ang buvision at misyon nan : itaas ang ang antas ayon sa

Ang BUvision at Misyon Na0n: Itaas ang a0ng antas ayon sa Philippine Qualifica0ons Framework Presented by: Engr. Antonio Q. Baguiao Jr. Assistant Professor 2, ED-BUPC

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Page 2: Ang BUvision at Misyon Nan : Itaas ang ang antas ayon sa

AngBisyonNa0nParasaSariliAccordingtoAmBisyonNa=n2040: VisionofFilipinosforSelf

“In 2040, all Filipinos will enjoy a stable andcomfortablelifestyle,secureintheknowledgethatwe have enough for our daily needs andunexpected expenses, that we can plan andprepare for our own and our children’s futures.Our families live together in a place of our own,yetwehave the freedom togowherewedesire,protectedandenabledbyclean,efficient,andfairgovernment.”

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“The Philippines shall be a country where allciHzensarefreefromhungerandpoverty,haveequal opportuniHes, enabled by fair and justsociety that is governedwith order and unity.AnaHonwhere families live together, thrivingin vibrant, culturally diverse, and resilientcommuniHes.”

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“A World-Class University Producing Leadersand Change Agents for Social TransformaHonandDevelopment”

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•  ItisdeclaredpolicyoftheStatetoestablishandsupportacompleteandintegratedsystemofeduca=onrelevanttotheneedsofthepeopleandsociety

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“The Bicol University shall primarily giveprofessionalandtechnicaltraining,andprovideadvanced and specialized instrucHon inliterature, philosophy, the science and arts,besidesprovidingforthepromoHonofscienHficandtechnologyresearches”(RA5521,Sec.3)

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“Bicol University commits to conHnually strivefor excellence in instrucHon, research, andextension by meeHng the highest level ofclientele saHsfacHon and adhering to qualitystandards and applicable statutory andregulatoryrequirements.”

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1.  PromoteaResponsiveandEfficientAcademicGovernance.

2.  EnhancetheResourceEndowmentoftheUniversity.3.  OfferMarket-DrivenandRelevantAcademicProgram.4.  StrengthentheFounda=onforResearch,

Development,andExtension.5.  DevelopaCri=calMassofTopStudentsand

OutstandingFaculty.6.  ModernizePhysical/InfrastructureFacili=es.

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BUPCGoals1.  Provide quality educa=on and trainings in the

fieldofeduca=on,scienceandtechnology.2.  Undertake social, development and applied

scien=fic researches that are relevant to theregionalandna=onalgoals.

3.  Undergo efficient and effec=ve extensionprogram through service and community-orientedac=vi=es.

4.  Engage in sustainable income genera=ngprojects to increasefinancial capabili=esof theins=tu=on.

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WhatisPQF?•  Itisana=onalpolicydescribingthelevelsofeduca=onalqualifica=onsandsetsthestandardsforqualifica=onoutcomes.

•  Aqualityassuredna=onalsystemforthedevelopment,recogni=onandawardofqualifica=onsbasedonstandardsofknowledge,skillsandvaluesacquiredindifferentwaysandmethodsbylearnersandworkersofacertaincountry.

•  Itiscompetency-basedandlabormarketdriven.•  Itisassessment-basedqualifica=onrecogni=on.

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Objec=vesofthePQF•  Toestablishna=onalstandardsandlevelsforoutcomesof

educa=onandtraining,skillsandcompetencies.•  Tosupportthedevelopmentandmaintenanceofpathways

and equivalencies which provide access to qualifica=onsandassistpeople tomoveeasilyand readilybetween thedifferent Educa=on & Technology sectors and betweenthesesectorsandthelabourmarket.

•  To align the PQF with interna=onal qualifica=onsframework to support the na=onal and interna=onalmobilityofworkersthruincreasedrecogni=onofthevalueandcomparabilityofPhilippinequalifica=ons.

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ForthePerson:•  Encourageslifelonglearningallowingthepersontostartatthelevelthatsuitshimandthenbuild-uphisqualifica=onsashisneedsandinterestsdevelopandchangeover=me.

•  Cer=ficatesandlicensesrecognizedbygovernment.

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FortheEmployers:•  Assuresthatstandardsandqualifica=onsareconsistenttojobrequirement/demand.

•  Providescommonunderstandingonstandards,qualifica=onsandlevels.

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FortheEduca=on&TrainingProviders:•  Ensurestransparencyintrainingprovision,conformancetostandardsandprecisenessofaccountabilityforlearningoutcomes

•  Providescommonunderstandingofpoliciesandguidelinesoncredittransfers,ar=cula=on,portability,bridgespathwaysandRPL.

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