anasha roberts house of the scropion

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  • 8/12/2019 Anasha Roberts House of the Scropion


    Anasha Roberts

    Block 3

    7 May 2014

    The House of the Scorpion Book Review

    The story is set in the country of Opium, a strip of land betweenMexico (now

    calledAztln), and theUnited States.Opium, which is essentially anopium (drug)-producing estate,

    is ruled by Matteo Alacrn, also known as El Patrn. El Patrn's work-force consists ofillegal

    immigrants whom the Farm Patrol (ex-criminals who are tempted with the offer of protection from

    the police) enslave when they catch them crossing the border in either direction. These illegal

    immigrants become "eejits", humans with computer chips implanted in their brains, making them

    more or less zombies who can perform only simple tasks. These "eejits" act, or cease to act, only

    when ordered to do so. If an eejit is not told to stop doing its simple task, it will continue until it

    dies. This is a form of slacery. The brainwashed and trapped Eejits are the most obvious example of

    enslavement, but pretty much everyone in El Patrn's household is a slave in some form. No one is

    free to leave or live their lives without El Patrn's say-so. No one can question him openly or go

    against his word. Plus, if you think about it, Matt's entire body (namely, his young, healthy organs)

    belongs to El Patrn. It would be easy to think that these forms of enslavement are a result of El

    Patrn's dictatorial rule, but the scary truth is that slavery is widespread in the world outside of

    Opium, too. Even in Aztln, which doesn't appear to have a dictator like Opium, the Lost Boys are

    slaves to the will of the Keepers, and must do forced labor in order to be clothed and sheltered. No

    one in this world is safe. The fact that Marias father is a government official and is under the

    control of El Patrn, shows government corruption. The main character, Matt, is aclone of ElPatrn, an incredibly powerful, 148-year-old drug lord who intends to take Matt's organs when his

    own organs fail. Matt was grown from a set of cells taken from El Patrn decades ago, then frozen.

    He was cultured in a test tube, then transferred into a surrogate mother, a cow, when it became

    clear that he was going to survive. For the first six years of his life, he lives with Celia, a cook who

    works in El Patrn's mansion. One day, he is discovered by two children (Emilia and Steven). The

    next day they return, and bring Emilia's sister, Mara, who immediately captivates Matt. They

    observe him through the window for a while, but soon get bored and turn to leave. Matt is so

    worried that Mara will be eaten by a mythical creature that he smashes the window and jumps out

    to save her. Never having experienced pain before, he was unaware of the danger in jumping

    barefoot onto smashed glass. The children carry him to El Patrn's mansion to be treated. The

    people there treat Matt kindly until Mr. Alacrn, El Patrn's great-grandson, recognizes him as a

    clone. For the next few months, he is treated as an animal by most of the Alacrns, and is locked

    into a room filled with sawdust for his "litter". The inhabitants of the Big House, meanwhile, are so

    disgusted by him that they all move to different wings of the mansion, as if they are afraid of

    contamination. However, Mara discovers where he is being kept and informs Celia, who tells El

    Patrn about Matt's filthy conditions and abusive treatment. El Patrn immediately punishes the
  • 8/12/2019 Anasha Roberts House of the Scropion


    maid, Rosa, who was in charge of Matt, gives Matt clothes and his own room, and commands

    everyone to treat him with respect. Matt is also given a bodyguard, named Tam Lin, who becomes a

    father figure to him. Still, everyone but Celia, Mara, and Tam Lin look upon Matt with ill-disguised

    revulsion, only hiding it when El Patrn is around. Matt lives in the Big House for the next seven

    years. He and Mara quickly become friends, and friendship gradually blossoms into romance.

    However, Matt is deliberately kept in the dark by everyone about his identity and purpose until a

    cruel joke reveals to him that he is a clone. Matt also discovers that all clones are supposed to be

    injected when "harvested" with a compound that cripples their brains and turns them into little

    more than thrashing, drooling animals. From then on, he studies and practices the piano with a

    vengeance, in a state of denial. In his heart, Matt already knows the reason for his existence, yet

    he convinces himself that El Patrn would not hire tutors for him and go to all the trouble of

    keeping him entertained if he were intending to kill Matt in the end, and that El Patrn must want

    Matt to run the country when El Patrn dies. At Steven and Emilia's wedding, El Patrn has a near-

    fatalheart attack.Matt and Mara, who have by this time realized they love each other, attempt to

    flee in the ensuing chaos but are betrayed by Steven and Emilia. Mara is taken away, and Matt istaken to the Big House's hospital, where El Patrn at last confirms that Matt lived only to keep

    himself, El Patrn, alive in the end. At that moment, Celia reveals that she has been giving Matt

    carefully measured doses ofarsenic,which, though not large enough to kill Matt, would certainly be

    fatal to one as frail as El Patrn; El Patrn becomes so enraged that he has another heart attack

    and dies. Mr. Alacrn orders Tam Lin to dispose of Matt; Tam Lin pretends to comply, and ties him

    to a horse and rides away to dispose of him. But instead, he gives Matt supplies and sets him on a

    path to Aztln. Arriving in Aztln, Matt comes across a kind of penal colony for orphans. These

    orphans are called the "Lost Boys", and Matt is sent to live with them by a group of men known as

    the "Keepers," who are fervent followers ofMarxism.The Keepers operate plankton farms, forcing

    the orphans to do manual labor and subsist on plankton. The Keepers enjoy luxurious quarters and

    delectable food, claiming that this is fair because they "earned" the right to do so by working hard

    during their childhood. Matt is at first an outcast because the other boys think he is a

    spoiledaristocrat.However, Matt becomes a hero when he defies the Keepers and leads the boys in

    a rebellion against them. Matt then flees with his friends among the Lost Boys. They struggle to

    the nearest city, San Luis, then go to the convent to find Mara and her mother, the politically

    powerful Esperanza. Esperanza thanks the boys for giving her an excuse to charge the Keepers with

    drug trafficking: for years, everybody has known about it, but no one has had sufficient evidence

    for a search warrant. Matt also learns that Opium is in lockdown. He manages to re-enter the

    country, but only to learn that no one in the Alacrn estate is alive, except for Celia, Daft Donald,and Mr. Ortega. Tam Lin and everyone else in the estate drank poisoned wine that El Patrn wanted

    to be served at his funeral. Tam Lin knew that this wine had been tainted, and decides to drink it

    anyway. He felt that he deserved to die... after (accidentally) killing those twenty children, so many

    years ago. El Patrn wanted to either run the business forever, or have it and everybody else die

    with him. Matt, being El Patrn's genetic heir, is the new ruler of Opium but decides to dismantle

    the regime.