an inconvenient truth

An Inconvenient truth First of all, I have to say that the video has positive and negative aspects. I am going to mention three positive aspects. First, I learned a lot watching the documental. To be honest, I had never realized what was global warming because I did not have a clear idea of it. However, I believe the representations and short videos were simple, precise and easy to understand, so know I have a stronger concept of global warming. Secondly, according to Al Gore, I have to say his presentation was magnificent. His argument was quite convincing and the way he defended his point of view was persuasive. In my opinion the man has done a wonderful job so far. I noticed his concernment about the earth and the passion for his work. Certainly, all the years of dedication investigating and researching demonstrate how willing he is to show that we humans must change the way we think once and for all. And finally, I really liked the comparison he did with the frog because it represents exactly the way we react to negative situations. The worse part of this is that we sit back without doing much to change it for the better. Several times we wait until the last moment to do something, and when we know that there is no option we start to respond. I realized how self-centered and irresponsible we are. Now I am going to mention two negative points. The first point is related to the environment itself. It was terrible for me to find out that animals such as polar bears are dying because of global warming, and when I saw the pictures of glaciers all over the world melting I felt stunning. I had no idea this was a worldwide issue. The second point is related to ethics. I cannot understand how wealthy men can create factories and industries knowing that they are putting in danger not only human life but also animal life. According to me they are being selfish because they are not considering neither the lives of their sons or the future generations. In conclusion, I would recommend this documental to the presidents and authorities all over the world because its message is clear; we really need to take care our home now if we do not want to regret in the future.

Upload: jarosalestorres

Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: An inconvenient truth

An Inconvenient truth

First of all, I have to say that the video has positive and negative aspects.

I am going to mention three positive aspects.

First, I learned a lot watching the documental. To be honest, I had never realized what was global

warming because I did not have a clear idea of it. However, I believe the representations and short

videos were simple, precise and easy to understand, so know I have a stronger concept of global


Secondly, according to Al Gore, I have to say his presentation was magnificent. His argument was

quite convincing and the way he defended his point of view was persuasive. In my opinion the

man has done a wonderful job so far. I noticed his concernment about the earth and the passion

for his work. Certainly, all the years of dedication investigating and researching demonstrate how

willing he is to show that we humans must change the way we think once and for all.

And finally, I really liked the comparison he did with the frog because it represents exactly the way

we react to negative situations. The worse part of this is that we sit back without doing much to

change it for the better. Several times we wait until the last moment to do something, and when

we know that there is no option we start to respond. I realized how self-centered and

irresponsible we are.

Now I am going to mention two negative points.

The first point is related to the environment itself. It was terrible for me to find out that animals

such as polar bears are dying because of global warming, and when I saw the pictures of glaciers

all over the world melting I felt stunning. I had no idea this was a worldwide issue.

The second point is related to ethics. I cannot understand how wealthy men can create factories

and industries knowing that they are putting in danger not only human life but also animal life.

According to me they are being selfish because they are not considering neither the lives of their

sons or the future generations.

In conclusion, I would recommend this documental to the presidents and authorities all over the

world because its message is clear; we really need to take care our home now if we do not want to

regret in the future.