ang peryodiko news paper april 1st - april 15th issue

VOLUME XII NO. 7 April 1-15, 2014 WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA angperyodiko @ang_peryodiko @ang_perydiko THE NEWSPAPER p20 AQUINO, 4 Aquino: PH not out to provoke China MANILA (March 31) - The number of Japanese firms which sees the Philippines as a promising market for busi- ness in the next three years has risen compared to 2008, ac- cording to a survey conducted by the Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro). The Jetro’s 2013 Survey on the International Operations More Japanese firms see PH as promising market MANILA (March 31) – President Be- nigno Aquino III said the Philippines is not out to provoke China into action amid the filing of its written arguments before an arbitral tribunal. “We are not here to challenge China, to provoke them into any ac- tion, but I do believe that they should recognize we have the right to defend our own interests.” The Philippine military recently faced harassment by Chinese ships when it attempted to replenish the supplies of Filipino soldiers stationed in the Ayungin Shoal. That outpost was successfully re- stocked over the weekend after a civilian ship chartered by the military outmaneu- vered the Chinese vessels. “The state shall pursue an inde- pendent foreign policy and in its relations with other states, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territo- rial integrity, national interest, and the right to self-determi- nation” of Japanese Firms showed that the Philippines placed fifth in 10 countries which saw an increase in the percentage of Japanese firms having a posi- tive view on the covered mar- kets for the next three years. Out of 1,315 firms covered by the survey conducted from Nov. 30 to Dec. 27 of last MORE, 3 BIG CATCH. Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte looks at bricks of co- caine seized by combined elements of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA-11) and the Davao City police. A total of 24 out of the suspected 65 cocaine bricks were discovered at the Sumifru container yard in Tibungco, Davao City on March 22 and Duterte has immediately ordered the police to search for the missing 41 bricks that were pos- sibly taken by some workers in the shipyard.

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Page 1: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

VOLUME XII NO. 7April 1-15, 2014


angperyodiko @ang_peryodiko @ang_perydiko



aquino, 4

Aquino: PH not outto provoke China

MANILA (March 31) - The number of Japanese firms which sees the Philippines as a promising market for busi-ness in the next three years has risen compared to 2008, ac-cording to a survey conducted by the Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro).

The Jetro’s 2013 Survey on the International Operations

More Japanese firms see PH as promising market

MANILA (March 31) – President Be-nigno Aquino III said the Philippines is not out to provoke China into action amid the filing of its written arguments before an arbitral tribunal.

“We are not here to challenge China, to provoke them into any ac-tion, but I do believe that they should recognize we have the right to defend our own interests.”

The Philippine military recently faced harassment by Chinese ships when it attempted to replenish the supplies of Filipino soldiers stationed in the Ayungin Shoal. That outpost was successfully re-stocked over the weekend after a civilian ship chartered by the military outmaneu-vered the Chinese vessels.

“The state shall pursue an inde-pendent foreign policy and in its relations with other states, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territo-

rial integrity, national interest, and the right to self-determi-


of Japanese Firms showed that the Philippines placed fifth in 10 countries which saw an increase in the percentage of Japanese firms having a posi-tive view on the covered mar-kets for the next three years.

Out of 1,315 firms covered by the survey conducted from Nov. 30 to Dec. 27 of last

more, 3

BIG CATCH. Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte looks at bricks of co-caine seized by combined elements of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA-11) and the Davao City police. A total of 24 out of the suspected 65 cocaine bricks were discovered at the Sumifru container yard in Tibungco, Davao City on March 22 and Duterte has immediately ordered the police to search for the missing 41 bricks that were pos-sibly taken by some workers in the shipyard.

Page 2: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

2 n April 1-15, 2014

MANILA (March 31) — The Philippines should not rely on neighboring countries and allies for protection against China’s perceived encroachment on territories in the South China Sea, career diplomat Leticia Ramos-Shahani said.

“Our difficulty now is we are alone among the Asean coun-tries. No one has really come to the rescue. Even Vietnam,

which has been quite vocal, is just too scared of China to say ‘boo’,” Shahani said in an interview on ANC aired Sunday night. China and Vietnam have opposing claims over the stra-tegic waters.

Shahani, a former senator and UN assistant secretary-gen-eral, explained that even if the Philippines co-founded Asean, China exerts influence over the

10-nation bloc as a primary trading partner.

“We do not have to wait for Asean because now it is quite obvious that they’re scared of China because of economic reasons,” she said.

Manila should also be re-minded that Beijing is a per-manent member of the United Nations Security Council, while Washington has maintained

A CHInA Coast Guard vessel attempts to block a Philippine government vessel as the latter tries to enter the China Second Thomas Disputed Shoals, locally known as Ayungin Shoal, to rotate Philippine troops and resup-ply provisions Saturday, March 29, 2014. AP/BullIT MArquez

‘US, UN, Asean will not protect PH in sea row’neutrality on the sea row, she said.

“This is the time as good as any to know that we have to stand on our own. No one is going to protect us, not even the United States,” she added. The US is a long-time ally which has vowed to protect the Philippines, its former colony, through a defense treaty.

The Philippines, meanwhile, has detailed its position in a 10-volume memorandum submitted Sunday to the UN International Tribunal on the Law of Sea. It has urged other claimants to join the case, but none have so far publicly stepped forward.

Shahani said, however, that besides pushing the arbitration case, Manila should “play the diplomatic game” and start look-ing at political options to address the decades-old dispute.

She added that Manila should first forge a “more independent” foreign policy as prescribed in the 1982 Constitution.

The Philippines can also work on narrowing its dis-tance with China and neighbors through “people to people” con-tact such as in terms of fisheries and women’s participation.

“Eventually we will realize that we should live in peace as neighbors,” she suggested.

The disputes have periodi-cally erupted into dangerous confrontations, sparking ten-sions and straining ties.

In the latest incident, a government ship slipped past a Chinese coast guard blockade

Saturday and brought food and fresh troops to a navy ship marooned on Second Thomas Shoal, locally known as Ayun-gin . The ship is used as a base by Filipino troops to bolster the country’s territorial claims in the area.

The mission was accom-plished peacefully despite a radioed warning by the Chinese to the Filipinos to stop or “take full responsibility for the conse-quences of your action.”

Solicitor General Francis Jardeleza said the Philippines last month amended its state-ment of claim to include Ayun-gin Shoal as subject of arbitra-tion. He said that the shoal is within the Philippines’ 200 nau-tical miles exclusive economic zone, and that the country has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over it.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said last week that China will never ac-cept nor participate in the inter-national arbitration pushed by the Philippines. He called on the Philippines “to stop going any further down the wrong track so as to avoid further damage to bilateral relations.”

US State Department dep-uty spokeswoman Marie Harf, meanwhile, backed the Philip-pines’ action, saying “all coun-tries should respect the right of any states party, including the Republic of the Philippines, to avail themselves of the dispute resolution mechanisms provid-ed for under the Law of the Sea Convention.” - Philstar with AP

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3April 1-15, 2014 n




year, 19.2 percent said they see the Philippines as a promising market compared to just 4.8 percent in 2008. Topping the list was Indonesia, which saw the percentage of firms having a positive outlook on the market rise to 51.8 percent in 2013 from 12 percent in 2008.

Thailand placed second which saw the number of firms with favorable response climb to 52.9 percent from 21.8 per-cent in 2008. This was followed by Vietnam which saw the per-centage of companies upbeat on the market go up to 44.3 percent in 2013 from 16.3 per-cent in 2008 and Malaysia with 28.3 percent last year from 9.4 percent in 2008.


From 1Singapore ranked sixth,

followed by Mexico, Taiwan, Brazil and the US.

The number of Japanese firms which sees China as a promising market meanwhile, declined to 51.3 percent in 2013 from 52.4 percent in 2008.

When asked about appealing points of subject countries, mar-ket scale and growth potential was cited in all markets.

In the Philippines, reason-able labor costs and abundant workforce, as well as very little language or communication problems were also cited as advantages.

In terms of risk or issues to the business environment, the lack of infrastructure, legal system and political risk were cited in a lot of emerging mar-kets. Philstar

BOC to conduct ownprobe on arms smuggling

MANILA - The Bureau of Customs (BOC) disclosed that the agency is conducting an investigation on the alleged involvement of California state Senator Leland Yee in arms-trafficking operations where guns were reportedly smuggled out from the Ca-gayan de Oro City port.

BOC public information of-ficer Charo Logarta-Lagamon said that Customs Intelli-gence and Investigation Ser-vice (CIIS) director Alejandro Estomo would lead the inves-tigation.

The CIIS is a unit under the BOC Intelligence Group (IG) headed by Deputy Commis-sioner Jesse Dellosa, a retired Armed Forces of the Philip-

pines (AFP) chief who has also been conducting a serious anti-smuggling campaign.

Lagamon said that as of yesterday morning, the BOC has “not received any formal or official correspondence from any other agency, but the CIIS is now conducting its own probe.”

CIIS agents were sent to the Cagayan de Oro port.

She admitted that the US embassy has not asked for the BOC’s help. But she assured the public that the bureau has good relations with the embassy and that it would be willing to lend assistance.

“The bureau is ready to cooperate and assist in this investigation pertaining to

Yee,” she added.Estomo said the team is

looking into the reported ille-gal smuggling of firearms from the Philippines to the US.

“We are checking on it. We are building up information,” he said.

He added that they are checking on all pertinent data to verify when the illegal ship-ments were sent abroad and identify the people involved.

Estomo also clarified that even if the CIIS would be do-ing an investigation on Yee’s case, this would not prohibit the Enforcement Group (EG) of BOC Deputy Commission-er Ariel Nepomuceno from conducting a parallel probe. Philstar

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204-801-3505 n April 1-15, 20144

MANILA (March 31) - The bidding process for the acquisi-tion of two anti-submarine he-licopters worth P5.4 billion will start this week, the Department of National Defense (DND) said yesterday.

The procurement of the he-licopters is expected to boost the country’s maritime defense capabilities.

A bid bulletin obtained by The STAR showed the bidding would be held on April 24.

The DND will have the bid invitation published this week to formally start the bidding process for the project that will cover the integrated logistics support for the helicopters including training for naval pilots.

“The two anti-submarine helicopters are primarily ship-based helicopters with mission essential equipment,” Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Gregory Fabic told The STAR.

This will be the first time for the government to acquire anti-submarine helicopters.

The bidding will be con-ducted through a two-stage open competitive procedure, due to the technical aspects of the air assets.

It will be open to local and foreign companies subject to the conditions for eligibility pro-vided in the implementing rules of the procurement law.

A complete set of bidding documents will be available next month for a non-refund-able fee of P75,000.

A pre-bid conference for the project has been tentatively scheduled on April 10 at Camp Aguinaldo. The conference will allow bidders to ask questions about the projects’ terms.

The deadline for the submis-sion of bids will be on April 24. The bids will be opened on the same day. Those that are higher than the approved budget of P5.4 billion will be rejected.

The delivery of goods or the contract duration is 730 calendar days based on the bid documents of the project.

The anti-submarine helicop-ter acquisition project is one of the big-ticket items in the military’s upgrade program.

President Aquino announced the acquisition of the helicop-ters during the graduation of the Philippine Military Academy Class 2014 early this month. Philstar

MANILA (March 31) - The United States on Sunday ex-pressed support for the Phil-ippines’ filing of a Memorial before an international arbitral court to support its claims on the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

In a statement, US State De-partment deputy spokeswoman

Marie Harf lauded the Philip-pines’ peaceful ways of seeking a resolution of its dispute with China.

“The United States reaffirms its support for the exercise of peaceful means to resolve mari-time disputes without fear of any form of retaliation, includ-ing intimidation or coercion,”

MANILA -- Singapore’s head of state, President Tony Tan Keng Yam, will visit the Philip-pines from April 2 to 5.

This will be his first state visit to the Philippines after being invited by President Be-nigno Aquino III.

Tan is expected to discuss matters of mutual concern, such as defense, trade, and investment cooperation, and is also expected to visit the Yolanda-hit areas.

The Singapore leader will fly to Basey, Western Samar, where he will present medical supplies to the Basey District Hospital – a joint rehabilitation project between the Singapore Red Cross and the Interna-tional Committee of the Red

Cross.Singapore was the Philip-

pines’ 4th largest trade part-ner in 2013, with total trade amounting to US$9.27 bil-lion. It is also the sixth largest source of visitors to the Philip-pines, with 175,304 tourist ar-rivals in 2013. Singapore also hosts a 180,000-strong Filipino community.

Tan will be accompanied by his spouse and a delegation composed of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Grace Fu, who is also the Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, and the Second Minister for Foreign Affairs; Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi, who is also from the Ministry of

Bidding for P5.4-Bhelicopter deal set on April 24

Nonetheless, Aquino stood by the decision to pursue a case before the arbitral tribu-nal despite China’s continued refusal.

Aquino said the country con-tinues to adhere to a peaceful solution to the conflict. Aquino is commander in chief to one of the world’s weakest military forces in terms of equipment.

“The state shall pursue an independent foreign policy and in its relations with other states, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and the right to self-determination,” he said.

“I subscribed to this oath when I assumed office. I have to defend national territory and our sovereignty…We went through arbitration primar-ily because that is a means to resolve the dispute consistent with the policy that is peaceful and in conformity with the in-ternational law,” he added.

Aquino also lauded the Armed Forces of the Philip-pines (AFP) for successfully restocking the Ayungin Shoal outpost.

“They accomplished the mission without increasing the tension and did it in a way that didn’t pose a threat to any other country -- again consistent with the peaceful approach,” he added. abs-cbnnews

AqUINO... From 1 Singapore President to visit PH

Education and Ministry of Manpower; and Members of Parliament Dr. Lam Pin Min and Vikram Nair. abs-cbnnews

PresIdenT Tony TAn KenG yAM

US urges China to respect PH arbitration move

Harf said.“All countries should respect

the right of any States Party, including the Republic of the Philippines, to avail themselves of the dispute resolution mecha-nisms provided for under the Law of the Sea Convention,” she added.

The US is hoping that the Memorial filed will provide greater legal certainty on the issue of compliance with the international law of the sea.

On Sunday, the Philippines proceeded to file its Memorial despite reported pressures from China not to file it.

“With firm conviction, the ultimate purpose of the memo-rial is our national interest. It’s about defining what is legiti-mately ours. It’s about securing our children’s future. It’s about guaranteeing the freedom of navigation. It’s about preserv-ing our regional peace, security, and stability,” Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said in a press conference Sun-day. abs-cbnnews with Reuters

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April 1-15, 2014

What’s the BUZZ? Entertainment6

T V5 wins big at the 49th Anvil Awards, bagging the prestigious Anvil Award of Excellence and the Bronze Anvil for the mobile app Pinoy Hoops, and the Anvil Award of Merit for i ts emergency response unit Rescue5. Dubbed as the “Oscars” of PR, Anvil Awards is staged annually by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).

TV5’s VP for New Media Sheila Paul, Public Service Head Sherryl Yao, News5 Anchor Paolo Bediones, and Voyager representative Patricia Gavino, product owner of Pinoy Hoops, received the trophies at the awarding ceremonies held recently at Solaire Resor t Hotel.

Bestowed wi th the Anvil Award of Excellence, Pinoy Hoops is an innova-tive mobile app from TV5, Smar t, and Voyager Innovations, Inc. It gives users real-time basketball updates, scores, game aler ts, stats, and schedules straight from their mobile devices. A per fect companion for PBA, NCAA, and FIBA viewing, this app has earned over 270,000 downloads.

It is ci ted for ef fectively enriching the Filipino’s basketball TV watching experience, making i t the Philippines’ premier basketball app. Pinoy Hoops was also one of only two recipients of the esteemed Bronze Anvil, the highest award given out in the PR Tools category, for successfully adapting to the Pinoy’s changing behavior by supplementing

the viewers’ content. Pinoy Hoops is available for download on Android and iOS phones. For more information, visi t

Another big winner is News5’s pre-miere public ser vice team Rescue5, recipient of the Anvil Award of Merit for i ts entry Aksyon sa Baha.

The Anvil recognized Rescue5 for i ts practice of “cause journalism” by providing immediate assistance to people in distress during emergencies and disasters, and impar ting disaster preparedness knowledge and skills to the general public. It also featured the internationally acclaimed team’s other disaster risk reduction and man-agement (DRRM) ini tiatives such as launching a Rescue5 activi t y book for kids and producing safet y intersti tials to show the public how to make an improvised floatation device using common i tems such as water bot tles, and even your jeans.

Rescue5 is the first local news unit to equip i ts repor ters and cameramen with life-saving skills, allowing them to deliver not only news but also crucial assistance during emergencies and disasters.

This year’s Anvil Awards is hailed as the most competi tive thus far with a record number of entries, making TV5’s achievements an exceptional testimony to i ts integri ty, commitment, and excel-lence in Public Relations.

TV5 wins top honors at the Anvil Awards

MANILA (March 31) - Mary Jean Lastimosa is the Philippines’ representative to this year’s Miss Universe pageant.

The 26-year-old from Tulu-nan, North Cotabato bested 39 other contestants during the Binibining Pilipinas corona-tion night at the Smart Ara-neta Coliseum in Quezon City on Sunday.

The pressure is on Mary Jean as she tries to equal or surpass the recent good standing of the Philippines in the Miss Universe com-petition: Maria Venus Raj was fourth runner-up in

2010, Shamcey Supsup was third runner-up in 2011, and Janine Tugonon was first-runner up in 2012.

In 2013, Ariella Arida was named third runner-up in the Miss Universe pageant, with Venezuela’s Gabriela Isler taking the crown. Meanwhile, Mary Anne Guidotti was named Bb. Pilipinas-International, Pa-rul Shah was named Bb. Pilipias-Tourism, and Yvethe Marie Santiago was named Bb. Pilipinas-Supranational.

Bb. Pilipinas–Intercontinental, the fifth and newest title given at the Binibining Pili-pinas pageant, was given to Kris Janson.

Expectations are high with this year’s Binibining Pilipinas winners following the

recent success of the Philippines in the inter-national beauty pageant scene.

Last year, the country brought home

North Cotabato lass wins Bb. Pilipinas crown

MAry JeAn lAsTIMosA is crowned Binibining Pilipinas Universe 2014 by last year’s win-ner Ariella Arida (right) and assisted by reigning Miss Universe Gabriela Isler. The 26-year old North Cotabato beauty bested 39 other contestants in the coronation night Sunday at the Araneta Coliseum. PHoTo By FernAndo sePe, Jr. For ABs-CBnneWs

three beauty pageant titles: Mutya Johanna Datul won Miss Suprana-tional, Bea Rose Santiago won Miss International, and Megan Young won Miss World.

Among the judges in this year’s Bb.

Pilipinas include reigning Miss Universe titleholder Gabriela Isler, ABS-CBN channel head Cory Vidanes, news an-chor Korina Sanchez, collegiate basket-ball player Jeron Teng, and senator Juan Edgardo Angara, among others. Philstar

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8 n April 1-15, 2014

a certified hit among viewers and Netizens

love team, Kim-Coco

THE love team of teleser ye royal ties Coco Mar tin and Kim Chiu has quickly won the hear ts of TV viewers and netizens as their characters in ABS-CBN’s master teleserye “Ikaw Lamang” Samuel and Isabelle begin to rekindle their past.

“Ikaw Lamang’s” episode last Tuesday (March 25), where Isabelle stayed at the house of her childhood friend Samuel scored a national TV rating of 28.9%, based on data from Kantar Media. It was 11 points higher compared

to i ts rival program on GMA “Car-mela” that only got 17.8%. Neti-zens also took to Twi t ter to post their thoughts about Coco and Kim’s romantic scenes, prompt-ing the show’s of ficial hashtag #IkawLamangIsabellesAwak-ening and the names Samuel and Isabelle to become instant worldwide trending topics on the micro-blogging si te.

Meanwhile, fans and avid view-ers will fall even more in love with the story of “Ikaw Lamang” as Samuel and Isabelle begin to develop deeper feelings for each other. How will Isabelle defend Samuel against her family when they find out about their special friendship? Will they finally end up together or will fate intervene once again and break them apar t?

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April 1-15, 2014



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Page 11: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

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Publisher: TE BRoThERS, iNC.

EditorinChief: JoNAThAN C. MoNTEMAYoR


EntertainmentColumnist: RiCKY Lo


AccountExecutive: GLEN ELiA, WALTER CANETE and JoSE XEC


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Ang Peryodiko CAnAdA is a bi-weekly publication of Ang Peryodiko Publishing Co., Inc. circulated in Winnipeg, Neepawa, Regina, and Saskatoon.

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Ang Peryodiko

April 1-15, 2014 OpiniOnTake a

11Ang Peryodiko

IN 2013 Canada finalized a free trade agreement with the European Union.

Free trade agreements play an important role in producing more jobs in Canada as well as abroad. They give consumers more choices and allow for eco-nomic growth when the guide-lines are fair and robust. No doubt Canada will be seeking to expand its bilateral relations with other countries.

In recent years we have seen agreements with Jordan, Panama, Peru, Colombia, Liech-tenstein and Iceland. We are currently debating bill C-20, The “Canada-Honduras Eco-nomic Growth and Prosperity Act, which will become law later this year.

More recently, on March 11, Canada signed a free trade agreement with South Korea and the Government’s website stated the following:

“This landmark agreement constitutes Canada’s first free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region and will pro-vide new access for Canadian

In what the news called “The Miracle at Quecreek,” nine miners trapped for three

days 240 feet underground in a water-filled mine shaft “de-cided early on they were either going to live or die as a group.” The 55 degree (Fahrenheit) water threatened to kill them slowly by hypothermia, so ac-cording to one news report “When one would get cold, the other eight would huddle around the person and warm that person, and when another person got cold, the favor was returned.” “Everybody had strong moments,” miner Harry B. Mayhugh told reporters after being released from Somerset Hospital in Somerset. “But any certain time maybe one guy got down, and then the rest pulled together. And then that guy would get back up, and maybe someone else would feel a little weaker, but it was a team effort. That’s the only way it could have been.” They faced incredibly hostile conditions together—and they all came out alive together.*

Straight up

mp kevinlamoureux

Agent 777

paSTor JunieJoSue

The power of the Filipino community supporting one another

As Filipinos, especially outside the Philippines,

we should cultivate com-munity cohesion or stick-ing together and support for one another, similar to how two of the most successful ethnic com-

munities outside of their homeland, the Jewish

and Chinese community support and rely on each

other. Here in lies our success individually and as a community. We are better supporting one an-

other than not at all.

This story shows that it is an advantage for a community to be supportive of one another. The results are even sometimes miraculous. In the story above where the miners were trapped, the whole community of Lincoln

Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania linked arms and worked together to produce this miracle rescue.

**When Bill and Lori Ar-nold noticed two men with flashlights moving suspiciously around their dairy pasture just before midnight on July 24, 2002, Bill ventured out to confront the intruders. As he approached the shadowed figures, a familiar voice broke through the darkness. “Is that you Bill?” came the voice of

Current trade between both countries exceeds one billion dollars. In 2012, Canadian mer-

chandise exports totaled $527.9 million to the

Philippines with imports from the Philippines at

$991.2 million. The Phil-ippines should be viewed as being more than just a source of future im-migrants but also as a strong economic part-

ner that can contribute to Canada’s economic


What about the Philippines?

businesses and workers to the world’s 15th-largest economy and the fourth-largest in Asia. In fact, the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement is projected to create thousands of jobs for hardworking Canadians by boosting Canada’s economy by $1.7 billion and increase Cana-dian exports to South Korea by

32 percent.

“South Korea is not only a major economic player in its own right and a key market for Canada; it also serves as a gateway for Canadian busi-nesses and workers into the dynamic Asia-Pacific region as a whole.”

I have raised the issue before both in this paper and in the House of Commons in Ottawa. What about the Philippines?

The Philippines has been an integral part to the growth of Canada—we welcome thou-


josue, 18

lamoureux, 26

THE public will be glad to know that the Supreme Court is moving to decongest local jails and speed up judicial pro-ceedings. The SC directive, meant to uphold the rights of

the accused to bail and a speedy trial, sets time limits for court proceedings that members of the judiciary and all legal profes-sionals must follow.

The time limits are in accordance with the Speedy Trial Act of 1998. Republic Act 8493, which covers criminal cases, was en-acted way back in February 1998, but the nation has forgotten or is largely unaware of the law, considering the continuing snail’s pace in the administration of Philippine justice.

Under the guidelines issued by the SC, a criminal case must be raffled off to a court within three days upon filing of the informa-tion. Within 10 days after the raffle, the accused must be arraigned. A pre-trial conference must be held within 30 days after a plea is entered, or 10 days if the accused is under preventive detention.

A regular trial must be terminated within 180 days, or 60 days in a trial by affidavit. The days will be reckoned from the start of the trial, minus delays or postponements allowed under the Rules of Court. This is where the SC may have to tighten regulation if it wants speedy justice.

Consider the Maguindanao massacre case. After more than four years, the case does not seem close to resolution. Prosecu-tors and defense lawyers are bickering over who should bear the blame for the delay. In the latest development, the defense panel, smarting from accusations of resorting to delaying tactics, cited 114 instances wherein prosecutors moved for an early suspension or cancelation of scheduled court proceedings. Prosecutors, for their part, say they have been prevented from presenting wit-nesses through petitions filed by the defense before the trial and appellate courts.

With nearly 200 suspects initially tagged in the massacre, the slow pace of this trial may be understandable. But ordinary cases, including those with a single defendant and even those involving misdemeanors, also crawl along in the Philippine judicial system. For the Supreme Court, cracking the whip to speed up justice is long overdue. Philstar

The right to a speedy trial

Page 12: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

12 n April 1-15, 2014OpiniOnAng Peryodiko

THOSE of you who are waiting for a Freedom of Information Bill crafted

to your full satisfaction should not hold your breath. You folks will pass out from lack of air circulating in your system and it still won’t happen.

But Congress could pass a bill that will give the citizenry access to the business of govern-ment. Don’t be surprised, how-ever, if the law will not open the secret door that reveals the monkey business.

In the US, the folks who make up US Pinoys for Good Governance are planning their own version of the Million People March. It will be a good effort and won’t be a waste of time, if only because the march will remind its members that USPGG is still alive and kicking. But they shouldn’t be surprised if the MPM won’t persuade Congress or even Malacañang to enact a law that they will be completely happy with.

In this regard, the mili-tants, reformists and do-good-ers among us should learn a lesson taught us by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when she was still in office, at the time, serving the unfinished term of

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of ev-

eryone who is hasty, surely to poverty.

Is your life one that you are happy and content with or are you looking for something more than what you have? Are you making the most of your life that God has given to you by making it count for something or are you simply spinning your wheels in frustration and discontentment?

In all reality we really have very little time to make our lives count for something. Does your world make sense to you or do you feel that you spend most of your time accomplishing very little? Do you feel like you are simply spinning your wheels and expending your precious energy on things that have very little value or consequences?

What is l i fe real ly al l about?

I believe most of us have an inborn need of really desiring to be useful. We all search for the meaning of our existence. We have a need to know that there is purpose in what we do. We want to feel like we really are needed and that the tasks and responsibilities that we per-form in life are important and necessary and that they count for something. The average person is probably discontent with the way his or her life is going. Why? Maybe because we are seeking for fulfillment on a wrong direction or in a wrong way.

Are you happy with your life? Do you have a rewarding marriage & family life? Are you fulfilling your life-long ambi-

tions or have you settled into complacency that has simply accepted the mediocrity of life? God has promised us a full and rewarding life filled with excite-ment and purpose.

John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Do these seem like an empty promises to you and that God is simply baiting you to get your attention or do you really be-lieve that God is able help you make the most of your life with rich rewards?

What is your home life like? Are you experiencing all that God wants for you in your marriage and your family? Is there a major discontentment in your home or are you truly walking in the most that God has for you? What about your work? Are you satisfied or does it all seem futile to you? What about your service to God and the church? Are you just spin-ning your wheels or are you making your life count in the things that you are involved in? Anong nagpapabangon sa iyo sa umaga?

1. We must have a sense of purpose.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no revelation, the peo-ple cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.”

A life without purpose will cause us to chase many end-less rainbows that only bring dissatisfaction, heartache, disil-lusionment, a sense of failure, apathy, emptiness, and a sense of total worthlessness.

We must look to God’s pur-pose in all that we do. We must see the things that we do as God given tasks understanding that God wants us to work out His purpose in our lives no matter what it is we are involved in. This will keep you from chasing empty rainbows. If our dream is an end in itself it will become an empty pursuit.

2. Find contentment in everything

1 Timothy 6:6-8. “But godli-ness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”

Many people are not content with the work they are doing because the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. They are dissatisfied even when their circumstances are favorable. Instead of do-ing their duty cheerfully and conscientiously as unto the Lord, they yield to a spirit of covetousness. As a result, they miss God’s best for their lives and fail to see the blessings they already have. Most of the time people are unhappy because of discontentment; they always play the game of comparing themselves with others. We live in a society that teaches and trains us to want and covet what our neighbor has. It is promoted everywhere we go. We compare status, home, clothes, income, vehicles, and many other things. As a result we are never satisfied or con-tent with our lives. If this is where our thoughts are at, we will pursue these things as well. As a result we come up empty and unsatisfied because these are not the things that bring us

The FOI and the half-a-loaf principle

Street talk

gregb. macabenTa

Why would they agree to be seen with their pants down? The only reasons the FOI bill has gotten as far as it has are, firstly, there are still honest and

dedicated legislators and, secondly, a much-liber-ated traditional media and social media environ-ment has exposed, prodded, threatened and even verbally terrorized our public officials into partial


Erap Estrada.

I was part of a delegation from the US, which included the late Alex Esclamado, Loida Nicolas-Lewis, Rodel Rodis and Dr. Philip Chua, that called on Arroyo to ask for her support for the Dual Citizenship Bill and the Overseas Absentee Voting Bill.

Members of Congress had been placing all kinds of road-blocks on the way to approval of both bills. In spite of the expressed support of then Sen-ate President Frank Drilon and an audience with then House Speaker Joe de Venecia, at-tended by such oppositors as Teddy Boy Locsin, we were still far from seeing a “fully satisfac-tory” version of the proposed legislation.

When we explained the situ-ation to Arroyo, she reminded us of the Half-a-Loaf Principle: “Half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.”

“I suggest you accept the two bills in whatever form they may eventually take,” the president advised. “Once passed into law, you can always mount a cam-paign to amend them.”

And then she added the clincher: “On the other hand, if you oppose them now because of provisions you dislike, nei-ther bill will pass and it may take a long time – if ever – for similar legislation to get as far as they have gotten.”

Like the FOI bill, the Dual Citizenship and the Overseas Absentee Voting Bills posed an

imagined threat to the trapos (traditional politicians). Giv-ing overseas Filipinos the right to participate in the election of the country’s leaders could tilt the balance in favor of “enlight-ened” voters who could neither be threatened nor paid off.

Enough of us (we were supposed to number over 8 million overseas Pinoys at the time) could constitute a “swing voting bloc” that could topple entrenched political dynasties, displace “idiots” (to use Miriam Defensor-Santiago’s colorful language), and cleanse the government of thieves.

For that reason, we feared that the two bills would never reach the desk of the president in a form that we would be happy with – unless Arroyo interceded on our behalf.

Her half-a-loaf advice was sobering. We realized that she was right - that a set of bills, al-lowing us the right of suffrage with limitations, was better than no rights at all. We conced-ed that we could subsequently work on amending them, once signed into law. Hopefully, at that point, we would already have enjoyed some leverage and could be dealing with new and more enlightened legisla-tors.

The fact is, the FOI bill is hardly the most welcome piece of legislation as far as many public officials are concerned. Recent and ongoing exposés of the inefficiency and the plun-dering going on in government – even up to the time of Noynoy Aquino’s vaunted Tuwid na Daan (Straight Path) – provide proof that many in government are plain opportunists and in-competents, as well as thieves.

Why would they agree to be seen with their pants down? The only reasons the FOI bill has gotten as far as it has are, firstly, there are still honest and dedicated legislators and, secondly, a much-liberated traditional media and social

Shout Out

rev. ruelcaliTiS camia

gain. It is godliness with con-tentment that brings us gain. These are only empty illusions from the devil of which he uses to destroy the real life and joy that Christ wants us to have in this life.

Even here in Winnipeg, we are following a certain Hierar-chy, if my neighbors can buy it I can buy it too, if they have a new car I must do everything I can to be at far. Keeping up with the joneses seems to be a norm. But God has a Different opinion about it.

Hebrews 13:5-6 “Let your conduct be without covetous-ness, and be content with such things as you have. For He Him-self has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

3. We must evaluate our priorities

Proverbs 23:4-5. “Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches cer-tainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle

toward heaven.”

Being rich is not necessarily that which equates with mak-ing the most of your life. Do you have peace in your home? Are you bearing fruit in the kingdom? Do you have a happy and rewarding marriage? Are your children living peaceably with one another and growing in the Lord?

MONEY:can buy a bed, but not

sleepcan buy books, but not

knowledgecan buy food, but not an

appetitecan buy a clock, but not

timecan buy a position, but not

respectcan buy medicine, but not

healthcan buy amusement, but not

happiness can buy jewelry, but not

beauty“Money can buy a fine dog,

but only love can make him wag his tail.”

At the end of the day we need to ask ourselves, why am I discontent and dissatisfied? What is going on in my life that is making me this way? Why am I not making the most of my Life? Are my priorities out of order? Am I putting more time and energy into those areas that are very little consequence? Should I be putting more time into my family and my marriage and service to God?

Rev. Ruel Calitis Camia, Se-nior Pastor of Winnipeg Unida Christian Church

email: [email protected]

Cell number: 204 8070329

macabenta, 17

Finding purpose and contentment in God

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April 1-15, 2014 n 13

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the spotlight onto another Asian carb experience: the baozi, or as

we colloquially call i t, “the bao,” which rhymes wi th wow. What we’re talking about is a Chinese steamed bun filled with ingredients that vary from meat to vegetables (or both).

In Filipino, Bao is known as “Siopao” which was actually local-ized term coined af ter the Chinese dimsum.This popular snack is best enjoyed hot, right af ter i t’s taken out of the steamer.

Bánhbao (li terally “envelop-ing cake”) is a ball-shaped bun containing pork or chicken meat, onions, eggs, mushrooms and vegetables, in Vietnamese cuisine. It of ten has Chinese sausage and a por tion of a hard-boiled egg inside. Bánhbao are generally smaller than baozi, and are filled with savory fillings, the most popular of which is seasoned ground pork. A veg-etarian version of bánhbao also exists.

The dish originated wi th the baozi from China but was adapted by the V ietnamese and is also available in most other countries with significant Vietnamese popu-

EVERYONE must bao (bow) to this great culinary rein-vention, breaking from the usual meat and sausage enclosed in white bun to creating an open sandwich

which you can li terally see what’s inside.

Buns, buns, buns… This is a must-try to break your regular routinely snack!

The concept excites me.The menu thrills me.The execution... amazed me.

This place is awesome! It’s a li t tle hidden restaurant on St. Mat thews near Century (Route 90).

When i t comes to Asian starches, the dumpling seems to get most of the at tention. And that just doesn’t seem fair. While we have absolutely noth-ing against those delicious balls of dough, we would like to shif t

lations. Same as China, pork is the most popular kind of meat in Vietnam.

Bánhbao is an old fashioned Cantonese dimsum called taipao (li terally “big bun”) brought to Vietnam by Cantonese immigrants. It was invented during the hard-ship days of old China to feed the ordinary people.

Pinoys love asado and bola-bola siopao, but don’t get locked up with just those two options. You have a wide array of options to ex-plore with MODERN BAOHOUSE.

A young entrepreneur Vietnam-ese-Canadian TOMMY NGUYEN who’s got an uppity Asian pride and love of food and cooking owns and manages this unique restaurant, which had just opened last February 1st this year. He had a humble beginning just by catering for friends at U of M (University of Manitoba) and families via social media Instagram and from there the demand for BAO’s came flood-ing in. His leavened bao dough shaped into clamshells also ap-pears on the take-out shelves of Luck y Supermarket for a while before he jumped and opened his

own new restaurant.It’s not a “you blow me away”

food being par wi th restaurant meals, but i t’s indeed “one of a kind!” And behold, budget friendly buddies, i t’s less than $4 per piece! And don’t you think that just because the price is at that range does not justify the serving. For me, we had 7 flavours to try that day and for the record 2 were more than enough.

I like the way that the meat on each and the sauce complemented the bun, balance the flavors -- not too salty, not too sweet.

Here are some of the BAOs that will make you BOW!

PORk BELLY BAOBraised pork belly, topped with

brown sugar, peanuts, peanut sauce, and finished wi th fresh cilantro inside of a freshly steamed bao.

PEkINg DUCk BAOCrispy duck, topped with hoisin

sauce, green onion, and celer y inside of a freshly steamed bao.

But ter Chicken BaoSof t succulent chicken breast

marinated in an East Indian inspired let’s take a bao, 18

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Stay tuned for more info on Winnipeg Speed Fest and the progress of our builds.Stay safe!

EVER wondered what it would be like to star t from the bot tom, building, planning

and simply trying to achieve your goal of having a large collection of things that you’re most passion-ate about?

We’ll, Steven knows the feeling all too well. The ut terly famous “root beer” coloured Honda S2000, which just so hap-pened to be his dream car; dating back from his first car - 92 Civic Hatchback at 16, and cycling through 40 cars within the last eight years from the first project. Of course the range of vehicles included Hondas, Acuras, a Volkswagen, Jeep and most recently, the Mercedes, to which I’ll get into more detail later on.

The 23-year old transpor tation engineer-ing technologist for Stantec Consulting is defini tely living the ul timate car guy dream, “I find myself not only a ‘Honda guy’ but an all-around car enthusiast, mainly interested in Japanese and European cars made in the 90’s,” Steven said.

Knowing that Steven has honed his craf t to an absolute tee, he continues to find his

Root Beer S2K

rolled into completion in June of 2013.Steven’s favouri te owned vehicle that

he’s collected/completed is the s2000. “This is my favouri te car that I own and have ever owned, but if I was to pick a second favouri te i t would be my 1975 Mercedes. I star ted this project last year and am very excited to see i t completed this summer. (I mean) who doesn’t like an old European Classic, bagged on BBS’s ;)?”

Now the most anticipated par t of the ar ticle: par ts list. Al though I believe that this could be found on Honda Marketplace (Facebook group, in which you can buy/sell/trade used par ts for

inspiration and motivation from his long-time girlfriend. Ladies, take note, she’s played a gigantic par t in planning and building all of the completed projects. Influencing the current co-lour (Toyota Venza Brown), which wasn’t in the original blue print. At first, Steven had planned to reprint i t the original yellow since i t’s his favouri te S2000 colour, but in this case, the lady truly does have the last word. As you’ve all probably seen or heard from others, this machine has gone through many names, one including the “root beer” S2000, which only makes this incredibly unique. Purchased com-pletely stock from Denver, Colorado in 2010 in which the originally yellow S2K has gone through an incredible amount of phases and styles, and

all vehicles.) but here we go. Star ting of f with the ex terior which of course includes the Toyota Venza Brown paint job, shaved emblems, keyholes, Voltex Street front bumper, ASM Wide body front fenders, ASM Wide body Rear over fenders, Voltex Type 3 carbon fiber wing, AP2 headlights and tail lights, MRacing Carbon Fiber Mirrors, GP rear dif fuser, GP rear spats and Heel Toe Single exhaust cap.

What comes nex t is pret ty mind-blowing, imagine sit-ting on the Vision Technica Carbon Kevlar seats, seeing the glorious Grip Royal Red Steering wheel, OEM S2000 CR shif t knob, AP2 Center console, AEM A/F gauge, Alpine head unit and Alpine Type R speakers. To top it all of f those beau-tifully accented 18x9 Advan RSX Concave GTR face custom powder coated white, wrapped in Hankook V12 tires. Sus-

pension consists of Endless Zeal coil overs, T1R 4 pot 23” rotor big brake kit custom powder coated candy metallic r ed and SPC adjustable ball joints.

Al though I usually include the engine modi-fications list, and to build the an-

ticipation, I’ll make you wait. Steven will be competing in The 1st Winnipeg Speedfest show that’ll be held at the Convention Centre. In which I must HIGHLY recommend that you come and get a good look at what’s under the hood of this beautiful Honda. Along with a surprise S2000 that’ll be revealed at the show also. Stay tuned and I hope that you’ll all come out on July 19th!

To register visit -

LIMITED spots! If you’re wanting to com-pete as a team, please email [email protected]

Dream Car:

Page 16: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

16 n April 1-15, 2014

THE Manitoba government, the City of Winnipeg and other rural municipali-ties are helping Manitoba families pro-tect their homes from basement flooding by providing up to $3,000 or 60 per cent of their costs to install a sump pump and sewer backup value this year, Children and Youth Minister Kevin Chief, minister responsible for the City of Winnipeg, and Mayor Sam Katz announced on March 28, 2014.

“Our homes are one of the most important investments we make for our families. As homeowners we need to take advantage of this proactive strategy to protect our property and reduce the risk of basement flooding,” said Minister Chief. “Nearly 3,000 Manitobans took advantage of the first subsidy program. Extending this subsidy for another year will help even more families protect their homes against possible damage that can take thousands of dollars to repair.”

Under the Building Manitoba Fund, this municipally administered program will provide homeowners up to $3,000 or 60 per cent of their costs. Homeowners can receive a maximum of $1,000 towards the installation of an approved in-line backwater valve and up to a maximum of $2,000 towards the installation of a sump pump and pit drainage system.

The province, the City of Winnipeg and other participating municipalities

HonourABle Kevin Chief, Minister responsible for the City of Winnipeg, and Deputy Mayor Justin Swandel announce the extension of sump pump and sewer back-up valve subsidy program. Homeowners can receive up to $3,000 or 60 percent of installation costs. The Province cost-shares the program with the City of Winnipeg and other rural municipalities. Chief and Swandel were joined by Rob Altemeyer, MLA for Wolseley, and Larry Stefanec of Parsons Plumbing & Heating.

Province joins city of Winnipeg and Manitoba Municipalities to extend sump pump and sewer backup valve subsidy

l More Manitoba homeowners can protect their property from basement flooding: Minister Chief, Mayor Katz

will cost-share the installation of sump pumps and backup valves.

“The subsidy program is a proactive way for the City of Winnipeg to work with homeowners to protect one of their greatest assets,” said Mayor Katz. “Basement floods can result in the loss of family items and many hours of incon-

venience. Protecting homes through a cost-sharing program is a sound invest-ment of Winnipeggers and the city.”

Homeowners must hire a plumber currently licensed to perform the eligible labour, ensure appropriate permits are obtained and arrange for the necessary inspection of the work. Homes required

by code to have a sump pump/pit and backup valve at the time of construction will not be eligible for the subsidy.

Information on the program can be found at:

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17April 1-15, 2014 n

media environment has exposed, prod-ded, threatened and even verbally ter-rorized our public officials into partial acquiescence.

I say “verbally terrorized” because, as of now, our bark is much worse than our bite. If the scandals happening in our country were to occur in more activist countries, there would be riots and acts of violence that would put the fear of God in the leaders of government.

Thankfully, enough pressure has been felt by members of Congress, due to relentless prodding by both media and the citizenry, to move them to act. Even Noynoy Aquino has offered no resistance to the FOI bill as it has begun to take shape in the Lower House, the Senate having already passed its own version.

It will help to continue nitpicking on the bill as it gets cut up, reshaped, reworded and made more palatable by congressmen concerned about keeping skeletons in the closet – but they will still have to come up with legislation that’s respectable enough to thwart another Million People March.

In other words, what could result is half-a-loaf of a Freedom of Information Bill.

When that happens, the militants, reformists and do-gooders among us should express utmost dismay while acknowledging, under our breath, that it is a start, and recalling the words of Chairman Mao: “The journey of a thou-sand miles begins with one step.”

To be blunt about it, what is more important than finally getting a “perfect” FOI bill signed into law is making full use of the freedom to access information on the workings of government. Empirical experience suggests that we have been wanting.

Too often, we demand things from government and then fail to make good use of them. The Dual Citizenship and Overseas Absentee Voting laws suffered that distressing fate.

The participation of overseas Fili-pinos in the electoral process in our country has been extremely disappoint-ing. All kinds of reasons have been given for not registering to vote and, having registered, for not voting at all. Reminds you of the Tagalog saying, “Kung gusto, maraming paraan. Kung ayaw, maram-ing dahilan.” (If one likes, there are many ways; if one doesn’t like, there are many excuses).

The amendments to the two bills that have been passed by Congress have cer-tainly motivated more overseas Pinoys to exercise their right of suffrage, but if the trapos fear a “swing voting bloc,” they can relax in the meantime. It won’t hap-pen soon. Maybe in 2016. Or 2022.

The harsh fact is, for many Pinoys abroad, effecting positive change in our Motherland is nice to talk about but, hey, they’re really too busy making a living and trying to pay their bills to actually do something concrete – except, maybe, participate in a Million People March.

And so, we shall wait for the FOI Bill that Speaker Sonny Belmonte threat-ened to pass under threat of retiring from public service. Noynoy Aquino, according to spokesman Edwin Lacierda, doesn’t think it’s an urgent piece of legis-lation but will likely sign one that meets his “strict guidelines.”

When that happens, let us see what we militants, reformists and do-gooders plan to do with it. Hopefully, we will not simply consign the bill to a museum, there to be visited occasionally, as a reminder of our activism and concern for good governance.

([email protected])


From 12

LAST March 22, Filipinos witnessed the intense dance floor action as Kapatid TV5 premiered the newest com-petition that will have viewers glued to their TV screens every week: CELEBRITY DANCE BATTLE.

Hosted by THE one and only Dance Goddess of Philip-pine television, Ms Lucy Torres-Gomez, Celebrity Dance Battle brings the ballroom dance competition to a whole new level by pitting celebrities against each other and pairing them up with dance partners who are determined to take their battle all the way to the championship. Co-hosting the show with the Dance God-dess are NCAA heartthrobs Anthony and David Semerad – who are also collectively known as the Semerad Twins.

For its launch month, Celebrity Dance Battle presents its first batch of celebrity contestants who come from varied fields of interests. PBA fans will be surprised and amazed to see their favorite hard court “El Granada” Gary David doing his fancy footwork on the dance floor. Will his dance moves make him the “El Granada” of the dance arena as well? Actress-host Valerie Concepcion, on the other hand, is ready to heat up the dance floor with her trademark sultry moves. An-other beautiful woman, Priscilla Meirelles, is set to prove that her body is back in form and ready to showcase her dance prow-ess once again. And speaking of beautiful women, transgender beauty and Miss In-ternational Queen 2012 titleholder Kevin Balot is also raring to wow audiences with her surprising ballroom stunts.

Who among Gary David, Valerie Con-cepcion, Priscilla Meirelles and Kevin Balot will emerge as the first monthly winner who will compete in the Celebrity Dance Battle grand finals? Their performances will undergo expert scrutiny and critique from the show’s distinguished panel of judges – comprised of renowned choreographer and dance guru Douglas Nierras, international ball-room professional and dance sport Olympian Edna Ledesma, actress-host and dance diva G Toengi, and professional model and international celebrity Allison Harvard (of America’s Next Top Model fame).

Celebrity Dance Battle airs on Kapatid TV5 every Saturday on these timeslots: PST 9:15pm, EST 12:15am, KSA 9:15pm, UAE 10:15pm, MY/SG 2:15am, AU 3:15am. Replays are every Sunday at PST 12:30pm, EST 3:30pm, KSA 1:00pm, UAE 2:00pm, MY/SG 6:00pm, AU 7:00pm.

TV5’s program History bagged the Outstanding Achievement in the Broadcast Media (Television) category in this year’s Hildegarde Awards, staged by St. Scholastica’s College (SSC) Manila’s Mass Com-munications Department.

Now in its 8th year, Hildegarde Awards is consistent with SSC’s vision of building a gender-fair society. It is established in honor of the 12th century Benedictine abbess, mystic, musician, and healer St. Hildegarde of Bingen, aiming to celebrate women’s achievements in mass media and its allied fields.

Hosted by musician, poet, and TV personality Lourd de Veyra, History gets a different brand of history lessons and trivia. Tag-lined “Tsismis noon, Kasaysayan ngayon,”the showlooks into con-troversies in Philippine History that have long intrigued scholars and

common citizens alike—basically, history lessons they don’t teach you in school.

History is part of News5’s “Ka-runungan” series, under the “KBO” block, which stands for “Karunun-gan, Balita, Opinyon.” KBO aims to strengthenNews 5’s position as a credible source of knowl-edge by offering a unique mix of informative and educational shows every night.History airs on Kapatid TV5 on these days and times: Wednesday KSA 9:45pm (Replay Thurs 3:30am), Thursday Guam 4:45am (Replay 10:30am), Wednesdays PST 7:45pm (Replay Thurs 12:00am), EST 10:45pm (Replay Thurs 3:00am) and Aksyon TV International on these days and times: Thursdays KSA 12:15am (Replay 11:30am), Guam 7:15am (Replay 7:30pm), Wednesdays PST 4:45pm (Replay 11:30pm), EST 7:45pm (Replay 2:30am).

HIsTory’s host Lourd de Veyra receives the trophy at the awarding ceremonies held recently at St. Scholastica’s College in Manila.

TV5 brings intense danceaction with Celebrity Dance Battle

TV5’s History winsin Hildegarde Awards

Page 18: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue n April 1-15, 201418

For more information:

Call Pastor Fred Sebastian204-633-2230/204-952-4460

God Bless & See you there!


in celebration of Good Friday(April 18, 2014, 10:30 a.m.)

“The Greatest Love Of All”Ressurection Sunday

(April 20, 2014, 10:30 a.m.)

He Is Risen. He Is Alive!

235 ENNISKILLEN AVENUE (One block South of Jefferson on Main Street)

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Sean Isgan, an engineer and long-time acquaintance. “There’s been an accident in the Quecreek Mine. Nine men are missing. We haven’t got much time.” Bill’s reply came immediately, “How can we help?”**

How can we help, is a question that can work wonders and miracles in any community.

As Filipinos, especially outside the Philippines, we should cultivate com-munity cohesion or sticking together and support for one another, similar to how two of the most successful ethnic communities outside of their homeland, the Jewish and Chinese community support and rely on each other. Here in lies our success individually and as a community. We are better support-ing one another than not at all. This is can only be made possible when we prioritize the needs of others and when we see that interdependence is the only way up. The wisest man who ever lived, shared what supporting one another can do, in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 – “Two are better than one, because they have a

good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

God is the author of life and He designed us to flourish and reach our full potentials in the community. If every Filipino’s mission is to support other Filipinos, we become stronger, we become better. We can serve other ethnicities better as well. We give to the world the best, because only the best can be produced by a community working together as a team. Mabuhay ang nagkakaisang mga Pinoy!

* Source: “Teamwork Helped Min-ers Survive Underground,” Bill White, Paramount, California

** Source: 9 for 9 Quecreek Mine Foundation website


From 11

but ter chicken sauce, topped wi th sour cream and cilantro, inside of a freshly steamed bao.

TACO BAOSpicy ground beef topped with cheese,

sour cream, and green onions inside of a freshly steamed bao.

BBQ PORkBAOGrilled pork sauted wi th onions and

mixed with homemade sweet and savoury sauce inside of a freshly steamed bao.

ChICkEN ADOBO BAOChicken breast marinated in a Filipino

inspired adobo sauce, topped with fresh cilantro and green onions inside of a freshly steamed bao.

MEDITERRANEAN BAOThinly sliced beef loaf marinated with a

Greek inspired spices, topped with tzatziki sauce, picked onions, and jalapeños inside of a freshly steamed bao.

I’d defini tely recommend trying all the varieties as each has i ts distinct flavor, and

let your taste buds decide. A defini te must try food on the go, for people who love to explore and excite their taste buds. A sure 7.5 spoons on my list.

Follow them on:Twit ter:@modernbaohouseInstagram: modernbaohouseFacebook: Modern Baohouse

Or check out their website:

HoursMondays to Saturdays

11:00AM - 7:00PMSundays 12:00PM - 6:00PM

MODERN BAOhOUSE is located at 1790 St Matthews Avenue.

Contact No. 204-505-5226

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From 14

BAR topnotcher Nielson Pangan aspires to become a Chief Justice someday. “I think i t is every lawyer’s dream,” he admits in “Tapatan Ni Tunying” which aired Thursday (Mar 27).

Not even expecting he would pass the 2013 Bar Examination, Pangan is ecstatic and proud to bring the Universi t y of the Philippines (UP) College of Law back to the top. It was in 2005 when a UP graduate last topped the exam before him. “It challenges us to show in our profession and in ser ving the Filipino people what we learned in the UP College of Law,” says Pangan.

Meanwhile, UAAP Season 76 Women’s Vol-leyball most valuable player (MVP) Alyssa Valdez also feels proud af ter Ateneo De Manila University

Lady Eagles won the championship for the first time and beat the three-peat champion De La Salle University Lady Spikers in a do-or-die final match recently.

“Af ter more than 30 years, we finally got a championship trophy, and the team is re-ally overwhelmed. The university and the entire school community were also proud with what the women’s volleyball team had achieved,” Valdez shares.

Watch Pangan and Valdez as they share more about their struggles and triumph with Anthony “Tunying” Taberna in the episode.

For updates, follow @TNTunying on Twit ter and Instagram, or like i ts Facebook page

Bar topnotcher Panganwants to be chief justice



Page 19: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

April 1-15, 2014Community PEoPlE, places &

Ang Peryodiko 19

JIM Maloway’s3rd Annual Invitational Curling Event was held Sunday afternoon, March 16th, at the Elmwood Curling Club. Elmwood Curling Club’s five sheets were filled for five hours with curlers of all abili-ties and experience enjoying the popular winter pastime. Children of participants threw rocks for the first time in their lives on one of the sheets. A colour TV was given away and the winning teams were treated to team prizes. Sandwiches and lemonade were accompanied by perogies and pork rolls for all those participating and at-tending.

“I’m glad everyone had a great time, and I’m hoping we can do this again next year!”, said Mr. Maloway. Maloway is the M.L.A. for Elmwood.

Maloway Curling EventFun for Everyone!

Page 20: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue


Clothing provided by PRIME X MONSTRO (Instagram, @PrimeXMonstro)

Photos by Darryl Palapuz of Eight Rays Studio(Facebook, @EightRaysStudio))

EIGHTEEN-year-old Charren “Ren” Jann Demillo Daquial is a Grade 12

(graduating) student at Gordon Bell High School. She plans on taking Business

Administration at Red River College. This Iglesia Ni Cristo choir member started playing the keyboard/organ since she was 13 years old until now. She also

plays guitar and wants to learn how to play ukulele when she gets one. Ren

won an award in a beauty contest at the Roosevelt College in San Mateo in the Philippines and was a member of her

high-school dance group back then. Her favourite TV Show is Supernatural and her favourite actor is Jensen Ackles.

When she has nothing else to do, she loves to dress up and take pictures of just about anything. Making song covers is one of her hobbies. With all

the interesting stuff she engages in, you bet she’s one person that you would definitely want to hang out with. You can connect with her at Instagram: @

charrenjann, or Twitter: @renrendaquial.

Ren CHRISTOPHER John Sy a.k.a JSY is a Filipino- Canadian

musician. His style is acoustic hip-hop and R&B. He makes money from his music videos

through a partnership with YouTube. With over 17,000

subscribers and over 1.5 million in total views, his goals are to someday make it to the big stage and sign with a label. John has an album that will be out this month. You can visit his music at


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April 1-15, 2014 n 21

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April 1-15, 2014

love the

22Ang Peryodiko Sports

March Madness at PBA continues

2014 MIdGeT dIVIsIon CHAMPIon. Peg City Flight receives the trophy and banner from Loralee , Randy Viray, Morris Masangkay and Doc Noel Silva.

PBA 2014 BAnTAM dIV. CHAMPIon Team Blizzards with Coach Ruel Maranan and John Aaron. Championship Trophy and Banner donated by Loralee. City Director Randy Viray, Ferdie Marasigan and Doc Noel Silva also in photo.

BAnTAM dIVIsIon’s Southside Gladiators receive the 4th place Trophy from Joe Mar-rast of Tim Hortons Coffe Shop.

BIlAo FIlIPIno Cuisine # 2 rank lost to # 3 rank Sq Tech/homer lacap team.

Buzzer BeATer! That’s how they lost to their opponent. Coach Jai Mendez was still very proud of their 2nd place finish. Handing out the trophy is Loreto Opinga of Loralee Cleaning Services. One of our major sponsors.

IT WAS a close from beginning to the end. Jr. Alliance edged out their opponent in the last seconds of the game. Finalist Jr. Alliance with Coach Jai Mendez and Eric Fernandez receive the trophy from MP Kevin Lamoureux office manager Henry Celones.

MIdGeT dIVIsIon 3rd place winner Magic Boyz with Coach Arsenio dela Cruz and Carter dela Cruz.

MIdGeT dIVIsIon 4th place winner Blizzards with Coaches Ruel Maranan and John Aaron.

A Well-deserVed win for the hardworking Grizzlies. Joe Mar-rast of Tim Horton handed the 3rd place trophy to Coaches Ric Guerra and Romel Dimaunahan. Also in the photo is Ferdie Mara-sigan (talent scout) and Doctor Noel Silva.

PeeWee dIVIsIon Champion Wpg Spirit Gold with members of the PBA Committee.

Page 23: Ang Peryodiko News Paper April 1st - April 15th Issue

23April 1-15, 2014 n SportsAng Peryodiko

MANILA, Philippines – Manny Pacquiao admits going easy on Timothy Bradley the first time they fought two years ago.

He says that will no longer be the case in their rematch two weeks from now.

In the maiden episode of HBO’s Pac-quiao-Bradley 24/7 aired over the week-end, Pacquiao once again stressed the need to go all out against Bradley this

time. The fighting congressman took it easy on Bradley in their first meeting in June 2012, and that allowed the American to escape with a controversial decision.

“I should put more on gas and be aggres-sive,” Pacquiao said, recalling that fight in which he appeared to dominate.

“I’m not saying that I could knock him out, but I’m just nice to Bradley in the ring.

That’s what happened,” he added.Pacquiao insists he won that fight,

and most boxing observers and fans will agree with him. The fighting congress-man just brushed off the horrible decision and moved on with his career, losing to Juan Manuel Marquez by knockout and redeeming himself with a lopsided win over Rios.

Pacquiao: I was nice to Bradley in first fight

THE 23rd IKAW Community Basketball has just become more exciting with the addition of new divi-sions for the 2014-2015 season:

New Division - The Master’s Division: JR Master = 32 and up, SR

Master = 45 and upKids Division = 6-9, 10-12, 13-15 Years old. (Free

for kids,

Required $25 refundable fees)Open Division “A”, Open Division “B”, Open Divi-

sion “C” & Ladies

for inquiries please call:Jerry Medina - (204) 795-1792John Medina – (204) 899-8011Dondy Lagunay (204) 774-0776Bhoy Galle (204) 960-7520

IKAW March Madness Championship results:

open Division “a”1st Place – RedStar 12nd Place - Lorallee3rd Place - Pimp my Rice

open Division “B”1st Place – Mekemson’s2nd Place – Redstars 23rd Place – Knights

39 and above Division1st Place – Jojo Villanueva2nd Place – Landmhel Elago3rd Place – Guimba Blackjack

48 and above Division1st Place – Black Jack Gumba

MVp (Most Valuable players)Open A Division – Jonar HuertasOpen B Division – Dennis Ochoa39+ Division – Bong Salom48+ Division – Bhoy Gali

Special thanks go out to all volunteers and execu-tive members, namely Dondy Lagunay, Bhoy Gali, Larry Gutuerrez, Elmer Tolentino, Jojo Cerdon, Obett Quirante, Bong Rafael and Boyet Garunglong.

IKAW trusted marketing executives are Phil Jularbal, Rod Domned, Sonny Cestina and Buddy Raquid.

The organizers also wish to thank all sponsors, Councilors Harvey Smith, Mike Nastakoran, Scott Fielding, Swandel, Vandal, Romy Omanga, Weston Travel, Greenhills Realty, Jerry Garcia, Ric Orbeta, Don Woodstock, Emerald Palace, and MP Kevin Lamoureux, and to everyone who supported our IKAW Fundraising Event, namely Valour Convenience Store, Chapel Lawn Memorial Garden & IKAW Members and Committee.

Special thanks also go to Ang Peryodiko newspaper for their continuous support and to all participants. For more details, please call IKAW Commissioner Jerry Medina @ (204) 795-1792 or Visit us on Facebook. IKAW Winnipeg.

23rd IKAW Community Basketball Adds-up New Division for 2014-2015

Contacts:Jerry Medina (204) [email protected] Medina (204) [email protected] Valera (204) [email protected] Dayrit (204) [email protected]






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24 n April 1-15, 2014

Is MosT WATCHed ProGrAM In PHl. ABS-CBN’s biggest teleserye offering for 2014 “Dyesebel” won the hearts of primetime TV viewers as its pilot episode clinched the number one spot on the list of the most watched TV programs in the country. According to the data from Kantar Media on Monday (March 17), the fantasy series topbilled by Anne Curtis, Gerald Anderson, and Sam Milby scored a national TV rating of 32.8%, or almost 15 points higher than its rival program on GMA “Kambal Sirena” (17.9%). Aside from TV ratings, the latest TV adaptation of the Mars Ravelo classic also conquered social networking sites such as Twitter, where the show’s official hashtag #DyesebelAngSimula became one of the worldwide trending topics. Meanwhile, primetime TV viewers will fall even more in love with the new Kapamilya serye as Lucia (Dawn Zulueta) gives birth to her and Tino’s (Albert Martinez) child, who they will name Dyesebel. How will Dyesebel face her fate as the only living half-human and half-mermaid? Will she successfully unite the two worlds that have been at war for a long time? Don’t miss the adventures of “Dyesebel” weeknights after “TV Patrol” on ABS-CBN Primetime Bida. For more information about “Dyesebel” visit the show’s official social media accounts at and


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25April 1-15, 2014 n

ARIES (March 21-April 19):You’re feeling the urge to give generously, and if you decide to follow through as much as you’ve done in the past, you may need someone close to physically restrain you, or at least grab your wrist before you toss the deed to your home in the collection basket. If you’re in the black and can afford all this giving, good on you. Just make sure you don’t indulge so much that you need to ask for help yourself!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):Luck is definitely on your side at the moment, especially when it comes to your finances. That doesn’t mean you should blow through your credit rating with wild abandon, though! If you feel the urge to keep writing checks even though you’re not exactly sure how much you’ve already spent, force yourself to take a deep breath -- and then call a friend who can talk you down. Try to avoid plastic even more so!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):Good luck is there for you today. It’s true for many people, actually, so it might not help in competitions of any kind. In your case, you should experience this run of good fortune the most in your love life. If you’re already seeing someone, things are amaz-ingly good between you, so much so that you’ll want to do something special for them. If you’re still looking, get out there and start mixing it up. Being single isn’t forever, and with any luck -- which you’ve got plenty of now -- you can move past it.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):You’re ordinarily the best keeper of secrets that anyone could possibly ask for, but right about now it’s going to take every last ounce of willpower to keep your mouth shut. It’s not even like this hap-pens to be an especially juicy secret. You just have a problem keeping quiet because you’re able to see how positively the truth will influence someone close in a difficult situation. Talk the person who confided in you into letting go.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Whoever you hang out with this evening should count their blessings. You’re definitely in the mood to spoil someone -- big time -- and you’re famous for putting smiles on faces. Be sure to keep in mind, though, that while the best things in life may be free, it’s hard to really spoil someone without letting go of an arm and a leg. Besides, with someone as charming as you for company, anything else is just icing on the cake.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):You’re not much of a shouter -- in addition to the rudeness and lack of appeal, you learned long ago that a whisper is far more powerful. You definitely

appreciate the tactics a friend is now using to build you up -- once you find out about it, that is. That may take some time, since they’re doing such a good job of whispering themselves! Once you figure it out, though, be sure to reward them in an equally tactful, selfless and generous fashion.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your capacity for learning new information extends far beyond your youth. In fact, you’re a veritable sponge if the topic is one you find interesting. The opportunity to pick up a new skill should come along soon, and you should be more than game to jump in and soak up absolutely everything. Of course, formal classes aren’t the only way to learn, so try meeting new people with interesting stories to tell.

SCORPIO (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You place quite a bit of value on time alone, no matter where you are. Your privacy is pretty darned important, too, so when the opportunity to ditch the world for the next 24 hours presents itself, you’re torn between giving in to that impulse and taking a friend along. If you opt for door number two, be sure that they’re up for some deep conversation, because you never settle for anything less.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21):Some new acquaintance you’ve only know briefly feels more like family than a friend. If you believe in reincar-nation, that familiarity could mean you’ve known each other before -- at least once. If not, they may just remind you of someone, though that could get tricky. Either way, they’re here for a reason, and you won’t know what that is until you get to know them better.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):Expect someone you see on a daily basis to visit once again, with ‘that look’ on their face. You should know what they want before they do -- even well before they open their mouth! If the look is pitiful and desperate enough, you are sure to do anything and everything you can to help, just like you always do. Then again, you’re sure to do the right thing no matter what.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You should be feeling a surge of good energy and bet-ter luck right now. The universe is singling you out in a good way, and whatever you touch will almost certainly turn to gold -- especially when it comes to romance. Since long-distance travel is also on the cosmic agenda, the most logical way to handle this might be to plan a weekend away with your sweetie. If you don’t have a sweetie yet, invite a friend to play for a couple of days. You can bet you won’t be single for long.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your family and your best, oldest friends -- those who feel like family -- are at the very top of your priority list now, for the best of reasons. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen each other, as they’re willing to do absolutely everything they can for you, and you feel the same. The situation is pretty much unimportant, as the end result is a new closeness.

COMING from the success of i ts barangay tawa-ser ye Mad-am Chairman, TV5 continues to change the game in TV program-ming by of fering another light and al ternative primetime series with a hear t-warming plot that is fi t for the whole family.

At their recently-held press launch at Oasis Manila in Quezon City, the Kapatid network proudly presented their newest romantic comedy series Confessions Of A Torpe, a crazy story about love and the many ways to (not) ex-press i t.

Starring Ogie Alcasid, Gelli de Belen, Wendell Ramos and Alice Di xson, wi th young stars Mark

Neumann, Shaira Mae and Albie Casino, the series follows the story of Christopher “Tupe” Ma-tacutin (played by Ogie Alcasid), a 40 year old cer tified torpe (and virgin) who becomes a victim of a family curse. Because of theirka-torpehan, all men in Tupe’s family remain a bachelor. The same goes for Tupe who, despi te being the per fect gentleman, cannot make his move to win the hear t of his muse: the gorgeous, God’s gif t to mankind, Monique Salcedo (Alice Dixson).

Hoping to “break the curse” like him is his nephew from Croatia, Hanley Kubrick (Mark Neumann). Despi te spending most of his

romance meets comedy in Kapatid TV5’s newest primetime series,

Confessions Of A Torpe

teenage years in the US (Croatia not US), he is very shy around girls. And while Hanley stays here in the country, Tupe must help him overcome his katorpehan so that both of them can break away from their curse.

Stakes get higher as Tupe’s love-of-his-life, Monique, returns to the Philippines to try her luck on something she has never been successful before – love. While this gives Tupe another shot at romance, things will not be easier as his number one bully, Peter ‘Mr. Big’ Malaqui (Wendell Ramos), also returns to terrorize him once again. For tunately, he/Tupe finds comfor t in Luzvinda ‘Luz’ Mabuti (Gelli de Belen), his best friend and forever confidante who also

secretly has feelings for him. Will Tupe win Monique’s hear t?

Is he the long overdue romance destined for Monique? And what about Luz? Will she ever be able to confess her feelings for Tupe? Who will end up victorious in this comic story of failed at tempts on love and romance?

Completing the cast of Confes-sions of a Torpe are Bayani Agbay-ani, Jojo Alejar, Mike Lloren, Gerry Acao, Ms. Bibeth Or teza and Ms. Pili ta Corales.

Confessions Of A Torpe pre-miered on Kapatid TV5 last Mon-day, March 3, replacing Madam Chairman. Timeslots are as fol-lows: PST 5:30pm, EST 8:30pm. Replays every Tuesday-Saturday at PST 2:30am, EST 5:30am.


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Let’s make it right!ben lou

Debt AidConsulting

Q: I am on a working visa here in Canada as a caregiver. I have always sent money to my parents every month. Lately, everyone in my family has been calling, asking me for money, for all sorts of prob-lems. I am only making very little and have maxed out my credit cards from cash outs. I am worried that I will not be able to pay my $15K debt by the time I have to return to the Philippines. Can you help me?

A: We all know how hard life at home (Philippines) is. This is for the same reason many Filipinos prefer to work in another country in the quest of the mighty Dollar. For many Filipinos, this is a lifelong dream. Some even go to the extent of marrying much older partners in order to come to the U.S. or Canada. Some take very difficult jobs just to be able to work abroad. Whatever your reason is, it always boils down to “It’s better than earning Philippine Pesos”.

For those who are lucky enough to work abroad comes the dilemma from the people they left back home. More often than not, they haven’t even left the Airport from the Philippines yet and the request to send money back is al-ready never ending. Parents, siblings, aunts and uncles all sending them off with a request to send money back. I always ask these workers, “Why do you have to send money to them?” Mostly they feel obligated to and that is

the part I don’t understand. Maybe to the parents it is un-derstandable, but to siblings with their own families? If we do not change the way we think fast, we are on our way to being buried in debt fast.

In most cases, the worker here cannot make money fast enough to send to all the rela-tives asking for money. They really think money grows on trees here, which is not the case. In an effort not to say “No”, the worker, will start cashing out money from credit cards to send. The interests on these cash outs are very expensive. Not to mention, the worker is really not mak-ing a lot of money and at the same time they still have to pay room and board.

This is my advice. There is no responsibility towards any other relatives except for the parents. If your parents want to give the money to your rela-tives, then that is their choice. The parents should not ask for more money because they gave their money away. Wait for the next month!

If you do not stop sending money, they will always find some kind of problem to ask for more. Whether it’s your sister having another child, or your brother who got in trouble with the law, let them learn from it. Again, they are not your responsibility. Learn how to say “NO!”

For those who have already fallen victim to this practice, I can match you with the program that best fits your problem making your pay-ments affordable and shorter. Call me at Debt Aid Consult-ing so we may find a solution to these debts that is causing you grief.

Reminder po! Clients call me complaining about debt companies using call centers in Manila. The company did not disclose that they are talking to someone in Manila. They have to let you opt-out if you do not want to talk to them. Ingatan po lagi ang ating personal information. If you have been a victim, report this to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

Ben Lou at your service! I have 30 years of real financial experience. If you would like sound financial advice, call me at Debt Aid Consulting. We are incorporated in the US and Canada.

Tawag na po sa 1-888-341-5234 at tutulungan po namin kayo.

Itama po natin ang mali!

sands of permanent residents from the Philippines each year. In fact, in 2012, almost 33,000 people immigrated to Canada from the Philippines and it is al-ways ranked high in annual im-migration numbers compared to other countries around the world. Here in Winnipeg, many of us can attest to the lively and vibrant Filipino community that grows each year. The number of businesses and events that are run by those of Filipino background is proof of the im-portance that the community plays in the social and economic growth of the city of Winnipeg as well as across Canada. The Philippines, I believe—with the

strong relationship that Canada currently has with it—would be a country that would have great potential in terms of pursuing a freer trade agreement with.

Currently, Canada does have bilateral relations with the Philippines in the form of the Promotion and Reciprocal Pro-tection of Investments agree-ment that came into effect in 1996. The agreement promotes greater economic cooperation between Canada and the Phil-ippines by creating favourable conditions for investments by investors. However, a free trade agreement could do so much more and facilitate the removal of not only traditional trade bar-riers, but perhaps also deal with labour mobility issues.

Current trade between both countries exceeds one billion dollars. In 2012, Canadian mer-chandise exports totaled $527.9 million to the Philippines with imports from the Philippines at $991.2 million. The Philip-pines should be viewed as being more than just a source of future immigrants but also as a strong economic partner that can contribute to Canada’s economic growth.

Canada is a trading nation that depends on world trade. Without trade, Canada would not have the wealth we have today in many ways. The Phil-ippines is a growing economic force in Asia and it would be a mistake not to give it more attention.


From 11

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April 1-15, 2014 n 27

KAPAMILYA stars Julia Barretto and Enrique Gil are set to share the beauty of true love as ABS-CBN’s official summer teleserye “Mira Bella” premieres on Monday (March 24).

“Mira Bella’s” story will revolve around Mira (Julia), a young girl who inherited the curse of

having a wood-like skin. Despite being mocked and ridiculed all throughout her childhood, Mira still

grows up believing in the goodness of people because of the love she got

from her foster parents, Osang (Pokwang) and Paeng (John ‘Sweet’ Lapus).

How will Mira show every-one that one’s inner beauty is more important than physical appearance? Will she finally get the love and acceptance she has been longing for

when Jeremy (Enrique) comes into her life? Also joining Julia, Enrique, Sweet, and Pokwang

in “Mira Bella” are Sam Concepcion, Mylene Dizon, James Blanco, Liza Diño, DJ Durano, Mika dela Cruz, Arlene Muhlach, Alora Sasam, and Gloria Diaz, with the special participation of Dimples Romana.

“Mira Bella” is under the direction of Erick Salud, Jojo Saguin, and Jerome Pobocan. It is the newest masterpiece of Dreamscape Entertainment Television, the group that created the phenomenal drama series “Walang Hanggan,” top-rating super-hero teleserye “Juan dela Cruz,” and the recently concluded timely series “Honesto.”

Don’t miss the beginning of a beautiful love story in “Mira Bella” on Monday on ABS-CBN Primetime Bida. For more information about “Mira Bella,” visit the show’s official social media accounts at and

Julia and Enrique share the beautyof true love in ABS-CBN’s “Mira Bella”

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28 n April 1-15, 2014