analyse de cycle de vie-l.pdf

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  • 8/10/2019 analyse de cycle de vie-l.pdf


    Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV)

    Life Cycle Analysis (ACL)

    Benjamin Warr

    LCA Part I

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    History of LCA

    Early 1970s US Net Energy Analysis (NEA) and

    Materials-Process-Product Models (MPP)

    Society for Environmental Toxicology and

    Chemistry (SETAC-Europe or US)

    US environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

    International Standards Organisation (ISO)

    Promote consensus on framework Define inventory methodology

    Provide accreditation for enterprises and organisations

    ISO14000 and ISO19000 series

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    Who uses LCA?

    (see Methods and Standards\ISO Survey 2003.pdf)


    Mostly (cautious) multinationals to identify areas of

    improvement, working with suppliers to obtain betterquality or greener inputs.

    Less is best for useable comparisons

    Do not go beyond regulatory compliance But, a holistic view of the enterprise isproactive,

    avoids potential problems and isgood for image

    Governments (for France see \DGEMP2003.pdf)

    Defining public policy lag behind industry

    US DOE Life Cycle Costing , Greening ofIndustry , (FRED) Framework for ResponsibleEnvironmental Decision Making)

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    From Cradle to Grave

    1. Manymaterials andenergycombinations(exergy)

    2. Complexand linkedprocesses(linked unitprocesses)

    3. Consideration of

    outputs (allocation to

    air, sea, freshwater,


    4. Considering manufacture, use + disposal implies a temporal horizon

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    Partnerships and policies that encourage LCA

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    4 main steps of LCA - (SETAC)

    1. Goal Definition andScoping

    2. Inventory Analysis

    3. Impact Assessment

    Classification Characterisation


    4. Interpretation



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    Generic Goals

    Education and communication

    Product design (design for environment)

    Product development and improvement Pollution prevention

    Assessment and reduction of potential liability

    Strategic planning Assessing and improving environmental programs

    Development of policy and regulations

    Individual and organisational purchase andprocurement


    Developing market strategies

    Environmental management systems

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    Description of

    environmental performanceof products - ISO14040

    Improvement of

    environmental performance

    of products ISO 14062Information about

    environmental aspects of

    performance ISO14020

    Communication of

    environmental performance

    ISO 14063

    Description of

    environmental performance

    of organisations ISO14030

    Information about the

    environmental management


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    1. Goal and Definition Scoping

    ISO14041 states

    The goal of any study shall unambiguously state

    the intended


    reasons for the study target audience

    Recognise limitations of LCA (non-spatial at present)

    Identify, justify rules and conventions (data, averages etc.)

    Consider qualitative impacts (i.e. social)

    Involve interested parties early in process (feedback)

    Evaluation of LCA via peer review (check assumptions)

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    Goal and Scope: Functional Units

    A functional unit must be defined.

    A reference to which input and output data arerelated (intensive variable)

    Product systems must be comparable

    It is theservice/performance that iscompared, NOT the product itself

    Example: cant compare 1L paint with anyother paint, BUT can compare 1m painted

    surface with Xmm coating and service life

    of 10 years

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    Agricultural Life Cycle Index Matrix

    Functional unit is


    (rendement)It can be expressed as

    an intensive variable

    relative toquantitative measures

    (indices) of the system


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    Alternative Product Evaluation (APE) : a productsystem (or service) is described by a fixed functional unitthat serves as a reference. Alternative products are then

    compared on the basis of their relative environmentalimpact.

    Example: What is the environmental impact associatedwith the activity of driving different vehicles 1km carrying

    1 tonne of goods? Environmental functional demand (EFD): Based on an

    an acceptable environmental impact (quota) divided by thefunction output. Quotas are then goals which serve as thestarting point for the assessment procedure. Differenttechnical solutions that satisfy the quota are then identified.

    What vehicles can be used to carry 1ton of goods 1km ifthe acceptable environmental consequence is limited to acertain environmental impact?

    Goal and Scope: Functional Units

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    Alternative Functional Units

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    Service rather than product

    Can consider two valid


    1. Service lifetime2. Raw material life cycle

    The System

    Functional Units

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    Defining the functional unit,

    permits answers to a series

    of simple questions:

    What needs to be


    Why does it need to be done? When does it need to be


    What conditions must be

    considered?The TEAM must

    1. Understand mechanical,

    physical, chemical

    performance and costrequirements (need)

    2. Develop environmental

    requirements and goals

    (desire or wish list)

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    Industrial Goals driven by R&D

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    Defining the System Boundaries

    So that product and service systems can be subdivided into

    a set of unit processes.

    Inputs and outputs at the boundaries should be elementaryflows linked to unit processes

    There are 2 ways to define the system boundaries (always

    considering the goals!) narrow system boundaries:

    1. extraction

    2. disposal 3. manufacture

    4. use

    extended system boundaries: cradle to grave

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    Proposing Engineering Technologies

    and Options Once requirements and goals are defined, the team should

    Identify technologies that combine to form different options to

    provide the desired function

    Technologies include materials and equipment.





    And Technology Life Cycles

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    Linking Technologies to

    Requirements and Goals

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    LCA of Aluminium

    Sponsor: International Aluminium Institute

    Stated objectives:

    Increase use of Al in transportation systems reduce energy consumption and associated GHG emissions of Al


    Increase use of recycled Al.

    First task: quantification of CO2 and PFC greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions from the worldwide aluminium industry

    Second Task: estimates of the implications (in terms of

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions) of the increased use ofaluminium for the manufacture of cars and trucks.

    Data from over 80% of the worldwide industry including

    estimates from Russia and China.

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    AL LCA: System Boundaries

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    Bauxite Mining and Benefication Bauxite is washed, ground and dissolved in

    caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) at highpressure and temperature. The resultingliquor contains a solution of sodiumaluminate and undissolved bauxite

    residues containing iron, silicon, andtitanium. These residues sink gradually tothe bottom of the tank and are removed.They are known colloquially as "red mud".

    Clear sodium aluminate solution is

    pumped into a huge tank called aprecipitator. Fine particles of alumina areadded to seed the precipitation of purealumina particles as the liquor cools. Theparticles sink to the bottom of the tank, areremoved, and are then passed through a

    rotary or fluidised calciner at 1100C todrive off the chemically combined water.The result is a white powder, pure alumina.The caustic soda is returned to the start ofthe process and used again.


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    The BAYER PROCESS in REFINERY The Bayer process can be considered in three stages:

    Extraction The hydrated alumina is selectively removed from the other (insoluble) oxides bytransferring it into a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda):

    Al2O3.xH2O + 2NaOH ---> 2NaAlO2 + (x+1)H2O

    The process is far more efficient when the ore is reduced to a very fine particle size prior to reaction.This is achieved by crushing and milling the pre-washed ore. This is then sent to a heated

    pressure digester. Conditions within the digester (concentration, temperature and pressure) vary according to the

    properties of the bauxite ore being used. Although higher temperatures are theoretically favouredthese produce several disadvantages including corrosion problems and the possibility of otheroxides (other than alumina) dissolving into the caustic liquor.

    After the extraction stage the liquor (containing the dissolved Al2O3) must be separated from the

    insoluble bauxite residue and purified as much as possible and filtered before it is delivered to thedecomposer. The mud is thickened and washed so that the caustic soda can be removed andrecycled.

    Decomposition Crystalline alumina trihydrate is extracted from the digestion liquor by hydrolysis: 2NaAlO2 + 4H2O ---> Al2O3.3H2O + 2NaOH

    This is basically the reverse of the extraction process, except that the product's nature can becarefully controlled by plant conditions (including seeding or selective nucleation, precipitationtemperature and cooling rate). The alumina trihydrate crystals are then classified into size fractionsand fed into a rotary or fluidised bed calcination kiln.

    Calcination Alumina trihydrate crystals are calcined to remove their water of crystallisation andprepare the alumina for the aluminium smelting process.

    The mechanism for this step is complex but the process, when carefully controlled, dictates theproperties of the final product.

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    Additional Info. on the Bayer Process The amount of residue red mud generated, per tonne of alumina produced,

    varies greatly depending on the type of bauxite used, from 0.3 tonnes for highgrade bauxite to 2.5 tonnes for very low grade.

    The following data gives some idea of the wide range in chemical composition that

    can be found in residue from different bauxites. Fe2O3 30 - 60%

    Al2O3 10 - 20%

    SiO2 3 - 50%

    Na2O 2 - 10%

    CaO2 - 8%


    Trace - 10%

    Apart from the alkalinity that is imparted by liquors in the process, the residue ischemically stable and non-toxic.

    Bauxite residue is most often disposed of on land using one of a variety ofmethods. Once such land has been decommissioned is can be used to grow crops orother vegetation. Alternatively the land can be used for building, depending uponthe moisture of the residue.

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    Al Smelting: the Hall-Heroult Process Alumina is dissolved in an electrolytic bath of molten cryolite

    (sodium aluminium fluoride) within a large carbon or graphite linedsteel container known as a "pot". An electric current is passed throughthe electrolyte at low voltage, but very high current, typically 150,000amperes. The electric current flows between a carbon anode(positive), made of petroleum coke and pitch, and a cathode(negative), formed by the thick carbon or graphite lining of the pot.

    Molten aluminium is deposited at the bottom of the pot and issiphoned off periodically, taken to a holding furnace, often but notalways blended to an alloy specification, cleaned and then generallycast.

    Across all technologies, electricity consumption averaged 15.95 kWhper kg of molten metal. The consumption of fuels to produce thiselectricity generated 5.8 metric tonnes of CO2 per tonne of metal. Anadditional 1.6 metric tonnes of CO2 per metric tonne are generated inthe electrolytic process.

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    Smelting System Diagram

    Incremental improvements

    have reduced energyintensity.

    2Al2O3 + 3C -----> 4Al + 3CO2

    PFC emissions at 0.30 kg of

    CF4 and 0.03 kg of C2F6 per mt

    per metric tonne of Al.Equivalent to 2.2 metric tonnes

    of CO2 for every tonne of Al.

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    Thermodynamic inefficiency in

    smelter2Al2O3 + 3C -----> 4Al + 3CO2

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    LCA Results: For a target audience? Estimates from car manufacturers and others range from 5-10% of

    fuel economy savings per 10% weight reduction for today's averagevehicles.

    Thus an automobile driven for 200,000 km could save 6-13 litres of

    gasoline for every kg of aluminium used to replace 2 kg of heaviermaterials

    Modelling indicates the potential to save over 20 metric tonnes ofCO2 equivalents for each tonne of additional automotive aluminiumproducts from enhanced vehicle fuel efficiency over the vehicle'slifetime.

    Modelling was also conducted to quantify the effect of using either allrecycled or all primary aluminium. The table below shows that evenwith all virgin (primary) metal, net carbon dioxide savings are


    26.722.918.113.9Tonnes CO2e


    per tonne of Al

    95% Recycled60% Recycled30% RecycledAll PrimaryMetal Used

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    Future Efforts Easier dismantling of aluminium components from cars to

    improve the recovery of aluminium.

    Recycling rates for transport applications range from 60-90

    per cent.

    Close to 40% of the global demand for aluminium in all

    markets is based on recycled metal from process scrap and

    scrap from old products.

    Increasing use of recycled metal saves on both energy and

    mineral resources needed for primary production.

    Recycling of aluminium requires only 5% of the energy to

    produce secondary metal as compared to primary metal and

    generates only 5% of the green house gas emissions.