android app development: android kitkat 4.4, faster and better - hyperlink infosystem

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Post on 14-Oct-2015




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Once again it's time to be excited by the latest Android update, this time it is Android 4.4 KitKat, released pretty recently, it has surely gotten quite a lot of coverage the World over. And rightfully so, as this update brings in a lot of polishes to the operating system. Everything from touchscreen smoothness to lower end phone optimizations have been provided for in this update.


Android App Development: Android KitKat 4.4, Faster and Better - Hyperlink InfoSystem

Once again it's time to be excited by the latest Android update, this time it is Android 4.4 KitKat, released pretty recently, it has surely gotten quite a lot of coverage the World over. And rightfully so, as this update brings in a lot of polishes to the operating system. Everything from touchscreen smoothness to lower end phone optimizations have been provided for in this update.

The latest update sees a increased emphasis on on voice command led Google Now, and advertises the convenience of only having to use audio to bring up search terms and even do a lot of fundamental tasks such as sending text messages and making calls, but also opening up an app getting navigation help if you're on the road.

Google has also emphasized on making the User Interface sleeker and more aesthetically attractive. Perhaps following in Apple's steps and realizing how important visual representation helps in bringing in more customers, in continuation with it's user interface overhaul process that it's been conducting in the recent times; for example moving away from 3D icons and adopting hues that are more organic and easy on the eyes.

It's also focused on a more immersive experience this time around. Something which Android App Development India professionals can take note of. It's something that they're using to back this update substantially, creating objective focus on content that is. Examples include full album cover view while playing media or when you're reading your favorite ebook.

Which I think is a great addition to the new interface which in itself makes everything look cleaner. Herein only the content that's necessary and demanded stays highlighted. The other options can be brought back into focus by a simple swipe of the screen, though so no worries there.

One thing that bothers many Android users, including me is the lack of responsiveness sometimes faced, especially if the device is a bit old. The recent Android updates have put light on the issue and strived to make the experience better for us, but Android 4.4 boasts of system optimization that trumps all the updates so far, which is a definitely something I'm happy about.

Silken smooth touch response plus a nice interface will make using your device a treat. Optimized memory and performance means that you're gonna get a robust performance session even with pushing it to the max with multitasking.

Android Application Development India professionals can expect to be able to manipulate the latest feature so to create apps that are more intuitive and thereby offer more customer satisfaction. I'm talking about how the new contacts app has been integrated so to consolidate everything from text messages and messages sent over data at one place along with introducing new filters for your contacts so you can quickly access and communicate with those that you are regularly in touch with.

Now, you don't have to scratch your head in wonderment about that unknown caller that's making your phone light up, the latest update from Android now has a ID function that can trace the number and look it up against it's business listings and if it gets a match, will display information accordingly. This is certainly a nifty feature, because it comes in by default with your handset compatible with the new update. Instead of say, having to get a 3rd party app for it.

If you're someone like me who loves to text chat, and also use emojis amply, then this the new update didn't leave us out either. Hangouts emojis are vibrant and fun to spruce up your conversations. Android is trying to aide the user into putting the mobility back into mobile by providing features that let the users do more while they're on the move. Easy wireless connectivity with peripherals ensures quickly print that document without hassles.

Thinking about the student or officer goer, the update focuses on integrated features, where you can easily work on and share that project document or schedule spreadsheet with relevant people. The recent document access lets you access and use that file you were just working on, with ease. The revamped QuickOffice lets you modify you documents on the go with ease and speed on your tablet or smartphone, letting you save time and energy that would otherwise be spent looking for a PC.

Google has definitely been trying to improve upon the entertainment wing of it's services, rolling out Chromecast support which is a smart move too, because people these days are keen on choosing services that can keep them entertained on the go. Now, you can turn your tablet into a theater and enjoy a good movie no matter where you are, or check in on your favorite episode even in the middle on road.

This only a partial list of features introduced with Android's latest update, but you can always check out the detailed list on their official KitKat website.Any update on making payments easy always gets a thumbs up from me and this time was no different. Implementing Near Field Communication, now your smartphone or table is your virtual payment gateway. Be warned though, this development may cause your pockets to become considerable lighter because making purchases and then paying for them are becoming incredible easy to manage and save time on.

What's is in it for Android App Development India professionals ask? Well, for starters they can take a few notes from Android's design strategies. Creating apps that don't only have a nice interface but one that is able to hide all the unnecessary details and bring out all the useful ones come up first in the user's list always.

It's a good investment to hire a designer with ample experience and go on with the project so then you will have not only a functionally rich app, but also one that looks the part.Next you want to create it so that it succeeds in bringing out the right content and options at the right time. Thereby grabbing the users' focus to only the things that matter at a point of time.