anacostia watershed tidal river toxic remediation …€anacostia watershed‐ tidal river toxic...

Anacostia WatershedTidal River Toxic Remediation Update 4/30/14 1. Kenilworth Park Landfill Contaminants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), lead, and methane gas Agreement(s): None Related Documents: Contact: Emily Ferguson, National Park Service ([email protected]); Greg Nottingham, National Park Service, ([email protected]) Milestones: 2004 Administrative transfer of Kenilworth North to the District of Columbia (District or DC) (transfer still pending) Feasibility Study completed April 2012. Proposed plan and public comment period completed (MarchMay 2013). Preferred Alternative was 3b a 24inch low permeability cap. Placement of a 24inch soil cap (6 inches topsoil). Additional perimeter methane to be monitoring for 3 years. Next Steps: Complete the Groundwater investigation. After careful review of the data, determine the next steps toward issuance of a Record of Decision. 2. Pepco Benning Road Contaminants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Agreement(s): December 2011, DDOE negotiated a Consent Decree with Pepco to conduct a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) of the Pepco Benning facility and the adjacent portion of the Anacostia River. Related Documents: Contact(s): Apurva Patil, DC Department of the Environment ([email protected]) Milestones: The Consent Decree required, Pepco to conduct RI/FS to characterize environmental conditions at Pepco Benning facility, investigate whether and to what extent past or current conditions at the site have caused or contributed to contamination of the River, assess current and potential risk to human health and the environment posed by conditions within the study area (landside and waterside) and to develop and evaluate cleanup options.

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‐Anacostia Watershed‐ Tidal River Toxic Remediation Update 

4/30/14 1. Kenilworth Park Landfill 

Contaminants:   polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), lead, and methane gas  Agreement(s):   None Related Documents: Contact: 

Emily Ferguson, National Park Service ([email protected]);  Greg Nottingham, National Park Service, ([email protected]


2004 Administrative transfer of Kenilworth North to the District of Columbia (District or DC) 

(transfer still pending) 

Feasibility Study completed April 2012. 

Proposed plan and public comment period completed (March‐May 2013). Preferred Alternative was 

3b a 24‐inch low permeability cap.  Placement of a 24‐inch soil cap (6 inches topsoil).  Additional 

perimeter methane to be monitoring for 3 years. 

Next Steps: 

Complete the Groundwater investigation. 

After careful review of the data, determine the next steps toward issuance of a Record of Decision. 


2. Pepco Benning Road  

Contaminants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Agreement(s):  December 2011, DDOE negotiated a Consent Decree with Pepco to conduct a Remedial 

Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) of the Pepco Benning facility and the adjacent portion of the Anacostia River. 

Related Documents:‐benning‐road‐facility‐plans‐and‐deliverables 

Contact(s): Apurva Patil, DC Department of the Environment ([email protected]


The Consent Decree required, Pepco to conduct RI/FS to characterize environmental conditions at 

Pepco Benning facility, investigate whether and to what extent past or current conditions at the site 

have caused or contributed to contamination of the River, assess current and potential risk to 

human health and the environment posed by conditions within the study area (landside and 

waterside) and to develop and evaluate cleanup options.  

Landside field work including surface soil sampling, subsurface soil sampling, storm drain sampling 

and  geotechnical soil borings was completed in October 2013.  In April 2014, DDOE approved RI 

Addendum scope for installation of monitoring wells. 

Most waterside field work completed (bathymetric and utility survey, surface water samples, 

surface sediment samples, subsurface sediment samples), November 2013.  


Next Steps: 

The field work associated with monitoring well installations  began in May 2014 and groundwater 

sampling will be completed in June 2014.   

Record of Decision is expected in late 2015.  The schedule calls for submitting the draft Remedial 

Investigation (RI) report  within 120 days of field work completion.  The  draft Feasibility Study (FS) 

report is due within 180 days from the day of completing RI field work.  


3. CSX Transportation (Benning Road Rail Yard): 

Contaminants:  Petroleum Products Agreement(s):  On February 1, 2011, DDOE and CSX Transportation signed a consent decree that 

requires CSXT to conduct a site‐wide investigation and natural resource damage assessment; and clean up pollutants on or emanating from its Benning Road rail yard. 

Related Documents: Hard copies of the reports are available for review at DDOE office.  

Contact(s): Apurva Patil, DC Department of the Environment ([email protected]


The landside investigation in the vicinity of the Yard office completed in 2013.   

The corrective action plan for the yard office area for cleaning up the  hydrocarbon contaminated 

soil and groundwater was approved by DDOE in April, 2013. The corrective action plan includes 

excavation of contaminated soil to approximately 5‐10 feet below grade.   

Next Steps: 

Implementation of corrective action plan will begin upon approval from DDOT, related to the close 

proximity of the Anacostia Freeway. 

Conduct Natural Resource Damage assessment  


4. Washington Gas Light:  

Contaminants:   Manufactured Gas Waste, PAHs, volatile organic compounds (especially benzene) (VOCs), cyanide, and heavy metals 


Agreement(s):   2008 Finding or Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) between NPS and the District; 2008 Site Specific Memorandum of Agreement (SSMOA) between NPS and DC governing transfer, and setting forth procedures for re‐evaluation of NPS ROD and implementation of remediation action; 2012 Consent Decree and Statement of Work between NPS, DC, and Washington Gas 

Related Documents:‐gas‐light‐settlement‐documents 


Emily Ferguson, National Park Service, ([email protected]);  Greg Nottingham, National Park Service, ([email protected]



1976 WGL begins to pump, capture, and treat contaminated ground water (ongoing). 

2006 site (south of Water Street) transferred to the District of Columbia. 

2012 Consent Decree between NPS, DC, and Washington Gas 

Next Steps: 

Finalizing a Site‐wide Community Involvement Plan. 

Washington Gas is responsible for excavating up to 3 feet of surface and subsurface soil and backfill 

with clean soil on DC property (south of Water Street), beginning summer 2014. 

Currently developing the RI/FS Work Plan for contaminated Anacostia River sediments, waters, and 



5. Navy Yard (Operable Units 1‐2): 

Contaminants:   polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals, and others 

Agreement(s):   1998 Barry Farm Residents Council‐U.S. consent decree; 1999 CERCLA § 120 Federal Facility Agreement;  

Related Documents:    Final Documents are available at the District of Columbia Public Library, Southeast Branch Library, 403 7th Street, SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 

Contact: Carolyn Barley, DC Department of the Environment ([email protected]), Bob Stroud, EPA Region III ([email protected]


Between 1996 and 2001 the Navy, EPA, and DDOE inspected, cleaned out, relined, replaced, or abandoned all 20,000 linear feet of the storm sewer system at the WNY, which eliminated a pathway of contaminants to the Anacostia River.  

Navy initiated a basewide groundwater (Operable Unit 1) RI in 1999, and submitted a draft RI report in 2004. Navy recently completed additional groundwater investigations to support a final OU1 RI; the revised RI report is scheduled to be submitted to DDOE and EPA in August 2014.  

Navy began investigating near‐shore Anacostia river sediments at the WNY (Operable Unit 2) in 1999. Sediment sampling events took place in 1999, 2006, and 2009, and a comprehensive draft RI report was produced in 2011. The OU2 RI report was reviewed by DDOE and EPA, and finalized in February 2014. The RI data have been uploaded to the NOAA Anacostia Watershed Database. 

The Navy met with DDOE and EPA in January 2014 to begin planning the Feasibility Study (FS) for 

OU2, including a plan to address several data gaps. Navy submitted an outline of the proposed 

sampling and analysis plan for the FS data gaps investigation to DDOE and EPA on March 3, 2014, 

and met with DDOE and EPA on March 19, 2014 to discuss DDOE and EPA comments on the Navy’s 


Next Steps: 

The Navy, EPA, and DDOE continue to work together as a Partnering Team on the investigation and 

cleanup activities at WNY, and meet monthly to discuss investigation activities, analytical results, 

and deliverables.  

The Navy plans to submit the revised OU1 RI report to DDOE and EPA for review in August 2014.  

The Navy, with input from DDOE and EPA, is preparing a sampling and analysis plan for the OU2 FS 

data gaps investigation, and plans to submit the document to DDOE and EPA for review in August 

2014. Pending the finalization of the sampling and analysis plan, the Navy plans to conduct 

additional Anacostia River sediment sampling in early 2015, and to submit a Feasibility Study to 

DDOE and EPA for review in late 2015. 


6. Southeast Federal Center/The Yards 

Contaminants:    PAHs, metals, PCBs, and others Agreement(s):   1998 Barry Farm Residents Council‐U.S. consent decree; 1999 RCRA § 3013 

order issued by EPA to GSA. 

Related Documents: Contact:  Barbara Smith, EPA ‐ RCRA Corrective Action   Milestones: 

Under a 1999 EPA Administrative Order, GSA completed a RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) of the 

facility (site‐wide, including sediment). 

Under the Consent Decree,  GSA cleaned out contaminated sediment (PCBs, etc.) from storm 

sewers, and replaced old timber pier with concrete pier.  

More intensive assessment and contaminant abatement has been completed on parcel‐by‐parcel 

basis, prior to development, including excavation and removal of petroleum‐, PCB‐ and metal‐

contaminated soil on many parcels. Groundwater is being treated to remove gasoline components 

around the US DOT HQ building. 

2008 Human Health Risk Assessment includes screening level assessment of risks to humans from 

eating fish contaminated by sediment, with caveats regarding DC restrictions on fish consumption. 

Next Steps: 

Forest City Washington continues to clean‐up and develop parcels at The Yards.  EPA is evaluating 

the WNY OU‐2 RI Report (2011) regarding sediments off‐shore.  GSA sediment data was used in the 

human health and ecological risk assessment.  The contaminated sediment of concern remains the 

O‐Street outfall, located off‐site and down river of GSA, which is currently capped.   


7. Poplar Point: 

Contaminants:    metals, pesticides, semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs),  VOCs, petroleum hydrocarbons, and PCBs  

Agreement(s):   2008 Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent Governing the conduct of the Remedial Investigation and feasibility Study at the Poplar Point Site 

Related Documents: 


Emily Ferguson, National Park Service, ([email protected]);  Greg Nottingham, National Park Service, ([email protected]


2006 Congress enacted the DC Lands Act directing the United States to transfer the Site to the District of Columbia (transfer still pending) 

2013 Conceptual Remedial Investigation Scoping Document  for Poplar Point   

Next Steps: 

Community Involvement Plan expected Spring 2014. 

NPS will publish the availability of the Administrative Record Spring 2014. 

The RI field investigation will begin this summer. 









LegendKenilworthPEPCOCSXTWashington GasNavy YardFederal TrianglePoplar Point



Tidal River Toxic Remediation Update*

*Based on DDOE's Anacostia River 2032 Update (

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To: Jon Capacasa, Director, Water Protection Division, EPA Region III Dana Minerva, Executive Director, Metro. Wash. Council of Governments From: Frank Fritz & Cindy Weiss, Assistant Regional Counsels, EPA Region III Date: October 21, 2009 Re: Anacostia River: Summary of Six Possible Sources of Sediment Contamination Washington Navy Yard Ownership: Dept. of Defense (DoD) CERCLA lead agency (land): Dept. of Navy (DoN) Entity performing cleanup: DoN Agreement(s): 1998 Barry Farm Residents Council-U.S. consent decree;

1999 CERCLA § 120 Federal Facility Agreement Contam. linked to sediment: PCBs and others Status: On the NPL. Several removals completed, including removing PCB-contaminated

sediment from storm sewers and excavating PCB-, petroleum- and lead-contaminated soil from several sites. Remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) ongoing. First round sediment sampling done. Second round sampling (sediment and fish tissue) finished Sept. 2009.

Southeast Federal Center/The Yards Ownership: Partly GSA, partly private developer CERCLA lead agency (land): no CERCLA actions planned at this point Entity performing cleanup: GSA and other entities on certain parcels Other PRPs: Navy Agreement(s): 1998 Barry Farm Residents Council-U.S. consent decree;

1999 RCRA § 3013 order issued by EPA to GSA. Contam. linked to sediment: PAHs, metals, PCBs, and others Status: GSA cleaned out contaminated sediment (PCBs, etc.) from storm sewers, and

replaced old timber pier with concrete pier. RCRA Facility Investigation (site-wide, including sediment) completed. More intensive assessment and contaminant abatement has been completed on parcel-by-parcel basis, prior to development, including excavation and removal of petroleum-, PCB- and metal-contaminated soil on many parcels. 2008 Human Health Risk Assessment includes screening level assessment of risks to humans from eating fish contaminated by sediment, with caveats regarding DC restrictions on fish consumption.

Poplar Point Ownership: National Park Service (NPS) (land transfer to DC pending) CERCLA lead agency (land): unclear Entity performing cleanup: DC Other PRPs: Navy, Architect of the Capitol, Army Corps of Engineers,

NPS Agreement(s): NPS-DC order for DC to conduct RI/FS Contam. linked to sediment: PCBs, PAHs Status: DC implementing RI/FS, including investigation of sediment along shore and at

Stickfoot sewer outfall. Georgetown Law Center notified U.S. and DC of intent to file RCRA citizen suit.

Page 2 of 2

Washington Gas Light (WGL) Ownership: WGL owns East Station parcel. DC owns former NPS parcel

adjacent to water. CERCLA lead agency (land): DC Entity performing cleanup: WGL Agreement(s): 2000 DC-WGL East Station Letter Agreement (pump,

capture, treat contaminated ground water); 2006 draft NPS-Washington Gas-DC consent decree to implement 2006 NPS Record of Decision; Site Specific Memorandum of Agreement between NPS and DC governing transfer, and setting forth procedures for re-evaluation of NPS ROD and implementation of remediation action

Contam. linked to sediment: PAHs, metals Status: WGL continues to pump and treat groundwater to prevent coal tar contamination

from migrating to the river. NPS performed RI/FS of NPS/DC property and issued ROD in 2006. Draft NPS-WGL consent decree to implement ROD not finalized due to transfer of property from NPS to DC. In 2009, WGL voluntarily submitted work plans to sample sediment. EPA, NPS and DC commented; WGL is preparing a response.

PEPCO Benning Road Ownership: PEPCO Entity performing cleanup: PEPCO Agreement(s): none known to the authors Contam. linked to sediment: PCBs, PAHs Status: EPA finished CERCLA preliminary assessment in 2000. EPA sampled soil,

sediment as part of CERCLA site investigation in fall 2008. EPA is currently evaluating data and response options.

Kenilworth Landfill (former DC dump) Ownership: NPS CERCLA lead agency (land): NPS Entity performing cleanup: NPS Agreement(s): none known to the authors Contam. linked to sediment: Fill materials had PCBs, PAHs, metals Status: NPS conducted RI/FS in 2002, proposed cap. EPA recommended excavation of

waste material between landfill and aquatic habitat, wetland, restoring riparian habitat, forested buffer, and low impact development technologies. NPS installed riprap to prevent erosion.

Notes: This summary focuses on the status of environmental investigation and cleanup related to contaminated sediment hotspots in the Anacostia River. It lists some of the main contaminants at each facility that may have migrated to sediment hotspots. No attempt is made to list all contaminants in sediment or on land.