an identity management vision for california education a. michael berman, cal poly pomona mark...

An Identity Management Vision for California Education A. Michael Berman, Cal Poly Pomona Mark Crase, CSU Office of the Chancellor Copyright A. Michael Berman and Mark Crase, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

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An Identity Management Vision for California Education

A. Michael Berman, Cal Poly Pomona

Mark Crase, CSU Office of the Chancellor

Copyright A. Michael Berman and Mark Crase, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

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The Vision: Identity Management for California Education

• Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Joel ii. 28

• Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say, why not? G.B.Shaw / R. F. Kennedy

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“The issue is always scaling… Anytime you think it’s something else, it isn’t. It’s always scaling.”

- “Noteworthy Failures, Ulysses, and the Heart of Rock and Roll”,

Kenneth J. Klingenstein, EDUCAUSE 2003

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What is Identity Management?

An identity management infrastructure is a collection of technology and policy that enables networked computer systems to determine who has access to them, what resources the person is authorized to access, while protecting individual privacy and access to confidential information.

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Analyzing the Definition

• Infrastructure - the software and hardware

• Collection of technology and policy - Policy is as important as technology

• Networked computer systems - implies distributed systems and network communication - not one service

• Access - Who am I

• Authorized - What am I allowed to do

• Protecting - limiting access, protecting confidential info

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The Vision

An identity management infrastructure supporting the secure, transparent, privacy-preserving exchange of student information

among educational entities in California.

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CA Higher Ed Population 2002(source:

Community Colleges 1,647,214 62%

CSU 406,515 15%

Univ. of California 201,297 8%

CCC District Office 99,388 4%

Other public 1,263 <1%

All non-public 274,638 10%

TOTAL 2,666,195 100%

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CA Higher Ed Population 2002(source:

Community Colleges 1,647,214 62%

CSU 406,515 15%

Univ. of California 201,297 8%

CCC District Office 99,388 4%

Other public 1,263 <1%

All non-public 274,638 10%

TOTAL 2,666,195 100%

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The 15% Solution: CSU’s IdM Project SIMI

• California State University is 23 campuses, 400,000 students, 500,000+ people

• SIMI: Secure Identity Management Infrastructure– Concept developed by campus CIO’s group with

support from Chancellor’s Office– After long consultation has now received support from

technology subcommittee of campus presidents

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What is the SIMI proposal?

• A coordinated, system-wide effort to develop a Secure Identity Management Infrastructure

• A technology and policy infrastructure to support the secure, private, and reliable transactions related to the identities of individuals in the CSU system

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Where did it come from?

• SIMI is a campus-based initiative– Pilots at Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, CSU

Northridge and CSU Hayward– Championed by the CSU IT leadership group

(Info. Tech. Advisory Committee)– Support from Library Directors – Supported by Chancellor’s Office IT organization– Support from NMI-EDIT, an initiative of NSF,

EDUCAUSE and Internet2

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Campus Drivers for SIMI

• Legal, regulatory, security imperatives• Support for on-line learning• Support for effective use of information

resources – libraries etc.• Support for multi-campus ERP (PeopleSoft)

project• Every CSU campus is already engaged in some

level of activity in this area

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System Drivers for SIMI:Control Costs

• The CSU can no longer afford to build 23 unique IT infrastructures

• The CSU has to leverage its resources• The SIMI project promises more

functionality (because we can share identities among campuses) for less cost (because we leverage our development and implementation)

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Why the CSU can’t wait

• Campuses need this functionality now• If we don’t have a coordinated effort, we will

develop 23 approaches• Budget pressure makes it more urgent to

coordinate this work system-wide instead of doing it differently 23 times

• If we don’t do it together now, we will end up doing it over at a higher cost

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The CSU Digital Marketplace

• A priority initiative from CSU Academic Technology plan

• An electronic commerce trading presence to sell and distribute academic technology goods, educational content and services to the CSU

• CSU-wide IdM infrastructure can help enable

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SIMI Project Status

• Approved by Technology Steering Committee (subcommittee of Executive Council)

• Initial funding strategy complete

• Feasibility Statement being prepared

• Position descriptions being drafted

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SIMI Project Outline

• Three year project with proposed central budget of ~ $3 million– ~ $750,000/yr in personnel– $800,000 to support one-time costs

• Starting with 4 dedicated coordinating staff:– Project Director/Middleware Architect– Directory Architect– Project Manager– Documentation Specialist

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SIMI Project Objectives

• Near-term– Establish SIMI Policy Board– Update CSU EduPerson Object Classification– Create a Federated Directory Structure– Deploy Shibboleth for common Library


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SIMI Project Objectives

• Long-Term– Support additional campus and enterprise

applications– Create unique CSU Identifier– Secure messaging/digital signatures– Role-based Authorization– Extend to institutions outside the CSU

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The Case for Inter-institutional IdM in California

• Support articulation– CSU-CSU– CCC-CSU– CSU-UC

• Simplify application and admission process – exchange information with K-12

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The Case for Inter-institutional IdM in California

• Leverage resources across K-20 (CalREN DC)– e.g., enable effective use of technologies, e.g.

SIP-based video conferencing over CalVIP

• Political and professional imperative to show stewardship of public resources

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We can’t do this alone

• We are looking for representatives across the educational spectrum who want to begin a dialog on these issues

• We don’t envision “one big project” but sharing of concepts, standards, and strategies: “multiple RR’s but one gauge”

• Any volunteers?

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A Word from the Sponsors

• National Science Foundation Middleware Initiative (NMI)

• Enterprise and Desktop Integration Technologies Consortium (NMI-EDIT) - Internet2, EDUCAUSE, and SURA

• Project Goals• Common, persistent and robust core middleware

infrastructure• Tools and services in support of inter-institutional and

inter-realm collaborations

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NMI-EDIT – More Info

• NSF Middleware Initiative - EDIT Consortium– and– Ann West, NMI-EDIT Outreach,

[email protected]

• Upcoming Id and Access Management Events– Shibboleth CAMP June 28-30, Boulder Colorado

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To contact us by email:[email protected]