analysis of cross section and panel data ming lu & yan zhang school of economics, fudan...

Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan Uni versity CCER, Fudan University

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Page 1: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

Ming Lu & Yan ZhangSchool of Economics, Fudan University

CCER, Fudan University

Page 2: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Introductory EconometricsA Modern Approach

Yan ZhangSchool of Economics, Fudan University

CCER, Fudan University

Page 3: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University


Theoretical & Empirical Research Theoretical Research in China

What’s “modern” approach?

Page 4: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University


实证研究的重要性 理论研究与理论研究文章在中国的困境 什么是规范的研究方法 Model 的乐趣 什么是规范的实证研究方法 Modern

计量经济学课程 学与用

Lu’s points

Page 5: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

What’s Panel Data (面板数据) ?

Cross-Sectional Data Different units; at a given point in time

Time Series Data Same units; overtime

Panel Data a time series for each cross sectional member

Pooled Cross Sections

Page 6: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Specialties of Different Data Structure

Cross-Sectional Data Random sampling; ordering

Time Series Data Time dependent; Data frequency; Seasonal patter

n Panel Data

Characteristic of cross sectional members Results of govt. policies (Pooled Cross Sections)

Page 7: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Our Focus

Cross-Sectional Data Fundamental approach

Panel Data Pooled Cross Sections; LSDV

Advanced Topics IV and TSLS; Simultaneous Eq. ; Limited Depend

ent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections;

Page 8: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University



Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics——A Modern Approach.

References: J.M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross

Section and Panel Data. W.H. Green, Econometric Analysis.

Some Papers

Page 9: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Analysis for Cross Section and Panel Data

Chap 1. The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data

Page 10: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.1 What’s Econometrics?

Econometrics is based upon the development of statistical methods for estimating economic relationships, testing economic theories, and evaluating and implementing government and business policy.

Econometrical Analysis MethodsApplications

Page 11: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.2 The Structure of Economic Data

Nonexperimental Data (Observational data)

Experimental Data

Page 12: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Cross-Sectional Data

De Long and Summers (1991).The ordering of the data does not matter

Page 13: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Time Series Data

最低工资条例对就业的影响;Castillo-Freeman and Freeman(1992)Time dependent; Data frequency; Seasonal pattern

Page 14: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Pooled Cross SectionsPooling cross sections from different years;Effectively analyzing the effects of a new govt. policy;Similar to a standard cross section, except that we often need to account for secular differences in the variables across the time.

Page 15: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

Panel or Longitudinal DataThe same cross sectional members;

To control certain unobserved Characteristic of cross sections;To study the importance of lags in behavior or the result of decision making

Page 16: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.3 Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

E.g. Economics of Crime (Gary Becker, 1968)

Econometric Model How to?

Economic Model Utility maximization


Page 17: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.3.1 Economic Model

Benchmark: choice of labor supply Leisure, labor (legal jobs, illegal crime) Allocation of resource

Economic Model

y hours spent in criminal activities; x1 “wage” for an hour spent

in criminal activity; x2 hourly wage in legal employment; x3

income other than from crime or employment; x4 probability of

getting caught; x5 probability of being convicted if caught; x6

expected sentence if convicted; x7 age

Page 18: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.3.2 Econometric Model

The relations between economic model and econometric model

f——specification of function form

x——key factors

u——unobserved factors; ambiguities

Page 19: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.3.3 Other Steps

Data Collecting Carefully; preparations

Estimation of parameters in the ec model Econometric methods

TestImplications——prediction; policy

Page 20: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

1.4 Causality and Ceteris Paribus

Ceteris Paribus——others being equal the economist’s goal is to infer that one var. ha

s a causal effect on another var. Questions:

How can we measure the Ceteris Paribus Effects of

Fertilizer on Crop Yield ?

计量经济方法是否可以模拟一个“ Ceteris Paribu

s” 的实验?

Page 21: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

结论性评论Feldstein ( 1982a, p.830) 指出“这个故事的重要意义



Page 22: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University

理论的作用理论的用途之一: 分离出对行为产生重要影响的一小组

变量理论的目的: 尽量简单与抽象化问题,以便抓住问


Page 23: Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Ming Lu & Yan Zhang School of Economics, Fudan University CCER, Fudan University


Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics——A Modern Approach, Chap 1.

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私人方法 公共方法
