[an to assembly hears ilesbouffons .pledge ten men at …€¦ · rncd. given by dean clark. dean...

NIDIBER 2 5 G O [AN TO ASSEMBLY HEARS I LESBOUFFONS . PLEDGE TEN MEN AT ANNUAL - , PLANS ARE COMPLETED I I I [ NOTED MEN'S DEAN FORMAL HELD AT HOTEL BAXTER, APRIL 19 DEGREE FOR HIGH SCHOOL \VEEK lonorary Degree of Doctor of Law Will Be Co nferre d on Hamilton CONTE TA ' TS AWARDED Marcella Littlefield Wins First Honors. Delaney and Semi P lace. Bernier Gets Mention Pive Hundred \'isitors Ex1>ected . New Events . \dded. Combined :\!eels Will Be Economical of Time and Expen se . Only Four Year Ac credited Ins titutions Eligible to Send Delegates. Two Competent Speakers Engaged Acco1dinJr to word 1·ecch·ed recently, 1 e faculty of )lonlana State Uni,·er ty at. :\lh;soula ha\'e decided to confe1 1 FTiday morning- a ''ery inter· esting' was held. At this · :\Jen on the :\[ontana State Campus. time th . winnc rs of the song contest. the commencement exen: il"es of the by the Associate. \Yo1f1en ate Lrnh·cr :"itv on June H. Students. were The Formt. rly th·e practic.·e of t on prize went to :\larcella Littlefield for ntr the honoiary d {!'ree of Doctor of the scng, "A Cheer for :\1. S. C.", the on thost> second priz for the "The :\lontana Stat ? College is now mak- ing lhe final arrnn!?ements for the mei:t which will be called the l!ig-n S<"h(;ol \\'eek. Thb is to be held rn Eozeman on :\lay 1, 2 and :J. events have been addej besides the e\·ents ,1,.·hic:h ha\·e been hdd at thl .. <.:ollege in pre\ ious years at cliff rent times. All will be held this week. This c:ombination is being made to e.onomize both time and cxpen:ie tor the college and high school and it disturbs the high school routin.: less to (•ombine all these efforts . o,·er noo students ale expected to fat tic:ipate in this c:ont st. new and the Gold" to Caroline Delancy and d to a ..,.reat extent, nnd instead thP the third prize to ?\atalie Sevals for I '"" the "Here is to .:i.l. S. C. 11 Hon· nora1 y deg1 ee of Dot: tor of Law!' i!". orablc mention was !?iven to Charles J anh: <l to those who have shown Bernier for his composition. These I tmsehes worthy. Dean .J. :\I. Ham· sc.ng:; wer sung- by the quartet c.n. who has faithfully se1 \·ed the le.: by So1.:ders and then by ate of :\lontana for -1-0 vear$, H> of the bod,·. This hich were at :\1ig$ot.:la, a5 an 1 was \'eiT as it brought 0 ul·ator, ha ... been deemed worth)' of, tHes<l fi°ne new com1 sitions whi h e honorary degree and will be pres· are very peppy and foll of :\I. S. C. t at th. commenC'ement exen·ise-. of spirit. e State l'ni,er:-;itv to recei,·e the Another feature which \vas highly which he ·has •o splendidly inL re.::oting- and humorous was the talk rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I was the first Dean of )!en in the col- OlltGt 0 U lege world and is so popular os the l'ni,erl"ity of Illinois campus that he is referred to Hl" "Tommv Arklc." His lec:ture wa:" entitled, "Tlie Best Thing You Can Get Out of College 11 , and very enjoyable he added humorous little stories which kept the acdience Yery inter i; sted. lie believe5: that ideal:; and habits are fonned in the years from fourteen to twenty-two and that little change takes pla<;e in a:;; indiYidual after completion of col· Tor row : Sam \\inn, H aro ld acller, l.Ponarcl Wing, Frank Ralph and Eel Ruzzetti. Bottom rvw: Harrel Renn , Austin DeFrate, Skee Rivers, Wm. :\IcCall and i\Iax Worthington. (Continued on Page Two) II Four Debators From Sa me Town. Debate Schedule ls GiYen Les Bouffons held their annual formal Pl .ck Excell ent cast Last Saturday t:Yening, April 19, Friday e\·ening, April 17, dance at t.he Baxter . During the te College held a dual debate with F T t Sh event of the evening Ha1old Wylie. e uni,·e"ity of Each in- Of Offfiefl Of OW presiC:ent of the organization, an- tution had two teams; the negative nounced the pledg-in,1? of the ten men ms ttoin'? to the other school and who will carry on the work for the e affirmative remaining home. In Director Hansen ls Rapi dl y followinQ' :rear. These men were as th cases the affirmatiYe team . de- Rounding Production "Su n -------------- ting on the authorized Pi Kappa Physics Head Is Appointed !ta que.tion won the debate by a Up" Into Shape 0 U> one .-, ...... vr t.ht: --- j lin .er the direction of Bert B d Craiie; U. b\· E dward Alex- the. Tormentor'::; play, "Sun der and Clyde :'i1CCall All four P Is rap1al;y round mg- into shape. en are from '\"\-hitehall and all four :-\ew sc.:enery built, and eve1y- ?re semor officer" in their graduat- t:s. done to make I g class Ja st. -rhe judges were Sun Up success t.lr., rs A 1 \ \'ayne Richard-I Hansen s plC\ 10u:s productions, )Iar) n." and A ( 1 t ·all of Boze- Rose'' and .. Th 1 e Doll's House,'' were. n. ' That. Fra!1k ' Pop" \Varel ts a versa. Dr. J. , I. Johnson, From the \\ 'l '<h in tnn l ro 'l at Wa shin gton. D. (. c. team m et E \\a i Caldwell and h1m portray the i:ole of a hard- Dr .\ .. l On Saturda .!, the same )1. ule will be apparent to all ''ho I Ed Buzzetti, Ata in D.: Frate, 'Ym. H . ..\LCall 1 Jt'., frank Ralph 1 Hanel Renn, Skee R crs, Harold SadlE:r, Leonard "ring. Sam \Yinn, and )lax \Yorthington. Les Bouffon, found<: at )[ontana State College in 1900, < the oldest men's senior honorarv raternity at ment was of the fir:i.t class, maintain- ing for the fraternity its compliment- ary name as t.he sponsor of one of the best of colLge functions during the year. The chaperones at the partj-· were Dean and ..\lrs. J. )1. Hamilton, .:\lr. and :\lrs . :-.= . '\Y . ..\liter, and )Ir. an<l ..\lrs. Zales Ecton. the college. anJ 2 7 alumni. The --------------- membership is limited ten seniors a The Bouffo fo•.,ral rnnk5 with the junior prom as a college leading social e,·ent. The dance was well at- tended. and the e\"eninir's entertain· POl T <: "'<i'E) I .ny c :-; (. t ROTC To Get Cadet Attire Xew Uniforms Will Be Issued I Next Year. Will Be Popular Every cadet in the Bobcat Battalion will be outfitted with a complete new unifo1 m at the first of the next school J ear, to Captain Zeck of th1,; military department . This uniform will be new in e\ i;: ry icspect and M'GA ll Will B[ lOOT PRESIDENT Show This Year Was Very Suc- cessful. Four Pledges Are Chose n A •·very s1.:ccessful' 1 show was re- 1,01 t .d by Pete \Vaite. business man- ager of Looters, in hi::; annual state- ment to that organization last week on the financial outcome of "Queen High". )lore than 1,000 p€rsons saw the musical comedy the two nights it \\•as presented her.:: last quarter. Bill :\fcCall was elected president of Looters for 1930-:31. He was advertis- ing manager for "Queen High''. Jake \Yl:ntworth will suc.:ceed himstlf as production manager while Sam \\'inn was elected to business manager. Bill 'Yall was elected advertising manager. Four new members were pledged to Looters. 'Yhcn initiated they '"ill be managers of their respective depart- ments. Alice \'andenhook, mu::.ic; Hazel Thompson. c:ostum2s; Al Petti- bont. propertv . and :\Iilo Sands, stage. These people were elected on the basis of their number of years try- ing- out for Loot positions. It takes two years tryolits unually one can be.ome a ·Looter. Looter ·'L's" \Vere awarded to Bill :\lcCall, Jake Wentworth, Pete \Yaite, Fogler. Robert Kendall, Alston Gutlerson, Sam "·inn and Bill 'Wall. To be for an "L" a Loc;ter must be manaj?cr of some de- partment of Looters for one year. Looters is the only dramatic organ- ization in which the students have complete charge of pro:iucing the shows:. They produce one music:al comedy a year, but do not re.eive any < f the portion of the 25 cents by eal·h ::;tudent for dramatic:s. The boys' anci Jrirls' vocational con- gres!" will be combined this year. The extempo1antous speaking, writing and scholarship contests which have been held during the !>ask tball tournament will be held at this time. The Smith-Huj?hes schools are send· ing delegates to the conference to enter the •'Future Farmer of Amer- ic:a '' speaking contest. The stock judJting- and farm mechanics contest will also take place <luring the week. Home c•.onomics, art and public sr,eaking have been tntered for first time this year. The winners of the extemporaneous writing and speakinJr contests and of the scholarship contest will receive a four year in any :\lon- tana institution. Only the four yrar accredited hiv:h schools may send delegates to the con- ferences if they desire. Thursday. 1, the contests will take place in the various departmen ts. Friday and Saturday will be devoted to the vocational conferences. The services of two ,·ery competent speakers have been enlisted for the me.t. Delia D. Shelton. a graduate of the University of 'Washington will ?i\·e a series of talks. Mrs. Shelton has had a rather varied. careIT. She spent some time overseas with the Red Cross. Since her from France she has been in the vocational department in charge of girls' ,·oca· tional work. (Continued on Page Tvro) f ROSH f Phi Eta Sigma Organized By Dean Clark in 1906. Four Seniors and Thir t een Yearli ng Initiated ce Crawford . )Ion-1 fisted, chewmg .. ap1.o : a School of :\ I e , t Butte. Again pnachei. Pop handles his part with a ev won bv 1 2: to J decision. a muc:h ease as he handles the ball Pres i 1 nt AJ The crO\\:d \\a'- 'l both nights. the court. la:::-t ie debate:" wer xcellent and a in the part of Todd w1_ll pro,·ide ive :=:. 1 h for and point sys- receive<l t.mate last iublication regu lations. it were that the was onl of rewards . It The Point System is t.o shoulu be papular with the The c d s offict:rs will the same style uni- / o- e w l m form as prcnously. Dr . Thomas Arkle Clark. dean of men at the l:niversity of Illinois, in- stalled a chapter of Phi Eta Sigma. national honorary freshman scholastic fraternity at :\fontana State College 'aturday. He founded the society at the Illinois campus in 190G. tter turnot:t ex.fl' ·te:l when the the a typ1cal,mount.ameer wh.:> Dr lege team m b lntermountain {Contmued on rage Three) ion here in the 11 ar future. The ----------------- ------------- bate calen dar al includes a de- te with :\foun S . Charles and a urn debat t: wit B ham Young at ·ovo. Thursda\· of t s week Professor ewer arld BenJamin Raskoff Iea"·e !' the Roe ':-. :\founta in Oratorical test. Ra' k' ff rep1 ented M. S. C. t year JUN IOR PR OM W I LL BE EL N MA Y rn To YEAR'S BEST SOCIAL EVENT O MISEO Be He ld at the Hotel Bax t er. \\ ith Peg rnm 's .'e\l' n P iere Orc h es t ra. J uni or Du es of Two Dollar-. '.\lus t Be P ai d Imm ed iately 1 wn and limit the number es one person may hold. ie\\' of the number of ns aril:)ing the point sys- mmitt ee ha" decided to i p a=-- mu ny of these as by r unn in i:; a column Exponent each week. our quest ions concerning t 'yste n to Bill pr ei :-; e<l changes or u.:mts on :- ) ..; tem will be ·o med. The new uniform will consist of a cap of 16 oz. gabardine of new im- p O\"ed a (Oat of 16 oz. gabardin e with a roll collar, and lapel of sky blue; the collar 01nament:s and shirb fill be of kind; trou!'>er::. of 10 oz. u:abnnline and will be full without wrapl-<. Eac:h cadet will be issued a complet<'! uniform and will be required to it for two years, replacing worn articks I at his own expense. The Fi osh of this I year will be is:-ueJ uniforms for one year and those uniforms will be u:sed for replacements aftc:r they are re- '---------- -----' turn.cl. ANG -SPUR DANCE NJOY ED BY MANY infli cti ng Functions Lowered Atten da n ce. Music Was Un- usua ll y Good The Junior Prom this year promiscs,Garrett, Frank Ralph .. Fuzz,·" Con-\ STATE C AMPUS AND GROUNDS to be not only the leading social event nell,. Dyer! Sai:n \Vfnn, and I · of the <'ollege year, but a dance long Preswent l\Iax \\ orthrngton. ha,·c I TO UNO[Rf.O L A Rf. [ SCALE I MPROVEMENTS Ahce \ Chairman, Dorothy the coronation of the senior girl as U _f\ U 1 , .J t qu ... e!'l, the outstanding event of the --- EIGHT PLEDGES TAKE evenrng. rh l F s d tag d I The Prom is to be held :\Iay 10, at ' . . " ·h the Hotel Baxter, and with a m's Gatton Field Bleache rs W ill Be Set on Permanent Cement Bases. tions of }!ontana State College, was OATH Of Pl DELTA seven piece orchestra it will un- Entrance and S urro und ing Paddock Fence Planned. Tennis d at the Hotel Ba:\-ter, Friday eve- doubtedly be a huge st;ccess. 1 g. April lS, l9:l0. This dance is The success of any '°ltool dance, Courts, Iris Gar den a nd Ot her Features \\'ill Be Erected of the outstanding functions on _depends almost entirely on social calendar, and usually draws Tnit ia ti on at S. A. E. Ho use its frnanc1al backing. Jn order to make ig crowd. Ra Sh fo r Nex t the Prom the leading- e'ent, it is not rhi s year, due to other conflicting zz ' eet Pla nn ed onll'. necessary but e5'cntial that all ial functions and bad weather con· Fa ll Junion; pay their du. s immecliatelv. the atten<ian:e was not as year the dues are 2. tndepcnde;1t Ae as is generaly the case. How- girls may pay theirs to either Alice who did attend made up in At a meeting of Pi Delta, local or Dorothy Garrett, while and vigor for what thev lacked in journalistic ftaternity, held at the S. Kenny Dyer nnJ "Fuzzy" Conndl iibers. - A. E. house "-"ednesday evening, eight are collecting fron1 th !! men. You will egram's orchestra turne l out their were initiated into the ord(r. not be allowed to at.tend the dance ial brand of real, live, pe 1 ,,py music 1 They were Joe Delaney, Earle Rud- presenting your ipts. 1ich made a person's feet prattic- berg, Deevy, 11. Bolster, Chuck Ill -, .Jun.1or dues also entitle all juniors lo y itch with the desire to dance. 11. Greiner, I• rnnklin Dewey, and their annuals . These are to be distrib- feryone seemd to ha\·e a pt rfec.tly Armin Hill. c. s. 11 Dinty" Moore, uted Eal"ly year ,but no junior. toyable time, and went home satis· editor of the Bozeman Courier. was in- who has. not. a receipt for dues will 1J that the ('\"ening had been a sue- itiated as honorary member. Other not be given an annual. Although l he colle l!'e here is se\'ercly handi .. apped b\ lack of :;uffi- cient funds, efforts a"e continuall.\· macie to irnp ro' l' the campus, as well as the school in genera l. The last few veal's have hown marked and plans a1·e to con- tinue the work on as L1 rge a scale as possible. interest has tentered arot.nt.l the proposed tennis courts. 'York was begun on those last sprimr and will be continuld this year, but. the courts will not be reach- for before the fall. A. :steel fenc:e will be built. tntirely around the courts thi:-. year. Hoom will be left im:itll) for Uirec full-sized an<l these will be worked down so that thcv will be ready for fall use. Side- walks will be built connecting these C(; urts with the present walks . One of the• higg-e:-.t propo:-ed im- (Continued on page Two) Meet Is Held l\lany Participate in Two Di\"i- sio11s of Con test. Only NoYices Eligible Last week the beginners heli their annual swimming meet. Participation this year was unusually large consid- erins;r that only who ha\"e never entered a were eligible to partic- ipate. All entrants were dh·ided into two cla:ss. Cla:ss A included all girl:s who know how to swim before this year, bi:t who had never participated in n meet before. In this division Elsa 11. ndrickson won with a total of 51 paints· Lu y Bowman was se<:on l with -ll; )-lildred thitd with 36, and Ennis Overstreet, fourth . Clal":s B wns <ompo:sed of no,·ices. These beginners showed up unusually well for first year people in both the :stt okes. for fonn and :short race con- Anderson with 20 points won first place in thb dh;sion; L. Hamers.a, seC'OHdi R. Nelson, third; an I B. Yan Ilo111 fourth. One of the out:;tanding C\"ents of the evening was the one minute race. In this event llend!'ickson wus \•ictor and ?\l•vin, runner-up. The dh·ing- was also unusually good for a beginners' melt and recei,ed many favorable tomments from the bystanders. A:,. a warning notke to all women who are trying to win their Bh1'.· and G<'ld suits. may 1 remin I you that the swimming season is open only until i\lay 10. All points must hm·e been checked previous to that date. Friday C\ening , from 7 to 9. has been set for this (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on P11ge Two) chaperones were :\lr. and Mrs. H. :Morrison, :\Ir. anri Mrs. A. H. >t, and :Jfrs. Olga Hannon. Montana State Co-eds' Athletic Program Announced For Quarter spring se\cral i1 rojects remain to be completed and omc improve- ments ate to be bl'f..'llll. Gatton field has b(in the biggl'st imrpovt:menl in the last year, but it far from be· ing- finished . Before tht· first. of .Jul)•, ac:«o1·ding to Prof. \\r. R. Plew, super- \'ising 1uc:hit('(·t, the around the present field are to be placed on pe1 mancnt c:ement ba ... cs . An eight- foot Park and Paddock fence, topped with barb d wire an d s.upport.cd by sleC'l post:-: is to be pla• l'd around the enti re field includin ,l! the baseball Scabbard and Blade Will Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Anniversary April 24 XO'fI CE Place vour oNl.er for announce· ncnts of srradual\'on either with lause man.)lcCa ll or Frank Cof- in DDIEDL \ TELY. NOTlCE A. W. \\' ill every \\Gm an who was in chool last c1uarter plea se ca ll at ither the Regi tra r 's or Dea n t errirk's office and fi ll out her •< int svis lem activ itv blank fo r vinter Quarter? Be to record our !oic holastic a\·erap-e for that uarter. P lease gi \·e this mat ter our prom pt attenti o n. There ai-o to be two organized hikes, one was held Saturday while the other will be published some time in the near futur e. In order lo ,{!.et your Bob.al points you mui;t par- ti<·ipate in one of thest• hikes. are to be recorded daily on cards which tan be obtained from ?.largarct Crest 1 or at. :\I iss Stewart's office. Keep the distances which are walked in town "in blocks". Although then are 14 blocks to a mile the total bloc:k!li walked are not to be changed to miles. Blocks from anywhere in town 1-(round. The entrnnc(• to this en- Commemorating their twent.y-fift1 to the Tea Room may be recorded. closure will be thniu L!h a mem rial anni\"er:sal')', the Xationul Sol'iet)' of Campus do not count.. A9ll4 in honor of Cy Ga tton. The base- & B!ade, hononny g,\imming ;\ leet, ball diamond will be at the east end. tratermty, will celebrat' with a The finals of th e co-cd swimming of the football field. nnd in the fall I special program at their sc,cnteentti will be known this week follow- will be us ed as a parkimr space at thi:.• national 'l Oll\"est.ion held B. Com- mJ?_ t_he three-day ra ·e in whii:h Sai:ah games. The present backstops on the P8:ny, l:st Res:1m·_ of Bai t'ln.trcr and I\ l ay Boyd who are tied 1 -; arnde grounds will bl cleared awny. .. at. 1nesent are competing- for cham-1 The old footbnl [i(•ld is lo be cleaned ('Oll\'C'lll1on banquet will be held pionship honors. Both gil'!s ha\ e a ur> and turnl•d into a beautiful lawn. en 2(), at the tot.al of r,s points. Th e race :--: xl year all athletics will be carried lfotel 111. St. Paul, and pornL"'I of 16·12-10- -fl for the first on back of the gvm. idewalks al·e of the pl'OJ!'IUlll will be hroadcast five places respectivelv. I to be built aroun·cl ("lach encl of the Station l\:STP. Among the 111:1111 In swimming the bCQ"inners are not £?'\"m connecting with the present]' speakers o will be Hvn. (Continued on Paire Three) I ci r cu lar walk leading to that building. Theodon Christianson, governor of :\linnc:oota, and the fi,·e foun.!ers of the Charles A. Taylor, Leo. id. Cook, Yictor R. Grigg-s, Harold K. \\rcld and Albert \\". Foster. :\Ieeti.ngs tt1 be Held Simultaneous !) On the same e\·Lning and at th1: snmC' time, dinner meetinQ's will b.? held by the 77 ncti\"e and the Alumni Po s l !." scattereJ th1 uout -Hi They will tune in on the from KSTP and fol- kwingo thi!.' broadcast . continue with th. ir own local mel'ting. Some of the e companies will ha\'C part of (Continued on P,.ge Two) Four seniors anJ thirteen fresh- men were initiated as charter mem- b r" of the )I. S. C. chapter. To be eliQ"ible for initiation a freshman must ha,·e at least fifty per cent "A's" for his first two quarters. Out of the 319 freshmen at the college only 16 quali- ificd this year. The chapter here is the first in the state. The seniors initiated were Edwin and Henry Eagle. Rar Patton and FTithof Johnson. They were elected on the basis of their freshmen grades. The freshmen members: Edward :\lc:- Pherson, LeRoy Good, Edwin Lassetre, Stockton \"easey, Elwyn White. Charles Emmett. Frank Ball, Glenn Frisbie, :'..\Iehin Chester Funk, Cameron Baker. Edward Huestis and Richard Egan. STUDENTS E NTER NAMING CON TEST Cognomen Being Sought For Railroad C a ck Passenger Train Collegiate America is bein!? asked to c:reate a name for a new crack train to be operated be- tween Chi ... ag-o and St. Louis, by the Chicago anri Eastern Railway. Thl' appenl for a name is being made by E. H. Batchelder. general passen- ger ag-ent of the railroad. who will award prizes totalling 150 to th!? persons who submit the two best sug- irestion:-.. The person ,dlOse sugges- tion is finall)• accopted will be gi\·en a c:heck for .. 100, and the onf' present- inir t.hc' second best name will be gi,·en :$50. The contest will close April 30, and the names of the winners will be- an- nounced on about :\lay 15. tions for an name should be marked ··Name Contest'' nn<l addn:s5:ed to E. H. Batchelder, General r Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway-, !l22 :\lcCormick Buildin£ Chil'3J!O, I ll. A similar contest was held b,· the Railway in the latter part of 192.1. The new train now , be named will lea,·_ Chi agoo aboi:t 3 p. m. daily anti aniv(• in St. Louis before• p. m. The eastbound train will lea,·e t. Louis at :4.5 a. m. and will arrive in Chicago early the same afternoon.

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Page 1: [AN TO ASSEMBLY HEARS ILESBOUFFONS .PLEDGE TEN MEN AT …€¦ · rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I OlltGt 0 was the first Dean of )!en in the col tB~T[ [~M Otff~TS U lege world

~xpon.cnt NIDIBER 2


Law Will Be Conferred on Hamilton


Marcella L ittlefield Wins First Honors. Delaney and Semi P lace. Bernier Gets Men tion

Pive Hundred \'isitors Ex1>ected . New Events .\dded. Combined :\!eels Will Be Economical of Time and Expense. Only Four Year Accredited Ins titutions Eligible to Send Delegates. Two Competent Speakers Engaged Acco1dinJr to word 1·ecch·ed recently,

1e faculty of )lonlana State Uni,·er ty at. :\lh;soula ha\'e decided to confe1 1 ,\.;o~i:r~:~nd~~r~: H~frnil~o~· .t 0Dc~; La~l FTiday morning- a ''ery inter· esting' a~scmbly was held. At this · :\Jen on the :\[ontana State Campus. time th . winnc rs of the song contest. the commencement exen:il"es of the .-;pon~orcd by the Associate. \Yo1f1en ate Lrnh·cr :"itv on June H. Students. were announ~ed. The fir~t Formt. rly th·e practic.·e of t on fer~ prize went to :\larcella Littlefield for ntr the honoiary d {!'ree of Doctor of the scng, "A Cheer for :\1. S. C.", the hilosoph~; on thost> who~e act~ons second priz for the son~, "The Blu~

:\lontana Stat? College is now mak­ing lhe final arrnn!?ements for the mei:t which will be called the l!ig-n S<"h(;ol \\'eek. Thb is to be held rn Eozeman on :\lay 1, 2 and :J.

events have been addej besides the e\·ents ,1,.·hic:h ha\·e been hdd at thl .. <.:ollege in pre\ ious years at cliff rent times. All will be held durin~ this week. This c:ombination is being made to e.onomize both time and cxpen:ie tor the college and high school and it disturbs the high school routin.: less to (•ombine all these efforts.

o,·er noo students ale expected to fat tic:ipate in this c:ont st. ~lany new

cii;t~~st;~1c~s t~~~~:n~!~~~ ~r:;~~~T~: and t he Gold" to Caroline Delancy and d to a ..,.reat extent, nnd instead thP the third prize to ?\atalie Sevals for I '"" the ~ong, "Here is to .:i.l. S. C. 11 Hon· nora1 y deg1 ee of Dot:tor of Law!' i!". orablc mention was !?iven to Charles J anh:<l to those who have shown Bernier for his composition. These I tmsehes worthy. Dean .J. :\I. Ham· sc.ng:; wer sung- by the ~iris quartet c.n. who has faithfully se1 \·ed the le.: by ?.lar~aret So1.:ders and then by ate of :\lontana for -1-0 vear$, H> of the ~tudent bod,·. This ~ong- conte~t hich were ~pent at :\1ig$ot.:la, a5 an 1 was \'eiT ::mcce~·~ful as it brought 0 ul·ator, ha ... been deemed worth)' of, tHes<l fi°ne new com1 sitions whi h e honorary degree and will be pres· are very peppy and foll of :\I. S. C. t at th. commenC'ement exen·ise-. of spirit. e State l'ni,er:-;itv to recei,·e the Another feature which \vas highly nor~ which he ·has •o splendidly inL re.::oting- and humorous was the talk rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I

was the first Dean of )!en in the col­

OlltGt 0 tB~T[ [~M Otff~TS U

lege world and is so popular os the l'ni,erl"ity of Illinois campus that he is referred to Hl" "Tommv Arklc." His lec:ture wa:" entitled, "Tlie Best Thing You Can Get Out of College 11

, and wa~ very enjoyable a~ he added man~ humorous little stories which kept the acdience Yery inter i; sted. lie believe5: that ideal:; and habits are fonned in the years from fourteen to twenty-two and that little change takes pla<;e in a:;; indiYidual after completion of col·

Tor row : Sam \\inn, Harold acller, l.Ponarcl Wing, Frank Ralph and Eel Ruzzetti. Bottom rvw: Harrel Renn , Austin DeFrate, Skee Rivers, Wm. :\IcCall and i\Iax Worthington.

(Continued on Page Two) II Four Debators From Same Town. Debate Schedule ls GiYen

Les Bouffons held their annual formal Pl.ck Excellent cast Last Saturday t:Yening, April 19, Friday e\·ening, April 17, ~lontana dance at t.he Hot~l Baxter. During the te College held a dual debate with F T t Sh event of the evening Ha1old Wylie. e uni,·e"ity of ~lontana. Each in- Of Offfiefl Of OW presiC:ent of the organization, an-tution had two teams; the negative nounced the pledg-in,1? of the ten men ms ttoin'? to the other school and who will carry on the work for the e affirmative r emaining home. In Director Hansen ls Rapidl y followinQ' :rear. These men were as th cases the affirmatiYe team . de- Rounding Production "Sun --------------ting on the authorized Pi Kappa

Physics Head Is Appointed

!ta que.tion won the debate by a Up" Into Shape 0 U> one .-, ...... vr t.ht: judgt:~. ---

A~d ~~'C~~ -t:~: H~n5~\~,·:~dre61\~= j lin .er the direction of Bert B d Craiie; th~ U. b\· E dward Alex- I~a~!s~n . the. Tormentor'::; play, "Sun der and Clyde :'i1CCall All four ~ P Is rap1al;y round mg- into shape. en are from '\"\-hitehall and all four :-\ew sc.:enery 1~ .bem~ built, and eve1y­?re semor officer" in their graduat- ~.hmJ? ~o~s1ble t:s. b~yng- done to make I g class Jast. -rhe judges were Sun Up t~e~a1t1st1c success th~t t.lr., rs ~-alter A 1 \ \'ayne Richard-I Hansen s plC\ 10u:s productions, )Iar) n." and A (1

t ·all of Boze- Rose'' and .. Th1e Doll's House,'' were. n. ' That. Fra!1k ' Pop" \Varel ts a versa.

Dr. J. , I. Johnson, From the Geor~e \\ 'l '<h in tnn l ro 'l sit~ at Washing ton. D. (.

c. team m et E \\a i Caldwell and s~e h1m portray the i:ole of a hard- Dr .\ .. l

On Saturda .!, the same )1. ule n~an will be apparent to all ''ho I

fo~lows: Ed Buzzetti, Ata in D.: Frate, 'Ym. H . ..\LCall 1 Jt'., frank Ralph 1 Hanel Renn, Skee R crs , Harold SadlE:r, Leonard "ring. Sam \Yinn, and )lax \Yorthington.

Les Bouffon, found<: at )[ontana State College in 1900, < the oldest men's senior honorarv raternity at

ment was of the fir:i.t class, maintain­ing for the fraternity its compliment­ary name as t.he sponsor of one of the best of colLge functions during the year. The chaperones at the partj-· were Dean and ..\lrs. J . )1. Hamilton, .:\lr. and :\lrs. :-.= . '\Y . ..\liter, and )Ir. an<l ..\lrs. Zales Ecton.

the college. anJ ha~ 2 7 alumni. The ---------------membership is limited ten seniors a ~·ear. The Le~ Bouffo fo•.,ral rnnk5 with the junior prom as a college leading social e,·ent.

The dance was exc ~eding-ly well at­tended. and the e\"eninir's entertain·

POl T <: "'<i'E) I

.ny c :-; ( . t

ROTC To Get Cadet Attire

Xew Uniforms Will Be Issued


Next Year. Will Be Popular

Every cadet in the Bobcat Battalion will be outfitted with a complete new unifo1 m at the first of the next school J ear, accordin~ to Captain Zeck of th1,; military department. This uniform will be new in e\ i;: ry icspect and

M'GAll Will B[ lOOT PRESIDENT Show This Year Was Very S uc­

cessful. Four Pledges Are Chosen

A •·very s1.:ccessful' 1 show was re-1,01 t .d by Pete \Vaite. business man­ager of Looters, in hi::; annual state­ment to that organization last week on the financial outcome of "Queen High". )lore than 1,000 p€rsons saw the musical comedy the two nights it \\•as presented her.:: last quarter.

Bill :\fcCall was elected president of Looters for 1930-:31. He was advertis­ing manager for "Queen High''. Jake \Yl:ntworth will suc.:ceed himstlf as production manager while Sam \\'inn was elected to business manager. Bill 'Yall was elected advertising manager.

Four new members were pledged to Looters. 'Yhcn initiated they '"ill be managers of their respective depart­ments. Alice \'andenhook, mu::.ic; Hazel Thompson. c:ostum2s; Al Petti­bont. propertv. and :\Iilo Sands, stage.

These people were elected on the basis of their number of years try­ing- out for Loot positions. It takes two years tryolits unually b~fore one can be.ome a ·Looter.

Looter ·'L's" \Vere awarded to Bill :\lcCall, Jake Wentworth, Pete \Yaite, Franci~ Fogler. Robert Kendall, Alston Gutlerson, Sam "·inn and Bill 'Wall. To be eligibl~ for an "L" a Loc;ter must be manaj?cr of some de­partment of Looters for one year.

Looters is the only dramatic organ­ization in which the students have complete charge of pro:iucing the shows:. They produce one music:al comedy a year, but do not re.eive any < f the portion of the 25 cents g-i\~en by eal·h ::;tudent for dramatic:s.

The boys' anci Jrirls' vocational con­gres!" will be combined this year. The extempo1antous speaking, writing and scholarship contests which have been held during the !>ask tball tournament will be held at this time.

The Smith-Huj?hes schools are send· ing delegates to the conference to enter the •'Future Farmer of Amer­ic:a '' speaking contest. The stock judJting- and farm mechanics contest will also take place <luring the week.

Home c•.onomics, art and public sr,eaking have been tntered for th~ first time this year.

The winners of the extemporaneous writing and speakinJr contests and of the scholarship contest will receive a four year s~holarship in any :\lon­tana institution.

Only the four yrar accredited hiv:h schools may send delegates to the con­ferences if they desire.

Thursday. ~lay 1, the contests will take place in the various departments. Friday and Saturday will be devoted to the vocational conferences.

The services of two ,·ery competent speakers have been enlisted for the me.t. Delia D. Shelton. a graduate of the University of 'Washington will ?i\·e a series of talks. Mrs. Shelton has had a rather varied. careIT. She spent some time overseas with the Red Cross. Since her r~turn from France she has been in the vocational department in charge of girls' ,·oca· tional work.

(Continued on Page Tvro)

f ROSH HONOR~RY f R~T INST~llEO Phi Eta Sigma Organized By

Dean Clark in 1906. Four Seniors and Thirteen Yearling Initiated

ce Crawford . ·esentin~ )Ion-1 fisted, .t~?acc:~ chewmg .. bac:kwo~d" ap1.o : a School of :\I e , t Butte. Again pnachei. Pop handles his part with phy~ . a ev won bv 1 2: to J decision. a muc:h ease as he handles the ball Pres i 1 nt AJ The crO\\:d \\a'- ' l both nights. ~>n the hardwo.~d court. 1 ~\~rett B~st la:::-t ie debate:" wer xcellent and a in the part of P~p Todd w1_ll pro,·ide ive :=:. 1

h for and point sys­

receive<l t.mate last iublication

regulations. ~ainst it were

· ~ s ion that the was onl of rewards . It The Point System is t.o

shoulu be papular with the cadet~. The c d s • offict:rs will ~vear the same style uni- / o-e w l m form as prcnously. Dr. Thomas Arkle Clark. dean of

men at the l:niversity of Illinois, in­stalled a chapter of Phi Eta Sigma. national honorary freshman scholastic fraternity at :\fontana State College 'aturday. He founded the society at

the Illinois campus in 190G.

tter turnot:t '.~ ex.fl' ·te:l when the the humor~ a typ1cal,mount.ameer wh.:> Dr lege team m b lntermountain {Contmued on rage Three) ion here in the 11 ar future. The -----------------------------­bate calendar al includes a de­te with :\foun S . Charles and a urn debat t: wit B ham Young at

·ovo. Thursda\· of t s week Professor ewer arld BenJam in Raskoff Iea"·e !' the Roe ':-. :\fountain Oratorical test. Ra'k' ff rep1 ented M. S. C.

t year al~ '


YEAR'S BEST SOCIAL EVENT OMISEO Be He ld at t he Hotel Bax ter. \\ ith Pegrnm's .'e\l'n P iere Orchest ra. J unior Dues of Two Dollar-. '.\lus t Be Paid Immed iately

1wn and limi t the number es one person may hold. ie\\' of the number of ns aril:)ing the point sys­mmittee ha" decided to

i p a=-- mu ny of these as by runnin i:; a column Exponent each week.

our questions concerning t 'ysten to Bill ~lcCall .

prei :-; e<l changes or u.:mts on :- ) ..; tem will be


The new uniform will consist of a cap of 16 oz. gabardine of new im­p O\"ed oHr~ea ~tyle; a (Oat of 16 oz. gabardin e with a roll collar, and lapel of sky blue; the collar 01nament:s and shirb fill be of re~ulation kind; th~ trou!'>er::. of 10 oz. u:abnnline and will be full len~th without wrapl-<.

Eac:h cadet will be issued a complet<'! uniform and will be required to u~e it for two years, replacing worn articks

I at his own expense. The Fi osh of this

I year will be is:-ueJ uniforms for one year and those uniforms will be u:sed for replacements aftc:r they are re-'---------- -----' turn.cl.

ANG -SPUR DANCE NJOYED BY MANY inflicting Functions Lowered Attendance. Music Was Un­us uall y Good

The Junior Prom this year promiscs,Garrett, Frank Ralph .. Fuzz,·" Con-\ l~ONTANA STATE CAMPUS AND GROUNDS to be not only the leading social event nell,. ~enneth Dyer! Sai:n \Vfnn, and I · of the <'ollege year, but a dance long Preswent l\Iax \\ orthrngton. ha,·c

~i'a.~se r,;!~:n~~';;;~it~~e.t~~n~~~;ti';J ~~~'~ i~0~~ ~~it~~~~r ~l~fc'h ~~~f 1~10~~: I TO UNO[Rf.O L ARf.[ SCALE IMPROVEMENTS Ahce \ and~nhook. Chairman, Dorothy the coronation of the senior girl as • U _f\ U 1 , .J t qu ... e!'l, the outstanding event of the --- EIGHT PLEDGES TAKE evenrng. rh l F s d tag d I The Prom is to be held :\Iay 10, at ' . . " ·h ::.":'~~ th:~ft,~~·~ei~~~= ~rga~ - the Hotel Baxter, and with Pe~• a m's Gatton Field Bleachers Will Be Set on Permanent Cement Bases. tions of }!ontana State College, was OATH Of Pl DELTA seven piece orchestra it will un- Entrance and Surro und ing Paddock Fence Planned. Tennis d at the Hotel Ba:\-ter, Friday eve- doubtedly be a huge st;ccess. 1g. April lS, l9:l0. This dance is The success of any '°ltool dance, Courts, Iris Garden a nd Other Features \\'ill Be Erected of the outstanding functions on ~ow~ver, _depends almost entirely on ~ social calendar, and usually draws Tnitia tion at S. A. E. House its frnanc1al backing. Jn order to make ig crowd. Ra S h fo r Nex t the Prom the leading- e'ent, it is not rhis year, due to other conflicting zz ' eet Pla nned onll'. necessary but e5'cntial that all ial functions and bad weather con· Fall Junion; pay their du. s immecliatelv. ion~. the atten<ian : e was not as T~is year the dues are 2. tndepcnde;1t Ae as is generaly the case. How- girls may pay theirs to either Alice ~r. tho~e who did attend made up in At a meeting of Pi Delta, local ~'anden?iook or Dorothy Garrett, while and vigor for what thev lacked in journalistic ftaternity, held at the S. Kenny Dyer nnJ "Fuzzy" Conndl iibers. - A. E. house "-"ednesday evening, eight are collecting fron1 th !! men. You will egram's orchestra turne l out their pledg~ s were initiated into the ord(r. not be allowed to at.tend the dance ial brand of real, live, pe1,,py music

1 They were Joe Delaney, Earle Rud- wil~out presenting your re~· ipts. 1ich made a person's feet prattic- berg, ~I. Deevy, 11. Bolster, Chuck I ll -, .Jun.1or dues also entitle all juniors lo y itch with the desire to dance. 11. Greiner, I• rnnklin Dewey, and their annuals. These are to be distrib­feryone seemd to ha\·e a pt rfec.tly Armin Hill. c. s . 11Dinty" Moore, uted Eal"ly thi~ year ,but no junior. toyable time, and went home satis· editor of the Bozeman Courier. was in- who has. not. a receipt for dues will 1J that the ('\"ening had been a sue- itiated as honorary member. Other not be given an annual.

Although l he colle l!'e here is se\'ercly handi .. apped b\ lack of :;uffi­cient funds, efforts a "e continuall.\· bein~ macie to irnpro' l' the campus, as well as the school in general. The last few veal's have hown marked improvem~nt, and plans a1·e to con­tinue the work on a s L1rge a scale as possible.

~lu c h interest has tentered arot.nt.l the proposed tennis courts. 'York was begun on those last sprimr and will be continuld this year, but. the courts will not be reach- for u~e before the comin~ fall. A. 1~-foot :steel fenc:e will be built. tntirely around the courts thi:-. year. Hoom will be left im:itll) for Uirec full-sized court~. an<l these will be worked down so that thcv will be ready for fall use. Side­walks will be built connecting these C(;urts with the present walks .

One of the• higg-e:-.t propo:-ed im­(Continued on page Two)

Meet Is Held l\lany Participate in Two Di\"i­

sio11s of Con test. Only NoYices Eligible

Last week the beginners heli their annual swimming meet. Participation this year was unusually large consid­erins;r that only tho~e who ha\"e never entered a me~t were eligible to partic­ipate.

All entrants were dh·ided into two cla:ss. Cla:ss A included all girl:s who know how to swim before this year, bi:t who had never participated in n meet before. In this division Elsa 11. ndrickson won with a total of 51 paints· Lu y Bowman was se<:on l with -ll; )-lildred ~e\in, thitd with 36, and Ennis Overstreet, fourth .

Clal":s B wns <ompo:sed of no,·ices. These beginners showed up unusually well for first year people in both the :stt okes. for fonn and :short race con­t ~ sts. ~f. Anderson with 20 points won first place in thb dh;sion; L. Hamers.a, seC'OHdi R. Nelson, third; an I B. Yan Ilo111 fourth.

One of the out:;tanding C\"ents of the evening was the one minute race. In this event llend!'ickson wus \•ictor and ?\l•vin, runner-up. The dh·ing- was also unusually good for a beginners' melt and recei,ed many favorable tomments from the bystanders.

A:,. a warning notke to all women who are trying to win their Bh1'.· and G<'ld suits. may 1 remin I you that the swimming season is open only until i\lay 10. All points must hm·e been checked previous to that date. Friday C\ening, from 7 to 9. has been set a~ide for this purpo~c. '· (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on P11ge Two)

~he chaperones were :\lr. and Mrs. H. :Morrison, :\Ir. anri Mrs. A. H. >t, and :Jfrs. Olga Ros~ Hannon. Montana State Co-eds' Athletic

Program Announced For Quarter

Thi~ spring se\cral i1 rojects remain to be completed and omc improve­ments ate to be bl'f..'llll. Gatton field has b(in the biggl'st imrpovt:menl in the last year, but it far from be· ing- finished . Before tht· first. of .Jul)•, ac:«o1·ding to Prof. \\r. R. Plew, super­\'ising 1uc:hit('(·t, the h l~· achers around the present field are to be placed on pe1 mancnt c:ement ba ... cs. An eight­foot Park and Paddock fence, topped with barb d wire and s.upport.cd by sleC'l post:-: is to be pla• l'd around the enti re field includin ,l! the baseball

Scabbard and Blade Will Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Anniversary April 24 XO'fICE

Place vour oNl.er for announce· ncnts of srradual\'on either with l auseman.)lcCa ll or Frank Cof­in DDIEDL\ TELY.


\\'ill every \\Gm an who was in chool las t c1uarter please ca ll at i t her the Regi tra r's or Dean t errirk's office a nd fi ll out her •< in t svis lem activ itv blank fo r vinter Quarter? Be s~1 re to record our !oicholastic a \·erap-e for t hat uarter. Please gi \·e this ma t ter our prom pt attention.

There ai-o to be two organized hikes, one was held !a~t Saturday while the other will be published some time in the near future. In order lo ,{!.et your Bob.al points you mui;t par­ti<·ipate in one of thest• hikes. s~orcs are to be recorded daily on cards which tan be obtained from ?.largarct Crest

1 or at. :\I iss Stewart's office.

Keep the distances which are walked in town "in blocks". Although then are 14 blocks to a mile the total bloc:k!li walked are not to be changed to miles. Blocks from anywhere in town

1-(round. The entrnnc(• to this en- Commemorating their twent.y-fift1 to the Tea Room may be recorded. closure will be thniu L!h a mem rial anni\"er:sal')', the Xationul Sol'iet)' of Campus block~ do not count.. A9ll4 in honor of Cy Gatton. The base- ~cabbn1:d & B!ade, hononny m~lillHY g ,\imming ;\ leet, ball diamond will be a t the east end. tratermty, will celebrat' with a The finals of th e co-cd swimming of the football field. nnd in the fall I special program at their sc,•cnteentti ~neet will be known this week follow- will be used as a parkimr space at thi:.• national 'l Oll\"est.ion held ~l B. Com­mJ?_ t_he three-day ra ·e in whii:h Sai:ah games. The present backstops on the P8:ny, l:st Res:1m·_ n~·- U.mn.1·~1ty of Bai t'ln.trcr and I\lay Boyd who are tied 1-;arnde grounds will bl cleared awny. ~lmnesota, A1~nl 2-l-2a~2h .. at. 1nesent are competing- for cham-1 The old footbnl [i(•ld is lo be cleaned Thl~ ('Oll\'C'lll1on banquet will be held pionship honors. Both gil'!s ha\ e a ur> and turnl•d into a beautiful lawn. en .Saturd~ty ni~ht, ~April 2(), at the tot.al of r,s points. The race giv1.:~ :--: xl year all athletics will be carried lfotel Rad1s~on 111. St. Paul, and pa:~ pornL"'I of 16·12-10- -fl for the first on back of the gvm. idewalks al·e of the pl'OJ!'IUlll will be hroadcast O\'~r five places respectivelv. I to be built aroun·cl ("lach encl of the Station l\:STP. Among the 111:1111 In swimming the bCQ"inners are not £?'\"m connecting with the present]' speakers o fth~ ~vcninJ? will be Hvn. (Continued on Paire Three) I circular walk leading to that building. Theodon Christianson, governor of

:\linnc:oota, and the fi,·e foun.!ers of the ~ol·iety: Charles A. Taylor, Leo. id. Cook, Yictor R. Grigg-s, Harold K. \\rcld and Albert \\". Foster. :\Ieeti.ngs tt1 be Held Si multaneous !)

On the same e\·Lning and at th1: snmC' time, dinner meetinQ's will b.? held by the 77 ncti\"e companie~ and the I:~ Alumni Po s l !." scattereJ th1 uout -Hi i;tate~. They will tune in on the pro~ram from KSTP and fol­kwingo thi!.' broadcast. continue with th. ir own local mel'ting. Some of the e companies will ha\'C part of

(Continued on P,.ge Two)

Four seniors anJ thirteen fresh­men were initiated as charter mem­b r" of the )I. S. C. chapter. To be eliQ"ible for initiation a freshman must ha,·e at least fifty per cent "A's" for his first two quarters. Out of the 319 freshmen at the college only 16 quali­ificd this year. The chapter here is the first in the state.

The seniors initiated were Edwin and Henry Eagle. Rar Patton and FTithof Johnson. They were elected on the basis of their freshmen grades. The freshmen members: Edward :\lc:­Pherson, LeRoy Good, Edwin Lassetre, Stockton \"easey, Elwyn White. Charles Emmett. Frank Ball, Glenn Frisbie, :'..\Iehin ~latson, Chester Funk, Cameron Baker. Edward Huestis and Richard Egan.


Cognomen Being Sought For Railroad C 1· a ck Passenger Train

Collegiate America is bein!? asked to c:reate a name for a new crack µass~nger train to be operated be­tween Chi ... ag-o and St. Louis, ~lissoud by the Chicago anri Eastern Railway. Thl' appenl for a name is being made by E. H. Batchelder. general passen­ger ag-ent of the railroad. who will award prizes totalling 150 to th!? persons who submit the two best sug­irestion:-.. The person ,dlOse sugges­tion is finall)• accopted will be gi\·en a c:heck for .. 100, and the onf' present­inir t.hc' second best name will be gi,·en :$50.

The contest will close April 30, and the names of the winners will be- an­nounced on about :\lay 15. Su~ges­tions for an name should be marked ··Name Contest'' nn<l addn:s5:ed to E. H. Batchelder, General Pas~e11).!'C r A~cnt, Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway-, !l22 :\lcCormick Buildin£ Chil'3J!O, I ll. A similar contest was held b,· the Railway in the latter part of 192.1.

The new train now , be named will lea,·_ Chi agoo aboi:t 3 p. m. daily anti aniv(• in St. Louis before• ~fl p. m. The eastbound train will lea,·e

t. Louis at :4.5 a. m. and will arrive in Chicago early the same afternoon.

Page 2: [AN TO ASSEMBLY HEARS ILESBOUFFONS .PLEDGE TEN MEN AT …€¦ · rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I OlltGt 0 was the first Dean of )!en in the col tB~T[ [~M Otff~TS U lege world


Cb~ W~¢kly Expon¢nt ! SMA'ITERING FROM HERE AND THERE IN OUR MIDST I ----------+

'H 111 I I 111 111 I I I I I I I I I 11I11 111 I I I I I I 11111I111111 ,...,,

l Established 1910 +---

Continuance of the .Monthly Exponent, Established 1895 In a lax moment ill Econ the other da~-. Dean Hamilton bursts fort~ with

the fem that the Ford is the nearest means of producing steam without Published every Tuesday of the college :rear by the staff chosen from the the use of coul.

Golf Outfit $9.95

Associated Students of Montana State College at Bozeman,· Montana COllJPLETE

Subscriptiou Rate $2.00 per school year That must make the Chi O's positively dangeJ'ous-when they a nd t he Ford are l'ombined.

Putter-lllashie--lllidiron-Driver and Bag

Accepted f or maiJing at special r a te of postage pr ovided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1D27, authorized February 17, 1919

Telephone: 147--.As k for Exponen t.. On Mondays a f ter 5 :00 P . .M . 80

Evidently the Pi Phi$ are making an archery range getting out of t he Library with Lheir beaux and arrow.

HAUSEMAN & McCALL fl llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllTlll 11111111111 ..

Editor-in-Chief Business 11anager

. Leonard A . Wing, '31 Girls, beware of Bl'uce 1\Iull you know he threw Banfield in 16 seconds .

News Staff :Managing Editor ··········-··-·--·----Assistant Editor ·····--··-·---··-·--···············----···-

___ ............. Louis Urbach

.. ..:\lkhael DeP.vy _________ Ruth Platt

.·\fter the interlude uf ra.in 1 the piLnics can start ngnin in full swing.

No doubt Fl:LL is right. YOUR PICTURE

Associate Editor ··-···· ------·-····-···----·--·· .... Armin Hill Sports E ditor ··--··· ········----·---·--····-···-·------------··--··-·-···--·····-·····-····-···---George Hart

Dean Clark said the "Gentlemen's Grade'' is C-we're glad to note there are so many gentlemen on our fair campus .

DEAN J. l\I. HAl\IILTO:i" to whom was recently confer ed a degree of Doctor of Laws by t he Univer sity of l\Ionlana

The finest Gift of a ll for Mother on lllother's Day

LINFIELD'S Assistants, Wallace Harrity, Harold Greiner, Chet Iluntley1 Clarence Connell

Feature Editor ···········-·-·--------······-·-················ ·-······-··-··········-·-···-··-J\lary Ilakala Women's Sports ·····-···-··--·-····-·--·--········-···---···-··----··-······ ......... Dorothy Garrett

Assistant Frances Fogler Society Editor ·······-·····-·····-·-----·-···············-·--···--·····················--Alice Vandenhook

The Unin·rsitv makes anolher pas8-they note that. there are over a hundred ouL for~ spring foot.ball at the state college, and fo1't~mately it is quantity that wins footlmll games. True, true-they have ne1ther.

Aggie Ball Will Be On Friday, April 25

Assistants, Elizabeth Seitz, Bernice Norris, Gretchen Leln·kind, :Mildred Nevin, Helen O!i,·er, 1"erest O'Donnell, Josephine i\Iiklic:h, Emma Baldwin. Typing ... .EJizabeth Seitz, Helen Souders, Elizabeth Graham Sarah Barringer

It is still too early to go swimming in the 11old hole'' ·1ccording to Sergeant E11sworlh. U you don't b~lieYc it try falling in t he rin~r and losing a per­fectly good fish and breaking a good pole.

1 11 111111 111111 1111 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 11 1 11 1111 11 1 11 111 1 11 1II 111 11 11 ll I ll I U I ll! fl Il l n I Il l 1111111! l tl l o • n I 11 1 11 f ~ II I ll • " I l! I U 1 11 1 111• j f · \I 11 11 I i i

~ - H B McCAY Mili tary Editor ---------------- -- ______ ------·--------- ________ Charles Tiie

Business Staff Anyway 16 fish are something tu brag about even though the "biggest''/

one got away. (By V. Hurlbur t ) I Advertis ing .Manager ...... -·················-···------···········-······ ........ Al Greiner 1Assistants: Earle Hansen, Bob Jones

Business Assistant ·····-···-·-···-·--········--······-··-··········-····· .... Frank MacCormick James '\\1 aters

Circulation Manager ··············-·--·····----···· ··· ················-····· ................. Jack Erkkila

Re parters

Earl Rudberg, Margaret Bowman, Franklin Dewey, Lorrai11e Thompson, Virgil Hurlburt, Gladys EIIiott, Arthur Sheldon, Clara Wl1ite

1 Kay Rh-ers,

Peggy Scott, Kathryn Kellet. Doris Kuh11s, Russell Freeman, Leona Ruth­ledge, Elso Hendrickson, Helen Eagle, Norma Beck, Vera Ann O'Neil.

benefit to every student on the cam­pus, anti thus they should be p1·operJy made use of. At present th· many Jawns on the campus are very soft and are easily spoiled by thoughtless campus-cuLters . ..1£Yery student on the hill is urged t.o take care of the cam-. pus, to be careful of the lawns, and t.o really take pride in the outward appearanr.:e that this institution pre­sents.

to train ma n's ideas, teach him to think, and t rait' th<:: mind fOT judge­ments. Activities cannot be under­,~alued as they gh·e a self-estima~e of courage, social l'ontact, expe.nen.._e and finesse. Training the min<l . by hard work is thl' most valuable thmg in college. 'l'his policy of doing just enough to get by is a very poor one and gives one lit.tie discipline in mind training. Th e man who will get most of his colJe(!e is the one who has ttained his min I and has devcloyeJ scholarship. Colle~e is the be!:it plat'::! in the world to se\·ure t.his 11ecessa1·y training ."

Calendar .... . .............................................. _. . ..... Flora Davis Pr oof Reader .... ......................... . ....... J ohn Norlin


Courier Print ~ Bozeman . .Montana

(Oo11tinued from Page One) OUR CAMPUS



ANNIVERSARY APRIL 2-J. At this t ime of vear more harm can be done Lo the appearance of the campus by -a little bit of carelessness than at any other time. The lam1s are all Ye1T soft yet, and the grass has just begun to grow. Please giYe it a chance. Don't walk all oYer it and cut it out so that next summer \Yhen the campus should be a beautiful green all ornr it will look like a run-do1Y11 cow-pasture.

J. R. Jewell, dean of the school of vocational education at Oregon State College, is to be the ot11er speaker. 1\l.r. Jewell has done con­siderable speaking work in many o.f the states. lle has been speaker nt (Continued fJ'Om p.a.ge One) Great. Falls and Billings at the last their program l•roaclcast from one of two sessions of the ~[ontana State their local stations. Teacher::; Association. The local chapter, kno\vn as D Co.

1 Altho this contest may not be as 6th Regiment, was instnlled in 1923.

spectacular a:s some, yet it involves a It has "'lumbered among its members thorouglmess of the things which 0ru,- the most al'.tive and the most should be £ncouraged. 'rhe real pur- cailable among the cadet officers pose e>f the ,,·hole affair is to mingle seleded by the members with lhe co­serious business \vith recreation and operation of the a ... atlemic and militm·y

Of course we don't claim to ha1-e the most beauLiful or the best kept campus in the "-orld, but many persons haYe sacrificed a while lot to put it into the good shape that it now is in . Ne1·er­theless there are till those who are too lazy, too careless, too though tless, or too something else to use the sidewalks merely because a little time can be sa\'ed by ''cutti11g" across . Some even walk around on t he lawns merely because they know that t hey are not supposed to. Such cutting not only shows a lack of pride in the school, but also a lack of lmowledge of gentlemanly or ladylike beha\'ior.

pleasure. faclllty. The college faculty committee which F osters Patriotis m and Citizens hip

has cha1·ge of this high sc:hool week is Scabbard and Blnde unites in closer composed of: \'t. Il. I\lcCaU, chairman, delatjonship tht~ military degrees. It Dean Una B. Ilt•rrii.:k, l\1iss Leora promotes and duvelopcs t.he essential HaJmer, :\tiss. Hua \'an Ho111, )!rs. qualities of hOOcl and effiC'ient of­Olga Ross Hannon, Ross Miller, ficers p1·e1>are'\ its members as edu-

idney sutherland and '\\r. }.,_ Brewe1-. cate.d men, to take a more active part

I and to have a greater influence in the , PHYS TCS HEAD militarr affaiIS of U1cir conm1unities.

IS APPOL'\'TED And above all, it emphasizes the dis­se111ination of truthful and intelligent

(Continued !rom page One) Prof. Frank \'\'. Ham, who left two :rears ago on sabbatical leave. He re­Signed after a year of absen('e. Since his i·esig·nation James A. Kiefer, as­sociate professor of physics. has been acting head of the department. Prof. Ham bad bee: n p1·ofesso1· of ph)rsies at the college for 25 years.

We all want to see this institution make as good a showing as possible ,but few of us are willing to put oursel\'es out the least bit to make it so. Some of us e1-en resent being reminded t hat oul' acts are actually injuring such an appearance. Please keep on the walks. Be careful of the lawns, and especially of the grass righ t close to the walks as this seems to suffer the most. Take a pride in the looks of "the hill ' and try to do your par t in making it look its best. At present Dr. J ohanson js a mem­

ber of George VVashington University physics faculty at Washington, D. C.

sponsored by A. \V. s. ""Work is to He rec~h·ed his A. B. degree .in 1~2-1 be started as soon as possible on this I from Nebraska }Ves.le):an Ulll\"~t-s1ty. enterprise, and plans are that good In 1928 he ob~am~ his docto1 s de­headway \\ill be mdae before the end gree at the Uruvers1ty of Iowa.


LARGE Th1PROVEl\:IENTS of the Present ten11. Dr. ;Tohnson is a n~th·e of Lai:der,

(Continued fro!:!l Page One) These improvements are very ex- Wyomn:ig, ;.·~ere In~ father is. a provements is to be the Iris Garden pensive to make. They are a real :Siet110d1st m11nster. 'Ihe new physics ______________ ____!. _______________ f~f5fess~~:;n~~·~ drive from \.\fashington

'if-,............... £A+iii££ £±1!E5ii44U44=~•-ll'-U-1c-11-•1

f Jazz K1ng's Old Gold Hour l J Resumed in New York I +-·-----n--1-••-t•-1-u-u-1a-1J-11-1i-11-u-11-u-1'f-

PAUL WHITEM,1.N, "King of Jazz,'' Teturns to New York

trom an. extended \\'estern tour 'to r esume his weekly broadcasts of the Old Goid programs Tuesday evening, April 22, on the coast to coast n elwork of 'the Columbia Broadca.'iting System.

\\'hi teruan's chief purpose out west was to produce the. musical comedy p icture '·King of J azz," in "'hicb h e and h is band a re fea­t ured. On his \\ ny to Hollywood, ·while on the coast and on bis r e· t urn t rip, ' Vhiteman broadcast the Old Gold Hour each T uesday n ight by long di1-;tance to New York, where it was sent out on the na· t ional ehaln

Next rruesday and thereafter ' ''hiteman will broadcasL direct frllm New York.

and signed her up i mmediately for the Old Gold Hour.


(Continued fro m page One) Wednesday, l\!ay 7, has been set

aside as ihe day for ::.electing the Junior Prom Queen . According- to cus­tom1 this is a member vf the senior class. All juniors and seniors YOte £or the gil'l they would like to see be Queen of the Prom. rl'he girl having the most \ otcs will automatically be­come the que~n for 1930. ller name is \\ithheld until the night of the prom. "~ho is your choice for Que.en of the Prom? It won't be long until :\fay 7.

Remember, pay :rour dues immedi­ately. T'ivo dollars, Please. No dues, 110 dance! no vote! no annual!


(Continued f rom P av.6 One ) lege as that four years of tra ining only aims to crystaliz.e these ideals and habits. I

'·The.re are no ~hort cuts to edu ca­tional and cultural development," said Dean C'la1·k. ''Colle-ge is the place

~ll l U IU l ll l l ll ll l U l tl l U l ll l H l 11 1 11 1 U l ll l ll ll l l ll l ll l ll l l l ll l UI Ul !1 11!

~ ~

information l·oncerning the military requirements of our country.


(Continned from page One) pledges are ~Toe Livers, Carl Wall, and Robert Hawks.

Ne\;..· offict>rs fo1· the organization next year L'.Ons ist of: Leonard \.Ving, president; \\~illiam .l\IcCall, vicie presi­dent; Armin II ill , secretary-treasurer ; and Michael Deev.r. director of pub· licity.

Durin_g- the business meeting it was decided to publish n razz shtet next fall and arrangemests were made to begin gathering- t he best mate1-ial for it. Further plan s were also made for the joint 1lontanan-E:-.."})onent banquet to be hel<l this spring-_

0~l ,_, c<i'l'·

",v,Y-} ~


The fea ture artist In the comi ng program will be Mildred Bailey, contralto, who 1s the only woman Tocalist to ho?d a contract for r egul:ir appeara 11.~es with Paul \\'hlt~man and l1is orchestra. Her f!ODUlat lty In radio circles Is qui le recenl. s ince It was during "1h~te­man's fi rst t rip to Hollywood that be hs.d occasion t.o hear her singing

T he coming broadcast goes on U1G a ir T uesday n ight a t 9 o'clocll P.83l• eru standard ti me.

~ That ques t ion can be solved ~ trading here

The Park - --:---by

A BARfiAIN FOR SOME FRATERNITY 1 Set Century Encyclopedia - $95.00 value, perfect

condition with table s tand for $19.00


I F~;·~;An i WHI::;;r~r~:;RED I Can.dies ! $1.98 I Snooker Tables ! w agner Bros. ~ Billiards ~ Bo7,eman's Lea.ding Men's and

-§ •• ~ Smo.~es i_ Boys' Store

Next to Montana Power Co. ~ 9 EAST MAIN ! 1------------1 ~u1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 n 1n 1n1n 1 11 1u 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 u 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 u 1 u 1 11 1 ui

Hardware ~ ;; Dinnenvare, Glassware, Oriental Gift Goods

The Agricultural Club held a busi­ness meeting- 'YednesdaY C'-~cnin2' at 7:30 in th~a1rricultural building. ·The meeting was held for the purpose o.f discussing- the Ag- Dance and the Ag Day progTam .

i 1 u1 111 1t1 UIN!l lt l ll l ll l ll l lt l 1 111 1Hl ll l ll l L' l ll l ll l Ul ll 111 11 1Ul !l l !l l ll l Hl ll l !1 1il l111 111 111 111 UI 11111 111 11 1 11· 1 11111111 1u1u 1u1 1.1ftl

We €'xpect a large turnout for thi:! +-- -----·---------------,---i FOR A NICE HAJR CUT Ag Dan~·e. Every student of :\I. S. C. who wants to hm~e a g-ood time should be sure and attend. A large crowd is needed for the proceeds of t.he dance are to be U!'l.ecl in buyin.Er awnrds for the tean1s that went to the I nterna­tional Livestock Exposition last fall.


In ot.he1· ~tenrs the Ag Ball lrns been +---_,_, ___ ,, ____ ··--- ----·----_, ______ _

a success and those \v110 have at­tended have enjoyed themsehes. There ~ is no reason why thh; dance shoul:l not ~ bo one of the bigg-est dances of th~ quarter.

Ag Day will probabl;· be held th• 16th and 17th of May. It is planned to haq~ the Dairy and Grain Judg-ing contest.s Fridm· afternoon. the Live­stoek Fitting- Contest Saturdnv morn­ing and the Lin"'stoek Judg-iTig Con­test Saturday afternoon. Everv stu­dent of A~niculture should mak~e it a point to entn· at least one of these contests. The Freshmen wil l have a contest of their own anrl will not have to eomnete v.'"ith uppn classmen.

Hotel Baxter

Ag Day is sponsored by the A'! Club. but ev·e1-y student of agriculture may take part. Then~ is a small en­trance fee of 25c per contest. T his monev is to he iu~ecl in buyin.12' awards for the hig-h point men. Let's make this p1·ogram a success. In order to do this we must have a large turnout.


Popular Priced



l mpro:;;ing trawmis1iou Spudi.ng up service &.!.4<.ir.g r.~tes

Encot1raging the long distance habit

An interesting example of organization is the de,·elopme nt of long dis tance telephone business. i\ !en and won1e n of the Bell Sy,rem made this service worth y, and the public has recognized this by its greatl y in­crca..-;ed u::;age.

The 13el l L aborato ries improved the quality of sound transm ission by modify ing exi t ing ap pa1·atm and d esigning new_ \ Vestern Elec­tric m anufactured the necessar y equipment

of t he highest standards. Operating telephone companies, wor king with the _-\ 111eric:1n Tele­phone and T elegraph Com pa111 , shortene,I the time fo r con:pleting c:ills and red uced t he rates.

in all a coo rdinated work., bringing to­gether 111a111· and varied acti,·ities, :ind trpical ~1 f th e w:n; in which telephone servire is constan tly -being made a better roo l for the nati on· s needs.

BELL SYSTEM ..A natio11-r.uult- J)'Jfetn of i111er-ron nut111g telep hone ;


Page 3: [AN TO ASSEMBLY HEARS ILESBOUFFONS .PLEDGE TEN MEN AT …€¦ · rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I OlltGt 0 was the first Dean of )!en in the col tB~T[ [~M Otff~TS U lege world



Friday, April 25-Ag Club Dance. Saturday, April 26-Kappa Sigma

Fireside ; Delta Tau Party. Saturday1 :\lay 10-Junior Prom.

house Thursday were Robert Grahu.m a nd Robert Johnson.

Out of town visitors Sunday were Mr. Herbert Rosen from Anac·u1tJa and )1r. David \Villinms from t!1c Poyltechnk in Billings.

Cues.ts of Delta Tau at dinner Sun­day were llisses Ruth Riddell aTld Hazel Kidder.

PI an Organ Recital FORMER STUDE PLANS By Klemme at Ellen SWIMMING MARATHON Will Be Gh-en Friday, April 25.

Other Special Features On Program

14 Something- new in the way of ad­'\ enture and travel and at the ~arnc time a new angle of long-di~tancc swimming- will be at.tempt. d this ~um­mcr by Thomas E. Currier, a former i\lontana State student. nnr.l .Jacob G. :\lola, Lh;ng~ton youths, who propose tn swim to ~cw Orleans. La., a mere mater of :t.500 miles or so. Currier and !\fola will di\·e from a bridge into the Yelows.tone riur at ljving-ston, follow



Each Sl.25 2 for $2.15

3 for $2.85

THE MEN'S STORE McCRACKEN BROS. Delta Tau wishes to announ~e the

pledginK of Robert Graham of Thomp­son Falls.

So many :students expre:sst:d a desire for an organ concert following the Loot Show, in which ~lfr. Klemme played several pie~cs betwt•cn ac:ts, that the Pre::sbytenan Christian En­<lea\·or has made ddinlte arra1 "C-ments for one. •

th.1 'l!Ntm to its jun:t.ion with the SSSSVl'S~ss~sss~sss~ . \lpha Gamma Delta.

Lillian Tubb, Prcsid(.'?lt-elcct of :A,..· \\.~. S. rdurned Sunday from Laramie, \Vyoming, where ~he attended the A:\\". . National Convention.

)lis~ Julia Riser of Tuscaloosa, Ala­bama. Xational \"isitor of Alpha Gam­ma D(•lta was a guest of Delta Gamma chapter April 17 to 19.

Hamilton Hall. Kathryn K<.>lly and :'\Ianraret. Crow­

ley were dinner guests of :.\largaret Lord last week.

Th c distrid superintendent of Alpha Omicron Pi, was the luncheon guest.

Helen Bradbury was the luncheon guest of her sister, Ruth ).fonday.

.Ann Harrington was the guest of Sarah Barrinirer at dinner Thursday e'\·ening-.

.\mig!J . Friday ~vening Dean Thomas Arkle

Clark from the University of Illinois was a dinner guest.

~Ir . E. T. Heidel, Captain L. D. Zeck, :\Ir. Ray Lewis, Mr. B. 0. Hor­kan were dinner guests Friday even­ing.

Larry )lalmberg of Manhattan was a week end guest.

l\appa Sigma.

This concerti \dll b.· given at the Ellen theatre, Fri,1ay, April 25 , com­mencing at R:OO p. m. Any student who <:esircs to go to the A!! Ball, gi\•cn the ~ame night, will be at lib­erty Lo take in both e\·ents. The Or1?:.tn concert will be ov :r by 9 ::~o p. m . or before.

Missouri river, paddle down the )!is- i souri into the )Iissi~sippi and then to :-..: ew Orleans .

\Yhilt• neither boy has ever tried to 2 a.romplish an:i.• lonJ.r-dislance swim~ ~ b~th beli<.'VC' Lhat this experience will ~ fit. them for the job of tack Jin~ the I c·urrent~ of the larger i\lis!';.Ouri and '.\Ti!->sis~ippi rivers.

Jf the water condtions in the Yel­lowstone are normal, they plan to make the plong-e bef!inning their long­lrip on .July 4. 1\'cathcr and water conditiom;; mhtht hai:;ten or delay th'· start, however. ·


ORTON BROS. Thursday evening J.1 iss Rh•er was

entertained by the Alpha Gamma Delta undergraduate chapter at an informal dinner at. the thapter house.

)!b:-o .Julia Ri..,er was honor guest of the Alumnae Club of Alpha Gamma Delta at a forrnal dinner at the Hotel Baxter Friday l'Vening.

l\Iargaret Clack had A1ice Vaughn as her guest for lun<'h Saturday.

Dorothy )lilJer, Dorothy Ford. and Virginia \\~arner spent the Easter holiday at Helena.

Sunday dinner guests at the Kappa Sigma house were Doris Kuhns, Vivi­enne Boulware. Gladys Elliott, Pearl Hirsh. and Chauncey Grebe.

This con<'ert is under t.he auspices of the Christian Endea\·or and is a benefit concert for Rock Haven (the Pre~bvterian camp). Tkkets have bc..:n distributed among the !Students and can easily be obtained from Doroth,y Garrett. Helen Bradbury, Everett Pepper, i.owcll Kurtz, or John Parker. These tl1 kets have been rcduc,d to the price of a show. You will be able to hear a wonderful con­cert for but 50c when it should cost $2 a ticket.

A boat carrying their camping S3':""'~~'""'~~~~~sssss~Vl'Vl' equipment an<l supplies \\·ill ac1.:om-

A delightful trip up West Gallatin canyon was planned for .:\liss Julia Riser and members of Alpha Gamma Delta Saturday afternoon. The group stopped at Roc:k Haven for a picnic lunch. Other g-uests on the trip were, !\lrs. R. E. Brown, Gladys Branegan, Helen Crockett, and Ruth Renn.

.'.\liss Elise Tubb was a g-uest of her sister Lillian Tubb at the Alpha Gam­ma I>elta house Sunday.

:\Iare;aret "'inters, Edith Johnson, Kathleen Vaughn, and Eleanor Rice spent Easter at theii· homes in Butte.

Pi Beta Phi ).liss Dorothy Grigsby of Livingston

visited at the Pi Beta Phi house dur­ing the week end, leadng on Monday for California, where she will visit for sc\'eral months.

Chauncey Grebe was a Friday din­ner guest.

Omega Beta. Arthur Jorg-enson spent the we~k­

end at the Omega Beta Fraternity 110()~~~,g-a Beta announces the formal initiation o-f Phillip Smit.h oi Kahs­pell.

Pi Kappa A l1>ha

In addition to )!r Klemme, Miss \" ivienne Bouleware. t.-Liss Peghry Scott. and !\Ir. Ben Frost will add some charming num ' er s to the pro­irram. ThC' followinl! organ s. lections will be played :

Group I Poet and Pea~a: 1l ; The Storm ;

'Jar h 3!ilitaire; Thi Last Chord.

pany the two youths. They will re-main in the water eight hours each day, lea\'ing the stream only to camp at night. According to plans, they exp('Ct to conr between 20 and 35 milC's earh day, reaching- Xew Orleans I in about l 10 days." I

The abo\·e cli[>pin$! was taken from a Pittsburgh paper an 1l. sent to Dean and j\fl's .T. M Hamilton by n nPnhC\\ I of thei1 g \'\ho is res1dmg rn Pitts­burgh.

CLASSIC BARBER saop Basement Commercial National Bank



Alpha Omicron Pi.

:\liRg Lora Brown is Jiving at the Pi Beta Phi house for se'\·eral weeks.

Dinner guegts of Pi Beta Phi on Sun<lay included Sam \\'inn, Kenneth Faxon: and Jimmy O\·ens .

Pi Kappa Alpha announce!:i pledging of Xelvin :\latson of Town.

the Mill Group II

A. Day in Venice; Hul•m1 Notte · Sing 'le to Sleep; Abid<- With 3Ie.'

Group Ill

NOTICE I_ B:u.;eball practice Jrames have been scheduled for Tuesday. 'Ved- ~~~~~!!!~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ nesda), a nd Thursda) nilrhts at = .l\Irs. "·niter D. Hcarlcl, the District

Supc>rintendcnt of Xational Alpha Omic:ron Pi spent \Yednesdny, Thurs- Kappa Delta


There wf JI be a meeting of all Secretaria l students " 'ednesday at 5.00 p. m .. in room 30 1, Lewis JlaJI. It is im µortant that all Sec­retarial studen~ be there, as plarLc;; for organizing a Secre­tarial ('lub "ill be di:seus$ed .

Mighty Lak' a Ro o ; Old Kentucky Home; I ll',ar You 1 lling )le; Song of Yolga Boatman.

5:00 11. m. Friday at 5:00 aII I ~ISFVl'YSOVl'UU"S'SAN:s!-~T QUALITY BUY FR.~OM ~ teams will be selected and cap- , tainsekcted for the baseball tour-day, and Friday at the Alpha Omicron )fr. and )frs. Gail Stafford and Pi chapter house. ::\Ir. and :\Irs. S. S. Sutherland were Patrones!'es of Alpha Omicron Pi dinner gue~t~ Thursday evening. were in'\·ited to a tea to meet :\lrs. Kappa Delta entertained the third \'\'alter D. Haertel, ""ednesday after- gi·ade of the Hawthorne school at an I noon. Easter egg hunt Saturday afternoon Alpha Omicron Pi announces the I formal initiation of Emma Bald'\\ in Phi U Imtiates and Caroline Bt1$Ch.

The Sunday dinner guest" of Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Phi Upsilon MONTANA STATE CO-EDS'


One Ilome Home.

Grou p I\' Alone; Ram · .i; Little Gray in the ·wl· t ; Home, Sweet


nament which herons ~lay 5. I If you wi~h to play on a team

be sure and report to these ~ames .


Phone 266


WEST SIDE fiROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right 410 W. Curtiss

Omicron Pi were, the :\lisses Hazel Omic:ron. honorary Home Eronomif..·g fraternity. held formal initiation at Thompson. Lorraine Thompson, )lar~ Herrick Hall at :~::W o'clock Saturday, ' -'-)UN CED FOR QUAHTEH ~~.:rl~[~s~::_ances Taylor and ::\lr. Dex- April 19. The ~even new membl'rs

)lary O'Leary had as her Sunday initiated were )!rs. Blanche Kushke, (Continued from Page One) dinner guests, )liss Elizabeth Gard- Hnzel Thompson, Esther Bowman, to be O\'erlooked . There is to be a iner and ~Ir. Austin DeFrate. Judith Belden, ).Iarjorit Foote, Agnes swimming met for all won1en who

There will be an ·mportant mcC'~ing of the al umni 1-H Club, .\1~ r11 23, at 7:30 p. m., in the firer;la ce room 01 Jlerrirk hal l. E,·ery p:ast a nd p n .· ... ent 1-H Clu b member is asked c be there be­this "ill be the lo.ht meeting of the school yea r.

Our repair department is an important factor never slighted. Temples lengthened or shorten­ed; new guards, or old ones, serurely fixed up; a loos screw tightene1l or lenses re-adjustC'r1.

1 -"'~~~~SSVl'SSVl'Sll>SUS~



Specta ·le sical Corned. : J a .ths ! Song hits! fhc g reat stage entertu ,er rn a perfect pictun

th th _!ling




'S A

A Sam

Wood production


Lawrence Gray

Benny Rubin

Yan Osten and ~largaret Gary. have nC'\"er participated in a meet. Carl Bau Er, 'ke-prc~iden t. Following the initiation servires a All pet·sons will be divided into t.wo formal hanquet was held at the Hotel da"'es, A and B. Those in class B PICK EXCELLE_ 'T CAST Baxter at which Miss >I;nle Euren are those who have just learned. FOR TOR.ME:\'TOR SHOW presided as toastmistress, with Helen Basis of competition in class B will Allen, Esther Bowman, Miss Brane- be much simpler than class A. gan, and Alice Taylor responding with Points will be given for all evenb 'Continueil from pagoe One) toasts. . and part1c1pants m the meet may be o..:casionally "1uns agm the law." At th_e pres~nt tune there are used as a sophomore gym sport for :\lat v Ftanci:s Spaj. 18 cast as !us twenty-~IYe act1.ve chapters, a n~w nunor Bobcats ore. EHmts hsted aie dauihter "Emmy Tudd" a delightful one ha'\:tni;!:' been installed at Columbia, I a free st~ le race of 20 yards, and contrast in sweetne&s to "'Pap" who~

1111ssouri m .June, 1929. Epsilon chap- one of 20 fet, d1vmg contests, and use of corn 1s no t entirely c~nfm~J te1 ~t \lo~.tana ~late College was es- strokes for form. . I to bread. Those C"ra:iuates of Helrna tahh~hed m l!H !· At present there .Monday, Apnl 21. Helen Oliver will high sthool who han~ seen Doroth\'" are fourteen act1\·e members. spon~or an "all-womtn pl~y day." The Miller perform will hail with delight prmc1pal purposes. of ·:sw1m day" w1ll her appearance as th e "\Y1dow S. A. E. be ac:: a ou r P Cl~ n1o~ nw11t for all r:t"'lc". a pnrt '\'hich gives Bozeman )fontana Alpha of Sigma Alpha th l<:es re of her abil· EpRilon entertained on Sunday morn- to llale her son, is in 1 ing at the chapter house at its annual en. ith " F is bitterly con-Easter breakfast. The chaperons for by " eeks" in th~ the occasion were Dean Una B. Her- of J '"ho has the ad-rick, Professor and .:\!rs. J. A. Thaler, e of ng the law, an and ~Ir. W. I!. )JcCall. The guests hties, and partic-included Mis~ Ro~anne :\lurray of f~obert O'Brien and Helena, 11rs. Edwin Pegram, Mrs. omplete the cast. al-Ru:<:sel Hurd, )lisses Alice Vanden- · 'l picked for their hook, :\Iargaret Crowley, Kay Rivers, The play does so much justice Elizabeth DeFrate, Geralding Bowden in the- bac kwoods and is so Carolyn Haley. Fay Collins, Elizabeth with humor and trac:edy that Gardiner. Jo Gary. Lois Cobleigh, mentor's a n faithfully promise Dorothy Goodell. Wilma Van Horsen, he mo:$t ell ertaining nights of Elizabeth Haley, Kathryn Kelly, r. ~larcella Rawson, Gretchen Yan Yoast b; will he on sale at the Regina Danicich Helen Simpson, a1 ·~ of fice Fridav afternoon I Gene'\·ieve \\'oodard . Norma Beck, unlay mot dng. F.ollowing the I i\Iargaret Gary, Helen Eagle, Eliza- ct in th la.c;;t production, all beth Smith. Shirley Brown. Helen \\ \•ats will 1e offered to student~



Marion Erickson, May ~.1 ·nt re• ·t ion. ''Sun Up" will Burkhart. Alice Gardiner, Edi th tecl c. h Emerson Auditor-'Vaterman, )fargaret Ro\ve, Helen ).t April :W I '.\fay 1. Zortman . Lucile West6ver1 l\Iarienia ~ill mpc e n >turphy, Betty Wesch, Caroline Coch- the iifle team of 1 c l r t y Patronize E. ponent Advertisers rane, Lucille Zortman, Lucille \Vright. I Kathr yn Smith, Patty Lee Malmsbury \\''a~hington. The Pniversity of "'"a$1-ington team has the ndvantasre, since

I Maurine Schofield , Elsa Hendrickson, the~· have been practicing- sinre the i\Iila Tanner, Patty Patten, Dot Grig-s- early part of DecembcT. and our col­by, Gretchen Lehrkind, Constance legoe team began practice just last Holm, and Lorraine Thompson. week.



I Delta Tau.

James Franklin was a dinner guest. at the Delta Tau house Wednesd2y. I Dinnc1· guests at the Delta Tuu

Ladies' and


Rayon Vests

Points for rifle are given to women onl~, who succe~sfully e\'ade the elim­ination contests and maintain a score of a possible 100 throughout the rifle I season.


Baseball I Baseball season ar:·ordinl!" to )far-

guerite Roscoe, manager-at-lar1te. will ' Electric Coffee Shoppe optn )fay l, and come to an end :\fay 16.

Next to Electric Bakery ~

This year, due to the elim ination of track from tho W. A. A. 'Pring pro­S?ram, baseball commands major Bob­cat. points or 8 and minor points of 5. -The increase in points ne<'essitates ~\!, il-t::H;;:t-a·a-(HltHl(f·l:J.O-t::H:lil·Oililll(H)t:H:H:l(H) increase in the practices required . The'° as yet ha 1-e not been prepared NE\V SUPPLY b:i.· the manal?'er-at-larj?e, but will be posled in the p-ymnasium t his week.

Approximately 80 women are an­ticipated to narticipate in baseball. 8partanians for thc> fir~t tim e will enter a tfam for competition.

At the con('lus ion of the tourna­ment the all-star team of 12 members will be chosen. who automatically be­orne cancUdatcs for ,V, A. A. tri­



Kay Woodie Drinkless Pipes

KLEINSCHMIDT CO. "For the Idle Hour" In addition to the renorts of the

sport. manag-ers seve-ral rhanfl'es were made> in the rurritu lum of W. A. A.~

LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist and Mfg. Optician Broken Lenses Replaced the

Same Day 20 S. Black A,-e. Phone 8 12-J

Had Solomon lived in our day and sent the royal robes to us regularly for dry cleaning ... he would have had the lilies of the field backed off the m a p whe .1 1t came to resplendent raiment.

For Solomon was wise ...

When shall we call for yow· listless suits?




"Send Your Dry Cleaning With Your Laundry"

69c sports. A IL i:;ophomore and frc>shmen ======----==========:--------------...,= In Black and all Pastel


All sizes


must have 87 points to win a blue and P."old !"lweatC'r, acroniit11r to a law passed la~t :vear; whi le upp<:>rrlns~ men ne"d a total of 70 r><>ints. Th en henceforth from this year a <·hnngc has heen madl' in the snorts of hockl'y and basohall. Becrinnino- next yea r , hoth of the'e will he offered clurinrr th? falJ quarter with major points J?"iven to each. H owC"vcr. women mnv renoit for one of' these sports but not both.

The meetint!'" was accla im~d n com­nlde- sm·('e~c:: from the standpoints of nersons who were present, the in­formation Jrnined. and the new lawa that were passed.

The Bungalow "\\' here Quality Reigns"

~ ~~~ .......................... ..,,,,. ............. .,,.,. ................. ....

We specialize in the best of Dressed Meats, Poultry and Fish

We Cater to Fraternities and Sororities

Phone 167 435 E. Main Four Deliveries Daily


7 S. Tracy



Baxter Hotel



Don't Baltimore Hotel

fail to see

"Sun Up" A Yivid Picture of the North "aroli.m

Who W ent to W <1r

April 30-May Einerson Auditorium



PRICE -1st 18 rows Sl.00. Balance lower floor and Balcony 75c

(Latter available 1st night only) 25c r eduction on 'l.00 seats to college students. A ch -ance seats on sale at

Registrar's office Friday and Saturday A. l\I.

Page 4: [AN TO ASSEMBLY HEARS ILESBOUFFONS .PLEDGE TEN MEN AT …€¦ · rncd. given by Dean Clark. Dean Clark I OlltGt 0 was the first Dean of )!en in the col tB~T[ [~M Otff~TS U lege world


L':'> ITED , T ,\TE ' Cl \'II , , ER VICE 9------:::~::-'.::-"'.:'."""":'°---------------! EXA Ml:-I AT! 0:-1 We Sell Fi tche's having Cream

The l'nited States Ci,·il Sen.:i e Commi~!'ion announces thl! fullnwmc: 01>en t.'Omp~titin!' examination~: .

Largest J nr of :\ln~snging Cream in Town for $1.00


nder Gnllntin Trust and Sa\'ings Bank ~ c n i or Agricultural Econonnst; ..\.j.!ri~ulturul Econ01~1i~t: Associ_ntc .-\ l!ril'ultural Economist; .and Ass1st­nnt .\1trkultm·nl Economist.

VERY SUCCESSFUL SPRING ,~h~ ~~~'.t~~itb~d~O)!'~!~;:;<l"~:~,~·i; o: Arc Weld1.ng· Be1·ng po~b~~~·t,~~,·:;t r~;.~~e ri~O\',~:it~·:~~~ m=:=:================m\ sucLe~:o;. Ch·il Service ('omm1ss1on at \' nshmg- H Q W A R D ' S ~ ton. n. c., not later than ~lay ~l. ,Al;/

FOOTBALL PRACTICE HELD BAS[BAll SERI ts Put To Many Uses ,."~:.;cics0';~,m~;~~ti13~~.a: .. ~r l~ric~::~ turnl Economics. Department of Agri-

-- cultur , for duty in \\·n~hinJ?ton, D.

TL• he W1 st:.:le o~l~ ~h~uld de:> his ("'.T~~ i~111 ~~~~n~~d~;laries ranrre from

J'\inety-s ix ,\Jen in Uniforms. Fundamentals of (;amc Taug-ht and Practiced. Two Games on Saturday End Practice. Gi,·e :lluch Resene !\laterial

STA ATS APR I l ~ ~ wo1k (or cnrry on h1~ busrness) in 3tt ~-t roo t ;; ·'loo ·1 ,•ear for the ~enior a1.c weldinQ' buildi nt? .. -\mong- thC' llC'W 1 ·· :

11 ~·l"800 t~ • -l -100 .1 ~·ear for

pt ejects in the :!000 ton offh'c build· ;;~·,'.:,~lt;,· .. ~l cconot~i;t, nn~I $3.200 to 111g of tlw So~thC'n~ Cahfo,nua Ed~:-;on ~-t700 a ycnr for the aS!'>OCiate gTade.

__ ( ompnny which will hL' ~O per <:c_nt n id ~<> 600 l, ;\ 100 a ,·enr for the . ' \H·lding n 1.l ::.ton· ltiOO ton office .. i ... -· i I: ir h . ~ l . I o~· First ~ame of ;., ~a s(lll I ... Betwt•c n I buildir\g-' _of th~· n, :.h~n Ed~son Com- ~1~~~:~1;~ ~ili~c~· th:~u~h~~r~~1\~ti6n." t-

:\lontann Statt.• 1,:lo.se<l onc of the most succe~~ful ~prin~ football prac­tices t·Y~r held with three hard foug-ht jtnme~ on Saturday afternoon. After tl•n Juy::- of conditioning and teaching of fundamenh\b, six teams wen• cho~\.'n nncl matched.

The call for reuuits for ~pring work .saw Hti nwn in uniform and raring to go. Tht>re was plenty of pC'p and ambition displayed by nil those who donned the moleskins . and the n~ternns as w~ll a!.' the new men went thru thl'ir workout:;-; with \·im und \"igc>r.

The first five days wcr<' spent in !:'Uch fundamcnrnls ns stance, tnckling. blockinf!, chun.?in~ nnd interference. The rest of the time was sp1mt in s;:ctting the team~ lined up and in shape for their final conte~ts on Sat­urdav. Senior lllt'mbers of the phy­::-icui' education dasscs were put in chnrgt• of the \ ariou:; teams and acted as coachc~. Each team was gi,·en from ::;ix to ten plu~·s which were prac· ticed for some tune.

Each team was matched against an opponent of approximate!)· the s:une !'-trength.

The games were hard fou~ht and dean throughout. plenty of material :;;howing itsdf, which, along with the \"Cternn:", promi~e to give :\Iontnna State one of the strongest tt.>ams it has c\'Cr had. It appears as though

INTER-FRAT TRACK MEET WON BY S. X. S. ,\. E. Takes Second, and

Omega Beta Third Place in Conte ts

tht"n~ will be ~tiff competition for births on the Bobcat squad wh 0 n the fall prnctil'e hC'gin... Th\.'re 1 .... nt Jen-;;: tw11 good men for l'\"l'l"Y posit iun lm the squutl and plt•nty of t·c~cr•e :-<trensrth if it is nt.'t>lk·d.

The fint two gam<.•s wt.>nt ..;l·.n·1·lt• . .;s but in the third canll'. Wcsl1..•1 n He­st.~nl's took in Saint Xa\ ier 2;).•i. Th(' Sl'Ol'C. lun\"<.•vtn. was nca indiu1.·fr,n of the hnrd fou:rht battle thn 1 tc1..•k pl.tr<.•. :\('xt y(.•ar looks lik<.• a g-rra1. ~L: 1 f,n· the Bohl'als if all the nwn rNurn.


Tournament ?\els Goodly Profit to Sponsors. St udents l\Jake Guarantee

Am1g·o :tnd P t h . ~'· Ir.any wln{_'h \nil b _f1~·ld "clclcd . 3 ~1d Thl' optional ~ubjects nre (I) crop ~l\"C lll'" wC'lded bt11ldml!~ for \\ C!'.\~ an.1 li'e~tm·k forecasting- , (2) farm

. . . , " , .. • . . ,, . , m!!l~m1~C'. ~,11 of th<.•sl'. proJet'~s reflc.··~t financ~ (:{) farm mnna).tcment, (-l) L~1:::;t 111tc tht. I 1~lte1n 1 t~ Athl .. tu. cng-tm(;nng- nnd public conf1clence 111 I · · (-) f · t" manager$ met and made the clt•nrin).?'s welde.l :-;tructure. k~nd t't.'onom1c~. <> orctg'~ c.ompe I· for the annual intramural li:-ag1h'. .-\ [ndustrial en.!tin(· r:-; are awakcnin"' lion nnd !lent1111cl .. (~) ~tat1st1cnl re­shorl discu~~ion of tht• tvrm of plny to the f-il't that WL·ldirur i~ a new and sl'nrc:h .. < 1 ) t11:nn~~'° 1ktahon. 1andd \ l WU$ held and a :-;ch('dulc drawn up. l t t~ 1 . markC'tm_!!' ( ive$ oc. . woo . . airy

The series st.1.rts n\.'Xt :\Ionday, po l·;o~11· oov~a rs a•"o "\1 .. tini:.rhousc product:;;, pou~try p1oducts, frmts an~l April 2Mh '' ith t~1c fir~t garnc ~einA" ~tarted cninpaii:uii;~'": fol" official sanc· n I!· tabll'~. ~r l:?1~ton) · b . . betwt:'l'n the ..-\m1g-os and P. l\ . . \ tion of Wl'lded bu ilding- l'Onstruction Compl'tttor~ "~ n.ol e l equ1red to Gamt;>:s will he played C\"ery nitt• and in cities. Toda\" O\ {'I" a hundnd ., itie~ n~pcnt .. for exam1jat1on hn~ any pla_ce. Saturday aftl~rnoon~ and should find i anJ town~ ha,:e eitlwr adapted t'C'l!U· but will he: ratet on t ear ed~1 :-a~1on the fimll <:On test being 11layed Sat- )at;on:-< uncl. r wh h.·h \\'t.•hling" can lw and. e:\J)L'l'!C'n<."l'..· and bn r11

bhcb·at1ohn, urday .:\lay :?-l. d< ne or ha\"e allowt.•d Wl•ldinl? to bt• the~·~:-<. or chst·u~:-<10n to e 1 c.I y t c There have been n<l L"hanl:(e$ in p:·•1- u~t·cl on hui lding::. \\ ithin th<'ir jurh•· apphc3 ~t. . . cedure from last :spring with the di ti on. In an :.wt. a .. \"oung as ele:ct1 k Full rnfon~1at1on may ~~. obta111:c:d

J?UmC's being- 5 inningos in length. Wt ldin~. $\!Ch ra~i:1 · prOJ.!'l't:ss is. rl'- f~om ~lw. mtt~!I Si~ate~ C1,11)l er\"u::e 1- Pi K. A. 6- S. A.'.E markable. ~ omml~!'1on. \\ as.hmg-to11, . S-.. or 2--Delta T~lll 7-l ndependenb In practicall y ;;o cities s.cattered [1tlm th~ .~<'~rC't~ry of the l.:mted 3-B. E. ~ . C'. C:\Cr 1$ statt!s.' clC'etrict w lding- has :;tates. ('1v1l ~c·n'lce B?ard of Exnm--l-A. G. R. 9- K. 8. bt'en u~ed in the con:=:tnH·tion of about mer~ ::it thC' 1~ost office or custom-5-0. B. 10-Amigo 70 ~trul·tures. A code for welding in hou~e m nny <:ity. :\londay Thursdny huilding- consturction. issued last year ---------

1 \"S. 10 2 vs. by thC' Amc1:ican \Ycldin1t ~ociet)•. is ;\'QTlCE :! ,·s. n 3 vs. 7 pnxing- the wtw for more and morC'

Tuesday Friday .iti.s to $nfel): permit this type of -- I 3 \'s, S ·l ,.s. ti com:truction. The fig-ure::. from the HJ30 bnskLl- ,-l \':-<. : . 5 ,·s. :o . Ji~. Wl'ldect bridc-e ~onsl! .. ~.iction.

ball tl.urnument show a credit :uHl \\ ~dnesd.~) Satm da) \\ e~tmt?house. leach. the f1el,! '·' 1t~1 the

.\ joint Spur· Fanl!' m~t ing will he held ot Herric~ !!nil at 5:00 o'clock toni g-ht.

con~1.:quently a financial ~uct.·e-6s. I .'J ':~· ~ ~ vs. ~ ~nh- two all-weld ~d ~·nilroad bnrlg"l'C: Balance trom la~t. ,·ear $ ;;3:-, l \ ::;. J - \·s. ' m thr countr)•. " C'ld1ng hns taken a TkkL·t :salt? · .J.900 tlire. t pm:t in the cor~stmction of four ExpctH1itur~~ .. a,t10ti DIAMOND GAME other bndg-e or railroad stn1cture::. __ I built by oth. r comp llliC':-<. At least 1 ·~

Balance $1.33·1 ~·ailway c~mpanies h:iv~ u~C'll .arc ,~·<'ld-Out of this bnlanl'c thlre will be GETS ATTENTION Jn!? for important remforcrng- Jo.bs. about ~llOO for the high $chool intl'r- So fa1·: the ~nly code on arc welchnJ.r schola~tic meet to be held here in )lay. I f~r brahre~ 1.~ on<". Jll'!-'P~ll'Nl by :\fr.

In the past this meet ha$ bel'n held -- 91Ibtrt D. Fi.sh, \\ l'"t1111thou:-e weld· diru:tly in connection with the tournJ- Sprin£ is here. E\'en· e\·ening now lll_l.!' con~ultan.t. . ment and the \.ost. of the nu.et l'Onsid-; the bnst:bnll diamond:;· an filled to . Th~ potC'nl1nl u s(• of c;l L'tn~ 'yeld­ercd as 1~~1't. of the tournament ex- i· capal'ity with cnthu:;iasts of the all- m.'! 111 ~t~el, con-:t~:ict1on-bu1ld~ng~ penses. mce, howc\"er, the mc('t was Americc\n sport ba:st?ball. hndrre:;.:;, 1mh\ay cal!'.\ and ~hop:s-1~ not held during th~ tournament so it::; [n a short t'wo weeks the intra- tr~mcn-lou~: and the next fe;v year~ balance inL"lu_de:; that ~xpcnse. mural league will open and from ob- will undoubtedly seL~ ~l'L' weldmg used

O:ut of_ tlus tot~\! t1~ket sales the :>.er\'ing- ::1ome of the organiz~1tions in ns a matter of cours .. stuu~'nt tl~ket ::-ale \\as ::;994, t~e ~um practice it looks ns though there will rece1ve-d from the ~tudenb m e:\- ht:- a fast brand of bat ciisplavt.>d thi~ i\'OTIC'E

LISTEN l ,_ A 1\1 0 S


Amos : " I'se sho' glad we came to Roecher' s, 'cause it's t he reliabilist d r u g store in Bozeman."

Lhang-e fer tickets to th(' tournamu1t. vear. · Thursdav and Friday of last week This money i~ not a lo.an to the tour- · :\lost of la:-;t years intrnmural !'tars

!'aw the <lilnual intcr-f~aternity track 1 nnmt'llt <.·om1mttec, but m exchange for will be seen ba. ck in action and each

meet well cont<'~ted. On the whole l!trnrantet• of the Student Body to sup- g-roup cnn boa::.t of ~ev('ral promisint! the times and tli~tnnces of the events I port the tournament they a~·e en~b~cd frl.'~hrnen who w i 11 undoubtetlly were not what they perhaps might to attend .all ganu~ 0!1 then· ac~1nty strengthen their respeL·th·e "nines". ha\"e been, but l'Onsidering- the late book.- .This scheme will be contmue.d Tht:re will be three varsity baseball season and the condition of the track for 1~ insures a J!Uarantee fo1 the f1- men in intramural this ~prinj.! namely the re<:ords made Wf•re quite good. nanc~<~I succe~s oi lh_l~ toumam_ent and Twildt• and ~kFarlnnd pla~·ing for .s. Furthermore. the meet produced . ..;ome 1a.~l.Ok\\~, the ::-tuden_b. to obtam ther A. E. and Thompson for Surma Chi . I excellent material from the iank.:. oi t c et:s at the nonunal sum of ~l. the fn.::shmen. and many of the men I :rhe attendance \\as much gre~tcr ::\'OTICE

l m1;orta nt Sparla nian meetin !!' \\'ednl'Sdar at 5 :00 p. m. I t is ab~olutely nec~"'ar) l h n t. all members be pre...ent.

. \ ~ne-s Nnl{ent , 1>resident.


Sij.!ma Oelt n Psi Tryouts in tumblinJ? and pool e\·ents will be he ld at the ~y mnasium at ·1:00 P . .'.\J. Frida) .. \pril 2:J .

A n d y: "sho,' sho,'; Check and double check. You always get what you all asks fo l'. " I Stt thorn~."" wi"dow

I Roecher Drug Co. I Phone 327

who were out last year show vroof ;1~~~n~·e~~~· ~han las~ 311,~ t~e h~st ~igh~ I There will be a rc l!'ular meet 'ng of much deYelopmcnt. Bnmo?r nnd · et turneo a 3) be1.:au. e of r s · I · · Drazich seemed to haYe no trouble the lack of room. Although no l~la~s o ._ Jlurs Ill t \e Oq!amzatton room

taking the sprints, while Griffin was have be-t>n made fo~ next _year it is .~~oJ '~~:/~\.hall. thi:-. t.\ening at the first to brenk the tape in the 4.J.O. understood th.at :\L :S. C. \nll wel~·ome ll elen otulerl!>, vice 11re ident. Yea er Holst and Smith stared the meet at!alll next year: . ~ . •. ~. , . .. . .• Ray Bowden who was chairman ot the hvnor::; m the <li~umce!'.'. 1-hx:son easil:.: committee this ·ear is now ·n :\l'n took the hil?h jump and would have . _) • · .

1 •

1 n -

:\OT! E d l'k : · th h · h h di apolis and Pl·es1dent Atkinson has not ~ne t ·e\nse . m e 1~ ur . es appointed a new l"hairman \'et .

.\ pplicalion.s for staff 1>0Si t ion!<i on the 1H30·31 E'1>0nent s hould be turned :n at onl'e to Geoq.rc Ha rt.

without _the misfortune of slumbhng The tournament was a de.cided sue· onT~hec ... ri:~~a ~h·r~~·nm took first with ce:s~ and the support of the sororities a score of -151!: point-:>, placing- a man in nearly C\"cry event. S . A. E. took sel'ond with :J5 points and Ome~a Beta third with 23 points. The results of the individual scoring is as follows:

One Hundred Dash 1.-Drazich (S. A. E .) 2.-Bruner (S. A. E.) 3.-Smart (S. X.)


220 "\ ard Dash !.-Bruner (S. A. E.) 2.-Drazich rs. A. E.) 3.-\\'hite (K. S.)


410 Yard Da'h !.- Griffin (Pi K. A.) 2. Cocy (S. X.) Time-56:3-5 3. -Spaberg (Ind.\

8 0 Yard Dash 1.-Yeager (0. B.) 2.-Coey (S. X.) 3. Young (S. A. E.)

One 'lile Run !. Holst (Ind.) 2.-P. Smith ro. B.) 3. -Faxon (S. X.)

Two .'.\lile Run !.- P. Smith (0. B.) ~.-Hobt (Ind.) 3.- R. Andes (D. T.)

Oh.ems 1.- Popham (• . A. E.)


2.-llansen ro. B.) Distance lOG' 8'' 3. -R. Buzzelti rs. X.)


Three Last Year's Champions Will Defend Title, . Pas t Pal'!ici· pants Ha"e De\'eloped Into Profe ionals of Mention. Ed Trueworthy Is Director

Butte, .\pril 21-(Special) -The 1 Homer Sweat, judges.; weig-hting-in fourth annual '.\lontana ta.te Am-1 jmige~: Charley ~lc.:\u liffe, of the ateur Boxing tournament will start in school of Mines; Harry Dahlber~, of Butte, April ao, for a three-day nm, Bulle Jlirrh nn.d Champ \'aughn, of more than fiO glo\"e pu~hcrs compel- Butte Central Hii:rh; B . .J . Gundcr:-;on, ing for honors in the nnious. cli\"isions of th Buth.• "'\'", and Lefty Carroll. from 60 pound~ upward!', to heavy- of Butte timer:-;. "Bing" Roone)' ·of weij.!'ht, Ed Trucworthy. director an.:! the Amerintn Legion, will announce. ,·etcran trainer announced todar. All contestantl'; will weig-h in on Tues­Participants from nil part~ of the day . .-\.pril 2n, at the K. C. gym . state are indted.

Th1·cc of last year's champions, Danny '.\l Carthy, feather; ··nuu·h'' Harrinp:ton. welter, and Louie O.Brien, mi<ldlt.>, will defend their titles. Otht•J':-\, amonJ.! the runn(r~up last ytar wh•1 made t•xccllent ~howing-s and ha\e ex­pre~sed intention uf participating Rl!ain an~ )lan·us ~weeney, .-\rt


Time to Renew Your Old f PANAMA OR t STRAW HAT

Patronize Exponent Advertisers

SPRING TOGS THAT ~PARKLE Knicker Golf Hose. Pull O,·ers and Flannel Slacks

D ohe HUB o Ed and Lou Howard

Walk-Over hoes Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ ,,,,, , , , , ,, , ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,~ ONLY AT THE "M"tl


25c ome in fellow and try one

The lili~''


When you wi h something unu ·ual or out of the ordinary in food you can find it here.

\\'e cater to pecial parties or can furnish your e\'eryday need at saving price .



JaH~lin I. 0. Ward IS. X.) 2. \\·t1rthington Distancl' 159' 61


l.- l'entilla (Ind.) Pole Yault

!.- E. Iluzzclti (S. X.)

Bclangl•J', < 'ub~ Coyle .. John P('t'Usil', Frog C 'hoiunar<l and Ru:-ty H olland.

D4.'H?lt. 1>s Go<>d Ho) s Past stat. .. tournam1.:nl!' ha\'e tle\el·

oped many good boys espeC'ially in the amal<!ur g-ame. while sc\·cral hano> gone on to take up profe:-!'>ional box­in~. including Thor Olsen, bantum­wei).?'ht. of Butte. and daimant of

: And sa-~e~~~:;ice of a t

t Eagle Hat Works t f Expert Halters f t 35 W. Main Phone 233 f

'rDO'NT SHOOr~ :'' ~ cried ihe willowy Winonac.70

2. R. Buzzetti (!'\. X. \ Height 10' 6" Bjork (-\mii?o) and Faxon (S. X.)

Hi~h Jump Hi"on (B. E.) P<"sman (!l. T .I Bjork (Amigo)

Height 5' S" northwest honors. Bo Gromol:rez, ,Johnny Sullivan, Frank Perusic 'and others wcr ... de\'l•lo1><'<l in local tourna­ments. Les Kennedy and ,h)(' :\lerhar both got their start in the state am· ateur c.-om1>etition.

Broad Jump I. \(,·Farland (~ . A. E.) >.- E. Buzzett1 ( S. X. I DistallL'C' 20 9 . Facer (S. X.)

High Hurdle j.-Wcllin)!'ton (:;, X.) I!.- Hixson ( B. E . I Time I · 3-5 .- Frost (K. '.)

Lo\\ Hurdles

Fifty entrie~ an.• expeded. They w i 11 com pkt.. in l ht.: followintr wcig-hb: (iO. 70, HO. !);->, 105, 112, 118, 126, 1:15, 141, 160 , and 175 pound~. al~o in hea\"ywt.>i~ht. En ti ie~ must be r<Y.ein:cl at thl• Butte Knh~hts of 1.- Wellington (S. X.)

!.- Thompson (~ . X.) Hixson (B. E.)

Shot Put

Time -27 Columhus J!),nnai;:ium, not later than April 21'.'\.

Kleffman (0. B.) .--\ mongo those who are assisting' in

-Hall (S. X.l Distance a7' 1 , ''

thL• conducting of the t.ournnment. arc> l'XJwricnC" cl trainers and ~CC"onds \\ho will g-i\'C the bo\'s the be!'-t. of at-·Richnrds (0. B.)

.-(S. A. E.) -(S. X.I

10. B.)


The ~tundinJ;!" of the follow:-;: J.- 'ig:rna C'hi ~.-S . . ~. E. 3. 0. B.

t.C"ntion. Any l·ntrll-s will hm·(' the L'hlll"tt·~y of the Knil.{hb of Columbus J!')'mnasium, for training.

. Tho"'l' a~sbting in the tournnmC'nt fralPrnities 1~ I aran1trnwnl<.: are Larry '.\lanion. di­

{ r 1.:tor at the Butte K. C'.; Chuc·k

I Stapll'!', Amerkan L<!vion promoter, and .Tuhn L. Sullhan, 1.:hief !'-<.'<'onds; Emmet '.\let om1ick, Ray Giroux,

~~~~ .... ~- - -- ._:


Malted Milks

Good Eats


I ~~~~1

"And why nQt, my gal?" demanded Wellington Threevcs, thru ting his clas ic chin again t her heaving bosom.

" Because," replied Winona, "you will not be annoyed at bridge by h is huskiness any longer . lie has promised that, if spared, he will change to OLD GOLDS, made from queen-leaf tobacco_ Not I!. tl\coat scratch in a trillion."

GOLD •/'

FASTEST mmwnNG CIGAllETTE IN HISTORY ... NOT A COUGH IN A CARLOAD O n 1·our Rm/lo .. • OLD COLD-PAUL WHIT EMA N HOUR. Paul WbHcnmn nud complete orchestra . •• every Tuesday, 9 to 10 P. M ., Ea.stun S an.dvrd Time