angelic seichim

Page 1 of 31 Page 1 of 31 ANGELIC SEICHIM Angelic Seichim was developed by Vinny Amador. Seichim/SKHM is a very malleable energy, and it responds to the conceptual schema that each person uses to access it. The following method is one means of connecting to this energy. In this text the terms "Seichim" and "SKHM" are used interchangably to refer to the energy. Seichim Angelic Attunement This attunement will work with both the SKHM energy and the Archangels. Archangels, like all angels, are an "intelligence", a power and personification of a specific aspect of god, and the energy that power represents. Although there are a number of Archangels, there are seven Archangels that stand before the throne of God. This information is acquired from a number of sources. For example, Raphael identifies himself as one to Tobias on the road. There are four that are generally agreed upon that all practices and faiths seem to include. These are Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and that most agree upon, Uriel. There is not a lot of Agreement over the other three. Every major faith seems to have their group of archangels including the Islamic, Assryian biblical, jewish, Kabbalist, dead sea scrolls and Gnostic Sources. From the Apocrypha, dead sea scrolls, and other biblical sources, there are traditionally seven who are identified. They are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ramiel (Jarahmeel), Raguel, and Sariel. In the Apocryphal Book of Enoch - Chapter 20, there are also seven identified: "And these are the names of the holy angels who watch. Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus. Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he that is set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraqael (Sariel), one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise and the serpents and the Cherubim. Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise. In this attunement, we will be working with SKHM and the Archangels, with the 7 who stand before the throne. Each of the seven represent a different aspect of the source and so we will use use them to connect to those aspects of the skhm source. We will be connecting

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Angelic Seichim was developed by Vinny Amador. Seichim/SKHM is a very malleable energy, and it responds to the conceptual schema that each person uses to access it. The following method is one means of connecting to this energy. In this text the terms "Seichim" and "SKHM" are used interchangably to refer to the energy. Seichim Angelic Attunement This attunement will work with both the SKHM energy and the Archangels. Archangels, like all angels, are an "intelligence", a power and personification of a specific aspect of god, and the energy that power represents. Although there are a number of Archangels, there are seven Archangels that stand before the throne of God. This information is acquired from a number of sources. For example, Raphael identifies himself as one to Tobias on the road. There are four that are generally agreed upon that all practices and faiths seem to include. These are Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and that most agree upon, Uriel. There is not a lot of Agreement over the other three. Every major faith seems to have their group of archangels including the Islamic, Assryian biblical, jewish, Kabbalist, dead sea scrolls and Gnostic Sources. From the Apocrypha, dead sea scrolls, and other biblical sources, there are traditionally seven who are identified. They are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ramiel (Jarahmeel), Raguel, and Sariel. In the Apocryphal Book of Enoch - Chapter 20, there are also seven identified: "And these are the names of the holy angels who watch. Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus. Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he that is set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraqael (Sariel), one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise and the serpents and the Cherubim. Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise. In this attunement, we will be working with SKHM and the Archangels, with the 7 who stand before the throne. Each of the seven represent a different aspect of the source and so we will use use them to connect to those aspects of the skhm source. We will be connecting

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to Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jarahmeel (Ramiel), Raguel, and Sariel. Additionally we will be working with Metatron and Shekinah, as balancing and centering forces. There are three other Archangels that will be part of this attunement. Jophiel, Raziel and Tzadkiel. We will begin by working with Metatron and Shekinah as the balancing of forces (masculine/feminine, yin/yang, thought/feeling) as we connect and then we will connect to the source and with with each angel specifically. We will use chakras, colors, and attributes/powers as a means to activate that part of the skhm. Information on the Archangels When we begin the attunement, we will be joining with Shekinah and Metatron, to balance and work with the SKHM energy.

Shekinah is the Angel of Unity and Unconditional Love. She is a female angel who always stays close to humankind, inspiring mortals to be just and fair, bringing balance and harmony to our minds and spiritual being. Her name means "bride of the Lord" and she is charged with redeeming us from evil and leading us back to God so that we may be liberated and cleansed in the eternal light.

Metatron is the Angel of Thought. His name literally means "the throne beside the throne of God." He is considered one of the most important archangels who led the children out of Israel and also stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac. Metatron helps us communicate with God and brings God's presence to us and opens up our hearts in order to better receive this guidance. Responsible for supervising the Akashic Records, a special archive where all our thoughts and deeds are recorded upon a screen of mental essence.

Metatron traditionally is the most powerful angel, the one closest to god. His counterpart Shekinah, is the feminine. The Tetragrammaton (unspeakable name of god in hebrew represented by the letters IHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh) is a balance of masculine and feminine forces. Metatron and Shekinah are different aspects of the divine as it begins to manifest. Thus the divine is neither masculine or feminine but a perfect balance of both. The Traditional 7 Archangels

Michael - Michael means "who is as God". He is an angel of "The Last Judgment". He is the "Weigher of souls" who decides where people are sent for eternity: to Heaven, or to Hell. He is often described in wondrous form with armor and swords, and is known as a dragon-slayer. He defeated Satan, the fallen angel, by the order of God. Regardless of which major faith's angelic beings is being followed, Michael ranks as the highest of the host. He is the leader of the celestial armies and is the angel who fought Satan during the War and enchained the rebel leader. He

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is considered to be of the class of seraphim, and yet is also head of other ranks within the hierarchy: the ruler of the archangels, leader of the virtues, and head of the principalities in his role as protector of Israel. Michael is considered to be the angel of the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses, and has also appeared in the book of Daniel, where God states him as being the highest within the angelic ranks. Although other angels have been attributed with the title of Angel of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgment day, after his battle once more with the forces of evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in the name of God, but also as a protector and the angel who kept Satan from claiming the body of Moses after the patriarch's death. By all rights, Michael can be considered foremost among the angels.

Gabriel - Gabriel Rules the Moon, West, Water and the Cherubim Gabriel means "power" or "hero". Gabriel is the governor of Eden and the ruler of Cherubim. Gabriel is often described as a female angel with a lily in her hand. The lore of the Annunciation is well-known. Gabriel is the angel of resurrection, mercy, revelation, and death Gabriel is often considered as a slightly more benevolent spirit than her ally Michael., Another notable birth that Gabriel presided over was that of John the Baptist when abriel came to Zacharias and told him of his coming son. Within all of the legends of birthing, Gabriel as been accredited as the angel who selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends

the nine months as the child is being eveloped informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, only to silence the child before birth by pressing his finger onto the child's lips, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose. Besides births however, Gabriel is also the angel who came before Daniel and told him of the future as well as the angel responsible for strengthening Christ prior to the Crucifixion. Finally, not being all pregnancies and wisdom, she is told as the angel who struck down the cities of Sodom and Gommorah as well as other places of sin throughout the Old Testament although she is never named there as such.

Raphael - Raphael, the "shining one who heals", is often shown holding a bottle of medicine. He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Eden, and the angel of the Sun. Raphael rules the Sun, the East and Air. Although a seraph, Raphael is also mentioned as being a member of the cherubim, dominations and powers. He has been attributed as the chief of virtues, although that ranking has also been given to Michael, and also can be considered head of the guardian angels. His most notable appearance in scripture is his guiding of young Tobias in the apocryphal book of Tobit where he

teaches the lad about medicine and demon exorcising among other things. Also in his role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and healing Jacob's thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is also considered to be a patron of the sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark before the flood, and teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labor when Solomon's Temple was being built.

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Uriel - Uriel means "the fire of God" or "the face of God". He is seen holding a fiery sword at the gate of Eden. He watches over thunder and terror. Uriel is identified as both a seraph and a cherub, Uriel is most well known for his role as Regent of the Sun in the book of Revelation where he calls forth the birds of the air to feast upon the fallen. As one of the most faithful and dedicated members of the host, Uriel was also placed in charge of Tartarus (another name for Hades), warned Noah of the impending flood (although Raphael is credited with teaching the building of the ark), and attacked Moses for failing to circumcise his son. Accepted as an archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was finally removed from the records in 745 CE as the Church

became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon angels.

Sariel - ("Gods command") also known as angel of death Sariel works along side of Raguel. Sarial is a seraph who is given the role of deciding the fate of angels which stray from God's path. He is also credited as being an angel of knowledge, and one of the leaders in Heaven's armies, his name being written upon the shields of one of the fighting forces. Sariel is an Angel of Guidance. He is responsible for the lot of angels that violate God's sacred ordinances. Sariel is considered the prince of presence and an angel of healing. This celestial being is associated with the skies and holds dominion over the sun sign, Aries.

Raguel - (Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Suryan, Akrasiel -"Friend of God") One of the 7 Archangels listed in the Enoch writings. Raguel is an angel of earth, a guard of the 2nd (or 4th) Heaven. He 'takes vengeance on the world of luminaries," which is interpreted to mean that, for cause, he brings other angels to account. Raguel is one of the principalities. Besides this vigilance, Raguel is also mentioned as being an angel of ice and snow, calling forth other angels during the Final Judgment to deal

with the unpure. He is also said to be an angel of earth, a guardian of the second heaven and is the one who brought Enoch to the heavens.

Jarahmeel (Remiel)- Remiel...over those who rise. Remiel or Jeremiel ("mercy of God or whom God sets up") Leads souls to judgment. Also angel of true visions. Remiel is accredited with two tasks. First, he is the angel responsible for true divine visions, and is said to be the angel to give such a vision to Baruch before destroying Baruch's enemies, the armies of Sennacherib. Beyond that, he is also the guide for the souls of the faithful, leading them into Heaven after Michael weighs them at the last trump. Although not mentioned specifically as such, such a role would lead to the assumption that Ramiel is a power.

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There are several others that are identified as Archangels that we will have participate with us in this attunement: Raziel ("Secret of God"): One of the cherubim, Raziel is the giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge. It is he who lead to the writing of the book of Enoch and is also the author of the tome from which Noah learns to build the ark. This is not to be confused with Raphael, who is the angel to give Raziel's book to Noah, but did not write it himself. Jophiel ("Beauty of God"): One of the cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with being the angel to drive Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they eat the forbidden fruit. If this is the case, Jophiel receives also the honor of being the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. In such a role, he is last left guarding the Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent the return of man. Jophiel is the Angel of Enlightenment. This angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within. Zadkiel ("Righteousness of God"): Belonging to the ranks of the dominations, and considered by some to be chief, Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy. It is he who holds back the hand of Abraham to prevent the patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is one of two standard bearers (along with Zophiel) who follow directly behind Michael as the head archangel enters battle .


Michael - Strength, honor Gabriel - resurrection, mercy, revelation

Uriel - the fire of God, psychic phenomena Raphael- one who heals, love and devotion

Jarahmeel - guidance, angel of true visions

Sariel - angel of knowledge, healing and faithfulness

Raguel - angel of earth, a guardian, friendship

Jophiel - awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought, and beauty

Raziel - giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge

Tzadquiel - angel of mercy, and righteousness

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The SKHM Archangelic Attunement

Begin by taking some long breaths in through the mouth and out through the nose. Allow your body to relax. Feel the connection to earth and allow your roots to extend deep to the core of the earth, grounding you and connecting you to the earth. See the divine light, growing and expanding as a shaft of the purest brilliant white light coming over you. The energy of the earth rises to the light and the light moves through you to the center. And know that you are connected to the earth and grounded and centered. Now the angels begin gathering around you. Before you stands Raphael, Behind Gabriel, at your Right Michael, at your left Uriel. This makes the cross. Now you form the first triangle of the hexagram, from heaven to earth. Before you Sarial, at right behind is Jarahmeel, and left behind is Raguel. Now your form the second triangle, from earth to heaven. At Right front is Tzadkiel, at left front is Raziel, behind is Jophiel. The hexagram is now complete. You stand with the Archangels surrounding you and protecting you. Visualize a star shining just above your head. It has a corona of Light around it. Watch the star growing in brilliance while you vibrate a tone you have for the skhm, or just naturally vibrate a tone. (The Tetragrammaton - Yod heh Vau Heh, or the Kaballic Name of the Messiah -- Yeheshua or Yehovasha – are good names to vibrate.) You now stretch your roots to the very center of the earth and feel the connection. You begin connecting to the source. Feel the source coming into your crown. Above the crown is Metatron and Shekinah. The source is the oness and light of all. Metatron and Shekinah are the duality, one and yet two. Two flowing into one perpetually. Metatron and Shekinah, we ask that you connect with us and the skhm, guide us in this initiation to the oneness of the source in skhm. Feel the angels guideing the energy. They float above the crown, on a point on you energy body, connecting the higher source with you. Let the skhm float into the crown and then through the body and down into the earth. Relax for a few minutes and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. We now call the first of our angels. See the archangel Jophiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive awareness, beauty in all you see. I connect you with the skhm and with beauty and enlightenment. I bring the skhm to help you find the light within". Jophiel places his hands on the crown and sends the skhm into the crown. See a shaft of white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your crown. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the Archangel Uriel Approach. He places his hands on your head. He connects you to the skhm, and sends the energy through the crown through your body. He speaks and says; " Receive wisdom and prophecy. I connect you with the skhm and give you the eyes of the spirit. Uriel places his hands on the third eye, and sends skhm and his gift into the third eye. Feel the energy pulse in the third eye and in the rest of your body.

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See the archangel Raziel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "I am the giver of the Divine mysteries. I connect you with the skhm and give you knowledge of things hidden". Raziel places his hands on the throat and sends the skhm into the throat. See the skhm coming down to your head into your throat. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Jarahmeel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive guidance, forgiveness and compassion. I connect you with the skhm and with divine guidance in your life. I show you the paths that are hidden that the light may show you the way". Jarahmeel places his hands on the transpersonal heart and sends the skhm into the transpersonal heart. See the skhm coming down to your head into your transpersonal heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Gabriel approach. She places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. She speaks, and says, "receive rebirth and transformation. I connect you with the skhm and the energy of change. I bring the skhm to help you find the knowledge of your earthly mission". Gabriel places her hands on the heart and sends the skhm into the heart. See the skhm coming down to your head into your heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Tzadkiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive mercy and righteousness. I connect you with the skhm and with sanctify you with the source that is righteous above all things. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of mercy". Tzadkiel places his hands on the Solar plexus and sends the skhm into it. See the skhm coming down to your head into your solar plexus. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Michael approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive loving strength and putiry and the power of the source. I connect you with the skhm and with honor, strength and dignity. I bring the skhm to help you find the your inner strength and remove blocks within". Michael places his hands on the hara and sends the skhm into the hara. See the skhm coming down to your head into your hara. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Sariel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive knowledge, healing and faithfulness. I connect you with the skhm and with the presence of the source. I am a prince of the presence of the one, that I bring to you that you may see the divinity within". Sariel places his hands on the root chakra and sends the skhm into the root chakra. See the skhm coming down to your head into your root chakra. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Raphiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. Raphael

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lovingly takes your hands. He speaks, and says, "I am the medicine of god, receive healing in your heart, in your mind and in all that you are. I connect you with the skhm and with the healing of the source. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of healing that removes all blocks, all negativity and all fear.". Raphael holds your hands and sends the skhmn into the hands. See the skhm coming down to your head into your hands. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Raguel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive the friendship of god, for you are a guardian who is one with the earth and the source. I connect you with the skhm and with the earth. I bring you the skhm as a sign of the friendship of god that you are joined to the source of all". Raguel places his hands on the feet and sends the skhm into the feet and into the earth. See a shaft of white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your feet. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. Relax for a few moments and feel your body.

Feel the presence of the angels all around you and know that you are forever

connected to the presence of the one and the skhm energy. Each angel passes before

you one last time, laying hands on your head and blessing you. Sealing the connection

to the source. You are forever connected.

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ANGELS A'albiel - An angel in service of the archangel Michael.

Abariel - An angel in ceremonial magic tracts, used for invoking. His named is also found

inscribed on the second pentacle of the moon.

Abel - Souls arrive in Heaven and are judged by Abel. He is one of 12 Powers with this task.

He is angel of the fourth Heaven ruling on the Lord's Day. He must be invoked from the East.

(See Abraham 13:11)

Achaiah - He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In

the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region. (Act

18:12, 27)

Adnachiel - This is the angel that holds dominion over the sun sign Sagittarius. Those who

were born under this sign can pray to Adnachiel for special protection and blessings. We can all

pray to this shining one for the spirit gifts of independence, honesty and gregariousness.

Af Bri - An angel who exercises control over rain.

Afriel - Traditional angelic lore informs us that this being of light safe-guards young life. Also

considered to be protective of that which is youthful and tenderly growing within each of us, no

matter how old we actually are. Afriel is believed to grant youth, vigor and vitality and is prayed to

for these gifts and attributes.

Aftiel - The angel of twilight.

Aha - An angel of the order of dominations, a spirit of fire used in cabalistic magical


Ahadiel - An angelic enforcer of the law.

Alimon - A great prince who, when invoked, protects the invocant from gunshot wounds and

from sharp instruments. His aids are the angels Reivtip and Tafthi.

Amatiel - Amatiel holds dominion over the season of spring. We appeal to this renewing angel

to plant the seeds of hope, rebirth, new beginnings and positive expectations in our hearts and


Ambriel - This angel inspires clear communication so that we might better speak our own

truth, while gently guiding human beings toward a time when truth and clarity will be the universal

norm. Ambriel is also considered to be an angel of general protection. Ambriel presides over the

sun sign of Gemini and the month of May. Those born under this sign pray to Ambriel for special

blessings and protection.

Anael - One of the 7 angels of creation. Prince of the Archangels and ruler of the Friday

angels. Anael exercise dominion over the planet Venus. He is one of the luminaries concerned

with human sexuality and is governor of the second heaven, where he is in charge of prayer

ascending from the first heaven. In addition he controls kingdoms and kings on earth and has

dominion over the moon.

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Anfial - One of the 64 angel wardens of the celestial halls.

Angels of Prayer - There are seven angels who convey the prayers of the saints to our

creator. Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael.

Angels of Sunday - Sunday is influenced by the Sun. Michael is the primary Angel of Sunday,

but each hour of this day also has its secondary angel. These angels are, beginning with the 1st

hour.......Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, Cassiel, Sachiel, Samael, Michael, Anael, Raphael,

Gabriel, and Cassiel. Some Angels do double duty on this day!

Angels Of Winter - Ctarari, Amabael and Certari. The head angel is Altrib. or (Attaris)

Angerecton - An angel invoked in magical rites, specifically in the invocation of fumigation.

Aniel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the West wind.

Anitor - A high holy angel, invoked in magical rites after proper investiture by the invocant.

Anixiel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon.

Anthriel - This is an angel of balance and harmony we appeal to Anthriel to help us stay on an

even keel, leading our lives with moderation. Anthriel helps us stay calm at all times. Those who

become easily offcentered and filled with anxiety pray to Anthriel for balance.

Aquariel - This perfect being opens the doors of perception to mortals who pray to him.

Aquariel inspires humankind with transcendent and cosmic understanding so that we may

spiritually evolve.

Arariel (Azareel, Uzziel) - The angel who "cures" stupidity. One of the 7 angels with dominion

over the earth. Arariel is specifically an angel who presides over the waters of the earth

(according to the Talmudists). He is invoked by fishermen so that they may, with luck, catch big


Arbatel - An angel who reveals.

Archer - A governing spirit of the sign Aquarius.

Archons (Rulers) - Angels set over nations and identified or equated with aeons. Archons are

primordial planetary spirits. Other archons are Uriel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Shauil and


Ardouisur - A female cherub. Among her attributes are making females prolific and giving

them easy childbirth, also supplying them with breast milk. She is sometimes called "the giver of

living water".

Arel - An angel of fire. His name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun. He can also

be invoked in ritual magic.

Arias - Angel of sweet smelling herbs.

Ardousius - Traditional angelic lore tells us that this angel is a female angel who is believed to

help and protect during childbirth and who also inspires breast milk to flow. Pray to her for

nurturing love.

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Asasiel - Angel of Thursday, who shares his rule with Sachiel and Cassiel. Assasiel is also

one of the presiding spirits of the planet Jupiter.

Ashriel - One of the seven angels with dominion over the earth. He is the angel that seperates

the soul from the body at the time of death. He can also be invoked to cure stupidity.

Assiel - Angel of healing.

Ataphiel - An angel who supports heaven with three fingers.

Atel - An angel of the fourth heaven. Also an angel of the air ruling on the lord's day evoked

from the East.

Athanatos - A conjuring spirit of the planet Mercury. name of the god used to discover hidden

treasure and in the cabala, a spirit invoked on the general citations of Moses, Aaron and


Attarib - One of the four angels of winter and head of the sign of winter.

Atuesuel - One of eight angels of omnipotence. He is invoked to "smoke out the monsters of


Auriel (Light of God) - One of 72 angels of 72 quinaries of degrees of the zodiac. Invoked in

conjuration of the sword.

Ayib - A spirit of the planet Venus who's name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of that


Azer - Angel of the element fire.

Bagdial - A corpulent angel in charge of issuing cards to recent arrivals in the lower heavens.

These cards entitle them to new bodies. However Bagdial is said to be a fictional angel.

Bahram- Angel of victory

Barakiel - This benevolent one grants success, good fortune and excellent luck to mortals

who pray to him.

He also inspires joviality and a sense of humor. When we pray to this angel on a regular basis,

we find that we become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this

angel of good fortune to enter.

Barbiel - Angel of October.

Barchiel - This angel presides over the sun signs of Scorpio and Pisces. Those who were

born under these signs can pray to Barchiel for Special protection and bright blessings. We can

all pray to this illumined one to inspire us to become more compassionate and to help us develop

inner strength and the will to heal ourselves and others. This angel also grants emotional depth

and awareness.

Barakiel - This benevolent one grants success, good fortune and excellent luck to mortals

who pray to him.

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He also inspires joviality and a sense of humor. When we pray to this angel on a regular basis,

we find that we become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this

angel of good fortune to enter.

Barpharanges - An angel in charge of the spring of waters of life. He is the angel of the


Bathor - One of seven Olympian spirits, known as stewards or electors of heaven.

Blaef - A Friday angel of the air and subject to the west wind.

Boel (God Is In Him) - One of the seven exalted throne angels, resident in the first heaven.

Boel holds the four keys to the four corners of the earth. He governs the planet Saturn as well.

Calliel - One of the throne angels serving in the second heaven, invoked to bring prompt help

during adversity.

Camael - An angel who presides over beauty, joy, happiness and contentment, Camael grants

these gifts to those who pray to him. Any activity on our part that emulates this angel, such as

bringing gladness to others, draws Camaelic energies into our lives and enfolds us in wings of

happiness. Essene prayer: "Camael, Angel of Joy, descend upon the earth and give beauty to all


Cambiel - This angel presides over the sun sign Aquarius. Those born under this sign can

pray to Cambiel for special protection and bright blessings. We all pray to this shining one for

increased intelligence and also for the courage to think in unconventional ways.

Cambill - Angel of the eight hour of the night.

Caracasa - An angel of spring along with Core, Amatiel and Comissoros.

Cassiel - Ruler of Saturday. The angel of solitudes and tears who "shews forth the unity of the

eternal kingdom". Cassiel is one of the rulers of the planet Saturn and is also the ruling prince of

the seventh heaven. Cassiel is one of the Sarim (princes) of the order of powers. Sometimes, he

appears as the angel of temperance.

Cathetel - This guardian angel of the garden increases the growth and yield of vegetables and

fruits and keeps them healthy and flourishing. Cathetel inspires the human race to love and

appreciate all of the beings of nature. When we grow in respect and reverence for nature we can

attain harmony with our own natures as well.

Cedar - An angel governing the South.

Chabalym - A seraph or cherub invoked in cabalistic magical rites.

Chaldkydri - Archangels of the flying elements of the sun. Linked to phoenixes and in

between cheribum and seraphim. Theyhave 12 wings and at the rising of the sun they burst into

song! They recide in the 4th heaven.

Chamuel - This angel fosters tolerance in the human heart, inspiring within us the realization

that to love others we must love ourselves. Chamuel helps us to drop judgmental attitudes

towards others and develop a more tolerant view of our own shortcomings.

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Charbiel - An angel appointed to "draw together and dry up all the waters of the earth."

Charms - Angel of the ninth hour of the day.

Charoum - An angelic benefactor who presides over the direction North. We appeal to

Charoum for the ability to appreciate silence, the integrity to keep secrets and the patient

attentiveness to be good listeners.

This heavenly protector is traditionally believed to safegaurd the earth plane from excess rain,

floods and hurricanes.

Chasan - Angel of the air his name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun.

Chaylon - A cherub or seraph invoked in ritual magic.

Cheriour - A "terrible angel" charged with punishment of crime and the pursuit of criminals.

Chermes - Angel of the ninth hour of the night.

Corabael - A Monday angel residing in the first heaven and invoked from the West.

Chosniel (Cover) - An angel invoked for the conferring of a good memory and an open heart.

Colopatiron - As an angel who unlocks prison gates, we can appeal to this sacred being

when we are struggling for freedom or independence of any kind: economic, creative, spiritual or


Corat - A Friday angel of the air, invoked from the East, residing in the third heaven.

Cupra - One of the Novesiles, Cupra is the personification of light!

Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal.

All rule over fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel.

Damabiah - An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction.

Dameal - A Tuesday angel, resident in the fifth heaven. He is evoked from the East.

Degaliel - An angel who's name is found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Venus.

Derdekea - A heavenly, powerful female angel who descends to earth for the salvation of

man. She is referred to as the Supreme Mother. Derdekea is also known as Drop.

Dina - When the world was first created, Dina taught humans seventy different languages.

This guiding and teaching angel inspires the human race to pursue wisdom, knowledge and a

love of learning.

Diniel - An angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet angels. He is also a spellbinding angel

in "the binding of the tongue of the ruler."

Djibril - Faithful Spirit.

Djin - Helper of the Archangel Gabriel. He is an Elemental King, sphere of fire. He looks

somewhat elderly, yet has great muscles. He has flames for hair and is a King of Fire. He can

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teach you the ways to use fire in magickal workings. He can also bring rituals that you never

knew existed and give them to you as gifts.

*From the Koran - The Djin (Jinn) are a race of beings created by Allah to serve Him. They are

not His children, nor are they deities. They were created from searing hot, smokeless fire, some

time before humans were created from clay. Since the Koran also states that the Angels were

created from fire, it would seem that the Djin and the Angels are the same kind of beings.

Although the djin are considered lesser beings. The Djin can be good or evil. There is the legend

of Solomon binding the Djin (i.e., in bottles) and the grateful evil Djin granting a wish if they are


However, it is rare that the Koran speaks of "Angels and Jinn" in the same sentence, but often

speaks of "Men and Jinn" in one breath. It would seem that the Jinn have a strong interest in

consorting with humans, and especially in helping them to stray from the one-true-God. Not

entirely, though, as there is at least one reference to Jinn who are righteous and hear the Word of

Allah. With those exceptions, we expect that most humans and most Jinn will get their "come-

uppance" on judgement day and they (we) will not be pleased with the results. In summary, it

would appear that according to the Koran, the Jinn are a species related to Angels which tend to

consort with human-kind to the detriment of both. Exceptions noted.

Donel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the South Wind.

Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal.

All rule over fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel.

Damabiah - An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction.

Dameal - A Tuesday angel, resident in the fifth heaven. He is evoked from the East.

Degaliel - An angel who's name is found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Venus.

Derdekea - A heavenly, powerful female angel who descends to earth for the salvation of

man. She is referred to as the Supreme Mother. Derdekea is also known as Drop.

Eheres - An angel invoked in the exorcism of wax.

Eiael - An angel with dominion over the occult sciences and longevity. When Eiael is evoked

the the invocant must recitet the 4th verse of Psalm 36.

Eirnilus - An angel with dominion over fruit. He serves also as one of the genii of the sixth


Eistibus - A genius of divination, one of the genii of the fourth hour.

El Auria - Angel of flame and is equated with Ouriel or Uriel.

El El - One of the angelic guards of the north wind.

Elimiel - In Jewish cabala, the angel (spirit intelligence) of the moon.

Eloa - A female angel said to have been born from a tear that Jesus shed.

Enejie - An angel of the seal used and invoked in magical rites.

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Espiacent - An angel used in exorcism of wax for bringing about successful accomplishments

of ones work. Psalms must be cited after rites of exorcism.

Eth (Time) - An angelic power, a ministering angel, charged with seeing to it that "all events

occur at their appointed time."

Eurabatres - An angel of the planet Venus.

Ezgadi - An angel's name used in conjuring rites for the successful completion of journeys.

Famiel - A Friday angel of the air. Famiel serves in the third heaven and is evoked from the


Fromzon - Angel of the 3rd hour of the night.

Furlac - An angel of the earth.

Gabriel - This archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and

revelations to humankind, acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth and helping us to

interpret our dream and our visions. Gabriel grants wishes and hopes to mortals, as well as joy,

mercy, understanding of mysteries, truth, justice, miracles and love. Essene prayer: "Gabriel,

Angel of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body " Gabriel is the angel of the

West and the element water.

Galearii(Army Servants) - Galearii are the lowest ranking angels. and Gaviek.

Gargatel - One of the three angel's of summer. He acts in association with Tariel and Gaviek.

Gaspard - A spirit invoked in magical rites to procure to the the invocant a lady's garter.

Gazardiel - An angel who holds dominion over the rising sun, we pray to this illuminated one

for the promise of new beginnings, innocence, renewal, awakening and enlightenment. Face the

rising sun in the morning and pray to this angel for these spirit gifts and attributes.

Gedariah - A supervising chief angel of the third heaven. He ministers three times a day; he

bows to prayers ascending from the second heaven, crowns such prayers, then transmits them

for further ascent.

Geliel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon.

Geno - An angel of the order of powers.

Gethel - An angel set over hidden things.

Giel - The angel with dominion over the zodiac sign Gemini.

Glauron or Glaura - A beneficial spirit of the air, invoked from the North.

Gmial - One of the 64 wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Glmarij - An angel of the third hour of the day.

Gonael - One of the numerous guards of the gates of the North Wind.

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Gradiel (Might of God) - The angel of the planet Mars when this luminary enters the sign of

Aries and Scorpio.

Grasgarben - He governs the sign of Libra.

Gurid - A summer equinox angel. Effective when invoked as an amulet against the evil eye.

Habbiel - A Monday angel of the first heaven. An angel who is appealed to for loyal love and

romance, invoked in love charms.

Hadakiel - He governs the sign of libra.

Hafaza - There are four of these angels. They are to protect men from jinn, men and satan. It

is there job to write down the actions of mortals.

Hahaiah - An angel of the order of Cheribum. He influences thoughts and reveals hidden

mysteries to mortals.

Hakamiah - One of the cherubim (invoked against traitors) and a guardian of France.

Hakem - An angelic guard stationed at the fourth heavenly hall.

Halacho - A genius of sympathies and a genii of he 11th hour.

Halliza - The name of the angel appearing on the eternal circle of the pentagram of Solomon.

Haludiel An angel of the 4th heaven invoked on the Lord's Day, with the invocant facing

south. Haludiel is also an intelligence of the sun.

Hamied (Miracles) The glorious angel of miracles. He is such a dazzling white that you can

only see his incredible eyes shining through. As you feel his presence enfold you, open your

heart to receive his gift of intense love.

Hannuel - An angel who has dominion over the sign of Capricorn.

Hantiel - An angel of the 3rd hour of the day.

Harahel - This radiant one protects libraries, archives, schools and universities, also opens

our minds and hearts to new ideas while inspiring humankind to use this knowledge in life-

affirming ways.

Harudha - A female angel who rules the element of water.

Harviel - An angelic guard stationed at the second heavenly hall.

Hasmed - Angel of annihilation and one of the five angels of punishment that Moses

encountered in heaven.

Hasmodia - A spirit of the moon, invoked in talismanic magic.

Haven - One of the 12 genii who preside over the 12 hours of the day. Haven is the genius of


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Hayyel - Protects wild animals along with Thuriel, Mtniel and Jehiel. Pray to them to protect

animals from extinction. Hayyel teaches humankind that just as the angels protect us, so were we

created to protect nature. Pray to this angel to inspire humans to become the stewards of all

nature that we are meant to be.

He'el - Ruler of the seasons of the year.

Heiglot - An angel of snow storms. Ruler of the first hour.

Helemmelek - An angel governing one of the seasons. The name is said to be an inversion of


Helison - One of the five angels of the first altitude. The other four being Alimiel, Gabriel,

Barachiel and Lebes. When invoked Helison appears carrying a banner adorned with crimson

cross, crowned with roses.

Hismael - The spirit of the planet Jupiter.

Hizkiel _One of the numerous guards at the gate of the North Wind.

Hngel - Angel of the summer equinox and effective against the evil eye.

Hodniel - An angel reputed to have the power of curing stupidity in man.

Hormuz - An angel in charge of the first day of the month.

Humastrav - A Monday angel, invoked from the north. Humastrav is said to reside in the first


Husael - An angel serving in the third heaven.

Hypezokos (Flower Of Fire) - One of the "effiable, essential and elemental orders" in the

Chaldean cosmological scheme.

Iacoajul - Angel of the 11th Hour of the night.

Iadara - An angel governing the sign of Virgo.

Iahhel - This shining one inspires meditation and illumination. Iahhel watches over

philosophers and those who seek a retreat from worldly pursuits. For those who have difficulty

meditating, pray to Iahhel for help just before you begin your meditative practice.

Iahmel - An angel with dominion over the air.

Iax - An angel, if invoked who can thwart stomach trouble and the emotion envy.

Iciriel - One of the 28 angels ruling the 28 mansions of the moon.

Idrael - An angelic guard of the fifth heavenly hall.

Iedidiel - An angel summoned up in ritual invocation.

In Hii - One of the angels of the North Star.

Irel - An angel resident of the 5th heaven. He rules Tuesday and is invoked from the west.

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Irin (Watchers or Holy Watchers) - Twin angels residing in the sixth heaven. The irin constitute

the supreme judgment council of the heavenly court. They are among the eight exalted hierarchs

that enjoy a rank superior to that of Metatron, who is considered of the greatest angels serving

God, according to Daniel 4:17 the irin are watchers. It is said that "each of the irin is equal to the

rest of the angels and princes together."

Ismoli - A ministering angel. Ruler of the angels of the air operating on Monday.

Israfel - This angel of music inspires people to sing, play musical instruments and compose

music. Pray to him to increase talent in this area. He also encourages renewal, resurrection and


Itkal - As an angel who presides over cooperation and affection, we appeal to Itkal to create

harmonious relationships between people.

Itqal - An angel of affection. Evoked in cases of dissension among human beings.

Jael - One of the twin Cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, the other

cherub being Zarall. Jael is an angel governing the sign of Libra.

Janiel - Angel of the fifth Heaven, ruling on Tuesday and subject to the East Wind.

Jariel - An angel of divine face or prescence. A varient form of Rziel, Suriel or Sariel.

Jazar - A genius who "compels love". Also of the 7th hour of the day.

Jeduthun or Jeduthum (Praising or Judgement) - He is lord of the evening choirs in heaven.

As the master of howling, he leads myriads of angels in chanting hymns of praise of God at the

close of each day.

Jeliel - A seraph whose name is inscribed on the tree of life. He is the heavenly prince ruler of

Turkey. He controls the destiny of kings and other high dignitaries and gives the palm of victory

for those who are unjustly attacked or invaded. In addition he inspires passion between the sexes

and insures marital fidelity.

Jerazol - An angel of power mentioned in cabalistic works. He is invoked in conjuring rites.

Jeu - Jeu is the great angel, overseer of light and arranger of the cosmos. He is one of the 3

great powers on high. Occupying the right place on God's side with Propator on God's left.

Jophiel (Creative Power) - Teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within.

Joustriel - Angel of the 6th hour of the day.

Jukar - A prince over all the angels, according to Mathers.

Kabniel - An angel invoked to cure stupidity.

Kabshiel - An angel who, when conjured up and agreeable with the invocant confers grace

and power.

Kadi (el) - A Friday angel invoked from the west and serving in the third heaven.

Karoz - Karoz are "reporter angels."

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Katzfiel - An angelic Prince of the sword and guard of the sixth heaven. Katfiel's sword emits

lightening !

Kfial - One of the 64 angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Kokaviel - The name of the angel found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Mercury.

Kutiel - An angel invoked in connection with using divining rods.

Kyriel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon.

Labezerin - The spirit of success. He serves in the second hour of the day.

Larzod - One of the "glorious and benovolent angels" invoked in Solomonic conjuring rites for

imparting to the invocant some of the wisdon of the Creator.

Lazai - An angel invoked in the exorcism of fire.

Lelahel - An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We

appeal to this being of light for good luck and good fortune.

Leliel - One of the angelic rulers of the night!

Lepha - Angel of the seal.

Liwet - This angel presides over vanguard ideas and inventions. He is especially protecrive of

mortals who have original ideas and thoughts, and is also very encouraging of individuality and


Luel - An angel invoked in connection with the use of diving rods.

Mach - An angel called up in Solomonic conjuring rites to render the invocant invisible.

Madan - An angel the exercises dominion over the planet Mercury.

Mael - A ruling Archangel of the water. He is also one of the inteligences of the planet Saturn

and is a Monday angel of the first Heaven. He may be invoked from the North.

Mahariel - (Swift) - An angel of Paradise stationed at the first portal. He provides new souls for

the purified ones.

Mahzian - A spirit who bestows sight.

Maion - An angel with dominion over the planet Saturn.

Maktiel - An angel with dominion over trees.

Maltiel - A Friday angel resident in the third heaven and invoked from the West. He is also one

of the intelligence's of the planet Jupiter. Maltiel is the preceptor angel of Elijah and serves as one

of the numerous guards of the West wind.

Manakel - Angel of aquatic animals.

Manu - Angel of fate.

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Maroch - An angel of the 5th hour of the day.

Mastho - Is a genius of delusive appearances. He is one of the spirits of the tenth hour.

Mebahiah - An angel who exercises dominion over morality and religion. He also helps those

desiring offspring.

Mehiel - An angel who protects university professors, orators and authors.

Melioth - One of nine angels that run together throughout heavenly and earthly places.

Melkajal - Angelic ruler of March.

Memuneh (Appointed One) - A deputy angel, a dispense of dreams. It is said through the

Memuneh, the Universe operates.

Meriarijim - A chief officer-angel of the night.

Messiach - An angel invoked in magical operations in connection with the invoaction of water

and hyssop. The invocant is advised to resite the versicles of the Pslams 6, 67, 64 and 102.

Metatron - He is charged with the sustenance of mankind. He has been known as the link

between the human and the divine. The angel who wrestled with Jacob. (Genesis 32), As the e

watchman (Isaiah 20) Also see Exodus 23:20 for this refers to Metratron as well. Metatron,

according to the cabala is the angel said to have lead the children of Israel through the

wilderness. His female equivalent is Shekinah. His twin brother is Sandalphon.

After arriving in heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of

wings as well as innumerable eyes. He resides in the 7th heaven and when evoked appears as a

pillar of fire said to be more dazzling than the sun. He has many other names that he is called by.

He has also been credited with the authorship of Psalms 37:25. He is the supreme angel of death

to whom God gives daily orders as to the souls to be taken. He then delegates these orders to his

subordinates, Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is considered by some to be mightier than Michael

or Gabriel. Metatron is the teacher of prematurely dead children in Paradise.

Michael - An angel who grants miracles, fosters mercy, repentance, truth, sanctification,

blessing, immortality, patience and love to human-kind. This archangel is protective of those who

are just and good. He strengthens our spirits in difficult tiznes. Pray to Michael for these gifts and

virtues. Essene prayer: "Michael, Angel of Earth, enter my generative organs and regenerate my

whole body " He carries the flaming sword of God, and is the Archangel that drove Lucifer from


Micah(Divine Plan) Watches over spiritual evolution, seeking every opportunity to reveal the

next steps of your life purpose.

Midael - A chief and Captain in the celestial army. An angel of the order of warriors.

Mihr - An angel presiding over the month of September and the 16th day of the month. Mihr

watches over friendship and love.

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Miniel - A great angel whose chief virtue is that he can, when invoked, induce love in an

otherwise cold and reluctant maiden. For best results he must be invoked while the invocant is

facing south.

Mizan - An angel invoked in Arabic incantation rites.

Mizgitari - The genius of eagles. And he serves the seventh hour of the day.

Moakkibat - In Muslim religion Moakkibat is the recording angel. He writes down men's


Modiniel - One of the spirits of the planet Mars.

Morael - An Angel of awe or fear. He rules over August and September. He has the power of

making everything invisible.

Mqttro - An angel that ministers to the son of man.

Mumiah - This angel presides over the sciences of medicine and physics. Mumiah is

traditionally believed to grant health and longevity, as well as being able to suspend physical laws

to create miracles.

Munkir and Nakir - According to the Islam tradition there are the angels, Munkar and Nakir,

who question the person in the grave. They visit the tombs of those who have recently died. They

are to determine where the deceased will go, to Paradise or to Hell. They ask questions

regarding the religious beliefs of the individual, and also their good and evil deeds on earth. The

good are shown what life will be like in Heaven. The bad are shown the torments of Hell.

Mupiel (Out of the Mouth of God) - An angel invoked for obtaining a good memory and an

open heart.

Murdad - Angel of July and he also governs the seventh day of the month. Murdad is

sometimes equated with the angel Azrael. (He seperates the soul from the body at death.)

Mutuol - An angel invoked in the consecration of Pen & Ink, a powerful device for the binding

of evil spirits, or the exorcising of them.

Naadame - Prince over all the angels and Caesars.

Nafriel - An angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.

Nahaliel - Angel over rivers.

Nakir and Munkir - According to the Islam tradition there are the angels, Nakir and Munkir,

who question the person in the grave, They visit the tombs of those who have recently died. They

are to determine where the deceased will go, to Paradise or to Hell. They ask questions

regarding the religious beliefs of the individual, and also their good and evil deeds on earth. The

good are shown what life will be like in Heaven. The bad are shown the torments of Hell.

Naoutha - Angel of the Southwest.

Nariel - Nariel governs the South Wind. He is also the ruler of the noonday winds.

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Narsinha - A man-lion avatar. He is lord of heroism.

Natiel - An angel with the power to ward off evil who's name was found in the charm called


Nehinah - An angel invoked in necromatic operations.

Nemamiah - This sacred being is a guardian angel of all those who fight for just causes. He is

especially protective towards people who defend the rights of those who cannot defend

themselves, such as animals and children. When an injustice is done towards anyone, including

ourselves, we can pray to Nemamiah to right the wrong.

Neriel - One of the 28 angels who govern one of the 28 mansions of the moon.

Nesanel - Along with the angels Meachuel and Gabril, is summoned to free or purge the

invocant of all sin.

Nisroc (Freedom) - Known as "the great eagle." His flight into the Heavens is the symbol of

freedom. On the physical plane, there is freedom to travel where you want & be safe from harm,

to be able to say what you feel and make choices for yourself. As you go deeper into your

awareness, freedom becomes the ability to feel the unconditional love for the Eternal.

Nitika - A genius of precious stones and he precides over the 6th hour of the day

Noaphiel - An angel whose name is inscribed in Hebrew characters on the fifth pentacle of the

planet Saturn. In conjuring Noaphiel, the invocant is advised (for best results) to recite a versicle

from Deuteronomy 10.

Novensiles - The nine great dieties who control thunderbolts! Tina, Cupra, Menrva,

Summanus, Vejovis, Sethlans, Mars, Mantus and Ercle. They are angels who watch over the

renewing of things and they have the power to wield thunderbolts!

Och - Angel of the sun. Och gives the invocant 600 years of perfect health. (If they live that

long) He is also the ruler of 28 of the 96 Olympian provinces into which heaven is divided. He is a

mineralogist and cited as the "prince of alchemy".

Oertha - An angel of the north. "He hath a torch of fire and putteth it to his sides, and they

warm the great coldness of him so that he freeze not the world."

Omael - An angel who multiplies species, perpetuates races and influences chemists. There is

some question as to whether Omael is a fallen or upright angel. Data available suggests he

seems to operate in both domains.

Omniel - This being of light grants to mortals the ability to experience a feeling of oneness

with all life. We pray to Omniel to lift the veil of illusion that keeps us separate from other living

beings. When this veil lifts we find that the concept of doing to others as we would do to

ourselves becomes real, for we truly are all one.

Omophorus - A world supporting angel. He carries the earth on his shoulders, like atlas.

Onayepheton - The name of a spirit by which God will summon the dead and raise them to

life again.

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Opiel - An angel who aids individuals in obtaining the love of a desired one. His name can be

found written on Aramaic love charms.

Oranir - Chief Prince of the nine angels of the Summer Equinox and effective against the evil


Oriares - The angel governing the season of winter.

Oriel (Auriel, Light of God) - He is one of 70 childbed amulet angels. Also ruler of the tenth

hour of the day and he is called the angel of destiny.

Osael - A cherub summoned in ceremonial magic.

Osgaebial - An angelic ruler of the 8th hour, he commands "a great cloud of attending spirits".

Otheos -A most holy Angel invoked for discovering treasure.

Oul - A special aid angel to Dalquiel in the third Heaven.

Oumriel - Angel of service residing in the fourth heaven.

Pagiel - An angel petitioned in ritual prayer for the fulfillment of the invocant's desires.

Pahaliah - An angel invoked to convert non christians to christianity. He rules theology and


Pancia - A "most pure angel" invoked in ceremonial magic, specifically in the conjuring of the


Parasiel - An angelic name inscribed in Hebrew characters on the first pantacle of the planet

Jupiter. Parasiel is lord and master of treasures.

Paschar - (Vision) Guards the veil between our world and the heavens, between

consciousness and unconsciousness, between awareness and illusion.

Patteny - A ministering angel summoned in cabalistic rites.

Penat - A Friday angel, residing in the third heaven and one of the intelligence's of Venus.

Pendroz - An angel of the seventh hour.

Pesagniyah - A supervisory angel of the south in charge of the keys to ethereal places. When

prayers of persons in deep sorrow ascend, Pesagniyah kisses such prayers and accompanies

them to a higher region.

Pethel - A "most holy angel" invoked in magical rites at the close of the sabbath.

Phaiar - An angel invoked in the conjuring of the reed.

Phakiel - He controls the sign of Cancer in the zodiac.

Phaldor - A angel of oracles.

Phanuel (Hope) - The angel of hope & holds the devil in his power. Hope is a feeling of trust &

a desire for good, accompanied by the assumption that your desire is attainable.

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Pharniel - Angel over the 12th hour of the day.

Phatiel - Angel of the Fifth hour of the night.

Phi-Re - One of the seven planetary archangels and head of the order of virtues.

Phul - Lord of the moon, ruler of the seven Olympian Provinces. As a Monday angel, Phul is to

be invoked only on Monday. Phul is called "Lord of the powers of the moon and supreme Lord of

the waters."

Poiel - An angel of the order of principalities. He rules over fortune and philosophy. He also is

one of the 72 angels of the zodiac.

Porna - A Friday angel serving in the third heaven invoked from the south.

Presnostix - An angel of the sixth hour of the night.

Prukiel - A spellbinding angel.

Pruel - An angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.

Psychopompoi - Soul-escorting angels who accompany souls after bodily death toward their

heavenly abode. Michael, Elijah & Sandalphon are also regarded as guides of the


Qaddis (Holy One) - One of the two angels who, with the twin Irin, constitute the judgement

council of God.

Qadosch - An angel invoked in the conjuring of ink and colors.

Qafsiel - An angel with dominion over the moon. He is the guardian of the seventh heavenly

hall. In ancient hebrew magic he is invoked to drive away enemies by tying the charm, written in

bird's blood, to the foot or wing of a dove and then bidding it to fly away. If it flies away, that is a

sign that the enemy is also in flight.

Qamiel - An angelic guard of the South wind.

Qaniel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the South Wind.

Quelamia - One of the seven exalted throne angels residing in the first heaven.

Ouestucati - A female angel who brings the sea wind.

Ra'asiel X - Ra' asiel X is an angel invoked in ritual magic.

Radueriel - The heavenly register and recording angel. He is also included among the 8 great

judgement princes of the throne, whose rank is superior to Metatron's. He is the angel of poetry

and master of muses.

Of Raduriel it is said "out of every word that goeth forth from his mouth, a song uttering angel

is born". Since the creator alone has the power and the privilage to do likewise, this makes

Radueriel unique among his fellow hierarchs.

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Rael - A Wednesday angel residing in the third heaven. He is also one of the intelligence's of

the planet Venus. Invocant must face North when conjuring up Rael.

Rahdar - With the aid of his genious brother Phakiel, Rahdar governs the zodiac sign Cancer.

Rain - The angels who hold dominion over moisture and rain can be appealed to by repeating

their names over and over in a chant: "Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel." These angels are especially

protective of people who conserve water and can inspire humans to do so. We also pray to these

sacred ones for renewal and regeneration.

Rampel - An angel who holds dominion over mountains. We pray to Rampel for inner

strength, stability and endurance. When we climb a mountain, or simply gaze at a mountain, this

angel is near.

Raphael - This archangel is extremely healing to all living beings. He is the angel of the east.

Raphael grants joy, healing, love, miracles and grace. He inspires humankind to pray and is also

protective of travelers, guarding and guiding those who take outward or inward journeys. Raphael

also grants courage and encourages scientific breakthroughs and knowledge in general. Essene

prayer: "Raphael, Angel of Sun, enter my solar center and give the fire of life to my whole body "

Rash - An angel, minister of justice.

Raziel - The angel of supreme mysteries. Angel of secret regions.

Rehel - An angel who battles against the enemies of religion.

Remliel (Awakening) - Each of us has a different concept of what it means to be awakened.

The essence of what we all seek is divine love and freedom from pain and suffering. Remliel is

the angelic awakener whose goal is to bring you to Higher Power... consciousness and union with

with your Eternal self. (also Jaharemeel)

Rhaumel - A Friday angel of the fifth heaven, evoked from the north.

Riehol - In cabala, governor of the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, in this office Riehol is assisted by


Rigziel - In Isaac Ha-Cohen's text, "emminations of the left side". Rigziel is 8th of the ten holy


Risnuch - Angel of agriculture.

Rochel - An angel who finds lost objects.

Rorex - An angel invoked to counteract the power of alath - the demon of disease.

Rosabis - A genius of metals.

Ruchiel - An angel appointed over the wind.

Rudosor - Angel of the sixth hour of the night.

Rusvon - An angel who holds the keys to the Muslim earthly paradise.

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Sabbath - An angel who sits on the throne of glory in heaven, the chief of orders of angels do

him honor. He is the lord of the sabbath.

Sachluph - Angel of plants.

Sagdalon - Governor of the sign Capricorn.

Sahaqiel - Angel of the sky.

Salilus - In magical arts, a genius who opens sealed doors and is an angel of the seventh

hour of the day.

Samandiriel - This angel holds dominion over imagination and helps us realize that a vivid

imagination is a very healing tool to have, because we can visualize and create alternative

realities with which to trans- form our own lives as well as the world around us.

Sam Hii (Shom Hii) - One of the ruling angels of the North Star. Then name means "Creation

of life."

Samax - Chief of the angels of the air and ruling angel of the day Tuesday.

Sameron - An angel of the 12th hour of the day.

Sandalphon (Co-Brother) - Originally the Phophet Elias. He is a Sarim, (angelic prince) twin

brother of Metatron. Master of heavenly song. He is regarded as the tallest hierarchs in the

celestial realm. Moses called him "the tall angel". Along with Archangel Michael, he carries on a

ceaseless battle with the rpince of darkness. He is the fancier of sandals. Also he is instrumental

in bringing about the differentiation of sexes in the embryo, a good thing to bring to the attention

of expectant mothers.

Sangrariel - An angel who guard the portals of Heaven.

Saranana - An angel of the third altitude.

Sarga - One of the 5 heavenly scribes appointed by God to transcribe the 204 books dictated

by Ezra. The other 4 scribes are Dabria, Seleucia, Ethan (or Ecus) and Asiel.

Sarquamich - An angel of the of the third hour of the night.

Sasgabiel - An angel invoked in the rites of exorcism.

Savuriel - An angelic guard of the third heaven.

Schachlil- Angel of the sun's rays.

Schaltiel - An angel who governs the sign of Virgo.

Schrewneil - An angel to be invoked for obtaining a good memory and an open heart.

Sealiah - An angel who governs or controls the earth's vegetation.

Sebhael - A spirit who is in charge of the books wherein are recorded the good and evil

actions of man.

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Sedim - They are guardian spirits, invoked in the exorcism of evil spirits.

Seheiah - An angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. He also governs


Sekel - A female angel who is the angel of part of an hour. She will appear when properly

invoked. She dwells in Egypt.

Selith - One of the two guardian angels over the Virgin Mary and St. John the Divine.

Seraquiel - A "strong and powerful angel" who is invoked on Saturday.

Sereda - Mother Sereda has dominion over Wednesday. She is the one who "washes away all

the colors in the world". She is the sister of Pandelis.

Seth - One of seven archons.

Setheus - One of the great celestial powers dwelling in the sixth heaven.

Shamshiel - Angel of daylight!

Shateiel - Angel of silence.

Shcachlil - Angel of the sun's rays.

Shekinah - A female angel of liberation and freedom. Always close to humankind, Shekinah

inspires mortals to be just and fair. Some believe that she is the female part of creation, the

feminine aspect of the Creator. She is especially healing of body, mind and spirit.

Shetel - One of three ministering angels whom God appointed to serve Adam. Some of their

tasks were to roast his meat and cool his wine.

Sizajasel - An angel governing the sign of Sagittarius.

Sofiel - An angelic bookeeper appointed over the reocrds of souls, living and dead.

Sphener - A celestial power invoked to combat Mardero, demon of disease.

Splenditenes - A world supporting angel. He supports the heavens on his back. He has six

faces and mouths and "glitters with light". He is also called the monument of splendor.

Stimulator - An angel invoked in the exorcism of ink.

Strateia - An angelic host whom is said to have the power to cause stars to fall from the


Sui'el - An angel with dominion over earthquakes.

Suriel - Like Metatron, Suriel is a prince of presence and like Raphael, an angel of healing. He

is also an angel of death. (one of a few) Suriel was sent to retrieve the soul of Moses. It is said

that Moses received all his knowledge from Suriel. (although Zazagel is credited also with giving

Moses his knowledge) He is one of the great Archangels. He is one of seven angels in the

system of primordial powers. When invoked, he may appear as an ox. In Cabala he is one of the

seven angels that rule the earth.

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Susniel - An angel invoked in Syriac invocation charms. As a "spellbinding" power, Susniel is

grouped with Michael, Azriel, Shamshiel and other angels.

Tablibik - A spirit of fascination and one of the genii of the fifth hour.

Tabris - An angel of the sixth hour who presides over free will, self-determination, choice and


When you feel stuck in any situation, pray to this illumined one for the ability to see creative


Taharial - An angel of purity who is prayed to by those who need to cleanse their thoughts,

spirits or surroundings.

Taliahad - Angel of water. Talihad's name is found inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the


Tar - One of the ten angels that accompany the sun on it's daily course.

Tariel - One of the three angels of summer. Tariel figures in Syrian incantation charms. He is

invoked along with other spellbinding angels in the "binding of the tongue of the ruler".

Tarot - The angel of time. Stands between Earth and Heaven, clothed in white robe with wings

of flame and a golden halo around his head. One foot on land the other, in the sea, behind him

the sun rises and on his brow is the sign of eternity and life: the circle.

Tarwan - One of the 10 angels that accompany the sun on it's daily course.

Teiaiel - In Cabala, an angel that can fortell the future. He is a throne angel and controls

maritime expeditions and commercial ventures.

Temperance - An angel with the sign of the sun on his forehead, on his breast the square &

triangle of septenary. Pouring from one chalice into two essences which compose the elixir of life.

Tetra - An angel invoked in ritual magic prayer for the fulfillment of an invocant's desires. Tetra

is noted to be a "great and glorious spirit"

Thiel - An angel serving in the second heaven but also serves in the third. He is the ruling

prince of Wednesday and invoked from the North. He is one of the intelligence's of the planet


Theliel - An angelic prince of love invoked in ceremonial magic to procure the woman desired

by the invocant.

Thoth - An angel of the eighth hour of the night.

Tilonas - An angel invoked in the conjuration of ink and colors.

Time - An angel named so in the Tarot Number 14. He is winged, the sign of the sun on his

forehead and the triangle of septenary on his chest. He pours the essence of life form one chalice

to another. He is also called Temperance. In Ecclesiastes 9 and 12 he is refereed to the

ministering angel who presides over each act mans performs.

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Tixmion - An angel invoked in the benediction of the salt.

Torquaret - An angel who procides over the season of Autumn.

Trgiaob - As an angel who protects wild birds, we pray to this illumined one to protect all birds

from extinction, pollution and destruction of their habitat. Whenever you hear a bird sing, Trgiaob

is near.

Trsiel - An angel who has dominion over rivers.

Tsaphiel - One of the angel governing the moon.

Tual - In ceremonial magic, one of the angel's representing Taurus the bull.

Tubiel - An angel invoked for the return of small birds to their owner. Also the head of the sign

of Summer.

Turmiel - One of the numerous angelic guards at the gate of the west wind.

Tuwahel - A ministering angel invoked in ritual magic.

Tzadiqel - The archangel who rules Jupiter on Thursday.

Ubaviel - An angel with the dominion over the sign of Capricorn.

Uriel - A patron angel of literature and music, Uriel bestows upon us the gift of creative fire, as

well as the power of prophecy We appeal to him for foresight into the future and for help in

developing our psychic abilities. Uriel is also an angel of transformation.

Uriron - An angel invoked as an amulet against sorcery and sudden death.

Urpaniel - An angel's name found inscribed on an asian charm for warding off evil.

Uvael - A Monday angel, resident of the first Heaven and invoked from the North.

Uwula - A ministering angel invoked at an eclipse of the sun or moon.

Uzziel (Strength of God) - Angel of the order of Virtues and Cherubim. Also one of the 7

angels who stand before the throne of glory and among the 9 who set over the 4 winds. Uzziel is

commanded by Gabriel to "coast the south wind with the strictest watch" Also known as an angel

of mercy, under the ruler ship of Metatron.

Valoel - It is traditionally believed that this perfect being holds dominion over peace. We pray

to Valoel to enfold us with his wings of serenity and to fill our hearts with tranquility and


Varcan - An angel with dominion over the sun. He is referred to as the king of the angels of

the air, ruling on the Lord's day.

Vassago - Invoked to discover a woman's deepest secret. He is a Prince of the nether realms

where he busies himself finding lost possessions and fortelling the future.

Vatale - A prince over all the angels and Caesars.

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Veguaniel - An angel ruler of the third hour of the day.

Vehuiah - One of eight seraphim invoked to fulfill prayers. He governs the first rays of the sun.

Vel - A resident of the third heaven. A Wednesday angel invoked from the south.

Verchiel - Angel of the month of July, ruler of the sign Leo, He is also one of the rulers of the

order of powers (potentates, authorities, dynamis) He is also the governor of the sun.

Vhnori - One of the two governing angels of the sign Sagittarius.

Vohal - An angel of power invoked in conjuring rites.

Vretil - The archangelic keeper of the treasury of Sacred Books. He is said to be wiser than

the other archangels. He is also called "the scribe of the knowledge of the Most High".

Wallim - An angel serving in the 1st heaven.

Weatta - An angel of the Seal.

Yahel - An angel who's name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of the moon.

Yannie - A Pleidian angel, who has come to Earth to assist Rev. Cassandra Anaya in giving

psychic readings.

Yarashiel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the East Wind.

Yekahel - One of the spirits of the planet Mercury. His name is inscribed on the first pentacle

of the planet.

Yephiel - The angels who's name is found on an Asian charm for warding off evil.

Yurkemi - The angel of hail. A legend says that Yurkemi offered to extinguish the fire

consuming the three men in the fiery furnace but Gabriel would not have it, contending that

Yurkemi's help would not suffice.

Zachriel - An angel who rules over memory.

Zadkiel - An angel of solace, charity and gentleness. We pray to-this sacred one for comfort

when we are in need of gentle guidance. Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development in


Zafrire - Morning spirits!

Zalbesael (Heart of God) - An angel who has dominion over the rainy season.

Zagzagel - (Wisdom) Teaches us how to listen and see inwardly. Wisdom is the result of

searching deep within for truth.

Zahariel - (Brightness) A great angel invoked to resist temptations.

Zalbesael - (Heart of God) An angel who has dominion over the rainy season.

Zaliel - A Tuesday angel, resident of the 5th Heaven. He is invoked from the south.

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Zavael - An angel who controls and has dominion over whirlwinds.

Zazel - A great angel, particularly effective in love conjurations. He is the spirit of Saturn.

Along with the angel Asiel, he can be used to protect against sudden death. (In a talisman.)

Zeffar - "The genius of irrevocable choice". He also serves at the 9th hour.

Zehanpuryu'h (This One Sets Free) - A great angelic prince: advocate general of heaven and

dispenser of divine mercy. With Michael he is the dispenser of inerrable balances. He is one of

the crown prices of the Merkaba with higher ranking than that of Metatron.

Zeirna - Genius of infirmities and genii of the fifth hour.

Zephon (A Looking Out) - Guardian prince of Paradise. The sixth sefira, one of the cheribum.

Gabriel sent Zephon along with Ithuriel to find satan. The found him in the garden of Eden while

he was tempting Eve.

Zizuph - A genius of mysteries and one of the genii of the 8th hour.

Zuphlas - This angelic benefactor protects and safeguards the forests and trees. We appeal

to this angel to save the rain forests of the earth and to inspire the human race to honor, respect

and save the trees. Also the genii of the 11th hour.