andrea de leon analysis & action plan

Analysis & Action Plan When I entered this program, I knew that I’d learn a lot about how to be a successful practitioner in the field of higher education and student affairs. I imagined that I would learn how to work with students, how to contribute to collaborative efforts with colleagues, and how to navigate a new organizational structure. While I certainly did learn all of these things, it is clear that I have learned so much more. I could not have imagined how meaningful a graduate assistantship experience would be at the time that I began. Additionally, I could not have imagined how impactful my courses would be on my professional work. I am thrilled to reflect and make meaning of the experiences I have had. In thinking about my time at Loyola, I have come to understand that my strengths lie in my knowledge of theory, my ability to apply theory to practice, and my level of cultural competence. Additionally, I have developed meaningful administrative skills, counseling skills, and have begun to understand organization and governance within higher education.

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Analysis & Action Plan


Analysis & Action PlanWhen I entered this program, I knew that Id learn a lot about how to be a successful practitioner in the field of higher education and student affairs. I imagined that I would learn how to work with students, how to contribute to collaborative efforts with colleagues, and how to navigate a new organizational structure. While I certainly did learn all of these things, it is clear that I have learned so much more. I could not have imagined how meaningful a graduate assistantship experience would be at the time that I began. Additionally, I could not have imagined how impactful my courses would be on my professional work.I am thrilled to reflect and make meaning of the experiences I have had. In thinking about my time at Loyola, I have come to understand that my strengths lie in my knowledge of theory, my ability to apply theory to practice, and my level of cultural competence. Additionally, I have developed meaningful administrative skills, counseling skills, and have begun to understand organization and governance within higher education. I am a firm believer in lifelong learning and know that I still have much to understand and practice.The seamless cross between my courses and my graduate assistantship in residence life has allowed me to learn theory in the classroom then apply it to my work with student leaders. In supervising students, I developed the ability to utilize an individualized approach, as I learned that every student has unique needs. Additionally, as I developed my own understanding of cultural competence in the classroom, I was able to bring that new knowledge to one-on-one conversations with my supervisees, with my supervisors, and with my colleagues in my department. My commitments to social justice and the development of cultural competence have been fueled by the learning in the classroom, but I have truly been able to demonstrate these commitments in my work in residence life. I have intentionally engaged in social justice conversations and have sought to help others develop in their understanding of cultural competence and identity development. Working in residence life has challenged me in more ways than one. I have successfully developed strong administrative skills, as well as the quality of adaptability and the ability to prioritize tasks. I have developed technological proficiencies and have learned how to work with confidential information. I have also seen tremendous growth in my counseling skills. While I did not enroll in a counseling course, I learned by doing in my everyday work with students in residence halls. Crisis response taught me the importance of remaining calm in high-stress situations, and listening to what the student needs. I have recently begun to learn much about organization and governance in higher education, but recognize that I still have much knowledge to gain in this area, as well as others.Looking forward, I hope to continue my learning and development by taking advantage of professional development opportunities offered both within and outside of my institution. I plan to participate in trainings held on campus, but also listen in on webinars that are offered. Additionally, I hope to become more engaged online and utilize blogging and social media platforms to continue learning. Lastly, attending professional conferences has been a very impactful learning opportunity for me thus far, and I plan to continue participating in such opportunities.I am truly hopeful that I can use my newly acquired skills and knowledge as a scholar-practitioner to guide me in my future work. However, I also recognize the importance of lifelong learning and development, and I am excited to continue learning and improving in a full-time professional position within the field of higher education and student affairs.