ancillary task bruno mars

Ancillary Task Bruno Mars

Upload: alyshaskelts

Post on 09-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Ancillary task  bruno mars

Ancillary Task

Bruno Mars

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Front Cover The overall first impressions of this album is very eye catching and strange, as it uses bright and enthusiastic colours of yellow which contrasts with the black and white. As the colour yellow connotes ideas of happiness and excitement, which therefore reflects the songs within the album which are fairly upbeat and enjoyable to listen to. Also the white which complements the yellow, connotes purity, and the black stands out against the light colours which seems to represent the moving objects which therefore catches the audience's eye to the more important subjects. The main focus on the front cover, is a small figure which appears to be bruno mars walking into the distance and the swirl represents the path into the distance, at the end of the path is a rocket which could perhaps suggests that he is on his way to mars (his surname). He often uses his second name in imagery to make his music seem unique and literally ‘out of this world’. It’s a fairly simple cover and tells an anecdote. It also follows the typical conventions to not make it seem too over crowded. The only texts used on the album is the artist's name ‘Bruno Mars’ which is fairly bold and in a funky text which perhaps represents the artist. The reason only a small amount of text was used is because the artist seems to like to focus on imagery more than text, it’s also more aesthetically pleasing as it becomes more interesting when imagery is mainly used and therefore draws the audience in significantly more .

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Back Cover

The pack cover follows the theme of yellow with a white contrast. A retro look is also created on the yellow background as it seems to be fairly blotchy and as if it’s been coloured in and therefore creates an authentic feel. The small circle centre features all the songs in the album in a black font, to make it stand out upon all the other colours and also to identify the main subject of the cover, this therefore makes this the most prominent feature especially because it's shown in the centre. A barcode is featured at the bottom of the cover therefore able to be scanned and brought from retailers. Furthermore the artist's website is featured at the bottom of the page which assures synergy for all Bruno Mars products.

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The cd is extremely simple although it considerably fits and works well with the album and the artist. The use of a bold black matte background which can appear to be quite funky and unique and a contrast yellow man, which again appears to be the artist himself. Which carries on the narrative on the front cover as he is possibly now on the moon or in space, the colours symbolise the change in location. This has been done very cleverly and draws in audiences as it has been thought out, which suggests a lot of time and effort has been put into it.