ancient egypt middle kingdom

The Middle Kingdom of Egypt by Sam, Emilee, DC, Doug, and Evan

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Page 1: Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom of Egypt

by Sam, Emilee, DC, Doug, and Evan

Page 2: Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom

The beginning of the Middle Kingdom...

For one hundred years after the decline of the Old Kingdom, the once unified Egypt split into dozens of independent states. Two kings, Intef and Mentuhotep regained order and reinstated the supreme rule of the Egyptian Pharaoh.Under these two kings, trade between Egypt and other countries began, and a new system of writing was implemented.Although superficially, kings regained power, Egypt remained a very divided nation, with most local cities and villages being operated by local governors and other rulers.

Page 3: Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom

Middle Kingdom Dates

-The Middle Kingdom lasted from roughly 2030 to 1640 B.C.E.

-This period included the late 11th through 14th dynasty.

-This period started because of famine and weakening of the central government.

- It is know as a golden age of literature and art.

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EconomicsEconomy was based on farming and fishing Most people used what they produced, relatively little was taken by the authorities as taxesAnnual flooding of the Nile produced fertile soil which allowed farmers to maintain high yields despite primitive techniques Most farmers were kept in near serfdom

Farmers grew Wheat, barley, lettuce and beansProduced linen in Cottage industriesBarter system was prevalent though there was a unit of currency called the Deben, about half an ounce of copper

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EconomicsIn addition to farming there was extensive trade along the NileBoats harnessed wind power through sails but often relied on oars Large warehouses were built to store Grain for times of needIn later times certificates representing an amount of stored grain were used as currency by the eliteSlavery was widespreadPrecious Metals were not used except by the very wealthyEven basic metals were rare, many farmers used stone or wooden tools well into the bronze age Everything in Egypt was owned by the Pharaoh as he was the representative of the gods

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Art in the Middle KingdomThe art of the middle kingdom features works that portray a story, or a complete picture rather than aesthetic beauty.Paintings depicted human beings and their surroundings in a realistic way.

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The Book of the DeadThe Book of the Dead was a Middle Kingdom book which included paintings illustrating funerals and the afterlife.The afterlife was very important to Egyptians of the Middle Kingdom, and their artwork often had much reference to the Gods.

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Sculpture and the PharaohsWhile in the Old Kingdom, art depicted Pharaohs as godlike and

crushing, art of the Middle Kingdom represented the rulers of ancient Egypt as much more eager and human.

These are the Pharaohs Senroset and Amenemhet III. They are depicted as strong men, but not inhumanly so. The statues are a little bit bigger than the average person, a great change from the frightening, huge sphinxes of the Old Kingdom.

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Relationship to surrounding people

-The middle Kingdom united upper and lower egypt. During the 14th dynasty however the pharaoh's lost their grasp over egypt as a whole.

- Egypt's rule extended through Syria and Nubia in this period. In the 12th dynasty Senusret lll who ruled from (1878-1839 B.C.E) a warrior king, went deep into Nubia establishing many forts.

-During the middle kingdom trade along the Nile flourished, mainly with the people from Nubia, Levant, and Palestinians.

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Architecture of the Middle KingdomArchitecture of the Middle Kingdom was mostly sepulchral. The pyramids of the time were much less sophisticated than those of the New Kingdom.Pyramids were built with a stone core and an outward framework of blocks. Today, the pyramids resemble little more than heaps of rubble, cast throughout the desert.

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...and the end of the Middle KingdomWith the influx of foreigners that came with the policy of trade in the Middle Kingdom, came the migration of many non-Egyptians to Egypt.With this huge surge of "sojourners" came increasingly large communities made up of non-Egyptians. These communities were governed by foreign kings.These communities became more and more powerful, eventually causing the power of the Pharaoh to lessen.With the chaos that came from the fall of the Pharaoh, Egypt fell once again into disorder, and the Second Intermediate Period.

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Excavation Sites:

Terrace of the Great God, Temple to Osiris

Aerial view of Tell Edfu (the ancient capital) and the Great Temple

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Another shot of Tell Edfu


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Works Cited"Ancient Egyptian Economy." Reshafim: Kibbutz Homepage (English/Hebrew), Terraflex, Fishfarm . Web. 05 Mar. 2010. <>."Ancient Egyptian Economy." River School: Home Page . Web. 07 Mar. 2010. <>."Middle Kingdom." World Civilizations, Richard Hooker. Web. 05 March 2010 <>.