analysis of professional contents pages


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of professional contents pages



Page 2: Analysis of professional contents pages


Metal Hammer uses 3-4 columns, so that it is clear and easy for the audience to understand. An editors note is also included, so that the magazine can connect with the audience. The layout of the page is informal given the target audience. There are also puffs, so they can promote a variety of different things, such as a subscription to the magazine.

Q uses a 3-4 column layout so that it is simple and easy for the audience to understand. The articles are summarized under headings, so that the audience can find an article they are interested in straight away. The layout of the page is formal given that the target audience is young people.

Page 3: Analysis of professional contents pages


Title is located at the top left hand corner of the page. It isn’t spread across the whole page. The title uses yellow bold text on a black banner, so that it stands out to the audience. Font used for the title is also part of the ‘ House Style’. The font for the title is also similar to the one used on the front cover.

Title is located at the top left hand corner of the page, but not spread out across the top. The style of the font is jagged, which holds connotations of the magazine’s genre, which is rock. The colours used are red and white as these contrast each other.

Page 4: Analysis of professional contents pages


Rock sound doesn’t have a main image, but they use lots of smaller images to illustrate to the audience some of the articles included in the magazine. There are also page numbers over the images, so that the audience can find a particular article easily.

The main image on the front cover is of ‘Young Guns’, which suggests that they are one of the main features in the magazine. There are also three smaller images used; Green Day, Framing Hanley and images of the magazine, to advertise a magazine subscription to the readers.

Metal Hammer doesn’t have a main image, but instead has a variety of smaller images to illustrate some of the articles in the magazine. The images used follow a colour scheme of dark colours, such as black and red, as they connote anger and frustration, which the audience would associate with metal music.

Page 5: Analysis of professional contents pages


Big Cheese’s contents page has a formal layout, so that it is easy for the audience to understand. It also has headings such as ‘Regulars’ and ‘Roll call’. This is so it is easy for the audience to navigate. The font used is also appropriate for the genre of magazine.

Q magazine uses categories such as ‘Features’, ‘Every Month’ and ‘ Review’. This is so that the audience can easily find the page numbers to the articles they are interested in. The colours used are also appropriate for the genre of magazine.

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The way the articles are displayed on the page suggests that the magazine is informal and also suggests that the target audience is teenagers. There is also extra information underneath the article headings to make the audience want to read the article.

The way that the articles on Metal Hammers contents page are displayed suggests that the target audience is sophisticated as the page looks formal. There is also article information underneath the headings, which would grab the audience’s attention and make them want to read the article’s.

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The mise en scene of Rock Sound is simplistic, so that is stands out to the audience. The images use plain back grounds, so that the artists stand out. The others colours used on the contents page are similar to those in the image. This is so that the layout of the page is simple for the audience to understand.

The mise en scene used on Kerrang's contents page is appropriate for the genre of magazine. For example, in one of the smaller images features Billie Joe Armstrong singing into a microphone.

The mise en scene used on Big Cheese’s is appropriate for the target audience and genre of magazine. The background in the images are appropriate, as they feature bands performing onstage, or they are taken in a studio. This would make the bands stand out to the audience.