and general advertiser, - university of ·...

It rt I f . ! . rj li I AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, - . ' ". ggma6ire.??ret&BaagBMttiflgi jr-- ' j VOL. XVI N. 87 1 . BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. -- MAY TUESDAY, r4) 1803. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. This paper is published weekly, at two dollars per annum, paid in ad- vance. Those who write to the Editor, must pay the postage of their letters. " TEN DOLLARS REWARD. , STOLEN from the subscriber, (out of his liable) A SADDLE, almost new, has been used about i .1 ..1 ).- - ,;,. , u,0,,u,s , ." -- - "Which they will sell on the moftmo Seth, which will be sound unaer iKirt or me lauuic. jhhv person who will give such informa tion as will enable me to proiecute the thief, (hall have the above re- ward, or FIVE DOLLARS for the Saddle only. JOHN A. SEITZ. Lexington, 21ft Dec. 1803. JQ0- - In all probability the Saddle will be offered for sale in this neigh- borhood. THE of JOHN JORDAN Jun. & Co. having this . day expired All tnole indebted to jam mm cuuci uy uuuu, iiuic ui book account, are requested to make immediate payment yobnjoraaniiobt. Campbell, on Tradewatcr, sun. or Andrew Jr. Price, or lteps will be taken to compel the same JOHN JORDAN Jun. & Co. N. B. The bufmefs in suture will be done by John Jordan Jun. who has a Large and General Assortment of Merchandize, which he is determined to dispose of on the moll rea'fonabfe terms for Cash, Hemp', Country Linen, or ap proved produce. ,No, Credit. Lexington, K.Nov. 20th, 1802. , To Lease, s A VALUABLE FARM, LYING in Mercer county on Salt ri- ver, about one mile and half above Maj. Buchanan's mill, on the road leading from Frankfort to Harrodfburgh with about 100 acres of- - Cleared Land, a good Dwelling House and Other Conve- nient Buildings, a large apple and Peach Orchard, Meadow and Pasture ; the whole, in good repair , , 1 r , James Maceoun. Lexington, March 14, 1803. . , FOR SALE, V Ihe following Tracts of land', CONVEYED by John Fowierefs. to to Cuth. Banks and Tl Bpdley, by deed of trust, dated the 16th day of Decem- ber 1800, to wit. 286o'acres in Mont- gomery county, Flat creej:, between Small-Mounta- in creek and the Salt Spring, entered in the name ot Crump and Patterson also, 1700 acres In Campbell.county, part of a survey in the name of Jacol) Rubfammon, inclu- ding Fowler's lick also, 1000 acres jn said county, on Bank-lic- k, being part of a tract of 4000 acres in the name of William Jones. Which said tracts ofi land, or either, or part of them, will be sold at private sale, for the purpose of and discharging the trufb men. tioned jn said deed. The terms may be known by applying to the fubferibers in Lexington. Cuth. Banks, Tbos. Bodley. March Uth, 1803. TaUeji up by Richard. Nortbcut, on Cireen river, a BAY MARK, 3 yLears old next spring, branded with a small pot-hoo- k on the near buttock and shoulder, sour white feet, some white in her ; apprai- sed tQ fifty dollars. 25th Nov. 1802. Val Veyion. tQ 7I. March 16, South. 'A GREAT ,VARIETY Br PAMPHLETS, TOR SALE THIS OFFICE. ALEX. PARKER s? Co, HAVE just imported from Phila- delphia, and opened at their (tore, to lying upper hairs (in the brick house adjoining their old Hand, on the upper lide, opposite the court-house- ) a very extensive and'elegant aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CUTLERY, HARD-WAR- E, , i. QUEENS', GLASS &" CHI MA WA .. RT7Q iWi. .m.,, ,, Lexington, March 30th, 1803 N. B. Among the above arc BOULTING CLOTHS, KENYEN'S MILL SAWS, And the belt country made SYTHES and SICKLES. FOR SALE, 1000 acres of Military Land, loca- - ted, furveyedand patented in the name of Eliz. Moody, on the Caney 'fork of Kuiieii's creek. 100 acres military land, in the name of James Taylor, on Pittman's creel:. .500 acres like title, in the name of johnuon and Morrifon, in the Grape ielas. ! j 666 2-- 3 acres like title, grantedto 1500 acres granted to French Stro- - ther, lying on Hinkfton, not more1 than 1 2 miles from Paris, or 30 from Lex-- mgtongood title and quality. 3500 acres, Big bandy river, granted Geo. Brooke. , , 1000 do. Big Laurel river. Same. 7000 do. Big and Little Laurel ri vers, aame. 2000 do. Yellow creek. Same. 1000 do. Three forks Cumberland river, bame. v The foregoing lands will be sold very low 1500 dollars worth of good Hbr-fe- s, and the like sum in Specie, will be required by er ;, for the ba- lance a credit from one-- tot sour years will be given ; is required, any of the lands will be divided lo as to suit purchasers apply to CUTH. BANKS, . , near Lexington, or GKO. CLARKE, V , near Frankfort . Kentucky, March 27, 1803-- 5 2m CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH. . SA3IL. 6? GEO. TROTTER, , Have just received from Philadel phia an extensive and general as-- lortment qi MERCHANDIZE, Consist in of 7? Dry Goods, Ware, Groceries, China; "i Glass, ' f i wares. Tin and Queen's J Anvils, Vices, Steele, &c. etc. &c.J J n. great proportion ot wnicn were!' purchalcd at Auction, unulually cheap. Also, For Sale, a quantity of car and rig JLead, of Shot, Cotton, Iron, of a superior quality, Cafttngs, &c. A sew of Carey's decant FAMILY bloLlib, and an allortment ot on SCHOOL-BOOK- S. They refpelfully inform their friends and the public in general, that finding the disadvantage of sel- ling of go6ds on credit, that they have adopter! the plan of selling entirely of for CASH, in hand, which will ena in ble them to dispose of their goods on lower terms than any yet sold in this uate. Lexington, 29th March, 1805 LATENT SALT-MAKIN- G. at A THE SUBSCRIBER Jaaving obtained a Patent from the Government of-th- e United States, for his improved plan of ma- king Salt, gives notice, that he in tends commencing the manufacture a saving of more than one half of the labor and fuel now used, will be Taken up by James Carr, living',31 the Lower Blue Licks, next sum- - fl in Montgomery county, near theimeiN where he will dispose of the Furnace, a BAY HORSE, six years I privilege to copy his works altoge- - 'old this spring, about 14 hands high, jther, or in part, upon moderate branded on the near shoulder andterms Those who have considered buttock Varots natural ; appraised,my Plan. allure me confidently, 1803. Benj. AT made in producing that article. VAL : PEERS. Virginia, ") 23d March, 1803. j" am 2S.i3 0l THE SUBSCRIBER; In addition talus former collection 'BOOKS, Has just received the sollowing: EfpinafTe's Nisi Piius, Blackfton's Commentaries, Kaime's Equity, Fonblanque's ditto, Washington's Reports Cowper's ditto, Browh's ditto, Salkeld's ditto, Richaidfon's Practice', Powell on Contrails, Shepherd's Tpuchftone, Perrin's Grammar, Bayer's ditto, --Harrison's ditto, dl Ferguson's Lectures' f J Volney's ditto, Duncan's Logic, Morse's Geography, Guthrie's Grammar, Kaime's Elements of Critic'ifm belectse e Veten, Sallufl, Columbian Orator, American preceptor, iEfop's Fables, JDilworth's Spelling Boo!:, Webster's ditto, Columbian ditto. ,Quarto Bibles, Teltuments, ,. r, i,-- k, Baltimore Selection of Hymns, Newton's Hymns, Dialogues of Devil's, Confeflion of Faith, Davidson's Exercises', Davis's Sermons, Episcopal Prayer Book, Free Enquiry into the origin ofi am, --Brown's Oracle. Prelbyterian confeflion of faith, , Milton's Works, Ofiian'a Poems, . ' Volney's Ruins, Warville's Travels", Sandford & Merton, Charlotte Temple. Also, Maps of Kentucky j , He has also received a fjjw copies of f Gary's Quarto Bihles, For fubferibers, who are desired to call for them. He most earnestly requests all those indebted to him, to call and set- tle their accounts immediately. . WILLIAM LEAVY. Lexlqgtori, April 25, 1803. KNOX COUNTY, 'April rerm, 1803. John Reddick, Complainant, vs. Robert Campbell furvivingpart-- " ner ot the late hrm of Hicks & Campbell, and the Heirs & Representatives of lames S CtaIicks decealed, late" partner in the firm of Hicks & Camp eu, anu joiui .oauinger, In Chancery. THE defendant Robert Campbell. and the Heirs and Representatives James Hicks, deceased, not ha- ving entered their appeatance here- in according to law, and it appear- ing to the fatisfaclion of the court that they are not inhabitants of the commonwealth of Kentucky the motion of the complainant by his counlel, it is ordereJ that the said defendants do appear here on the firfl day of our next July term our said court, and answer the complainant's bill, and that a copy this order be published forthwith the Kentucky Gazette for two months luccemvely, and polted up on the front door of the court-houT- e of this county, and published some Sun- day immediately aster divine service, the Prefbyte'nan meeting-hous- e, near btsfndford. A copy. Attefl, Richard Ballingcr, c.k.c.qs.v.t MAPS OF THE UNITED STATES, Fof Sale atthis Office. March 12, 1802. AKrEN UD bv Alexander M'- - 1 j .Turtfv. livin? in Garrard r.onntv. Jtirreathe mouth of JeiTamine, a for about 14 hands high. Wneyar old, three white feet, a blaze face, one eye out, no brand perceivable ; pofled and appraised to thirty-fiv- e dollars. SAMl. RENCHARDj.p PROPOSALS Fpr carrying the Mails of the United, States, On the following Pofl Roads, will be received at the General Post Office in r umingiun Liny, until me in uay ot July next (1803) inciu- - ve. in Kentucky: v. 38. From Lexington by Win- - elter, Montgomery ch and Flem ing c h to Washington once a week Leave Lexington every Wednefdav at 8 am, and arrive at Washington on Friday by noon Leave Washing ton every Friday at 3) m, and arrive at Lexington on 1 uefday by 7 p m 139. Frpm Frankfort by George- town, Cynthiunia, Pendleton c h and Campbell c h to Cincinnati once a week' Leave. Frankfort every Fri-djy- at 2 pm, and arrive at Cincin- nati once a week Leave Frankfort every Friday at 2 pm, and arrive at Cincinnati on Monday by 3 p m Leave Cincinnati every Tuesday at 6 am, and arrive at Frankfort on Friday hy 10 a m. 140. Frpm Frankfort by , Louisville and Shepherdfville to Beardllown once a week Leave Frankfort every Tuesday atna ?n. aid arrive at Shelbyville by 2p m Leave Shelbyville i half an hour, and arrive at Louifyilje-g- n Wednef-da- y by 3 p m Leave" Louisville op Thursday at 6p m, and arrive at Beardftown on Friday by 11 am. Returning Leave Beardftown eve- ry Friday by 1 p m, and arrive at Louisville on Saturday by 6 p m Louilville on Sunday at noon, land arrive at Shelby ville on Monday by 1 1 a m Leave Shelbyville at noon, and arrive at Louisville by 6 p m. .141. From Shelbyville by Middle-bur- g, Beardftown, Bealfburg, and Harden ch to Breckenridge c h once a week Leave Shejbyville every Tuesday at 3 p in, and arrive at Breclcenridge c h on Friday by 1 1 am Leave Breckenridge ch Friday at 1 p in, arrive at Shelbyville on Monday by it 'am. 142. From Breckenridge ch by Hartford, HufTelville,andSpringfield to Nashville Te. once a week Leave Breckenridge c h, every Fri day at zpm, and arrive at Nashville on Monday by 6pm. Leave JNalh-vill- e 'every Tuesday at 5 a vis and arrive at Breckenridge c h on Friday by 10 a m. 143. From Hartford by Hender-fonto- Harpfhead, Eddygrove, Ed- - dyville, and Smithland to Fort Ma's- - sac, once in two weeks Leave Hartford every other Saturday at noon, and arrive" at Fort MafTac the next Thursday by ip am. Return ing Leave Fort MaTTac same day at 2pm, and arrive at liarttord tile next Tuesday by noon. 144. From Hartford by Vienna to Muhlenberg c h once in two weeks Leave Hartford every other Sat urday at noon and arrive at Muh- lenberg c h on Sunday by 6 p m Returning Leave Muhlenbufg ch every other Monday at 8 a m, and arrive at Haitford on Tuesday at 1 pm. 14c. from Kuffelville by Davil- - burg, Christian C h and Eddy Grove to Lddyville, once in two weeks Leave RufTelville every other Mon day at 6 am, and arrive at Eddyville on rueiday at6 pm. Leave Eddy- ville every other Wednesday at 6 a m, and arrive at Kullelviiie on Thursday by 6p m. 146. From RufTelville by Bowling Green and Glasgow to Green ch once in two week? Leave RufTe- lville every other Monday at 6 a m, and arrive at Green c h on Wednef day by 10 a 'm. Leave Green ch eyery other Wednesday at zp m and arrive at RufTelville on Friday by 6 pn 147. t rom r ranklort by riarrodl- - burg, Danville, Lancaster, Stanfoid and Pulafkie ch to Wayne c h once a week Leave Frankfort every Friday at 3 p m, and arrive at Wayne cn tne next monaay oy 10 a m. Leave Wayne c h every Tuesday at 6 a m, and arrive at Frankfort on Friday by 10 a m 148. From Danville bv Spring- - neld to Beardftown once a week f.eave Danville everv Mondav bv 'i am, and arrive at Beardftown by assssszrza 6 p m. Leave" Beardftown every Tuesday at 6 a m, and arrive at Dan- ville by 6 p ?,i. ' IN. I ANA TERRITORY. 149' From Louilville to Vinceri-ne- s once a week Leave Louisville ever) Thursday at 6 am, and arrive' at Viucennes on Satuiday by 4 p m. Leave Vim-enne- s on Sunday by 6 am, and arrive at Louisville on Tuelday by 6 pm. NOTES. 1. The Post Matter General mav expedite the mails and altertheM.nfa of arrival aiifytimo during the continuance of, the con- tracts, he stipulating an adequate compenlation for any etia ce that may be occafioi.eJ there- by. 2. Fifteen minutes fliall"be allow-- , ed for opening and doling the mails at alloffices, where no particular time is specified. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving aster the times prescribed in any contract, the contractor flialL forfeit one dollar ; and is the delby continue until the departure of any depending mail, wherebv the mnila destined for such depending malls- - lose a trip, an additional forfeiture ot hve dollars fliall be incurred. 4. Newspapers as well as letters aretobefent in the mail; and is any perlon making proposals, defiresi to carrynewfpapers, other than those. conveyed in the mail forhis own emolument, he muft'ltate in his'pro-pofaf- s, for what sum he will carry with the emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. 5. Should any nerfon malum nro- - polals desire an alteration of the. times of arrival and departure above specified, he must state in his' propo- fals the alterations desired. and the differonce they will make in the terms of the contract. 6 Persons making: nronofals are desired toiftale their pSices" by 'the! year. Those who contract will re ceive their pay quarterly in the months of February, May, August, and November, one month aster th expiration of each' quarter. 7. No other, than a free white: person shall be employed to convey the mail. 8. Where the propofer intends to convey the mail in the body of a. lage carriage, he is desired to'ftate, it in his propofalst "i 9. 1 he Post Muster General re- -' serves to himself the right of decla ring any contract at an end whene- ver three failures happen which to the loss of A trip caCh. 10. 1 hole who wilh to contract for two years, will make diflirlct pro pofals, specifying for what prce they will perform the service for one year, and at what price for two vears. , 11. Ihe contracts forvthe above routes are to,be in operation on the-firf- l day of October next, and arei to continue in force for one year, or two years, at the election of the Postmaster General. GIDEON GRANGE R, f ' " Postmaster General. General Post OJieb,") Washington City, y ' April itb, 1803. J 6t UnitedStates Kentucky Distr'iSl sc7. . . March Term, 1801. United States, pl'ffb.") Upon an informa- - a'ii'in iiunioruieieiiur(p William Bird,'deVt. j of a fhll. UN motion of the Attorney of the United States, and It appearing to the Court by theJVlarfhal's return, that the defendant is not an jinhabi-ta- nt of this. District ; it is tlxerefqre ordered, that the said defendant do .appear here on the first day of the next July 1 erm, and anlwer to the information filed herein, otherwlfe" on proof beitig made to the Court of the due publication of this order, a writ of enquiry shall be awarded to the plaintiffs &c. and that a co- py of this order be inserted in the Kentucky Gazette for twelve weeks fucceffively. A copy. Telle Thos. Tun stall, c.k d c. BLANK BOOKS Of any description may be had aC this Office. Also. old bnols r- - 'bounnd, on ih fliorteft notice-- . A 4

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AND GENERAL ADVERTISER,- . ' ".ggma6ire.??ret&BaagBMttiflgi



This paper is published weekly, attwo dollars per annum, paid in ad-

vance.Those who write to the Editor, must

pay the postage of their letters."


, STOLEN from the subscriber,(out of his liable) A SADDLE,almost new, has been used about

i .1 ..1 ).- - ,;,., u,0,,u,s , ." -- - "Which they will sell on the moftmoSeth, which will be soundunaer iKirt or me lauuic. jhhvperson who will give such information as will enable me to proiecutethe thief, (hall have the above re-

ward, or FIVE DOLLARS for theSaddle only.

JOHN A. SEITZ.Lexington, 21ft Dec. 1803.

JQ0- - In all probability the Saddlewill be offered for sale in this neigh-


THE of JOHNJORDAN Jun. & Co. having this

. day expired All tnole indebted tojam mm cuuci uy uuuu, iiuic uibook account, are requested to makeimmediate payment yobnjoraaniiobt. Campbell, on Tradewatcr,sun. or Andrew Jr. Price, or ltepswill be taken to compel the same


N. B. The bufmefs in suture willbe done by John Jordan Jun. whohas a

Large and General Assortment ofMerchandize,

which he is determined to dispose ofon the moll rea'fonabfe terms forCash, Hemp', Country Linen, or approved produce. ,No, Credit.

Lexington, K.Nov. 20th, 1802.

, To Lease, s

A VALUABLE FARM,LYING in Mercer county on Salt ri-

ver, about one mile and half above Maj.Buchanan's mill, on the road leadingfrom Frankfort to Harrodfburgh withabout 100 acres of- - Cleared Land, agood Dwelling House and Other Conve-

nient Buildings, a large apple and PeachOrchard, Meadow and Pasture ; thewhole,in good repair , ,

1 r , James Maceoun.Lexington, March 14, 1803. . ,


V Ihe following Tracts ofland',CONVEYED by John Fowierefs. to

to Cuth. Banks and Tl Bpdley, by deedof trust, dated the 16th day of Decem-ber 1800, to wit. 286o'acres in Mont-gomery county, Flat creej:, betweenSmall-Mounta- in creek and theSalt Spring, entered in the name otCrump and Patterson also, 1700 acresIn Campbell.county, part of a survey inthe name of Jacol) Rubfammon, inclu-ding Fowler's lick also, 1000 acres jnsaid county, on Bank-lic- k, being part ofa tract of 4000 acres in the name ofWilliam Jones. Which said tracts ofiland, or either, or part of them, will besold at private sale, for the purpose of

and discharging the trufb men.tioned jn said deed. The terms may beknown by applying to the fubferibers inLexington.

Cuth. Banks,Tbos. Bodley.

March Uth, 1803.

TaUeji up by Richard. Nortbcut,on Cireen river, a BAY MARK, 3

yLears old next spring, branded witha small pot-hoo- k on the near buttockand shoulder, sour white feet, somewhite in her ; apprai-sed tQ fifty dollars. 25th Nov. 1802.

Val Veyion.

tQ 7I. March 16,South.



ALEX. PARKER s? Co,HAVE just imported from Phila-

delphia, and opened at their (tore,

to lying



(in the brick house adjoining theirold Hand, on the upper lide, oppositethe court-house- ) a very extensiveand'elegant aflbrtment of


MA WA.. RT7QiWi. .m.,, ,,

Lexington, March 30th, 1803N. B. Among the above arc


And the belt country madeSYTHES and SICKLES.

FOR SALE,1000 acres of Military Land, loca- -

ted, furveyedand patented in the nameof Eliz. Moody, on the Caney 'fork ofKuiieii's creek.

100 acres military land, in the nameof James Taylor, on Pittman's creel:.

.500 acres like title, in the name ofjohnuon and Morrifon, in the Grape

ielas. !

j 666 2-- 3 acres like title, grantedto

1500 acres granted to French Stro- -

ther, lying on Hinkfton, not more1 than1 2 miles from Paris, or 30 from Lex--

mgtongood title and quality.3500 acres, Big bandy river, grantedGeo. Brooke. , ,

1000 do. Big Laurel river. Same.7000 do. Big and Little Laurel ri

vers, aame.2000 do. Yellow creek. Same.1000 do. Three forks Cumberland

river, bame. v

The foregoing lands will be sold verylow 1500 dollars worth of good Hbr-fe- s,

and the like sum in Specie, will berequired by er ;, for the ba-

lance a credit from one-- tot sour yearswill be given ; is required, any of thelands will be divided lo as to suitpurchasers apply to

CUTH. BANKS,. , near Lexington, or

GKO. CLARKE,V , near Frankfort

. Kentucky,March 27, 1803-- 5 2m



Have just received from Philadelphia an extensive and general as--

lortment qiMERCHANDIZE,

Consist in of7?Dry Goods,Ware,

Groceries,China; "iGlass, ' f i

wares.Tin andQueen's J

Anvils, Vices, Steele, &c. etc. &c.J Jn. great proportion ot wnicn were!'

purchalcd at Auction, unuluallycheap.

Also, For Sale, a quantity ofcar and rig JLead, ofShot,Cotton,Iron, of a superior quality,Cafttngs, &c.

A sew of Carey's decant FAMILYbloLlib, and an allortment ot onSCHOOL-BOOK- S.

They refpelfully inform theirfriends and the public in general,that finding the disadvantage of sel-


go6ds on credit, that they haveadopter! the plan of selling entirely offor CASH, in hand, which will ena inble them to dispose of their goods onlower terms than any yet sold in thisuate.

Lexington, 29th March, 1805LATENT SALT-MAKIN- G. at

A THE SUBSCRIBERJaaving obtained a Patent from

the Government of-th- e UnitedStates, for his improved plan of ma-

king Salt, gives notice, that he intends commencing the manufacture

a saving of more than one half ofthe labor and fuel now used, will be

Taken up by James Carr, living',31 the Lower Blue Licks, next sum- -

fl in Montgomery county, near theimeiN where he will dispose of theFurnace, a BAY HORSE, six years I privilege to copy his works altoge- -

'old this spring, about 14 hands high, jther, or in part, upon moderatebranded on the near shoulder andterms Those who have consideredbuttock Varots natural ; appraised,my Plan. allure me confidently,



made in producing that article.VAL : PEERS.

Virginia, ")

23d March, 1803. j" am



In addition talus former collection

'BOOKS,Has just received the sollowing:EfpinafTe's Nisi Piius,Blackfton's Commentaries,Kaime's Equity,Fonblanque's ditto,Washington's ReportsCowper's ditto,Browh's ditto,Salkeld's ditto,Richaidfon's Practice',Powell on Contrails,Shepherd's Tpuchftone,Perrin's Grammar,Bayer's ditto,

--Harrison's ditto,dl Ferguson's Lectures'fJ Volney's ditto,

Duncan's Logic,Morse's Geography,Guthrie's Grammar,Kaime's Elements of Critic'ifmbelectse e Veten,Sallufl,Columbian Orator,American preceptor,iEfop's Fables,JDilworth's Spelling Boo!:,Webster's ditto,Columbian ditto.

,Quarto Bibles,Teltuments, ,. r, i,--


Baltimore Selection of Hymns,Newton's Hymns,Dialogues of Devil's,Confeflion of Faith,Davidson's Exercises',Davis's Sermons,Episcopal Prayer Book,Free Enquiry into the origin ofi

am,--Brown's Oracle.Prelbyterian confeflion of faith,, Milton's Works,Ofiian'a Poems, . '

Volney's Ruins,Warville's Travels",Sandford & Merton,Charlotte Temple.

Also, Maps of Kentucky j,

He has also received a fjjw copies off Gary's Quarto Bihles,For fubferibers, who are desired to call for

them.He most earnestly requests all

those indebted to him, to call and set-tle their accounts immediately.

. WILLIAM LEAVY.Lexlqgtori, April 25, 1803.

KNOX COUNTY,'April rerm, 1803.

John Reddick, Complainant,vs.

Robert Campbell furvivingpart-- "

ner ot the late hrm of Hicks& Campbell, and the Heirs& Representatives of lames S

CtaIicks decealed, late" partnerin the firm of Hicks & Camp

eu, anu joiui .oauinger,In Chancery.

THE defendant Robert Campbell.and the Heirs and Representatives

James Hicks, deceased, not ha-

ving entered their appeatance here-in according to law, and it appear-ing to the fatisfaclion of the courtthat they are not inhabitants ofthe commonwealth of Kentucky

the motion of the complainant byhis counlel, it is ordereJ that thesaid defendants do appear here onthe firfl day of our next July term

our said court, and answer thecomplainant's bill, and that a copy

this order be published forthwiththe Kentucky Gazette for two

months luccemvely, and polted up onthe front door of the court-houT- e ofthis county, and published some Sun-

day immediately aster divine service,the Prefbyte'nan meeting-hous- e,

near btsfndford.A copy. Attefl,

Richard Ballingcr, c.k.c.qs.v.t


UNITED STATES,Fof Sale atthis Office.

March 12, 1802.AKrEN UD bv Alexander M'- -

1 j.Turtfv. livin? in Garrard r.onntv.

Jtirreathe mouth of JeiTamine, a forabout 14 hands high.

Wneyar old, three white feet, a

blaze face, one eye out, no brandperceivable ; pofled and appraisedto thirty-fiv- e dollars.


PROPOSALSFpr carrying the

Mails of the United, States,On the following Pofl Roads, will be

received at the General Post Officein r umingiun Liny, until me inuay ot July next (1803) inciu- -


in Kentucky: v.38. From Lexington by Win- -

elter, Montgomery c h and Fleming c h to Washington once a weekLeave Lexington every Wednefdavat 8 am, and arrive at Washingtonon Friday by noon Leave Washington every Friday at 3) m, and arriveat Lexington on 1 uefday by 7 p m

139. Frpm Frankfort by George-town, Cynthiunia, Pendleton c h andCampbell c h to Cincinnati once aweek' Leave. Frankfort every Fri-djy- at

2 pm, and arrive at Cincin-nati once a week Leave Frankfortevery Friday at 2 pm, and arrive atCincinnati on Monday by 3 p mLeave Cincinnati every Tuesday at6 am, and arrive at Frankfort onFriday hy 10 a m.

140. Frpm Frankfort by ,

Louisville and Shepherdfvilleto Beardllown once a week LeaveFrankfort every Tuesday atna ?n.aid arrive at Shelbyville by 2p mLeave Shelbyville i half an hour,and arrive at Louifyilje-g- n Wednef-da-y

by 3 p m Leave" Louisville opThursday at 6p m, and arrive atBeardftown on Friday by 11 am.Returning Leave Beardftown eve-

ry Friday by 1 p m, and arrive atLouisville on Saturday by 6 p m

Louilville on Sunday at noon,land arrive at Shelby ville on Mondayby 1 1 a m Leave Shelbyville atnoon, and arrive at Louisville by 6p m.

.141. From Shelbyville by Middle-bur- g,

Beardftown, Bealfburg, andHarden c h to Breckenridge c h oncea week Leave Shejbyville everyTuesday at 3 p in, and arrive at

Breclcenridge c h on Friday by 1 1

am Leave Breckenridge ch Fridayat 1 p in, arrive at Shelbyville onMonday by it 'am.

142. From Breckenridge c h byHartford, HufTelville,andSpringfieldto Nashville Te. once a weekLeave Breckenridge c h, every Friday at zpm, and arrive at Nashvilleon Monday by 6pm. Leave JNalh-vill- e

'every Tuesday at 5 a vis andarrive at Breckenridge c h on Fridayby 10 a m.

143. From Hartford by Hender-fonto-

Harpfhead, Eddygrove, Ed- -

dyville, and Smithland to Fort Ma's- -

sac, once in two weeks LeaveHartford every other Saturday atnoon, and arrive" at Fort MafTac thenext Thursday by ip am. Returning Leave Fort MaTTac same day at2pm, and arrive at liarttord tilenext Tuesday by noon.

144. From Hartford by Vienna toMuhlenberg c h once in two weeks

Leave Hartford every other Saturday at noon and arrive at Muh-

lenberg c h on Sunday by 6 p m

Returning Leave Muhlenbufg c h

every other Monday at 8 a m, andarrive at Haitford on Tuesday at 1

pm.14c. from Kuffelville by Davil- -

burg, Christian C h and Eddy Groveto Lddyville, once in two weeksLeave RufTelville every other Monday at 6 am, and arrive at Eddyvilleon rueiday at6 pm. Leave Eddy-ville every other Wednesday at 6a m, and arrive at Kullelviiie onThursday by 6p m.

146. From RufTelville by BowlingGreen and Glasgow to Green c h

once in two week? Leave RufTe-

lville every other Monday at 6 a m,and arrive at Green c h on Wednefday by 10 a 'm. Leave Green cheyery other Wednesday at zp m andarrive at RufTelville on Friday by 6

pn147. t rom r ranklort by riarrodl- -

burg, Danville, Lancaster, Stanfoidand Pulafkie c h to Wayne c h oncea week Leave Frankfort everyFriday at 3 p m, and arrive at Waynec n tne next monaay oy 10 a m.Leave Wayne c h every Tuesday at6 a m, and arrive at Frankfort onFriday by 10 a m

148. From Danville bv Spring- -

neld to Beardftown once a weekf.eave Danville everv Mondav bv'i am, and arrive at Beardftown by

assssszrza6 p m. Leave" Beardftown everyTuesday at 6 a m, and arrive at Dan-

ville by 6 p ?,i. '

IN. I ANA TERRITORY.149' From Louilville to Vinceri-ne- s

once a week Leave Louisvilleever) Thursday at 6 am, and arrive'at Viucennes on Satuiday by 4 p m.Leave Vim-enne-

s on Sunday by 6am, and arrive at Louisville onTuelday by 6 pm.

NOTES.1. The Post Matter General mav

expedite the mails and altertheM.nfaof arrival aiifytimoduring the continuance of, the con-tracts, he stipulating an adequatecompenlation for any etia ce

that may be occafioi.eJ there-by.

2. Fifteen minutes fliall"be allow-- ,ed for opening and doling the mailsat alloffices, where no particulartime is specified.

3. For every thirty minutes delay(unavoidable accidents excepted) inarriving aster the times prescribedin any contract, the contractor flialLforfeit one dollar ; and is the delbycontinue until the departure of anydepending mail, wherebv the mniladestined for such depending malls- -lose a trip, an additional forfeitureot hve dollars fliall be incurred.

4. Newspapers as well as lettersaretobefent in the mail; and isany perlon making proposals, defiresito carrynewfpapers, other than those.conveyed in the mail forhis ownemolument, he muft'ltate in his'pro-pofaf- s,

for what sum he will carrywith the emolument, and for whatsum without that emolument.

5. Should any nerfon malum nro--polals desire an alteration of the.times of arrival and departure abovespecified, he must state in his' propo-fals the alterations desired. and thedifferonce they will make in the termsof the contract.

6 Persons making: nronofals aredesired toiftale their pSices" by 'the!year. Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly in themonths of February, May, August,and November, one month aster thexpiration of each' quarter.

7. No other, than a free white:person shall be employed to conveythe mail.

8. Where the propofer intends toconvey the mail in the body of a.

lage carriage, he is desired to'ftate,it in his propofalst "i

9. 1 he Post Muster General re- -'serves to himself the right of declaring any contract at an end whene-ver three failures happen which

to the loss of A trip caCh.10. 1 hole who wilh to contract

for two years, will make diflirlct propofals, specifying for what prce theywill perform the service for one year,and at what price for two vears. ,

11. Ihe contracts forvthe aboveroutes are to,be in operation on the-firf- l

day of October next, and areito continue in force for one year, ortwo years, at the election of thePostmaster General.


' " Postmaster General.General Post OJieb,")

Washington City, y 'April itb, 1803. J 6t

UnitedStatesKentucky Distr'iSl sc7.

. . March Term, 1801.United States, pl'ffb.") Upon an informa--

a'ii'in iiunioruieieiiur(pWilliam Bird,'deVt. j of a fhll.

UN motion of the Attorney ofthe United States, and It appearingto the Court by theJVlarfhal's return,that the defendant is not an jinhabi-ta- nt

of this. District ; it is tlxerefqreordered, that the said defendant do.appear here on the first day of thenext July 1 erm, and anlwer to theinformation filed herein, otherwlfe"on proof beitig made to the Court ofthe due publication of this order, awrit of enquiry shall be awardedto the plaintiffs &c. and that a co-

py of this order be inserted in theKentucky Gazette for twelve weeksfucceffively.

A copy. TelleThos. Tun stall, c.k d c.BLANK BOOKS

Of any description may be had aCthis Office. Also. old bnols r- -

'bounnd, on ih fliorteft notice-- .