■ tell h im about the w eather in Hungary in winter ■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- Thank God, it seems to be clearing up.

- Actually, I had thought it would get much warmer today. At least th at’s what the weather forecast said this morning.

- You can never trust the weather when you are in Britain. I t ’s so unpredictable.

- It m ust be the wind that makes it feel so cold. I'm freezing.

- Yes, it ’s fairly cold for the season. Still, it’s a big improvement on what we had yesterday.

- That’s right. Well, in Hungary, we have a very different climate with long spells of hot weather and blue skies in summer. Som etimes the countryside gets parched during the dry days in August.

- Unfortunately, we don’t have long, hot summers like you do. And what about the winters?

- Our winters can be really cold with blizzards and frost. B u t som etim es, it’s nice and sunny in winter when you can go out to ski, skate or toboggan. Children love that. But, ... why don’t we go inside? It’s not much fun standing out here, even if it is said to be summer.

- OK. L et’s go in and have a drink.

65. You are in E ngland an d you have taken a taxi from the station to the hotel w here you are staying. You are surprised to h ea r that the fa r e is £30 . N ow you are ta lk in g to the taxi driver. You■ express your d isbelie f a t the am ount o f the fa r e (be po lite first)■ express your anger when you fee l h e w on’t yield■ threaten to report it to the police■ react naturally to w hat the driver is saying

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- You owe me £ 30.

- Thirty pounds? Are you sure?

- Absolutely. You owe me £ 30. That’s the full fare.

- You must be joking. It can’t be that expensive.

- Well, it seems to be.

- £ 30? Do you take me for a fool? Only last week I took a taxi from the station to this hotel. I know how much the trip should cost.

- Well, ... you know ... look ...

- I have a good mind to call the police.

- Please, don’t do that. I’ve just misread the meter. Look, it’s altogether three pounds. And you are right, this trip isn’t worth more than that.

- You don’t have to tell me that. I may be a foreigner, but I do know my way around here.

- Yes, Sir.

66. You are asked by a tourist in Budapest how to m ake a telephone call from a public phon e box in Hungary. Now you are trying to help him. You■ tell him what to do first when he enters the box■ tell him what kind o f tone he will hear■ tell him what number to dial first and what comes next■ react naturally to the foreigner’s further questions

- Excuse me, can you tell me how to use this telephone? Whatever I do, I can’t get through.

- Certainly. Now, let’s pick up the receiver and insert your card into this slot. Listen, can you hear the dialling tone?

- Yes, I think so.

- Right then. W hat’s the number you wish to speak to?

- I t ’s 262 487.

- And what’s the area code?

- Area code? W hat do you mean? I haven’t got any more numbers here.

- There’s a code for each area. Let’s check it in the directory. Right. So you first dial 06, which is for long distance calls. Then you hear a kind of musical sound. Here we go. ... Listen. ... Now you dial the area code and the number you want to speak to. That’s it.

- W hat’s happening? Is it ringing?

- I ’m afraid the line is engaged. Let’s put down the receiver for the time being and you could try again in a minute or two.

- Thank you very much.


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67. You are w alking in the street when you meet an o ld E nglish fr ien d o f yours. N ow you are talking to her. You■ tell h er it is a long time since you last met■ tell her w here you are going■ ask her i f she could jo in you■ agree on a time that you could meet■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- Hi Jan e . It’s so nice to see you again. You are quite a stranger. W here have you been?

- I ’ve been away for a while.

- I see. Jan e , I am just going to have dinner somewhere. Now, ... would you like to come with me?

- I ’d love to, but I'm afraid I can’t. I have to meet Ja ck at seven. Thanks all the same.

- Listen. Why don’t we get together tomorrow? The two of us, and go for a coffee or something. W e haven’t had a good chat for ages now.

- W ell, I don’t think I ’ll still be here tomorrow.

- Come on, I won’t take no for an answer. W e really m ust talk a bit.

- All right then. I ’ll put off my trip till the day after tomorrow.

- Great. W hen and where shall we meet?

- Outside the cafeteria, at five?

- Look. I ’m going by car. Shall I pick you up at your place so you won’t have to take a bus?

- That’s very kind of you.

68. You are expecting a guest to arrive a t three tomorrow. You, how ever, can n ot m eet h er at the station. Now you are asking your English friend to help you out. You■ tell h im when the guest will arrive a t the station■ tell him why you can ’t m eet her■ tell h im w hat sh e looks like■ tell h im w hat clothes she will be wearing■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- Jam es! I wonder whether you could help me out tomorrow.

- Why? W hat’s the matter?

- A friend of mine is coming to see me. She’ll arrive a t the station at about three p.m. It ’s a very unfortunate coincidence, but I’ll have to go to an interview for a new job at exactly three. Is there any chance of you m eeting her a t the station?

- It depends on how pretty she is.

- Come on. Stop being silly. Otherwise, ... she really is very pretty.

- I think this would be all right, then. But, how can I recognise her?


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- She’s a twenty-four-year-old blonde. She has shoulder-length hair but she usually wears it back combed in a pony-tail. At this time of the year her complexion will be quite tanned, and she’ll probably be wearing some make-up on her eyes and lips. She’s slim and she is rather on the short side.

- Do you know what she’ll be wearing?

- I’m afraid I don’t. What I know is that her favourite colour is white and that she loves wearing tight trousers and short tops. When the weather is cooler, she usually puts on a black cardigan. And her sandals or shoes will probably be high- heeled.

- OK, a pretty, short, slim, fair-haired woman in white. I won’t miss her.

69. Your English friend has been rather tense and exhausted recently. Now you are talking to him. You■ suggest that he consults a doctor■ give your reasons why■ tell him what you think he would need■ offer your help■ react naturally to what your friend is saying

- You look rather strained and washed out, Alan. You’d better stop work for a while or you’ll have a crack-up.

- Don’t exaggerate, Dénes. There’s nothing the matter with me, really. It’s just that I seem to have caught a bug.

- Well, if I were you I’d consult a doctor, anyway.

- But I have. He gave me a thorough check-up the other day.

- And what did he say?

- He said there was nothing wrong with me and that I would live till I was a hundred.

- Why do you look so much off-colour, then?

- Actually, he also said that I must be overtired.

- Overtired? That’s an understatement. You are absolutely run down. What you would really need is a nice long holiday to recharge your batteries.

- You know I can’t leave my job at the moment.

- That’s ridiculous. I’m sure you could find a way for yourself to go away somewhere for a while if you really wanted to. I ’d gladly replace you.

- Would you really?

- Of course, I would.

- Well, let me think it over, and I’ll tell you later.


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70. Your friend and you are in England. You want to rent a ca r fo r you r travels arou n d the country. N ow you are talking to the assistant. You■ tell him how long you want the car fo r■ tell him w hat car you need■ ask him about the costs■ ask about the insurance■ react naturally to the assistan t’s further questions

- Can I help you?

- Yes, I wanted to enquire about hiring a car for a week or so.

- W hat kind of car would you like to have?

- I was thinking about a medium-sized one. It’s ju st for the two o f us, you know. Now, can you tell me the basic cost?

- The daily rate is £ 32 and the weekly is £ 189.

- W hat about VAT? Is that included?

- No, I ’m afraid it’s not included. You would have to add 15% to the price.

- And how about insurance? Is that included in the hire charge?

- Yes, yes that’s all included.

- Fair enough. Will I be able to have a car for next week?

- Yes, I suppose so. Is your driving licence valid?

- Certainly. There’s no problem there.

- Good. All you have to do now is fill in this form.

- Thank you very much.

- It ’s my pleasure


1. long time no see ezer éve nem láttalakHow are things going? Hogy állnak a dolgok?as pretty as ever csinosabb, m int valahato suit, -ed illik, jól állto lose one’s looks kevésbé jó l néz ki, elveszti a form áját

2. say hello from me to him üdvözöld a nevembenrecovery felépülésin fact valójábanfor sure biztosan

3. classmate osztálytársI see értemYou know what? Tudod mit?

4. nuisance teher, kellem etlenségto cost, cost, cost a fortune egy vagyonba kerülfour-course lunch négyfogásos ebédto take the trouble veszi a fáradságotto tell the truth az igazat megvallva

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5. to be on műsoron vantestpaper in maths matekdolgozatwhole teljes, egészstrict szigorúsome other time vmikor máskorI’ll keep you to that! Szavadon foglak!

6. anyway akárhogyisaltogether itt: teljesenloss veszteséggain nyereségchampagne pezsgő

7. to make a fool out of sy bolondot csinál vkibőlto have sg on van rajta vmihuge big óriásisuitcase bőröndto refuse, -ed visszautasítchilly csípős, hűvös

8. What’s up? Mi a helyzet? Mi baj?midnight éjfélto sit up for sy nem fekszik le, megvár vkit ébren

9. to move, -d to elköltözik vhovato settle, -d down letelepedniwise bölcsdoorstep küszöbto have everything on the doorstep minden könnyen elérhetőwell supplied jól ellátottcomfort komfortelectricity villanyto admit, -ted elismer, beismervast óriásidistance távolságdepartment store áruházto pop, -ped into beugrik

10. enormous óriásisum of money pénzösszegloan kölcsönmanaged to sikerültto do one’s share kiveszi a részétunbelievable hihetetlenneatly szépen, rendesento turn sg into sg átalakít vmit vmivéattic padlásall modern conveniences összkomfortto be proud of sg büszke vmire

11. to answer the door kinyitja az ajtótworried aggódóto make an appointment találkozót beszél megto ring, rang, rung the bell csengetcorridor folyosó


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to be on be van kapcsolvaas if minthato sound, ed hangzikworrying aggasztó

12. to rearrange, -d átrendezto have a good taste in sg jó ízlése van vmihezinterior design lakberendezéswall unit szekrénysorto replace, -d lecserél, felváltlilac halványlilato hang, hung, hung lóg, akaszt

13. I wonder érdekelneplaces of interest nevezetességekarchitecture építészetevent esemény, rendezvényto organize, -d szervez, rendeztournament harci játékto surround, -ed körülveszto be full of sg tele van vmivel

14. plot of land telekto develop, -ed kifejlesztto mess, -ed about tesz-vesz, babrálvegetable plot zöldséges kertto hoe, -d kapálto dig, dug, dug ássoil talajrelaxing pihentetőboring unalmaswhat’s more sőt mi többto grow, grew, grown termelNow you are talking! Miért nem ezzel kezdted?on top of all that mindennek tetejébeextremely rendkívüli módonin the open air a szabad levegőn

15. basement alagsor, pinceszintin fact valójábanwhatever you want amit csak óhajtto let, let, let kiad

16. recommend, -ed ajánlif I were in your place ha a helyedben lennékfar more sokkal többto do the odd jobs around the house megcsinálja a ház körüli munkákat

moreover sőt mi többtidy rendes, tisztathat’s very true így igazto adjust oneself to sv alkalmazkodik vkihez

life-style életmódin general általában véveto heat, -ed fűt

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cosy kényelmesby any chance véletlenülI can’t stand ki nem állhatom

17. to be in two minds about sg nem tud dönteni vmibendefinitely határozottandining-recess ebédlősarokhousehold gadgets háztartási eszközökpots and pans fazekak és lábasokto take up a lot of space sok helyet foglal elhousehold appliances háztartási eszközökto have a kitchen built konyhát építtetdishwasher mosogatógép

18. wall-to-wall carpet/ fitted carpet padlószőnyegadvisable tanácsosto cover, -ed befed, betakarto wear, wore, worn elhasználódik, tönkremegyin no time egy pillanat alattcomings and goings jövés-menésto spill, spilt, spilt (or: -ed) kiöntcovering burkolatparquet floor parkettaa carpet or two néhány szőnyegto convince, -d meggyőz

19. nearby közelilook-out tower kilátótoronymagnificent gyönyörű, pazarto suppose, -d feltételezwe had better jobban tennénknaturally természetszerűleginstead helyetteto join, -ed sy csatlakozni vkihez

20. to give, gave, given a party bulit rendezworkmate munkatársclassmate osztálytársto make it sikerül odaérniewhatever you wish amit csak kívánszparty game társasjáték

21. home-made házi, otthon készítettfattening hizlalóto put on weight hízikto be on a diet fogyókúrán vanthat is ugyanisrecipe recept (ételé)to contain, -ed tartalmaznidelicious ízletes, finom

22. to pour, -ed tölt, öntIt’s ages since we last met. Ezer éve nem talá celebrate, -d megünnepel

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sudden hirtelen, váratlanappearance megjelenés

23. to help with one’s coat lesegíti a kabátjátto feel like sg kedve lenne meginni/ m egenni vm itslice szeletfavourite kedvencbrand fajta, márkasome úgy manage, -d sikerülwell done nagyszerű, ügyes

24. I can’t make it nem tudom megoldanito put, put, put off elhalasztat such short notice ilyen rövid határidővelto pick sy up elmegy vkiértsuperb nagyszerű

25. to have sg in mind vmire gondolweek today mához egy hétreotherwise különben, egyébkéntto run, ran, run out kifogy, elfogyas far as I know m ár am ennyire én tudomto suggest, -ed javasolrow sorloud hangosAre you kidding? Tréfálsz?it’s no use nincs értelm efor your sake a kedvedért

26. for your inform ation csak hogy tudd/ tudjasick betegto lie, lay, lain in bed ágyban fekszikto take a day off kivesz egy nap szabadságotlet me know tudassa velemin due tim e kellő időben

27. job centre m unkaközvetítőrecently m ostanábanreasonable elfogadhatóthere is a chance of van rá lehetőségretraining átképzésfield terü lettourism idegenforgalom

28. to advertise, -d m eghirdetlocal paper helyi lapto make enquiries érdeklődikpersonnel m anager szem élyzeti vezetőto find, found, found out k iderítdetail részletvaried változatosto require, -d igényelsacrifice áldozatoccasionally időnként

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working hours munkaidősalary fizetésbefore tax adólevonás nélkülto hold, held, held tartpost állás, posztto let sy know tudatja vkivelto make up one’s mind elhatározza magát

29. to hand in one’s notice benyújtja a felmondásátto take up a job új állásba lépto go off one’s head megőrüljust on the contrary pont ellenkezőlegto consider, -ed tekintetbe vesza long way messzeseason ticket bérletas far as I know már amennyire én tudomworking conditions munkakörülményekwhat’s more sőt mi többto tell the truth az igazat megvallvafringe benefits szociális juttatásokto include, -d magában foglalto do without sg megvan vmi nélkülto rush headlong into sg elkapkodni vmitto do well virágzik, jól megyrumour has it beszélikto privatize, -d privatizálto lay, laid, laid off elbocsát

30. head of department osztályvezetőpersonally személyesento complete, -d elkészít, befejezto check, -ed ellenőriz, megnézI wouldn’t like to be in your shoes. Nem szeretnék a helyedben lenni.I had better jobban tenném, hato hurry, hurried up sietni

31. colleague/workmate munkatárscompletely tökéletesento be new to új vholdifficulty nehézségin the beginning kezdetbenobviously nyilvánvalóanto solve, -d megoldto hesitate, -d habozikright away azonnal

32. management vezetésflexible rugalmasactually ténylegesenwhenever amikor csakrequirement elvárás, követelménywe are to be here elvárják tőlünk, hogy itt legyünknaturally természetszerűleg

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33. ideally az lenne az ideálisto pack in becsomagol, berakto make sure meggyőződik vmirőlsharp itt: pontosanto miss, -ed lekésnithat is ugyanisto trust, -ed sy bízik vkiben

34. Would you be so kind as to...? Lenne olyan szíves...?sight látnivaló, látványcathedral székesegyházholy trinity szentháromságepiscopal palace püspöki palotalook-out kilátóbastion bástyabaroque barokkindeed igazán, valóbanto owe, -d tartoznichange aprópénz

35. tobacconist’s dohányboltnewsagent’s újságosticket-office jegyváltóYou should have bought one. Vennie kellett volna egyet.inspector ellenőrto pull the handle meghúzza a kartlike this ígyto punch, -ed kilyukasztto validate érvényesít

36. to change for átszállto run, ran run közlekedikto take long sokáig tartobviously nyilvánvalóanto save time időt megtakarítnot at all nem tesz semmit

37. to turn into a street befordul egy utcábato miss, -ed eltévesztconspicuous szembetűnő

38. to fill, -ed up teletöltunleaded petrol ólommentes benzindistilled water desztillált vízto refill, -ed újratöltbattery akkumulátorWill this do? Ez megfelel?brand árufajtato go up felmegyA little bird told me. Csiripelték a verebek.

39. to see to sg utánanéz, megnézto pull, -ed húzproperly megfelelőenbanging sound kopogó hang

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engine motorwindscreen wiper ablaktörlőto put sg right rendbehoz, helyreteszsome time vmikorto cost, cost, cost kerül vmibeapproximately hozzávetőlegesento hazard a guess megkockáztat egy feltevéstat this stage most, jelenlegto balance, -d centírozperfect tökéletes

40. theft lopás, eltulajdonításto report, -ed bejelentwhat make milyen gyártmányúburglar alarm riasztóto install, -ed beszerelyet mégisstate of repair állapotdent horpadásmudguard sárhányóhole lyukwindscreen szélvédő

41. to speed, -ed a megengedett sebességnél gyorsabban hajt

speed limit sebességhatárnormally normális körülmények közöttroadworks útépítésat the moment jelenlegsign táblaI must have missed biztos nem vettem észreotherwise különbento take sg into consideration számításba veszattentive figyelmesto fine, -d megbírságol

42. to join, -ed sy csatlakozik vkihezan awful lot of people rengeteg emberpeak time (period) csúcsforgalmi időszakparticularly különösento admit, -ted elismerunder one roof egy fedél alattlipstick ajakrúzslager sörfajta

43. soft puhato try, tried on felpróbálchanging-room próbafülkerack fogasto fit, -ted passzol, méretesthough bárreasonable elfogadhatóapart from sg eltekintve vmitől

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exactly pontosanreceipt blokk

44. all the time / the whole time állandóanvirtually gyakorlatilagto hurt, hurt, hurt fájnito lie, lay, lain down lefekszikointment kenőcs

45. much rather sokkal inkábbto have sg in mind vmire gondolorchestral zenekarithey are not for me nem nekem valók, nem szeretem őketto sound, -ed hangzikperfect tökéletesto book up for sg jegyet foglal vmireComedy of Errors Tévedések vígjátékato be on műsoron vanto get ready elkészülperformance előadás

46. to be satisfied elégedettto make one’s booking lefoglalroom facing sg vmire néző szobaextremely nagyon, rendkívüli módonnoisy zajossingle room with bath egyágyas, fürdőkádas szobashower zuhanyozóstrange furcsa, különöswhat’s more sőt mi többset készülékat least legalábbit’s our fault a mi hibánkI do apologise igazán elnézést kérek

47. typically tipikusanto recommend, -ed ajánlanito one’s taste ízlése szerintto check, -ed ellenőriz, megnézmenu étlapfavourite kedvencroast duck sült kacsasauté potatoes sült burgonyastewed cabbage párolt káposztaI’d rather have inkább ennéklight könnyűsimple egyszerűexcellent kiválóheavy dish nehéz ételactually igazából, tulajdonképpengravy szaftgreasy zsírosto get away with megússza vmivelanyway akárhogy is

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What do you say to...? Mit szólsz a ...-hoz?potato hot pot rakott burgonyato look like... úgy néz ki, mint a...steak pie rakott marhahúslayer rétegsour cream tejfelto settle for sg vminél megállapodikto come with sg vmivel együtt adjákpickles savanyúságto go with it hozzá, mellépickled gherkins savanyú uborka

48. to get a taxi taxit szerezpeak time/period csúcsidőexactly pontosanjunction kereszteződésstop megállóto go along végigmegyto turn into befordulopposite ellenkezőyou can’t miss it nem lehet eltévesztenikiosk trafikoutside előtt, kívülto validate, -d érvényesítslot machine jegykezelő automatato punch, -ed kilyukasztinspector ellenőrto expect, -ed elvárpunched/validated ticket lekezelt jegy

49. to attend to sb odafigyel, kiszolgál vkitto have a look round körülnézto look for sg keresni vmitactually valójában, igazábólto spend, spent, spent költenidefinitely határozottanto be handy for sg alkalmas, megfelelő vmireclose shot közeli felvételit’s very much like sg nagyon hasonlít vmireto have sg in mind gondol vmirebutton gombto switch, -ed bekapcsolhandle far, fogantyúon the side az oldalánWhat is it for? Mire való?to adjust, -ed beállít, megigazítautomatic automatareasonable elfogadható, reálisI suppose so. Úgy hiszem, pay by credit card hitelkártyával fizet

50. to invite sb out elhív vkittrip túra, kirándulás

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How about Sunday? Ne és vasárnap?awfully szörnyento fix an appointment találkozót lebeszél, lefixálat the latest legkésőbblookout kilátónearby közeliWe might as well walk it. Akár gyalog is mehetnénk.If the weather stays like this... Ha ilyen marad az idő have a wonderful time csodálatosan érzi magátto get away from work a bit egy kicsit kikapcsolódik a munkábólat hand kéznélmackintosh esőkabátjust in case mindenesetreto put on felveszwalking shoes túracipőat all egyáltalánit’s a nuisance to carry kényelmetlen cipelnion the way útközbento pop in beugrikpeckish éhesfilling station benzintöltő állomás

51. come on ugyan már, ugyan menj márpound font, kb. fél kilótons of rengetegW hat am I supposed to do? M it csináljak?it’s not my fault nem az én hibámW hat’s up with her? Mi van vele?to feel sick hányingere vanto have a pain in one’s stomach fáj a gyomrato leave for school elindul az iskolábapale sápadtindigestion gyomorrontásto wear, wore, worn off elmúlikto get worse rosszabbodikto hesitate, -d haboznilet me know tudasd velem

52. a bit of a problem egy kis problémato serve, -d kiszolgálthere seems to be something wrong úgy tűnik, hogy vmi baj vanremote control távirányítóit won’t work „nem hajlandó működni”, nem működikgrateful hálásunit egységto fix, -ed megjavítto drop, -ped leejtby any chance véletlenülnow that you’ve mentioned it most, hogy mondjabattery elemto fall, fell, fell out kiesikthe wrong way helytelenül, fordítvato apologise, -d mentegetőzik, elnézést kér

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53. What’s the matter? Mi a probléma?terrible pain szörnyű fájdalomgum ínywisdom tooth bölcsességfogto come through előbújik, jönto go, went, gone on tart, zajlikto throb, -bed lüktetfor a day or two egy-két napigthrobbing lüktetésto come, came, come on előjön, jelentkezikfor quite a while egy jó idejesince mivelto be swollen meg van dagadvato extract, -ed kihúz, eltávolítto stay away from sg távol marad vhonnan, nem jára couple of hours néhány óráigstraight away azonnalincision bemetszés, felvágásto be inflamed be van gyulladvato incise, -d bemetsz, felvágto hurt, hurt, hurt fájto get it over with túlesik rajtago ahead gyerünk, induljon, folytassa

54. What can I do for you? Mivel szolgálhatok?to look for sg keresnito wear, wore, worn hord, viselsize méretI can do the size. A méretet tudom adni.I don’t mind the colour that much. A szín annyira nem érdekel.shade színárnyalatit will do megjárja, megfelelcounter pultas far as I can see már amennyire én látom, gondolomwashable moshatóto try, tried on felpróbálfitting room próbafülketo fit, -ted passzol, méretre jóto turn, -ed up felhajtto alter, -ed átalakítwidth szélességI suppose so. Azt hiszem, trousers divatnadrágcompared to sg összehasonlítva vmivelit’s a good buy jó vételto settle for sg beéri vmivel, megállapodik vmi mellettfashionable divatos

55. if I may ha lehetto be out nem tartózkodik bent, házon kívül vanat the moment pillanatnyilageconomic department gazdasági osztályto take a message üzenetet átvesz

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as soon as mihelytto get back visszaérurgent sürgősto find, found, found out kitalál, rájönapplication form kérvény, folyamodványto sign, -ed aláíras soon as possible amint lehetségesdeadline határidőto hand, -ed in benyújtstill mégis

56. stupid ostobaa waste of time időpocsékolásafter all tulajdonképpenYou know that as well as I do. Te épp olyan jól tudod, mint én.acting játék, szerepléspopular népszerűfavourite kedvencnot a single one egyetlen egy semyou have a point there abban igazad vanplot cselekmény, történetto get confused összezavarodikright közvetlenülto make, made, made out kivesz, rájönto tell the truth az igazat megvallvaI was bored stiff halálra untam magamI could hardly wait for it to end. Alig vártam, hogy vége legyen.Why didn’t you say so? Miért nem mondtad?for my sake a kedvemért

57. to recommend, -ed ajánlperformance előadásto be on műsoron vancomic show vígjáték, vicceststraight play zene nélküli színdarabrow sorstalls zsöllyedress circle első emeleti páholyright in the middle közvetlen középre

58. I’m awfully sorry szörnyen sajnálomlet me know tudasd velemrather chilly meglehetősen hűvös, csípősunderground station földalatti állomásto queue, -d up sorba állto realise, -d rájön, észreveszseason ticket bérletto run, ran, run out lejárchange aprópénzslot machine jegykezelő automatato get, got, got on felszállto crawl, -ed along csigalassúsággal haladI was beside myself with rage. Magamon kívül voltam a dühtől.

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to take a taxi taxiba szálljam forgalmi dugó, torlódáspeak tim e csúcsidőafter all mindezek után, tulajdonképpento count on sg szám ít vmireI ’m ever so stupid. R ettenetesen ostoba make it up to sb kárpótol vkitnever mind ne is törődj veleto warm sb up felm elegít vkit

59. seat by the window ablak melletti ülésnon-smoker nem dohányzófacing the engine m enetiránnyal szembenexactly pontosansharp itt: pontbanplatform vágánybooking-office jegyváltó irodato be numbered meg van számozvayou can’t m iss it el sem tudja tévesztenithrough train közvetlen gyorsjáratto change, -d átszáll

60. nice lot kedves emberekto introduce sb to sb bemutat vkit vkinekblonde szőkestove kályhato wear, wore, worn hord, viselscarf sálglamorous elbűvölő, bájoschap fickó, pasasjolly character vidám figurato stay away from sb távol tartja magát vkitőlwomaniser nőcsábászcome on ugyan, menj márto be in danger veszélyben vanstriped csíkosbeard szakállmoustache bajuszan old friend of mine egy régi barátomfor my sake a kedvemértactually valójában, igazábólparty pooper „ünneprontó”, nem „bulizó” típusshe’s a lot of fun nagyon mulatságos

61. to go to the shops bevásárolni megyto mind, -ed kifogásolnot at all egyáltalán nemto find one’s way around eltalál, kiismeri magátbaker’s péküzletroll zsemleso they are fresh hogy frissek legyenek

head of lettuce fej saláta

peach őszibarack

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1 3 7

greengrocer’s zöldséges üzletyou can’t miss it el sem tudod tévesztenitub of margarine doboz margarincarton of yoghurt doboz joghurtlong-life milk tartós tejpacket of flour csomag liszttube of paprika paste tubus „piros arany”hang on a minute várj egy kicsitto jot, -ted down leír, lejegyezI’ll be off now. Most m ár megyek.

62. to ask sb a favour szívességet kér vkitőlI wonder whether you could... Nem tudnál-e..., lennél-e olyan szí look after sb felügyel rá, gondját viselito depend on sg függ vmitőlas a m atter of fact tulaj donképpenI’m not much of a... nem vagyok egy ü go to sleep elalszikto be likely to... valószínű, hogy..., elképzelhető, wake, woke, woken up felébredto pick, -ed up felveszdummy cumigive sb a bit of a cuddle egy kicsit megölelgetto feed, fed, fed etet, táplálby any chance véletlenül, m indenesetreto put, put, put out kiteszjust in case ha mégis szükség lesz ráwise bölcs

63. W hat’s the m atter with you? Mi a baj?off-colour beteges, rossz színben vanto suffer from a disease betegségben szenvedinsomnia álmatlanságindigestion gyomorrontásdiarrhoea hasmenésblinding headache őrjítő fejfájássharp pain éles fájdalomlower back derékto catch (a) cold megfáznisore throat fájó torokconstantly állandóanto sneeze, -d tüsszögto cough, -ed köhögto feel feverish lázasnak érzi m agátrash kiütésto scratch, -ed vakarózikchin állon top of all that mindennek tetejébeto have an accident balesetet szenvedthe other day a minapbump púp, daganatbruise horzsolásrubbish ostobaság

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to be a bit run down egy kicsit ki van merülveserious komoly

64. to clear, -ed up kitisztulweather forecast időjárás előrejelzésto trust, -ed sb/sg megbízik vkiben, vmibenunpredictable kiszámíthatatlanI’m freezing. Majd megfagyok.It’s cold for the season. Az évszakhoz képest hideg van.improvement javulásclimate éghajlatspell of hot weather melegfront, meleg időszakto get parched kisül, kiégblizzard hóviharfrost fagyto toboggan, -ed szánkózniit’s not much fun nem vmi nagy élvezeteven if még akkor is, ha

65. to owe, -d sb tartozik vkinekto yield, -ed engedabsolutely tökéletesen, teljesenfare viteldíjYou must be joking. Ön tréfá take sb for a fool bolondnak néz vkitto cost, cost, cost kerül vmibeto have a good mind to do sg szándékoz vmit csinálnito misread, misread, misread félreolvas, tévesen olvas elmeter mérőórato be worth sg vmennyit érI know my way around here kiismerem magam itt, ismerem itt a


66. whatever akármi, akármitto get through összeköttetést teremt, kapcsoljákto pick up the receiver felveszi a kagylótto insert the card berakja a kártyátslot lyuk, résdialling tone tárcsahangarea code körzetszámdirectory telefonkönyvto dial, -led tárcsáziklong distance call távolsági híváshere we go itt is van, tessékthe line is engaged foglalt a vonalfor the time being most, jelenleg

67. You are quite a stranger. Régóta nem láttalak. / Alig ismerlek meg-for a while egy kis ideigto join, -ed sb csatlakozik vkihezThanks all the same. Azért köszönö have a chat elbeszélgetto put off sg elhalaszt vmit

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cafeteria kávéház, cukrászdato pick sb up elmegy érte

68. to help sb out kisegít vkitunfortunate coincidence szerencsétlen egybeesésIs there any chance of...? Van rá esély?to meet sb at the station kimegy vki elé az állomásraotherwise amúgyto recognise, -d felismershoulder-length hair vállig érő hajback-combed tupírozvapony tail lófaroktanned complexion barna (napoztatott) arcbőrlip ajakto be on the short side alacsonytight trousers szűk nadrágcool hűvösto put, put, put on felveszcardigan kardigánhigh-heeled magas sarkúfair-haired világos hajú

69. strained feszült, túlerőltetettwashed out fáradt, kipurcantto have a crack-up lerobban, beteg leszto exaggerate, -d túlozto catch a bug elkap vmi nyavalyátto consult a doctor elmegy orvoshozcheck-up kivizsgálás, vizsgálatthe other day a minapoff-colour beteges, színtelenovertired nagyon fáradtunderstatement enyhe kifejezésto be run down le van merülveto recharge one’s batteries feltöltődikat the moment jelenleg, pillanatnyilagridiculous nevetségesto find a way talál rá módotgladly örömmelto replace, -d sb helyettesít vkit

70. to enquire, -d érdeklődikto hire a car kocsit bérelmedium-sized közepes méretűbasic cost alapdíjdaily rate napidíjVAT (Value Added Tax) forgalmi adóto be included benne vanto add, -ed hozzáadinsurance biztosításhire charge bérleti díjdriving licence vezetői engedélyvalid érvényesto fill in a form űrlapot kitölt

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These pictures show two different means of transport. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What is the inter-city coach service like in Hungary?■ Why do so many people prefer travelling by coach?■ What are privately owned coaches hired for?■ Do you ever travel by train?■ What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train?■ Speak about a journey you made by train.■ Do you think that in the age of cars there are still many people who choose to

travel by train? If so, why?■ What is rail transport used for?


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m o d e l d e s c r i p t i o n

The first picture shows a double-decker coach. Hungary has quite an extensive inter­city coach network although they are not typically double-deckers. They, however, reach all parts of the country. The vehicles are comfortable and the service is reasonably rapid. This makes coach travel a preferred means of transport for many people. Prices are on a par with those for first-class rail travel. Lots of modern coaches are operated by various companies, which are mainly hired for school trips or package tours.

In the second picture I can see a modern, probably electric, train, which is usually faster than the coach. I don’t often travel by train, because I usually travel with my family and we use the car. Sometimes, when I still take a train, I find the second-class carriages are not always as clean as they should be. They are often very crowded and noisy. Rail travel within Hungary is not terribly expensive, however, and it is an excellent way to get to see the countryside, too. Cheap fares are offered to pensioners, students and to those working in the public services.

When I last travelled by train, I had bought the tickets the day before and had reserved two seats. I was sitting facing the engine rather than with my back to the engine. I chose a seat by the window in a non-smoking compartment You have to make a seat reservation for express trains in Hungary, but not for fast or slow passenger trains. After getting on the train, I found my seat in the second compartment in the carriage next to the buffet car. I put my suitcase on the luggage rack and the train moved off. During the journey an inspector came to clip every passenger’s ticket. Then I went into the corridor and looked at the beautiful scenery. There were some people who were smoking, others were trying to get past them while going or coming from the buffet car. Fortunately, I didn’t have to change, as it was a direct train and it did not stop until it got to its destination. The train pulled into the station exactly on time, which was a nice surprise, as the trains on this line are usually a bit late. The passengers took their luggage off the racks and got off the train.

I think that the railway today still carries the bulk of passenger traffic. There are a lot of commuters who can’t afford to use their cars every day, so they choose to travel by train. Others choose the railway because in a train they always have enough space to move about and they can be absolutely relaxed and calm, as opposed to in a car, where they have pay attention to the road while driving.

Apart from passengers, trains also carry goods of many different kinds. Railway transport is still one of the cheapest ways of carrying freight over long distances. Freight liners are perhaps the fastest and most efficient type, as they transport the goods in special large containers that can be loaded and unloaded quickly and easily.



compartment kupécarriage (vasúti) kocsibulk nagy mennyiségpassenger traffic személyforgalom

as opposed to sg vmivel ellentétbenpay attention to figyel vmire

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to s i t fa c in g th e en gin e m en e tirá n n y a l szem b en ülto s i t w ith o n e 's b ack to th e engine m e n e tirá n y n a k h á tta l ülp re fe ra b ly inkábbs e a t re s e rv a tio n helyjegyfa s t /s lo w p a ss e n g e r tra in g y o rs-/sz e m é ly v o n a tto clip , -ped kilyukasztc o rr id o r folyosós c e n e ry tájg e t p a s t sy elhalad vki m elle ttd ire c t tra in közvetlen v o n atd estin a tio n végcél, végállom ásto pull in to th e s ta tio n beérkezik az á llo m á sratak e sg off sg levesz v m it vm irő la p a r t fro m sg eltekintve vm itőlto c a r ry goods á ru t szállítfre ig h t teh er, rak o m án yfre ig h tlin e r teh erszállítóto tra n s p o rt , -ed szállítc o n ta in e r tartály k o csito u n / load , -ed ki-, bepakol

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2 .

These pictures show two different rooms. Compare and contrast them and talk about your own room including the following points:

■ How is your room furnished?■ What are the walls and the floor like?■ What ornaments are there?■ Where do you keep your belongings?■ Have you got a convenient working space at home?■ Speak about the types of housing people can live in.



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MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture we can see a light and pleasant living room with a big window. It looks much nicer and cosier than the room in the second picture. There are brown curtains on the window. The walls are probably papered and the floor is tiled. The focal point of the room is the elegant dark brown leather suite. The chest of drawers stands next to the window with some potted plants on it and next to it. A small coffee table with a glass top stands in front of the suite. It’s a neat and tidy room with a little child in the middle, sitting on the sofa.

The room in the second picture looks much less comfortable, less spacious and a lot more untidy. We can see a wall in this room that is almost bare. There is not a single picture on it. They are whitewashed. It seems to be a multi-purpose room, because there is a fridge in one corner, a bed in the other and in between there is a desk and a bedside table. The desk, the table and the floor are crammed with things so you have the feeling that the owner doesn’t have enough room and that he / she can’t find a suitable place for his / her belongings. The owner must be a rather untidy person. I’m sure he / she could put his / her things into the cupboard on the left. Instead, the whole room looks like a jumble sale.

My room is not that untidy. I try to put everything in order at least twice a week. The walls in the room are also papered and the wallpaper has a green and white checked pattern. A thick, grey fitted carpet completely covers the floor. My bed is placed right next to the door. The bedside table, the wardrobe and the chest of drawers are put along the wall and the dressing table is opposite the bed. There is a book-case standing in the corner with the television on one side and the CD player on the other. I keep my belongings in a built-in cupboard next to my bed. I also have a comfortable working area by the window with a desk and a swivel chair. The wall next to the desk is lined with bookshelves and bookcases.

The walls and the shelves in my room are adorned with various ornaments and I always take the style of the room into consideration when I buy a new piece. I especially like hand-painted china figures and brass candlesticks and vases.

People can live in sky-scrapers, high-rise blocks, blocks of flats, terraced houses, semi­detached houses, bungalows, huts, cottages. They can own their flats, which are called freehold flats. They can rent a flat or a house, or they can share a flat with other families and live in co-tenancy. Some people live in lodgings.



cosy kényelmes, kellemestiled kőburkolattal ellátottpotted plant cserepes virágfreehold flat öröklakásspacious tágasbare csupaszwallpaper tapétachecked kockásmulti-purpose többfunkciósroom helybelongings cucc, holmi

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pattern mintafitted carpet padlószőnyegfocal point központi részsuite garnitúraowner tulajdonoschecked kockásto put everything in order mindent rendbe teszbedside table éjjeliszekrénychest of drawers fiókos szekrénydressing table fésülködő asztalwardrobe ruhás szekrényswivel chair forgószékbare csupaszto adorn, -ed feldíszítornament díszítésbrass candlestick réz gyertyatartóchina figure porcelán figurato take sg into consideration figyelembe veszwhitewashed fehérre meszeltinstead ehelyettjumble sale zsibvásárto cram, -med telezsúfolbuilt-in beépítettto line, -d kibélel, tele vansky-scraper felhőkarcolóhigh-rise block magas épületterraced house sorházsemi-detached house társasházbungalow egyszintes családi házhut kunyhóco-tenancy társbérletto live in lodgings albérletben lakik



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3 .


These pictures show three different sports activities. Compare and contrast them and talk about your own attitude to sports including the following points:

■ What sports are you interested in?■ W hat do you do to keep fit?■ W hat facilities does your school have for sports?■ How is the gym equipped?■ W hat sports do you do in winter?■ Which sports are Hungarians good at?■ Which are the popular games in Britain?

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MODEL DESCRIPTIONAll the pictures show some kind of sports activities. In the first two pictures we can see team ballgames being played, while in the third we can see an individual sport. In the first picture they are playing handball, in the second they are playing football and in the third, the person is doing gymnastics. The Hungarian women’s handball teams are quite good and acknowledged internationally; from year to year both our selected players and individual teams get into the semi-finals of European or World Championships.

Men’s football is being played in the second picture. I think the situation of football in Hungary is g ro w in g fro m bad to worse, as most teams are extremely weak and whenever there is a championship they never get further than the qualifying heats. Sometimes they manage to draw, but in most cases they are defeated by two or three goals.

In the third picture the woman is doing gymnastics, more exactly a beam exercise. Other gymnastic exercises for men and women are the vault, uneven parallel bars and floor exercises. I like watching gymnastics on TV because I find it very spectacular.

I am also interested in sport, especially athletics. I consider this to be the king of sports. Although I don’t take part in competitions, 1 run quite a lot for my own enjoyment and fitness. I particularly like jogging, which I often do in the evenings, and in the mornings, I also take some exercise. Sometimes I play ball games such as football, handball, volleyball or basketball. Our town has a good tradition in playing handball, so there are a lot of youngsters, mainly boys, who are training to become good handball players. I know there are people who are not really interested in sport and they are not involved in any regular sports activity. But believe that two of the secrets of healthy living are fresh air and plenty of exercise.

At school we have a lot of opportunities to pursue sports. Our school has a small swimming-pool, a fair-sized gym and two sports grounds, one for football or handball, the other is basically for volleyball, but you can also play tennis there. Our gym is quite well-equipped, we have nearly all the apparatus you need for gymnastics. There are wall bars and climbing ropes hanging down from the ceiling. There are good facilities for gymnastics, for example a pair of uneven parallel bars, a vaulting horse, a pommel horse, a beam and a number of floor mats. We have also got a pair of rings and several balls and skipping ropes. In winter all the family goes skiing and my friends often go ice-skating on the nearby rink. If Lake Balaton freezes over, we go down to the lake to enjoy this fine exercise.

Hungarians are very good at water sports in general and water polo and rowing in particular. There are some kinds of other sports in which Hungarian competitors seem to be the best all over the world. These are fencing, the pentathlon, show jumping and harness horse racing. For the last twenty years there have been few championships in these branches without at least one Hungarian gold, silver or bronze medal. We are quite good at handball, too.

The most typical English national sports are cricket, rugby, soccer, golf, tennis and perhaps darts. Some other sports like motor racing, rowing, horse riding and hockey are also popular among the British, but undoubtedly their favourite is Association Football, or what is also called soccer.


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VOCABULARY LISTsp o rts a ctiv ity sp o rt tev ék en y ség

a ttitu d e v iszonyulás

facilities szo lg álta táso k , le h ető ség ek

in te rn a tio n a lly acknow ledged nem zetk ö zileg e lism e rt

sem i-final elődöntő

qualifying h e a t selejtező

selected te a m v á lo g a to tt

to draw , drew , draw n d ö n te tle n t já tsz ik

co m p etitio n v e rsen y

to g ro w fro m bad to w orse eg y re rosszab bto d efeat, -ed legyőz

push-up / press-u p fek v ő tám asz

to keep fit e d z e tt m a ra d

to be involved in re g u la r sp o rts activ ities re n d s z e re s e n sp o rto lto p u rsu e a sp o rt sp o rto lfair-sized gym egész n a g y to rn a te re ms p o rts g ro u n d sp o rtp á ly aw all-bars bo rd ásfalclim b in g rop e m ászó k ö télu n ev en p ara lle l b a rs fe le m á sk o rlá tv au ltin g /p o m m e l h o rse ló u g rá s , ló len g ésb e a m g e re n d aflo o r m a t to rn a sz ő n y e gsk ipping ro p e u g ráló k ö télh ig h b a rs nyújtóflo o r e x e rc ise s ta la jto rn as p o rts e v en ts sp o rte se m é n y e ksk iin g síelésrin k k o rcso ly a p á ly ato fre e z e , f ro ze , f ro z e n o ver b efag ysk a tin g k o rcso ly á z á ssw ift m o v e m e n t fü rg e m o z g á ss p e c ta c u la r lá tv á n y o sro w in g ev ezés

fe n cin g v ívásp e n ta th lo n ö ttu sa

sh ow ju m p in g d íju g ra tá s (a k a d á ly p á ly á n )h a rn e s s h o rs e r a c in g fo g a th a jtá s

w o rld ch a m p io n sh ip v ilág b ajn o k ságs o c c e r futball

d a r ts célb ad o b ó já té k

m o to r r a c in g a u tó v e rs e n y z é sh o ck ey g yep lab d au n d o u b ted ly k é tsé g te le n ü l

s o c c e r foo tb all


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4 .


These pictures show two men dressed in two different ways. Compare and contrast their clothing and talk about your own attitude to clothes and fashion including the following points:

■ What clothes do you like wearing for everyday use?■ W hat clothes do you wear on various occasions?■ Where do you buy your clothes?■ W hat do you think of fashion?■ W hat is fashionable young people nowadays?

MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture I can see a very elegantly dressed, handsome young man. He is wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and a tie. He is probably dressed up for an important event in his life, like an examination or a job interview. The man in the second picture, however, is dressed quite casually; he is wearing a white T-shirt and a grey sweater. He may be about to take some exercise or go jogging.

For everyday wear, I like sports jackets, a pair of corduroys, pure woollen pullovers, cotton shirts with striped or checked patterns. / For everyday wear I usually put on a skirt with a blouse and a cardigan. I also like wearing a suit. I often wear stretch jeans with knitted sweaters.

I usually buy my clothes in big department stores, because they often hold bargain sales and sell articles at reduced prices at the end of the winter and summer seasons. Many shops have clearance sales, too, and you can also find bargain counters in big shops all the year round and discount stores in each town, selling cheap goods.

I think fashion is especially important for women, because they always like to be well- dressed and follow fashions to please both themselves and men. The world would be a dull place if people always wore the same things. That is why I always try to keep up

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with the latest fashion. But I know there are others, usually men, who do not care much about fashion. They wear whatever they think is comfortable, practical and attractive.

A fashionably dressed man wears a dark brown or green suit or an orange shirt, with a sweater and a pair of stretch jeans or corduroys. A well-dressed woman always appears elegant. She is choosy about clothing and dresses in perfect taste. She usually wears a brightly-coloured or striped tight pullover with a sweater. The skirt is long, frilled or gathered. She may also wear tight, flared hipsters which show off her figure well.

VOCABULARY LISTelegantly dressed elegánsan felöltözötthandsome csinos, jóképűevent eseményjob interview állás interjúcasually lezseren, hétköznapi módonto be about to készül vmit csinálnito take some exercise néhány tornagyakorlatot végezgo jogging kocogni megycorduroys kordnadrágpure woollen tiszta gyapjústriped csíkoschecked kockásbaggy bő, húzottpure tisztawoollen gyapjúcotton pamutknitted sweater kötött pulóverprice reduction árcsökkentésclearance sale kiárusításcommodity árucikkbargain sale leárazásall the year round egész évbenbargain counter turkálódiscount store diszkont áruházgoods áruto follow fashion követi a divatotwell-dressed jól öltözöttto please, -d megelégedésére szolgáldull unalmasto keep up with/keep pace with lépést ta r t vmivelpractical praktikusattractive szép, vonzóchoosy válogatósin perfect taste tökéletes ízlésselbrightly coloured világos, fényes színűtight szűkfrilled fodrosgathered buggyos, összehúzottflared trapézhipsters csípőnadrágto show off one’s figure kiemeli az alakját

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These pictures show two ways of spending your free time. Compare and contrast them and talk about your free time activities including the following points:

■ What different kinds of performances are held in a theatre?■ What kinds of plays do you enjoy most?■ What plays / concerts have you seen recently?■ What is the difference between a theatre and a cinema?■ What kinds of films can you see at the cinema?■ Which is the best film you have seen in the last year?


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MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture I can see the interior of a theatre or a concert hall, and in the second a cinema. At the theatre we can see a drama (tragedy or comedy), an opera, an operetta, a musical, a ballet, a variety show, a concert, a matinee performance or even a puppet show. I enjoy both tragedies and comedies. It doesn’t really depend on the nature of the play as to whether I like it or not. I think the direction and acting, along with the message of the play, are more important.

In an opera, the singers sing arias or sing in chorus, but they never speak. An opera always begins with an overture and the orchestra plays a very important part throughout the perform ance. Perhaps that is what’s happening in the first picture at the moment. Some important instruments in an orchestra are the woodwind, strings, brass and percussion sections.

I don’t often go to see operas or concerts, but if I do it is usually a pop concert. I quite like pop music, although I would not call myself a fan. The pop concert I last went to was given by a well-known English band. I especially enjoyed the way the bass guitarist played his instrument. I like pop concerts because they allow you to listen to music, m eet lots of other young people and have a good time.

As I have a season ticket, I have seen virtually all the plays th at have been performed by the perm anent company of our theatre since the theatrical season began. When I last went to the theatre, I saw a splendid play, which was an adaptation of a famous novel w ritten by.... The plot of the play was really enjoyable and rich in surprising turns. It held the attention of the audience from beginning to end. It was excellently directed, which also made a deep impression on me. The audience followed the play with great interest.

Cinemas do n ot have live perform ances, but the films are projected onto the screens. The usual cinem a show consists of a feature film preceded by a newsreel, lots of com m ercials and perhaps some short films like a popular science film, a travelogue, a docum entary or an animated cartoon, for example as well as a trailer from the next film on the program m e. The main film is usually cinem ascope and dubbed.

The best film I have seen this year was a western /ad ven tu re film / thriller / horror film / science-fiction fantasy / detective film / screen adaptation of a successful novel entitled ... . The cast was excellent with ... starring ... . He /sh e is a box-office attraction on his / her own. The film had an interesting plot and a significant m essage. The camera-work was perfect, too. The film was a big h it and all its shows w ere complete sell-outs.

VOCABULARY LISTinterior belső térvariety show revüpuppet bábnature of the play a darab term észetedirection rendezésm essage mondanivalóoverture nyitányorch estra zenekar

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throughout the performance az előadás soránat the moment jelenlegwoodwind fafúvósstrings vonósokbrass rézfúvóspercussion ütő(hangszer)fan rajongóbass guitarist basszusgitároswell-known ismertseason ticket bérletmusical instrument hangszerperformer előadóacting szereplés, színjátszáspiece of art műalkotás, műtalent tehetségpermanent company állandó társulattheatrical season színházi szezonsplendid nagyszerű, ragyogóadaptation feldolgozásplot cselekményrich in surprising turns meglepő fordulatokban gazdaghold the attention leköti a figyelmetexcellently kiválóanto make a deep impression on mély benyomást teszaudience közönségto follow the play követi a darabotlive performance élő előadásto project, -ed kivetítscreen vászonfeature film játékfilmnewsreel filmhíradócommercial reklámtravelogue útleírás, útifilmanimated cartoon rajzfilmpopular science film ismeretterjesztő filmtrailer előzetes, filmismertetéscinemascope szélesvásznúto dub, -bed szinkronizálsubtitled feliratosadventure film kalandfilmscreen adaptation of filmváltozata vminekentitled amelynek a címecast szereposztásbox-office attraction vonzza a közönségeton one’s own önmagában véveplot cselekménysignificant jelentősbig hit nagy sikersell-out kasszasiker

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These pictures show the four seasons. Compare and co n trast them . Include the following points:

■ W hich is your favourite season?■ W h a t happens to nature in spring / autum n?■ W h a t is the w eather generally like in spring / sum m er / autum n / winter?■ W h a t can you typically do in these seasons?■ W h at do you wear in sum m er / winter?■ W h at is the clim ate in Hungary / England like?

MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the pictures you can see the four seasons in the following order; winter, summer, spring, autumn. My favourite season is spring, because the trees and bushes are filled with blossom. It smells of flowers everywhere. The nicest spring flowers are snowdrops, violets, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and daisies. As we can see in the third picture spring is also the time for trees to bloom. In autumn, however, the leaves of trees slowly become coloured; in the fourth picture you can see yellowish, brownish and reddish ones. In November, the last autumn month, they gradually fall off the trees.

The beginning of autum n is called an Indian sum m er, if the w eather is still warm. Usually it is just like sum m er. There is still plenty of sunshine and the evenings are

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warm enough to take long walks. W e say that autumn is a rich season because the trees are full of fruit, like apples, pears, plums, nuts, almonds, mulberries, etc., and m ost of the vegetables are harvested at the beginning of autumn, too. In Hungary, the grape harvest, what we call a vintage, is a great feast. Friends and relatives come together to pick the grapes from the vines.

The weather is not exactly settled in spring. It is quite changeable, especially in April. There can be heavy rainstorm s, lasting for a few hours, or scattered showers lasting for a couple of days. In sum mer it can be very hot, but often there are quick showers that follow the heat waves. There can even be thunderstorms. Lightning is quite dangerous and it may strike big trees or even houses. In the second picture, however, the weather is settled, it is nice and sunny. There is also nice weather in the fourth picture although it is not typical in autumn. Then the weather is often rainy and cool. In October the weather is very changeable, one day it is as if it were summer, the next day it is just like winter. In November there is often frost. In winter the tem perature falls below zero. It often snows and there are blizzards and stormy winds. I often feel cold in such weather.

If the weather is nice, it is a crime to stay indoors. May is just the right month for taking walks or going on trips to the countryside. On a sunny day you can lie in the sun and enjoy the warm sunshine. I like nature so I try to make the best of the fine weather. Most people take their holidays in summer and go to Lake Balaton, the mountains or to the seaside abroad and enjoy the nice weather.

In summer, it is enough to put on a light dress or a T-shirt with shorts or bermudas and a pair of low-slung shoes or sandals. On the beach, women wear a bathing suit or a bikini and perhaps a straw hat. Men wear swimming trunks. In winter you m ust be careful not to catch cold. You must wear warm clothes and dress warmly. In cold weather people wear fur hats or thick, knitted hats and gloves, warm scarves and polo-necked sweaters, cotton stockings or trousers, winter boots and thick fur-lined overcoats.

Hungary is in the tem perate zone and has a continental climate. This m eans th at the w eather is quite easily predictable and there are big differences between the weather in the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Tem peratures above 30°C may occur in July and August but generally do not last long. Jan u ary and February are the coldest months, but even then the average tem perature does not fall below minus 5°C.

England has a maritime climate, which means that the weather is very wet and rainy there. It is usually very changeable and it is difficult to forecast with certainty even for a day or two. It is wet and not too cold at virtually all times of the year. It rarely snows and if it does, it melts when it reaches the ground. Summers are cool and wet too.



blossom fa virágasnowdrop hóvirágdaffodil nárciszhyacinth jácintdaisy m argarétato bloom, -ed virágzikIndian sum m er vénasszonyok nyara

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nut dió

almond mandula

mulberry szeder

to harvest, -ed begyűjt, arat, szüretel

grape harvest / vintage szüret

feast ünnep

to pick grapes szőlőt szed

vine szőlő tőke

settled megállapodott

changeable változékony

heavy rainstorm s heves esőzések

to last, -ed tartani

scattered showers helyenkénti záporok

heat wave melegfront

for days on end napokon keresztül

thunderstorm mennydörgés, vihar

lightning villámlás

hot spell meleg időszak

to strike, struck a tree belevág egy fába

frost fagyblizzard hóvihar

crime bűn

indoors bentto go on trips kirándulni megy

to lie in the sun napozik

to put on felveszlight dress könnyű ruhabreeches bermuda nadrág

bathing suit fürdőruhastraw hat szalmakalapswimming trunks úszónadráglow shoes félcipőto dress warmly rétegesen öltözködik

fur hat szőrmesapkathick vastagknitted gloves kötött kesztyűscarf, scarves sál, sálakpolo-necked sw eater magasnyakú pulóvercotton stockings pam ut harisnyanadrágfur-lined szőrmebélésesovercoat nagykabáttem perate zone m érsékelt égövcontinental climate kontinentális éghajlatpredictable megjósolhatóoccur, -red előfordulmaritime tengeriaverage tem perature átlaghőm érsékletto forecast, forecast, forecast előre jelezvirtually valójábanwet nedvesto melt, -ed elolvad


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These pictures show two types of housing. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What is your house / flat like?■ In which one do you think it is better to live? Why?■ What are big housing estates like?■ What are newly-built residential areas like?■ Where would you prefer to live?■ What facilities are there in your area?


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MODEL DESCRIPTIONTwo types of housing are depicted in the pictures; there are blocks of flats in the first one and a detached house in the second. Most people prefer houses to flats, because in a house there is more room and more privacy. They like to have a garden in which to grow flowers or sit on the lawn. I would like to live in a house, too, because a block of flats is rather densely populated. Sometimes people don’t know their nextdoor neighbours. But even if you don’t know them you can often hear them, as the walls are not completely sound-proof. On the other hand in a house you are on your own and nobody disturbs you. Young children can also feel safer because they can play in the fenced-off garden and they don’t have to go out to the huge and unfriendly playing fields.

We live in a spacious two-storey house, facing south, with a big garden. / W e live in a 2-room flat on the second floor of a five-storey block of flats. / If you look at our house from outside, the front door is over on the left. This opens directly into a big room, about five metres by six metres. This is the hall. There are doors on either side of the hall, leading to two smaller rooms, each of which is about three and a half metres square. These are the study and the bathroom. There are two more doors on the left-hand wall of the hall. The first leads to the kitchen with another small room, the pantry, opening off it, the second leads to the dining-room. At the back of the hall, on the right-hand corner, a flight of stairs leads up to the first floor. The stairs lead directly into the living-room, about seven metres square. This has windows in the south and west walls. Two doors lead to rooms which measure about three and a half metres. These are the bedrooms. Between the two bedrooms, with a door to each is a small passage-way with built-in cupboards. / Our flat is a sixty-eight square metre freehold flat. It is not too spacious, just about enough for a family of four. It is comfortable and equipped with all modern conveniences such as hot water, electricity, gas central heating, drains, and a telephone.

Big housing estates are usually situated on the edges of towns. There are huge blocks of flats which are faceless and all identical. The flats inside these blocks are usually too small for the families that live in them. In the newly-built residential areas, however, there is a tendency for the flats to be designed with more colour and individuality. The huge, faceless blocks of flats are changing into something a little more welcoming.

I would still like to live in the green belt, because it is much quieter. In the green belt there are mainly detached houses, such as bungalows which are more personal and intimate places than high-rise blocks. It is also leafier and the trees outside the houses provide you with the fresh air you lack so much in the centre, or in big housing estates.

I live on the outskirts of the town on a housing estate. It is quite a long way from the town centre, but it is near a bus route. Next to our block, there is a kindergarten and two playgrounds for children and a sports ground, for ice skating in winter and football in sum mer. Shopping facilities, including some superm arkets, a post office, a chem ist’s and other amenities are near at hand and there is a cinema, too. Coming down the main street you can see playing fields and beyond them a big park. The prim ary school my children go to is right next to the park and the school has a small swimming pool open to the public every afternoon. They are building some lovely houses on the town boundary and are planning to set up a recreation centre there,

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with sports grounds, a swimming pool and swings and slides for children. / I live in the town centre where you can find all the facilities you could w ant - good shopping, excellent restaurants, a live theatre, an a rt gallery, a cinem a, a night club and even some sporting events. It is very handy for the shops, too. The only problem is th at it is very noisy, especially on weekday afternoons, when there is a never-ending stream of cars on the road in front of our building.

VOCABULARY LISTto depict, -ed bemutatblock of flats emeletes házdetached house családi házroom helyprivacy magánéletdensely populated sűrűn lakottnext-door neighbour közvetlen szomszédeven if még hato be on one’s own egyedül vansound-proof hangszigeteltto conduct, -ed vezetfenced-off elkerítettseparation elszigeteltségto disturb, -ed zavarfeel safe biztonságban érzi m agáthuge óriásiplaying field játszótérspacious tágastwo-storey kétszintesto face south délnek nézdirectly közvetlenülfive metres by six 5 x6 méterespantry kamrato open off sg vmiből nyíliksquare metre négyzetm éterflight of stairs lépcsősorpassage-way átjáró, folyosófreehold flat öröklakásequipped with sg vmivel felszerelvewith all modern conveniences minden kom forttal ellátottdrains csatornagas central heating gáz központi fűtéshousing estate lakótelepto be situated elhelyezkedik, találhatóon the edge of vmi szélénfaceless személytelenidentical egyformaresidential area lakóparktendency tendenciaindividuality egyéniségwelcoming szívélyesgreen belt zöldövezetdetached house különálló ház, családi ház


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bungalow verandás családi házintimate meghitthigh-rise block emeletes házleafy lombosto provide, -d ad, ellátto lack, -ed hiányoloutskirts külváros, külterületa long way off messze vanroute útvonalkindergarten óvodaplayground játszótérsports ground sporttelepfacility előnyös lehetőség, szolgáltatásamenity komfort, pihenést nyújtóat hand kéznélpublic nagyközönségtown boundary a város határato set up felállít, létrehozrecreation centre kultúrparkswing hintaslide csúszdalive élőhandy könnyen elérhetőnever-ending stream of cars véget nem érő kocsisor

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These pictures show two different occasions that we celebrate every year. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ On what family occasions do you meet your relatives?■ How do you celebrate birthdays?■ W hat do you celebrate at Christmas?■ How do you celebrate Christmas?■ W hat do you think of buying a lot of presents for your friends and relatives for



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MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture I can see a chocolate layer cake prepared for somebody’s fiftieth birthday. In the second it is Christmas; the children are standing next to the Christmas tree and are looking at the beautifully lit candles on it. Their presents are underneath the tree; a ball, a doll, a teddy-bear and some nicely wrapped up boxes. Apparently, they are very happy.

I meet the members of the wider family on birthdays and perhaps on wedding anniversaries, at weddings, funerals and Christenings. W e always celebrate birthdays. We have some relatives coming in the afternoon and wishing a happy birthday. My mother loves baking, so she usually prepares at least three kinds of cakes for the occasion. It is a quiet family gathering which is spent in eating, drinking and discussing family matters. If it is my birthday, I get a lot of E-mails and SMS messages from my friends and relatives saying many happy returns of the day. If it is my father’s or mother’s birthday I buy a present, however small, for them. Sometimes I make the present myself.

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, The Saviour of men. On December 24th, which is Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree, a fir or pine, is decorated and children are given a lot of presents. Most families go to the midnight service in church. On the first and second day of Christmas, families have big meals and visit each other in the afternoons. On Christmas Day, the family gathers round the table to partake of the traditional Hungarian Christmas lunch. Two things are essential parts of this meal: stuffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake. The rest of the meal is usually beef soup followed by pork chops or turkey.

There is nothing more pleasing than giving the right present to your loved ones. I admit the right present is difficult to find, but it is worth taking the trouble. What also matters is that a present must be a token of your love and appreciation. These days, however, the whole business of buying presents is very commercialised. The shops are the only winners, because right before Christmas people end up buying things they would never buy under ordinary conditions. And if you wanted to give good presents it would be necessary to shop carefully and slowly all the year round.

VOCABULARY LISTchocolate layer cake csoki tortato light, lit, lit meggyújtcandle gyertyaunderneath alattdoll babateddy-bear játék mackóto wrap, -ped up becsomagolapparently nyilvánvalóanwider family tágabb családwedding anniversary házassági évfordulófuneral temetésChristening keresztelésmany happy returns of the day boldog születésnapotto invite sy over meghív, áthív vkitto bake, -d süt

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wish a happy birthday boldog születésnapot kívánat least legalábbfamily gathering családi összejövetelto discuss family matters megtárgyalni a családi ügyeketmessage üzenethowever small akármilyen apróságotthe birth of Christ Jézus születéseThe Saviour a MegváltóChristmas Eve / Holy Night szentestefir tree erdei fenyőpine tree lucfenyőto decorate the Christmas tree feldíszíti a fenyőfátmidnight service éjféli miseto gather round the table összegyűlik az asztal körülto partake of részesül, eszik vmibőlessential alapvetően fontosstuffed cabbage rakott káposztapoppy-seed cake mákos bejglidessert édességbeef soup marhahúslevespork chop disznóhús szeletpleasing megelégedést keltő érzésyour loved ones a szeretteidto take the trouble veszi a fáradságotto matter, -ed számíttoken jelappreciation megbecsülésvery commercialised teljesen elüzletiesedettto end up buying végül megvesziunder ordinary conditions hétköznapi körülmények közöttall the year round egész évben


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These pictures show three men. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What do the men in the pictures look like?■ Do you think looks matter a lot?■ Do you think people look more attractive if they are thin or fat?■ Do you think Hungarians eat more or less than necessary?■ What do they do to become thin?■ Have you ever been on a diet?■ What must we do to keep in good health?■ What kind of health problems do people most often have?

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MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe men in the first picture are in their forties. They are quite tall, heavily built and broad-shouldered. They are a little overweight. They both have short, straight dark hair. The one on the right has a short beard and a moustache. His eyes are brown. He has got a round face, a big nose and big ears. He has a generous mouth and an expressive face. They both have high foreheads and a smile on their faces. They seem to be happy, strong and energetic. I think they are fairly good-looking. The man in the second picture, however, looks ill. He is all skin and bone as if he has had an illness. He has an oval face with a pointed nose, thin lips and a pale complexion. He has a strong chin. His face and body look extremely thin as if he hasn’t eaten properly for a long time. He is examining his meagre body in the mirror. He doesn’t seem to be in very good health. In fact, he may still be ill.

I am not really conscious of my appearance and I never judge by appearance. Still, I think looks are important to most people. After all no woman, and no man, either, wants to look repulsive and unattractive. Men want to be good-looking and women want to look pretty, charming and beautiful.

Most people like it when they are slim. But in spite of this quite a few of them have to watch their weight. Dieting has become a fad and people consult calorie charts before they eat, if they eat anything at all. Some of them suffer from malnutrition munching biscuits and drinking unsweetened coffee for days on end. Others exhaust themselves doing exercises and being massaged by machines

I think most people in Hungary eat more than necessary. Our calorie intake is about double the amount we actually need. People eat a lot of carbohydrates in food like bread, cakes and sugar, which are very fattening. I think we also eat more meat and protein than necessary, especially fatty meats, which are favoured by most Hungarians. That is why there are so many fat people among us.

I have often been on a diet, because I suffer from the miseries of being overweight. The last time I went on a diet I observed a strict high-protein, no starch diet. I just cut out the bread and butter and had only one glass of orange juice every morning. I also exercised 5 days a week in the gym. / I have never been on a slimming diet because I am on the skinny side. I don’t easily put on weight even if I eat a lot. This is possibly because I work far too much and I burn up the calories.

People often have health problems in autumn and late winter. They catch a cold or flu and those who don’t have enough resistance can contract pneumonia. Arthritis and rheumatism are also caused by cool and wet weather. With the growing amount of chemicals used in every walk of life the number of patients suffering from hay fever, allergies and respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma, is rising. Tonsillitis and appendicitis are very common with children as well as food poisoning and indigestion. A very upsetting tendency is that more and more people suffer from nervous breakdowns and have crack-ups due to overwork and fatigue. In the most serious cases people end up in mental hospitals and never recover from their illness.


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To keep in good health we should first of all not join the rat-race of modern life. We should avoid stress and tension and do some exercise every day. It is important to breathe a bit of fresh air and not to sit inside from morning till night. We should try to avoid fatty meat and animal fats in general so as not to be overweight. Remember the saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’.

VOCABULARY LISTgood-looking elegáns, jóképű (férfi)appearance általános megjelenésbuild testalkatthin soványheavily-built erős testalkatúoverweight túlsúlyosin one’s forties a negyvenes éveiben vantall magasshort hair rövid hajstraight egyenesdark/black sötét/feketebroad-shouldered széles vállúbrown eyes barna szemekgenerous mouth dús, vastag szájthin lips keskeny ajkakstrong chin markáns állpointed nose hegyes orroval/round face ovális, kerek arcmoustache bajuszbeard szakállenergetic energikushigh forehead magas homlokall skin and bone csont és bőrpale complexion sápadt arcbőrextremely rendkívüli mértékbenas if minthato eat, ate, eaten properly megfelelően eszikmeagre sovány, aszottto be in good health jó egészségnek örvendin fact valójábanto judge by appearance külső után ítélconscious of one’s appearance érdekli hogy néz kirepulsive visszataszítóattractive vonzógood-looking elegáns, jóképű (férfi)pretty csinos (nő)charming elbűvölőbeautiful gyönyörűto watch one’s weight vigyáz a súlyárafad divatos hóbortcalorie chart kalória táblázatmalnutrition alultápláltságto munch, -ed majszolfor days on end napokon keresztül

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to exhaust, -ed kifárasztto massage, -d masszírozcalorie intake kalória felvételcarbohydrate szénhidrátfattening hizlalóprotein fehérjefatty meat zsíros hústo observe a strict diet szigorú diétát tartstarch keményítőt tartalmazó növényből

készült ételto cut out the bread nem eszik kenyeretto exercise, -d tornászikto be on the skinny side csontos, sovány típusto put on weight hízikto burn, -ed up eléget, felhasználresistance ellenálló képességto contract, -ed elkappneumonia tüdőgyulladásarthritis / rheumatism izületi gyulladás / reumawet weather nedves időjárásevery walk of life az élet minden területehay-fever szénanátharespiratory légzőszervibronchitis légcsőhuruttonsillitis mandulagyulladásappendicitis vakbélgyulladásfood poisoning ételmérgezésindigestion gyomorrontásupsetting nyugtalanítónervous breakdown idegösszeroppanáscrack-up idegkimerülésfatigue fáradtságmental hospital elmegyógyintézetto join, -ed csatlakozikrat-race hajsza, taposómalomto avoid, -ed elkerültension feszültségto breathe, -d belélegezfrom morning till night reggeltől estiganimal fat állati zsiradékin general általában


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These pictures show two types of accommodation. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What do you think of camping holidays?■ Where can campsites usually be found?■ What facilities does a camping site offer?■ How can you spend your time there?■ What advantages does camping have over staying in a hotel?■ How do you book a hotel room?■ How do you check in a hotel?


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MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe pictures depict two types of accommodation; a camping site and a hotel. Both look really nice and pleasant. I think camping is an ideal way of spending your holiday and it has become a great pastime for youngsters all over the world. Camp­sites are usually situated beside clear streams, in green valleys between high mountains, by a lake or pond, or at the seaside. So all the joys of outdoor sports are available including water sports and hiking. Camping really provides you with a real change from everyday life. Apart from hot showers most camping-sites offer other facilities like flush toilets, drinking water, cooking areas, washing-up facilities, guarded parking places, electricity, bungalows, restaurants, bathing and fishing facilities and sports grounds.

I think camping has so much to offer. You can enjoy the absolute freedom and have none of the headaches of advance hotel booking. For a relatively small sum you can enjoy comfort. This low cost also makes camping an attractive type of holiday as opposed to expensive hotels, which are not very popular with average holidaymakers. It is so exciting to arrive at a camp-site and put up your tent or park your caravan. You are active all the time and you are close to nature.

You can book a hotel room on the phone, or you can send an E-mail to make a reservation. If they have vacancies and they are not all booked up, they can usually offer you a choice of single rooms or suites, rooms with/without showers or private baths. While booking, you have to make sure what room you want to take, whether you want one with a view or overlooking the main street, one on the ground floor or any of the top floors, and whether you just want breakfast or full board.

When you have arrived at the hotel you go up to the reception desk and show your passport or I. D. to the receptionist. He/she will fill in a registration slip for you and write your name in the hotel register. If you have not done it previously, it is good to ask him about the price of the room per night and what meals and facilities this price includes. Then the reception clerk will give you your key and the porter will show you to your room and he will also take up your luggage. From then until the day you decide to leave the hotel a valet will look after your personal needs. He will take your clothes to the laundry or serve you meals, if you wish. When you decide to leave, you give your key to the receptionist, check out and settle your bill.

VOCABULARY LISTto depict, -ed bemutataccommodation szállástent sátorapart from eltekintve vmitőlflush toilet angol WCguarded őrzött, őrrel ellátottbathing fürdéssports ground sportpályacamping site kempingpastime időtöltésyoungster fiatalto be situated elhelyezkedikstream patak, folyam


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pond tavacskajoy örömoutdoor szabad levegőn végzetthiking túrázás, hegymászásvalley völgyavailable elérhetőabsolute freedom teljes szabadságadvance booking előre történő lefoglalásrelatively viszonylagosansmall sum kis összegcomfort kényelemholidaymaker szabadságát töltő egyénlow cost alacsony költség, árattractive vonzóas opposed to sg vmivel ellentétbento put up felvercaravan lakókocsito book a hotel room hotel szobát lefoglalreservation (le)foglalásvacancy üresedésall booked up tele van, le van foglalvasingle room egyágyas szobasuite lakosztályto overlook the main street a fő utcára nézfull board teljes ellátásregistration slip bejelentkező laphotel register vendégkönyvpreviously korábbanto show sy to one’s room felkísér a szobájábavalet hotelszolgapersonal needs személyes igényeklaundry tisztítóto check out kijelentkezikto settle the bill kifizeti a számlát

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These pictures show two types of shopping facilities. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What can you buy in a market place?■ What is the difference between a supermarket and an ordinary shop?■ Where do you prefer shopping?■ Do you prefer self-service or counter service?■ What are the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets over small shops?■ What is a big supermarket like?■ What counters are there?




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MODEL DESCRIPTIONThere are two types of shopping facilities in these pictures. The first one is a market place, the second is a big supermarket. This is an open-air market place in the main square of a nice little town. Housewives like going to the market place because the choice of fresh fruit and vegetables is much wider there than in any shops. At the stands private farmers sell their own home-grown products, free-range eggs, hens and ducks. You can be sure that they were not fed on artificial feeds, because their skin is much yellower. At the stalls you can get tomatoes, green pepper, cucumber, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, horse-radish, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi and other kinds of vegetables, as well as all the tropical and seasonal fruits. Housewives love bargaining in the market place and are happy to have got the thing they wanted at the lowest possible price.

In a supermarket you can get almost everything under one roof. Almost all supermarkets are self-service shops, which are very popular because you can see many different varieties of the available products and you make your choice as you please. I prefer shopping in a supermarket, but I know there are some people who don’t like it. These people have to walk from shop to shop a long time till they can get everything, if they haven’t forgotten half of what they originally wanted. Another advantage of supermarkets is that they have lower prices than small shops. I suppose this is because bulk sale is cheaper. But sometimes they cut the price of certain goods so that people will come to them. However, people who are in favour of small shops argue that their needs are much better looked after in a small shop and that the assistants are more polite and attentive when serving them.

A large supermarket is usually brightly-lit and well-laid out. The goods are tidily arranged on trays and long shelves on which the various prices are clearly marked or the goods themselves are labelled. The shelves are well-stocked with a wide choice of attractively packed goods, from deep-frozen food to washing powder. As you enter the first counter is usually for fruit and vegetable, with its fresh fruit, mainly the ones in season and tangerines, oranges, bananas, pineapples, pruned fruits like figs and dates, tinned fruit, marmalade and lots of different kinds of vegetables. Next we usually come to the confectionary shelves with all sorts of sweets, chocolate bars, cakes, biscuits, fancy cakes, boxes of chocolates, candied peanuts and stuffed sweets. Then comes the bakery counter, which is always well stocked with fresh white wheat and brown rye bread, rolls and croissants, etc. After that, we come to the wine counter, where dry and sweet wines are sold. Further down are the dry groceries, where you buy flour, cereals, tea, spices and sugar. Everything is sold ready packed. Vegetable and sunflower oils are sold ready-bottled. In every supermarket there is also a big dairy counter with a large variety of dairy products: butter, margarine, eggs, hard and soft cheese, milk, sour cream, sweet cream and fruit yoghurts. Next to this is the meats and sausages counter. This counter sells ready-to-serve foods such as roast chicken, prepared meats, French salads, etc. Here one is offered a variety of sausages, ham, bacon, smoked pork, salami and other cold cuts. A special counter handles packed meats. Meat is usually sold ready-weighed and packed. There is a wide choice of fat and lean pork, beef, veal and minced meat not to mention semi-prepared, ready-to-fry and ready-to-serve meats.

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VOCABULARY LISTmarket place piacstand stand, árusító pultfree-range hen háztájiban nevelt tyúkartificial feed mesterséges táp

stall bódéhorse-radish retekkale kelkáposztakohlrabi karalábétropical fruit déligyümölcsseasonal szezonálisto bargain, -ed alkuszikopen-air nem fedett, szabadtériwide choice széles választékfresh fruit friss gyümölcshome-grown otthon term esztettto feed, fed, fed etetskin bőrgreen pepper zöld paprikacucumber uborkaonion vöröshagymagarlic fokhagymacauliflower karfiolthe lowest possible price a lehető legalacsonyabb árunder one roof egy fedél alattself-service önkiszolgálóvariety változatarticle cikk, árucikkmake one’s choice kiválasztas you please ahogy tetszikto be in favour of kedvelattentive figyelmesto serve, -d kiszolgálavailable article kapható árucikkbulk nagy mennyiségto cut the price leviszi az áratto look after one’s needs kielégíti vki igényeitbrightly lit fényesen kivilágítottto be well-laid out jó elrendezésűtidily rendesen, szépentray tálcato mark, -ed jelöldeep-frozen mélyfagyasztottwashing powder mosóporto label, -led címkével ellátwell-stocked jól ellátottattractively packed szépen becsomagoltto be in season szezonja vantangerine mandarinpineapple ananászpruned fruit aszalt gyümölcs


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fig fügetinned fruit konzerv gyümölcsconfectionary édességekchocolate bar tábla csokoládéfancy cake díszített süteménycandied peanuts cukorral bevont mogyoróstuffed sweets töltött csoki/ szaloncukorwheat búzarye bread rozskenyércroissant kiflifurther továbbdry groceries száraz csomagolt áru, fűszereksunflower oil napraforgó olajflour lisztspices fűszerekready-packed előre csomagoltready-bottled előre palackozottdairy products tejtermékeksoft cheese lágysajtfruit yoghurt gyümölcsjoghurtsausage kolbászsmoked pork füstölt disznóhúsroast chicken sült csirkeready-weighed előre kimérvelean soványveal borjúhúsminced daráltcold cuts felvágottakto handle, -d kezel, bánik velenot to mention nem is említvesemi-prepared / ready-to-fry félkészready-to serve food készétel

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These pictures show two rooms in a house / flat. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ How does your kitchen compare with the one in the picture?■ What labour-saving devices have you got in the kitchen?■ What do you keep in the kitchen cupboards?■ How does your bathroom compare with the one in the picture?■ What do you keep on the bathroom shelves?


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MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture I can see a modern, light, spacious kitchen. In the second picture there is a nicely tiled and furnished bathroom. Our kitchen is not this big - it is of medium size - but the space is used very efficiently. The various items of kitchen furniture are conveniently arranged in a continuous line around the walls. In this sense it is similar to the kitchen in the picture. We cook by gas and we have the gas- cooker right under the window. Here, the cooker is probably far from the window and it is electric. There is an extractor fan right above it. In our kitchen, next to the cooker is the sink unit with its stainless steel sink and the draining-board where I just pile the already washed up dishes and let them dry. In the kitchen, we also have a refrigerator with a small deep freeze, which is good for keeping our food fresh and cool. I can’t see either a sink or a fridge in the kitchen in the picture, they are probably built in.

Our kitchen is almost fully fitted; unfortunately we do not have a dishwasher, but we have lots of other devices, which you can now find in nearly all households. In the kitchen we have a cooker, a fridge, a toaster, a food processor, a mincer, a micro-wave oven and a deep frier. We keep the washing machine and the hairdryer in the bathroom while the vacuum cleaner, the floor polisher, the electric iron and the power tools are kept in the store room.

There is never enough space in the cupboard, as we have a number of small things that we have to place somewhere in the kitchen. Saucepans, frying pans, casseroles, jugs, bowls, mugs, the kitchen scales, the mixer, pressure cooker, grater, cruet, corkscrew and the rolling pin are kept in the kitchen cupboard. On the shelves there are spices and the ingredients needed every day for cooking like salt, flour, sugar and cooking oil. The working top of the cupboard has a heat and stain-resistant surface, which can easily be wiped clean. We keep the coffee grinder and the percolator here.

The bathroom in the picture is really nice and modern. The tiles on the wall are in accordance with the latest fashion and the towel rack is heated. The washbasin is built into the white bathroom furniture. The bath tub is also white. At home, we have a nice, large, green plastic tub in the bathroom and there is hot and cold running water. The washbasin is beside the tub and over the washbasin there is a mirror. Both the floor and the walls are tiled but the tiles are not so nice as the ones in the picture. Between the tub and the wash basin there is a towel rack on the wall and a piled bath mat on the floor. The soap dish is on the hand basin.

On one of the bathroom shelves we have toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorants, sprays, shampoo, bubble-bath mixture, body lotion and a nail brush; and on the other, which is over the washing machine, we have detergents, washing powder and furniture polish. We have a boiler/geyser in the bathroom, too, to provide us with continuous hot water.

VOCABULARY LISTspacious tágasnicely tiled szépen kicsempészettof medium size közepes méretűspace térefficiently hatékonyan

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various különbözőitems of kitchen furniture a konyhabútor részeiconveniently arranged kellemesen el vannak rendezvein a continuous line folyamatosanin this sense ebben az értelembensimilar to sg hasonlóan vmihezright közvetlenelectric cooker villanytűzhelyextractor fan szagelszívósink unit mosogatóstainless steel rozsdamentes acéldraining board csöpögtetőto pile, -d felhalmozlet them dry hagyja megszáradnito be built in be van építvedeep freeze mélyhűtőlabour-saving devices háztartási gépekfully fitted teljesen felszerelthousehold háztartásdishwasher mosogatógépfood processor konyhai robotgépmincer húsdarálómicro-wave oven mikrohullámú sütődeep fryer olajsütővacuum cleaner porszívófloor polisher padló fényezőelectric iron vasalópower tools elektromos szerszámokstore room tárolóto place, -d elhelyezsaucepan lábascasserole tűzálló edényjug korsóbowl tálmug bögre, pohárscales mérlegpressure cooker kuktagrater reszelőcruet ecet-, olajtartó üvegekcorkscrew dugóhúzórolling pin sodrófaspices fűszerekingredients hozzávalókworking top munkafelületsurface felületstain-resistant folttaszítóto wipe, -d törölcoffee grinder kávédarálópercolator kávéfőzőto follow the latest fashion követi a legújabb divatottowel rack törölköző tartóheated fűtött


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tiled floor kőpadló

plastic tub műanyag kád

washbasin mosdó

plaster vakolat

piled bolyhos

soap dish szappantartó

bath mat kilépő

hand basin kézmosó

toothbrush fogkefe

toothpaste fogkrém

deodorant dezodor

bubble-bath mixture habfürdő

body lotion testápoló

nail brush körömkefe

detergent / washing powder mosópor

furniture polish bútorfény

boiler villanybojler

geyser gázbojler

continually folyamatosan

to provide, -d ellát

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These pictures show two different hobbies. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ Why do you think people take up hobbies?■ What are the most popular hobbies?■ Have you got any pets?■ What animals can people keep as pets?■ What do you think of gardening?■ What jobs need to be done in the garden from spring tall autumn?■ What is your garden like?

MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture there is a beautiful big black dog, who looks rather frightening to strangers, but he/she must be very’ much attached to its owners. He/she is a pure­bred and is an excellent watch-dog. He/she is lying in the garden and apparently he/she is fairly satisfied. In the second picture, the man would be cutting the grass if he did not have an automatic lawn mower. Since he has got one, he can afford to read the newspaper while it is working.

I think the reason why people take up hobbies is that they feel they must do something useful in their spare time. A hobby can provide an opportunity to do something completely different from your usual work or make new friends and exchange ideas. Moat people pursue these outside interests in order to keep


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themselves amused. Having a suitable pastime for your free hours can be a real source of pleasure. What’s more a child’s hobby can later become his career.

As far as I know, keeping pets has always been a popular hobby. Gardening is another one, as well as taking photos, printing and enlarging them. Some further popular hobbies are angling, knitting, cooking, collecting stamps, napkins, coins; making soft toys, gifts; drawing, painting or writing poetry, modelling, playing card games and other party games, or doing sport.

I love animals, but unfortunately I can only afford to have a dog. She is a mongrel but it does not matter much to me. I love her just the same. Her kennel is right outside our front door and when she barks, she looks quite frightening, especially to strangers. She is an excellent watch-dog. Other people keep cats, hamsters, guinea- pigs, have finches or budgies in cages, or have big tanks with goldfish or terrapins in them.

I think gardening is a healthy hobby. Some people, especially the elderly, can’t wait to perform the first jobs in the garden at around the end of February or the beginning of March. They dig and rake the soil and plant the vegetables and sow some seeds. From the very moment the first plants come out they have to hoe the beds regularly to get rid of weeds. They sometimes have to spray the vines. If you are a good gardener and look after your fruit trees and plants properly, you will have a good yield in summer and autumn. Every year, by the end of November, they have picked and gathered everything from the orchard and the vineyard.

Part of our garden is a lawn. On its two sides there are thuyas and hedges and there is a barbecue in the middle. In the orchard we have a cherry, an apple, a plum, an apricot tree and three peach trees. In the vegetable garden we have the usual vegetables like carrots, parsnip, onions and garlic for example. In the front garden we have flowers, mainly roses, tulips and carnations.


frightening ijesztőattached szeretőowner gazdapure-bred fajtisztasatisfied elégedettwatch-dog őrző-védő kutyaapparently nyilvánvalóanautomatic lawn mower automata fűnyíróto afford, -ed megengedheti magánakto take up a hobby új hobbija leszcompletely teljesento exchange ideas kicseréli az ötleteitsuitable megfelelőpastime szabadidő(s tevékenység)to be amused szórakoznisource of pleasure öröm forrásato pursue a hobby vmilyen hobbija vanwhat’s more sőt mi többto angle, -d horgászni


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to knit, -ted kötnito sew, sewed, sewn varrninapkin szalvétasoft toy kitömött játékfiguramodelling modellezésto print, -ed nyomtatto enlarge, -d nagyít, kasíroz, keretbe foglalto collect stamps bélyegeket gyűjtcoin fémpénzparty game társasjátékcard game kártyajátékmongrel keverék, korcsit doesn’t matter much nem számít sokatjust the same akkor iskennel kutyaházto bark, -ed ugathamster hörcsögguinea-pig tengeri malacfinch pintybudgerigar / budgie papagájcage kalitkafish tank akváriumterrapin ékszerteknősthe elderly az idősebbekcan’t wait to... alig várja, perform a job munkát végezto dig, dug, dug ásnito rake, -d gereblyéznisoil talaj, földto plant, -ed elültetto sow, sowed, sown seeds magot elvetfrom the very moment attól a pillanattólto come out előbújik, kibújikto hoe, -d the beds megkapálja az ágyásokatto get rid of megszabadulweeds gyomnövényekto spray, -ed permetezvine szőlőtőkeproperly megfelelőengood yield jó termésto pick, -ed (le)szedto gather, -ed betakarít, begyűjtorchard gyümölcsöskertvineyard szőlőskertlawn pázsit, gyepthuya tujafahedge élősövénybarbecue kerti sütőapricot tree sárgabarackfaparsnip fehérrépa, zöldségmainly főkéntcarnation szegfű


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These pictures show two different ways of spending your holidays. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ Where do you like to go on holiday?■ Why do you think so many people travel nowadays?■ What can you do at the seaside?■ Why do you think so many tourists come to Hungary?■ W hat are some of the tourist attractions in our country?■ What cultural events can tourists attend?■ What is Budapest like today?■ W hat would you show a tourist in Budapest?

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MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe two pictures depict two different ways of spending your holiday; at a lake or at the seaside and in a city. I like both types of holiday, it depends on my mood which one I prefer. When I am very tired, I try to break away from it all at least once a year, usually in summer. Then it is good to find an out-of-the-way place miles from anywhere, where there is peace and quiet. At other times I take pleasure in visiting famous sights learning about other peoples, cultures and customs, tasting foreign food and speaking foreign languages.In my opinion travelling is the best way of relaxation and recreation. You know if I stay at home, I can’t help dealing with my work or doing some household chores. When I am away, I am calm, balanced and undisturbed by anybody and can devote all my time to my family/friends/myself.

Nowadays everyone is crazy about travelling. People love moving around, they travel both inland and abroad. There is more money about, which has brought an urge to see places. People often travel on business, for pleasure, for relaxation, for education or for their health. I don’t think there are any people in the world who don’t like travelling. I love it, too. The only problem is that I can’t afford to travel as much as I would like to. I have neither the money nor the time for it.

The sea is a most popular destination for people all over the world on their annual holidays. Lots of holidaymakers go to the seaside in the high season. Seaside resorts have many hotels, youth hostels, boarding houses and private rooms to let offering bed and breakfast or full board. The most pleasant holiday resorts are by the warm seas where you can sunbathe and swim in the salty waters. You can always admire the sight of lovely rocks, sand and the clean sea.

I think one reason why so many tourists come to our country is the hospitality of the Hungarians. Besides, the Carpathian Basin is at a crossroads for the traveller from north to south, from east to west. Hungary also has various tourist attractions. Visitors can enjoy the wonderful sights of Budapest, relax on one of the numerous beaches of Lake Balaton, go and see the lovely Hungarian villages where traditions of folk art are preserved and treasured, or visit some of the smaller but beautiful towns like Veszprém, Kőszeg, Eger or Szentendre. They can go for outings in the romantic ‘Puszta’, the Great Hungarian Plain, where they can see the famous Hungarian stud farms.

Hungary has a lively cultural life. The most popular cultural events attended by a lot of tourists seem to be the open-air summer festivals held in different towns, such as the Szeged Open-air Festival, the Sopron Festival Weeks, the Szentendre Summer or the Veszprém Castle Concerts, while in spring the greatest event is the Budapest Spring Festival. Apart from festivals, the Opera House, concert halls, open-air theatres and museums are also visited by a lot of tourists, who are genuinely interested in the cultural life of the country.

Today Budapest is a busy metropolis with a population of 2 million people. The city is extremely rich in historical and cultural monuments, works of art and natural beauties.

I think I would start the tour of Budapest by taking the tourist up Gellért Hill, because this is the best point from which to see the panorama of the city. There is


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also a fortress on the top of the hill called the Citadel. Standing high above the city on the highest point of the hill is the Statue of Liberty. Then I would take the visitor to the centre of Buda where we can find Castle Hill. In its central square, the Trinity Square, stands the famous Matthias Church. Next to the church we can see the bronze statue of King Stephen I. and that of János Hunyadi. Behind the church is the Fishermen’s Bastion, from which there is a magnificent view of the Danube with the Houses of Parliament on the opposite bank. One of the best-known monuments in Pest is the one in Heroes’ Square. It was erected in 1896 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Hungary.

VOCABULARY LISTmood hangulatto break away from it all elszakad a hétköznapi gondoktólat least legalábbout-of-the-way félreesőmiles from anywhere mérföldekre mindentőlpeace and quiet béke és nyugalomat other times máskorto take pleasure in örömét leli vmibenfamous sights híres látnivalókcustoms szokásto taste, -ed megkóstolrelaxation kikapcsolódásI can’t help nem tudom megállni, hogy neto deal, dealt, dealt with törődik vmivelrecreation felüdüléshousehold chore házimunkabalanced kiegyensúlyozottundisturbed nyugodtto disturb, -ed zavarto devote, -d rááldoz, rászánto be crazy about sg megőrül vmiértto move, -d around mozog, utazikinland belföldönurge belső késztetésto travel on business üzleti ügyben utazikdestination célállomásannual éves, éviholidaymaker szabadságát töltő egyénhigh season főszezonresort nyaralóhelyboarding-house panzióto let, let, let kiad(ó)full board teljes ellátásto sunbathe, -d napoziksalty sósto admire, -d csodálsight látványrock sziklahospitality vendégszeretetCarpathian Basin Kárpát-medence

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crossroads útkereszteződéstraveller utazótourist attraction idegenforgalmi látványosságnumerous számosfolk art népművészetto preserve, -d megőrizto treasure, -d nagyra becsül, kincsként őrizto go for outings kirándulni megystud farm ménteleplively élénkto attend, -ed látogatopen-air festival szabadtéri fesztiválapart from eltekintvethe greatest event a legnagyobb eseménygenuinely őszinténbusy metropolis forgalmas világvárospopulation népességto be extremely rich in sg rendkívül gazdag vmibenwork of art műalkotásnatural beauties természeti szépségektour túrafortress erődtrinity szentháromságbronze statue bronzszoborFishermen’s Bastion Halászbástyamagnificent ragyogóon the opposite bank a szemben lévő partonmonument emlékműto erect, -ed emelto found, -ed megalapítto commemorate, -d megemlékezikanniversary évfordulófounding alapítás

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15 .

These pictures show three different means of telecommunication. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

■ What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone?■ What are the advantages of mobile phones over traditional telephones?■ Do you know how to use a public phone box?■ How often do you watch TV in your family?■ How many channels can you get on TV?■ What do you think of TV programmes and their effect on young people?



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MODEL DESCRIPTIONIn the first picture I can see a mobile phone, which is now very popular in the world. In Hungary almost everybody has one. In the second picture, there is a traditional phone box. The third picture depicts a television set broadcasting an animated cartoon for children.

It is definitely very useful to possess a mobile phone, because you can be contacted wherever you are. For instance, if you don’t go home in time, your mother doesn’t need to worry about you. She will just give you a ring and you can explain to her why you will be late. I often use my mobile phone for sending SMSs and MMS messages to my friends. I like this way of communication, because in a few words I can convey a lot of information. Also, SMS messages are quite cheap to send. The problem with mobile phones is that people tend to use it in places where they shouldn’t. It is not good if your phone rings when you are in church, at the cinema, at the bank or in class.

According to the instructions, with the telephone, you pick up the receiver and wait for the dialling tone. Then you insert a coin into the slot and begin dialling the number. If you are calling a place in the same area, you just dial the number, but if it is in another area you first dial the code for that area and then when you hear a sort of musical sound you dial the particular number. For these long-distance calls the charge is usually higher.

Television is part of modern life but it can do a lot of harm if it is not used carefully and selectively. In our family, for example, my parents watch TV every evening. To tell the truth I also like watching TV, because it brings the world into your home and keeps you informed about what is happening. When I get home from school, I usually switch it on. There is usually a rich choice of programmes. Quite often, the TV is just on and provides background noise for our everyday activities.

I don’t know exactly how many channels I can get on TV, but there are quite a few. There are the two national channels, the commercial and the local television programmes, and lots of satellite channels. Most of the satellite programmes are only good for language learning. Otherwise, they seem to be more after popularity than quality. They consider the public to have no taste or intelligence at all. The films are usually too violent for me and are full of aggression and murder. A great many of them are also full of psychologically aberrant people for whom human life has not much value. In my opinion, these films are also responsible for the spread of juvenile delinquency and the drop in morals, as they poison the minds of the younger generation.

VOCABULARY LISTthese days mostanábantraditional hagyományosto depict, -ed bemutatto broadcast, broadcast, broadcast közvetítanimated cartoon rajzfilmdefinitely határozottanto possess, -ed birtokolto reach, -ed elér


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for instance példáulin time időbento give sy a ring felhív vkitmessage üzenetto convey, -ed átadcheap olcsóto tend to do sg hajlamos rádecent illő, tisztességesaccording to szerintto pick up the receiver felveszi a kagylótdialling tone tárcsahangto insert, -ed bedobcoin fémpénzclot rés, lyukto dial, -led tárcsáznilong-distance call távolsági beszélgetésarea code körzetszámparticular adottcharge díjto do harm ártselectively válogatva, szelektívento keep sy informed tájékoztatto switch, -ed on bekapcsola rich choice gazdag választékit is on be van kapcsolvabackground noise háttérzajto provide, -d nyújt, adeveryday activities m indennapi tevékenységekto get a channel fog egy csatornátquite a few egészen sokcommercial kereskedelmilocal TV helyi TVsatellite műhold(as)otherwise egyébkéntto be after hajt vmit, vágyik rápopularity népszerűségquality minőségthe public a közönségtaste ízlésviolent erőszakosto be full of sg tele van vmivelmurder gyilkossága great many sokaberrant normálistól eltérőhuman life emberi életvalue értékto be responsible for felelősspread terjedésjuvenile delinquency ifjúkori bűnözésdrop esés, csökkenésmorals erkölcsökto poison, -ed megmérgez

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These pictures show two houses. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

* Have you ever seen a house being built?* What does the bricklayer/ carpenter/ joiner/ tiler/ plumber/ glazier/

electrician/ plasterer/ painter/ decorator do?* How can you get the money for building a house?* How often do you redecorate the rooms?■ What changes have you made in your house since you moved in?■ How would you advertise your own house/flat if you wanted to sell it?


In the first picture I can see a house being built. The walls are bare and the roof is not ready yet The house in the second picture is a typical bungalow. It is newly built and it has a beautiful garden. I have often seen buildings and houses being built but not from the beginning to the end. The man who builds walls is called the bricklayer. The bricks are stuck together with mortar. The carpenter does the woodwork of the house. He puts strong wooden beams on the top so that they can support the roof. Plumbers lay pipes and fix the guttering and drainpipes. Electricians put in all the wires, lights and sockets. Then the joiner fixes the window-ledges and when the walls are plastered he fixes the doors and other woodwork. The tiler fixes the tiles and leaves the house ready for the painters and decorators.

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To be able to have a house built or to buy a ready-made house you need to have enough money to put down a deposit. The deposit has to cover the cost of the land and some percent of the cost of the construction. Then you can get a bank loan at quite a high interest rate and you pay it back in monthly instalments. If you have two or more children, you may get a state grant, which you do not have to pay back. If you are a good worker, you may even get an interest-free loan from the company you are working for.

We do up our house every 5 to 6 years. There are certain things that we do ourselves but mainly we have things done. Of course there is always a lot that needs doing to a flat let alone a house. For example we had a new floor put in when we first moved in. Then we had the doorway raised because it was very low and my father used to keep banging his head. We also had new, big windows put in the living room and huge cupboards in the kitchen because there was nowhere to store anything. We had the small store-room converted into a toilet so that we had one downstairs too. We also had a staircase built some years ago; before that we used to have outside stairs. There is a big, light room upstairs which used to be two rooms, but we had a wall taken down and it does make such a difference. We had all the ceilings lowered on this floor because they had been far too high. We had the upstairs bathroom completely redecorated two years ago but I am afraid the ceiling needs repainting again.

I would advertise our house / flat in the following way: Centrally situated magnificent town residence. Four double bedrooms, luxury bathroom, upstairs and downstairs toilets, hall, dining-room, kitchen, double garage, beautiful mature garden, gas-fired central heating. In first-class condition. / The flat that everyone is looking for. Small but comfortable, cheap to look after. 2 bedrooms and a hall with sliding glass French windows opening onto a beautiful brick patio. Ultra modem kitchen. Central heating. Quiet surroundings for only ... forints.

VOCABULARY LISTa house being built épülő házbare csupaszroof tetőbungalow földszintes családi háznewly built új építésűbricklayer kőművesto stick, stuck, stuck ragasztmortar malter, habarcscarpenter ácswoodwork famunkákwooden beam fagerendato support, -ed alátámasztplumber vízvezeték-szerelőlay, laid, laid pipes csöveket lefektetto fix, -ed megcsinál, rendbehozgutter csatornadrainpipe vízcsőwire vezetéklight villanysocket foglalat, konnektorjoiner asztalos


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ledge párkány, szegélyto plaster, -ed bevakoltiler csempéző, burkolódecorator lakberendezőready-made készto put, put, put down leteszdeposit előlegto cover the cost of vmi költségeit fedeziland telekconstruction építés, építkezésbank loan bankkölcsönhigh interest rate magas kamatinstalment részletstate grant állami támogatásinterest-free loan kamatmentes kölcsönto do up one’s flat rendbe hoz, átalakít (lakást)mainly főkéntlet alone nem is beszélvehave sg out in berakat, beszereltetto move in beköltözikto raise, -d felemelto bang one’s head beüti a fejétnowhere to store nincs hova elraknito convert into sg átalakít vmivéstaircase lépcsőházto take down the wall lebontja a falatit makes such a difference teljesen másceiling mennyezetto lower, -ed leengedit needs repainting festésre szorulto advertise, -d hirdet, meghirdetcentrally situated központi fekvésűresidence nagy házdouble kétágyas, duplamagnificent pompás, nagyszerűluxury luxusmature érettgas-fired gáz fűtésescentral heating központi fűtéscondition állapotcheap to look after olcsó fenntartásúsliding door tolóajtóFrench window dupla tele ablakosbrick téglából épültpatio belső udvarquiet surroundings csendes környezet


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ELŐ SZ Ó ............................................................................................................................................... 3

CONVERSATION.............................................................................................................................5PERSONAL PARTICULARS, FAMILY................................................................................... 5MAN AND SOCIETY...................................................................................................................11ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................................20SCHOOL.......................................................................................................................................... 31W ORK..............................................................................................................................................38LIFESTYLE.................................................................................................................................... 44FREE TIME, ENTERTAINMENT............................................................................................55TRAVELLING, TOURISM..........................................................................................................65SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY............................................................................................... 71


PICTU RE D ESC R IPTIO N ......................................................................................................140TRAVELLING.............................................................................................................................. 140HOUSING.......................................................................................................................................143SPORTS.......................................................................................................................................... 146CLOTHING.................................................................................................................................... 149ENTERTAINMENT.....................................................................................................................151SEASONS...................................................................................................................................... 154HOUSING.......................................................................................................................................157FAMILY FESTIVALS................................................................................................................ 161APPEARANCE / HEALTH......................................................................................................164ACCOMMODATION...................................................................................................................168SHOPPING.....................................................................................................................................171ROOMS IN THE HOUSE......................................................................................................... 175HOBBIES........................................................................................................................................ 179TOURISM.......................................................................................................................................182TELEPHONING........................................................................................................................... 186BUILDING YOUR HOME........................................................................................................ 189