analysis of eminem's digipak

Analysis of Eminem’s ‘Relapse’ Album Digipak

Upload: louisew96

Post on 21-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Analysis of Eminem's Digipak

Analysis of Eminem’s ‘Relapse’ Album Digipak

Page 2: Analysis of Eminem's Digipak

Front of album/ booklet-- At the bottom left of the album is a white rectangular card that seems to be like a medical rehab card, again

relating back to the idea of drug addiction. On the top of

this card is the title of the album ‘Relapse’ in capitalised

bold block writing. It also includes the artists name and the producer ‘Dr Dre’. It also includes other information

which is disguised to be about rehab.

- This card stands out well from the background as the white completely contrasts from the black. This draws attention to the title of the

album. White could also represent his journey back to innocence, peace and purity.

- In the bottom right corner is a ‘Explicit content’ warning, informing the buyer that it

contains bad language and is only appropriate for people

above a certian age.

- In the centre covering most of the front page of the

booklet is a close up picture of Eminem made up from lots

of little pills. Straight away this tell us that the album

could be to do with addiction or drug users. In the close-up Eminem is directly addressing

the audience which could make it feel like you are being watched by him. From the big image of him at the front we can straight away recognise it

as an Eminem album.

- The warm bright colours of the pills stand out a lot

against the black background. The red could represent

danger. The black background could represent remorse, evil

and sadness.

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Inside booklet-

- The inside of the album booklet consists of the songs and lyrics to the songs. All of the words and sentences

are compactly fitted in to make sure there is

room for all of the lyrics. The background

is white and has the pattern of the official

states prescription form, relating to the idea of drugs. . The

text is black so it stands out well against

it’s background. The titles of the songs are

slightly bigger and bolder allowing people to quickly can through the book and find the song lyrics they want.

- Some of the titles of the songs relate back to the album theme and title of ‘Relapse’. For example, ‘Insane’,

‘Medicine Ball’ and ‘crack a bottle’.

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Inside booklet-

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Inside booklet-

- Photographs have been added into the booklet to make it more interesting and for people to be able to look at something different other than all of the text and lyrics. It also helps give us more of a insight and idea of what the

album may be about.

- The objects and items in this picture really relate to the theme of the rest of the album and its title of ‘Relapse’. We can see lots of papers, one of them being an ‘admission form’ for rehab and a ‘official state prescription’ receipt. There are medical rehab cards, a bottle with pills spilling out of it and the cap of the bottle. There are also photographs, one of

them is showing Eminem helping the photograph relate personally to the artist. Lots of different colours are used, making it more interesting to look at.

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Last page of the booklet-

- The last page of the booklet tells us information about each song in the album. For example who produced, performed, recorded and write the

songs. And what studio it was recorded in.

- Again it uses the background of the official states prescription pattern,

relating to the drugs.

- The titles if the songs are written on blue strips, helping them stand out.

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Back cover inside the album-

- The back cover of the album is a birds- eye view of a bottle of pills. This relates the whole album theme of ‘Relapse’ and drug taking. Again black background could be used to show danger, sadness and remorse.

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Back cover of album-

- The back cover of the album is a photograph of a prescription information form with a drugs card on top of it. The card reveals many details about the album. For example ‘Aftermath Drugs’ represent the

Aftermath entertainment record label and we can see the songs which are on the album. This could possibly be what is on Eminem’s desk giving it the album the artists personal touch. In the bottom left

corner there is a lot of information about the record companies and producers and logos. There is also the artists and album website, allowing people to access more information about the album and artist. On the

bottom right is the bar code and above the barcode we are told the Executive Producer is Dr. Dre.

- The tab on the side of the album that can be seen when the album

is on its side states the artists name and his album. It also has

the production company. Some of this is written in bright yellow

making it vibrant and eye catching so people will notice it on a shelf.