ancient chinese food intro: chinese food is one of the world great cooking styles. it is popular...

Download Ancient Chinese Food Intro: Chinese Food is one of the world great cooking styles. It is popular even in America. Some of the good foods in china are rice,

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Types of Teas There are different types of tea like green tea, rose tea, and lapsing tea. Green tea is used in china like when you are sick. The tea is the traditional beverage in china. China also has tea houses and their you can drink tea and eat lots of sweet sticky cakes.


Ancient Chinese Food Intro: Chinese Food is one of the world great cooking styles. It is popular even in America. Some of the good foods in china are rice, noodles, tea, and even fruit. Tea Tea is important in china because it good for people. Tea Rocha has been grown in china since the 2 nd BC. Types of Teas There are different types of tea like green tea, rose tea, and lapsing tea. Green tea is used in china like when you are sick. The tea is the traditional beverage in china. China also has tea houses and their you can drink tea and eat lots of sweet sticky cakes. Rice Rice was grown manly in the southern Chinese provinces but with improved transportation it became the favorite staple food. Eating Rice In china they eat rice with every meal including breakfast. Rice, used to make wine as well as cakes and puddings. Other Foods in China V is for vegetables. Bean sprouts and bamboo shoots, eggplant, pea pods, and radishes flavored with ginger roots. Soy Bean Soybeans, processed into curd, bean milk, dried sticks, or soy sauce. Farming the Land Farming in china began in the yellow River valley, but it spread outward as the empire grew. In the north farmers grew millet and wheat, but from the Yangtze River south, rice was the main crop. The south was warmer and had more rainfall. There grew mulberry trees, the leaves of which were used to feed milk worms. Hemp was grown to make poor peoples clothes as well as being used for fuel.