an open letter to the democrats in the united states congress

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 An Open Letter to the Democrats in the United States Congress


    An Open letter to the Democrats in the United States Congress

    I write this letter to you with the purpose of being certain that you be called to

    account for your disgraceful actions on the floor of the United States Congress. As

    Congressmen, your standing ovation on the floor of the United States Congress, in

    response to President Calderons chastisement of the State of Arizona wasdespicable, objectionable, and lacking in any sense of propriety or honor. You have

    shamed your people, your states, and your country with your prepubescent show of

    America bashing. However much you might dislike, or disagree with the Arizona

    law, however you might feel about the problems of immigration, and racism, and

    profiling in this country, regardless of your contempt for the GOP and their

    constituents , this is a family matter, and as such you should have been the first in

    this nation to stand and let President Calderon know that he had nothing to say on

    the matter, that any state in the Union on its worst day was better that the nation of

    Mexico on its best, and to kindly butt out.

    You failed to act with honor, or with the good of the country and her citizens as your

    concern. If President Calderon had been speaking that way about the Mets in front

    of the New York City government he would have been tossed out on his butt and

    told to take his ass back to where ever he came from till he learned some manners.

    How much more so should a representative of this great nation have made the

    same gesture of patriotism and common umbrage for the remarks he made to the

    Congress. You sought only to use the occasion to demean her and her ideals, and

    show your disdain for her people, her laws and her states. You did not do this in

    front of other Americans on the campaign trail or at a town meeting; no you stood

    up and did this in front of the entire world, while a foreign leader, speaking to the

    American government in the halls of our nations capital, trashed a state of theUnion. You have failed to act as an honorable, defender of America and her people,

    you failed to act as any patriotic, simple American citizens would have acted and I

    for one am deeply ashamed of my government and you.

    In the past I have tried hard to couch my differences with this administration and


    Democrat congress, in reasoned, thoughtful, debate, assuming that not only should

    I as a citizen regardless of my differences with the current administration ,at least

    show respect for the office of President and Congressman, but that I was debating

    someone to whom the honors and prestige of those offices meant something. NOLONGER. I for one will no longer afford you the courtesies, honorifics, or prestige

    that should be ones for holding such an office. You have proven that you think little

    of them and I for one will no longer grant them to you.