ancient egyptian mummification marissa & agatha educ- 1070

Ancient Egyptian Mummification Marissa & Agatha EDUC- 1070

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Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Ancient Egyptian Mummification

Marissa & Agatha

EDUC- 1070

Embalming the body

• The body is brought to the ‘ibu’• Ibu means “the place of purification”

• Embalmers, people who specialized in preparing the dead would wash the body with a sweet scented palm wine mixed with water from the Nile River.

Embalming process

• An incision is made upon the left side of the body to remove the internal organs such as the lungs, liver, stomach and intestines• The heart was not removed because the Ancient Egyptians

believed it was the “center of intelligence” and was needed in the afterlife.

• The organs were packed with natron to remove the moisture • Natron is a natural salt used during the mummification process

The removal of the brain proceeded by smashing the tissue inside with a long hook and extracting them through the nostrils.

Embalming Process

• The entire body is filled and covered with natron to extract the fluids away from the body to avoid the body from decomposing-the breakdown of bodily tissue

• After 40 days the body is washed once more with the water from the Nile River.

Embalming process

• Depending on the embalming practice the dehydrated organs were either returned to the body or were placed into ceremonial canopic jars.

• Canopic Jars were either made of wood or stone. 4 gods would guard the organs• Imsety- The god with the human head guarded the

liver• Hapy- The god with the baboon head protected the

lungs• Duamutef the jackal- looked after the stomach• Qebehsennuef the falcon-headed- finally held

the intestines

Wrapping the Mummy

• The head, neck, fingers and toes were wrapped individually.

• Extremities such as the arms and legs were wrapped next.

• Embalmers would place amulets in between layers of linen

• The Knot of Isis- was used to protect the body in the after life

• The plummet- was to keep the person ‘balanced’ in the next life

Wrapping the Mummy

• The arms and legs were bound together with a papyrus scroll with spells from the Book of the Dead placed in the hands.

• Book of the dead-The text consists of a number of magic spells intended to assist a dead person's journey through the underworld, and into the afterlife.

Final Preparations

• Once more linen is wrapped around the mummy, a final large cloth is wrapped around the whole body and is attached with strips of linen• a piece of painted wood is placed on top of the mummy before the

corpse is lowered into its coffin.

• The first coffin is then put inside a second coffin. 

• the body and its coffins are placed inside a large stone sarcophagus in the tomb. • A large stone or wooden box that is used to contain the first two


• Furniture, clothing, valuable objects, food and drink are arranged in the tomb for the deceased.


The final destination…

• At last, the body is ready for its journey through the underworld. There, his or her heart will be judged by its good deeds on earth.

• If your heart is found to be pure he will be sent to live for all eternity in the beautiful 'Field of Reeds'. If not…














