analysis finished

Colour The colours used on the front cover of this magazine are very girly. They use a lot of pinks and purples. It attracts the attention of girls which then makes the magazine seem intriguing. The colours are also very bright, this attracts peoples attention as it stands out. Image The main image on the cover of this magazine is a picture of a very popular girl band, Little Mix. In this image each person is looking towards the camera. This is very important for the main picture as it makes it very personal to the audience if you they are looking into their eyes. The image is also very fun. The way that the girl band are posed, makes it look like they are having fun which will make the reader want to read it too. Language The target audience for this magazine would be young girls. The language used has to not be very complex as it would be difficult for the target audience to read. The sentences used on the front cover are very short and snappy, ‘Lesson in love’. This catches the audiences Design This magazine uses many different fonts for different parts of the front cover. The font of the masthead on the magazine is the only time this font is used and they use san serif. This is because they want the masthead to stand out. In this case, I don’t think it’s the best thing to use lots of different fonts. This is because it can look very confusing and untidy if everything is different. This could mean that the audience will just go for a simpler magazine. Where everything is placed on the cover is very accurate. The images of the pops stars have the text of their names next to the picture and the main story is linked to the main picture. Institution and distribution The publisher of Shout magazine is D.C Thomson & Co. Ltd. They also publish a wide range of magazines and newspapers such as, Sunday Post, The Evening Telegraph, My Weekly and The Beano. The first issue of Shout magazine was in 1993 and from then on has become a very successful magazine. Overall impression My overall impression of this magazine is that it is very suited to its target audience. The colours, images and the language is made for teen girls to understand and enjoy. My only criticism would be the fact that they use many different fonts

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Magazine Analysis


Page 1: Analysis finished

Colour The colours used on the front cover of this magazine are very girly. They use a lot of pinks and purples. It attracts the attention of girls which then makes the magazine seem intriguing. The colours are also very bright, this attracts peoples attention as it stands out. ImageThe main image on the cover of this magazine is a picture of a very popular girl band, Little Mix. In this image each person is looking towards the camera. This is very important for the main picture as it makes it very personal to the audience if you they are looking into their eyes. The image is also very fun. The way that the girl band are posed, makes it look like they are having fun which will make the reader want to read it too.

LanguageThe target audience for this magazine would be young girls. The language used has to not be very complex as it would be difficult for the target audience to read. The sentences used on the front cover are very short and snappy, ‘Lesson in love’. This catches the audiences attention as its not something that takes to long to read.

Design This magazine uses many different fonts for different parts of the front cover. The font of the masthead on the magazine is the only time this font is used and they use san serif. This is because they want the masthead to stand out. In this case, I don’t think it’s the best thing to use lots of different fonts. This is because it can look very confusing and untidy if everything is different. This could mean that the audience will just go for a simpler magazine. Where everything is placed on the cover is very accurate. The images of the pops stars have the text of their names next to the picture and the main story is linked to the main picture.

Institution and distribution The publisher of Shout magazine is D.C Thomson & Co. Ltd. They also publish a wide range of magazines and newspapers such as, Sunday Post, The Evening Telegraph, My Weekly and The Beano. The first issue of Shout magazine was in 1993 and from then on has become a very successful magazine.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this magazine is that it is very suited to its target audience. The colours, images and the language is made for teen girls to understand and enjoy. My only criticism would be the fact that they use many different fonts which may be very confusing for the magazine readers.

Page 2: Analysis finished

ColourThe colour schemes on this contents page is very similar to the front cover. There use many pinks and girly colours just like the front cover. The pink skirt that Jessie J is wearing matches the colour of the box in the bottom right hand corner and the name of the magazine. They do this because it links everything together. If they did not do this and the colours were all varied some of the images may not look like the belong in the magazine.

ImagesThe images on this page are all pictures of women. This may be because this magazine is targeted to teen girls. Teen girls may look up to people in magazines so they have to ensure that the models in the images are dressed appropriate. They all look happy in the images which gives off a good mood to the reader.

Language The language they use is similar to the language used on the front cover. The way they say ‘what’s inside’ catches the readers attention. This is because it’s a very intriguing and may make people curious and they then will read the magazine.

Design The design of the contents page is very accurate for the target audience of the magazine. It has been spread onto two pages making it a double-page spread. By using two pages for the contents page it spreads everything out, this means that it could be less confusing for their audience. If it looks too over crowded, it may loose it’s appeal to teen girls and they would no longer want to read the magazine. The images and text are all in columns which also helps the reader to understand it as its not too complex. They use different font for specific things. For example they use the same fonts for the subheadings and the same font for what’s on the pages.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this contents page is that it fits perfectly with not only the front cover but the target audience. The colours, images, language and design all appeal to teen girls and match the front cover. The design is not too complex and is easy to take in for the reader.

Page 3: Analysis finished

ColourThe colours on this double-page spread are very similar to both the front page and contents page. They carry on using the pink. The text boxes and Jessie J’s skirt are all the same colour which then link them together and also links them to the other pages. It gives off a very girly feeling.

ImagesThe images on this page are all related to the story. The main story is about the world wide singing Jessie J and the images are all of her. This is important because if there was an image of another singer it wouldn’t be relevant to the story. Everything must link together and everything is put there for a reason. All the images of the pop star are very fun and she looks like she’s having a good time. She looks very fashionable and is the type of person teenage girls will look up to.

LanguageThey use a quote from the singer as one of the main pieces of text. ‘Be yourself, be proud, be confident’ This is important language because it is very inspirational. It reaches out to their target audience of teen girls and may help them within their lives.

DesignThe design of this double-page spread is very accurate for its target audience. The text is in columns which is important as it is simple for people to read and understand. The font is the same for certain things and is not too complex. The flowers at the top of the first page in the right hand corner are a very good design for this magazine. They are pretty and are correct for the audience of the magazine as they are girly.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this double-page spread is that it is very good and is suited perfectly to its target audience. The colours all link together and the images link to the story. The language used is inspirational for teen girls and the design is simple and easy to read.

Page 4: Analysis finished

ColourThis magazine is aimed at young girls and this shows with the colours that are used on the front cover. They are many pinks but also many blues. This could mean that even though their target audience is teen girls, they are open to an audience of boys too. I think they are trying not to be sexist with the colours used.

Image The main image on the front cover is of an extremely popular boy band, One Direction. This in itself attracts many young girls to buy the magazine. All five boys are looking towards the camera, which makes it personal for the audience looking at it. The boys are all posed close together which may make the audience feel happy about the image therefore would be more likely to buy it.

LanguageThe language used on the front cover of this magazine is very easy to read. This is perfect fro the target audience as they are teenage girls and wouldn’t be interested in a magazine is it was complex to read. They use short snappy sentences to attract the readers attention.

DesignThe design of this magazine is very fun. There are many colours, font and pictures to attract the audiences attention. The main photo has the main story text on it and all the other images are with the appropriate text. They use a buzz which say ‘wanna date us?’ this is used to attract the attention of the audience as it invites you in the magazine.

Institution and distributionThe publisher of this magazine is Egmont UK Ltd. Egmont UK Ltd is a leading UK children’s publisher, comprising two children’s book divisions and one magazine division: Egmont Press, which publishes Fiction, and Picture Books; Egmont Publishing, which publishes Classic and Contemporary Characters, Learning and Colour & Activity lists - and Egmont Magazines, which publishes a range of top quality market-leading children’s magazines.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of the magazine is that it is very suited to its niche market. The colours, images, language and the design are all what a teen girl is looking for in a magazine.

Page 5: Analysis finished

ColourThe colour used on this contents page to me does not match the colour on the front cover of this magazine. The pinks they use on the contents page is different from the shade they use on the front cover. They do however use the same shade of blue. It is very important to match the colours from the front cover to the contents page because it links everything together for the readers. People wont read a magazine if it is too complex and has too many different colours.

ImagesThe images on this contents page all create a good mood for the audience. This is because the models all look happy and as if they are enjoying themselves in the pictures. The images also match the images on the front cover. They are all of the same people and are linked to the stories.

LanguageThey used small different quotes from the main stories in the magazine. This is good for the reader as it gives them a small incite to what the can expect to see within the magazine. The language they use is then very important as the audience need to be able to understand it. They use short snappy sentences.

DesignThe design of this magazine is too complicated for its target audience. It is all squeezed onto one page and can look too complex for the readers so therefore they may not take the time to read it.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this contents page is that it is not suited to this magazine. The design of it is too complicated for the readers as the page is too cramped. If they changed it to be on a double-page spread I think it could be a lot better. Also the colour don’t match the colours on the front cover, this gives them a disadvantage because it is important to link the front cover and contents page.

Page 6: Analysis finished

ColourThe colours used on this double-page spread do not match fully to the front page or the contents page. Although they use the colour blue on all three pages its not the same shade. The other colour that we can see on the page is very mixed as there are lots of images. There are some bright and vibrant colours which make certain parts of the double-page spread stand out.

ImagesThis double-page spread has many different images on it. They are all from the ‘teen choice awards’ which is the main story on the page. The images are link to text and all have a caption. The pictures are all fun and show what happened at the award show which people are in to.

LanguageThe language used on this double-page spread is simple and not hard to understand. They use short snappy sentences and they use language appropriate for the audience. For example, they use the word ‘selfie’ in one of the captions for a picture. This language is very appropriate for teen girls as this is what these girls say. Older people ma not understand the term ‘selfie’ and this is why it is appropriate for teen girls.

DesignThe design of this double-page spread is very fun and there is a lot happening on the page. It is jam packed with images and text about the teen choice awards. The images are all placed in the correct place and do not overlap one another.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this double-page spread is that it is fun, jam packed with information and images and it is very suited to its target audience. Although the colours do not match to the previous pages, the images, language and design are all perfect for teen girls to read and understand.

Page 7: Analysis finished

ColourThe colours used on this front cover are very similar to ‘We Love Pop’ magazine. They use many pinks and blues to show that this magazine is suited for both girls and boys even though the target audience is teen girls. The colours are extremely bright which attracts a lot of attention and could distinguish a reader from buying this one or a different magazine.

ImagesThe main image on this magazine is a picture of a wide world boy band, One Direction. They are extremely popular and well known all around the world. This image already invites people to buy the magazine because of how popular the band is. They are all looking towards the camera in the image which makes it personal for the readers. The images all look very fun to the audience and in most of them you see the pop starts smiling.

LanguageThe language used on the front cover is very short and snappy. Nothing is at all complicated and the language isn’t very complex. This is right for the target audience because they are teenage girls.

DesignThe design of this magazine is a very fun design. They use bright colours, images of popular bands and buzz and puffs. All the images are linked to the correct texts and they have many interesting stories that grabs the audiences attention.

Institution and distribution Top of the Pops magazine is a monthly publication published by Immediate Media Company. It features chart information, star gossip, fashion and beauty advice, quizzes, song lyrics and posters. It is a supplementary magazine for the TV show Top of the Pops until the latter was cancelled in 2006.

Overall impressionMy overall impression is that this is a fun, exciting and eye catching magazine. It attracts the target audience perfectly by the use of colour, the images and the design.

Page 8: Analysis finished

ColourThe colour of this contents page doesn’t match the front cover at all. They have decided to use a completely different colour to the colours on the front cover. They use green as their main colour which is not linked to the colours elsewhere. The colours on this page seem to be very boring. No bright colours and nothing really stands out.

ImagesThere are not very many images on this contents page. There is an image of the front cover which helps you understand where the main stories on the front cover are located in the magazine. There are a few other small images which are connected to the stories which are in the magazine. The images do not create a mood for the reader which then means they may not want to read it.

LanguageThe language used is very simple and fits well with the target audiences. There are a few short snappy sentences which grabs the readers attention.

DesignThe design of this magazine is quite cramped and the writing is very small. The way they placed an image of the front cover on the contents page is a very good idea as it gives the reader a chance to see where the stories on the front cover are located in the magazine. This is important as it was these stories that attracted the audience in the first place.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this magazine is that it does not link to the front cover at all. The colours and the design of the contents page is completely different to the front cover. If there was not an image of the front cover on the contents page the some people might not even think that this is the right contents page for this magazine.

Page 9: Analysis finished

ColourThe colours used on this double-page spread are very similar to the front page of the magazine. They use the pinks and blues that are also on the front cover. The colours however do not match any of the colours on the contents page. The colours are bright and make the double-page spread stand out.

ImagesThe images on this double-page spread are all relevant to the stories provided. They are pictures of celebrities that are popular to the target audience of teen girls. They are images of certain celebrities doing everyday thing in their lives. The readers can then relate to the celebrities which might make them feel better about themselves.

LanguageThe language used on this double-page spread is simple and very easy for the readers to understand. They also use short snappy sentences such as, ‘The Munch Bunch’. The language is not complex and is perfect for the target audience.

DesignThe design of this double-page spread is very fun and eye-catching. The text and images are in columns and is easy for the reader to read. The page is colourful and the images are exciting. The images all have the appropriate texts around them and the font used is mainly the same for specific things.

Overall impressionMy overall impression of this double-page spread is that it is a fun, eye catching and colourful page. The colours make certain things stand out and images get the audience involved as these celebrities are doing things that people do in their everyday lives. The design is good and overall it is not complicated and is easy for the readers to understand and read.