analyse 3 music magazines

Music Magazine’s Three music magazines and analyse Front cover, Contents page and double page spread.

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Analyse 3 music magazines

Music Magazine’sThree music magazines and analyse Front cover, Contents page and double page spread.

Page 2: Analyse 3 music magazines

The three magazines I have chosen to analyse are Kerrang, Teen Vogue and We Pop. The reason for this choice is because they are all different. Kerrang is for a completely different genre of music than what I'm going for, but I want to take ideas from all three magazines so my magazine is unique. The reason I bought teen vogue is because I like the front cover and how it is set out. I want to take ideas form this and make my front cover something like teen vogue. And We Pop is my genre so I can take ideas from this, and pick and choose what I like.

Page 3: Analyse 3 music magazines

KerrangThe front cover of this magazine shows the audience straight away what genre of music it is centred around. The masthead is a normal font with cracks through it which automatically attracts the audience as this magazine is known to feature more rock orientated artists and bands. Kerrang always change the colour of their font to fit in with the general colour scheme, which although may flow better, the masthead doesn't stand out so much to the audience, due to everything being colour co-ordinated.

I like the way the masthead goes behind the image, because it makes the image stand out more, but still draws attention to the masthead. The main image on the front cover is very appealing to girls who are into this genre of music and find these two men attractive, but also its telling us that bring me the horizon and lostprophets team up and are going on tour together, which is what the main image is telling. The two men in the image are the lead singers of both bands. And its Great for all the teenagers/adults that are into these bands and are into the genre of music.

Page 4: Analyse 3 music magazines

The cover lines on the front cover of this magazine are pretty tame.

On the front cover of this magazine there is a lot of free giveaways, which is posters of the newest and most popular bands

There are only 4 cover lines including the main image and its cover line. Which personally I don't think is enough and I don't think there very interesting.

Page 5: Analyse 3 music magazines

The target audience for this magazine would primarily be teenagers mainly those 16+ and also those in their 20’s. Some of its audience would be around their 30’s, the same age as the people featured in the magazine. You can tell that the target audience is mainly teenagers because the bands featured in this magazine have got mainly teenage fans, and also the title itself appeals to teenagers and people in their late 20’s, the design of it is edgy which appeals to them. From the front cover we can only see that their interests are mainstream rock groups.

The contents page in kerrang is very simple but really effective. I like the fact that they have the masthead at the top of the page to keep it going. The main image on the contents page is of a give away. And I like the way the page numbers are listed down the right hand side. Under different headings too, which makes it different from other magazines. The colours on the contents page are mainly red, yellow and black. But on the front cover there was a lot of blue. I think it would have been more effective if they had incorporated blue in the contents page. The imagery they have used is quite plain and simple but it works, because it links in with the genre of music this magazine is and it links in with the giveaway. I would have done some things differently if it was my magazine purely because I would have used more images and less writing. And brought the colour scheme over from the front page.

Page 6: Analyse 3 music magazines

The double page spread is about a man called Mitch Lucker. He was very passionate about music and his fans, he did everything for all the right reasons. This Double page spread is very well put together. The main colours are black and white and the colours are linked very well to the type of story it is. The text has been broken up into 2 columns, and then the central column is a tribute to Mitch which is a really nice way of putting it. It stands out from the rest of the page.

The double page spread is half image based but half written based. Which personally is the best way to have it. Because its equal and not one sided. The font is just serif which is just plain but it looks good white writing on top of a black background.

Page 7: Analyse 3 music magazines

Teen VogueTeen vogue is a magazine about anything and everything, this is not specific to music because i wanted to do a range of different magazines. The layout on this magazine is my favourite I like that you can see the whole image and that the cover lines are at the sides it looks very sophisticated. The masthead teen vogue is simple but eye catching. In its bold font on ‘teen’ in bright red but in a bold sophisticated font. The slim font of ‘Vogue’ may attract the smaller target audience. The red and light blue masthead brings out the innocence in Teen vogue.

The central image is a medium shot of Demi Lovato. The way in which she is taking the photo suggests that she has something to tell, which will attract the attention of the audience. I like the colour scheme on this front cover its all red, light blue, black and white. The blue in Demi Lovato’s hair stands out and draws attention to the magazine.

Page 8: Analyse 3 music magazines

These are all the cover lines in this magazine. Its all mainly about fashion and celebrities. As you can see from the main image on the front cover.

Every magazine has a give away, or competition. This one is very popular for teenagers and young adults, every girl would love to win this. A lot of teenagers/young adults would enter this.

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The target audience for this magazine could be for children going on to teens ages 10-17. There are cover lines telling us about fashion. These cover lines suggest that the audience should get the latest trends. On the other hand young teens may want this magazine just to see the pictures of the accessories.

The contents page is spread over three pages, which is completely different to the way kerrang done there contents page. I like the way that there is a main image on each of the contents pages. Sections of the magazine are clearly laid out, its easy to read and perfect for teenagers. Also the page numbers are clearly marked so its easy for the reader to read. Bold fonts are used to highlight each article which is useful for the reader because it stands out and draws attention to it.

Page 10: Analyse 3 music magazines

We PopWe love pop is a music magazine featuring artists from the genre of pop it is aimed at a female teenage readership between the ages of 13-15. As shown in the masthead we love pop features, gossip, fashion and boys, this attracts the target audience as it reflects aspects of their life styles that they seek more information on. The we love pop masthead is slanted given it an edgy unconventional look, reflecting it’s a new magazine and is aimed at a younger audience. However it maintains conventions by staying on the left-hand side using the same font style each issue however changing colour accordingly to the colour scheme.

The colour scheme of blue, pink, black and white give the magazine a sophisticated look as the colours are coordinated with the main image, furthermore the pink adds a touch of femenity reflecting the target audience. The front cover looks very full, there is no space for anything else, it is very busy. Also the main image instantly attracts girls all over the country because it is one direction.

Page 11: Analyse 3 music magazines

In this contents page taken from ‘We Love Pop’ the colour schemed used is a bright red, sky blue and a little yellow. These colours are fresh, bright and bold reflecting the youthful readership. We love pop’ maintain their brand identity by using their logo on the contents page in the right hand corner of the page, moreover the font used for each title and the main body of text remains the same throughout the magazine helping to establish a signature look. The main title used for the contents page is ‘We love this’ rephrasing the name of the magazine to the contents title of the magazine. This is the largest piece of text and is in a bold font, as it sets the tone of what the page entitles.

Each issue the editor of ‘We Love Pop’ writes a letter addressing the readers talking about the making of that particular issue, it is worded in a using friendly conversational tone using direct address towards the reader making the reader feel personally involved in the magazine, the editors signature is even added at the end to make the letter feel more realistic. The contents page features a text box with the sub-heading of ‘Inside this month’ listing all other features within the magazine and the page numbers. This simple layout makes it easy for the reader to find the main features of the magazine and look for any other features.

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This double page spread is of Cody Simpson. Which will attract all the young females. I like how it is half image orientated and half information for the reader. The blue colour scheme links in with the front cover, and it is really effective how the masthead is carried out throughout the whole magazine. I also like how a quote of what Cody said in the interview is highlighted in a blue bubble to make it stand out.

This double page spread is very feminine because its centered around one good looking 15 year old. That’s made it far in America and in England at such a young age. With an amazing voice that’s going to get him very far in the music industry.